The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 07, 1896, Image 4

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( V. '
Tho followlnp. proponed nmrtidniPiits
to Hip Constitution of tho State of No-
braekn, as hereinafter wt forth in full,
...i. Mibmittd .o thr. riP.K.ra of mo
Slate of Nebraska, to ho votoil upon
. ,. II,.,,
nt tho general plcctlon to hp hold Thus-
day, .November 3, A. I)., ISM
.Sovombpr 3 A I) lS'lfi- ' ...'."" '; ""' p'p"Ivo department shall
, .oxmucr .i, x. u., i.n. consist of m Koxtrnor. licuicimui-Bnv-
Jolnt rpaolutlon proposing to ','""r; f",''"'-'i of stt,., umllmr of pui.
ntnl sections two ("), four (I), am) public limn union, nMoruoy-Konpial, emu.
it. ., r. inf nrtlrln kIt (fii of llin f'miull-
livt iti.joi artiuo six (n)or the UmslI-
lutlon of the Stale of Nebraska, relat-
. . ... . ,.
lug to ntinibpr of JikIrp.i of tho Hiipreinp
rotirt anil their term of nlllee
rutin dim tncir wrm oi oiiicp,
tip It nsulved nnd eti'ioled liy tlio Lei;,
hdai.ire of tin? Htato of rsYht.nlia!
He. ' inn 1. Tltat rtprtlon two VI) of ar-
tkl. "In (fi) ot the CotiHtltntlon of Un
Htiiti of NVbruNka l)o iiiiicmti'il en ,ih to
trad us follow:
Hoi n s, tIip nitrirpiiip ootirt Hliall until
othorwiso pmvliUd liy lv, i-onslst of llvo
(i J dg4, u majority of whom mIi.-iII Ik
iioppniiry to foitn a iptoritm or to pro-
Jioun.o a drnlilon, It hIiiII Iihvo orlKltml
Jnrl tftlon In ouhoh ridiitlDK to roxontio,
civil nai'H In which tho ntatu shull ln a
parly tmtmUfnUK, ipio wiirrnntn, IiuImmo
imp ih, anil nuoh appellate Jurisdiction, hh
may lui provided by law
Hi-dlon 2. That nectlon four (4) of nrtlolo
dx M of the Contiltutlon of the. Hlate
in ftrurasna, do ameniicu ho ok to read an
Hectlon 4. Th Judirei of the sntireme
rotirt shall bo elected hy thn electors of i J0,,u resolution proposinK lo
the itate at Jarre, and their term of office, amend hppIIoii twoiitv.nlv i"i:i ..f ..
oxrept as hereinafter provided, shall l.o ""-"u Hlrlon tw tut -six (-d) of ur-
for a period of not less than llvo (C) years HpIo five (5) of tho Constitution of thf
iih the legislature may pre-'crlho. u.... , ., .
Section 3. That aectlon five (fi) of article. Hl!,t0 " NPbrnskn, HmltlliK the litlin-
Hlx (fi) of the Constitution of the Htato of .r of ,.pr,,... ,, ,,rn,.p,.u
Nebraska, he amended to rend n follows: time sintp oiiicpis.
Section 5. At thn flnit eneral rlecllnn to , " It roo-ei and i'intei1 bv the I.ej'
br held In thn year 1K9C. Iheio Mball bn elect- lilulure of tin- Stale of Xehnilin :
rd two (2) JiuIkp.i of the Hilprome court olio Section 1. That root Inn eeiilv-lx (2il) of
of whom Hhall bo elected for n term of article live :,) of t onsitln'tloii or tin
two (.) years, onn for the term of four (11 Male of N'elunsUa be atneiiihil to rend iih
years, and ut each eleitlon them. fullowN-
iiftor thero ahall li,t elected onn JiiiIkp of
tin. iiipreme court for tin. tetm of e
(.il yiurs, iinlrsM otherwise provided by
law rrovlded, That the Juditei of the xu
prune ourt wboxo let nm hne not explicit
i -u. iiinu ui iiuiniiiK in'' Koneiai eioi-
tliin or ISM, .shall continue to hold their
oilier fur the remainder of tho term for
whh h triny were teipecilvely comnils-
Approved March 20, A. 1) 1ST
A Joint resolution propo,ln nn , 'M""OVt"' M-'"" "' A' U 15":'
amcntlmont to section thlrti'Pti (13) of ! , , .
nr.lcln r nt th nnu f ..... ' A Jnln "'Solution pilipnslnR (0
.iv . w m, vi'iiniiuiiiuii wa llixj
State of Nobraaka, relating to coin-
lifllftnMnn nf fliinpjnm ntnl illutflnt nmiKi
jlldKef, '
He It 'resolved bv tb,. i..9i.i ,.nr.. f .,
Stain of Nebraska.
fecuon l. That secllun thirteen i" of
int section thirteen l'" of , ,. .,.,, , . , ... . .
of the Constitution of the J1..'-r? ' V, V,', '' ,'"U$U?X Uy U,C I,rK
ilka be ametnled so as to h,.V, i ' lale of .Sebraxha:
,. i Hectlon 1. I hat soot ion nine (:u uf artlrln
arucie six t) or
Stale, of Nnbraik
lead n follows
Sec 13 The
district courts
JudBes of the supreme and
nhall roeeivo for tnelr xer-
? STTl "hv i-wmKJJil:".r.:.",s:. ,M' "ro- I
.... . .. . . "'... -,.---v1--
n.....H.1 Mn..i a . ..... .
amend section twenty-four CJ4) of ar-
tlele flvo (G) of tho tlonstltiitlon of the
State of Nebraska. ro!atlnB ,o lZ
pcnsatlon of tho oflleer of the nxecu-
tlvo dppartrapnt.
He It resolved and enaetod bv tne Lor.
Islntltre uf the State uf N'obriska:
Pectlon t. That aectlon twoaty-fonr CD
of article five (fi) of the Constitution of the
HUte of Nebraska he amended to read as
Bertlon U. The officers of the executive
department of the state ku eminent xhall
receive for their servbus a .-oitipensntloii
to be establltfied by la-v. which sMll lm
.lelther Inureaaed nor diminished durlni:
the term for which thev snail have been
luiiiuiieiuiic.i jiu uiy sunn not receive,
to their own use any fe.s, cost i. interests,
upon public moneys In their hands or nn-
ner their control, pnruulxlles of oillco or
"' -uniii-nwii aim no ices mat mav ,
hereafter be payable bj law for services
performed by Hn ottleer providea for in
this article shall be pud In advance Into
the state treasury. The legislature siu
ut Its first iies-don uftor iln- adoption of
this ametidment,'iiis f ir mem-
liers elected to eieli homo of the ies-
latUto eoneurrltlK. the salaries
of tho ollleers named iii ibis nithie Too
compenxatlon so e.stali'ls'n-.l shall mil be
chanurl oflener ,.n, ,. I., t,,.. ,
mid In no event nTTle-x t nn-tliln! of the
meillbirs clecte.l to eii.h hniise of the leS.
Ixlattiro concur therein,
Appro veil Mnch ;!'. A. I) ivij.
n tin 11 lit vnilf1 In s , .1 , 1 .,1,1 . ..
trlct courts, comily rcfut jitMt wn of th
pen ro, poiic nuk'iHiraifK. mh in hiiWi
aim I l.'.ii ,i. iniriiui 1,1 11
us tits)' bo created I
thirds of the mem
lioiisu concur.
Approved Vfarch
A joint resolution protmslnit to
amend voctloa eleven (11) ot article elx
(f) of the Constitution of the State ot
Nebraska, relating to Increaso in num
ber of aaprsou and district court
no It reaohred aad anactM by the
Islaturo of the BUU of Nebraska:
Hectlon 1. That Motion eleven til) of ar
ticle six (I) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebmsldt to amended to read an fol
low: Section IL Tbm letaUture, whenever two
thlrdi ot tb BBmtars elected to each
house shall osoour therein, may, In or
after tho year one thousand elajht hun
dred and ninety-seven and not ottener
tnan once tn very four years. Increase
tho number of Judges of supreme and dis
trict courts, and the judicial districts of
the state. Such districts shall he formed
ot' compact territory, nd bounded by
county lines: and such Increase, or any
ehaairo In the boundaries of u district,
shall not vacate the office of any Judge.
Approved March SO, A. D. U93.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section six (G) of nrtlclo one (1)
of the Constitution of the State ot No
braBka, relating to trial by Jury.
He It resolved and enacted by the
Itlutura of tho Htato of Nebraska:
Pectlon L That section trix (4), article
4ne (t) of tb Constitution uf the Stats of
iiio icRirtiaiure aiiaii at IH I rst xesslon i,,;.n,,, V ' . ' ' "",' ,,"i "'i IFIMItl alf'I't'll lilVf'l" Ir" ' " "' " """K loi-nnnn;,.
after tho adoption of this- amendmeii "co.m" "'"loof o-ilj ale to lie used, shall . '" 9j 11 lillt1 identities w lib tlio most i"iiorinl of niv
threi-nflbH of the n....nbor. elcete .,,,wiI:V',,,n.1 s1"1?1 n""1'' ''"'''.''.v "o state. I Ilillon-noxs. head.iihe, Imllimllmi or uout. ,(n "I , ' " "', . ... . i i "
each houxo coticnrrli., establish their L",1 ,' " "''.' l,"U,,U m,,,ply "" b.sses there. RW,.MI-HMIT lnMKoiatcs. cmw kidney ' ". ' ,""" '' 'll"' '" at s'11"1"'. "''!
compensation. Tho compensation ho es. Vm i i si ii '; .'"'V,n7' ",,,,r"p; " ',lllU dllllcultlw. Hi IkIu'x iIihim-. miliary troubles, wln-k.x. bare les uml nil. if i-oitl.l
tiio , "Voure.,1;;. :;,",;;,,I,,;,f.:;. , p JJ.!JU,,i,,!:i '"n., ret: I ii.nna e isiood ; "!"y ''"VV' ;'" r V"', ,.":",, ,,,,,nw,
utilow two-thlnla or the member" eloc i"i ''";'"' '"'"dox....,1 on I'.njtrd Hiiues , 1"" " iiIoiih-w Itli Hie rest. Ilab! it mukes
to each house of tho leRlslatnn. concur ? . V si-ruriiles, or roulsiercd county Pcrotula. iiiini in. tri-iieial wukiifMor ilvltllity. . j,,.v (() t ItiliK of if and iiist lis I wns b..
therein. M onc"r . honds or loalstote.i school district bondx M'iM.-K.M.ibiii,Uiip ipii.-Uly a run down ',,,,. J ", ,
Approve! March ). A. I IsW. '.'', ") ''", ""l "".!' f"'"'". -th the constitution and makes tho weak stroiiff. f-r"""" ' believe there miht be a
xoiXniy" x!svti" ,:rvz At ' " s. ,,,,""1,,, "r m,,!
A Joint resolution proposing to flitch thoj nn cranleil iml set' uptrt. "Inw'l'WUuMe to llinltli" fn.s LVrvultaUoa free J u hell Hie paekiiio; wns finished be sat
v tnti ...0,.t..ir7 , "ie onnnii.h wherein such clllea ire I 'ViV ' .'"'' ".. ' 'iuv "'"' 'rt'" mini, Hie lino, of erosion wl.i.b shall
A joint resolutiu, proposing i ft" ' ;b-o, be, ,,.U ir. l..,.8i,,ih eveu-ually eut the mout.faii. in twain
nmoi'd H'etloil OIIP ll) nf attic!' six (fi) ""a"u' . ' Mlvirul cara.ive .w-ra are piirtl If these illustrntiHi, nrtne tbo nl '
nf ttr f'ntli..Mn,.t.r ,, . , v .'" " r:j.v"' nnd onncted bv the I.eK. '"""y ot'enible iu d.ep eUd da ., , mustrniioi. , prim tin' ..11. ,, .-
or tJe (,0!iltiitlonW)r the State of .No- of lb.- ft.-n.. of .V!.r.,.ha se.e smh as NeuralulB lou f Hie eleniciils to the unitii -.1
brauk-i. rolatliiK to power. iv"AVmii!.'nT.'f,ltlus ueT.f1 ,.skf "i'0 ! ' ''' :' L l'l"tl" l'""l'" ' ' ' n,1 "f '""'". wmI ' -
Me It tesolvnat ami eiia. ted bv the t.p. f'led by Bddleic'io' -.ild iiVtlele alien' Mi r . . i .1 ,nff ' '''"v- 'bat the stmie lv frtMTH
lolaturo ofthe State .,f N.I.msIi,. tlon to be numbered se.t:,.n two () ' Aaiwll InluiM'l Is 'S' ' I ,Hhiim:iI iinllioritv III the ilonuilll Of
HertU'i il .lirjl s-tloii one m of artl.d-. "' r. t h I .Mows- hnmetlitllH list tollil-ht. linmnii nlVnii-s
hi (1) of the Coiisflfi;;..n ,r the ti ,i(. (tf Section 2. Thn Roverniiunt ofmiv city i liumnn iiiiiius.
Net'i.iMliadie ninendril t ' na t as rjiios the mvtiopoiiiiin .111,1 th,. Kov- ' 1 1 ou desiio to know your birlh 8ono liiii Iii and wenl downstnirs the next
hection 1. The Judlc nl 10 rM rf Mi's sun eminent f the eoimtv In which 1....1. ... n , . fulli iil.t,.l.iil,.,l i ,..-,. ,,
:y law In which two. eelveil the assent of a maj.ultv of tne , ," , . . " eienn inrcnooii
bers eleeteil to ench I votes cist In hih-Ii city and also a'maloritv ' loy of t dill' U.lplds, Iowa. Ill the fill mice w it 1) him. Asthcwere
I..A.1.WJ. ult'l'hlSff C!o to Cincinnati ShcoStorowitroour l""M.'?rth;' l."-' the colonel
at such election. shoe repuiring. Now workman oM'itook them in his buggy and invited
tuiu ut aiiittiiiii'ii to rrao n to11ov!
Hectlon e, The right of trial by Jury shall
remain Inviolate, hut tho Irtlsl.ittiro may
provide that In civil actions nvu-slx thn of
""' J',rJ ""' render ' vcnlut, and the
re miiiv also nuthnrl7n t rlnl liv u
Juiy of a less number thiin twelxo tii'-n.
In court Inferior to iho ill-ti let court.
Approvul Munli ::, A. 1). MS
A Joint resolution proposing to
, nmpiiil HPCtlon one (1) nf nrtkju llvo (."i)
of tho Constitution of Nebraska, lelat-
lug to ofllwa of I ho executive depart-
' tnont.
' Ho It rosoivni and enacted liv the i.rK-
, :v:r:''::;i .., ...
1 ,p ,h," '; r, "'," ons-tnmion of tin
Htalo of .Vl.i.i-dia he uin-mlid lo rend ,i
, "";"""" "i Pimm lunus ntnl lilt i mh,
lim thron railroad entnnilsslnticrs, c,,.h
"', tt.ll0,n' 'Y'i u" "'"'l 'aib-oni mm-
mlssloner, shall hold h4 ufll..- for .i term
"f two ears-, from the rum Tiiuri.iy af
! !.'ir ",p .f'r',, Tuesday In Janutiy, itftir
,h election, ntnl until His Hiu--.-J.tor Is
elected and MiiaU'llcd. Kaeh tallroad .nm
, 'nNHloiirr rtliall lio!d bli utllio fur ,i l.rtti
",' tl"' Ji'iirn, IicuIiihIiik on tlio tit o
'""'"duy after tlio lli.Ht tin-ilav In .latin.
uvy "for IiIh lct Inn, and until lilt yiio-
CP-Mur N oli-ilnj tll M mlllli'd; I'tovld".!
''"w;vit. Tlmt i ilu tit nt Ki i nil ol.r
u"" ''rid after tin udotitiiti ,,r i hi, mn-i-d
""'tit tln-n. kIiuII Ih- h ,(...! tln- rullton)
PomnilxHloiirr, oin for t'n- pi-rlod of nr
'",,r ""' f""- tho p"iliid of two o,ir. .-in i
","' fo1' "'o potlnd of tlitro jc ,v. Tnr i:ov-
!'.r'l(''. Hoi-rotnr of xiuto. ninllior of pub-
,.1,1' ''ooounti, ntnl ttoasniet -ilinll rcxldo at
','"' PPllal diirlm; tlnlr trim of ofllio
"toy Hhall ln-i-p tln pulilli- ro.-otdi, ImhiKi
U1"', PP m there nnd sliall porlorm stub
d"tlon as miiv lm r"(ltliod liy law.
m(jl.,... .. .. ..-'.. : ..
"I't'iuvru .Marcn s a. i. iv&,
..... ...
Secllon :'", () oilier eeciit!vo slato ofil
rets except tlnie liainod In m one !, I
or this iirl'ile xlmll he i-r.-atod o- I
I't by in ml or l lie iKllatiin '
which Is miiiiiriH In bv not lex-i tha'i '
win-n-ioiii ins or me ri i,-:n 1 ,i s eleilid to
each houe tin reor;
I'mxlded, That any ollh e eiented liv an
net or the li-Kltda title miiv be abolished li
the or.-. iu-,,.iiiii.u .,r ii... ,,,....."
hers elected lo c,,eh hoite thereof con- i
curilnir. '
ami'tid seel Inn nine (!i) of article plght
(8) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraaka, providing for the Invpstmcnt
of tln iwrniniieiit Mltinitlnnnl funda of
the Htato,
T1lfK,iU!l.,.i,if "i" r""s,,;,"' " the'.SNto
iaV,. ""'"'od to read ns f0-
r..p ..line .ii......! ...i.n. i. .!..... . .
... . ...v... ,.,,,,.,,-,.,, in,-inieresi aim
..... ..-- ..-- 1 1 au-ii- iei in iuiv Oilier I
rund toroih. i uses
i ,Vr"i,i,li'i''.',,,M,'!10ii "' rrPi,,'i '' "" ,
uLTtnTirMU. '
"ioiV'VMMTiil'1U,si,"i'"l,'r",P'.' '" xhU N0'" i
whenever an oppoitunU'l,ror0 be'tt'iTTii-
vestment Is presided;
And ptovlde.l further. That when anv I
warrant upon the state treasurer rcj:'- :
ularly lx-ue. In pnrxiunce of an approprl-
Mtlon by the li-Kls.iiuri. ami secured bv the
lovy of a tax for Its pavment. "shall
he iirexenied lo the state trrasnrer for
lJmeiil. and them shall not be nv '
money In the ptoper fund to pay x'uch I
V'.1-'.""' ,1"' 1"""a oreated by section 1 I
' hW article m.iv direct the sine treas.
Mtl.l ul.ll ,..., t... ........ e . '.
"or "' p.iy uie .imuiiui Mile on such war-
unt from iiionejs In his hands belonirinc
t ihe p.innuietit school fuml of the state
"l"' ' "hall hold said warrant as an ln-
"'-"iii'-in u sum permiiiiont "Cluiol fund
Apiuoed March .".i. A. I). in.,ri
. , . , , .,
A joint reysllltion prnposliiR an
iiniPlnlment to the r'niimiiini,.,, .. .i
"l""""""'1 1'' l onstltutlon of the
State of Neluaak.i bv iulillriK a new
, .', '
we' Ion to article twelve (1) of said
cnnstlliitlon In lio . ,,, ,!,.,.- i ,.i
I OIllllllllOll lo 1)0 Illllllbi'lPil RCPt Oil
two () lel.illve lo the liierKlnc of the i
. " h ' '"l j
r.iMi'riimeiii oi ciiie.s or Hie nmtro
polltan oiii nnd the RovcrnniPiit of
if 1 4 lnrvi m t tun t m ts. ...... .1 ...
l ' luut w Il('n " p'roposlilun t to lo h,
n MiinniiiiNi uy .mthoriio of l.iw to tli I
A Joint resolution proposing nn
amendment to section six (C) of article
seven (7) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraskn, prescribing the
manner In which votes shall bo cast,
lie It resolved and enacted by the I,eg.
Islature of the State of Nebraska:
Hectlon 1. That section six () of article
Kveti (7) of tho Constitution of the Htato
f Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows; Hectlon (. All votes shall be by ballot, or
such other method as may be prescribed
by law, provided the secrecy of vwtlns be
Approved March J9, A. D IK
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section two (i) of article four
teen (14) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraskn, relative to dona
tions to works of Internal Improve
ment and manufactories.
He It resolved and enacted by the Iec.
Islature ot the State of Nebraska:
Hectlon t. That section two (?) of article
fourteen (14) uf the Constitution of the
Btnte of Nebraska, be amended to read as
Sec. 2. No city, county, town, precinct,
municipality, or other subdivision at the
a 1 ii-enie coilll "."? " i"n-u my .1110 i-iniiuy ,nu re- ,i' Ie I elim 1 in lu.iini-i ,f Mi ; ,. 1.1.. ,1.... i .1 1 ......
ship, (shall ever make donatlunM to anj
works of Intornal lmpiovmwit, or
manufactory, unlrm a propoitltn o to
do fnnll have bcui lirxt s it.r. Ittid to tho
'liiallllid olectoM and rntlliil ly i ini
thltdi vote t an eleitlon l.v tr, liv -.f
law I'roMdid. That x'uh i or, -i i -f a
rontity with tho lonalli.n of o .. . "
lr)tit In t lie HKKP-sato xli i 'I nit .'!
ion per ipiiI of HiPimni u. i of
surii county; l'tovidid f.,rtli-. ' , t im
'lty or Lonnly niav, l,y ,i t,i . -i , -im
vote, Inotca-'ii in h iinl -hn d" -t Iho p r
rout. In addition to mi li Imi p.-r m n aid
no bottd or ovldon'v of In. -m
xilrl triiill lio l. nti.-i li kiiio -'rill
havo endorsed tln-rootl a o-rtlll.--it.' nl-.-nl
by Iho ho. rolary and auditor of iiato,
Dhow Iiik that Iho -i.imu Is Iwuoil putsitatit
to law.
Approved .March i A. I. I'M.
1, .1. A. I'lpor, sperptnry of itnto ol
tho state of Nobrnska, do hproby certify
that the forpsliiK proposril nmeiiilirtMits
to (he Constitution of tlio Stat of N'p
braskn aro Hup nnd onn pot coplPH of
tlio orlslnul ciiriilU'tl ami piikiossciI
bills, hb passnl by Hip Twpiily-fourth
Hosfllnn of this lpfilslaturp of tho Stnto
of Nebraska, as appears from said
original blll.s on flic In this ollko, am
that all ami each of snlil proposed
aniontlmptitH arc stibniUtPil to tlio
quallllptl volprs of tho h'aln of No
broska for tholr adoption or rejocilnn
at thp KutiPral ipctlon to lip IipIiI on
Tupsilay the 3d day of Noprnbor, A.
n., l&nfi.
In tpstltnony wherpof, I havo herp
unto set my hand ami utllxpil the Rrcut
seal of Hip state of NVbraska.
Tlono h( Lincoln this 17th day of
July In the year of our Lord, One Thou
sand Klnht Miimlird and Ninety-Six,
of tho ImlppenilPtiee of the Unltod
States the One Hundred and Twentv-
Klrst, and of this state the Thirtieth.
(Senl.) .1. A. IMPKIt,
Socr.'tary of State.
t.scat KIDNET LIVER jjs $&
lumbiiKO. pain In Joints or back, brick dust In '
urlac. f rcipicnt cnll-i. Irritation, lulliiiiiiniitlon,
irritation, Inllniiuimtlon,
ravel, uhcratlou or catarrh of the bladder,
Vlftl "'I'll ilw1B
wm ... a .a w
II,. 1.. .. (..-.. t. ........ . -
i. i4i...ii.i. . . .... lll.tIIA1lll., .. l.
'M"'- S,'""'!'" ' ''' """
'" ,,N 1-i'1'""'" "'"I iln-i'Hjs,. Iiv.ii,".
,,l'KKfi' Hl"od I'unHer Htnl Illond Maker
cures all blond disorders All ern..llMT,s
" ,. , 1'")r',,-r''- A" ""I'Moiia
'bo skin onn be removed by the nun of
thin woiulerfiil rnidlelne It bus nn
woiuieriiii rniuicine. il lias no
inidi and is purely vei-table. C. h,
c.ihi,,,, l,.. i - li ,, .. .
(-oU,"K rs J,i R eI1 BB H" othf Hrt.
elass ioods.
.n i , , , . ,- , .
Jun shoe polish and clenner at Kule H
iH Hietnre
IHnrrlicii himI l)si'iitt'ry
re dHiiKtrous, and von should not be
without n bottle of Hicks' Diarrhen
ltabiiin in the boiu-e nt this eessou of
the jear, hs it reliees at once. Xo bad
rieiilts lollnw. Sold by ( L. CottiD-4.
-Mi.-s .Majo Pope has 11 liiriied fi.nn a
tsil al St.,loe. A tfoiilli in-ill and two
vi'iii! ladies, rclHthis aeei iiipaiuetl
Hc'KUH'Tniiilftil Oil
'lb-1 ui) Ituimiiit en tlju mmkrt to.
i , , .r . i
, IIMJIl III I t-lllllllll k an. '- - -..... v"
r""-""'!"'13 mi-ii v 'Hi,m, u Ul .in,m a( thr lirraKfar
ft .Mrs W.ll Wiioi r who has boen
visiting heie has returned to her home.
liifliiiiiuiutor)' KliututittilNitit'tirv
cl In II Days.
Morton I,. Hill, of Lebanon, lud., ea;?:
"My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism
in ever; tnuecle mid joint, her uufferiuK
wi.s terrible snd her hod and luce wero
swollen iilmortt beyond recognition; had
btou in bed for six weeks nnd hud eight
phjHieisuii but received no benefit until
Bbe tried the MYSI10 CURE FOU
KHEUMATlSM. It gave immediate re
lief aud she was able li. walk about in
three days. I nm Hure tt saved her life."
Sold by H. E. Qrioe druKrUt, lied (.'loud.
Republican Comnuttoo Mooting
The I'l'ptililiuan ei'inty eenlial emu
mltteo is hereby cm. I in meet at the
olllce of Case & MeNitt, lied Cloud,
Nolir., on Satunlnj Aug., lfltli, lfj'.Ml,
for tho jutrposn of .n ranging for a
j county convention.
T. C. liA(!KKIt, U. Ml'NlTT,
Chin. See.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria
r. - - " J
J M Llrr'ncnu Co !
"I'm i .1 I nf i.'i Mr. I,'iiii.'l"
-Ill" --11 "i I, .1-, I i- IM Hi" II ;i tho Ml -.J "M), I
lilltl'l '-SI I , III l.o I I III, I I ... ..II ..I, ,1 !
I I r
lli'xtiT to -My fu 1. 1. .ni-i ..i it ,i', I,.
niiijroil tb. t .Miti w n it. ct. cr infH;.
Inline; imil . u i In to o anil npml i'-)
all li, i l "ith1 i.wiix ! Whi'ie ill the'
world li:t" on l.eeir.'"
"I nm nrj .in-,v lo have fnllrtl you.
I took ii l ta- Mi Ik and went further
than 1 iiituiiK'tl lo, I hope MIkk l.uti
teor i.l i i-t lme to jjo Lm-l. uloiie'.1"
Iiinefliinmrs voiie was rtiie. uml his
t'Uie w:i "iilimlsHhely :)Hlo;.'('tie,
"Vn! 'lom wenl up Willi l"i-." replied
Mis. I.inll.iw. "roltiif hefore Ii,i ii,,ollio
iliiniii.-iiHiiii uml l.p"itiiiir Hie lamp.
"I'm all, lid , on won't (jV mui-h lormp
I it." she milled, sitting down lo pour
bis ten,
"Moto I linn neiil or de-'i'l've," lie
Mild, iiitikimru liraveelVntt toNiinulnto
an iippelitc tor tln Iirliited inoiil.
Mr. Ludlow, sit lino; ojiposite. no-
'i I that he ute net to not liiiif: nnd
die saw Hint Miiiiotliliijr was tionMino;
Mm. They were old frleiuN, nnd hud
been well neiiiaiiiteil In the du.vs w hen
liitioflininil wns u MriiCTlliiirnpiiieiitiic
in the literary workshop nnd Ludlow u
Mliiill-.-nllirii'il eleik ill mi eiiiiieeriiifr
,,1,,,'- "What is It. 1 1 njrli V she uxkoil.
'i,h lil""-v .vuuiatli.x ; "Is It mi. tliiiur
about Uextt
"No; Hint is, ii is luitlilnir Hint hie
Iiiih said or iliiiie."
"Won't mhi tell me aliout it'.' I'er
liaps I i mild helpyott."
I "I can't till you now." he replied,
. p't-hiiiir In- cluiir back ut tltexoiiml of !t.w "- h-ji on the M-raiida. "I don't
ei I ii nil .i ii'IMue lo-tilht. uml I
I mi , I cmmisi' me if I yo to m
' n: I '-now- il "m iiii'.'i'iirioiis, but I'm
hi di'i-per i -mdile tliiin tou imagine.
I'irliiip- I i .in tell you all about It, home
J Slu- i'jiM- him permission, mid stepped
I I'tfoic liim with delieute luet toeiuililc
b'tii to to upvinirs without meetiiifj her
! Inislntid. When be touched bis room
j In- dioppod wearily into a chair nml
lighted a iis,'ar: w In n it was liurned out
i he went methodically to work paekimr
his iils(.s, "It's Hieouly thiiifrHieieis
j lo do." he mused, "and it's a proper
.sequel lo the tiling, iinyhow. I don't
see why I eoiildn't hae been born with
" l"1,,', l,l(,",, '", M,.v u'i,1'i' i"s,,,"l "
w,,,,l u'i "' ,li,('1' water; but I wasn't.
and I suppose that's the , f,. 'v
' '"'' " " iniiis i-nii iilti
i.,,..i t i...i:..... im i in: . . .,
down to wrilo 11 letter to Hester: In
oinniiiv; half a doon ami 1 n I i 1 1 r h
toariiifr them nil up. "'I'lmt would lie
aelitio; only half the 11 " he said. "I
ea 11 write her u line fiom New Votlc,
tliankino; her for her hospitality and re
freltitio; that I could not see Iter up;aiii
1 huve no reason to suppose that she
cares, yet, uml she need neer know
w hat il costs me to leuo her."
Ilntlng completed his preparations,
he was uiiNioiis to be gone; but. as there
was no train until noonof thenet dav.
he was obliged to wait with what pa
tience he could summon, ami he went
lo hleep thinking that he would spend
the forenoon with Ludlow, telling him
of his intended departure ami giving
him the facts of his discoveries in the
abandoned mine,
av i'M'iir.Mi'iiiT.'ii:ii ijr.i'Aiirriu:.
Those who ought to know most about
nueh mutters point ou I themutubility or
tilings ten est rial liy.hhnulug that the
eluiiige ill position of a single grain of
suml may deteriuitie the com so of 11
iniffhU 1 'hit, or that it chance raindrop
tric.ling down the I'.iee of 11 cliiT luuv
-l n;,i,iii!iiiii of I la ptr Umjk i nhixr.
across the valley to look- at a horse
which was for sale, promising to get
him back to the company's oihYe before
noon. There was no good reason for re
fusing, ami the colonel was hospitably
Iiislatent; Ludlow added his word, and
the upshot of the matter was that the
superintendent went to his olllce nlone,
while his guest departed upon an ex
cursion which was to demonstrate anew
tho futility of human plans and pur
Making due allowance for the fact
tlmt lliiigbraml was upon the oo of
taking a step which inwdwd the renun
ciation of the woman he loed, he was.
less uncompanionable than he might i
have been. Their route took them over I
tliowoodedknollsintlie iiiiiiiixulley.uiuf
each rise in the road brought out new
beauties of tlu lamlscae. At the top1
of the highest of Hie bills the colonel'
stopped and pointed out the winding
couiho of thu Harmony river, its bends I
and reaches etohed among the Holds in ,
n sinuous puthxvny of silver mist, milled (
by the sun into llccey xvaxcsof translit-
cent pearl. In the middle distance, and j
nhout half-xvay from Tregathen to the
for Rnfants
THIRTY years' obsnrvn.tlon o? Crtstorln. vltli tho patronnRQ of
milllnnsj of ptirwonw, jiormlt tis tospenlt of It without gnosslnp;.
Itjsjtnquostloiinbly tbejbostrnmoily forjnfnnts nndJ3hllilrr.n
tlio svorhl haw ovorjinownltji lmrmlqs. Clitlilron llko it. It
gJITlJhoniJ'""ltJtwtnwnvo thoir llvs. In It Mothcra hnvo
jffloitngwhlohJUWljjrtoly wnfo nnil prnotlcally perfect at, q
cliild'n meiHnlno.
Castorln. destroys Worms.
Cnstorlix nllnyw Fovorlslinoss.
CftsririjrrroyojBomJtlnKSonr Cnril.
Cnstorlrtourn'iDlrtrrhoaaanil'Whiil Collo.
Cnstorlrt roHevna Teotblut; Tronblos.
Cnatorla nuroa Constipntion nmt Flutnlonoy.
Cnatoria nentralltes tlio nffooijpjrhonlgjriioidj;aa or potioaona ulr.
Cnstorlg dooa not contain moriihtne. oplnm. or other narcotlo property.
Castor! aistmllatos tho food, regulates the stomach and towels.
KJTlng healthy and natnral aleep.
CaatorU la pnt ap In one-sbe bottles onlr. It la not aold la halt.
Don't allow any one to aell top nnvihinv clae on the plea or promise
that it la "Juat aa Rood" and "sylll answer every pnrpoae."
See that yon pet C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A .
The fttc-slmlle of
Children Cry for
iImt. a moup of l.omiiii.K pn,.inrs
Hie alli lo the smitliw -,nl ml .
colonel ilnliealeil the small '1 II . hi
eompii'hethie gesiurc w (-l, ,(, ,l,. 1
the oulthatid Holds mii roninl 1,... i
"'riial's tlu .Manor furiii." be ae-l
the old Mimii hoisi stood in llmii
............... ,..., .,. ..,,, 1 lio-Li
il ill the second yeah ul'ler be mined
llttli.")r Ilia. ......lit 1.j l. 1-...I I
down fmiii Vi'giiiia. and
" !:::;::,
1. If ou'ie
iiiiglity coinfo'iitlile old
mighty coinfo'tnble. sell
boon in nm nf iln...lil !'. ,:;.. ..I. ......
". -- - .,... ,i.,iiiu
lion homes, you'll know about what
oft ' place il was."
"I bine passed through Vlrirliiia."
replied l.'iugiiraiid. "and I thin!, I know
the tie. 'l'bo oiTtaoily bail, comfort, i
able Iiinu the outside, ami thev give"
"lie no id. r stability wliieli'is de-
1 . ii., , 1 ,' . . . .
eidedlv li-l reshing 111 tins nue of nielli-
teolurjil sluinis," 1
.... . 1 .1 1 ., .
es . M-li. they do that: ami
Sll 1,1 III.,, II IIKI.l ..flu .'.... 1.!..
" ., ' .mum nn mm ins
Manor ,. vw.s Imlli 'thnt-a m :
hou,.,s!1,i,i,i1,.,sofs ..,,.. ;.i
1I0W 11 w itll Hie litoadtlS. It was 0 Iiiiii.
time u-lin. ui,,'."
"I sl-.u-l wonder .M.ur hither didn't
"piu.iid H." snii ifihgi.inn.i. tiicu . ,
"The Hssiu'iuiiniis would i.Iwii.ns ,lm'
been pain rul." 1
The colonel looked surpi-'ocd: "I
i-iiiiiicii uiul granilcliilHi 11. I'he old -
hope you don't allow that he went up
on the mountain for Hint reason: No. J
seh: helmilii better one. Old DocKuiim-l
lo'd talked right encourauiii'abolit Ihe!
moiintiiiii air for tux mother hc wan
nlwnys nilglitv po'lx in the xnllev.
kou ii,,:,.!;,,, Kl. did bei,, i. ' ,....
ilid pick up nficr that uio'nln' when
they eyiird fnther I101111
rol. Latimer pulled the horses into
ihe mad again, ami thex droxe 011 in i Hon.
silence. The lefetence' to the f J. ''"be district ciinit nl Wch-ler c'lintv, No
bioiigh, l.'ingbranil back ,0 thines, . IMvis. i-i:.l..iin
pieseiit I the Hmitglil that heslioul I l vs
not see Hester attain had ns, I, ,.rHi ;.,! I!"rt . I'ownoi. lisfcnd m.
ns uie nine 01 ins iieparlliro n in
nearer, lie ici.tlb il the In He incni nt
of their aciiiniiit;it! e, nml ii;,, ,.(..
-01110 1 'im 1 1 11 1 out nf I be I 1 li r t'i it I
heart r-iill in 1 1 r own ki einiiir. ;
that tin- pain of ton nm-m I ion u.ts,; i,.
to bo his not l.i 1 -. i ii , ivo I a--1
xxaru at ttie piet,sant boui 1 1 nt m i
lioine of the LailmeiH rem m U-.l li.u
,,..,:,.,,, ,
thai il xxoulil be ungiiieioiis1.ii in ,
W'lboiit pitiMng Mime tt I ii (f. -
....... :. .1 1 i. 1 , ,
mem or the colonel a kn uie , nml lie
win ilil. il boi be could ii.iuingo it
wiiliout betiii.xing hia plans for Im
ineiliiite letreat. I'ortiinnlelx . the
loloiid himself opened the way l,,x a-k-
ing him to become 11 guest nt.'"lbe
l.auiels." "I told Tom l.mlloxx, dux ,
l.eln yesie ilnv, I J i : 1 1 he xvas uetiii'
mighty mean about it. uml he said he
reckoned they-all could semi you tons
for a spell."
"I'm sure that's xcry good of you,
colonel, ami I thank .xou both for the
inx 'nation ami for your many kind
nesses to me since I came to Trcgnr
then: you eertalnly haxen't let me feel
that I xvas a stranger among you, I
assure you, I xvotild gladly accept the
hospitality of 'The l.niiiels' if if my
lime were xx holly my oxvn; as it is not,
1 shall have to ask you toe.Neuse me. I
really ought to be in N'exv York noxv."
"Well, I'm right hurry for that- Meed
I am," replied the colonel j "I sort o'
ol the idea from Tom vou'd stay
down here and mnko us a right good
"I have stajetl now longer than T
should," rejoined lliiigbraml, making
a mental reservation as to the reasons,
"As you probably knoxv, I depend upon
my work for a living, nml I can't afford
t neglect it for xcry long at n time."
The colonel laughed. "'Pears to me
like youh work could be done 'most
tiny where; we-all'vo got a mighty quiet
place upon the mountain, and I'm right
sure Hester could set you out with pen,
Ink and paper."
and Children.
l OtaVif wrapper.
Pitcher's Castoria.
tiMtment fallii rrV., ,,h 1ln;;i,rthw;.l h.lg
! ...- . .u.
1 roniOtri A 0r,S
ier Tails to Iteiloro oVm'
Hlr to lis Youthful Color. I
bur clp dlarsif A hllr lIUta.
av,tndli.)al Dmgiriia
U B IU k VSh &
ninucnvyKna The onlr nire Cum fir
mj. stopi a pun. Mtk w,kitsti7.iic.(tlruux
The Ghieaqo CbFoniele
I '" A
" 's Not Republican,
It is Not Mugwump,
it is Not Populiat-
It iiinii tnlu- lliepeiuoi rsci or,l..lcrHiii .luck
'V'.'i'"'!1 T,I,,,V"' 'i';11!"1"-' " '"' he the Miliatloo
01 llie reimli ie t Is thereloie oniiiK-ed lo sn
Mill-in. I ie.- -ilxt-rl 111 and l.'ci.mlliuloulMii
Xjiilo.liirlstooKoodforiiti Miicrlcin. .tuiiiU-
enpli-. tree ddre-s,
THP ri.nni,lni ,,
. . . . I . I S lU.
U.I U.i lhlhll.. t 11,1,
. Ki '
Dffis pi'Vt m,a""nir:n
PMrv Orlslmil nml Only Ui-niitiie. a
rfi&&wn'S!$!:. A"'.'vV,?$,
25;,,' SlWVJ ''ffiW
l A &$!& S,'-' U l.TZ.ln
-L-?.. .MsU. ii'.oiii; r-iim,,,,,.!, ,,. .
.,.TT .'. "''errifccnl.uI,u.,J.IU..iu.,..
,,u l' '" Lfc" ""'"", ' i'i.iikuiuV2
1 he Grand Hotel.
Cor l:'lh A ) -Is , Lincoln, Neii,
, ,c Nicely FariiWied Hooum. Elevator.
"" le- K'"f f' b-n- v"y,tw
J." "" '"" lw0 I",nH thea-
XV.T.SI'KNCh. S T. hl'KVCI.', M.innjrers
' '"'Ifi' orsiiiiinn.ns hj I'nhlici-
1 ii-- iiimivi' iiiiinrii iit'ii'inirtin . nniilTI n. 11 v
ncr, u'll tiilie no'li tlmt o - .he Til i,i of .li Iv
Ivn, .Inlin II I) ', ililntll) lioiiMii. 'llLil 1 w
pemiiiii la the diti.-t i-oiiit of Wei hii-i cm,, n
' r'sU.i. ii'iinsl sHid ili'li'tidaiit. the oloiii
nn r r nf y Ii. -li ure tn i.-eiiver a Jiiihiiae e
'.!, l,. ,1, iciiiliiiii 'nil In f.v'r or l'
nlw tlilTlin th sua f 'l 5 nnl,ii'li i i
11 1, 't nimn u ii-Mi iiinhii-il li 1.1 In 1,
fi-n ' -n anil li.ii;Ilt fnrll-e sih-i I rial ii ill
I I .'IllUllIK ii.,l-ltl Ills 1 ,., II 'Uie,l -
' !''' i,"l'l ' "'! liM . m 1 l-cs unniicrfd n 1
1 I llie nrdMii's kv.,1 inn In the mini nf ,,,
ri-ml. Ner.ilij. I'iiiilil nuxstui lii.iui.,.,,
nn ,n;iri i i u 11 1 n,ii,..iani : I. lis nam ,
" o'Mnl.ini. la.lifrt ,s Inmii-r fr in 1
s iiinf IM f.. isiincr with nil rii's or i"sn
tin. nn an- iiiilit-J to ntswci miIU p,. n.
, "" ' r berr. ll . Il dax .if Aititus'. Itlsl
1 n, ,- i fo, rm. hl .n"V.'V.fx "' """ "
- - --
crU'C l.V IMHillfiilloii.' lo Se urbies loii.puiy
, p vim xx'ln.
I'atlii'rUie A. an XX -e,
laac VV l'.iriliui.el al
'I hn aliovc-iiiiiiiod ilcfi'iidan's, .fnlin I', Van
WIm and C.llifiliiH a. V.m Wye, will take no
tice Hint on the '.'Jtii day ot June, 1891, tho
Liiullalile Seem Hies Company, pliilntltl herein,
tiled Its prtltinti 111 the lii-t-d t coil a or xVeh
H it roinilT, NehMsliti, till) objects Mini prayer
of xh ch me to loii-flosu a certain mortriaw
executed by the defendants to thu plaintiff,
liM)ii the Miiilbuest iiniitcro( section'. 7 town
i. raiiKC L! west of tan a h prlui-lml meridian.
XXelislei county, Nrhraska, toseniro the pax
merit of cirliifn uninlsory nnies dated )o
ceialier I, lfa, one for tint sum of S7.'.o, and two
mierest coupon mites, each fur the sum nf
$T 'M, the said n ilcs lieltii; due and paxablp la
scxcii xeais iroiii mo nam inereoii iiihi inert-
Is now due upon said notes and uinrlKiuelhe
sum of 772 do, xxlih laloicnt at the rate of tell
per coat p r annum Iron) tint lot du ot .Minn.
ISU.1, lo, which si m, wph lalerest from tlila
date, pliilntl" praf radecrisi that ibfernl-ant-
he required to pay tli mine, or that said
picliilM'sInt Hold to satisfy the hup tint found
due this pl.ilnill!.
Von ure required to answer said petition on
or helnro the I7lh day of AUKlist. 18'.iii
Dutt-il .nil) H, IH'.m.
Il llalit. T. fuller. 1 heir Attorney.
Oolite lo .rtlllr.
State ol Nebraska, Wetnter ooasty, s
In tin
county cmiit. . . ,
.NoilieU i.neby cben te all tiers'uis havInK
c'.'i ins and Ui'Iiiaiiu iikHlnst llarvoy I'aliaer
I, He if XVelHier cfiuity, drceaeed, that the
ntaiilixed for Hllii claims ajalast salu estate
Is ix laonlhs Ireia the ltth iluy of Aiiast leiifi,
All hiiili pe fnlin are ieiiilrt'd to pievent their
I'l.ilmsxtlth the vouchers to tlio (aunty .Indite
n( titnl cuiuit, at Ills olllce therein oaor before
iho Hth day ol Kelirii'ii, IV, and all claims so
tiled will 1' heard hefore the naut JtlilKe on tho
tilli day 'f February, 1!'7, at lu o'clock a. in.
County Judiit
- s-
&'. 'tml