gjf $w vT& ;ir" f ' : r i4iUS&"'lSSm.'M.- r51-- Z2f!trs f ,. ':-A".t!;S!L' 1J -----. . - SjSy. -JBWMfcrWT ' J. jJ-.jrwBgry'r..-gt'y!u-;g 1" i tB 3a5?'7'''aaFaiaaaaSaSil"!; -t-sB Ha HW H HHHHmWt K BWHH? MB MM ' " - -- j rB MHWsapf jHjHMMMMP?MBS5'yg Fjj-HMMMMMlF Mfipdyi&i jltf,rl TaMMMMIrr MiaMWHMMw I BBBBHWTlBgtrwiBfrBM HMMMHwHHHHHaHJa. rl.y''' tlJJtmK )rBHgBHc'FwT'EMHHHHHay i HMhbbbMMMMMMMbWMMbIbHMGbHeMsbHMM' VOLUME XXIV. r RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, AUG. 14, 18!)(J. NUMJ3HR J32 Bmui BLACKWELL'S lautfaK&t vnnflna BBMiMiJ- GENUINE DURHAM I WANT tumte ppv . SEE? r f W .Sv y tl Von will And our coupon Inilde each two oniice bag, and two coupon, tndde each four ounce bg of Black well's Durham. Bay a bag of tat, celebrated tobacco aad read the conpoB which (tvea a lUt of valuable pree- aad how to get theom. A SermonetU. I. That Jmi" Whs iibter really (load; but Hint He fainted away on the irnss, was tnken tlnvv u for ileail unil whs plaeetl in the tomb; that tlierool atmosjiheie of the tomb brought him back to coiiM-iou&ueHs; that be thawed himself fioin the tomb, ami wns M'bu oeveial times by miihp of his tliseiples; that lie then tli.snppfniftt tint! tlietl in sotiihi seciet eoi ner of tin; eitith. Thi Is tht swoon theory. Against this theory It U uigeil,(l) that it U the elenr ami unanimous tes timony of tin' (S.iMH'l thai Josuswas ai'tualli ile.ul, not to speak ot the Matennnt of the gospel of John (hat his iil was piuieuil by this iineninjr spear of a Roman sohlier; (2) tlml ie eoveij ft out sueh a ernellixion i ntoit nnptnlmble; (II) that Jesus tlra litiH himself ft mil the tomb vvearm: anexaiistetl, ghastly lock could never have levived tho heaits of the tlKeiple or led them to bpliuvt) in a Clnist who xvtt been dead, and was alivo again. Stiaif-s states tint objection thus: "It is impossible that a being who had Htolen half dead oi'tof the sepulchte, If wno eiepi anion, iraih umi in, naming ineilieal tieatment, who lequiied bandaging, stieiigtlicning ami inilnl genee, audulio .still at last yielded to His sulVerings, eould have given to the dioeiples the impiessiou that Ho was a roniiieior overtlealhnnil the grave, the l'lineo of Life, an inipiession whicli luj n'fhe bottom of their future ministry. Sueh a losu-.citallon eould by no possi lnlit havu changed their nohow into enthusiasm, or li'ivo eluvatod their level once Into worship. excited, expectant state of mind which is neeex.iury in order to "see vlsious," while as a matter of fact four of Christ's appeal awes occurred on the thitd dty alter his ciucilizion. (3) Ac coi ding to this theory, Mary Magdalene saw a vision, Simon Peter saw a vision and thu two disciples as they walked to Emmons saw a vision, and then ten of the disciples in Juru,tlein saw a vision all on the same dav. Then a few days later the eleven disciples saw a vision and n Utile later some "live bundled brethren at once" saw a vision, and so on, etc. Thus this theory earned nut eeilaiuly seems to npptoacha rulititio ml itbftiiriluiii. Tim above two hypotheses lor ex plaining away the i connection aio the chief ones, and the only ones which to day receive any conideiabU suppoit. Tim fact is that!ccii in the matter of histoiical evidence and of intcllec- tNiil mguinciit thti arthodox defemlei.s of the tcsui lection have the best of it. C. K. Wi:i.wi:n. LESTER. Fine rains visited this place Tuesday. Miss Teachwot th of (initio Kock was visiting her sister beie Sunday Kd. Hlauch anil wife ueie v!iling at F M. Cockiell's Suiulav. (5. V H.iker and tlaughter ami scv eial other patties of this )lace ait; at tending the (i A. K letiuioii at Su pel lot . Kev. Melvinney left 'luesdayfor his home in lliltlieth. Will .Mitchell of McCook was the guest of I. Fti-bie Sunday. Chi Is K isser lias a new bike. Alf S.il.ttleu was in (iuitle ltock Tuesday Elder Klepamleo pi cachetl heie Sun tlay to a I. u go audience. Kev. Melcalf liapti'cd scveial Sunday afteinoou. Notice to tho-o whom ale iuteieted in the Pleasant Hill cenieteiy uud who have friends buried thcicaie ictuesl- etl to comu August 20th, at 2 o'clock, and help put the cenieteiy in older. The doctor may be a goml old man, but even so, medical examinations and the "local-application" iieatmenl are J auuorrrut to every niouesi woman They arc embarrassing often useless. They should not be Submitted to until everything else has been tried. In nine cases out of ten, there is uoieason for them. In nine cases out af ten, the doctor in general piae.tice isn't compe tent to treat female disease. They make a branch of medicine by them selves. They are distinct from other ailments. They eau be properly mi deistood and treated only by tine who has bail years of actual practice and cxpei ient'ii in this paiticular line. This Is tine of Dr. K. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician ef the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at UutTalo, N. Y. Dr. PieicuS Favoiite Pic.sciiption, a lenictly for all derange ments of tlm lepioduetivo organs of women, has heeu in actual use for mote than thiity years. It cm cs every form of "female weakuers." thiisiasm, ami hooping Vrupfoi lliy.m ami fiee silw i ACowlcs xiuing lail a inenibei nf the late gi.ulu.iting clas was hctid to Inn tab foi Mi Kiuley and ftee si,. r llather UiiMil i'i pnlitb-, See" Mis. John !! 3 has been visiting lelatlves in In. iv. lie Uny Hililit Hi ami sun ISIen went to I'xetti Tiie-i lav Quite a fin hi u.is c,uict .Monday lo oiuc plum Mealing bafuiiilv living uoithweoi o .. n Uev Meicilf .t.iritil fm tlieeistcin pal t of the -late l'lic'tlay. Kev. Alt 'iiitli r pitaeliitl at the Methot1it eliuieh uuil-13 night A huge numliei fiiuii lien- attended the qii.titci y cuiifei eiiec 11 1 Anibiiv Sunday. About tbittv Jotiiig pco;)le lep.uieil to Amboy hatuitlay afteinoou 011 picnic ptu poses intent 1 o t scape the rain in the evening they took lefuge in the mill, ami letuiued houti caily Su inlay nun niiig. SWKKT.SlXrKKS. vr. f WVW'Z (vvtvvaY-vvvvDv RHEUMATISM Results from a Bad Liver and can be Cured by Using : LIVER Ir. I M, ioLBN'S 0 mm balm A Certain Remedy for Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs AT DRUGQIST3 PRICE, SI. 00 PER BOTTLE THE Dr. J. H. McLCAN MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. p ) ) ) ) ) 3 3 3 3 COWLES. Lasl'vvcek Chin lu Teel, Jim (iilfoid ami dipt. Iloiiehiu letiirnetl fiom the Hastings convention chuck full of en- Sent it to His Mother in Germany. Mr. Jacob Ksbensen, who is in the employ of the Chicago Lumber Co., at ' Des Moines, Iowa, says: "I have Just sent some medicine back to my mother in the old country, that I know from personal use to be the best medicine in the world for iheiinialisin, having used it my family for several years. It is called Ctiambei Iain's Pain Halm. It! always does the work." GOceut bottles for sale by Deyo & (irice. From Colorado. CVii.i.a Pakk, Colo., Aug., 12, 'IHJ. ToTlIK Kpitoii: 1 would likn lo see a good old lepublicaii paper once moie. PIcnse send I lie paper for a few weeks. I am getting "(t sick of healing nothing but "Hillv" Hrian ami ftee silver I don't know what to do. I haven't seen but three or four good straight icpnbli cans in Denvei. Husitiess of all kinds is vciy ilull heie at piesent ami will Im somewhat -o un til after election. A gteat many mines aio shutting down until after election; also suvri al sineltetsin this city ami near heie. Well vv Imvf been enjoying otn selves hugely. We hae just telurneil from a tinea week's trip up in the mountain-. We weie about ninety wiles southwest of hete tin (ioose Cieck. I caught ninety tiout and vim bet they were dandies. Well I guess 1 b:ive w i itteu enough for this time so I will (tut. Don't foiget to send the papci. Yours truly, .I.S. Cox. Doufueas Cannot bo Cuied Hy local applications, as they can not leach the diseased tuition of the ear 'I lute is i.iilv one vvav to erne deafness, anil that is by constitutional i eiuetlies. Deafness is caused by an lu ll uiicd condition of the mucous lining of thn Eustachian Tube. When this lub' gets inlhiiu'il you have mumbling .-oiin.. in im,!) 1 1 el heating, ami when it ti ciiiiiclv i t isctl deafness is the ic--nit, ihiiI nub - the iull-imination can b" tr.ki n out nil this lube icliucd lo H- uoimal i it ton, healing will be flcst!03fd foiever, nine cu-es out often Mie caused byiMtaiih, wliich is noth ing but intl-imctl condition of the mucous sin face-. Wo will give One Dirndl ed Dollats for any ca-e of deafness (caused by catarili) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catnrih Cure. Send for circular.!, fi ee. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by diuggists 7fie. Hall's Family Pill are tho best. lternai tl McNeny is in Colorado. BeiaV niarrheu KhImhm I positlveljr hsa no equal in diarrha, dys- nioty ana innirnation or inn uoweia. it relieves qaiokly, and being pnrely Tege table, un bsd ri soils follow. Yon cannot afford to be without it at thla season of the year. Sold by C. h. CottlnU. Miss (iiace Foil is in Oi leans. My little boy, when two yeaisjf age, was taken vciy ill witli bloody flux. 1 wns advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diariiitea Kemedy auil'lttckily proem etl part of a bottle. I carefully it ail the diifclinus and gave, it accoitlingly. He was eiy low, but slowly ami siucly he began to Improve, giatlually iccoveieil, ami is now as stout and st long as ever. I feel sum it saved his life. I never can praise tin lemetly lialf its win III. lam soiry evety one in tlie woihltloes not know how good it is, as I do. Ml. s. Una S. lliuton, (iiahamsvllle, Mai ion Co., Flonlia. For sale by Deyo & (liiec. 2 It is maiutiiucd by some t li tit the npperance of tho so-called "liseu" Christ was piiiely subjective, due to the excited state of mind in which the disciples found themselves after the death of their beloved master. Jesus ifas dead but thoy longed to see Him jaiu. So they thought they diti see Him. They were honest in their be lief that they saw him, yet it vv.ii., nevntthelesH, n vision, a hallucination. This is the vision theory. Against this, it is urged. (l)Thndi eiples were not in a mood to see visions. They weto In a state of de pression anil une.xpectaney. Matthew states that on the occasion of Christ's nieetiiiL' his followers in (ialilee "iiium nibietl " Mark i elates that when the disciples heaitl fmin Mary of Magdol.i that Jesus was alive, and hail been seen of her "they believed not." Luke tells that the input is of tint women spcincd to the tlisciples as "idle- tales." )$ j psychological fiet tliatacoir sidei able period of time would bo nec essary before tho dcpiessod mood of tun disrtjjllus could bo changed into an Heart Disease Cured By Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. Talntlni;, Weak or Hunsry Spells, Irregu lar or Intermittent t'ulse, rintterln or Pal pitation, Chol.lni; Sen-atlini, Hlinrtncvs of Ilreatli, Swelling of 1'iet anil Ankles, uro symptomj of a Ul used or Weak Heart. T03ACC0 CHEVY M1 (i 4.? VIiKbVi wlTi7MiV-v BVol f wsm:, C. MII.I.HK. I I -iJLTt toowco ! HSte SMOKE fid f T CHEWING and SIViOK CM BroS- f TOSAtn TOBACCO CV5lM0 cvHtw I TOBACr iss? MWS. N, Of Fort Wayne. Intl., wrlies ou Nov 29, 1804: "I was afllletcd for forty ju.irs with heart trouble and suffered untold .iKony. I had weak, htuiRry spt'ILs, and my hu.irt would palpltaluMilnrd.lhopiln would ho m acute and tnrturlirn, lli it I becaruu so weak and nervous I could not (deep. I was treated by savcr.il pbyslolmis w Itliout rcliof and kvu iipoverlK'ln; vtellnKiiin. About to years ago I commenced ulns Dr. .Miles' Uanicdles. Olio bottle of tho Heart Curo 9topped all heart troubles a nil tho Itestoritlvo Nervlno did the rrt,and now I pluep sountlly and at tend to ray household and social duties with out any trouble. Sold by druggists. IkviU sent free. Address Dr. Miles Modioli Co., IUklmrt, Intl. Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health. Alv fOBRCCO C5iEW pr. .,, T03WC0 42 EsrvfaaiKiA MAIL 'POUCH 4SSMlk XMw&S )-M3&y V i"mim:; 1 .iBmtf--- rirriWii iii' iti(Ii .lkLk.1,1 i iUV I I lit) It -aaaw """ It t t1t-1 LSa"aaa-? a yjgS MaBKSS al WatSa aaaai BS2SSl 'jwSLaa'fcaaBW CV-e-iiHt? U',A. No SViysterious Compounds to or Stems to SMOKE C (JlwW' coxoooooooooooooooo Clean, Lasting GttEW coooooooooooooooocoooooo V3 CjrlBW io?r.ccQ T0BtC) ( CHEW lOEACco SMOKE TOBACCO B Ml 1 W" ;3 aa aV nl tt Rl vl L ' B ul w ifin v NER0 B-DYSPEPTIG Coo!, Sweet SMOKE s cv HefP?w 'tQ,aw:co ocoooooooooooooooooooooo j m miwm timmwm m Mmummm mc TOBfiCco faff wiiiiii hi in rum ii ii iihi m min ' ii n mih in un,! ZJ7XT.VTU I II T..T occocccooocaoooooaoaoj igjBnKauzmrwsxa larsaaata atVTMmaiMamv s. 1 1 I f ' li l W" .! ' V . ' ! - 5 l fl: -X rat. 4 ' lft m LK i t. I WLA r.Jr-'i-l .. . J Mi .! triRtf