The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 21, 1896, Image 1

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RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, AU(i. 21, 1800.
number a:5
joxjcin.viini: vui UKJCxrA'a
Slfu" I..
B'ii rj w '. ftvvii
The highest claim for other
tohaccos is "Just as
good as Durham."
Kvcry old smoker
knows there is none just
as good as
Smoking Tobacco
You will find one coupon inside
ench tunounccl)ng, mid twocou
pons liisutc cncii tour ounce
iMgot lilnckwcirsiJtirliniii.
Huy n 1)k of this cele
brated tobacco nnd read the
I coupon which uives n list
of vahublc presents and how
to kcI tlicin.
r v - -,.ttA.iA:
ff !
.F. j--' --. - -
a n, --cr rir
pla3ltii tlio uccouliau 11 ioiili"
near Kilciminl, South lt.ik.ota
L. A. Hnskitis and wife fontoniplatc
n tilp by utifin totlieii foiincr home
Klioy, isconsin.
'riitcshiiiK is limit ly ovur with Me
M in i ;y of .SIiitwiiihI, K:ina, 'luiiip;
the .i:I,
mil wifn put m fi-w
viiitniK fiit'tul- iit'ai
. Waller iV Hoivn aic in this vicinity
with thi'ir new Mcani tlirlir nnd iiic
giving satisfaction to all who employ
Mr. Audi Cooppi of (Jiccucastlc,
Indiana, an uncle of Mis. A. C lion,
vtwt, visiting liens a few weck ngo and
although he has traveltd a great deal
he ihinkH Vehtei county beats any
thing for crn he ever saw.
Kdnu and Addie Kdhon If ft for Illi
nois Thin day. Kverjonp was very
sorry to sr tlicin leave for nunc than
likely they will nwor return to May
liaiit any langth of time.
Mr. and Mrs Samuel Hrunurato te
ioieing over the advent of a baby
danghtci l)i n August !Id. Dr. F K.
McKeeby lepoil.s all concel imd dting
Ml 8 Uassmiisveii will teach the
Pleasant Hill .school this fall.
Miss Anna Nan will teach u nine
months school at Willow CueU to be-
gin September 7th.
John SumluiMJii visited with A. V.
Hon a little while ago.
Mih. T. (J. Wilder has gone to Illi
nois on an extended visit to her mother
thence to Michigan to see her mn
The many friends of Addic Adainson
will be pUased loleain that tdic will
teach school in disti iet d'J
Mr. Koatsof Cloud bought a Ut
of cattU of A. C. 15on laht week.
Dan lUeseh and familj have uitiii ti
ed fiom Texas wheio they went last
fall. Mamtoiia.
'Mlw iliw.iiir iiiiiv Im !i cikwI old mail.
but even so, uu'diual examinations and
tin) "local-application" treatment au
abliiuieut to (iveri modest woman.
They are oinb.uiassing often useless.
They .should not be submitted to until
everything elso hap been tiled. In
niueenses out. of ten, thoie is imiiiwrn
foi them. In niliecaes out :if ten, tln
doctor in genet al practice i-r chiiijk
tent to I lent female disenmis. I'ln-y
make a luancli of iiiedieini! by tlicin
sclvit They arc distinct fiom other
iiilmeuth'. Tliey can be propel Ij im
dei.stoud and treated only by one who
has had eats of netual practice and
epmii)iici) in this particular line.
This I. tiiui of Dr. K. V.l'ieuui, chief
consulting physician of tint Invalid'
Hotel and biiigical lilitutu, at
Mullah), N. V. Dr. I'mrcuV Favoiilu
l'icsoiiptioii, a leinedy for all deiangi -nients
of the uiprodiutivo organs of
, women, has been in actual use foi moie
than thiiti jcat.s. It euios ovei'i form
of "female weaknei.s."
Win. Holmes ijuitght i buggy of W
ISinthnlir mm day last weulc.
Kli SorgeiiRon and familj atluuded
. the lomiion at Sr.pciioi last week,
Frank Siililek Mini A. X WiUon
ti ailed teaum one day last week.
Hev Itetin depaited fur Topeka,
Kansas, Tuesday whie he will visit
his daitghlrr Mis. Kellj.
W. Waie of Iowa is visiting his
biothtr (,'liarlry Waie.
Kev. Hoi ton commenced u protracted
meeting in disliict 11 Sunday last.
toy n team stinting suddaulj lastSat
unlay Mis. Phillips was tluowu fiom
a wagon and was hint quite bad.
Your llulr ;hii Itv Mavi'd
from falling oat or turning gray, Tliix
U h positive fact, nrd we Knnrantec
lieKK' Hair Itcurwer to do it. It cleiwiftH
the hoiiIji, lexving thti Imir ylohy and
luxuriant. Sold by U. h t'ottin.
Thn iccent tain was of ureal brnelit
and fail plowing has alicady commaiic
ed. Xoah Heaiichamp, uepliew of John
iteattchamp is viHitiug in those paru.
Mr. to. is unfoitiiiati) in being blind
and deiives his living by .singing and
Nervous Prostration
Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine.
I'rolonpcd derangement of tho nervous
system not only aficcw tho brain and men
tal powers, hut dnvclops disease In i-omoof
tho vital organs. Tho most dangerous of
these Indirect results Is when tho heart Is
affected. This was tho case of tho I to v. N.
F. Surface, Fawu River, Mich., who writes
under date of Feb 14. ISTW:
J. M (iuthrie
days last ek
Win Valid l.e has irtm ned fiom a
tish ai D.inbiii v.Nchi Uncle Willi mi
ni i iiiii.tuicd his two liiotbeis fioui
ii.n itiiii Oil; wlio .neof stioiig liivati
follow ing .mil he l. in iii'io" inanj hi to
1 like Itut he leliliin liomt with his
Mi Kinley and Hob.n t einblcm in full
Krnet l'ic.nicliamp lotuined home
after several months absence at Wash
ington, Kansas,
Colonel Haskius took in the leunion
at Superior last week.
Isaac and 1) iniel Col h of Red Willow
county, Xebr., speut Sunday theguest.s
of Wm Vaa Dyke and family while en
route to Polk county this state.
Itfillti iiitltnipil f i mt
....... ,. ..,,..,. ..
visit to his futmer home in Chasf I
county, this Mute.
Hen Van Dyke spent Sunday at
(Snide Kock the guest of his sister Mrs.
J. M. Font..
MissTishie Maikei lias beau engaged
to teach the comiuc tet in in d isti iet III).
A wise selection.
Lino Towniuip should oiganie a
McKinley club. Sixty i epublieaii voteis
out af seventy-two elcctois. Who can
beat it?
Master Cliaucay D.iggatt of Mia city
was the guest of Finest Haskius Sun
day last.
Frank Mai tin and wifu mo visiting
in Xtftnaha count v this week.
! Isaac (iiwwell wiitcrt fram Ciipplc
Crcek that he and his bojs aie busily
ut vvoikauddoi.ig well.
Koad Kupei visor Wilmott has been
having a fotco of meu at work on the
river bottom load near tho the
iug at M. W Diekei. sou's.
Kil. S. Miller, repicseniiiig Smith
Hi i)i. Loan iV: Trust Co., of Heatiiue,
was looking after interests heieaboiit
last A'eck.
Mrs. Diako has moved to tho homo
of her brother, John Heaiichamp,
wheie she will spend the winter.
Call Hiiild spoits a bland new Deer
ing mower and is putting up tho hay
on the Coble laucli,
Seveial of our citieiis were listening
to tho olniniunl aigumeni of Judge
Field Satuiday Inst. The Judge knows
bow to expound tine republicanism.
DcsMoiin, "iwi.sajs "1 have just i
sellt soilli lueilli me li'ick lo III) lllothcl
iii tlie old ( uiii i v, that I know fiom
personal toe to be the best medieiiie in
the wot Id tm i lieiiin:iti"iii, hav ing Used
it my familj foi Meial vcais. It hi
called CI .iinbeil-iin's P.iiu Halm It
always dm tin woik " ."iOicnt bo.tlis
for sale li Di-vo V (lib e.
K.iln is the nidi r id tin d i
Mis Jihlili Cut'lllg Is VOIIIIIH h' t
C II Fiisl'ii and wife wi ii in (mi.
Kock billet iv
Alf Sai nlcti was in Hnie llii. sun
Mrs Ft ise w.ii in it Wedncdav
C. 1- Lewis had a cow killed b
Mrs ('. C t' is on thehk list
There will be a basket supper al this
place Wednesday, August 2(lth, at the
school house at 8 !I0 p in. Kverv lady
is invited to come ami In iug their
f basket.. Prices leasonable. The pin
cecils aieto go the minister.
Diseases arc manifested J
by Backache, Rheumatism,
Loss of Appetite, Foul
Tongue and Weakness
Dr. J. 1 BSeLSAm
' tS H
1 I
Jk, SoiH B Bcititl
and mm
j if KfiH M
Is the remedy you need, of equal service in mild or chronic
cases. It relieves promptly and works a permanent cure.
a ron Bi.r ivrmwiiinc at ti.oo pen noTTlf P
THE Dr. J. H. McLEAN MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo.
Sent tt to His Mother in Germany.
Mr Jacob Krtbcnseii, who is in the
employ of the Chicago Lumber Co., at
Doafnoss Cannot bo Cutod
Hy local applications as they can-1
not reach the diseased portion of tin
ear. 'I Intro is onlv one wav to cine
deafness, and that is hy constitutional
remedies. Deafness is catiM-il hy au in
llamcd condition of tho mucous lining
of tlm F.iistuchinn Tube. When tins
tube guts iiillametlyou have a rumbling '
souiiii or impel feet hearing, and when
Itisentiiely tdoseil istheu-i
suit, and unless tho iullammation can
be taken out ami this tube restoied to'
its normal condition, heating will he
iIuM.ioimI foi ever; nino cases out often
aio caused by citanh, which is noth
iug but inflamed condition of the
mucous sui faces.
Wo will givo One Hitudicil Doliats
for any ense of tlcafness (caused bv
ctitaiili) tlia cannot bo cured by Halls
Catunh Cine. Send for circular-,
F. J. CHKXKV As CO., Toledo, O
Sold hi diuggists Too.
Hull's Family Pill are the best.
Jake Fuller completed a bain for
Mrs. Malliek this week.
Politicri almost reached tho .vai
point in CoWleson Wednesday
Jim Harris has completed a house on
his farm and will take possession .soon.
John Hlaiuo has linishcil his bain.
Tho Congiegational Sunday school
had a picnic at Amboy Tliuisday of
last week.
Hon.Jas, Gillian of lied Cloud and
Fred (Jood of this place addiessed the
Itryau club and others last Satuiday
evening. The club now niuubcrs fi7.
Heniy Keiiney is lioine fioni Lincoln
win te he has '! en attending the nor
mal (leni'e M.inn will be tilt) ".school
maun" in the Pete Hill distiict this
lea i.
A lmge number of the graduates of
the Cowlcs .schools have made arrange
uieiit to attend tho Hed Cloud schools
ilu- coming u ar.
My little boy, when two le.'iis of age,
was taken ei,y ill with bloody Mux 1
was adied to ii.mi ('IimiiiIii'I lain'.s
Colic, Cholcta and Diauhiea Hemcdy
and luckily ptocuicd pint of a bottle
I catefiilly read tliediicctioiis and gavo
it accoulingll. Ho wa.s very low, but
slowly and Miioly he began to impiovo,
giadualli i ecu vci ed, ami is now as
stout ami stioiigas over. I feel sine
it saved his lilo. I never can praise
the tcmcili half its woith, I am soiry
evety one in the world docs not know
howgood ii i, as I iIo. Mih. Lina S.
Hinton, (iraliamsvillo, Mat ion Co.,
Floulia. For sale by Dcyii & (irice.
We live in a country of which tho
principal scout ge is Momach tumble.
It is moie wide .spread than any
other disease, and, very nearly, more
One thing that makes it so danger
ous is tlmt it is so little understood.
If it weto better understood, it would
be mote feared, moie easily cuied, less
universal than it is now.
So, those who wished to hecuted,
take Shakeis Digestive Cut dial, be
cause it goes to the root of the trouble
as no other medicine does The pure,
harmless, em able hci lis and plants, of
which it Is composed, ate .what lender
ItKoceitalu and, at tho same time, so
gentle a cure.
It helps ami stiongthcus the
stomach, purities and tones up the hh
lent. Sold bydiugglsty, pi ice 10 cents to
S1.00 per bottle.
We Haven't Left Town
Into tho building formeily known as Lindleys
The Third Door South of (Jrico's Drug Stoic.
Our 13iS Stock exf
Aie beginiiiug to arilvo. We havo
(ioods and pricen that are .sure to please.
Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store.
A. H. KALEY, Prop.
Ho Fy$Ur ious Cornpounds to CHEW or Sfenis fo SOKE.
: (( ALL ,)
I 1 JrJ
m hi ftj.
&- ft
"Fourteen yonnt av:o I lud a Mi.-ht trcWe of
P'irulysli. Ovirwirlc hrt i?tt n r i rvtma Ion I was papci uiniy ni.r nus and
tho oxertlon of iuMo t-r ru.ln-r nu d
heart pnliiltatlon that ttiri.nnt iu lift
I Ubi'd two bottlub of Dr Mll ' N' . lioan
Caro for my beau, troub.i'. nnd vo t I):.
Miles' KoatorattvoNirvmo furiny uervoti
iicsiiiTid fuel bmt( r I run vpe tod to
fool a.'iiln. I can HiH-'ik for nuur- wiicoiu
tlrliiKor havlni; my heart tbitnr an it fur
niorly did, and I havo you to th.uu; that I
am altVK today."
On talu by all drusrlrtb, )r. Mih s' Book
I on Heart and Nervous Dlsoni' n I HiSlJ hy
i uiall Dr. .MlhisMullealCo., Llklan.lnd.
I I)r. Miles' Iicuiedics ilestoro Ilcallli.
(( ALL J)
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