The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 31, 1896, Image 1

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i " M .. v - Hits
I ; nM WW 'III
j WiLMi.l.!ito,l ,lini fr
The Best
: SmokingTobacco Made
00p IKl
J U1U.IM dill II t
Mi I'liurilil
!llt(llltiT Nl I
1" ' I tlir
t ii I".
! ' f i i
15 Years Kxpurioncc
In Filling RjM'etat'U'o. Como in when needing glasses my stock i'b
fulj timl cuiupli'to of all kinds. Will gutirnnteo jou u tit and aavo
ou money. Vour
Watch, Cluck mkI Jewelry Repairing
solicited. I gunraiiteo all work, any dofect in eaino mado good KUHC
of chaw. DilhVult 11. 10 v .itch work and engraving a opoeialty.
VntchEHiiunorfor.A.M.H.l!. 'I HOS. PL.NMAN.
Building iVI ateuial, Etc.
Harness 1 Harness ! Harness !
The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade
In Red Cloud. Prices right for cash
PaoriUEToas of
wamwrnmiZF Wkim
TtlG COllQrOQtl, 0U1IGS1S iflGm All.
me yosi. work is peneciion.
The Densmore, ine lit Running Densmore
1010 Farnom St, Omnhn, Nob.
A.C. llosmer, Afjt., lted Clouil, Neb.
Moon Block, . RED CLOUD, NEli.
Collections promptly nttended to, and
turrespuuuejiuu himiuiu'u.
1(iiiiiliiiu(IiIc j'lijnli inn,
2lcI 4'IoimI, - X-:vni(it
J)fl!coVlrst .Natlnnil ommlte Hunk.
I uromc uisuusea ireaie u uy in.iu ,
Given Away
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of (
You will find one coupon in
side each 2-ouucc bag, ami two
coupons inside each 4-ouncc
bag. Iluyubag, rend the coupon
anil sec how to get your share.
Tho glowing KUUV should
TIioeo who in warm July are
Then will they bo oxouipt and
From 1och doubt mid anxiety.
Mticli clntll, April 1)1 Uiioilil.
.(IIIn -l.nbj AuiUtet Momi-stuno.
V Vtlliliel r I'll .llllll. D.MCIull-l -'limiuulie.
ak cal
a w w,WiKir'ii3i
Notice, to TcitclicrN.
Notice is hereby given that I will
oxaminc all persons who may dcairo
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers oftho public sohools of this
couuty, at Red Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will bo hold
on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat
urday of each month.
Tho standing desirod for 2d and
3d grado certificates is tho same no
grado bolow 70 por cont., average 80
per cont; for first grado cortifioato
no grado bolow 80 por cent., avoragc
90 per cont. in all branchos required
by law.
D. M, HnNTKB,(!ounty Supt.
It. J. S. KM1GII,
Hr.i Ci.ud, Nhiiiubk
Ditr I'll) I or' l'iiriil(ir' More.
Kxtr.ictK I- t'lli without v.iui.
Crow it .n l '.riil.ti- work u HpfOlRltj
1'owt'i1' 'ii' '5. ini'l ii" Il' 'I" '' !'' fillings,
.Mukm guiiiaiid rulibei inti)B nuu combination
Ail work uuaranteed to be Urst-class.
1Z -? ., JS.,,- .,,
"If ChriHt is not risen, then in our
preaching vain, and jour faith is also
vain." 1 Cor. XV: 14 Tho ApoBtlo
Paul represents tho resurrection of
Jcbus Christ, or a fact of fundamen
tal moment to Christianity. Christ
himself attached no less importance
to it. The church, from its founding
to the present day, has regarded it as
a matter of most most momentous
In our discussion two weeks ago, it
was shown that modern scholarship,
both of Europe and of America, had
pronounced the now tcstamont, in
general, tho work of Christ's apostles
and of his immediate follower?; that
even tho most radical and antagonistic
critics conceded that tho gospels of
Mathuw, Mark and Ijuko wero writton
before 70 A. D., and that Romans, I
and II Coiiiithiaus and Galations
were written by Paul about GO A. D.
In other words, theso new testament
writings are pronounced genuine his
tory. Herein are those things which
honest men claim to have scon and
heard and hclu-ved.
One event to which tho now tcstn
tiw nt wi iters hear unanimous testi
mony is t ho ri'Urnuliou of Jesus
Chrit. Wlnlu it is not directly
jt-iKd that Christ m-e from tho dend
in llio slioit i iistl of .J .Mms and ol
Judo, it is nevithck" .i arly im
plied. Paul !aj.s in I Cor. XV that Christ
appeared after his resurrection, (1) to
CYphsir, 2) to the Twelve, (I!) to moro
than "five hundred brethren at once,
of whom the greater part remain until
now," (I) tn .lame.1., (.") to all the
apostle, ((!) to Paul hiiuscll.
Thus w( h.ii mi the nrci tint of tho
I'tsiirrc'Ptiiiu of Christ, a htiihburn Ins
tone fact, one which can tin lonjjcr
ho ixplaincd away by di.seii'ilitmg the
Now Tcstonient as gcniiiun iiihtnrj.
Attempts however aro mad" tn ixpl.iin
aw a j tho fact of the rcMirrctinn, and
in .it week wo shall eonMder Homo of
these mtfinptf.
You will observe that I have not
attempted to d fend tho resurrection
by a reasoning from analogy; nor
havo I urged tho acceptance of it by
faith. The ugh the chief evidonco to
a truo chiistian is not that which
comes as an histotical or scientific
fact, but the evidence which tho Spirit
of God boars to his inner conscious
ness, an evidence which makes tho
christian certain I hat Christ lives and
that the records of Him in thti Now
Testament aro true. A mystical ovl
dence, you say. Yes, but nono the
less certain bocauso mystical.
My purposo in showing tho historio
fact of tho rcsurroction and of tho
genuineness of tho New Testament
books is to supplement faith with in
tellectual faot, to assist thoso who
havo intellectual difficulties, and to
meet skoptieism on n purely intellect
ual basis. C. R. Wildkn.
When a man owns n blooded horso he
is always onroful of its henlth, Ho looks
aftur its diet and is particular that tho
feeding shall bo rflgalar and right.
While he is doing this it Is likely as not
that he is himself sufTcrim; from some
disease or disordur. When tho trouble
gets so bad that he cannot work, ho will
begin to give hiiasolf the caro ho guve
tho horBo at tho start. Good, pure, rich,
red blood ifl the best insnranco against
disease of any kind. Almost all diseases
come from Itnpuro blood or impoverished
blood. Keep the blood pure and strong
and diseases can And no foothold. That
Is tho prlnolplo upon which I)r, Plorco's
Golden Mtdioal Discovery works, to
cloansttf, pnrftltH and enriches the blood,
pots mid keeps the whole body in perfect
order; makes apputito good, digestion
Hlrong, iiKAimiliitlnu perfiot. P. brings
ruddy, v.rpf l.citli It builds up aolld,
wholi -on.p II Ii i not tntj wlmu, from tiny
cauht, reductJ below thu In. t. thy utanil
Dr. Price's Cream Ur.KIng Powder
World'! Pair MlgbcitMcdaUad Diploma.
. ? . .Z3. VLJ--Jiira
upertinrs, Proceeding.
To ichool dlitilct No. 1 f :., oo
" " ' " 2 IT'IOO
2 ttt M
" " ;.i
. II II Jl
I. W.Talte)arotn tionnlof ItKiinltr ..
Hauilolph McNItt.ciim ixmrdof lninnlt
r. no
10 St
Ii iO
S 40
DrC Wfgnuin, iiiriHciil H'rici'ii
J S White, tocaxli ailwuittvil 45 00
Hear Arendi, liilior
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2 00
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U, lnlilKeuork
Mr ApiiUgate, " " .. .
G M Illbtiey, liilmr
Wm ClHtk, work on lirldm'....
J 1 I'-HUllKtOlt, Mllfl Imu
II II HoldrcK'! liiliti' work
A II llntTinati, mux r mil
Win Irons, luintier
Jnck IiokrldH(, lnlmr
Jiimi'H Metnrtut')'....
I'M l'lniiib. iniiklitKlKii
l'lntt A. I'rwa IaimbiT Co .
WVItenklc, liniilliiB
W A Seolcy, workna liiiilt,'!"
Yiiace h'oroniun, liiliornml Imullntf...
O M hlilney, luiillin lumlici
Tinilcrs I. u tuber Co
A II WU-gliiB, work with hum
SJ WMttonLntntiir Co
III .'0
WWWrlRliUhurilnuro U TO
Jml Wlilto, vnirkoabrlilKii IV)
A It Want, labor 121
8 II Hlilroy, siiin rvisoi :'il !K)
Walsh .V lilcluiioiul, prlntiiiK 1" Ml
('lias Wiener, clotliltiK foi iirlhoncrs 10 in
O J Warion, printing CO 10
Joh W Warroru nHvpexor 151 M)
.1 S White, tnfciftliniUnnrcit .MIO
I' V Tn) lor, olriict
Ii 41
44 10
111 10
75 10
J.1 10
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Mate Journal tiriutin
II A Pti'xeiif JiiFNCfsnr
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,1 II Milr'ey, Vn )n ur.l ,( ciiunllatliui..
.1 W Itiiurliprl slu i Hi U'rt
J W Itiini lie), bo uiliiiKiHiPoucrs
l'(5 Wolfe, furnit in ,
Wllltnbj, mik rinoi
W II Itllhl'lllT.IIIH
I'. I'l 'I'l-l, HIIMllMir
(leu I' 1'i'pi', i.iiirlnr
CO I'mU'r, jiiitin'or tbuiieaeo
(i JI J'lijnn, -SHjwir,...t
f!S I'arl..r. " ' 7
W II Pattermin, "
J I: N.Mi. pnlillalilnt,' lfil notion
Hit NfWiiimn,
J W Sli'Iatjre, ncM'Knr IT M
W I., pilnlliu 'J-'ri
M b Martin, work for county U to
.1 W Monti, fur lent JuilKo'solllce 50 00
Uufus Miluh, lixtiius S'.i W
lien Mil), nosthMir 7-i (fl
W.I Mailii'iin,nssiHHor M Wl
I' A (liitiil ii"i'fiir f, MM
Allien Kurt on boiinl of tiiiiiliiitloli.... 10(0
,1 I' lliili ii'm. For .10 (0
D M llunti'i hii1Ih . trill)
A It lltiiritiaii Hiiin'ni-or 1 1 Oo
II I (irlciulniKS II JO
I. II I'm t iKMiiKu Mini I'xpretti r l'i
li II I'ort n I'tirtlltii; boinls ui "
Ml I'ort iimklns;iii'icM)rH books too ro
Ij II I'oit hcrxkiit.'li lounty rltrk 'J00 00
I. II I'ort to tuirt tui) on tn llht J00 00
John I'nx liilmr I K)
M (' I'llltOU IIM'ShIIIK ' M
H W looscrviri'SiiHtinliir il 00
h W Koosfr Id's ns bull tr I Oo
J P KkIIiikIo:! Hiiprrvlwi IT 10
.1 P I'lliiKton on lioinl of iiiinlliuIoa.. :.) .10
.lutlgn Dull) fern mill fixiMiiift s is .In
Win DicltXuii iisuiHiiiK' 110 (!)
Win IlKorton ft'cn for wltniss i tn
J II Colvlu c.i,turlnir irloui i Jtl I)
J P. liiickliMi'Htiftliiir 8110
.InM lluiili'ii tiihtx In uuurt S'l "1
I, tails HniiKt rt iismssIiii; n Jo
II Hi Itlor itvMi.fSSitiK i.l '.0
A lliiscliow fcrtlecs J 00
( Iiiih AIU'D HhkirHlii(r MS
"For live weeks I lived on cold wnter,
bo to speak," writes a mnn who snITered
tcrriblo from inpiguation.
Ho conld hardly keep nnythiug on his
stomach. What stayed, wasn't properly
digested and gavo him tcrriblo pangs.
This is not an uncommon caRes, Dye
poptics don't get enough nourishment.
They aro generally thin and weak,
1 hoy may eat enough, but thoy don't
digest enough. Much of wlmt they tnt
turns into poison. If this ktops on
there's no telling what disease they may
got next.
That's why it is best to tako Shaker
Digestive Cordial, as soon ns symptoms
of indigestion nppcars.
It cures nil the evils of indigestion,
and prevents the evils which Indigestion
Sold by droggHts, price 10 cents to
ifl 00 per bottle.
Tho list of lottorn remaining nt tho
postotllco uncalled for up to July .'11,
Towler A L Itisor Frank
Tho nbovo lottors will bo sont to tho
dond letter oIllcoA tig. 11, 18IW. If not
culled for. Fiianu Cowukn, Postmnstor.
"Wakii up, Jacob, duv is breaking f so
hold DoWiti'n Little lhrly HiHrs to tho
mini sbo I in.' 'ii' ' n Ho in to nrijiist) his
luj.giih I r t' I ( il ng.
Children Cry fop
Pitcher's Oastoria.
.- .. I
zata?: L..?wiwvm&?u2aii&MiSto
female organs
Mr. Fowler is having his Iiouso
moved to his property west of town.
Although it rained Thursday morn
ing th Junior Kndcavorors held their
picnio in tho aftornoon.
Last Wednesday Mrs, Fawcctt gave
a party in honor of her nephew, Verno
Ncvins that being his twelfth birth
day. Anna Carpenter cntort lined her
friends Saturday afternoon by giving
a lawn party on Iter eighth birthday.
Tho ladies of tho Congregational
church gave a social Thursday night
at tho church. A peculiar spectaolo
was the young men sitting at ono table
and tho u.u.ig ladies at another.
Tho bfjs wero piobnbly waning ftf
tho girls to tntcu advantage of tho
leap year. liotwecti courses tho
young people amused thcmselvos by
tearing up bonnets and filling vases
with ico cream.
Tho union held a gospol tempuranco
meeting nt tht Congregational ohuroh
Sunday-evening, An excellent pro
gram was rendered and sevoral In
proinptu spcechts were delivered. The
.society was strengthened by tho ad
dition of Ave now members.
Miss Chloc Fullor's Sunday-school
class held a picnic Tuesday afternoon
in tho grove south of town.
Mrs. Good has arrangod a fishing
party for her Sunday-school class
on Thursday of this week.
Tho Lidios' Try society mot at
Mrs. iJcal's Friday afternoon. Ito
frcshmeuts wero served and tho ladies
did an immense amount of sowing (?)
and talking.
.Mr. IM Paul attended Kpworth
League at Moklcy Sunday cvoning.
Mosdamcs MoClarcn and Hanson of
Iiluo dill attended the gospel tompcr
anco meeting hero Sunday evening.
Miss Jennie Carpenter of lied
Cloud is visiting frionds and rolativcs
hcie this wcok,
Sweet Sixtkkn
IleKK Tropical Oil.
The only liniment on the market to
day that bus n positive guarantee to do
all thu label calls for. Its great strength
and wonderful curative powers nro parti
cularly noticeable in deep seated dls
oasbH, such ns Itlibumatlsm, Neuralgia,
etc. CI, Ij. Cutting keeps it.
.i i
Male i.luu.
Pleasant rain visited us Tuasday.
Com is looking spleudid.
Most people aro dono stacking oats
in this part.
Most of North Uranch young pco-
plo aro attending Mankato normal,
Thu Woslyan Methodists aro hold
ing a tent meeting at North Kranoh,
' i ii
cd In ii IaN.
Morton I,. Hill, of Lobnuon, liul,, says:
"My wife had Inllammatory Hheuiniitliun
in every muscle nnd joint, her Buffering
wi.s tirnblu and her body and luco weto
Hwolltu iilmoit bejoud ri-ciignitinu; Imd
luoii in ied for hK ,uik umt h,i 1 eight
iii ii i ui but ru-i il 1 1 i Ot until
tni'il the MYbllt' (.'t'Ui: I'OIl
KliKUM.VTlSM. Itgavo irnuuiliato re
lif 'tiiil she nnn abln to walk about in
three du)H. 1 am sure il am oil her life."
I Sold by II, L'. CJrice druggist, lted Cloud,
I It will assist the
I functions, and the sulterer will be strengthened and cured II
For ! vrywtur. Price, fi.oo per bottl fl
amrtiw!i88SSiv - a; .
Many of the disorders peculiar to
women are caused by diseased con
ditions of the Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels. Restore these organs to a
healthy state by using;
Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S
to perform their re go la
: strengthened an
Vim iihoiihl u ho n otoam cooker, bo
causo food cooked by etooming in moro
palntablo and more nutritious than
whon cooked by boiling. You (mould
buy it lloverngo Aut in title Steam Cook
or, boemiKH it required Icoa titne, len
heat uiul less room on thu ptovo than
any othor; bnciuiso it in much nitupler
and moro nimily used nuil kept in ordor
thou any nthor, anil because it in much
cheaper, mtintr only about ouo half ro
much iih uuy other stoaui cooker.
A piiiiiiiiioiit 1'itly of liKcrtou, Nob.,
sayn. "I have, fur unvoral jonrn used a
PeorliT Ht.-iin i'oiiir forulituh I paid
HIM) uiul couniiliir it n good cooler but
liiul it inconvoniont and ditlluiilt to keop
in order. Sierul of my ncighliorii aro
using tho llovoidigo Autonintiii which
coilii Iivh i linn buir tho prion 1 paid for
uiino ami 1 womUI loccuuinietiil il as bo
ing u b 'ttnr eookur thnn un other that
I hll0 HPI'tl."
I't i Ci.oun, Ni(l , Juno 10, 1 TOO.
The Ui vcriilgo Automatic Klemn
Ciiiikor for which Mr. Huhonck in ngont,
in nil anil moro than ho cliiimcH it lo bo,
I 1 1 live given il u thorough trial n ml tiso
itoviT) day ami find it mticli miporior
to tho old fashioned wuy of cnokitg. I
nl6o coiiriiltir it uiiiuli ouperior to oookom
of otlmr HlylctJ in uso by Hiiuio'iif my
nolghbiirs. ,Mi:s. A. C. Hosmku.
.Mrs (!. .1. Warron I cun Hpeak of
the Hevt'tidgo coolter in ternin of tho
liighi'iit praiso and am particularly do
lightnd with il uu u meat cooker. I
would not bo without it for many timou
itH cost. It in convenient mid economi
cal When linn Iiiih unco UhdiI it, it
HeeuiH iiliuiHt iiulispeiiBiblo. 1 can motit
hoartily reuomuiDnd it to all huuuokeop
orH. Tho ubovo iiuniod cooker will lu nont
on receipt of price to any point on 1). it
M. It It. in Nobrnskn free of freight or
ovproBd ohnrgoa. Addros, O. ychenck;
Hivorton, Nob.
Tho llovoridgo in tho Intost, boot, aim
nlest mid choniinot cooker on tho mar
kot. l''or wilo by CJ. Scbonck. Kivorton.
A Physician Prescribes Dr. Mile
Restorative Nervine.
Dr. Mllct, Medical Co., Klkli irt, liul.:
My (laughter Mattle, a;;ctl II, was nnilctoA
liiht uprliii: with Hi. Vitus dauco and nor
vuusnosi, her nntlro rtitht blilo was numli
and nearly p iralyzed. Wo consulted a phj
Bl i ?&
Glclan a '! I I'" " rl'icl Hr ,I!lcV Itostora
tloNiri i' t'io ti iU tliivu bottles Imforo
wo Miw nnv curta i clirac of Improvement,
tut nfti - lu it oh j huau to Improve vory
f.ivt anil I now tb il: hlii' U ei.tliely cured,
bhu liiu nit.o lioi'lr t of tlin Wervlno,
lint no cither medlcit a of an v kind.
Knox, lad,, Jnu.C, 'n:. h. . Kostiatbr.
1'liyt.lclans prercrlim Dr. MlltV Ki-modlea
hiuauta they mi) I:i"mi to b l lie result ol
thu Ion,; practue ami oMieiloaco of onoot
tliobil,"lito.t, rifii.b-ri ct t 'i'lr inufcsston.
ami nro i-m fu'ly t r j iinl u by oxporl-rnceili-b
i itilntMiit , r,' in i with Dr.
Ml!,, i.. i pi. i 1'irnctlcs.
Uu t a nil i . A i.t i for Dr.
Mtli li ink on tk II .rt i il Njrveu. Dr.
Miles M UirilCo., I'lklu t.Inrt.
Ur, Miles Remedies Kcsloro Health.
Dr. MIlL'h'iiu lVMiiri)Kuaianteo(l iobtom
ileadiivlminM minutes. "Ouu cent u diking
S w
IWW,'-l'USrMHcailiw-4 ,
. mmtMmwmmHrmi mwmm9W4Wwri!z2L&- Ft &rMas?2&3
." b'i-j ti-jtSACtc' . . .! - - r
'"--- , in lMHiNiuuhiua'(&ifr' f - if rifjpinMwi