The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 21, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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A1 AllHlliii An
To Tns Editor- i luve an absolute ,
remedy for Consumption. Uy its timely us i
tuousanus 01 nopcie cases iux'crxviuire.nly
permanently cured. o rroof-positive am l
of Its power I const Jcr it my duty to
stud tvo bottles frit to tliosj of vour riud:rs
who have ConsmnrtlonJIiroat, Bronchial or
Lung tliey will write me llislr
express and postotlice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, IS1 Pearl St., Hew York.
If Th IMItorint an. I Uulnc Mmi(fmint ul
tii l'aier Uutnt thh leutruui rrupiuiilju.
Tmtiii"'frMii ii.ii;t.t Hrt'.. dinl lortVu lluil
Olnti'l h ' li
HA.-TlNf.s AN I'"
Nci Ml. da ini'M'.iiit-f ur-lvi- fruin IIhMIiikn
nt I1H .iii. itnil ill-iirndi' iiiifflm lit I'J'llj m.
n'o. Mi ny iatf"Ki'r triv (rum oiierlliint
I'.'ift in and H'nvi' forllnMitiK- l l.W p.tii
Nn. IV fvuiiltiic vnciiKi' iirnxi from iho
onflHtS 'lin.iii iti 1 im i' fur tlk'wmtAtS.tnti tn.
No. tf. 1) iHL"iik!iT ntrivi from the untat
Ul'iKi H.m. nml iiMVf fn IIih i iM m lu.ii.'i
I Tin-: box
$ ltlCJ.l. i"rri:u,7
imij, orrr.r j
''' i tier ul
ixvrur.iiiivrvi. iuric.
Customary prieeH D.i' half h-ur les
eons to noiv liHiMifii- ut r"HHOiiiihlu
D 0. .IKNKinV
i r i ii it i'i
Violin, Cornol iintl (liirint'l.
ICml I'lo ml. .Nili
Will piiiiiuiti'i itisfrtitiuii In -i'ImiIii - xxliii
ll'lri-111 Ii. I'll llllX i'f III'' .tl"Hr I -tllllll'-llts
Will lo three li'."ii- I'.u Ii 11-s.nii in i' li"iir)
iur'l.i'l'. I'i.iihi-tuned in i''l Leave xxnrd
at till nilli'M. r mill in-, nfiii' delivery
ami I xx in ('ill.
Market Report.
Wheat ""'
Corn (nliti
Outs (ni'wi
Hotelier's -l""l - ,)0 "
iipi'inn Cnii'ki'ii
0 i.i
per l!i.
(Jlii lien pi'i- in.. ..
Correct tiniH at Peniuuu'n.
Mr.s. Wi'iiliniui iiliiiiin-fiiini I":i.
I'liri'i! iui'ln- f I'iii" " 'I'is xvi'i-U.
Ciimpiiiu liiutiiMitit Ni'xvIioiinu Hms.
Rev. Wi'Miiii li:i-i ri-nirni'il fnnu Lin
coln. C. V. Ciitlur x:. ln'if fnnn Lincoln
Ihii week.
Win. Uiclitu-d.ion Its,- :i farm t ll.
J:ill iind "') him.
Percy .McIJriile "f Hii-tinps i visit
intf in tiiu city.
iliiv. Mali"l't Itf t Tiu-iiiiy for
l)ewcee mul I)iiiclietr.
,J. H. Sl:iuer xv:i- in thi" week Willi
-lome linn -.n'ciiiieii of coi n.
(ietiiiie WiiiiuM ri'tut m-il 'riiinil:ix
inorniiii: fi"iii ('lifileCiei k.
Miw. .Inliii Yeiei-l"fl Weiliit-ilnj
iimrniiiK ,("' 1"'1 '""1U' '" "malm.
ILL. Al.i:i'Hi-!iiii ran awny Salur
sltty lint iheicwiii mi iarlicular ilain-
W. S. IleiiMi lia- ecli:iiii'il hi- ?a
iliue ciicinc for n larnr anil more
jio.vurful one.
1). It. Sutherland of NeNon wa iiom
iiiiituil lnrciiiiKi'css by ilm o"'"t
thutiftli cli.trict.
Chas. SuhalTnit arrived honir from
Iowa the lir-tt of the ueuk, called home
by his hoi's imforiuntile aecidunt.
Wo liavo received an inturestinj; let
ter from llaiiicl (iiirber who is in Cali
fornia wliich will lie pri Hed net week.
Diiease attacks the weak and de
bilitated. Keep yotiiM'lf healthy and
strong by taking Hood'.- Saiaparilla.
C. Ii. Cutting tlm druggist has iccciv
cd a new stock of bibles. He will sell
you ii liiicOxford bible divinity ciicuit
for fL!l."i. Call and see them.
1LC. Andrns had the misfortune to
litiTt a Tiilutbla liorso cut u a liarhpd
wire feuco lk bst. of the week. The
animal was so badly disabled that it
had to bo sbot.
Hirheit Honors-WrM' Prf
A puie Grape Oeani of T.ntjr P.wdtr Fw
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other (dultiTisat
K ii Pond i. on the sick li-t.
i' "i" "f I'iinoiii was lii'M
,A"""""' M A "iR'" ""' ""'
'!.' ,.
'"'' ( "'ll"u ' bomc '""' ""
nm th t n i f tin- -late.
.M'linni Osborne nf lla-tliiii
heie the I, t ul llie Week.
Mm. MmiienViiiple Is liniiii' from an
cMeiiiled xi-il ill loxva
II !'. Mier i eiinliind In hi- Inline
Ihii xx ei l. Ox --iekue--.
Nam Sliepheid-oii of ILviHon xx-i
in the city thi-week on biilnc..
Mr-. .1.1$ Vr!ht ha- been -erioii-ly
ill tlii- week, but U -li'wly recovering.
O'carTeel was lookiim after insur
auee liiatteis ill (tliide llock Wediie
Aiiiat In b.-11'iin, ll"iliHi' Steii'ifd
ll'iininx (Hulled Con ) I,!-1; iit liii.ili
Miss (Sertie Liiuilcv ot Long 1-lauil,
K.ius.'is, i vi-itim; xxliti Imr si-ter Mi-.
(.'..I. 1M.M1.
Kaiti Ki'ilo left .Saint day morning
for a i-il with her ,-i-ter Adille at
Win. Beii-eof the lion Ton ic-taiirant
ha-a good ii-0 dollar Imr-c poxxerfor
-ale lor .)(
The II. V M. train- haxe been well
fl'oxx tied thi- week xvilli harve-t e-cur-ionist-.
Hairy Let sou lettitned from Dead
wood, Smith D.tkota. His motliei te
mainedat that puiut.
Mrs. Chat ley Irxvay aind ehildteii
left Monday evening fin a .-exftal
xveeks risit in lli'liver.
Mr-, Sehli rxxlmhsi- been xiiting
her daiiglitei, Mr-. W. S Itense ha- il
lumed to lief home al Tecum-eh.
When you wmii a nice -iiiooth .-have
or hair cut, give (ico Kentie a call.
One doof -oiilhof ll'.c llmi I'.akeiy.
Klmer Schall'nit who bad bis foot
hadly -till-In d xxh Ic liojuding attain
at Supefioi i- -till in a precarious eon
tit ion.
For Infants and Children.
TJuh:- j ' , ,
iiBiie xTr str ltn
Miss Minnie Lauteiliacli, daughter of
Mayor Lauterbaeli of Colby, Kan-as,
after a visit with Jos. Herlicrgcr and
family has returned home.
Cut out the one vote free bicycle
coupon, write upon it tlie name of the
lady for which yon wish to vote anil
bring or send It to till ollice.
JohnS. huss formerly of ihi city,
trustee ami head of thu Kconomltc
society of Economy, Pennsylvania, ac
companied by Mr.-. Duss was grecling
old friends here this week.
The repuplican county central com
miltce met here last Saturday and
transacted the u-ual busine.s of that
body. They met the date of the county
convention for September Lit It.
Many a day'- wink is lost by sick
headache, eati-etl by indigestion and
-inintch ttoublc.s. DcWitt's Little
Ivirly lti-ei- are tlie most effectual pill
for iiveii'oiuing -ticli ditlicullie-. O. L.
Illue Hill may well be proud of that
ball team of hers. There is not a kick
er in tlie outfit, nor a man who i
guilty of pla.xing "dirty" or tiafair
ball Wu hopu they will come doxvn
again. Supeiioi Journal.
Don't trille away time when you have
cholera inorbu- or diarrlnea. Kiglil
tlieui in tlie beginning witli DcWitt's
Colic ec Cholera Cure. You don't have
to wait for re-nit-, they are iiistan-taneoti-,
and it leaves tlie bowels in
healthy condition. C. L. (.'otling.
Mr. C. D. 1 onker, a well Unown
druggist of lluwling (Ireen, Ohio, in
speaking of Chamberlain's Cough
Hctucdy, fcays: "I take pleasiue in
lecomniendlng it to my customers, for
I um certain Hint it will always please"
them. I sell more of it than all other
kinds put together." For Halo by Deyo
ec (Jricc.
Ropublican Club Mooting.
There xvill lie a meeting of the Ued
Cloud McKlnley and ilobart Club at
the court bouse on next Friday even
ing, August 23th, at 8 o'clock. It is de
sired that all members b present as
business of importance will be trans
acted. Good speakers and other en
tertainment will be provided.
C. W. Kalkt, Pies.
'Capt. Houchin the famous advocate
of populism of (larfield township wvs
pouring hot silver talk into Pap Hark
ley tho other day, and among one of
his arguments he said, "that they
didn't have anything but silver in
Mo-es' time." "What" ejaculated
!..,. I'VV'lii. l-ii ill lllll ll I ili.l IIimv iml
the gold to make tlm gohlen calf
Capt. couldn't answer the prolduni undr
ileuily stole away
Tlm t.lttlo ;iiuits Art; Kloro
mul enuih to Ht ay. 0. L. Cottin, your
pupuliir druflfg '. '"- Jis' re"eixH( 11 ijlh
"apply." They me in only K'mrmitoeit
pill Oil Um 'iiirki t. 1, fe,.t. jon mt
1I'KU' biitln lii.itiir, A-k for tminplv.
Dr. I'rJcc's Cream (talcing Powder
Wor'd'3 Fair Highest Awnrd.
I. 0. Kcnyon xva- Item Wcdni.da.
Ml s. Ka-Mntl-seii is -lek xvilli t phoid
Vote the free coupon In the lucjcle.
Mi Nellie Kale is t-iting ft tends
In Hebron.
W. (1. Parker and xx lft were In (tiiiiln
Itock Sunday.
Mi-s Iliatielii' Sheiei Is vLitiug xx lib
her -i-ter in Ilebiou.
( has Milligan of Hastings ctiine
down on hi xxheel l'i iduy.
la-. Ixiilil nml xxifit are vi-llliig In
Ihncitx i lui gui'ttsof Mr.- ('has. Mes-e
Ilex John ISeaii left Saturday on a
vl-.ll l.i hi- daimhter in Topeka, Kan--a.-.1.
S. Mil waul s of the Smith I'lemief
was bete the last of I ho
Mis- lb ecu who lias been vi.-iiiug tlie
family of. I. L. Miner has returned to
hct home.
A. II. Kalcy ha- moved his shoe stock
to thu building formerly occupied by J.
O Dudley.
I. L. Miner returuod Sunday night
ft inn a bu-itii's- nip to Chicago uiul
Kntisii- City.
Andicxr Ilaxvley had a horse badly
injured by i uiining into u barbed wire
fence the la-t of the week.
Mi Clara Kdlemaii who has been
vi-iiing xvilli tin- family of !'. K. (iolile
has returned home to Lincoln.
Mr-. !'. C. William-1 eturned Sunday
night fiom a sereral weeks visit xvilli
Iter parent at Wct Plain-, Mi ouii.
L II. llu-l -ay- that if jou want
stiawberi ic nel year noxv i-ihe lime
to buy plant- Plant- IIDceiit-pei bun
dreil.ritlll at M ."(.
Poi-oii ivj, ill-eel liiles, bl'lli-e.-,
-calil-, Iiiiiii-, are ipiickly cured by
DeWiM- Witch Hael Salve, the great
pile cure. C. L. Collin .
A. 11 Crary of (juide itock pa til
through Sunday after a several xveek- at Coloi.'ido City, Mauitou and
other places in the, health resort
rcji,n of Colorado.
"Hoys will lie boys," but you can't
allotd to lo-u any of them. Ileieady
for the green apple season by having
DeWilt'.sColie A: Cholera, Cure in the
liou-e. C. L Cotting.
llai xey Merrill's team ran a way Sat
urday running in between a wagon
and t ire-lung machine. Mr. Men ill
su.-taiucd mi injury to his hand and
three broken ribs.
Hex (). K. Ticknor of Hyunnis, Neb.,
will pi each next Sunday morning and
evening in the Congregational Church.
All and especially the members am re
quested to lio present.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdar
A Pure lrape Crean ,1 Tartar Powder.
The house of A. A. liushcc. of (initio
Unci; was struck by lightening on last
Tuesday morning. The only damage
done was the tearing out of bricks on
the chimney ami the damaging of tho
interior of one room by falling -out.
Dengs' Wood l'uritlernnd Wood Maker
onrrs nil lilooit dUordfrs. All ernptioiiH
of the ekln enn lie removed by tho line of
this wnndiTful nifdlnliie. It 1ib no
npuil, mid is purely wi;i-titilo. (' I..
(,'ottiiii; keeps it, as well us nil other first
elrts o"ds.
If you have ever seen a little child in
the agony of .summer complaint, you
can icalie tlie danger of the trouble
and appreciate the value of instan
taneous relict nlx-as alloidcd by De
Witt's Colic ec Cholera Cure. I'or
dy-c utnry and diari luca it is a reliable
remedy. We could not allord to
iccommcr.d this as a cure unless it
xvero a cure. C. L. Colling.
Ih'gg' J'riiiim Salvv.
Tiie I'rrfeot Oii'tuifiit, Cures where
nil others fid I. Its utrQordinury cura
tive power has deeit proved in tho tlimm.
and of eases of piled, for whioli wu hold
teuliinuniiils, Your papular druggist C.
L. Cutting sells it.
Keep Up Your
Scott's Emulsion
in Summer-time
JjWhat are your resources
for the summer? Have you
an abundance of health stowed
away for the long, hot, deplet
ing days, or does summer find
you low in vitality, run down,
losing flesh, and weak? Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil will
give you the proper reserve
force, because it builds up the
system on a solid foundation.
A tonic may stimulate; Scott's
Emulsion not Otlly "boosts,"
jt. SUStaillS.
It ii a wise precaution always to have at
least a small bottle of Scott's Emulsion in
Ihe house. Unopened, it will keep Indifin
itety. Tightly corked, after using, kept in
a cool place, it will remain sweet lor wvel.
For sale by ail druggists at
.50 Cents and $1.00
w-iswltli tlieilcipc-i icgiet that
the i Hii iin
of lied ( Ion. I l.ii 11...I ...
the 1I1 alh of inn isticnidl eiiien. Mr
Peli 1 Coiiovi'i, who (1,1 a long penod
ha- l.iui e.niticeieil in Si.-inc pin.
Jcct-in thiscitx, hi- di'iih taking place
bus' 1'intij aficiHoou after a lingering
illnc i.f several xveeks duiutlon.
Mi Conover in life xa- an lione-t
eli'i 11 iml held then-peel of the en
t'li ' I'lnuiiiiiiiy for his upiightdeal
Ui- with his lellow men lie xxa- all
ideal liti-liaiul and fitheraiid alwnjs
M'etiml niiliiieil with lliu-e liner ipiall
lies Hi ,t ai.ike men good eltien-. Ill
his l"i.iiies. life ln M, always upiiglit
and .iiue, ami b. his caieful lui-1
ue 1 1 ails made 1 lie xxarnie-t of I fiends
Ills death will be a -ad blow, not onli
to In-estimable family but to the peo
ple ot l!ed I'lotul genera Ii. In their
gn it In leaxeineiit Inswiie anil t hilil
leii h.ixe the deepe-t -.ynipnthy of our
peop 1
'I he subject of this-keleli xxa- born
111 New Village, N. ,1 , In October pe.ll,
and xxa-mariicd in Ml Ktneliiie O
boin.Oelobel Kit It. IS.'ill Scxeli chihl
fen xxeie llie fe-ult ot thi- union, all
living ei ept one -on who tiled Mime
ycai - ago.
The funeral -ervice- xxeie conducted
iroin ins uue ic-mcncc tty i,ev. .1. iv
MaMield la-t Sunday afternoon at It
o'clock. A xeiy huge number of
fi lend- followed the remains to their
last resting place
Wobstor County Log Rolling
Woiiilniati ba-kei picnic at Coxvles,
Nel'i't-ka. Saliiida.y, Septetnbei ."ith,
IS'.Mi Addles, on Woodif.ilt b A P.
Tallinl of Lincoln. Lit rvirjlmdy
coine and haxe a good time. Ily older
of ci'iumiltee.
Dud, at Die ie-ideiiceot Iter grand-
pai. 'in-, (Auder-ou's) Kim Creek. Aug ,
IT: Ii , Mi Jennie C Lewi-, ageil Pi
.eai-, 7 uiiiiith-, !l xveeks ami I days.
The funeral -ervice xxa conducted tit
Klin Creek -elioul hoii-e by Kev. Sain'l
Deakiuof Cowle-, on Wediie-ilny, Aug-11-1
Mm h -iinpathj is felt in llie com
inuuilj for the bereaved family a the
sad event oceuried while Mrs. Lewis
and childifii were on a visit to the
Auder-on home from Phillips count.,
Mr- A. P. Hailcll ami daughter
Hilda have gone to Chicago.
Book Agoutu Attoutiou.
Aie you selling Metcalfslile of llryaii
V Sexxall or llalstead's life of Me
Kinlcyifc Ilobart? We give tho very
largest commissions.. We give you
fU) in cash besides if you sell 100 books.
We pay freight to you. Wegive.credil.
Wo sliip goods promptly. Kvery Hals,
tead or Metcalf book sold in the coun
try comes from our place. We are
headquarters. Deal direct from the
mauiifaettircts. Hooks sold at 91.50.
Outfits free. Send six cents for pos
tage and save expressage. L. K Me
(il'CAl. 4 ltito., Philadelphia, Pa.
lint four mine i-stics of this paper
xvill appear before tlie close of tlie
bicycle voiiug contest and we have de
cided lo each week give our readers
llie privilege of casting one fiee vote
coupon for their favorite in the con
test. The people have o far taken but
very little interest, although we are
offering a wheel of which theicNnn
belief in the city; we ale giving one
hulf thu proceeds lo the til t depait.
incut, the most worthy institution we
have in the city and the fact that in
older lo vote it only icqiiircs dial you
pay a ccituiu sum in advance for your
paper. There are noxv an even doen
conte.-lants for the wheel. Illue
Hill. Illaden and luavale ladles are in
llie race but so far have not been back
ed very heavily by their friends. We
area little surprised at this, especially
in tlie case of Illue Hill who generally
.stand by their home people in great
shape. We have no favorites and
would just as soon see the xxheel taken
out of the city as icmaiii, lint it is for
our readers to say as it is in tlirlr hands.
It costs very little to vote and ye-u will
receive tlm p.iper for the time paid for
ami we would like very much to be
able to hand the lire department a
good round sum at the close. What
everyou do be sure and vote the free
r.n... ,,...i,
In the bicycle contest 1 3
J cast ONE VOTE for
Bo Suro You Aro Right.
Ami then uo ahead. Ifyoui blood is
impure, your appetite failing, your
nerves weak, you may be suro that
Hood's Karsaparilla is what you need.
Then take no substitute. Insist on
Hood's and only Hood's. This is the
uiedleini) which has llie largest .-ale in
the world. Hood's Siir-npiirillu i.- the
one true blood puriller.
Homo's I'll.l.s are prompt, cllleient,
ilw!ix.s reliable, .tyto take, easy to
Opel ate
oo. - t o :rtx .a..
'.VnllV S0 .,. IM
And will give his friends a chance
to pick from the
that he can buy.
For he knows where and how to
To Make
He will be able to i
Robm For
u V
.1 V