"I lftv 7 n K & ly. A I ronsBiion! and ixn cunu To Ttm Editor : 1 Invc an absolute i remedy for Consumption. Hy Its timely u , , thousands of hopeless cases have been already tvrmanentlv cured. So proof-positive am I , of its power tint 1 consider It my duty to tend fjco bottles free to those of your readers who have Consumption.Tliroat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, ISJ Pearl St., New York. Br Th EilltorUl and HmlncM Matiimcment of ttiii l'j)r Uurnteo thW geucrout PruiKttloti Understand And Want A Ghost Of u -hnw to pme that I make PHOTOGRAPHS tnii' t nature in every detail. WEGMANN, MOON BLOCK PHOTOUUAPllKK. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, rKoi'uuvroii. i)K.t.i:ii in "Wines, Licinors, California Brandies. MVIW fill! juii ALWAYS ON TAP J. S. EMIGH. DKNT1ST. NLESS DENTISTRY PA ii- voi; want ir. Crowi Hridge Work or Teeth Without Hates l'OIU'KI.AlN INI.AV, Ami Hll ttie IiiteM liii.rovi-iiii'iillB denwl iiikcIi HIllMll. H. E. POND, Insurance mid Real Esto. i ii'iii-i'iit the Iu-t pany in-ui r.nee Coin- ( 'I'liD IIiiiiii In. ("iiitf New VorL , Till:.' M. l'i il Kin- .mil MmliH-.M. I'-tul. Mliui- NintlitM-lfrii Niilliniiil. MllwiiiiU'i'. W l. Oivo me your Hii-iiies- ami Save Money. LOSSES PAID ROMPTLY. I tun prepared to draw deed-, mort-Hajje.-anil all lepil paiei-. . I I'OXI), llfll Clullll, Still". Otllt'Ciil l!c-lii'iii'o. '.'ililiinr Nuliir I'lilille. nurllitif IiIkIim'IiuiiI Imllilliiu RI-P-A'N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. nno (l DIIUOIW.U'I y4l) TIMS TAIUiK. - mi 'iv .." umIm" nii'l rati' llr'1 nut ll-'lSn .N0 nil'. I! I I i i . m l f i. I! "I. .' Mil t tr 1 ..i f .' ill .-I ii nl !.' ii". n .1 m s i' 151 t ir V" 'r nn "fill Hi ! 'IT. i in ami Im.i fnrllitii"u h. 1. " i '" n & M. 15. v i;-r nii " i:-' I Vi. '. I'M'iilni; iiim niter rrli fr 'in Hu oittiiV'Si. in nnil nm-ilcriliewi t.il" I'M1 Ml. 1 Ni li. iliij-wvin!i'r irrm frmii the wnnat i i oun.in ami Ii'iiU". fn" tlieent it in ".m in - Correct titno at Ponnmn'e. Ciiieiiiniiti Shoe Sinn" fur np.iirli Campaign liiillniiit Neuliou-clJrns (' iilcv K.liT i- heic friim Wjoni illll. I.. p. week. Albright went to l.iiHiilii tlii- ljiejclo ellOi'ri cl.Vi'i t ClllCinilllli Shoe Store. ItlchnnlTlnki'i Wedm-day. f Mi C'iiuI. was lii'ir Wi.l Mitchell Wcdm-ilnx. uf Mi CuiiU w lit i c Mr. ('.nil Kiilil i- hack from n i-it tll lli'pithlti'llll. Alviu I'npi' i h miii limn thf ca-ti'i n part nf tin' Msiln. I'lic noithcrii liglu night weie vi'i'v pictty illi Fiillnn anil wife to thfir linitii' ut Omaha mi Tuc-day llUVlMl'ttll'III'll Shoo (IrtBBinu for ru8l it nil tun -liiii'r at Cincinimti Show Ktoro. Mi Kminir Tlniinpsoii nf Ha-tinji'. Iiu hfi'ii rioitiiif; Aitic Knliy tin- lut Uft'k. Mrs. CI" KiiIIit anil iliiuhtfr MNs llfli'ii of Covlf welt' in the fity Wfil-nu.-iliiy. AUvmjs in efiiMii), Ilnpkin's Steumoil Hominy (Ilullud Corn). Hlegnnt lunch in milk. - - C'llillli'S I'n-tff nf NfKnll Ha- til Hiiet of V. H. Hnliy uiul fainily iliirinjj tlii'iiii'cl. Will. Iti'llM'tif tin Hull Toll I'fStlllinillt lias a tfo"'l i'SD ilnllar hm-u pnwi-r for salt- for .10. Iiiiui". Ciillii'i' ha n'l'i'ivi'il a ni'W Km'i'II hlcyi'lf ft mil tin l.nvcll Anns Co., Ho-ton. Tin1 rain yil'1' n' iln'ili'pnt i'fitcifil one inch ami at Kivi'iimi the icNtci xhnwt'il 1 .!'.'. i'loviili'iiff ha- tifati'il it- kimlly tlii- yar ami I lie raiunf 'l'lif-ilay uilit t'atiK' iu-t ill lime. .Mi-. Aii'i IScutli'y wh.iha-lii'i'ii vi-it-i 1 1 C frii'iiil- hfif left fur Iiit Imiiif at l.ini'nln Wfiliii-ilay. Mi-- Clara Killi man nl l.iiicnln'ar rii'il in thf fit Tiii'ila niht nu a vi-it In thf faiuilv nf I'. V (inlilf. Do j on want a pair of hIioch iiiiiiI'' tn lit V Go to Cincinnati Shoe Store Only uiiHtoiu Hhneitmkctr in the city. - - When ymi want a niee -montli -have or hair cut, give (ieo Kunire-- a call. One door south of the iiou llakury. Cleat -ale- pin vu the great merit of lliind's Sa-apaiilla, and great merit en- allies it to accomplish woiuUrfiil euros. - - The family of Samuel liruucr living near Cowle-in e rejoicing over the ar rival of a haliy girl on Monday after noon. Mi.-s Hilda lladell of Chicago ar rived in the city Thur-tlay uioiiiing on a vMt with her parents ami other relatives. 1). it. Siitheilanil, of Nelson, who is u candidate for the nomination of eon-gre-niun on the populist ticket was Iiiiui Satin day. Mrs. Mai'j Pctrie of Miction, this state, has in rived in the city itinl will vi-it for a few months at the home of Win Oiithwaite. Mrs. (ieo. IMair left Monday morn ing for Concordia, Kansas, where she will visit for Home time with her son .lame- ami family. Iter. It. M. Trncr- of Alma will pieach ut the Congregational Church net Sunday morning ami evening. All lire cordially in iteil to attend. A good sized Uryaii cluli wasorg.iu i.ed on last Saturday night and talks on the .silver ipicstion wein made by J. S. (iilliam and I). It. Sutherland of Not- SON. - -The little year old child of Win. lteukln of Inavatc died on Tuesday aftei noon. The parents Imvii the sym pathy of tliii community in their sad loss. ; Many a day's woik is ln-t hy sick 'heatlachii, enu-iul li intligt -timi and I stomach tmulile-. Dc ill's I.iltle Kill y I! I-.T-. Ule Hie mi.-1 l lli't MI'll pill t fnr i ii'i willing -ueh ilitli up ie C. I.. CottiiiS . , Children Cry for .Pitcher's Castoria. A'vuraca Vghci.1 honors World' Fitf KR; Cl CREAM BAKING PflWDffl MOST PERFECT MADE. A pine Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Hu lorn Ammonia, Alum or any other :diillrrart 40 YEARS THE STANDAKU Alficil III da II nli il w i- in II islings I'll- Dr. D iincieil wa In u SjllllliltiJ fli.tll lla-titlg- .Mm i btl-llle-- llltnll nf liUfl Illll lii it- Mi tnl'i.V. I.fil ufur Mi-. M iinl Fulton Mini children were t illing in Unci i'iii thi- week. Ft I'll llngl'l - Wli- Ilt'll week n- tin' cuc-t nl l'i lien. tin- lli-l nf Hit' i-Mun-tcr Cnw- Mi-- lMifl ll'i-uii'i' hi- ifffivi'il it liiii- new '.hi'i'l tlii'nii'4li (ten. A. DiifkiT - Co. - - Will lilmntttfi jour tun mIio-m to Ox lllooil or Hlui'k. CiiiuintMti Hoot anil Siioo etoro. Dillaul Kcilfntit li'ft inn fur Omaha whfre Moinlay iiinru lie will it-main for .snini' time Kilitor lln-iiifi' timl wt'if in Ua-iius thi afU'i' Ini-ini-- iiiattff- Mayor Myi-rs wi-i'k looking Mis.- Mildictl Mi' Call letiirucd home Satin day night aftei- a plca-ant visit at tlic S.ilem chaiit:iiiiia. . - - L. P. Sine nf the Carpenter Paper Co , Omaha, wa- looking after that coinpa.o'.s Intel ests heie Tue-day Pmtci Hedge and wife anil son Verne of Lincoln ale vi-ting with Mi.-. Antlei-on lletlge and fatiiil) not th of tow II. The Kaley building fnriucily occu pied b. il. O. I.iuilley is iinilei going ie paii.s for the occupancy of the shoe stock ol A. 11 Kaley. Poion ivy, iii-ct bite-, brui-cs, -caltls, burn-, aie iiiiekly eiucd by DeWiil's Witch Hazel aalve, the gieat pile cure. C L. Collin,; Win. lleii-e'.- restaurant ha-taken on a metropolitan air -ince he jilaced liL levolTing fans tlierein Hilly knows how to plea-e his patiou-. F. K. Itottcntii'ld an old time bicycle r.ieer ami ('has. I), I'n-Ier came up from Nelon on theirwheel-last Thins, day to attend the L. A. W. meet. Mr-. Kd. II. Marshall of Columbus, Ohio, sister-in-law of Mrs. W. It. Itoby, and whom she has not seen for twenty -live years, is the guc-t of the ltnhy family this week. We have a UHM0 standard high grade bicycle which we will .sell for a slight advance over halt price llicyelc is new and one of the bp-t makes. Apply at this oilice. "Hoy will he boys," hut you can't utford to lose any of them. He ready for the gn-eii apple season by having DeWilt's Colic & Cholera Cute in the hoii-e. C I. Cutting. Tlieie will be a meeting of principals and olllcer.- of high school- of Wch-ter county at the oilier of the county mi pci hue intent Thiir-da), Aumi-t Kith, at I o'clock p. m Impoitaiit educa tional busiin.-s will be tians.iclcil. Baby's Second Summer is the time that tries all the care of the mother and all the skill of maternal management. Baby comfort comes from fat ; fat babies have nothing to do but to sleep -and grow. If your baby does not seem to prosper, if he does not gain in we'ght, you must gek more fat there. A few drops of each day vill put on plump ness; fat outside, life inside, baby and mother both happy. Your baby can take and rel ish Scott's Emulsion as much In summer as in any other season. For fc.Ue by all drugfjlsta At 50c, iinJ Ji.oa 'ViWjr SwUwi Scliool lionrd filoctlug. Imilil liict in Ifi'illiii .r.sii.ii in Tin th.-i.m,-, i iinii; 'f tin- n ii'ln nu Mnlnl.n AiiKU-l 8.1. Pit -iiit, 'I'. (' II H l,fl III l liail, C i, Culling, , (mil. nu, llilil, (,.,,(, nnil (iin O i i-i-r ri-'f Wil-nii ua nl .it I r- Milllltl- nf pil'Vliill- ItH'Ptlni; Uilt I ' nl illlll Mppl .'l I'll 'I'iic -ffiflai. -tatml Unit Mi- V, M. Keshan had pi tttt-il a iniuil.i'i ,.f xalualilf linnk- In thf .clnmls nf tin 1 1 Hi which Imtl heen taken In Hie hlu'h l-clion! Iniililiii);. Thereupon the fn. ' Inuillg le-iilntlnli- wele ailnpteil j Th.lt the thank- nf t Ii -i him Inlaid ( niiil the platitude nf the -cliniil he i. I" I in Mi- W A. V. Keihan for Hie Vallial'le lunik- pii-elitfll hy IliM to the pllhlie -i'li(inl-nf Iim1 CIiUIiI. lie--nlM'il tint a iiip nf the-e le-nlulliiiH he eiilflfil tinli Hie miiilili- nf this liimlil, piiliii-linl in theeitv papers n ml fiiriii-liiil tn Mi- McKeieJiaii. ( nnilllllle nn l-llilillliu- ailil "HUltlil lliaile lepiiil f il.ili.' allflilinii nf Imanl tn n pan-.iinl liPliij; up meileil il) the lilllhlilii.'- On umlinii t lie fiiiniiiitlio wele iii-tnif lei! In make 1 Ik- iicei'sni'y ! lt'iali- ami -i.eli nlllei things In make Imlltliim- fi'iiifiniiiiili' . Oil lllnlhm enliiuilttee nil -llppllt-, wele in-tiui'liil in piiieha-e enal fin wilitel tl-e On motion . r Seaiiininn ua- elei't- fil jaiiilnr nf liigli ( 1 1 . ( ! liuiiiliug .it J -alary nf f.Ti per month On motion .Inim K,i,,.f wa-elei'tetr j.iiiitoi'nt lii-t piimai.N (KiiiilfiKuitfii) sehnnl at pel nioinli On motion it a- tleeidcil tn enm llieliee the neM li'l in nl -elinnl mi .Sep ti'liihci 7th, with a teiui nl lifteeii week-tn the lSlli nf Deeeinhel, then two weeks aeatimi, then emiiineiu'i! tir.st MoikImn in ,)atiiiai with teiui ol twi'le Week-, aeatinil nf one week illlll a cloMlie, ti i in nf nine w eel..- Since ls7" theic have I u nine epidemics of dj-entaiy in dirtcieut parls of the country in which Chain liei lain'-Colic, Chnleiaaiid DiarihoM lteiucdy was used with peifect suc cess. Djscutciy, when epidemic, is alino-t as -eveie ami daiigeious ;i-A.-iatlc cholcia. Heietofoie the best elloi I-of the mo-t -killed physicians have failed to check its lavages, tins remedy, howe ei, hascuird the most malignant ea-e-, both of children and adult.-, and under the mo-t trying con dition-, which proves it to be the bc-t medicine in the wmlil for bowel com plaints. I'm -ale by Deyo A- (irice. The excursion train of the eastern laud agents an iveil at the depot early Tuesday morning and after pal taking of breakfast here left on theirtrip west. M:ior Meis, ,1. I,. Miner, I). If. Spaiioghs nnil ('. W. Kaley accompa nied them fimu tlii- point to Napoucc. The following i- a li-t of tho-e accom panying the evulsion: P. b. Ilu-tis, Chicago; A. II. .Smith, Omaha; K L Wright, Clnc.igo; .I.C O'Connor, fur as-iiciatcil plc-s, Chicago; A S liioad tins, I, aeon, Illinois, K. T .lohiison, Sandwich, 111 , D. M llc-t, I'.ll.hait, Ind., 15 D. llrewster, Pciu, III., II. K. I'ergu-on, Iten chirr, Ind.; C. C. Callaghei, Paxtmi, III.; W.H Shidclei, ltlooiniiigtoii, III ; .1 I Warner, Ottawa, III ; W. II. Hahlwiu, Delavaii, III...I Flier, Ciaml K-iplds, Mich.; J. M. Cox, Wyoming, III.; A. M. Webster, Washington III.; .1. K. Whitney, l.ee Center, HI.; S N. Langdon, Prophets town, III.; A. W. Henderson, Alcdo, III.; C E.Payne, Fairhnry, III : II. M. John, Poutiuc, III.;. I. 7. Adam-, .lack sonville, III ; II. (). (iaidcr, Harvey, III; A S. Crawford, Chicago; It W. Kitehell, for united press, Chicago; I Mason, Downer's (Srove; S. M. Kno.x, Princeton, III.; Lyman West, (laics- butg, III.; T. Itockeiifcller, Sticator, III.; .1. A. Armficld, Coodlaiul, Ind., It. D. Smitii, Hiintiimtoii, Ind ; K. Ui,)iheigcr, Oiegnn, III.; W. N. KejnohU, Smithtiehl, III.; A.S. Wise uarvcr, (!alc-bing, III.;. lame- Wil-on, Macomb, III.; C. Aniline, Vermont, Ill.i.J.T. Hodges, Mendota, 111 ; W. S. Chatlleld, Kankakee, III.,. I C.Todd, Newman, III.; II. W. Dana, Lincoln, 111.; !". M. Schiruieyer, Decatur, III.; .Lit King, Macomb, III.; (i.H. McKI vain, BiisIibpII, 111.; W. S Young, Far inei City, III.; MrAliisworth.Chauppa. Kditor Walsh of the Nation was iu Hastings attending the populist con vention. He was elected a nieiiiber of the state central committee - " Aro You Tirod All the time? this comiilloii is a sin e indication that your blood is not rich ami nourishing as it ought to hu ami as it may be if you will take a few hoi tics of the great blood purilier, Ilond'n Sar.-apaiilla. Thousands write that Hood's Saisapurilhi has cured llieiii of that tired feeling by giving them rich, led blond. Hoon's Pn.i.sact easilj and prompt Ij 011 the liver and bowel-. 'Cuie sick headache. M. Fin this week .inbiuder was 111 Hastings attending the piipiiliot con ntlull. - - (ieo Ci.iu.on I1.1- lii'iti pulling in . iiim I ep"iil s and tixmg 11, gi lit I all .iH'iiud ins Imh.ii' in iin -Miiili part nf town )r. Pricc'B Crcnm Baking Powder World's Fair Hicliest Award. SPECIHL CItEflHlG SALE To Make FALL HWER BROS. STORE. AN ELEGANT NKW One - and - Eight - Day - Cloeks -a r- Hard Time Bargain Prices. Come in and Examine Them. Newhouse Bros,, Jewelers and Opticians. A. A. Pope is placing some agricul tural implements in tint north room in tlie Moon block and will later on move hisotllce to that building. Mr. C D. Vonker, a well known druggist of Howling (ireen, Ohio, in speaking of Cliauiberhilu's Cough ltcmcdy, bays: "I take plca-iue in recommending it to my customer, for I am certain that it will always please them. I sell tunic of it than all other kinds put together." For sale by Deyo & (Irice. A petition was being circulated this week to have th" propel ty of the Ii. A: M. consisting of the eating house, round house, etc., hiought into the corporate limits of the city. We un derstand that theic aicscvei nl reasons for taking this step. Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physicians, but the suirrcrs want quick relief, and One Minute Couuli Cure will give it to them. C. L. Cutting. I). .I.Myers has received the tnlver. tisiug matter for the Nebraska and Kansas Inter State rail'. They are 011 the circus poster older and will adver tise ltcd Cloud ami bring thousands of people to our city. It pays to adver tise if you do it In the right way. Don't trllleaway time when jouhave cholna morbus or iliarrhica. Fight them In the beginning x 1th DeWilt's Cnlic A- Cholera Cure. Yomlon'l have to wait for results, they aie install mucous, nnil it leaves the bowels in healthy condition. C. L. Cutting MlhH P. D. Voieor ilemrort to mid to tier prOHont elr.Hn.. Studio in the Moon bloclt. Shu Im a tine urtot Miss Uetia Able leiniin d the last of the week floin a kci 1.1I wicks l-.it in Iowa l)ji.u want vim tun ptioi changed to Ux'lil ii" I or Mint l culm' tnkt thuin to C'inciiiriiiti Sloe Stunt. Dr. Prlcc'c Cream Bi-.UIng Powder World'ePoIr lliicst Me Jal nd Diploma. Room For GOODS. LINK OF Dutch John him gone to Missouri. While shipping hin gooiln one of th men at the freight depot aaid he would like to have a heavy chest which was among John's goods a he was think ing of going to the old country. John told him that he would give him ten dolhns if In. would take his woman along. The oiler was not accepted. The whole system is drained and un dermined by indolent ulcers and open sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve speedily heals them. It is the best pilo cine known. C. L. Cutting. The following item taken from the Stale Journal of Tuesday is a good cod on Will Yelser of this city now located at Kepiiblican: "A urnkeiiiau at Re publican City named Yeiser advertised for a sweetheart. He has now found tlio "only girl in the world for him," and has had a surplus of applications. rate vill bring things around eventu ally, hut to get quick action, therein nothing like advertising," A. (laliisha of Iowa is iu Hed Cloud. H. I. Pond Iiiih ,120 ncroH of well fenced and well-watered paaturo land for rent clieup. Mr. Winters was iu Lincoln this week. It doesn't matter much whether nick headache, biliousness, Indigestion and constipation aro caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances; De- Witt's Little Karly Kiser. will speedily euro them all. C L. Cutting. C. W. Kaley was in Lincoln attend ing the republican league coiaention. S'lntfc Ulu'iimiillsin (iii't'd. L. Wni'iier, VWioi'Biile DrnggU', Jlich mond, Vu.. h(ij: I hail n fearful attnok nf Si'iRtin RhtMiim 'i-in. wiih Inn) up 11I niiiHt iuo mi.ii'li'. uiih fnrlinmif i'lioin;h nuret .MVHlIC t UltliFOIl 1UIKUMA I i-;M. 'J'u-iv e 1 inr nfti-r dr. ii.ii'rt (ire--friplient hu I f.ilnil 10 have 111 ) effect. Snlil l.y II. L rire iliiiiglHi, ldil Clnntl. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure drape Creai ol Tartar Pow der. If- V i .va ;n t A ' A I '?&B&mmTmmmsmmj$t:i i