The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 21, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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THE JIED CLOUD OlllKF, jfJUDAY, AlU 21, 186.
i w
I' J
.', 17",
Not lit All Worried liy t lin Athrrr t'rltl
Wnn of III Sppi'f h liy i tin Ni-w York
I'rnw lllelily 1'lrimd That All the I'n
pern I'liblMiid It.
Ntrw Yonii, Aii((. li, Mr. nml Mrs.
ilrynn uiul Arthur Scwall received
visitors this morning In tho front
drawing room of William P. St. John's
residence in Mast Thirty-fourth street.
A largo number of ladies nml tfctitlo
uicn called.
Mr. Ilrynn looked exceptionally
well after tho fatiguing work last
night and Raid thathu folt Letter than
he did yesterday.
Mrs. Hryan received in n plain
gown of dark material. Sim wore no
Among those who called were Sen
ntor Till Mian, Colonel Cameron, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Lacy of llrooklyn, Mr. and
Mrs. (Icorire I'aul of North Carolina,
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. M. Penrsall of North
Carolina, Senator Hlackburn, Con
gressman Itcnton McMllllit ami IS.
Y'red Williams of .Massachusetts.
If Mr. llryan had any doutit of tho
success of his last speech last night ho
did not show It. Ho spoke to the
visitors about the newspaper reports
and commeiils. Tho adveif-o tone of
most of these articles did not .seem to
worry him In the least. He expressed
especial gratification in the fact that
all of the newspapers printed the
speech. To u query at to hW opinion
of tho various crlticlstuH, he. said with
n Riuile: "1 did not expect to overcome
nil tho prejudice at one blow. Neither
did I expect to set North river on tiro
with oratory. It was not u tliuu for
oratory, but for serious argumentative
discussion. 1 inn pluaiied with my
reception. "
At 11 o clock Mr. nnd Mrs. llryan
lelt Mr. St. John's house utitl drove to
tho Windsor hotel. A great crowd of
people tilled Fifth nvetiue In front of
the hotel tinder the blazing sun
awaiting his coming. Tho party, how
ever, avoided them and went to tho
Forty-seventh street entrance.
Then it was announced that Mr.
find Mrs. llryan would receive in tho
main parlors and a great crowd
pushed tow 'rd the front doors. Tho
police dually succeeded iti forming a
lino and then people were slowly ad
mitted. Mr. nnd Mrs. llryan and Mr.
So wall stood in the parlors, the lady
between the two tnun. Mr. St. John
bad announced that Mr. llryan would
not talk and would not shako hands
ns his arm was weary, but Mr llryan
chose to disregard this latter point
and tho entire party gavo to each vis
itor u cordial grasp of the hand.
Mr. Hryan wore a black alpaca coat,
no vest, a black tie and white turn
down collar. Mrs. llryan was In black
crepe, with white silk and Ineo llchu
and bead trimmings. She wore no
people shook hands in the hour and a
half tho party received, a club of lOu
men fiom Seratiton, Pa., being among
mom. -rtf " -
At tho conclusion of tho reception
Mr. nnd Mrs. llryan, Mr. and Mrs.
Bland, Mr. So wall and Mr. St. John
lunched, and then members of the na
tional committee nnd tho committee
on notiflcntion met Mr. nnd Mrs llry
an and Mr. Scwall Informally. Up to
3 o'clock Mr. llryan had not arranged
his future plans, but it is believed he
will leave for Malno to-morrow. .
At 4 o'clock this afternoon Mrs.
Ilrynn, Mrs. ltln'nd and Mrs. Sfono
received tho wolnYn of Now York In
tho Windsor hotel parlor??
Tun 1 1 ii ml mil of tho Major's Comrade In
Arm VMt Mini ami Mini Twin.
Canton, 0 Aug. tl. Two hundred
of Major McKlnluy's old" comrades in
war called nt his homo yesterday
afternoon. They camo from Clove
land principally, but many of them
from distant points. They wcro tho
survivors of tho Twenty-third Ohio
Volunteer Infautry. Tho regiment
was famed for its war record, the
number of its hard fought battles,
Including .South Mountain, Antic
tain nnd General Sheridan's many
battles In the Slicnnnuoah valley in
'64, for tho number of its hilled and
wounded, nnd also for its great men
notod In war and civil life, Of tho
field ofllcors only two survlvo, lien.
William S. Roscorans of Sail Francisco
nnd Ccn. Uusscll Hastings of the
llermuda Islands. The scone was a
touching one. Mrs. MclCInley sat In
tho hallway near tho porch, from
which tho Major responded to tho
eloquent greetlnsr given him by Cap
li'ln John S. Ellen, Mayor of Wll
louirhbv. Dcuth In it Plying Machine.
Hr.nt.ix, Aug. 11. Yesterday Herr
Lllieuthal, an engineer who has been
rxpnrlmcutlng with aereounutlcal con
trivances several years, started to lly
from a hill which towers 100 feet above
the town of llhinoo, not far from here,
when tho apparatus collapsed and tho
Invnntni- fnll tn thn irrmniil. Il.tri
Lilicntlial was picked up unconscious
mid it was found that hU back was
broken. Ho did lin' live loner.
A Mrtrnr In CMilcicn.
Ciik;aoo, Aug. li. ). Simons, his
wifo and their two dnughtcis were
iltting In tho yard of their home at
No. 1033 Ariuitago avenue at 10 o'clock
last night, l)en they saw a meteor
descending, aimed "directly toward
them, Fortunately, whilotho massof
molten metal was loO feet from them.
It burst and tho fragments scattered
with a report like a cannon.
i:cklo (lives Ills Vinn.
Dui.t'iii, Minn., Aug. 14. Com
t roller of tho Currency James Kekols
has arrived In Dnlutli from tho Nlpl
gon river, wlioro ho has been llshlug
for several weoks, Tho outing lias
evidently done him good. Ho said; "1
think tho nomination of a Democrat
whom sound money Democrats can
support ought to bo made, say Sena
tor Palmer of Illinois, but if no nomi
nation is made I would favor thn sup
port of MclCmlcy by sound money
ilemocrntv Tho money question la
tho great issue and tho Republican
platform is sound ou that question,"
Jewelry. Mr. he wall wore a long
l)la,el frpek coat, light trousers and
light tie. 5?.c n-0.
It was estimated that at least 3.000
Tim I'rrildrnt of thf Itoyal Arndemj
Kiuriinilm to Throat C'nnnnr.
London, Aug. IL Sir John Mlllals,
president of the Iloynl Academy, died
Into this afternoon from cancer of tho
throat, wltli which lie had been nf
fllctcd some time and for which n
critical operation was performed early
In May.
Mlllas wns made a baionet in 188..
lie succeeded Lord Lclghtou in the
presidency of the Itoyal Academy,
Fobruary 20, this year. Other honors
were conferred upon hlin at home and
he was the recipient of several foreign
One of Mlllals' greatest successor)
and tho work perhaps by which he is
best known to this (lay is the "Hugue
not Lover," n canvass of cxqulslto
delicacy and beauty, and Interesting
chlclly, asldo from Its merit, becausti
tho romance of his life was Inter- 1
woven in it. The art philosopher,
John Ituskin, an unchorlto always, a
hermit nmoug his books, was in no
wise lilted for a married llfo and least
of all to bo wedded to thosympathetic,
affeetlonoto llttlo English woman
who wrn Mrs. Ruskln then and who
found In him only a moody savant,
Irresponsive to her caresses. I'osiug
at first for Mlllals as a diversion, sho
found numberless attractions in the
clover young men, and If Husk in had
not awakened to tho fact that his wife
hadbeguii to lovo elsewhoro thero
might have been a broken heart uud
a spoiled life. Hut tho philosopher
knew bow to bear defeat and, be
sides, so engrossed was ho in his ail
absorbing studies that a wife did not
mottcr much to him. With hardly a
moment's hesitation, once ho was
nwaro Uiat tho woman cared for Mll
lals and could bo happy only with
him, ho handed her "over to his
friend "If you lovo her, she is
yours," tho great critic Is reported to
iinvo said. A formal divorco was
pushed through tho courts as rnpldlv
as possible, and as soon as It wa'-
granted Mrs. Huskin bocamo Mrs.
John Mlllals. Without n single pang
of regret tho author of 'Modern
Painters" turned back tc his books
and loft, tho young couple to make
their v&y. m-.- .
A happy marriage In proved. A
family soon sprang up under tho Mll
lals roof-tree, and John Everett Mll
lals grow moro and more prosperous
every year. He attributed his success
in llfo to this romance of his boyhood,
nnd tho fact that Ins wife, even
though sho was not his then, stood la
the center of tho llttlo canvas that
has since become so renowned.
rioml SirrrpH Do nil the Valley Near
I'lttslnirR, I'ii.
PiTTsmino, Pa., Aug. It. Probably
thirty lives were lost and tho whole
Pine creek vnlley.elght miles in length
wns devastated by a great Hood caused
by a cloudburst at C o'clock this morn
ing, which turned tho morning into
darkness and caused general terror.
At Do Haven, an oil town six miles
north of Allegheny City, every mem
ber of tho Apnleton fa'mlly, Thomas
Hyrnes, Mrs Thompson and others
at present unknown wcro drowned
and houses, oil tanks, barns nnd other
buildings wero bwept away. Tho
water was eight feet deep on tho
main street at the (Hood's height nnd
people were forced to fleo to thu hill
Tho storm was unaccompanied by
thunder and lightning. It camo very
quickly and with no warning what
ever. It lasted for fully three hours.
The. causo of tho ttormenu bo directly
attributed to tho approach of thu cool
wave from tho Northwest.
Kvury street car lino In tills city wa
tied up and washouts blocked travel
on nearly nil railroads.
At Htiia tho water roso so rapidly
that the employes of Spang, Cliatfal ;
Co.'s iron mill were compelled to hwltn
out to save tholr lives. Tho foundry
of Walter Watkins was ulso Hooded
uud tho workmen narrowly escaped.
DUtl.lSiiMiful Slat hroint Irian, Metenrol
oglr Hint Ailrniininrr I'imhim Att.iy.
Nr.w Havi:n. Conn., Aug. II. Prof.
Herbert Newton of tho chair of math,
emallcs in Yalo collogodlod last night
of a chronic internal trouble, lie wax
born lu Shcrburn. Y. Y., March 10,
18110. As a meteorologist and astron
omer ho achieved uo lev. note than as
a muthomallciau.
The professor was honored with tlm
doctor of laws degree, bv tho I'nivur
slty of Michigan in "'.SUS and was
elected an associate of the Itoyal
Astronomical society of London in
U7L', a follow of tho Itoyal Philosoph
ical society of lMinhurg in ItSu.
.lolin Mmlitrn for Conrcm.
ISmpoiua, Kan., Aug. It. John
.Madden the fusion nominee nt tho
Fourth Kansas Congressional district,
was a presidential elector on tho Re
publican ticket In lhSH. Ho Is a law
yer. At tho Populist stato convention
ho presented to tlio chairman tho
gavel used by Dobs lu tho American
Hallway Union council during tho
strike, and said that Dobs and Lin
coln wcro the two great Americans.
Thero tiro thrco railroad towns in
this district Topcka, lmipori and
Florence and Madden expects t get
the railroad rote.
f.on Steplirtu Admit St. I.onln I'nrty
Cii in illicit l'liMia llrlnu ArrntiKoit.
St. Loti?, Mo, Aug. 14,- Tho corri
dors of tho Planters hotel were
crowded this morning with members
of tho Democratic State centrnl com
mittee. Candidate.-, for thu variolic iir.
ices on the State ticket and visiting
Democrats from every section of the
Long before tho membors of tho
committee or oilier candidates were
awake Lon V. Stephens was in Union
market shaking hands with tho com
mission men, the gardeners and market
men. "I shook hands with nt least
I'OO before 8 o'clock this morning," ho
Bald. "I am going to Kansas City to
night, and Friday I shall attend the
('eat annual picnic at Loco Jack in
Jackson county. 1 will make a speech
there nnd will then take a slioit rest
before beginning the campaign."
Tho committee is at work discussing
plans nnd shaping its course. It will
have Its headquarters In St. Louis,
and while tho actual opening of tho
campaign may bo postponed until tho
latter part of tho mouth, tho working
force will begin its labors imme
Democrat Divide, thn Nomination.
Among thn Fri-o Silver Men.
Oiti'mwa, Iowa, Aug. It. Tho
Democratic state convention yester
day ugreed to divide the stato ticket
and tho Congressional districts, thu
Democrats to get nine, tho Populists
ono anil tho silver Hcptiblioans one
nominee for Congress. Tho Stato
ticket selected is as follows: 1-ur
eloolors-at-lnrgc, Horace Holes, Water
loo, Democrat; tienoral James 11.
Weaver, Colfax, Populist; secretary of
State, L. II. Karr of Clark, Democrat;
auditor of State, C. W. Davis of
Louisa, Ponulist; attorney general,
William D. Holes of O'Hrien, Demo
crit; tieasurer, Charles Huegcnet. of
Clayton, Democrat; for Supremo court
judge, Senator Hotter of Harrison,
Democrat; railroad commissioner, long
term, Amos Meckel of Davis, silver
Republican; short term, Thomas J.
Denser of Fnvottc, Democrat.
Colin Iton Accmod of Killing Iter
rather, .Mother unit Urothcr.
Mansi-h:i.I), Ohio, Aug. 14. Miss
Cella, need 21 yeaas, Is in jail
here charged with lulling her father,
Daniel, her mother and her brother
with poison. All thrco died recently
within a few days of ono another and
It was ovulent that they had been
poisoned. A young woman gained
the eonlldence of tho daughter and It
is claimed Cella made a confession to
Miss Hose was in lovo with Guy
Horry, a neighbor. Ho did not like
her and considered her attentions a
nuisance, lie complained to his fath
er and Horry complained to Hose.
l no girls parents tool: her sovercv
to task and the poisoning vaa the re
iiiII.iiiii It.inlt Cafthlcr, round to lie
S24,1KI Short, Kill Illnmrlf.
Rot'Tit Ind., Aug. 14. Tho
unexpected appearance of National
Hank Lxamincr Vance, a new ofllclal,
at tho Kirst National Hank caused an
examination, which disclosed tho fact
that Joslah K. Kclley, twenty-seven
years a fully trusted otllcial there,
and tor tho past tlvo years assistant
sashior, was a defaulter to tho time
nfi34.UO. When Kol ov saw that ho
had been discovered lie left tho bank,
went to the cellar ot his residence at
tho rear and shot himself through the
Alli-gcil Wliltu Capi Sot I'rce.
Coi.t'MiiiA, Mo., Aug. 11. Michael
Zwclm, Zcb Hurnett and Merrick
Llndsey, who wcro arrested recently
in Ashland on tho charge of writing
Whltccap letters to Hen Matthews,
anti-saloon leader of that town, were
acquitted hero yesterday in Judge
Pratt's court. Numerous Icttors.higli
ly decorated with threatening draw
ings, wereexhlbited nnd tho witnesses
wero examined, but wero unablo to
prove that tho accused had written
the letters.
I'ntlon Schi'iiiliii; lu Waihliiijton.
Ki.i.KMiiMin, Wash., Aug. 14. The
Democratic, free silver Republicans
and Populist convention arc in session
in this city for the purpose of niacin"
a fusion ticket in tho field. Kach con
vention hns perfected its oririiiiizatlon
and committees have been appointed to
tigreo upon tho terms of fusion. A
telegram signed by the chairman of
each convention wns sent to Hryan
last mght.proinlsing him thoelectoral
vole of the State.
I.f.iilvlllfl'ii MHUo Mar Sonn Kiul.
Lr.Aiiviu.i:, Col., Aug. 1 1. The
Miners' union last night adopted res
olutlons to the effect that they will
accept for tho district tile scale of
wages fixed by Jndgo Owens for tho
Weldou mine, now In tho hands of a
receiver. Tho miners demanded S3
all around, but tho judge allowed
only for surface men. It Is now
my S3,
1 that tho strike will bo
speedily settled.
tlvhil llnlirr'n t.'hiince of I'.ilth.
Namivii.u:, 111., Aug. .4. Jehu Ha
Iter, wno onco as a Republican de.
feated . R. Morri&cu for Congress,
was nominated for Congress on tho
first ballot by the Democrats of tills,
tho Twenty-first district, yesterday.
Ho is also tho nominee of tho Popu
lists for that position.
fardon fur a Dynamiter.
T.Mir.inuc, Aug. 14 --John Daly, un
dergoing a sentence of penal servi
tude for life, after having been tried
nnd convicted with ftgaii nnd others
at tho Warwick nsslcs in 18St. oi
treason felony, having boon arrested
while in possession of dynnmito bombs
has received an intimation from the
governor of Portland prison that he
will bo relcat ,d lu a few days. He
has been In bad health for some ttmo.
Illinois Hold l)emirrt.
Chicago, Aug. Is. Anti-Silver Dem
jcrats have issued a call for their
itate convention in Chicago, Aug. l'&
Wrnl four llt-srcr Nrarirthc North I'nli
Ihnn Any Other lltptonr I'lcki-il fp
Nmr frail. toner t.iiiul U'as lion Three
Mamio, Sweden, Aug. u, TI12
newspaper Dagensnyhclor hai re
ceived communications from Dr. Nan
ben and Lieutenant Schottansen from
the Island of Vardo, Norway. These
ci unlcatlons state that thov aban
doned the Fram In tho autumn' of 18U3
and resorted to the. Ice.
Tho steamer Windward, carrying
supplies to tho Jackson-I'arns worth
expedition, picked them up near
1-ran. Josef land. They expected
that the Fram would eventually drift
10 the east coast of Croon land,
Did Not ltrarh tho Pole.
Dr. Nansen left the Fram on March
14, I2!t'), In S degrees north latitude.
He traversed the polar sea to a point
&8 degrees, II minutes north latitude,
situated north of the new Siberia
islands. No laud was sighted north
of $ degrees of latitude, or thence to
Fran. Josef land, where ho passed
tho winter, subsisting on bear's llesh
und whale blubber.
Dr. Nansen and his companions are
111 the best of health. The Fram Is
expected at Vardo or llcrgcn shortly.
She Moo.l the ice well. There were
no sick persons 011 board when Nun
fen left her.
The steamer Windward took letters
for Nansen when it started to the re
iff of tho Jackson-Farinsworth expe
dition, as Mr. Jackson expected to
find Nansen and was convinced that
his Idea of drifting across the pole in
the ice was Impracticable. He was
also convinced that Nansen would re
turn in the direction of Fran. Josef
Dr. Nansen failed to reach the
North pole, but he touched a point
four degrees nearer than any other
explorer has done.
Ilns llt-en (lone Three Yr,ir.
Dr. Fridjof Nansen started 011 his
expedition in tlio little ship Fram, to
try to reach tho North pole, in June,
lS'JX His plan was ditl'creiit from any
that had hitherto b-jen attempted. It
was based ou tlio theory of an open
polar sea and thu existence of currents
sotting northward into It from tho
New Siberian Islands. Dr. Nansen
proposed to sail northward from Nor
way and eastward along tho Kara sea,
skirting tlio Siberian coast to the New
Siberian Islands; then leaving the
land to continue northerly until tho
pack ice was readied. Do intended
to ram his ship into the Ice, trusting
to the currents (the existence of which
had been indicated by tlio drift of
certain relics of tlio f 11 fated Jean
nette), to carry him with tlio ico pack
into the polar sea, and out again be
tween tho eastern coast of Greenland
and the island of Spitsbergen.
In accordance with this plan, Dr.
Nansen had his vessel, the Fram In
Ihiglish. the Forward built upon a
special design, intended to resist the
pressure of ice. The hull was V
shaped in section, built witli tho
greatest strength and braced inside.
so that its power of resistance would
uo such that the pack ice. instead of
crushing it, would lift the vessel on
the Ice.
llio (tonil Ship 1'riin
She was lol feet long nnd with a
(icam of one-third her length. Sho
was fitted with an engine of 1C0 horse
power, capable of developing a speed
of six knots an hour, consuming about
two and three-quarter tons of coal a
day. The crow consisted of twelve
men. The ship was provisioned for
ilvo years and carried 300 tons of coal.
Sho "also had an electric light plant
and alcohol for use in cooking. Sho
was provided further with six strong
boats for ur.o in Arctic waters, with
dogs and sledges and a complete
outfit of Arctic supplies. Captain
Otto Svcrdrup, an experienced Arctic
nnvigator, who had accompanied Dr.
Nansen on previous exploring trips In
fforthorn regions, had command of
he ship.
The Fram loft Vardo July 31. Tho
first part of her voyage was mndo suc
cessfully, her ico-resisting qualities
especially mooting tlio expectations
of her commander as far as they had
an opportunity of being tested. The
last seen of thn ship was when sho
Balled from Chaborewu, on thu strait
of Jugor, Siberia, on August 3, 18'.3.
There M. O. Chrlstoforscn, tlio secre
tary of tlio expedition, bade farewell
to Nansen and his companions, who
Gtartcd on lu excellent spirits. There
have been various rumors that Nansen
had been heard from, nnd that he had
?ound the North pole, but they have
all proved totally unrounded.
No Maryland Cold Ticket.
Hai.iisioiik, Mil, Aug. lu. Tlio ox
fcutivo committee of thu Honest
Money Leaguo of .Maryland has de
cided not to hold a Stato convention,
nor will tho leaguo send delegates to
tho Indianapolis convention. Tlio
committee adopted resolution setting
fortli its purpose to stand ou the plat
form adopted ny the recent Democratic
Stato convention, which declared for
a gold standard and against the free
coinage of silver.
I.nng Cnthrln Conlct llndeit.
Wasiiinoion', Aug. Jl Along con
test is practically ended by the action
of Acting Secretary ot tho Interior
Heyiiolds in awarding to tho city or
Guthrie, Oldti., laud in block " ot that
city as against Thomas D. Ilauco nnd
Andrew II. Frlnk and William Lowe,
tlio last of tho claimant's. Numerous
parties htvo figured in the case, ami
much coulllcting evidence lias been
11 l o.l
Snlrlihi In n Ulajlni; Mr.uttt.ieU.
lln.viitiL'i:, Nob., Aug. in John
Koalf, a young farmer, who lived
near Virginia, had been attentive to
MissHuhka, according to a statement
by his brother. Hu called upon her
last night, and leaving, gave her a
letter. Its contents a 10 unknown,
but upon reading it tlio girl sum
moned her brothers and all went in
search of Ko.ak. They saw a burning
strawstauk and heard a pistol idiot
from the middle ot it. Koaic had
set tiro to tho straw and committed
tulcule. Tho body was almost uurcc-ogulablc.
Was Met TroTldrit Wlthn Kufllclent Num
ber nf Dog nnd (,'anooi.
Mai.uo, Sweden, Aug. lf, Dr. Nr-n-Ren
says that tho From drifted with
the ico in a westerly direction tost
degrees, and he expects that tho ves
hel will eventually arrive at Spitz
bergen. Wherever they penetrated
they found tho ico broken. Largo
patches of wnter wero nlso found,
3,o0 meters deep, llelow tho deptli
of l'JO meters the water was appro
Dit. n.nm:n.
richly warmer, probably owing to the
gulf stream. Rocky scar, of which
the explorers had no previous knowl
edge, prevented entrance Into the
Oltdiok river for days. In consequence
of the sent city of dogs with the expe
dition, ho was compelled to turn back
ut r(',: 15. If he had been provided
with a Milllclent number of dogs and
canoes the polo would have been
1 cached. Tho land voyage was most
urdiious, but valuable sciontllle re
sults wcro obtained. In 19.1 ho
reached the north coast of Franz
Josef land, and built a stone house, in
which he lived tho whole winter.
Dr. Nansen uud his companions are
in the best of health.
llio I ngliipi-r of tho .Iriinrttr I'.irty
Till !.s Alint Dr Ninen' Kiipcdltlon.
A'liiM.iov. Aug. IS. Commodore
Melville, engineer In chief of tho
navy, who was a member of the
Jeanetto party, which served as a
pattern for Nansen's attempt upon
liic North pole, holds that the result
of the i.pltncr's voyage clearly proves
Nanse-is theory of polar drift "to bo
'roundliNS. In his opinion Nansen
only closely paralleled the voyage of
Wyprocht and Payer In tho Tegcthou",
who rounded the nortn point of Nova
'cmbla with tho intention of travers
ing tlio north coast of Siberia. During
tin winter their ship was crushed
ami lu the following summer tho
escaped in their boatsand were picked
upolV Cape Nassau, one of the heart
lands, of Nova .cmbla. Nansen, Com
modoro Melville points out, did not
enter the Ice on tho side of the polar
basin from wiero ho was picked up,
so his trip fails utterly to provo that
a current exists that may be relied
upon to carry a ship across tho polar
waters and bring it down on tho east
aide of Greenland. As a matter of
fact, he was heard from east of
Nova .einbla and ho just drifted
northward and back again. This is
precisely in ncinrd with tlio judgment
passed upon Nausen's theory before ho
undertook his voyage by the commo
dore, who hud carefully calculated
the prohaHc drift in tlio Arctic
legions, not th of tho Now Siberian
islands, froi.i the experience ho had
with the -lea nette.
Mr. li.ilfoiir Mnlic 11 l'li-anlug Htatcnien:
An Aiuleiihlti Settlement.
London-, Aug Hi. The first lord of
the treasury, A. J. Halfour, in tho
Douse of Commons to-day, replying to
Sir William Ilarcourt, the Liberal
leader, who requested information
relative to the progress of tho nego
tiations for arbitration of tho Vene
zuelan dispute, said that the govern
ment was still considering tlio latest
proposals of Secretary OIney, which
wcro regarded as opening the way for
an equitable settlement. The govern
incut had every roason to expect that
llio pending negotiations would leud
to an early settlement of the dispute.
Sir WlUlam Vernon Ilarcourt said
he thought the House would regard
Mr. Halfour's statement as eminently
satisfactory. Ho added that, consid
ering tho anxiety felt on tho subject
throughout tho country, and siuco the
negotiations had assumed a shapo
which led to tho bulief that the papers
on the subject could be communicated
to the House nt an early date, bo
hoped that they would bo communi
cated to the public as soon as possible.
"Yes," answered Mr. Halfour, "it is
tho desire of the government to com
municate tho papers as soon us this
can be done without prejudice to pub
lic interests."
Senator Gray of Delaware announces
that ho is a bolter.
Rev. Sam Small will tnko the slump
for the Democratic ticket.
Illinois Populist committee elected
II P.. Taubcneck chairman.
Two mon were killed by a boiler ex
plosion at Louisville, Ohio.
Nominee Halo Johnson ot tho
"straight out" Prohibitionists, was
formally no'.llled at Chicago.
Sixteen prisoners sawed their way
out of tho Howling Green (Ky.) jail
and escaped.
1. 011s Wall; to lie .Harried., Ind., Aug. IS Miss Lizzie
Reator, of Cass county, started
Wednesday to walk to St. Louis,
where sho Is to meet H. A. Stensell,
of Denver. The long overland journey
Is to havo its sequel In tho marriage
of the couple. Miss Reasor is 25 yeara
of age. Stensell advertised in a mat
rimonial paper for a wife, and Miss
Renvoi' was tho successful applicant
for his affections. Tho novel agree
ment that they should moot in St.
Louis was made in lieu of Miss Re.isor'a
inability to go to Denver. Sho ex
pects to bo assisted ou her journey by
persons en route.
.Mr. I trjnti ChaiiRen III 'iiiii.ilijn frojraiu
-To lti't tor I In- I'reii-nt.
Nnv YottK, Aug. I.". After a confer
ciice nith mciubcisof tho Democratic
national committee It wns decided,
that Mr. Hrian should tour tho count
try next month, addressing pcoplo ab
all towns visited from the rear of n
railroad ear, and tho following an
iiounceiueut was prepared by tho
chairman of tho national committee,
Senator Jones: "It has been decided
that Mr. Hryan will enter actively
into the campaign about September t
and continue on tho stump until tho
election. In order t,o obtain a ranch
needed rest anil to prepare the letter
of acceptance before tho speech mall
ing begins, ho will spend tlio next two
weoks at sonic quiet place not yet de
cided upon The visit to Hath, Me.,
will, therefore, bo postponed until tho
latter part of September, when Mr.
Hryan will make a uumbcrof speeches
in Now Ihigland."
The member! of the national coin
initteo felt that it would hot bo well
for Mr. llryan to lsit Maine prior to
the Stato election next month, when
the Republicans a to almost certain to
win. Chairman Junes uud Ills chief
advisers are afraid of the effect of d
disastrous defeat of the sliver men in
that Stale following a series of
speeches by Mr. llryan theie, its ho
had set bin heart iipju doing. They
are also said to be afraid that he will
make some mistakes in the course of
his speeches and thereby injure hla
cause and, though Mr. Jones an
iiouuced a general lour of the coun
try, there U an undercurrent in tho1
national uommltteo that tho best
thing for tlio Democratic cause would
bo for .Mr. Hryan not to uiako any
more speeches from cars.
Mr. Hryan was urged to consent to
n rc-arraugcmeut of ills plans. Ho
linn had tho policy to offer no resist
mice to tlio wishes of Mr. Jones ami
Mr. (ionium and will avoid Maine un
til after that state's election.
Mr. Hryan explained as follows hi?
reasons tor leading his speech In re
ply to tlio notification ot his nomina
tion nt Madison .Square garden
"Knowing that it would bo printed In
full, I thought it more important that
it should reacli In correct form tho
millions who will read it than that
tlio delivery should please tlio few
thousands who wcro present. It la
always uufortunato when aspea'cer Is
compelled to read a political speech,
but in this instance I thought it best
not to risk tlio errors which always
creep into tho report of an extempo
raneous speech."
Mr. Hryan applied himself this
morning to disposing, with Mrs.
llryan's aid, of a three days' accumu
lation of correspondence." Roth will
leave to-morrow for Irving-onthe-Hudson,
wheiothcy will roniniu until
Monday as tho guests of John Urln
bano Walker, editor of tho Cosmo
politan. From Irving they will go
to the Upper Hedrnck where they will
be entertained by Mr. and Mrs. E. C,
Pcrrln for about a week. Mrs. Per
rln was formerly Mrs. llryan's school
teacher. It is expected that Mrj
Hryan will speak nt HnfLilo on Aug
list ST and at Kile, Pa., two days
Willi tin Shritdrr'H Kt pnrlmciits Wltb
X liny. Canto Death.
Coi.iJMWA, Mo., Aug. 1 ft Dr. Will
lam Shrader, head of tlio department
of electricity in tho university of Mis
souri, died last night from brain fover
caused by ovorsvurlc experimenting
with X rays.
For the past two mouths Dr.Shradcr
had been treating consumptives with
the Roentgen rays, lie had labored
day and night in the laboratory with
fair prospects of proving to tho world
that tho rays would euio consump
tion. Several days ago be broke com
pletely down and soom became un
conscious and talked incessantly. A
few days ago he was removed to the
academic hall, where rest and quiet
would be gained, but all to no avail,
oh ho grew worse and died without
regaining consciousness. His bodv
now lies in tho university chapel
awaiting the arrangements of his
father, who has been notified.
Dr. Siirader was a young man, un
married, and very popular both in
college and social affairs. Ho was
one of the thirty judges chosen from
the world to make electrical award!
at tho World's fair. He was educated
at the best European universities. His
father is a retired capitalist aud ex
railroad president, living at Indian'
Arculiis wihi hllvorltPt.
Wavnk, Neb., Aug. 1.'.. Tho gold
ttandard business men of this place,
realizing that with a Nebraska Hilver
ite as tho candidate for president, it
might bod illlcult to carry tho statq
for tlio gold standard appointed a
committee to patrol tho streets in
search of fanners or other vlsitora
who favor freo silver Whenever such
a man is found ho is engaged in cou
vcrsat'on ami finally taken to somo
business honso of which tho propri
etor Is a gold stand-ird man and plied
with questions and arguments until,
if tho committeemen are to bo be
lieved, he becomes in nine cases out
of ton, an ardent gold advocate
i.110 plan has worked so well nt
Wayne that It is being tried in otho
St. l.o 11 la thort ou Ire,
St. Louis, Aug. K..lCo prices havq
Ueadily advanced slnco tho opening
of tho season until they nro up to tho
highest point reached In this city fop
n,,VCn,J!0U,8,-I 'N'kwoolc there wna
ail nddlllonal Increase of 31.55 por ton
to tho trado uud another incrcaso.
may be expected soon.
Hlooiiicru Ohio n fatal Himawar.
Slir.I.mvnr.K, led., Aug. 15. 'Iho
Iiorso driven this morning by Elinor
White, in company with Hortha Par
ker and Emma White, took fright at
a young woman riding a blcvclo and
ran away, upsetting tho velilclo and
throwing them ngalnst a barb wire
fneo. Miss Parker received Injuries
iroin whiehjiiannojjTcovor.
Kdltor J. a. Ilndioii Soils (int.
.nn,0V, ;M," AU"' Ift '' A. Hud.
on has sold the Macon to Cap-
DamoH" Gulhr!e- cnlrnan of the
SooOcu L C0UDty COMn,0B. tor
itjtfyss&iisatmiti I wrTipwtfjiAttwtaMS5ioicJ'A wraga
II I 1 1 III 1 1 HI .i-,L.,..'V. jj& , i,. . T
' i
l WrtsMimikbmmmamrii. ii