The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 17, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Medicinal nluo In ii botllit of flood's H.irs.v
p.irlll.i than In any other preparation.
Moro ikill N ri'(iili I'll, more euro taken, morn
expense lliciinril In Its manufacture.
It costs llu riiirli'tor mid the dealer
Moro hut It costs tlio consumer Itft, 111 liu
gets mine dines for lilt tiiiiiii').
Moro ciirnliio power Is secured bylis peculiar
, combination, iriiiillon iiml process,
' which tn.'iKi It peculiar In Itself,
Moro K'0ii' nr cuiplo) cat ami inori' spare oc
cupied In It L-ihnratory than miy oMicr.
Moro wonderful cures cITcclcil anil more Us-
tlinoiil.iN leeelied Hi. in liy ali other.
Moro sales ami lame nercase liy jear
iiri' reported hv ilrimnlsts.
Moro People air takliiK IIihmI'h S.irsnparllU
tnilay than any other, ami nioru art!
lakliii! II today llian eer Prforr.
Moro ami sllt.l. miiiik. reasons mlislit lio
Klu'ii why )on mIioiiIiI take
Tlio One Trim lllooii I'urlRcr. 91 per bottle.
nOOU'S PlIlS Sick Headache.
lilt ami
m cents.
PuMMicil Weekly.
HiibNcrliillon, $1 ler Annum
Invariably lit Advance
Kutercd nt llui I'nst Olllm In tied Cloud, Nob.
hi mall matteriit the second class
A.C. IIohmkh, Kdltor.
I.aiiov Tait. Aint, Uical Hill tor.
Kt'iHiUiU'Uti .nlloiml TU'kel.
For President,
of Ohio.
For Vico-Pri'HiJont,
of Xow Joreoy.
Kc'iiiiblit'niiMHlo Tlckcl,
For Govornor,
For Lieutenant Govornor,
For Soorotary of Statu,
For Auditor,
For Treasurer,
Vat Attornoy (Sotwrnl,
For Supt. of Public IiistructlKn,
11. R. CORHE1T.
For Commissioner,
For Supremo .IuiIkob,
For Regent,
lie publican Ticket.
For Congrosn Tith District.
W. E. ANDREWS of Hnstlngs.
Tiik honest tnoueyiloinourntfl hnvo
called ii moeting of their lilt far tho pur
Iioeo of putting u 6tiunro toed demournt
in tho Held.
Mom: ttian VSi political papera of the
democratic Htripa havo turned their
Imckii on thu Chicago convention and
uwtutr hy nil Unit iH yellow, that tlioy
will not support Hilly Hrytin.
Scamiimi up for Nebraska dosn't
mean voting the democratic ticket. If
it did why not stand up for Nebraska
and vote for Hentloy, the prohibition
cuuti'.dato for president.
Ah far aH we are aware tboro is not a
word to be said against tho Hon.
Williiitn JonuingH ilJrjuu, ana man, hut
we do not Delii-ve that very many real
republic-aim will follow liliu into the
deuioipop camp, oven by tho alluring
free uilrur bait, which ih lining held out
UHumiiiduueiiient. Hon. Win, Mclvinley
reprtM.utu tho ideal republican doctrine
of protection and honest money and few
real republicans will desert the camp
far some untiled theory.
Now It the pops endorse liryan at St.
I.o u I;:, tU?n the prediction of a few yonrc
ago, thut tho domncrutic party would
iiwalJitw tho populist party sooner or
later,, wli! have become a real fact. Wo
belli. a that tho republicans who loft
the r. ipu'iliinn party for reform will ob
ject ti Ijein," tnted into the democratic
ranks wul ami body The republican
jiopuli Ka-cat now bi the nrror of their
wity an i return, as many of them have
Tonsil (hi Jake.
The pojjttlisU. of WebsUtr county tiro
willing to tolerate a protest from a true
blue popu liit lU:e W. 11. Householder,
but when hi; till a runtnnkerou bluthur
ukilo as Jako Kindbcher riws on hie
hind legs a W dtf.'Iaroa that u job has
been Mit up. uiihuut any provocation
whuUiwr, it h, to -cay tho loust, provok
ing, Jike was probably hurt becauae
he muv uothitiu'in 1. himself, and con
duded to raise u litt!t stink. However,
to long as the p-ipulltfa send such men
tu thu uonveiiiium tLuy must expect
nucu eruptjous, Souui good brothor
ehoiid havd.lako wriUi anoliior letter
to the Argun, declaring Uiat henceforth
he m ill jiot utlliiatH with toy party, but
when be doee, it will bo witti the ropub
lican. Prom itiia week's Siiton.
1'or ule
Who will ba tho lu 'ky one? Hoiibo
and corner lot, lot l'J. block (1. Twelve
rooms lu houu, p7(X). Lot 18, block 0
and barn c.'IOO. Term one. half cash,
balitnoH on tuiu. Pur fut'her oartiuu
Jars write to L. IJ4U111, 71 Votvimc
Ave., Chicago, Ills.
Tho populists of Wobslor county ns
sembled In convontlon Inst Snturdny, at
tno court house, whero thoy procooded
tc elect dolognteB, ondorRO Hrynn, blow
up the republicnno, and diacourso on
freo silver. The convention proceoded
to business by electing J. L. ClrandstalT
president nnd D.J. Myors socretnry.
Tho committoo on credentials proeont
od tho following list of delegates, aod,
there being no contests, tho enme wort
Ratio Jaa Uuckold, O II Rust, A II
HolTmun, L Campbell, F Stroble, Win
Plonsant Hill-Ed Oullford, WII Hr
ris. C Ilrubakor, A N Godwin, Henry
Wtdlor, CIiiib .iilman, Fred IlrlKht.
lied Cloud Township M h Kinkou
binder, Jno Oilbort, T 0 lUrber. V Sor
Ronson, Ed Parkes, Wm Crablll.
Potsdam K V McKenzio, Wm
James, John Shoots, Ed Durden, A Hub
chow, A P Kykolbahm, A D Ranney, J
Mnndelbaum, J P Grimes.
Elm Crook Poter Hill, D R Carpon
tor, W II Howe, Chaa Howe.
Glenwood Goore May, Wm Hilton,
Jos OrandstalT, John DuiTy, W 1) House
holder, P 11 Sailor, Cubb Apploy, Frank
Cramer, Jas Mattock.
Walnut Creek Wm Points, W E Rey
nolds, A II Vandorberj;, Adolph Josson.
Harmony R C Rest, A M Ray, Jntnoo
Eflinfton, C C Stout, Win Patterson,
Wash Reed, John Hamilton, Jon Morat,
Goo Hitn.
Roavor Creek Jacob Klndschor, JS
Parsons, J II Hamilton, a II Payno, J D
Criiman, E N Shootnaker.
Innvalo G M Cochrano, O R Pitnoy,
R K Orchard, Wm Irons, J P Halo, II
Stillwator R F Hudson, W R Guth
rio, M 11 Miller, Ojcar Ferdinand, A II
Spraouer, Goo Webor, Chaa Guthrie.
Oak Crook-G E Outtuan, J O Riloy,
Ed Edwards, Ed FuHk, A W Choate, W
J Wriplit, P I Laird, Roy Choato.
Guide Rock II F Coopor, M Dotour,
Goo Vw Woert, R II Crow, Jno Schultz,
Isaac Orow.
Cathertom Job Krai I, F E Payne, A
A Phillips, L G Genoronux, O C Hurg
man, R ii Payne.
GarOeld P Ailee, I Aoiack, P Houch
in, C P Hansen, J R Manly.
Red Cloud City II Diodorich, Jos
Horburgor, II C Richmond, F N Rich
ardson. Second Ward Dr Dameroll, D J My
ers, J II Walsh, Geo Newhouse, P E
Van Woort of Guide Rock wanted the
convontiou to select delegates ono way
and eoiuo other fellow another. Ho was
loudly applauded.
Quite a little discussion took place
over the fact that some of the follows
wanted a pledged dolognlion for South
erland furcongresa.
Michaol Pinkenbinder solemnly arosa
in his seat and, witii extended index tin
ger, auuouncod, in a stentorian voice, to
eras his uamo from tho list. The sec
secretary did his duty. Rusine6H tlien
proceeded, with about sixteen speeches
on the mili net, point pledging and some
At iibout.this time,"Ulg Horse" Rich
mond wished to ' elucidate," and moved
tliut the delegation be instructed for
Dr. Dameroll na delegate to St. Louis.
ThiiB was it done unto thu doctor.
Jacob Klndschor hold a position as
delegate, having ioturuei-1 to the fold on
Captain Houchin horti arose and an
nounced that he wouldn't vote for any
one but a piv (uulotm homo new party
started that ho hadn't joined).
Finally Capt. Houchin cunt oil upon
tho troubled waters by moving that the
convention iirtlect thu various delega
tions, winch was carried, and thu follow
ing are the names of those who go to
Holdrege and Grand Island:
Win. Irons, Geo. Van Woort,
A. U. Spracher, Kohl. Damerell,
W. Dickson, Jos, Grandstutr,
A. W. McKinsoy, R. C. Rest,
Capt. Houchin, 1). R. Carpenter,
O. R. Pitney,
R. R. Payne,
H. C. Richmond
Jas. Scolos,
Wash Rood,
A, D. Ranney,
Win. Patterson,
W. R. C. L,iird,
W. II. Houselioldor,
lake Kindscher,
M. M. Miller,
Capt. Houchin,
At the opening of the convention,
Xib Resslo Carpeuter, aged sixteen, of
Cowles, addressed the convention in
about tho following words:
Tho concentration of capital, which
has .been so rapidly wrought in this
country by a contracted currency caused
tho downfall of the greatest nations of
unciont ami modieval limes. And now,
uudtr Tory much the suite conditions,
our boasted Civilization in rapidly wan
ing. With 11 contracted .currency, our
weuith hns.bcHii absorbed by a few, ever
since 1878. We have been denied u suf
ficient amouot of money to do business
ou, -uud, in rdor to buy money, havw
ben paying twice and three times tho
value in prod tee and labor, We want
mor uuoupy, money of the people, for
the poopfo, and by tho people. Romono
fixation of silvor will bo a long step to
ward thu accomplishment of this object.
Tho campaign that we are now lighting
Children Cry fog
Pitcher's Cattorla.
Blood Poison.
Contagious R'ood Poison has been ap
propriately called the curse of mankind.
It is the one disease that physicians can
not cure; their mercurial ami potash
remedies only bottle up the poison in
the system, to surely break forth in a
more virulent form, resulting in a total
wreck of tile system.
Mr. I'rnttk II. Martin, n prominent
jeweler at 926 Pctisylvania Ave., Wash
ington, I). C.says:
I was for n long
time under treat
merit of two of
the best physi
cians of this city,
for a severe case
of blood poison,
but my condition
grew worse all
the while, not
withstanding the
fact that they
i charged ine three
y. ' hundred dollars.
My mouth was
filled witti eating sores; my tongue was
almost eaten nway, so that for three
months I was unable to taste any solid
food. My hair was coming out rapidly,
and I was in a horrible fix. Iliad tried
various treatments, and was nearly dis
couraged, when a friend recommended
S.S.S. After ' had taken four bottles, I
bewail to get better, and when I had
finished eighteen bottles, I was cured
sound and well, my skin was without a
blemish, and I have had no return of
the disease. S.S.S. saved me from a life
of misery." S.S.S. (j,rtiaratitecd purely
vegetable) will cure any case of blood
poison. Hooks on thedisease
ks on thedisease
ami its treat
ment, mailed
free by Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
will bo known in all futuro history as
tho "bankors' campaign," and tho voices
which now cry cut against this grout
enemy of humanity will be hoard by
generations yot to com, No man, no
individual who wlihos to disoharge his
full duty as patriot and citizen can
allord to bo silent or inactivo at such a
time; ovory voice, n matter how feeble,
should join in this "Great Rattle Cry of
Freedom," that all may enjoy tho bless
ings of victory which uro sure to follow.
At about this time D. R. Carpentor
mounted tho rostrum and wanted every
man, woman and child to loaro their
seat and subsarib for th Nati n, and a
littlo buroau was oponed over in one
cornor for that purpose. A fow of tho
faithful shelled out.
At this point the following contin
gents wero appointed to tho Grand Is
land convention:
Jno Duffy, II C Richmond,
A D Ranney, Mr Hamilton,
II L Hopkins.
Hon. James Gilliam made n speech 011
froo silver, and otatod that, while there
might be some difference in their politi
cal creeds, yet thoy could nil stand for
free silver. Ho did not take aa much
stock in tho crimoof 73, us it was culled,
an he did in tho repoal of the Sherman
bill; hu thought that had dune more
damage than the crime of '7:i.
Dr, R. Dumerell was called for nnd
nn nou need that he was for Rryau and
Editor Walsh hero awakened from his
dream of fne silvnr Iouk enough to an
nounce to tho convention that thu talk
about free silver was all right, but tho
pops couldn't run an election without
thu nt n IT was in sight ll raid it had
been arranged thateverx member piot
out was to pay Uo cents por week from
that date until ulecliou was over, fur tho
good of the uaUHe.
A motion wiib favored nnd carried, hv
which wim appointed a board of direct-
ors to take charge of candidates so they
would not put their foot iu it during thu
campaign, as follows:
Win. Dickson, president.
D.J. Myors, secretary and treasurer.
Judge Dutl'y, generalissimo.
The following resolutions wero ollored
and adopted:
We. (hu popullKtHof Webster county In con
tt'iitiiinnoM'mtiloil, ri'iion 0111 allcKlance to the
princlptt'H of tho Onmlm platform.
Woare unulteralil) opponi'il to tho republican
phltfolin mliiiiteil at St. l.onlH, IipIU'VIiik it to hn
Incympivth) with the pollc nt (irnvnr Clee
laml nnil other meienmirles, thrimvh whoso
leailerhhlp thn peoplo of this ri'piihhu have sat
fereil mine har.lihlps than ever barn e
perli'iict'il in the nation's hixtoiy.
Wiiili'ii'iiiiu'ethoeniirseof Caiurressniaa An
(Iri'WHEiHileeeptiM, tohlseoiiiititui'iiL'y, anil lec
nmiiii'ml I lie uiunluatlim, in our cniiKresulonal
(sintentlonnt llolilreili;i). of hoiiih man, clean
ami able, who can best mute thn bl-motallu
foreiiMif tln:lMritt,
We hi'iirllly commutnl tin- efforts of IiIh excel
Innoy. liov lloli'oinb, in Klvinir thuHtnto a clean
nihnlnixtinllon, ften froni the Meni'ii of ttiett
aiiilcorriiptloawliiih obtained ami his tlour
Nlusl iimler republican rule, anil wo further
rei'omiiii'uil his reuiiuiiiuulon to the otlico of
e hellete that (ho Kreat battle to be fouuht
In the present camp-ilKU Is betwieii concentrat
ed capital in thn form ot batil.s, htookn, boiiils
ami other Kmirrantis'il prollis.auil ilmt the I1.1t
tlelsliibefoiiKht on Ih hllver iiuMliia, We
thererme invito Ihoco-opeiatiotiof all piri'Oini
oppo-.eil to thoMliulounlil Miiiiituril.
We alhit reeonimi'iiil die orir 111 . itlou of hi ver
elalwiiileimiiH In mcry tim-iminp of Webnter
coiintv, nniljthat this rcxoliMloa bo publlslusl
Htnl remain stanilimrin lint llnl Clout! Nuiow.
Wu heanil) enilorse nuilcoiiKr.itulate
W. V. Allen upon the brave nml relentless tlht
hebiiHiMinlo iiKUiustthn enrroacluuents of tho Hon.
We toko pleasure lu cninmcnilliiK the ability
nilil intluelice of our ollieial paper, tho Iteil
llloinl Ntion, iiinl urjre even person favor
able to the free (ointiue of silver to Rive It his
su.Krtauil ii8sUt it to biiIii patromik'e.
iikrks, theiteinocralH lu national cotirun
tiotl ncinb!eit in lChlcao svli-cleil n tlioir
utaniliinl bearer, William .lennliirfs llrjnti, or
Nebraska, a iiina of rccot;ul.l ability iiml in
ti'Krlty, whiwu wimdorful energies lane alwns
beenKrutaltuuusly exerted in tho Interest of
Tviiif wr
'IBIW 7 '
the iioople'forinlDK thu common iiiamcr, nnil
Wiikbkah, tlie principled mwcrtoil In the pint
form ailoptuil nt n.ilil convention arc ill recti In
coiiipllHtico with, mill pr.ictlcnllv nn pnilorio
tnent of dm ri'tornm ointxxllcil in t ho Onmlm
platform of tin n'Oplc' party, nail.
WimiiKts, wn hollo on Klorionfl victory In tho
iiniillntfciuninUn!iiuiH'irpil iimlmti hu 11 f
fcctptl only UirotlKh a compk'tn ami atntrnl.lo
union of nil the blmulnliu forco.i, thiTcfore
IIkmovvki), Hint tin' iloleuntp from this eon
Tt'iitlnn to tho state convention nt (Stand Island
Wpd'ii'Mlny, ho Instructed lovutii only for mon
whi will line tl'elr host t'lforln to ntciiro foi Mr.
llryim tho nomination of thn piople's pnrty In
the nattunal contention at HI. f.oiils.
(ItPMIYt . I'icii:
.l. A llMll.tO.N,
(I). li.tMit'K.srK
Itiilitinmutnry Itliuiiiimf Ism Cure
ed In tl lii).
Morton f. Hill, of Lebanon, lnil., says:
"My wlfo had Inflummntor) Hhetunntiam
in every tnuaole and joint, her suffering terrible and hor hojy ami laoo weto
swollen almost beyond recognition; had
been in bed for six week ami had eight
physicians but reueived no lieiietW until
she tried tho MYSI'IC CUKE FOR
RHEUMATltiM. It gave imimdlate re
lief nnd she was nble to walk ahont in
three days. I am sure it saved her life."
Hold by H. E. Grice dmKitist, lied Cloud.
!! I
IVihIi laj.
Taken from The KHrmur.
Monday morning not only brings most
hoUBUwivcb something to think of but
likewise something to do, and if the first
day of tho wook is not properly observed
or mado good uso or, tho rest of the days
nro not productive of all that is dosired.
Rluo Monday as it is somotimes called
must havo tukon origin from tho way in
which it was misuBod or not usod at all
to a good ad rant ago, for surely when
ono'a labors aro ended satisfactorily it
creates a feeling of satisfaction rnther
than othorwiso. This day is generally
givon to washing, and nothing could be
moro conducive to good health or
moro productivo of good results than
kooping everything pertaining to tho
wearing apparel and bedding purified by
wnter and soap Tho moro montion of
Monday mort-ing means wash day, but
the ladies of today havo itsoarrangod
as to lessen the burden to a great extont
and one would scarcely know it was
washday, unless you actually visited the
kitchon or washroom, (it jou hove ono)
tho moals are as nicely sproid and overy
room is just us neatly taken caro of as
on other days, tho only dra-v back being
the rising a littlo earlier in the morning
moans a groat deal to tho person or por
sons doing tho washing. A gnnoral
turning out of tho entire family in tho
morning on wnnh day, and each do nil
thoy can to holp push the good cause,
means success and a good dinner At noon,
The washing dono makes happiness
reign in tho household nnd ovorybody in
good spirits roady for Tuesday's trials.
To mako Monday a complote success as
wash day one must ot ready for it and
not allow an) thing to come betwoon and
when it is landed safely and cloanand
sweot in tho clothes hamper you can
safely sing, "We Will Meet Again in tho
Morning." "Svlvania."
Kufllr Corn.
Taken from The Farmer.
Thore are tivo dilleront varieties of tho
katllr corn. Tho tlrst is tho white, the
sooond tho red, third tho green, fourth
the rico, llfth tho uiilo muieo. Edch of
these aro divided into two distinct fami
lies, the large and d varf. It was intro
duced onto the American continent from
Africa about ten ears ago and was
planted tlrst as 11 curiosity. It vsas found
to grow readily in all localities and un
der all conditions.
Experiments developed thn fast that
it would mature 11 crop in tho driest of
seasons on tho western prairies. It will
thrive and do well on all kinds of soil
with tin minimum of care and cultiva
I ,'"" ,,m' planted hero in Oklahoma any
I'uuo between tho 1st of April and the
middle of July. It dno-i the bust on sod
is a natural enemy to weeds anil will be
us cloan with two cultivations aa Indian
corn will bo with four. It is very slow
in gorminating and getting a start in
growth, but is correspondingly suro, not
requiring mine to sprout it. Tho stnlk
at tlrst resembles the sugar cano whon
coining through the ground.
Tho grain forms iu a head Jat tho ex
tromo point ot tho stalk, whore tho tas
sel is on ordinary corn. Tho grain is al
most round, n little larger than a grain
of wheat, and yields from 113 to 7." bush
els to the acre. It is good foed for all
kinds of stock, bottor for horses than
corn or oats. Horses and cattle like tho
fodder, oating it better tlinn thocommou
corn fodder, cows givo richer and moro
milk than when fed on bran or hny.
It Ib a splondid hog foed, producing hot
ter ilosh, giving them a glossier coat
than Indian corn. Poultrymen havo
found it an excellent egg producer. It
will pop like the common pop corn nnd
cooked !iko rico it is oxcellont with
cream and sugar.
It is a first class substituto for hominy
the miller has found it makes splendid
moid nnd Hour, in short it is tho poor
homestoador'a and all other westorn
men's stand-by, being a pure crop in dry
ordtouthy times. It should bo culti
vated as tho Indian corn is cultivated,
It does tho best planted with a planter,
for bhallow planting is tho best,
W. D. Ckamer.
Gurber, O, T.
Hugs;' Dlurrlieii RaUani
positively has no equal in dinrrhea. dys.
eutery and intlamation of the bowels. It
relieves quickly, and being purely vege
table, no bad result follow, Yon cannot
nfTord to bn without it nt this season of
the year. Sold by O. L. CottlnJI.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
Died, at her home, July 7th, Mrs. Ar
mltty C. Gurney. Mrs. Gurney wrs
born in Monroe, lowti.July 1(5, 18."0. She
caino with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hicks, to Johnson county, Nebraska, in
187.'J. Sho waB married to Chaa. Gurney
April '2, 1S74 She and her husbnnd
moved 011 the north east quarter of sec
tiun 20, town 'J, range 11, in Webster
county in tho shrlng of '71, whoroeho re
mained until her death. She was the
mother of fourteen children, of which
eight are living tind six are dead, She
leaves a kind husband and eight chil
dren to mourn hor low six boys and
two girls. Mrs. Gurney was a good wifo
and mother, kind and iiHVctionnte. As
n citizen and neighbor she was loved
and appreciated by all who knew her.
sho was a member of tho Raptist church,
Her Bpirit h:w gotio to God who gavo it.
Hor body is slumbering in tho grave;
her bo many good doeds cannot bo ob
literated, time cannot erase them,
but moro strongly impress one that
whilo living her example was to bo an
atToctlonate wife, ti christian mother nnd
a good neighbor.
Sciatic ItliuuiiialliinCiireil .
L. Wagner, Wholesale Druggist, ltloh
monil, Va., hiije: "I had a fearful attack
of Seiatio Rheumatism, was laid up al
most two month", was fortunate enough
TISM. This oired mo nfter doctor's pre
scriptions had failed to hnvu any effect.
Sold by 11. E. Orlce il rntrc ist, Red Cloud.
llrKri-r of lliiiinr Itrsulutlmis
Viiitik.s Our Heavenly Rither In his lu
providence, bun culled from her homo on earth
to tho heavenly mansion above, our .-deter Ar
an tt let' (in 1 ne, theieforu ho if,
HnKDI.V 1), That I'.cd Cluud loik-e No. '.CI D. of
II.. extend to our Inother and hU motherless
chlld.otirMjrmpalhy lu this their prodest nllllc
tlon and sorrow, while we mourn tho loss of onn
of uiirliest and innht faithful members, Unit
ItrsoLVKi), That thenu resolutions ho publish
ed the ollieial orpin of tho ordor, Tho (iolilen
ltod Workman, also In our local papers, bo
spread on thu records of this l(lo, a copy Heat
onr brother, and tho charter of our lodfre he
draped for thirty days.
KitkPavii. )
Kdna 8 mas rut, 5-Com.
Whkkkah, A once hsppy home Ih now nail Rnd
desolate tho AnKelot death linvinK taken from
it, lis Idol the baby of our Biter Anna Clark
therefore be it,
HKHol.VKli.Tlmt whllo our hearts ko out In
sympathy to our sister and her family wo would
commend them to lllm who said, "sutfer little
cKililrcn to come unto me," for Ho dooth nil
things well.
ItKHOLYKD.TIiat those resolutions bn Bpread
upon tho minutes, bo published In our city pa
pers, la tlio (ioldeu Hod Workman and a eopi
iteat to our sister.
:$.00 to gO.OO ler Day.
A live, bright lsdy in every County
to sell two of the most perfect toilet pre
parations on the market. They Bell at
sight. Uo'd through ageuts only. Ad
dress with stamp
Tho I'arisian Toilet Co
U'O .Michigan St., Chicago.
A bulT cnlnied satchel, brown snot on
ono Bide. R. R. Lewiett.
'llio Utile OlmilN Are Here
and enme to stay. C. i. Cottinir, your
popuUr druggist, has just receivnl a new
supply. They are the only (iiaranteed
pllt on the market, lit. sure you el
Hcggs' Little OiHtits, Ask for sample.
Conly Wilson
h working
for Mr.
licrgiu mi.
I'cer N'oistin has returned
Kearney county where ho has
viMiitiu for eoiuo time.
Cl.itid Duval and family were
ing at .Mr (SilroV Sundiy.
Wade Kuiiinz shippml his fat cattle
one day Inst week to Kmsas City.
Frank S.idilek bought twelve head
of fat cattle last week of A. N. Wilson.
Some of the farmers have com
menced to stack their small grain.
l'eter O'I'Jerg and J. 0. Urooks sold
several head of oattlo to parties living
in Campbell last Friday.
Itt'Kg-' Tropical Oil
Tho only liniment on tho market to
day that has a positive guarantee to do
all the label calls for. Its (-rent strength
and wonderful enrntivu powers are parti
cularly noticeable in deep seated dis
eases, snoh as Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
etc. O, Tj. (Jotting keeps it.
When we consider that the intestines
nre about live times ne long nn tho body
we can realize the iutensii suffering ex
perleucfd when they beoomo inllamed.
UeHlttV uolio nnd Cholera Unre subdues
inllammntinn nt oueo nnd completely re-
moves thn dilllnulty, O h Cotting.
A Wonderful Medicine
ma,nni2S8r.?n,X,rT"u? ('"",,r1'',rs suoh as Wind and Pain In tho Btomach, file Ifaailach
v u!n!;tnl??.nu'X'i'!,ulne nU"r '""a1". ltne(and Drowaliu-ss. cold Suliu'
Rko noi i..aKkL08?.-0,,iJ,JM,,,te Shortness of Hrcsth, Coatlveue8ii,lllote109nS Iib
JLn? niur if ll,l,l'i,,ll2"A?.,,',I1",,, bjr ronlpntlon. as most or Ihem nre. THE FIRST nn'
Kilir;v?ii1?itME.tJ,i.TW.ENTy.WINUT8, This i no notion. Erory auffeVer 1P$&
uosily luvltou to iry one box of ibeao Villa, and they will lie arknowleUgua to be
,..BiJ3XlSnif.P''S PlttS, taken ns directed, will quickly rcRtorofsmniM m m
plelo health. Tliey promptly remove- obstructions or IrrcBUlarltlca ortho Hiora?
ticaiv oiumAun,iMPAlHl;U
TPVmzTnvrnn snsrsrr it
wxvu x anivau, annual Sales over 6,000.000 Boxea.
2VnHtDruK mores, or will ho sent by U. H. AcmiIh, n y, au.RN ffl' Mr-.njS .t
Tfork, pom paid, ujignrocelpt ot prlcti. Uook froo u hju uppi icattoa. ' ew
Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex
Deputy U. S. Marshal,
Columbus, Kan., says:
"I was delivered
of TWINS in
less tlinn U0 min
utes mid v i t h
scarcely nny paia
after using only
two bottles of
MfSeiitbr Kxprersormnll, on receipt of price,
HI. OO per tiollle. book "TO MOTllKllS"
innlleii free.
lti'porl ol'iliu :oiulltiou
At lied Cloud, In the Slate or Nebraska, at the
close of business .ltiuu:io lsw.
Loans ami disoounts S3.1270 07
Overdrafts, secured mid unsecured.... 72 99
Current expenses and taxes mid ta;a os
I Duo trout National, Statu and Private
Hanks and Hankers $5210 07
Hills of other banks Wu8 00
Fractional Paper Cy., nickels
and cents 1 tfi
(old Cain :)'.'.-.', On
SlUer Coin Bta a-.
Total cash on hand tlto? 01
Total Resources $7!UJj la
Capital Mock paid In nsnoo 00
Surplus fund CMO 00
Undivided profits 'JMI5 30
Depoilts .subject to check PislO '.'7
Deposits demand eeitilletes lillli 5
Deposits tlmoceitlllcntes ftajr, tw
Total Depodts .Viijo 82
Tula' STKnTll
SLiteof Nebraska. County ot Webster, ss:
I, W. T. Aii'd, cashier of the above
named batik, do Milemiily anear that the above
statement Is true to Hu best of my knowledtje
and belief.
W. T Aulii, Cashier,
Attest:-W. T. Atild, director.
Suhserlbcd and sworn to before mo thlsCth
day of July, I8W. u. W. Kai.kv.
Notary Public.
For Sale.
f0 corda of dry etovo wood. Chaa.
II. Kuley, Red Cloud.
Itliciiiniilisni Cured In a Day.
"MYSTIC CURE" for Rhetimatism
and Neuralgia radically cures iu 1 to J
days. Its notion upon thu nystetn is re
mark! bio and mysterious. It romoyes
nt once tho cause nud the disease immed
iately dlsnpjiears. Thu flrst dose greatly
beiitttts. ii cents. Bold by , E. Qrioe
druggist, Red Clond.
lleport or the Condition
ol the
lcople'M Hank ol' lied Cloud,
At Red Cloud. In thu Slate of Nebraska, at the
iloseof business, June 30, ISM.
I.oaiisand ilKceiiuts $JI333 39
Ovrdrafls. M-rliied and uaseelire.l
County wan ants
;u 3G
8JI 7S
11 K
II ilikltm house, fuinltmcundllMiires,
Cutrent expenses ami taxes paid
Cheeks and other cash Items
Due ri . 'in national and state
hanks .',-.' 17.' l:i
Specie li.VH) 7."
l''' paper uiie'ie.
Mike sand cents 1;
LcXid tender no'es 700 U')
Total cash 01. hand ,111 1 in hanks..
:n.Vso -15
Capital stock laid lu SIMM) 00
riiUMdtil prolli.s 0.'3( 40
lndlldiial depnsl s, kiih -et to
elleil yi'.'Tii 71 j
Duiaaeil ceilllieatr.sot ileooslL i:ii'i " lv.tii n
Time eel tlllMitesiil depijslt L'oitiU'M
''"dill ii:tll39
State of Nelnaski, eouutj of Webster, ss:
I, V , herrtood, 1 ashler of Hie above
named hank, do solemnly swear th it the above
statement Is ti in to the best of my ktiouk'ilne
and heller. W A Siikiiwood,
AttoM:-.!. I.. Miner. O. II. Miner, directors.
Sulcrihfd and suoiii to heloro inn tliistltll
day of duly, tsw Hamiom'U MrNirr,
Notary I'uhile.
CiMiiialssliin Kxpiies .May l!, Is97.
(iiullel morfunue .Sale.
Noth'e Is hre'-y Kleu by virtue id tho
te tin ut a chattel inorUaKU dated roptt inner 10
lH'.o, tiled tor rtconl Pi t lister .county '
liraska, lu.nlu by Isaac (Sreuell, morl(;ai;or, to
I . I N llrimn, iimr-'Kimee, on which there Is duo
the stun of Jid.'.Hi, and default haWnn been
made In thu cnuilulons theieor, and an suitor
pioceeillus li.ivlnu been liKllttitcd at law to
recover the debt stem ed bj said liioitKiiKoor
mi) part HieiLOf, din iimlersi;ueil will sell the
piopeity thiiehi descrlhed, to ift: Onu hay
baler, commute, tnaniifactured by the Kansas
City l.hthttilin; Ray Press ( ompany, and one
red ami white cow lour years old, at public
auction to the hlchest bidder for cash, 111 front
of the city llieiy Imiii, In the city of lied Cloud
Neb , Ht one o'el ck p. in. on S iturday, Aucnst
I mil, IKM.
I D 'ted, Jul) H, isrd,
1 N
llltow.v, Morteatiee.
...... ......
"I"" "" Vital onmiui! 8trenBrh.J!
. .
1 "waTjar? '
S, A