The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 21, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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    'THE RED CLOUD CHI Kb KlUUAY, AlU 21, 181)0.
I .
SHERMAN OX loi V v vrL1
niIOJlllU.Vl l.i r li...Ljni
Thc riniiii-tnl lllsliirt of tlir lulled state
llht"tiril ut Length Dei-lures Hint
Worklngiiun mill IVntdonrrH Would Ik
Coi.tMiifi, Ohio. Ati;r. 17. The Ue
publican Stiuu campaign openeil hero
nt 1 o'clock this afternoon in ti treat
tent in the presence, it is estimated,
Of 10,01)0 people. At 1.30 o'clock, after
the usual music ami cheering of miiiio
well known men, (lovcrnur lliishncll,
ns chairman, formally opened the ex
ercises with a Miort speech, after
which he introduced L'nitPil States
Senator .lohti Sherman, who was re
ceived with k'roat eheeriuif. As soon
as order was restored, the. veteran
financier spoke, in part, as follows:
"Hnth tlu nlvor mul tirill nro rltnl itipt tlotM
nf iloincstie (Kiliey of piunl iintiott.itire, but I
pfopoM nn th e iire.i.lou toroifininy remark
tiinlnl) to I I. rmm :i tbr 'r. oniai;ii nf
ellrer lit Hip ruth, nf mi t n p r' . f nl ! to
una nf col I TIiUi-m- i. tl.tu-t ioi. u b
the Ilptn .i'i.iI i' iut i.r. r l- I . 1'np'i
hit b inn' ,r I In. Himiii. r iti" p nit
' do. il mul Mlt t i- mi' riM, rp h-ii.. il by nil
catniii'r'ial nations of tin oflil ni. (Iu In-i-t
ftnmlnrJt of tuliu. it? tli maMiri)of every nr
tlclo of', nf i'Vir;hlTi; that l iMinlit or
rold. llie two iiietn'e not only mciiftirj
nil ii' her thitii:, but they nmioirn n'rli
other I heir relative v.ilun rn.iit.mtly change
Twenl)-llii-p iiK" sixtoi'ii oimere ofi.
Tft warn worth nioio than imp oiincn of Kohl.
Now thirty o'ipoiiiicp of rlli pr cm ho bought
hy ine mine of mild.
"In IJit. iliiriin? thondiiinUlrttl'ii of I'm
Jarkenu uml umlvr the lenilnrslilp of
D.vilpl Wuliiter nnd 'llumi'i II. Ilenton, Con-
irti nilolilu.l tint rll in ..r 111 .if It. 1 ..f
""- ,.-- .- ... ........... ...,.lw &inllr ii, j,,, ,. ip,(,, n ii, M, III,
Bohl. hy reilucini: the number of urnm In tho held fo- roieinptlmi of I nlt'd rit.itm uotiti mul
KViiuniin. AtKiivpr won tliu rlluilly undp--
va'iiieil it m tint lnrsol coined SI. or could
bicolni'il in I'm lice at tho r itlu of 1 to I, nil I
llmowner of llor biillion could mad it to
Vrnacc snd Imve it convened intocoin at that
mil?. thu recoirlns iibout :i vr out more for
li bullion tlmn If roltird at tlm American
ratio of 111 to 1, liold brcime tho mil) Amer
ican coin in circulation and the nvoncd mr.
jxise of tho piai;p of the hw of 1S1I won to
inakeitohl tho ntnnlnnl. T his law, hotrtily
iilisrotcd by Andrew .lac'rou, would now bo
called Tin-Crime of lsll '
' la 1"M upon the roiortnf fc'enitor Hunter,
when l'lerco wa pru.ideut mi I whun nil
brnuchiw of the rout iinont with under Demo
Cittlo control, Cuni;re riMuced tho ipiautlty
of lilvnr in tlm fractional cnlm (half dlmet,
dilifp, rpmrtsr and htlf dollar) more thnn ti
per cent. dire;(e i the piirchnsi of tho Mltor for
tlieir rolniiif'i on eoveriimeat account nholithod
the law for tlnlr free en nR0 and undo them
rt full legal ti-nder for$V only, lcailuc cold Mill
pia'-tically tho only full Jpfc-al trader United
St ttf coin. At tliU tlmo thu Mlver dollar had
dlr.ipptarcd from tin current coiuiK of tlm
United htntna and wan pm:tically and pur
pciiel driiioiieti7ed Thin. 1 uppon, would
now bo called tho 'Crime of I8U. Silver wm
prncticRlly dcmoiietliod by thin net nud tho
act of hU.
"Jl it rortain tint from 18)1. when Mr .leir
orsfin uroMilout. let lliocloinof lluchmi.
nu't ml .iinstritou in lSll.tbn Democratic
party w . auold party, oppoied to Miter uud
all forum of paper moiity
"When the Knpuhltcau pnrtv eanio Into
power in 1561, by th election of Mr. Lincoln it
had to face a fnrmid iblo rloUlnn. Gold nnd
rllror woro nllkn btnithnd from circulation
nnd irrodeumable paper money of nil dononil.
nntlnnt, from Ion ceu: to $1,00 J wai ubti.
tntod In plato of coin. When Iiouiiiikji
the Uoptiblictn party fought to r.ntore npeclo
pajmont as toon nt practicable. In Uorch,
1-C9, It pledceJ tho fnllhof tho nation to pay.
merit In coin or it equivalent nf all bondi !
tho I'uitod States nnd to roloem tho United
Stt.s notes nt tho enrllott potsihlo nioinont iu
j in: IST3 i!i:vision or jiint laws.
"In n-ibr to carry out thin pledge it beame
nccet'ary to revise tin tnriout roinoRi Inwe of
the United Stntni. This wai promptly nnd '
Try oaiofully dono by a lull framoJ in tlw
Trpaury department while llr. lloutwrll win
Sccreinry It wnt thoroiihly coutidcrol by
theopTt-of that department nl wai printed
and mbmltteil to ull peraoni in Ilia Unltni
States who worn iupposmI to be f tmllar with
the coiniue Hws Tlw bill. conUinliis' Mxty
sevn tretlntis. nccomptuiod by n mass of infor-
nation thnt fills a tolume, wnt sent to Con-
tint April i, ISTJ, by .Secretary Houtwell
mH Its piss ise whb ntroni;ly recommendod by
lilm This bill omlttod from the coim of the
United Stntct tho sliver dollar, precltely as
tvasdoio In IB 8, but provided for tho coiuflKO
of tlm fractional parti of the dollar iu accord-
once with the act of that year The bill wns
pendlnx In Conifress fur threo yoare-was enro.
fully ctinMdered in both houfui Hid fpjeial nt.
tentlon was called to the otnlsjion of llioll 'i
grsln Mlver do Inr. which wis never In the bill
nt any slai.v. an. I tlm reasoni for thti oiuisilnn
given. It was finally detormltmi at tho urmnt
luqueMof noinbort from tlm l'.iclflo coast to
lnert nmoiic thi silver colm n trails dollar
ConioininK mj grains oi einninni invp-, uut
this dollar was made llleo Hip minor couu, a
local binder for V) only. There was hut ono
yea nnd nay vote on tne bill, and thnt was on
lb proposition to rjpenl tin c.hargo main b
tho mint for tho colnnKJ of gold I tot-d
ejtintt iut rcpanl
"Thn bill pas id both houe und became u
law l'ebrnary 1.'. ISU, by pra-ilrally a iiuaul
mous veto of both pirti a, nnd was specially
Itipp irtod nnd votnd for by tho reunion nud
kotmliors from tho Mlver slntea
';Thla hat been called the 'crime nf 1873" and
St the bill was under in charjo in tho Snnalii
J was IihIiI to be tho chief rri'iii'inl. It was, iu
fact, a wise meio.ii re of public poll-y, carefully
dlicusi'd nnd couslderi' I during thrjo icar
SVhen we test the outcry iigilnst ties net with i ptnr debt rontricted sin-o thn organiznliou
the sober nets shown by recor Ih, it a p. of tlm national government, in It became duo
pears simply ludicrous. Tho total miinli.r of Tiny hnto paid four-tlftha of tho ilebtt con
Mirer dollars rolnel from W'.l.Moln'l waiSDJI.- tm ( id during the el til war. and Iho prospnet
fesj; whllo tho number of trade drdlais Iteued tva hopeful that nil of II would he paid beforo
pndor tho colnago act of 181a containing sown I tho do o of this century hut this reversing
and ouo-holf grnlns mcr? ailtcr thin the o d our Mmidanls of vsluu hnr, like tho tiro bell at
dollar was at VOi.O.I and the nuinbo of itmul
Ert silver ilnllan rolnel iiinlerilu ltiaiil-M..
D Let ot IR'S wns 4H"3).OII, Oft). four tiuifa
s millibar lisuoil beforo 1SI?.
"It la ktrangn that Hit wry mn who sup
pnrtad anl mged tliU eolnnge Ittvnf IS .1 and
Uumsndod t Ij cxMuiltn caiuao of gold nro
Iho tery men who now demand tho frco coin
igfr of silver and diuounce as "gohlit " and
tobbora nil who behove iu Iho coinauo of both
I old nnd sliver.
"Jt hns bojn u ild that tho dropping of tl.o
lllver dollar In tho rolnugo net of ItU was her-
sptltloutly done. This cliargo Is thown to bn
'alia by the debute iu c ingro.s and etpeci illy
jy Iho declaration of tlm moi who now niato
lieoharrn. Mxteon iiiiiiitlisener tu pi.t.nco
if that act Sjnator Jouos (d Nova In, in n d.i
iito In tho fconito, Juno II. Is7l. r.iid: 'I um
ipponod tonny proposillon, coma in whnletor
orm it may. that utumiptk to ovjirnlo what
iol himself hat miulo for money I bellow
he ?ooaer wo count d -wn to a purely cold
'tiunlardl io Inttir t will In for tlio country "
"Konntir Stewart of Nevada, In tho t nun ill
jiteonlliol thof Jum, Irl.l. '-i'. Iho labor
In man nnl tin jroliiciris rr.tltloil ti hava
his product anl his labor m-aturrd by Iho
amo staudard of tho world that meamirot
your iiutlonal deli:. There havn been u gioae
runny battles fought nxilti t gold, but gold has
won every tlmo Hold nnvor hiiscomiir-imlted
Cold has tnailn tho wnrl I teai'OC- it a) thn
time. The KngllMi panplo oiicn ihoutht tiny I
could got alo ig without koIiI for a wlulc, uu;
they had to conn back to it,"
' On Juno 1, ISTI, tcnntor Jones mid Stewart
and all tin repretcntntlvjs and scnutirsut tin
ilvor states wo; urvent nnd honitt la sayind
that goll was the host and only Mandarin!
traluoi, hut they changed tholr niiniU wli-u ta
largoly inircjsed nnd in7roain production c
lilvor lu Nevada and other statos rodu-o I tho
P?f V'it IPlU0 t nJy'X l.xjlow that of (old ut tho
p,'n,,H,Wri,fo"f!"xlo",,o,'a "
wanted a market for their Mirer. Hint wanted
to pay elltmj debts nnil ohllffMlimi eon
trncted tiput ngohl lmls Is illve-t hut took
rum In their contriirtt tostipulntn for the n.
most of cold In tlmn. nnil thlt Inn bcem nn I li
unit tin general pMrtlci In tin silver state
"DurliiK tint rorlod sitter rni.illr Ml In
mnrkot vnluo Mow gold ut the r.itlnof tixDcu
to I. I'fior nnl Mitarqiiont to 187: many
ih.-ipges tre matin III roliince hjr tho lealinq
ruiutrlea of tin ttotld, lletinmiy in ls"l
rhanned IN standard ftoin Miter to gold.
1'runcn. Itnlj, Switzerland nn I Helgiuin hnd In
lmitnied Into n treaty etllsd tho I.-HIti un.
Ion to ttlilrli others I cranio pnrtln nn I hy
which tlioe.ilnt of eneh of those, eountrhs nro
received nnil puld 1 ntl of them. 1hl Itn.
IMiriimt iiTAMitiMictit wts flrt modified nud
llniill) nh.ui'loii'il nnil gold became Hit stand
nnl of tiiliinmif th'sn countries but In nil. sil
tcr wnseoind nml largely utnil ni a uhsidi.iry
coin p-erl'djr n Inthn L'nlteil Males,
Mr. Sherman here sketched at con
siderable tenv;tli tho history of tin
lllttnd. Allison act of 1H.A nnil the
Sherman ptircliuvo nut nnil its repeal.
Kofcrring- to tliu bimetallic deelnrsi
Hon in tho rcpcaline- not declaring- It
to lio tho policy of tin- t'nitcd States
to always maintain the purity of gold
n mi silver, ne stun:
"Tim (Lc'nr.itio-i, mula b Coujrets niul r.y.
proiol by the rciilrnt nt n time when tilt
putlic mini tuisdiitorn.l up in th" mlvcr nil's,
tloii, Is u witt-stiteniMit of inihllr poller t lint
ought tt he nrlcd iinii without fcard to par
tr ilitiaioi. This lull patted . Mtiusinf Hep.
io-oiiliiHvcs fieh from tlip peoplp Ut a ol of
-.'.".y.-n mil llsnn) mil the S-n-itt b thn
tut of 13 ym n.Mltut .li mrs. lliimet win
not n p.itty oln hut It It, I believe, thn ei.
predion of oinl )tl f n nnjo it) of the two
great pirtlrinf tlierou-itry.
".tail lipre. ffdlnwcliUsnt, ! oiuht to M mil
1 anient 1 1 IHiiiotiiIh mul llppuhllnin nlll.n
We urn nil liitrcst-d in havnut u mini I mul
stable rii-reii-j fouiiilnil upo'i Kol. I mil s ler
Wn rminot by law fix thu nliinif elllier metal
ot coin ifofiiiiy of thonrtUi.M Hint putur into
thow.ititof life
"W.ihil, .lulr 1, Int. in a'lnal ririilntion
nmutiKlhi penplmif tho I'nltil Matin. $1,0!),.
il.-'Ji. n st.itpil br tin riiort of tin treatiiry
ilupaitmnn. Wn h ul alto Mt that il.ile 'All..
M '.'HI In tho trn.itury, ni'iMlv Kii'.il nil I Mlvnr,
ullwr rprtinv it Ml thov ferim of inoiiey
huiu Ixuii ui.iiut dnnil by tin s'nteminut nt
par with colli nnd tlicj- travl tliiirlr-l) of the
world without diminution of their pUflnnliu
powar. Thniuh Miter bullion hn fillen to
liearlr onuhalr it former talito yet wn hate
mod It nn I maltit ilim.l llt--r eolin ninilo from
It nt a p-iriW with Bold nt tlm ratio of hlto I.
"Hut now wo are brouuhl face to face with n
propoiition, if creel to w II mnko kil
ter tin tolo t itid.irdi.f Willi i fur nil d'b'.annd
credit, fo- tho wapiti of libor and tin pur
chno nnd Kale of pntpirlt If tho frot cniiuiKO
of Mlvor iKaulhorireil. th in iIip miret tu lie
of sitter bullion beeomi'4 Hi u.iilanl f ir pay
moltt on a 1 rontractn undo in tho pnt. the
preient or tin future and II' ' r.iins of
etniidard Miltoi biilllou. uiulh now il cenlo,
can, with roiiai;e. be eoiii'il intT a ilnllnr
iiion tlio ileiiiniiil of nnv holderof urh billion.
Tlm Botprnmi'iit doe rot undert lie to
milntuin Un rilatlve tnluo w Hi cold. Tho
Kotornment Htnmp It 'I'liit i n ilollar.' Il
purchiKliiK power it llftr threo couts but iLt
debt pjyiutf power It oun ilnllir of debt. It it
thn doctrine of tho I opulist mid AuarchUt,
but it it in direct oppotltinn to tho traditional
policy of .IctTonnii. Andrew .l.ickion and the
Demosrutlc pnrtr
"It is sometime mid of ereilllor that they
nro blood thirMy Shylorks, nrHtorr.ui, blood.
Mickort. extorthiiTN It may bo that there
ni anions inniey lendeit tome in -it who morit
tipithote, but tht;rcit body of the creilltorn of
our country nrt amoutho tlirlf.y, in.lustrioiH
nud intelligent moil and wuinea of ntory com
iiiiinity "Oneurent Imtlv of cr'ditor hero tho OTd,
0)0 Union Koldiersi, theli widows nud orphans,
who nrocrrdlto e of thn t'nitiiil .Stalls to tho
nmiiuut of overf l-0,(ll),ii(X) n year forsTrl-ea
an i eicrincc iu tin Union army It would bo
an art of perildy and nioannes b?yond exprev
Mon for t til- emit country to pny tlium with
money of Iph purchnt im p(u-r tlnn i;)ld nun.
merely btcntnu tho ovnrpro luctiou of eilver in
tlm United Stalen hat ni lucoil Hiemiirk-t valuo
of nilvor bullion i-oat.ilnnl in a oilter ilnllnr.
lo tnktt ndvantnKo of thlh il?rlliio in order to
reduce tho taluo of thu pittance lo thoo en
sioners is woiki than to rob the Km of tlm
"Hj far the trroatpit injur retiiltitur from
tho frpn cotinjo of silver will fall ii(.oa tho
workinKiuen Tliolr tvnceit are iuw baeeil upon
mono oftho hl-lieit v.ilun in..i i-,l,l r.,U i
etiludnrd vnluu Under froo couiiiro of MItpi
the taluo of the Mltor dollar will fnll to llfty-
threo conts in irold, or ai I lute already ald.
the IU cunth of tho uold dollar will be worth
, iy contt nf tho Mlvur dollar. With free coin.
uf of Iver every wjrklu; man can and ouht
to dmand rntiUKh .ilvor for his dally waKi" to
bo miual to tho purchas.iur of his prot-
ont tvagss in ld Thu xtruiCBlo bstwosn
workinjmon ami employer will Hun commenco
mil noouokuowi bitter tlnn tho workinmiian
how dilll-ult it is toirnt an advance of pay Wo
have ttrikes nnd strif-a eunuch n .w. whon tho
trorkini; man nts his pav in tctld coin, or iti
rquiv.ilont but whit wl I bo tho ronditiou
when he Is pild iu cheipir monoy of tho same
noni mil amount but of l-si pureliasiiie powrrl
Ktrry esntiin ntofjiutico will boon tho Mdo
f th'j ttnrkliiRiuan it his itniKlo for rixkI
money or Iucrerned wages lu cheap monuy.
, Of nil tlm otilb wliirh a civer meut can In
nict nono can bo (trcater thnn cloip mon'y,
whether of cnlnor iiaoer That ilnllnr is tlm
best dollar Hint buys tlm birRjst iuiuitlty of
f,M and clotliinK. That dollar is tho n.d I
ilollnr. for it buys in ri food and clothing tlisu
mi) other ilollnr and will also buy a sllrrr dol
lir for llfty.hren cents if tho contain of silver
is mndo free nt tho ratio of 1 to I of gold
"Uxioriinco has shown tint tho Unite I
' Stales can mnk? tho silver ilollnr buy as much
r the gold dollar, but it can only In done by
thngnterniiiont buying Miter bullion as needed
' nud coining it into d iliirs on guvoriimont ac
couit, This his been tried.
I ' This matter of tin free coinnseof silver and
tho degradation of tin ttnndirl of valuo in
volvpt not only epics ions of money, but of
honor nnd good faith Wliun thrir lioior is in
volved, tlio pooplo noier fall to reiiuiud. Thoy
' luivo complinl with orer promiso mil mil
night sturllod nnd alarmed our inoplc
"Lot ni tottle it b- followjtuj tlio JCjnn of
Washlliglou ilnimltou .in.ierfo.i. Ileutou
Hunter, Murolii nnd (irant l.t ut luaiutair
silvjr nnd gold atpnr wl h eneh otlur at tin
Icgnl ratio of I to 1 until u conference nmuu
iintious can prescilbn common btnudiirils ol
value. In the meantime Irt no net In dono,
no pollei' lis adotited, oontped! nt ni For led to
that will the honor uf tho groal repuU
Kllleil Ills Wife's I'liiainour.
lluriK, Mont., Auf. 17. Joseph It.
Itoncstcele. a bartender, went homo
' about s o'clock this moriiiii and shot
! and killed Frank Cole, a lodger at the
I house, whom lit) found with his wife.
Cole came to lttitti) from ht. I'aul,
whuie he held positions on tho I'io.
neur 1'iess and tilobe. lit) was made
cltv chirk of Hutto two years iiffo. but
the mayor, leainiiif.' that ho wasllv
in;; with a womati to whom ho had
not been married, recalled the ap
Coal Men Want Silver Itlgbts.
Louihaii.i.K, Ky., Aue. 17. -At a
meetlnt: of coal ii'io owners of Ken
tucky a formal call was Issued for a
national convention of coal mine oper
ators to demand that the government
place them on an oqual footing with
.i,n kllvor ininn ovtiiorn of tho West,
bv Issuing legal tondcr S3 certificates
for each ton of coal turned over (o tho
.w,.rmni.nt. Tho ' resolution was
adopted unanimously.
Ilrptibllr.ins, Sotinil Money tleinorrntf
mill I'opnllsts May I iiIIp.
lNlllANAl'Ol.13, llid , Allff. IT It l
hot at all unlikely that a combination
ticket will bo put in the Held by the
Kepublicaus, National Democrats and
I'opullslH in some of the Southern
states. The exct'iillvci committee ol
the National Democracy Is in receipt
of propositions looking to this end
from Alabama, and Florida and
is inclined to look upon them with fa
vor. The leaders of these three par
ties iu tho South have not vet dis
cussed matters of detail iu thu
proposed fusion, but II Is probable
that if It Is to be carried out they will
fuse on the state tiekcts as nearly as
possible, in proportion to tho strength
mat oaeli one possesses anil that elec
toral tickets will be made of men
pledged to vote against I'.rvan am)
(its Hundred Willi; O.H In New lurk mill
,Ierej ( lly
Ni.w YoitK, Aug. IT. Six hundred
employes of the Adams llxpress Com
pany lu thin city ami .lersey l lly
struck to-day. They decline that
since President Weir took charge of
the company's a II airs wages have been
reduced nboiit one-third and that
many old and elllcient servants have
been discharged for trivial reaKonv
At the olllee of the company here
and .lersey I lty, it was reported that
business was 'being transacted with
but little delay, that porters had been
sent on from I'hlhidclphia and other
points and that there would be little
dlfllculty lu lilllug the places of the
I'opnllsts, lleinoerats and Sllter Itcpiih
Ileum l.ltldo the OMIei'S.
Ill t.KNsiifiio, Wash, Aug. 1". Fu
sion of thu Populists, Democrats, ami
free silver men who left the Kepub
lican party, has been effected iu this
state. The name of the new party
will bo thn People's party. I nder
the agreement the Populists will iiamu
governor, lieutenant governor, secre
tary of state, treasurer, auditor, laud
roininissloner and two electors; tho
Democrats, judge of the supreme
court, state printer, two electors nud
one congressman; tho silver Republic
ans, attorney general and ouu con
ionp, Iron, Wool, Hides and l.liuor Ileal
ers Uuithln to Mut 'I lu-lr l.bihlllHes.
(iiicaih), Aug. IT Five failures
tvere iccordcd to day as follows: Thu
Chicngii and Western Soap works, SsO,.
noil assets, liabilities S.IO.noO; Louis
Sibers and Sons, Ikmor dealers, SI..-
OuO assets, liabilities SIO.bDO; the Chi
sago Ceinsolidatcd Iron anil Mcel
ir-inpany of Harvey, Slo.noil assets,
liabilities not known; Henry M. Ho
sick, wool, pj.l Michigan street, S'-'OO..
'JOd assets, liabilities SI '-'.", 0U0; (ieorge
Obet tie, dealer lu hides and leather,
B'JUU.UOii tissets. liabilities $1".",KJ0.
Ilpadtpuirters In Oblingo.
Wasuinoton, Aug. IT, The press
ire from the West to have the Demo
initio headquarters In Chicago was
more thnn the committee und tlm
campaign managers could withstand,
tt was pointed out that tho Uepub
lean headquarters were practically in
'Jhicago and that the hard lighting
luring the campaign would be iu the
West. There will bo maintained in
Washington a branch lieadvuartcrs
writing in connection with the con
gressional campaign committee, which
will attend to sending out all tho
necessary literature nnd will work
tlso with such other campaign com
iiittees as may be established here.
('ongn-sslouut N turn Withdraws.
San Antonio, Tex., Aug IT. A sen
lalion was caused U political circles
of the Twelfth congressional district
by thu announcement fiom Marshall
Fulton, thu Democratic nominee for
:ougrcss, that he has withdrawn from
lite race. Iu his letter to Chairman
Dnion of the Democratic executive
Miumittcc, Mr. Fulton gives no reason
for his action. .Mr Fulton is the sec
ami Democratic candidate to with
draw from the race after the nomina
tion had been made.
o (iolil lliliet In Nrhr.istia..
Lim'mi.v, Neb , Aug. 17. Whatever
he gold standard Democrats may do
it Indianapolis, li is quite evident
that tlie state of Nebtaska will not
put up any gold standard Democratic
electors. It is well known that
Tobias Castor, N. S. Ilarwood, A. -I.
Sawyer ami .lohn A. Ames of Lincoln,
D. 1". Cook of Hcatrlce, and other
jold standard Democrats, are oppoicd
to any such move. They contend that
inch action would help llryau morn
'hun McKmlcv.
'I' hey I'oilght With Kiiltes.
Owosso, Mich , Aug. IT. Cleorgc
Russell, aged fiS years, quarreled with
his wife over the disposition of soino
property to their children. As a re
sult, both are at tho point of death.
Neither will talk, but It is evident
that tlie couple had a desperate battle
with knives. When discovered Mrs.
Ilusscll had a large knife imbedded
iu her cheek to a depth of five Indies.
Russell's throat was cut, but he win
still able, to speak Doth will die.
Sen all's Sou Works Against lit in.
Nkw Yoiik, Aug 10 The followinp
speakers have been ongaged to stumr
Muine for ftlcKinlcy and llobart: liar
old M. Sowall, son of llryan's ussocl
ate; Senators Hale, Frye and Lodge;
Congressmen DIugley, lloutello anij
Dollvor, e.-.(iovornor IMtkin of Louis
lana, ox-Senator Warner Millur, ,1.
Sloat Fassett of Now York and (Jem
oral Clark K Can of Illinois, ux-nilir
Is'.cr of Denmark.
A Warrant for u Wlrhltu l.atvyrr.
WiciiiiA, Kan., Aug- 1". A warrant
rvas issued last night for Lawyer
Kcorgo S. Wilson, e.x-sccretary of the
Democratic county committee, upon
complaint of T. D, Flynu of Iowa,
charging Wilson with the cmbcilo
meut of 31. Hon while he was adminis
trator of tho estate of Mrs. Sally Ken
nedy. Wilson's side of the story hat
not been heard.
Tho following proposed innoiidinciita
to tho Coiistllullon of the State of No
uraBkn. as hereinafter set forth In full,
arc submitted to the electors of tho
State of Nebraska, to lio voted upon
nt the general election to ho hold Tues
day, November H, A. 1), ISOti:
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend sections two (2), four (I), nnd
live (ii,) of article six (0)of the Consti
tution of the State of Nebraska, relat
ing to number of Judges of the supreme
court and their term of olllee.
He It resolved and en ii-tid 'be the Leg
Islatllte of Hip Sttale of NpImusKii:
Section l That scotlon two 'J) of ar
ticle M Ol ot the Constitution of the
Htnle of NVhr.isK.i be amended so as to
tend um fnilowii
fiecllo-i i' The supreme court shall until
ollierwi-.- prot bled by law, consist of thn
(.) Jtldpx, n timjoiliy of whom shull be
necessary to foi in n quorum or to pro
nounce ,i ill-, .-tlnn It shall Inito orlaltuil
JurNdi' Hon In runes rchitiuj; to revenue,
civil rni's In wlileli the Ht'ito shall be a
party, ii.iodamiiH. quo warranto, Imhiu
corpus, uml stieli appellate Jurisdiction, an
nniy ! piotideil lit- law
Hectloh .'. That four (I) of article
Mix (II or the ('.ilitsltutloii of the Htnle
of NebiuMu, be iiinetidtd so us to lead un
Section 4. The Judges of tin- supreme
court rdinll be t beted lit- Iho eleeliiiM of
the stnlr nt larm'. and th' Ir ti nn of oftlee,
except i- hti-lliitfti-r provided, slnill lui
for a peilnd of not lews I linn live (S) yenis
us the h clshitiiii- may prescribe.
Hcetton ;: That section lite Co or nrllele
six () t the CotiHllttltlim of Hie Slate or
Nebiarku, be un ndrd to read uu follows.
Sectl-ui .". At the lit Mt m-nerul rlectlotl to
be held In the year le slnill be elect
ed two t.'i Judm s or the slipieiue court one
of whom Mlinll be ileeti-il for a term or
two (il tears-, one Tor the term of four (I)
years, un-l ut en.-li genet ,il eleclliin then
lift rr, there shall be elected ouu Judge oT
the diipi elite com I for the tellll of lite
(5) yeuis. unless otherwise iroldet by
law; I'rot tiled. That the Jildgi s of the su
pietue i ourt uhose telliiH bate not expired
at the tllun or lioldlm; the general eb-e-thm
of 1'Ji, shall cotitltiue to hold their
otllce for tho leiuiiludir of the teitu for
which tney were letpeitlvely tommls
sloned. Appiottd March ?., A. P. ISM.
A Joint resolution proposing nn
amendment to MTtion thirteen (1!) of
article six of tho Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of siipreinc and district court
He II resolved by the I.cgtsliturc of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section thirteen ('' of
Hrth'lc. "Ix (O of tho Constitution nf the
State of Nebrnsl,a bo amende! so us to
lead as fdlows:
See. 1.1 The Judges of the supreme and
ellsttlet courts shall reeelvo for tnelr ser
vices siu-h compensation us may bo pro
vided by law, payable qtinrtorly.
The legUlatuie shall ut Its first session
after tin- adoption of this uniendtiKnt,
three-fifths of Hie members elected to
each liuuse concurring, establish their
compensation. The compensation so is.
tabllslipil shnll not be changed oftener
tlnn once lu four ycuis, uml In no event
unless two-thirds of tin- members eleeted
to each liousu of the Icglxlututo loncur
Approves! March TO, A. D. ISO.-;.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-four (IM) of nr
tlrle five (5) of the Constitution of tho
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of the ofllcer.s of the execu
tive department.
lie It resolved and enacted by tne) Ie-r;.
Islnturo of thn .State of Nebriska:
Section I. That section twenty.four (10
of article five Co of the Constitution of the
Rtute ot Nebraska be amended to lead as
Section II. The ofllcers of the executive
eirpnrtmont or the stale government shall
reeelvo tor their horvlccs a lotnpeiisatlon
to bet established by law, which shall bo
.lelther Ineriased nor diminished during
the term Tor whleh they shall have been
cutuintssloiieil and they shall not iccelvo
to their own use uny fees, costs. Interests,
upon public moneys In their hands or un
der their control, perquisites of office or
other eompensutlon and all fees that may
lirrearter ue payable by law for services
lii-rfoir.ieil by an olllecr provhli"' 'nr In
this urllcle shall lio paid In advance Into
tho statu treasury. The legislature shall
at Its llrst Session after Hie adoption or
this amendment, three-llitln ot the mem
bers elected lo cich house or tho legls
lnlure concurring, establish tho salaries
of the olllcers named In this article. Too
compensation so cstnhltMicd shall not be
changed oflener tlmn oiue In tour years
und In no event uuh ss two-third or the
members elected tu cucli house or tho leg
Islature concur therein.
Approved M'ircli fj, A. V. nx.
A Joint resolution proposing tn
amend section ono (1) of article six (fi)
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, i elating to Judicial power.
Ho It resolved and rnnetril liv tho Leg
islature or tho State of Nebrnsku;
Seetljn I. Tinl section ono (1) or article
six (Ci or the Constitution or tho Stito i.f
Nebraska be rnncndiil to lead us follows:
Section 1. The Judicial powi r or this state
shnll bo vesleil III a supremo court, dis
trict courts, county courts Justices of tho
peace, police magistrate, and In sued
other courts Inferior to the supremo court
us uny be created by law In which two
thirds of tho members ilccleri to -a,-h
housu coiiLtir.
Approved March t A. D IW.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend wctlon eleven (11) of nrtlclo et::
(f5) of tho Constitution of the Stato o!
Nebraska, relating to lneienso In num
ber of supreme und district court
Ho It resolved eml enneted by tho Leg
Ulalitrn of tho State of Nebraska:
Section I. That section eleven (11) of ar
ticle M i1;! or the Constitution or the State
of Nchiuska bo umcmlid to read as fol
lows. Section 11. The legislature, whenever two
thirds of thn members elected to each
housn shnll concur therein, may, In or
after tho year ono thousi'.ml eight hun
dred and nlncly-seven and not oflener
ttian onco la ovfiy four years, Inere.isy
tho number of Judges of supreme and dis
trict courts, and iho Judicial districts or
the state. Such districts shall bn formed
of compact territory, und bounded by
county linos; and such Increase, or nny
change In tho boundaries of a district,
shall nut vacate tho olllco of any Judge.
Approved Murch 30, A. U. 1:1)5.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section six (C) of article one (1)
of tho Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, relating to trial by Jury.
He It resolved ur ennctcd by the Leg
islature ot the But') of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section six (A), article
oni (I) of th Constitution ut the State of
Nebraska he ntneuded to rend n f.tllon--Section
fi. The right of tilnl by Jury shnll
remain Invlolnte, lull the legislature may
provide that In civil nellons llvo-slxths ot
the Jury may lender a venllcl, und the
legislature may also authotlze tilnl by a
Jury of a less number l tints tivclsn men,
in courts Inferior to the dlstilci court.
Approwd Mntih S'.'. A. D. 1M5.
A Joint resolution proposing to
nturnd tcctlon one (1) of article live (5)
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to otllcers of the oxcctillwi depart
ment. lie It resolved und enneled by the Leg
islature of the State of Neluasloi:
Section 1 That section ono (1) of nr
llele live CO of the Constitution or the
State of .S'obrash.i be ainoodeil to rend ,i
Section l.The executive ilrpaitnient shnll
consist or a governor, lletilenint-Kov-pruor,
seeiet.iry of state, auditor of pub-lb-
account, tieasuter, superintendent of
public Instruction,, com
mlssloiur of puiilh- lands and IiiiPJIiiks,
and Ihieo lalltoad ciimuilsslouer, each
of whom, except tne said ta 1 1 road com
ml.lonetfi, shall hold his olllco for u term
of two years, fiom the nrst Thursiliiy af
ter the ilrsi 'tuesd.iy In January, after
Ids elect Ion, nud until itln succeisor H
(h'ctcd and qitiilltleil. Ihirh com
missionet nliull hold his olllco for a term
of three years, blmilng on the llrst
'rnutsiiay after the llrst Tuesday lu Janu
ary after his election, and until lilts suc--(
ssor H elected uml tpmlitlod; Provided,
hovteter, That ut the III tt general elec
tion held afler the adoption or this .intend
tin 111 theie shall be elected tlltee lilllloid
rommli-sloiiers, one for the pel hid of one
J e in-. m Tor the period or two yuirs, and
one lor the p clod of Huee yi urs. Tne gov
ernor, si ( r-'tlirv of stale, auditor of pilb-II.-
ii.eoiinH, und tie-i.suier shnll tesldo ut
(he capital dm. tig t licit- teim of orilco,
tiny shall keep the publle reeonH. boohs
niul p.ipus then- nud liall perroim uuch
ilutlis us may be miulred by law.
Appiotiil .!.mli 3', A l. lS'.-S.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section twrnty-slx (2(1) of ar
ticle live (.M of the Constitution of the
Stale of Nebraska, limiting the num
ber eif i xprtitlve stato olllcers,
lie It resulvi d und enneled bv the Lrg
Ishiliite or the Stnte or Nebrnsku:
Sect. on I Thnt -ecllon ewctlty-sK IK) of
nrllele lm i.o of the Consitliitlou of the
State ol NeluuHk.i be ntm ilded to lead us
Sietloti Ji!. No other executive state ofll
cers i ipt those named In section one (1)
of llus nrllele shall be cicated, ex
' pt by in net of Hie legislature
which Is concurred In b not less than
ihiee-fouriln of the meliibct elected to
a h home thereof,
I'rot Id. .1, That any olllre created by un
net of tin l"glshitmc may be abolished hy
the lKll.illire, itvo-thlrds of tlm tuelii
bets ii, .-tid tu eneh house thcreot con
cur! lug
Applet I Match 3", A. P. 1M0,
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend s'ctlon nine (!) of nrtlclo eight
(S) of the Constitution of tho Stato of
Nebraska, providing for the investment
of the poiinntK'tit rducatlonal fundu of
the slate.
lie It respited mul enneled by the Leg
islature or the Slate of Nibr.isku;
Section 1. That section iiliu- Co nf article
eight (0 or the Cimstllullon or tho Slate
or Nebraska be ametiileil to lend u'l follows-
Section 0. All Hinds be'toiglng to the stnte
for ('durational purposes, the luteiest und
Income win nof only lire to be used, shnll
be denied Must funds In Id by the state,
nud the st ite shall supply all losses there
of that may lu .uiv inautii r ueeiue, so that
tin- same shnll remain forever Inviolate
und undiminished, mid shall not bo In
vi sted or loiiiu-il except on I'nlled States
sr 'lute securities, or reglsleied county
bunds or registered sehool dhurh't bonds
of this slate, tint such funds, with tho
Interest and Income thereof nro hereby
solemnly pledgid for tho purposes- for
which they are granted and set up-irt,
niul i-iiall not be transferred to any other
Hind for other mkv;
I'lovlddl, The buatd crealfsl by .(pctlon
I or this nitlclo Is empowered lo seil rrom
lime to time nn.t or Hie securities belong
ing lo the permanent s lino! fund and In
vest the proceeds arising therefrom lu nny
of the sirnrlth'H muneiated In Hits sec
tion healing a hlghi r rale or Interest,
whenever an nppotl unity for better In
vestment Is pipstitoil,
And piovlded further. That when any
wnriaat upon the state treasurer reg
uhiily Isiued in piii-Mi.tnco or an appropri
ation by the leglHl.ituie and secured by thn
levy or a lax for lis payment, shall
lio j r seined lo iho stain trc.istiier for
payment, and tluie shnll not bo any
mum y In the proper fund to pay such
tt-arranl, the houHl eieated by mccIIoii 1
if Ihls article may dliect the stlto
urer to pay the amount due on such war
rant rrnm inonejs In his linuds belonging
lo the permanent school fund or the slule,
and he shall hold Mild warr-iut us uu In
vestment or "aid permunent school rund.
Appro; id .March '."., A. 1. 1IW.
A Joint leFoltitlon proposing nn
nmciulment to the Constitution of the
Stato of XcbraslM by nddlng n new'
section to ttrtlnlu twelve (IL') of snld
constitution to lx numbered section
two (2) relative to the merging of tho
government of cities of tho metro
politan rlans nnd the government of
tho counties wheiolu such cities nro
He It reselved und enacted by the leg
islature of the State of Ntbraskii;
Section 1. That article twelve (1?) of thn
Constitution of tho State of Nebraska bo
amended by ad. ling lo said nrllele a now
section to be numbered section two (2)
lo nud a, tallows;
Section ?. The government of nny city of
the metropolitan class and tho gov
ernment of tho county In which
It Is lorntnl may bo merged wholly
or In in u'ici. a proposillon wo to do has
been sul .(titled by authority of law to tho
voters of such city and county und ro
eiicil tin' unseat of n majority of tno
voti s cast In sneii city mid also t majority
of tho votes cast In tho county exclusive
of those east In uuch mclrupollta'; city
at sib h election.
Approved Maieli 10, A. D. ISI'5.
A Joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section hlx (0) of nrtlclo
M'ven (7) ot the Constitution of tho
State of Nebraska, proscribing tho
manner in which voten shall bo cast.
Ho It resolved and ena-led by tho Leg
Islutere of tho Statu of Nebrnsku ;
Sictlon 1. Tlm I jcetlon sis (i) of article
seven (7) of Ho Constitution of Iho Stato
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows; Section fi. All voles shall bo by lmllnt. or
such other meihuil at) imiy br p roc 1 1 be
by law, provided the; secrecy of tutlng be
pi (-served.
Approved March W, A. D. IC.'i.
A Joint rcEolutlon proposing to
amend section two (;) of nrtlclo four
teen (II) of tho Constitution of tho
Stnte of Nebraska, rolatlvo to dona
tions to works of internal Improve
ment nnd manufactories.
lio It resolved and enacted by the Irce
Islature of tho Stale of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section two (2) of article
fourteen (11) of tlm Constitution of tho
Stato of Nebraska, he amended to read oi
Sec. S. No city, county, town, precinct,
municipality, or other subdIWalon of the
slslr, 'hull ever make donations: to irny
voths ot lnlereiil imptovemciit, or
mnmifaitory, unless a proposition so to
do snail have been llrst militnitted to tho
litnlltled elecluis und ratified bv h ttvu
thlnls vole nt an election by authority of
law: Piotldeil, Thiil such donation! of n
county w-lih the donations uf sit.-h mibdl
visions lu Hie aggregate shall not exceed
ten per cent of the assessed valuation of
such county Provided further, Thai any
city or iiuinty may, by a three. fourths
vote, luetease such llldehtiilness nto per
cent, In inlil It Ion to such ten per cunt and
no bonds or evidences of Indchtulricsa s
Issued snail ho valid unless the same shall
have eiiilorsnl theieon a I'ertlllcale rlgned
by the Hceri-tary nnd auditor uT state,
showing that the same hi Issued put sunlit
to law.
Apprutcd Mnrch K, A. 1. WX
I, .1. A. 1'lper, Fpcrotnry of state of
the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that tho foreglng proposed amendments
to tho Constitution of tho Stato of No
braskit are title nud correct copies of
tho original enrolled nnd cngrosaeA
bills, as passed by tlio Twenty-fourth
session of tho legislature of tho Stato
of Nebraska, nt appears from eald
oilgltinl hills nn Die in this olllco, and
that all and each of s-ild proposed
amendments nro submitted to tho
quallflcd voters of tho stuto of Ne
braska, for their adoption or rejection
at tho general election to ho held on
Tuesday tho ad day of November, A.
I)., IMKi.
Iu testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and nfllxcd the great
real of the ntato of Nebraska.
Done nt Lincoln this 17th day ot
July iu the year of our Lord, Ono Thou
sand Klght Hundred nnd Ninety-Six,
of tho Independence of tho United
States tho Ono Hundred nnd Twenty
First, nnd of this stato tho Thirtieth.
(Seal.) -T. A. IMPKR,
Secretary of Stnto.
Can reach Soino of tlio Pcoplo al!
. . tho timo; You
Reach All tlio People Somo of th
. . Tlmo but von can't
All tho Timo
You r0N'T
Ko Paper Like Your Home Paper.
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vo J
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