The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 14, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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'HHHllJlWMtnjlw B.-.M -- - ... ...
ron r...vrrfl iMMnt
rror. w. n. Feckc, who
mimes n specialty ol
hpllcpsy, lins without
doubt.' rented nnd cur
ed moV,v ., than nny
I living 'I'flyslclnnt his
I success Is astonishing.
imvo nraru ot cases
DC aa flr Ktnnillntr
cured by
.III A II ease, which
W ill! fkjl he sends
largo bot
tle of hit absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who tnar send their P. O. and Express address.
We advise any one wishing a cure to address
9nt.1T, M. runt, I, D., 4 war St., Htw Tork
13. & M. R.Y TIME TABLE.
TrAiii-"Km'Mtf r Hi-nuvr- nrrl iitnl it-mc lied
Cloud 11''' iI'mh-
IIAsTINHs ASH Ollllll'.t v
So Ml. On MeM'i'K" ' iir'lvi' fro n llsHlli.;,
t UO'i Mti.miiliU' nns fnMilierlin at I3'(jr in.
n'p. HI ily !ave' cur nrrlv"i from Oli'tMIn at
l'J:0ri p.m. and leave, fur llftsiun: ntl.'.fi tun
No. tfi. i-votilug iAciii?or arrives from tlio
caUnt 8 :wi'.m. ami lesu's fur the w evl his: ID p.m.
No. Id. day pnviiKerrrlvc from the want at, Htid lunvt'i fo- llieesM at lit'iAa.m.
Tsc nMElAL.:
VlT.Alk, VAUi, .j.
imi:i, - BUTTKH.X
lIK, ('OFFI'.E. I
IHS. J 11 Sill KK Y,
Teartirr of
I.V'STItU.lI Jl.VTAL ML'tilt:.
Customary prices. Dully half hour loa
aoca te new brginnrra nt reasonable
Violin, oriit'I and 'lHrlnel.
Heil 4!louil, N-b.
Wilt tuaraiitee satlsfHctlnn to ncliola'8 who
desire tiller ii aiiv of llif -4'iove liistrunii-nls.
Will Klve three l"on :i,h lfsn one hour)
rorf.W. ri.mos tuned pr-iieMy. Iaveword
at this ofUce. c.r uddie-s ins, Kflieral delivery
and I will ctll.
Correct time at Penman'e.
Campaign buttousut NVwhousi'Hnis
Mis. CI. l'opeis visiting in Minn
Mrs. (;eo. Hlaif is home from Con
cordia, Kansas.
A. 1. Ely of McCook wild hiTf the
last of tlie wt-ek.
Win. KtukanUoii has a farm to sell.
Call anil see liim.
Quiui . iiumber went overland to the
Superior reunion.
ILL. Alyen brought in some a line
corn as we have auen any year.
C. 1). Robinson and the buys are
home from a visit to Hasting.
Mrs. Seltlossor of Teciiinseh is visit
ing her daughter Mrs. W. S. Henae.
Miss Kmma Craves is home from the
ast. Her sister Mrs. Rollis aeeumpa
nied her home.
S. A. Searle. of Nelson member of
the repiibliemi slate executive eom
mitten was lier Tuesday.
Pinvlileiiee has smiled sweetly on
the hard working illler of the soil and
his Ileitis have brought forth abundant
(treat sale provu the great merit of
Hood's'Miparillii, ami great merit
nables it to aivomplisli wonderful
C. L. Cutting the druggist has receiv
ed a new stock of bibles. H will sidl
you a linn Oxford liibie dhiniti circuit
for Jl.H.V Cull mid see them.
Tins many friends hereabouts of Mr.
Al. (Jalushu, now living at Villise.n,
Iowa, will be .pleased to learn of hi
intention to return to this ciiy mid
unci! more engage in business. VI. is a
good business man and his determina
tion to return to tliis city .shows good
Til fit'
i he- s? , w
As Mrs. Kin.ser and daughter Walitja
were driving into town, ia passing Mr.
Ciow's place several grey hounds made,
for'the team searing them till they ran
away. One of the lines broke, but tho
lady nmnageil to get the team stopped
without causing an accident. The gen
tleman should see that his hounds do
not repeat the offense or some onn will
send them to tint Jiappy hunting
Highest Honors World'
WV eT'
A pme Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fiw
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other rdultfrarf
.u- ... . .. . ... ... ...u....... u.aa.A.uu
Is what Rives Hood's Sarsnparllla its great
popularity, Itn constantly Increasing
Bales, and enables it to accomplish its
wonderful and unequalled cures. The
combination, proportion and process
used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla
are unknown to other nu-dlclncs, and
make Hood's Sarsaparilla
Peculiar to Itself
It cures a wide range ot diseases because
of Its power as a blood purlttcr. It acts
directly and positively upon the blood,
and the blood reaches every nook and
corncrof the human system. Thus all
the ncrvee, muscles, bones and tissues
conic under tho bcnellccnt inllucuco of
The One True lllood Purifier. $1 per bottle.
nOOU S PlIIS Uike,easytoi.oi.iti'.c.
Mae Kulloii of llixeriiii was heie
L. 1). O.itman of the Holland House
was in MeCook 'I net-day.
Miss Klizabeth Hiowu of Cowles is
visiting Mrs O. C. Case.
John Tulley.s left Wednesday inoin
in for Lincoln and Omaha.
Mi. Nelse Lougtiti and eliildieii an
home from a visit with friends in Kan
Alwi)B in seuBon, Uopkln's Steamed
Hominy (Hulled Corn). Klegant lunch
in milk.
Editor Hosinor mid Mayor Myeis
took an overland trip up the valley
this week.
Mrs. V. A. McKeighau and daughter
Jessie ale making a two week's visit at
Wm. Heiiseof the ltmi Ton restaurant
has a good ISO dollar horse power for
sale for $30.
II. K. Pond has IWO seres of well
fenced and well watered pasture laud
for rent cheap.
(Jeo. Hoy of Cedar llaptds, Iowa,
who has been visiting with C. S. Hen
net and family has returned home.
When you want a nice smooth shave
or hair cut, give (Jeo. Fentiess a fall.
One door south of the Hon HaLciy.
Sidney Aiileu of Denver who for
merly lived here is visiting in the city
the gnest of the family of C. F. Cat her.
Sheriff Ktiaehey returned Sunday
fioin a geneiul tilp over the county
summoning jurors for the next term of
court. He says corn looks tiae in all
sections visited. ,'''
Mrs. Eliza Cottiihg mother of our
tewnsman C. L. Cot ting, who has been
visiting here for some time pus; left
Wednesday morning foi her home at
Bristol. Wisconsin.
Many a day's work is lost by siek
headache, caused by indigestion and
stomach troubles. De Witt's Little
Early Risers are the most effectual pill
for overcoming such dilliciiltirs. ('. L.
The twelve jear-ohl daughter of
Thomas Hatlictil had the misfortune of
having her left arm broken by being
thrown from it horse on Wednesday
evening. The l)i. McKeeby were
called mid reduced the fracture.
Ina letter received from Al. (laluslia
ofVillisca, Iowa, he wishes ii" to an
nounce that he will open up a $10,000
stock of incus and hoy.s clothing, hats
and caps mid gents furnishing goods in
the Moon block on or about Septem
ber 10.
Mrs. Ida Tinman foiinerly of this
city was married at her home in
Topuka, Kansas, to .li. Thomas W.
Rhiigeil by Hev. J. E. Kirkpatriek of
that place. This paper ui 1 unite with
her many friends here in extending
Don't trilleuwaj time when you have
cholrr mot bus v dinrrho-a. Fight
tliein in the beginning with DeWilt's
Colic & Choir i a Cure. Von don't have
to wait for results, they rr iustrni
taueous, and it leaves the bowels in
healthy condition. ('. L. Cutting.
On Inst Satuiday night Mrs. J. L.
Miner and daughter Margaret mid
their guest Miss Ilrcen were made
set lousl.y sick from eating dried beef
which is supposed to have boen in
fected by poison. lr. Till leys was
t-all nl and brought them around all
The speech ot Hon. J. S. (Sillimn
which appears' in the last issue of the
Nation appears to us to hr the ablest
exposition of the populist side of Hie
financial discussion we have seen. In
terseness of e.pressio, logic anil fit.
uess of illustration it far exceeds tho
puerile efforts of the "boy declaliner"
from Nelson mid if properly used will
be a source of strength in the present
campaign. Wn disagree with the argu
iiiont wholly, and hence are in position
to appreciate its force.
Tlio l.lttlc 4; I mi Is Arc Ilerw
and comH to stay. (J. I(, Coding, yonr
pnpulnr drug, i , hn j-int rnr.-ivril new
supply. Thoi an- tli" only gimrantted
nlil iit 'li- i.osi-i. ti uriH you get
Ui-gs' Mltlu (iinui, Ask for HHiuple,
Or. Prlcc'o Cream Unking Powder
World's Pair Ilichest Award.
aw I. ! n i i l n .1 ! b MM iim m
II Yi-Imt 1 Ii tin' fi mi Hi pttlilii'iiti.
(5 V Knight of linivulc wis heie ,
Mis 15a Lets,. it 1 Util,i; l'i
Mis LmIIii R'fo It'll Thin i!n on it
viil lo Lincoln
Mot everyone w In citiilil possibly
get away .vent to Superior
Your llnlr 'uii lie tYml
frtitu falling out or tnrl.lnn jn.y. "1" l
n it ih'sI Iv- frt, kuI . kMiurniiti'f
lii'irtC' 'l',,r H'-ii'wer to do It. I olKiiii't'H
the (vil, Intviiik; iIih liir ;ltiHy nud
liiTiirluui. .Suld i) 0. I. I'milii.
Tin1 Misi't Cora mill (Jiiu'i' (inrbiT
it'iiirinil ft out Linen u S.tttintiiy ulii'ii"
tlii'y liavi- Immmi aMi'inliiij; t'lionl.
.liiiluc Kinlil will mldic Hie pnlilif
tit tl'r Hit'i Iioiic jrovt' on S;itnnlii.Y
: ft ft tionn ut II p iii. Turn out ami licnr
Til fa-
Ii n
Wi limn Norris. son of Daniel Norris,
wl o has been attending college at
,, . ,,,. , . i i . ,i . t
(, Illinois returned home the
last of the week
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
.. ,. , . .
L. 11. lltist sajs that if joii want i
Nii!iwliii-i-iis next enr now 1st he tune.
to buy plant. Plants (iOeeulspei linn
ilred.oOOat '.' .VI.
IVisoii ivy, iiweet liitcs, hruisvs,
scilds, burns, air quickly cured by
DeWitt's Witch llu.el Silve, the great
pile cure. ('. L. Cutting.
"Hoys will br boys," but you can't
allord to lose any of them. Hr ready
forthegiern apple srasitti bj having
DrWitl's Colic & Cholera Cure in the
Ionise C. L Colling.
Dennis Finn IcfiTliiiisiliij for Akron,
Colorado, where he will visit for a
couple of weeks with his sNter and
will go fioin theie to Denver where he
will probably locate.
HtV Dlmtd I'uiillerand Hlnod Mnk'T
eurrx nil liltied dliordere. All Miptiotn
f the skin esn tie removed by tin lire of
thia wniiiUrful meilioinr. It has no
iltil, and i purely vrgtrtablm. C. L.
foiling keepfl It, a well as nil other first
alas goodi.
Mr Chas. Wiener will depart Satur
day for the eastern markets where he
will personally inspect and buy a large
shipment of clothing and other goods
in his line for the fall and winter trade.
He will ship home the best goods at
right prices.
If von hav ever seen a little child in
the agony of summer complaint, you
can lealizetlie danger of the trouble
and appreciate the value of Instan
taneous relief always afforded by De
Witt'a Colic & Cholera Cure. For
dysentery and diari luea it is a reliable
reined v. We could not afford to
recommend this as a cure unless it
were a cure. C. L. Cot ting.
For Infants and Children.
' tin
Samuel Saucerman of Des Moines,
Iowa, was heie this week looking after
real est attt interests.
i I.i'Kgs' German Kulvo.
i 'I hn IVrftot Ointment. Cures where
all others fail. Its i-xtraordiunry earn-
five power hits been proved in the thou'
ntids of ousiH of piles, for which wo hold
testimonial", Yonr piiiu'nr druggint C.
I.. Cutting i-lls it.
List of letters leiiiainiiiguiifalled for
at the post ollico at lied Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending Aug., Kith,
(ioitlil, V. L. Head, Frank
These letters will be sent lo Ihedeail
letter olllce, Aug., J7th, if not called for
befoie Fkank W Covih:n, P. M
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos
phites, can be taken as easily in
summer as in winter. Unlike the
plain oil it is palatable, and the
hypophosphites that are in it aid in
digestion and at the same time tone
up the system.
For sickly, delicate children, and
for those whose lungs are affected,
it is a mistake to leave it off in the
summer months. The dose may be
reduced if necessary.
We recommend the small size
especially for summer use, and for
children, where a smaller dose is re
quired. It should be kept in a cool
place after it is once opened.
forulo by all druiri;Ul4 at joe. and
Mr. Henry Kotli, of 1848 South 9th
Street, St. l.ouis, was given the usual
mercurial treatment for contagious
blood poison. He was twice pronounc
cd cured, but the disease returned each
time, he was seized with rheumatic
pains, and red lumps and sores cov
ered ills body,
"I was In a hor
rible fix" he
says, "and the
more treat
ment I receiv
ed, the worse I
.seemed to get.
A New York
specialist said
lie could cure
me, but his
treatment did '
me no good
still' and full of
whatever. I
arm, my icii
was useless so
that I unable to do even the
lightest work. This was my condition
when I began to take ,s, S. S., and a
fcw ,,otli0ss C01u.lllC0(1 ,ne ,.;,, was
being benefitted. I continued the
medicine, and one dozen bottles cured
me sound and well. JIv .system was
Uukr Ul0 olToc(s ()f .J, iuul j
would soon have been a complete
wrccK nut tor H. s. .
S. S. S., (.i;mmintcc( Mircw rrMffuMe)
is the only cure
for real blood dis
eases. The mer
curial treatment
of the doctors al
ways docs more
harm than good. Beware of mercury!
Books on the disease and Its treat
ment mailed free to any address by
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
The people ef this place hae been
as it weie asleep, but since the lefresh
ing showers of the past t woueeks they
have awakened to behold the beauty
of all natiiir
Tl Ider, Alexander,
lUliw-rcd a tlnr at this place
last Sunday. He gave to the people
many proofs for the truth of the Hiblc.
After preaching communion services
weru held. Prior to ti.o meeting Hev.
Me'.ealf baptised seven of our young
people who will be taken in full mem
bership with the church Sunday, Sep
tember (Jth.
Jennie Coding has been visiting her
cousins at this place.'
.!. W. Salailen has hern fixing roads
since the rainv '
The immigrants were detained at
tills place on account of high water
and a diseased bridge, but tinder J. W.
Saladeu's careful instructions it was
able to he crossed the next day.
U. W. Baker sold a fat hog last week.
Chris. Kasser is the possessor of a
new bike.
The swing is an attractive place for
young pe.eple to sit and talk of the
benefits of the sermon of the day?
Josle (iiluam am) (raee Smith of
lied Cloud are visiting in this vicinity.
A goodly number of Lester citizen
joined with many of the residents ef
other places to enjoy an old. fashioned
time at Superior this week.
Mr Carmony mid Walter Cox were
visiting their parents the first of the
Mack says be. will not carry any
more letters to Ham Flat, unless he
himself can receive the pay for pos
tage (Canada Dime.)
Miss Baker of Bed Cloud has been
visiting with her uncle (!. W. linker.
Dr. Merrit. made a short full in Dim
Hill the latter part of last week and
brings the sad news that Mr. A. (!reen
is very low with typhoid fever.
The other evening n few swains met
on Lester lawns to play eroiuet but
they had scarcely begun v. hen the
nasiiiiig rain drove iiiem lo Hie house
where they spent the remaining hours
ot leas u re time playing more iclined
Whistling Beauty, the city night
watch, is endeavoring to have a law
that all lights should be extinguished
by four o'clock.
Sf.NKi.tiwi: u
Since 1878 there lure been nine
epidemics of ilyscntary in dill'ereut
parts of thr country in which Cliam
hei Iain's Colic, Cholera mid Diarrluea
Remedy was used with perfect suc
cess. Dysentery, when epidemic, is
almost as severe and daiigeious as
Asiatic cholera, llerrtofoie thr best
((Torts of the most skilled physicians
have failed to check Its ravages, thu
remedy, however, has cured thr most
malignant cases, both of children and
adults, mid under tho most trying con
ditions, which proves it to be the best
medlciue In tho world for bowel com
plaints. For sain by Deyo it (Jrlco.
A lino rain came again Saturday
night. Three good rains a week aro a
littlo out of the ordinary for Nebraska.
Mr. C. I). Vonker, a well known
druggist of Bowling (Sreeu, Ohio, in
speaking of Climulierlaln's Cough
Ueinrdy, says' "I take pleasure in
lecoiumciiiliug it to my customers, for
I am certain that it will always please
them, I sell more of it than all other
kinds put together." For sale by Deyo
& ( J rice.
We huvo u 100.00 standard high
grade bicycle which wr will srll for a
tliglit advance over half price. Bicycle
Is new and our of tint heat makes
Apply at this olllce.
iiluii .
Beware I
Of Mercury!
y "ur
V l
phTS'imnii'i-1 mi ii
To Make
One - and - Eight Day - Gloeks
Hard Time Bargain Prices.
Come in and Examine Them.
evvhoiAse Bros,
Jewelers and Opticians.
IJUJft I ft
fii l$&-' m
liaised in 10 Minutes.
The friends of the Congregational
church last Sunday raised the sum of
$:r,!5 to liquidate a debt which has
troubled them for .some, time. Under
Hev. Ely's pastorate this church is tak
ing on new life and progiess mid
growth, visible in all departments.
BoekfonJ (Iowa ) Register.
Kvlnllc HUuiimalUiii Cured.
1 1. Wacner, Whnlesiil Druggist, Kith
mom), Vn., says: "I had u fearful nttnok
of Huintlo Rtu'iimntisin, vrns laid up al
most two month, wns fortiinnte nongh
T18M. Tlds cxred me nttr doctor's pre
scriptions had failed to haw nny (Ttct.
Sold by II. K. Orlce druggist, lUd Cloud.
Wobstor County Log Rolling.
Woodman basket picnic at Cowles,
Nebraska, Saturday, September fith,
181H5. Aildiesson Woodcraft by A. 11.
Talbot of Lincoln. Let everybody
come anil have a good lime. Hy order
of committee.
!(! ? I...
.i7... X , utZ-Xy-J?-
t!TMM r . Zl
" i s: jL.r&j', y ,
y y r-vvor
Room For
Have Thai Picture Enlarged
Won't get it (lone. The Easiest ami
best ay lo gut it done, ami to ho
sure of its being done right is to
stop in at
Water Color, Seape and Pastel Portraits.
Finn llix'JU Crayon Portraits for $1,-13. Water
Colors for 11.8(1. IMatino, the new carbon
enlargement for $1.50.
BROMIDES and l'ASTEL, from :,0o up,
The whole system 1.-, drained nail un
dermined by indolent ulcers mid epen
sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve,
ipeedily heals thriu. It is thr best pilo
cure known. O. L. Cottiag.
Uov. T. E. Horton of tho Congrega
tional church will preach next Sunday
morning at 10:!i0 nt that liotte of wor
ship. It doesn't matter much whether sick
headache, biliousness, Indigestion aud
constipation tire caused by neglect ar
by iiuuToiuable circumstances; Do
Witt's Little Early Risers will speedily
euro them all. C, L. Cotting.
Red Cloud always turns out n large
crowd to the reunion at Superior.
Does Superior reciprocate the favorr
Itlifiiiiiullsiii Curuil In h Dhjt.
'MYSTIC CURB" for Rheumatism
ami Neuralgia radically onres iu I to 8
days. It aution upon thu system Is re
mark ble ami mjnterions. It-removes
at oni't) thu came and the disease Immed
iately disnpjienrs, Tim tlrst don greatly
beubllts. fo colli k. Hold b)' II, IS. Oriod
druggist, Red Cloud.
i j.