tl . I THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 18WJ. 5 ? "Y t 'fauu3cux.TfguiOtv.Yitr,tMUorjiini ' n 'i saw- ii i v f iiiion K AND ITS CWIUS To the Editor : 1 Inve an ahsoluto remedy for Consumption. By its timely usis thousands of hopclsss cases have boen already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of Its power that I consider it my duty to ttndfxo bottles frte totnose oi your reaujrs who have Consumptlonjhroat, Bronchial or i Lung Trouble, if tiiey will write me their opress and postoflice address. Sincerely, I T. A. StOCUM, H. Ci isi Pearl St., Hew York. Bf The Editorial unci itailnru Mnimnt of thit l'ktnr Uurantoo tbis goncrous 1'toiHisttloo- THE CHIEF U. A. M. It- t Time 'Inlil u. (Si. INC. i:.Sl 6. Local Kit-Mil. Iv a m. . M.KBStKrelKlil. " '-'I'. . 1:00 P.m. (101 Nil NOUTII 142, Mixed Train, l.v U .15 Ar 11:15 p. m (IC)IN(i WEST 83. Kast Frt'lislit. l.v II :ir n. m. Ar 10:30 a. m HI, Mixed TimIii. " I2:ftt p. til. " IliO'.a. in 15, Passenger. " 8:iun. m. " 8:30 p. in ! TIIK UON TON'S 15c MEAL: feTUAIi, VAW, BRi:AI, ItWTTER,! imc, coi-'i-'ci-'. i .-'- j The Gran.l Hotel. Cor Mil &Q -tt , Lincoln, NVb. i ' lOfi Nicely Fiirnlxlii'il ItoomB. Elovntor. HteBm Hunt. Eleotrio UelU. Only two blocks from ili two principal thea tres. W.T SI'KNCK. S. T. SriISC'K, Managers. ftjlKS. J ll SIIIHKY, IVI Tenrlier of iiwruuiur.vrAi, jiusk:. CuBtomtiry prices. Daily halt hour los Bona to now beginners at rouBonablo rates. DC. JENKINS. TKAOIUUOF Violin, 'ornct and Clarinet. lied Cloud, Neb. Will Kimrnnlee Mitmfm'llon to scholara who desire in Irani mux i Hie almve li.stninieiiis. WlllttlNe lliree lt-fniis (earh li-saonoee Imur) forji.w. Planes iiimil pi-pefly. l.;.iMj wont st till office, nr aililifM in, Keiierat ullveiy and I will ctll. OIlS n EM8. See bargains in Cincinnati Shoe Store ad. Campaign buttons utNowhouse Bros., the Jowolers. Hugh Miner received a now 4,ThiBtle" tandem this week. It ie a "bird." Mrs. Carrie Sow ter returned from a visit in Norton, Kansas, last Saturday. Douglas Ctither in now performing tho duties of iiict-uonger by for tho B A M. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures Colds, oronp nud whooping oough. It in pleasant, nfu and reliable. For Bale by 11. E. Grico. It Booms to uh tliHt property owners in Uod Cloud ought to be ashamed of al lowing wuxle to grow on tlioir promisee. It ia a diegrace, ulliitly. Homer Fhimuhi.. winner of tho Chi cago road raw I'm' year, 1b following tho Nebraska ftnfe eiri-uit. and will ride in tho ruets at Red t'i cul on the.'lOth. Attorney Bernard MuNony is home from Colorado, where he pur chapcd a halt interest in Camp Seward. Ho will eojn bo a bloated i oudholdor. Small in M.e, but great in results. De Witt's I.intw Eariy Ulsers not gently but thoroughly, eurim: ndigtion, dyspep sia and ponstipaMoii. Small pill, safe pill, bent pill. C I Cutting. When we consider that the inteBtines are about five time hb long an the body nan renbro the intense sutlerlng ex perienced when they become inflames, DeWitt's Colio and Cholera Cnre snbdues inflammation at onoe and completely re movea tho dtflionlty. O h Cotting. Mrs. Horton will conduct tho eorvicos at the CongreRational church next Sun day morning, July 2Cth, at 10:30 o'olock. The principal part of theaorvicoB will bo a "Candle Sormon" for the chidrcn. All childron nro cordially invited and urged to bo preeont. Parents will pleaao boar it in mind and bring tboir childron oarly. D. J. Myers, tho preeont mayor of this city, isliablo to go L. P. Albright one better, and succeed Secretary Piper next torm. Mr. Myora is ably fitted to BBinimo chnrgn of the stato secretary's ottlco, and while ho has never indicntod a deflire to attuin that poeition, ho has oomo staunoh frionda who will use all hanorablo means to eocuro his nomina tion, which monnBolection. Tho Nation. CITY m:vs. Correct time tit I'enmnnV. Attend tlio niOfa on the HOth. Kd llohauini whh in iUd Cloud thin week. Hioiclo ehoes $1.75 at Cinoiunati Shoe Store. Prof. O. M. Castor wan in Hod Cloud this week. Bernard Mt'N'etiy left this week for Now Vork. Tan elioo polish and cleaner at Haley's Shoe Store. Ileniy Dlederich and wifo were In Campbell this week. It you desire to know your birth Btono look at Ponman'u ad, If you want your repairing done right get Geo. Blair to do it. S. Lindeey, the butcher, hnB moved his family into the city. Tho Btato bicycle moot is next Thurs day tho .'10th day of July. Shoo dressing for rueeet and tan shoos at Cincinnati Shoe Store. Win. IiichardBon and wife wero in Bertrand, Neb., this weok. If you want n tin roof that won't loak got Geo, Blair to put it on. Mrs. J. J. Garborof McCook is visit ing in Bed Cloud this weok, D. M. Hunter's Sunday-school claei gavo a picnic on Thursday last. F. W. Fuller ia tho happy papn of nn eight pound boy, which nrrived this week . Alwn)s In eeason, llopkin's Steamed Hominy (Hulled Corn). Elegant lunch in milk. Will chnnge your tan shoos to Ox Blood or Black. Cincinnati Boot and Shoo etoro. Nels Longtin and family are visiting with Joo Dandurand and family in Kan sas this wook. The hnndsomo agont, Mr. Edwards, of tho Smith writing machine, was in the city this week. Mrs. Goo. F. Bense, of Denver, is in the city visiting with her son, W. S. Bonee, this week. Mrs. Jos. Herburger is visiting in Colby, Kansas, this week, with tho fam ily of Gub Lauterbach. Marshall Koby, who is now located at Colorado Springs, is visiting at his home in Red Clond this weok. When you want a nice smooth shave or hair-cut, give Goo. Fontroea a call One door south of the Bon Ton Bakery. Wm. Shoop, an oarly resident of Red Cloud, now of Lebanon, was visiting his daughter, Mrs. Silas Fincher, this week. A. Morhart has just received a car of binding twino direct from the factory and his prices are right. Call beforo you buy. W. S. Honao has added a gas engine to his rcstnurant to prupol the fans. Billy is an onterprising fellow, and desorres great credit. Persons who have a couching spoil uvery night, on aocoant of a tickling sen sation in the throat, may overcome it at mice by a dose of Ono Mimito Cough Cnre. CLColting. Charloy Guilford is tho happy daddy of a bouncing baby boy. Uncle Jorry O'Connor feels his oats on tho occasion bocauf-e he is grand-pa. If you nro desirous of assisting one of tho best enterprises in the west you should subscribo for the Nebraska and Kansas Farmor, Poultry nhd Stock JoiirnuL, and Bond somo copies oast. Mrs. 8. F. Spokestlold was in Rod Cloud tills week, looking liko herself again after a sovero illness. Tiik Cm ra le ploased to noto her improvement. Our popular clothing morchnnt, t. C. Wioner, loft for Donvor Fridny night, accompanied by his niece, Mies Helon Jacoby of Chicago. On thoir re turn, M!eb Jacoby will remain in this city indefinitely with hor undo. Guy Tennant was thrown from a horeo tho other night, and had the misfortune to dislocato his Bhoulder. Misfortuno seeiriB to run in spots, for only a fow wooks ago his fathor, Mr. Frank Ton nant, had his shouldor broken while in Cripple Crook. Tho S. of V. Band discoursed vary swoot music on our streets Saturday evening to tho enjoyraont of our people. Tho band is one of the beat in tho Btato. Tlin nnnnla nf T?rwl Plnn;l nhnnlil lin imir.r .iir.XTiox. Como to tho bli'jolo races on tho IMUh. Cincinnati Shoo Storo for repairing. Frank Ktiehu was in Buatriuo this week. Mrs. Thou. Kralik is visiting in Iowa this wook. Bicycle shoes at Cincinnati Shoo Store $1.7,. O. O. Bell is in Colorado Springe. Col., on business. John Crane and wifo wero in lted Cloud this weok. Mrs. Cora Kidd is visiting hor paronta and frionda in this city. For a film hair tonio call on Hutchin son & Hititt. tho harbors. Wo sell tho Dal I Bearing Bicycle shoes. Cincinnati Shoe Storo. S. Payton, of Lebanon, Kansas, was in Bed Cloud this weok. Quality in binding twino Is a big item. A. Morhart has the best. Mrs. Callahap of Tccumsoh was visit ing in tho city this weok, I havo tho only thnroughbrod Jerooy bull in Kcd Cloud, Lou Aultz. Go to Cincinnati Shoe Storo with your shoo repairing. New workman. Tho ladleB of the W. It. C. hold a pic nic in 1 1 ii tumors grnvo this afternoon. Oon't fail to bbvo our monoy by buy ing your binding twino of A. Morhart. M. W. Fuller, of Campbell, was visit ing with his son, F. W. Fullar, this wook. Hon. Jns. McNony was callod t Now Vork state this wook by tho death of his mother. H. E. Pond has 320 acres of woll foncod and woll-watered pnsturo land for rent cheap. Frank Lindsey wears his hand in patches from coming in contact with a barb wiro fonco. Uerby Conover was kicked by n colt Thursday night, which resulted in a dislocated shouldor. Do you want your tnn shoes changed to Ox Blood or Black color take them to Cincinnati Shoo Store. A. W. Richardson and wif.-, of Rey nolds, Nebraska, are visiting Wesley Throckmorton this woek. Miss P. D. Yoieer dosiros to add to her present class. Studio in the Moon block. She is a fine artist. J. A. Hosmer, brother of tho editor, haa returned to Dee Moines, Iowa, after visiting a few days in this city. Do you want a pair of shoos made to tltf Go to Cincinnati Shoe Store Only custom shoemaker in the city. Mrs. Sadie Cumminge, who has boen visiting in California for raaro than a year, returned to Rod Cloud Monday. C. C. Cowden, assisted by F. P. Had loy, has secured tho painting of the Burlington Eating House. Thoso gon tlomon uro artistic painters. Pass the good word along tho line Piles can bo quiokly oiired without an op eration by simply applying De Witt's Witch Hnzel Halve. O L Cotting. John Devlin narrowly escaped being soriouslv injured Sunday night while on the train coming west. He is fireman and was doing duty on train 15 Sunday, when, noar Byron, tho piston rod that couples the drive wheels bocamo de tached und tore oil tho eido of tho cab throwing Johnny into the coal bunkers and injuring him slightly. Word was telegraphed to this city and n rescuo ongino was eont uftnr tho train, which came in soveral hours late. Honry Scott Bonds in the following verso : May tho rose of England novor blow, Tho thistle of Scotland novor grow: Mny ihn bnrp of Ireland novor play Till Wm. McKinley has won tho day. The list of letters romaining at tho poBt-ollico uncalled for up to July 23, 18'Jfi: Franklin, J W Shult, Effio Waterman, Myrtle Tho above lottora will bo sent to tho dead letter ofllco Aug. G, 1890. If not called for. Fkank Cowdkn, PoBtmostor. "","' in. i:. mti. Rev. Blnckwoll is visiting his peoplo at Inavale and New Virginia, Ikstingsdistrict, "School of Methods" for LongiM uork, opens at Dmveeson August Ultli. Rev. P. C. Johnson, I). 1), and Mrs. J. R, Woodcock will address the Kp. worthlaiis at Dowees from time to time during tho "School of .Methods" upon different departments of league work Twenty-live or more of Re 1 Cloud's young poonle should attend this school of Methodh" where new ideas will be presented, The shade, grove, tents, Hulling and bathing and instructions will all bo of a high order. Rev. W. If. Alexander, our presiding ol.lor has cordially invited all the oiing poopln of Hastings district to attend the "School of Methods." Rov. Hummel receivod forty members into tho church Inst Sabbath at libido ti Rov. Motcalf not only occupied but tilled our pulpit laet Sabbath to the de light of all in attendance. Wo greatly enjoml preaching to a largo audience at Eckley last Sabbath at 11 and II o'clock. A ride of thirty livo miles und three Bermotm made a full day's work for one not attempting bo niucn only occasionally. Don't forgot this very important fact, next Sabbath, tho 27th will bo "Debt Paying Day," for our Missionary society and let every member niiUo a contribution. MINER BROS. SEE THAT" New 1C wing Weichine We are anxious to do a little good in tnis world and can think of no pliiisanter or better way to do it than by reucomend ing One Minute Cough Cure us a preven tive of pneumonia, ooiiBiimptiou nml other serious lung troubles that follow neglected uelds. C Ii Cotting. i . On next Thursday the statu bicycle circuit will reach Red Cloud, bringing with it a host of the swiftest riders of KnnBna, Iown and Nebraska, also boiuo ontries have been received from Denver and Chicago. Do not fail to attend th o racoa on that day, or you will inies tho trout of your life time. Tho state record breakors will be hero to entertain the people. A commodious ampitheutro iiHH beon erected which will seat u largo number of people, and the truck is con tinually being worked upon in order to have it in tho bcBt possible condition. The bicycle club is sparing no pains to make the meet a success. They in tend giving the visitors u royal welcome so they will come again. The matiHge ruont have decided to charge only 25cts admission for adults and lOotB for chil dren. No one can hosituto und miss sooing tlieBO races for such a nominal sum us that. The railroad faro haa boon reduced to one fare and u third. That we are going to give away. Has Four Drawers, Oak Finish, . . . Valued at $35.00. DlHrrlicu and lycntery are dangerous, and yon should not bo without n bottle, of Ueggs' Diarrhea Balsam in the limine at this season of the year, as it relieves at once. No bad results follow. Hold by O. L. Cotting. MACHINE Will be given away Absolutely Free August 1, 1896, To Our Customers, Come and sec us about it. Miner Bros. The Old Reliable Grocers nrouu of the uanu. is an accomplished muBicinn Awarded Highest Honors-Worlds M DHL CREAM BAKING POWMI MOST PERFECT MADE. .A pute Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. rH i Ammonia, Aium or any outer raiuunfl 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Prof. Carl Jenkins and has the band woll tiuinod. Lush Haskina is running in hard luck these days. First his boy was thrown from a horeo and quite badly injured. Now comoa Lush, who, whilo driving with his buggy and team had tho mis fortune of having tho nockyoke break, tho polo dropping down causod tho bug gy to bo overthrown and ho with it, staving him up considerably besides fracturing six ribs. Prof. Alvin Popo, on Thursday after noon, moandered toward tho pasture after his daddy's cow. The young man haa been absent from home for some time and had forgotten the color of the bo vine. Ho finally reached the pasture and solemnly marched in, selected a cow that he thought was all right, and then marched out again, tho cow preceding him. The animal took a difforont route, but Alvin finally landed her at his fath er's gate, Thon you ought to have heard the horse laugh that Ot gave him. He drove the cow back and afllrms that he will not go after the cow unless she haa a mark on her ao that he will not , have to do ao much walking. An Economical Hoard. The board of Supervisors of Webster county aro very desiroUB of displaying the hand of economy when it comes to ropublican nowspnpors, but when the pop pnpor iB the bidder that make a dilferonce, as was shown last week in letting the tax list. The Leader put in a bid for five cents on each description for town lots, and tun cents oach for land, which, supposing the list to be worth 9180, would havo savad t lie county $210. McMillan of the Belt put in a bid for ten cents straight for the work, which would Invo savod the county about ono hundred dollars. In the face of these facts tho board let tho contract to thoNation for the full price, ten conts for town lots and twonty conts for land. That is economy with a vongence. Tho vote stood: Nays; Roby, Petors, Kort, ('.)', yeas, Hoffman, Popo, Egglington, Shirley (4), What has become of their boasted economy If If it had Ijeon u re publican board tho lowest bidder would have takon tho plum, but under the boasted pop ordor of things economy moans oconnmy when republicans are bidding, und whon pops bid it doesn't mean unything, tako it at your own price and go. Their boastod reform is only skin doop, und horoutter tho vot ers of WobBter county will soo to it that republicans till tho ofllcos. Losing Flesh You naturally lose flesh in the summer and running down is so easy. You get a little weaker each day without hard ly noticing it. There is loss of appetite, headache, weakness of the muscles, disturbed sleep, weakness of memory, and these are the beginning of nervous prostration. Iron and tonics and bitters may afford some temporary relief, but what you need is a food for body, brain and nerves. StxtR6mul4iC3TU of Cod-liver Oil with the Hy pophosphltes, furnishes just the nourishment needed for those who are run down and pale and thin and weak. If you lose flesh in summer take Scott's Emul sion now. Don't wait till fall or winter before beginning. For tale at joe and $1.00 by all drugglsta. Continued Sale. WE HAVE A FEW TAN OXFORDS left over from last week's sale, which we offer below cost. Pare blood is the safeguard of health. Keep your blood pure, rioli and full of vi tality by taking Hood's Karsaparilla, and yon will not need to fear tht nttaoks of disease. Hood's Pills oure liver ills, constipation janndioe, sick henrdaoho, billio usnuss i!f cents. onicllilng About the Fair. Tho Nobraska and Kansas Inter-Stato association at Rod Cloud, Nebraska, which will be hold Soptembor 11 to 10, 180G, will be the best fair in tho state this yoar, asldo from tho stuto fair, Tho manugomont havospontsovorul hundred dollars on the track und grounds, und nlrondy havo application for space from twouty-ono counties. Tho central und woetorn portion of tho two Btatee are showing thoir appreciation of the enter, price by tho many applications that are daily received at the secretary's office. The railroads havo given reduced rates, which you can obtain of your local ticket or freight agent, where arrange ments can be mado for shipping. This boing presidential yoar, the management have mado arrangements with somo of tho best speakers to be present. Numos of speakers and datoa on which they will speak will bo announced in tho August number of tho Farmer. For further particulars, address tho secre tary, Red Cloud, Nebraska. N. and K. Farmer. Sciatic RltcumalliniCurcd. L. Wagner, Wholesale Druggist, Rich mond, Va says: "I had a fearfnl attaok of Soiatio Rheumatism, waa laid np al most two months, was fortunate enough to got MYBTIO CURE FOR RIIEUMA TIBM. This eared me after doctor's pre scriptions had failed to have any effect. Sold by II. Ii. Urioe druggist, Had Clond, Our $1 50 Our 1 75 Our 1 25 Our 1 00 Our 4 00 TAN OXFORDS for $1 15 35 00 85 50 Black u ( t( 1 I 1 Men's Ox Blood tan. But not Little Giant School Shoes. Oui 1 00 Children's Shoes, 8-11, 90 Our 1 25 " " 11 to 2,1 10 Our 1 50 " " - - 1 55 Our 1 50 Little Giant tan col'd Shoes, 1 25 Our 1 75 " " 1 50 You cannot afford to overlook these cash offers, not equalled anywhere in the city. CINCINNATI SHOE STORE. A, H. KALEY, Prop, M -i V . IM i Bu 1.1 1, 1 'I' 4 : lHt ,1 HJ i.w Bk w V. IZT -SUA :Wwr3i' "M . - V ftS t , fnvMtaw-BTHtyy, !tdtBVaflBfUa1lWtMUMfaUtt ww m st nadr ' &mmmmm&mmmiw