The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 17, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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X !
liolv- Urn vol
null Mono, hrU K 1I11M m uiliir, puln In urethra,
rtniliiltiitiid'T urination, pilulu the Ink k and
il),MiililciiMiippiiifi'ofiitcr wltli pn-wiirp.
ItiiiAliTs Disease
Tiilxx-iKla In HHin urine. .SiMiip.fnot
curf itt iiiury tt oiiIiIi-h ttml kidney illlllciiltli'S.
Liver Complaint llir, foul bieath, bilious
m, bilious Ih'iiiIiii'Ih. poordltfi'stlon.KOiit.
Catarrh of the JUadder rltutlon. nice ration, dribbling,
f rtH'iipiit cull. M Mooil. iiiiiiui or pun.
At Ilmuulkth fill ci'iitM ami tll.OOSIzc.
InrnlMn' lluliln ! Ilfnllli" frrc (Viwiltitlon free.
Iliirwln mi trrtlllrntlnii.
There is weighty nml itlmmliiiit evl
dcnco. br.j'B Darwin, that tin- llowerH of
most klmln of plnnts nro rotiHtrurtcd so
ns to lie occiiHloniilly or linliltimlly
cross-fertilized by pollen from nnotlicr
llower, produced either by the Haino
plant, or generally, iih we kIiiiII here
nfter seo renson lo believe by n illHtlnct
Plant. Cross-fertilization Ih sometimes
liiHiiri'd by tlio hexes being Bcparatpil,
mid In n lnrgo number of eases by tlio
pollen anil Btlgmn of tlio Bame llower
being matured at (llffeieut times. It Ih
nlRo Insured, In ninny eases, by mo
clinnlcnl contrivances of wonderful
beauty, preventing tlio Impregnation of
the flowers by their own pollen. Again,
them Ih a class In which the ovule ab
nolutfly refuse to bo fertilized by pollen
from the Hnino plant, but run be fer
tilized by pollen from any other Indi
vidual of tlio Batno species. There are
also very many species which are par
tially bterllo with their own pollen.
Lastly, thero Ih n. class In which tlio
llowers present no apparent obBtaclo
of any kind to Belt-fertilization; nover
thcloBH, theo plnntfl are frequently In
tercrossed, owing to the preiiotency of
pollen from another Individual or vari
ety over tho plants own pollen. Thero
are, however, nonio enHeB which Becm
especially contrived for sclf-fertlllza-tlon.
Tho number Ih much smaller
thnn would lw Biipposed by a hiihty ob
servation. Wntfir fur llciuait l'lunta.
Rainwater la best, as nothing la
moio certain thnn that hard water will
kill hard-wooded, lino-rooted plants.
It should be used at n tempernturo
somewhat nenr that of the room, nnd Is
Improved by exposure to sun and nlr.
.When kept In tnnlcH below ground It Is
freiiuently rcndeied as hard nB spring
water from Its absorbing magnesia or
llmo from tho materials of which tho
walls of the cistern nro composed.
Stronger liquids, containing some ma
nurlal matter In solution. If given,
should generally bo done at the period
of floworlng. Such solution should bo
weal, and clear. All over stimulation
of tho plant-system should bo avoided,
some plants bear It, but others, ns In
the vnrnatton nnd tho rose, a distortion
of tho llower may ensue. Tho stamen
may change Into petals, petals Into
leaves, or tho llower may become alto
gether double If tho soil Is too rich.
1 "Save My Child!
y of
is the cry
P,f who sec
' riKJ-vi-, i;.41
writhes in croup or whoop
ing cough. In such cases,
Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy proves a blessintr and
la trodsond. Mr M A
Burke, of 309 E. 105th St.,
iew York, writes: " Dr.
Acker's English Remedy
cured my baby of bronchi
tis and also gave instant
relief in a severe case of
J tiita, 25c; 50c.s Si. All DrnsxUti.
ACKKH.Mklllll.SKl .1 ,10 U riUIUW ,, ,,T
A. P. T. L.
Tho American Protective Tariff Leagus
is a national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Industry " as explained by its constitu
tion, as follows :
'Theohjactof thla Leu atiall ba to protect
Amancin labor by tintf en import, which ahall
adequately eecura American Industrial produota
fainat tho competition of foreign labor,
Thero are no personal or private
profits in connection with the organiza
tion and it is sustained by memberships,
contributions and the distribution of its
FIRST' Cerrcapondim-a la eslicited rajtardmj
11 Memlarahip " ami " 0" ' al Corrup :ncPt,"
GEC'IID Wu need nnd wal.omeo.'tributiona,
when ir email or Urge, to cur cauio,
ThlRO: Wo publlth a larpe line of document
eoverin- ull rlmee of tlie Tar.ff quoillon. Com
plat aiil wi'l bo mailed to any addren for 60 cent.
FOURTH: 8enrl poetal card raquait for free
ample cony of tha "Amcrran EconomUt,
Addren Wilbur F, Watteman. QtneralOeereUr.
136 Wtit 23d Otreot. New York. n
Kft Kutlnr.
Mrs. A. li. Smith, Gibson county, In
diana. I have had considerable expo
Hence with tho fault mentioned above.
I havo trlpd a number of remedlPB, but
have found nothing so effective ns
changing them to now quarters, nnd
watching them closely for a few (lays,
getting each egg ns It Is laid. Several
years iiro I broke n flno lot of Illack
l.aiiKshans of this habit. This year I
had a lot of While .lavas that pot tho
habit nnd I broke them In tho snmo
way. Tho cniiBo Is chiefly confinement
In clohn runs. I hnd to shut up my
fowls for several days In tho house and
Hint a wheio they leal nod tho habit. I
nit them Into a new tun and KiUliorod
the i'kkb as fast as they were laid for
a f'w days and I ho habit was soon bio
ken up When I havo a hen that Is sit
ting and I-iIiikh off mi pkh every time
she mines fiom tho nest 1 cover up her
sitting place and take her nut and feed
and water her every morning, giving
her meat scraps If 1 havo any. I do
this for several mornings nnd after
that I havo no trouble. I practlco tak
ing off my hens, feeding them, and
putting them back on tho ncBt, cover
ing tho eggs with a warm cloth whllo
tho hens nro off. I uso Incubators but
usually havo some hens Bitting toward
tho end of tho season. I hnd one egg
eater UiIb Benson, hut soon broke her
as above. Hens will not ent eggs If
they have proper animal food. A mor
bid appetite Is the cause. If I should
llnd ono thnt could not be broken by
the treatment that I havo mentioned I
would tnko her off the oggB for a few
days and put another hen on them (ns
I generally have supernumeraries) and
glo the egg enter a few china eggs to
practice on. She would forget her old
habit In a few days. Ono wny that lions
learn to oat eggs Is by having too
many heiiB laying In tho same nest.
Soino of tho eggs mo broken, and In
this wny tho habit Is begun. Whole
eggs or half egg shells thrown to thorn
will teach them to brenk eggs; that
was tho way my Langshans learned
tlio trick and my Javas learned It by
b'lng kept shut up whero they woro
Idle. Now when I feed egg sheila I al
ways iTush them. I now have about
100 chicks. Of tho older broods tlicro
will weigh eight pounds. Tho next
brood nio three weeks younger, and I
havo two other broods (Incubator) at
Intervals of three weeks in ago. Tho
four broods consist of White Javas,
Whlto Cochins, White Langshnus, and
Whlto l'lymouth Hocks with a fow
half-breed Javas with tho latter birds.
Kuben (5. Porter, Emmet county,
Michigan. I havo hnd sonio troublo
with hens eating their eggs In tho
nests where they wore laid, but nono
eating them when they wero sitting
on them. Make tho nests In kegs nnd
tho hens cannot get at them and will
boon stop the habit.
l- J. Marshall, llutlor county, Ohio.
Yes, I have had some experience with
tho egg eaters. It Is a pernicious habit
and hard to break up If several get at
It at the snmo time. Tlio best way then
Is to mako a nest slanting so that tho
egg will toll out of the reach nnd sight
of tho lion ns soon nB It Is laid. Caro
should bo taken thnt tho construction
of tho nest Is such that tho eggs will
not bo broken ns they roll away. Con
lined hens nro most apt to contract this
habit. I havo also had hens thnt were
Bitting ent their eggs. They would
bring off an egg with them every time
they came off to eat and keep up the
habit till tho eggs were all gone. Such
hens usually break an egg when get
ting on the nest and then tako it out
with them next time they go to feed. I
never com Id remedy this to my satis
faction. Nests for sitters should not bo
deep nt point of entrance ns that con
dition Is most likely to result In bro
ken eggs. I think that if they did not
get an egg broken nt first they would
not carry them off, but the smeared
pggs make them worse. Whenever nn
egg has been broken nnd tho other
eggs smeared they should bo nt once
washed in lukewarm water and tho
nests made dark, it possible.
I'ei: Kntlnc; llrni.
I havo had somo hens eat their eggs
whero laid, but find that It nlmost al
ways occurB In midwinter or early
uprlng when tho birds are short of
grit. It gencrnlly commences by lay
ing soft shelled eggs or laying off tho
roosts at night, when they have an op
portunity to roll tho eggs around nnd
peck at them. When tho spring Is
fairly on and tho laying Benson In full
Bwlng, 1 havo never been bothoied ex
cept by nn occasional case, nnd If I
can detect that hen oft goes her head.
My sitting lions never bother mo by
eating tho eggs bet under them, unless
I happen to put In an egg that has a
very soft sholl nnd It gets broken In
tho nest, or in some enso whero tho
nest Is mado In such a manner that
tho hen has to drop Into it from too
great height, nnd thus accidentally
break an egg. Hut those accidents I
usually guard against after ono experi
ence. Ab to treatment, If It is an iso
lated caso of egg eating and I enn find
tho hen I chop her head off, But If In
early spring or In tho winter n mania
sceniB to seize them for egg entlng I
scatter china nest egga on the lloor
nnd In tho nests, and keep nil eggs
picked up as fast as they are laid for
a few days and find no dlfllculty In
stopping tho habit in this way.
Joseph Murphy.
Dal tn County, Michigan.
A diet of fruti ni. I mill,. It In said,
will rciliuo llesli at tin- i.iu of llvo
ruunds a v-ok
Vour ISalr t'nii ICu Mtxoil
from falling out or taming gray This
ia a pOfltive fact, in il wo ginuanteo
lloggit' llit'if llonowur to do it, It cleniHei
tho scalp, leaving the hair glossy am)
luxuriant. Sola by 0, h, Cottlng,
I'ropajratloD from Cnttlnge.
Success in rooting cuttings will, In
general, bo In proportion to our skill
In piovcntlng the cutting feeling Its re
moval from tho parent plant. Hence,
other things being equal, well-ripened
shootB of deciduous plants nro more
easily rooted than those In a less ma
ture condition, though If proper condi
tions were at hand tho latter would
root tho soonest, Suppose yow havo a
nice growing plant In your window
early In May, and It has many young
shootB on It two or three Inches long,
slip them off eloso to the stem, cut off
n few of the lower leaves and Insert in
a pot of sand, expose them to the sun
and air In your window and most likely
your labor will bo In vain; but cover
the pot with a pleco of glass, to keep
tho atmosphere about them moist, and
shade from sunshine until they can
bear it without wilting, and you will
have rooted plants In as many days ns
you would havo In weeks from decid
uous cuttings. In general It is best
to havo a cutting cut off nt a bud, aB
tho vital forces aro stronger thero nnd
thero Is less danger of their decaying
from extra absorption of water. Sand
as a medium In which to root cuttings
Is preferable to anything else, becauso
It prevents too much water collecting
about tho baso of tho cutting, on tho
ono hand and on tho other tho entrance
of too much nlr to dry It up. Other
methods of propagation nro chiefly tho
separating of tuberous and bulbous
plants and tho dividing of the roots of
herbaceous plants. J. II. Gardior.
Mnlttiirn nml .MiiIc1iIii.
Tho best and most practical way to
preserve this moisture and place It just
where It Is most available for plant
uso Is by frequent shallow cultivation,
forming a fine earth mulch. This ap
plies to gardens and all hoed crops.
Whero soil cannot all bo cultivated as
with small fruits then ubo manure,
leaves, straw, clover, marsh hay, or any
material to shado tho ground and re
tard evaporation. With coarse mulch;
closo around fruit plants, and a flno
earth mulch between the rows, large
crops may bo carried safely through
severe drouths. Commonce at once nnd
contlnuo until products aro mature.
M. A. Thayer.
"Wnke np, Jncob, dnv I breaking !'' po
ciild DoWitl's Mttlo Kurly Risers to tho
mini who had tnU n them to arouse life
rlugglBh liver. C L Cottlng.
Yoll RllOllld linn ii ntniini nnnlrnp lin.
causo food cookod by stooming is more
l-iiniiiiuio anil moro nutritious thnn
when cooked by boiling. You should
bllV II lieVI'NIL'O Alltlinilltic Rluntil Pnnlr.
er, became it requiroB loss time, Ipub
heat and lesn room on tho ptovo than
any other; becnuso it is much simplor
nun more easily ukhi ami kept in order
than any othor. and becauso it is much
cheaper, coBtintr only about ono half vb
much ns any th-r steam cooker.
A prominent lady of Kivorton, Neb.,
says: "I have, for several jearB used a
Peerlpss steam cookor forj which 1 paid
$0.00 and consider it n good cooker but
find it inconveniont and dillicult to keep
In ordor. Several of my neighbors aro
using tho lievordigo Automntio which
costs less than half tho price I paid for
mino and I would reccommond it as bo
ing a batter cooker than any othor that
I havo seen."
Hr.i Cr.oun, Nob , June 1G, 1890.
Tho Hevoridgo Automatic Steam
Cooker for which Mr. SchoncW is agont,
in all unci nioro thnn he clnimes it to be.
I Imvo givon it n thorough trial and net
it overy day and llnd it much superior
tn tho old fashioned way of cooking. I
also consider it much superior to cookers
of othor styles in ubo by somo of my
neighbors. Mits. A. C. IIosmf.k.
Mrs. (5. J. Wnrron I can speak of
the Hoveridgn cookor in terms of tho
highest prriiso and am particularly do
lightpd with it as a meat cooker. I
would not bo without it for many times
its cost. It is convenient nnd pconomi
cal. When one has once used it, it
seems almost indispensiblo. I can most
heartily recommend it to all housokeop
ors. The abovo named cooker will b3 Bent
on receipt of prico to any point on 13. &,
M. R. H. in Nebraska freo of freight or
express charges. Addres, C. Sohenck,
Kivorton, Nob.
Tho lioveridgo Ir the latest, best, sim
plest and cheapest cookor on the mar.
ket. For salo by C. Schonck, Kivorton,
' - "
We are anxious to do n little good in
tnfs world and can think of no plaasanter
or better way to do it thnn by roocomend
ing Onu Minuth Congh Onre ns n preven
tlvo of pmmmouln, consumption nnd
other sorioitn Inng troubles that follow
negleoted celds. C Ii Cottlng.
a i ii i .
The list of letters romnining at tho
postollico uncalled for up to July !.",
Chapman, C W Door, Minnio
D'fuk-y, Korpe HaskinB, litta
Stool, Dorothy
Tho above letters will bo sent to tho
dead lottor ofllco July :i0, 1890. If not
called for. Fkank Cowdf.n, Postmaster.
It would be hard to convince a man
suffering from bilious collo thnt bis
agony is due to a microbe with nn nn.
prononncnbls nnmo. Hut one doso of
DoWitt'a Collo and Ckolera Cnro will con
vlnqe him of ita power to nfford Instaut
relief, It kills pain. C L Cottlng.
Hull anil Cyclouct
May overtako you any day. Got your
property protected iitreducod rates, of
II, 11, Pond,
Mi hea IVihj- wag jJck. wo p.ivo her Gvstorla.
When tJiu wiw n Chllil, Jio cried for CisJortv
V1vm Uio Ix'camo ItKs, him clung to CiMorla,
WLca Ehu had ChlIdreu,Elio r;authcui CustoH
Hartcsting is tle order of tho day.
Oais arc not very good around here.
Mrs Vance left for Wsshington on
July li, aud frcm there tho will go (c
1'liilf.delphu where she will visit her
U. Hunter shipped a car ol hogs
Monday to Kansas Oitj.
Mr Irons went to Grand Island en
Tuesday to attend the pnpuliit con
vention, Mr. Kd Walter-! our popular neent
and wife, havo commenced keeping
house in the Ayer liouso on Soward
Al Garner wishes to mention as
Hiis ih leap yoar, that he has a fine
hujjgy aid team ami is rciidy to lako
the girls for a ride any time they wish.
And Geo. Humtuell says, hero too,
Mr. and Mrs. Aors were visiting in
town Friday.
There will be nn ico cream sooial nt
Sadie lloldregu's next Tuesday night
for tlio bptirfit of Key. Blackwcll.
Itiiivalo has a McKinley and Hobart
11 ig floa'ing nv-r tl o town. It is on
a ilntr stMfl fifty feet high. It belongs
to Mr. Konyon.
Mr IlaHtingr went to KintasCity
thii week.
Joe ViiuDykc's newliew of Kranklin
is vimiing hero this wei'k.
Willio Hontiett i spending a few
diivs nt home.
The school hoard has ennagod Mr.
Will Iliillclioucr Iit teacher the com
ing yetir.
Mr.i. Tui'kinglon of A'nu spent the
Fouith with litr parent?, G. W.
Knight nnd wife.
Al'lioN Strinos.
Ift'KK"' 4ai'i'iiuiii Salve.
The 1'rrfeot Uiiitmrnt. Cnrt-rf whero
all otheis fail. Its txtrnordimiry cura
tive power has been proved in thu tlions
and of eim-R of pilt-H, for which wo hold
ttslimoninlA, Your papular druggist C.
Ij. Cutting Hells it.
I ' Not one part but every
?part of HIRES Rootbeer
tends toward making it
the perfect temperance
and healthgiving drink.
Mbit onlj by Tbfi TbatlM K. lllrn Co., I'hlli.U Ititla.
AJJu, packofeuukeOiaUoai. SoUtrcrjwtitrt. Jt
abatfi i.ub( DtlUty. dlrtrtnlntf romaeli and
Itmale Ilia, nnd la noted lor Intlilnir jurm when all Oder
Ire atinml Mil. Trrrr imiiher ami Invilnl thoulil hate It.
f1an..a n.l !!. ir; .. k..
I'romotca a Iniuriint itrowth.
Nevor Fail to Ilratora Oru
Ilalr to Ita Youthful ColorT
Curea acalp dwiKi ft hair falling.
v.iiu . 'i a, urumtj
HINDERCORNS The onlrnra Cure for
Worn Slopa all paw. Make walki ia eij. Vic. MDrugjuu.
4j) "1 thoutand ichetltbut mh imv Slwv" t
J Useliie (
f sirs? o A oe tm
. Pratt Fa.l.n,ra hold Incca. j... j J
1 Zriidtnii Hralrrt hare thtm, :W
Booklet Free I x jk
"J r. u. iiniio c ii. maWra), rmrjnn. (JP
i iiirHrnrra i.nKiiii ivianHunti iirnnj
aft. .1. . u 1 tl.l. tkl.. ti J
arc, alia;a riliaLI.. LAOica a.X A
Dmmlit for flrnra ruii,h Hit Jf
inti.l llrati.l In lied ai I CM u.f illlo'Vt
JlKira .ralM villi I Icir TnUo V-
laiuullirr. rHJl'a,,''ru""","ri'i
'itonaanj ln.l(a(liN Al IHu.'(ita.or arnl4iv
to tlaro.a r.r Milleiilna. tr.tliuoiilaU am
"1'ellrf for LmUrt." In inirr. hrrrlurii
aiall. iii.iMiu riiinnnuia ,vmi immt
lirudliu. 1'lilli.ilib. IV,
II l) ail Local Urufiliu
A TV atartM apaMaiMa ar
wHhonl My loUntl
l mtifiieinB. nni vmw
Ur.MNBA.litD. tUl
ror-t.ooi on tot rwi,
haUarfa. boim. Aft.. la&TiDi
aklft cUtr. whlu And ht&lth
fr by dnifiiu. or m ot tf xa for W tu. idlra Da.
vim lkf rfilUdiitlft, I'ft. Aik jvur druiiin ffi-iA,,
brTjKSTo-0y r,
'.i.i.'T wuin
A..f- .. -
R5f51 H
in lvi
aaV4.W 1 . aaJI
iH iw
r 'mWlPCT.
. to.
"J" ' aV
7 Arcarf-
f;tH. 1 1
r "a'- o
i" fc'."'
-r-. -
I IWr' IUI 1
Qr i . n
-a a
n ol
fr . ..L IT AH.luXI .0.2 -r X
"t-rrr.:,"" " jtJLsx
for Infants
IH1RTY yearn' 'otucrvntlon'of
milllona of poreonn. permit
Itlnnqnetlona'bly tho boat remedy for Infants nnd Chlltlrnn
tho world ha over known. It la hnrmloaa. Children Hho it. It
Blvoathom health. It will wavo thoir Uvea. In it Mother lmre
omothing which i ahaolutoly aafo and practically perfeot aa m
child' medicine.
Caatorln deatroy Worma .
Caatoria allay Fevorinhneaa.
Caatoria preventa vomiting Sonr Cnrd.
Caatoria onroa Dlarrhma and Wind Collo.
Caatoria relievo a Teething Tronoloa.
Caatoria enroa Conatipation nnd Flatnloncy.
Caatoria nentralUea tho effeota of carponlo acid eaa or polaonona air.
Caatoria dooa not contain morphine, oplnm. or other narcotic property.
Caatoria naaimllntoa tho food, rcgnlatoa tho atomach and howela.
giving healthy and natnral aloep.
Caatoria la pnt np in one-aUo bottle, only. It la not aold in hnlk.
Pon't allow any ono to anil yon anything olao on tho plea or promiae
that it ia " Jnat na good " nnd " will anawor every purpoao."
See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
Tho fac-almllo
algnatnro of
Children Cry for
When you seo jv wheel with
handsome red tires,
it's the
Tho Victor has hall-retaining;
devices, and is the iiickFt ami
easiest to koep clean.
When you buy a Victor,
you know you can get repairs
it' you should need them in
the years to come.
Tabules cure nausea.
Tabules: at druggists.
Tabules cure dizziness.
Tabules cure headache.
Tabules cure llatulence.
Tabules cure dyspepsia.
Tabules assist digestion.
Tabules cure bad breath.
Tabules cure biliousness.
Tabules: ono gives relief.
Tabules euro Indigestion.
Tnbules euro torpid liver.
Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Tabules cure constipation.
Tabules: for sour stomach.
Tabules cure liver troubles.
Tabules: pleasant laxative.
market Report.
Corrected weekly by Ued Cloud l'roduco Ce.
Wheat old 40
Wheat now Itr-
Corn If)
Oats r
Ryo '20
Hurley :Ci
Flax 7r
Hogs 2 00
Butchor's stock 2 002 fiO
Huttor 10
Potatoes St 10
spring chickens per doz 2 002 ."0
Old hone per lb ."
llnv pur ton Il OOfft'l
' -Jvr7A AVT---:rK5'5'
Jtunnlic 1
r.nlma I
ft" .'
and Children.
Cnatorla with tha pntronago of
nn to wpcak of It without Rnoning.
"" la on overy
&K'-c&At4C wroPPer-
Pitcher's Castorla.
Crunk IlMner poitivjy cimnot work
Ilandifs, piickes, and tho most sim
ple crank ul on I In. market.
With tho now sent post, it is impossi
ble) for tlio seat to turn and beomo
crooked. Seat can bo 8t from ono ond
of pnBt to tho other without beiiiR re
moved, iiNtl no burr in bight.
Tho inner tul- ohi- Iih removed in an
instant when dt-Hated. No outer cover
to loosun from the i nn, .
Ill) spokes out of 1C0 brenk near the
hnli where the im WHiikuned byacurvo.
Victor bpoki'S Jia. .. direct pull.
(".-.talnpiie uiiitiilnli c mil iniillciiUri can bo
olitrflii' (1 upon iiiic,iti .ii,
hen ifu hy liilllcathii.
Kqilltuble Srcurllles Coiiiwiiy
.Julia 1' Van Wle.
Cntlierltie A. Vim Wle,
Iimhc W. r.iriliui.ct al
The iiliovi-imiiiHil iiefoniiaiiti, John V, Van
l ami Cotlit-iiiiH a. Vim Vv'vc, win take no
tifii tlmt im the vatii ilav or June, I8M, the
l.iliil iililuN-eiiiltlMConiiiiy, nlxlntlir Herein,
llluil Its Htltiini in I In; Oi.lsl t colli! or Web
Mifrroiiut,Nelirnsliii, the olijeclHHiin prayer
ir which ijic to rniei-losr a cerliiln iiiortKatre
I'M-cuteil ly the ilureiiilunts to the plaintiff,
upon tliHMiulhweit ipiarteror seellnn .'
'i.r;iiiKU U west o( tno il Ii prlmlptd inerldlnii,
Webster county. NeiHiiskx, togrciini iheual
niriit ol urtiilii piiuiils-ory iiiiIch tlateil ij.
ceiulicr , lMi. one for the hiiiu or $T5, and two
L",l.t'.rrt..f'""1'."." '""''.citch (or tho sum ol
S.'J.M), I lie saiii'i be tnc due (im) p.-ituli1o In
wtrii Tears iroin tint iinte (herein; (hat ihere
Ii iiuw-diut upon mild mites ami inurtKaeoihe'
sum of 17M.1H', whli InicieHtiittherateorten
litr cent tei auuiuii I rum the it day ot June.
IKi.1, km Ahich .siiiu, wpii Interest from this
diiie, plrttntlii prnjsfcriiilecri-B that il.ffnil-iint-
Im In puvlh- mine, or Unit said
Ihm'uusVuin't'tl'r. '" ',t"Sfy "1U um"""t ""'
Vm ie ieiulreil to aimiNer said petition on
Haled Jul) ,i, jtMii.
Hi i-n, n. i ..'''''"'.'Sl'CUIIITIKSCO.
llolit. T. l-otlei.lhelrAltoiney.
Moon llr.ocK, - UK!) CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly nttouded to, nnd
correspondence solicited.
11. V
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