n -V iS 'V mwv I 4 MttflMMWliMMN ...-g-r- --Tarm.. s-isfix Vi --: - u -. ix.': -I"" i IHl Pr:.!r ksri ":&5.'?.:2-rf .t-JsgJL''?: vtwwj Vsilfc &,.. V,t-J. - t -11 'Bij'.iBMi. ' . a r3-j i- s-'r;fBaHfr v- '- : , a'AV - . mm m . m h ii- .1 l'-ii... -va-,--. jfr' 1 .--a-sr;-j.. 1 rwkH -rr-. rjHiVBr. ai. Li'jis -... jm r : m nil h-t 1 ' 1 r jhd . t -w-.. hji-.'um' mjbhb.iw yu -ir siwT--siiim i vat - .ja' . J. . 11 i .- - t , --- .. - oa i 's.. wr m -. v.k.'mmx bhi " . jh i j r -r. -. r u ji - i , i -. m. m j- n . lj. ' kin . sv BnwAi "st a k ii vr taA. r - mvh. . - 2B?flrl a r NED. o, and KIT loneiBrfKSk.vV nHBUiBfl&vuewrllS2 ksuj EMSy'-r -wmiim ml ivsgaiMi iHzssfr - ?tw ... vmmsflsz. r- -" -- ---r jl. .iMkvfl?r. v - c. viHiiirf-1-- -? "-stx,- -tzr.r'&'j'wrzr&' r r -rmL .- i -i-tt- -.- -- -W rr ta r - B' r3??- - --:;:-& t-. w"'- -- 's,-'1 '' 3?" --, " - WK M'i-tfah -v - 1 . 5 5! BH -SKlfU Iltf VOLUME XXIV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JULY 17, 180G. jNUi1HEU2J SrC29 IKSl sr.itnoMvirs- B' ims I-ST xrlth .1 hlrr If. lilQCl:PU'(I Octnilne Utlll iMirliiuii ii 111 11 Ijii-n i llM'ir on will linu ono ioiiixiii iiikIiIi' i'ih It ln niitiio bug, iiutl tuo cou pons lnMcli nub lulu iiiinu in)!' or SEackwell's in Durham Smoking Tobacco llnvnliiiLMif tlilsrtlplinited lolmoconnil remit lio coupon hlcli Kl tn u llBtof uiuuuiu prcseius unu no w 10 bl-hih;iu. Tho trlowinc UL'liV hhould iidorn TIioeh who in uirni July are liorn, Then will tlioy ho uxmnpt iiml fruH From love's diuiht iiml anxiety. 1 'rutti ptfil hs a ili"iri' winch every sinciTi' Cliritniii iniHi KH4es9, that the tiullih of christian!!) inuy huvo n wiili r Ih'iiiiii and 11 uiiIit uceoptanco in Hul CIoihI ami vicinity, 1 have ro iii sli'il the use of (lie unlinniis ol Tiik Ciiikk. This t ho editor Iihh ki mil v uruiti'd. Kur the want of n hcttiT niiiiic I will duh my nrticlcs "hi-riiioni'Ui " J l'hus Christ it tho loiindcr of the Chriitiiiti religion. Without Curl.st we coiilil huvu n rtliuiim hut not tho Clirihtiiui U'ligton. Difpou of Christ of the goepcl, nd jou hnvo under mined the foundiilion of tho Christian t.uth. In vii'W of iheso fucts, the (jucHtioiiH, "Aro tho goBpolo Mnt tliuw, Mark, LuK( and John iiuthontio historj?" "! the character of ChriHt thertin jinsi'iitnl (!Piiuim ?' become huiniiif: vital im" to every living III IHI. JaniMritiiiriii"! -Maj l.mcialil bfiitcintii't "liipplilri IMini.irv iii)tlioit. .Illl.i'- IV.ul (..oiiilicr tMl. .Man h-lh.iclntli. Aiirll-Dlainonil. iiih- Unity Aimnst Jiii'iii-htono. Noiiiiliu i- TiM7 iinib. Driuiiilirr-'liiliio1se. 15 Years Practical Experience In Fitting Sneutack'B. Come in whon noediu KlnB6PB my stock ia full iiml complete ut all kinds. Will Buanintee jou a lit and suvo j on mono) . Your Watcli. Clock nrul Jewelry Repairing Koliciled. I fsiiitritntff all work, any dofi'ct in same miido (jnod FREE of chari. Dilllmilt lino watch work und eiiKravins n specialty. THOS. PENMAN. Wutch Exiiminpr for 15. & M. R. It. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DKAliBKS IN LUIUI AKU AI. Building M.atkrial, Etc. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. y Harness 1 Harness ! Harness ! J O BUTLER, The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade HARNESS MAN, In Red Cloud. Prices right for cash Iii 1SMT SriihiiK", a Geiinsin scholar wrote a hook entitled tho "Life of .luMis." In i hi he maintained that our four ynhjn Ik ciii the product ol the second ciniuiy , that they were not written until about 17."t A. 1). CoiiMMiiriitl ho miintiimcil that the chi.tnctir of Chrtyt which the gospel presented was not gniniiup. He held that at the iini of Christ'.s deatli, 33 A. 1) , Iiih followers icarded him as hum m nnd nt divine, simply ana man, though a urent man, jet not the Sou of God. Hut that, as time passed, stories concerning the miraculous power of this man Jphuh p,rcw up, su pernatural dicds were ascnbpd to him, myths and Icl'imhIs coucernin him arose, he hcrame surround d with a halo, and towards the close of the sec ond century Ins followers had grown to regard hun as divine, as tho son oi' God, and that, at this t ni" tho pes- pels were written. Ti.in view of Stiauss is called the mjilucil theory. It was held by a good many in his day Now if Strauss' theory bo correct, then his conclusions uould seem plausible. If, on the other hand, it can bo proven that tho pospcls were written in tho first century, and by the immediate followers of Christ, then the mythical period is disproved because his own disciples and his im mediate followers believed him divine and to bo such a ono as the gospel represented him. There would have been no time for myth to arise. until today every hihlo critic mid scholar of uninciipe. whether he bo favorable to Christianity or not, wht'thor ho he German, French, Fjtin lish or American concedes and affirms that the gospels or Matthew, Maik, and Luka were written before the d struution of .IciihhIciii, tli it is before 70 A. I). Tho gospel of .luliii is placed at a Liter date, the death of the apostle John being placed at 100 A. 1). Furthermore, every oi it io of the bible, it mnttcrs not how radical, ad mits the geniiiucnc-s of at least four of the epistles of Vanl, nainuly Romans I and II, Corinthians and Gelations. These were written about fiG A. I). We And the same character of Christ in these epistles that we find in tho gospels. What aro the conclusions? First, our gospels giving the life of Chriit were written in tho first century by the immediate followers of Christ. Secondly, Christ's disciples and im mediate followers believed divine, the son of God. Thirdly, tho mythical theory is disproven. No ono any lonu'cr holds Io it. "'' '"W RHEUMATISM Results from a Bad Cft Liver and can be JJT"7-g-J Cured by Using M sp3 Dr. J. H. McLEANS LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM A Certain Remedy for Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs AT DRUGGISTS PRICE, $1.00 PEn BOTTLE THE Dr. J. H. MoLEAN MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. My t-keptical friend, I ask you to consider carefully these few foots gi vcn. TLiy aro statements that oan bo substantiated, and I challenge re futation, Next week our especial subject for consideration will bo the evidence for the resurrection of Christ. C. II. Wemirn. BOSS & RIFE. TOY PaOrtUETOUH OF -v m . .-mv. ji MOTH. i lLH!VHHUHUiHHruuj1 loft mm mis me coiioin, ouiiqsis mem mi. me Yost, work is Peiicciioti. mo Dcnsw, Hie Uom Running Densmore ilHilroilira 1010 Fnrnum SI, Oinalin, Nob. . C. Hoswer, Aft., lteil Clmul, Neb. Notice it 'readier. Notioo is hereby given that 1 will oxamino all persons who may desire to offer themselves us candidates for teachers ofthe publio schools of this couuty, at lied Cloud on tho third Saturday oi each month. Special examinations will bo hold on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat urday of each month. The standing desired for 2d and 3d grado certificates is tho same no grado below 70 per cont., average 80 per cent; for first grado cortifioato no grado below 80 por cent., avorago 00 por oont. in all branohos required by law. D. M. JIuntbr, County Supt. PATENTS. J ol)tnlnocl on EncyTorma coxsb'ii'" .ino.'ji. n,rri., Our AfBiciuto Attornuy In Kt.il Cloud, Nebraska i.ouih ii.aa;it co., OVilCbt KstabUsUea l'irra In Wusliluctoii, U. C, This work of Strauss' was a bomb- phcll in the theological camp. It ut once tutnid hcholars uad biblical tu dtnts to the study of the life tf Christ. Never in the lnsiory of tho world has there been such a continuous, critical thorough and exhaustive study and investigation of any biblical question as thero has been of the life of Christ and of the autln nlicity of the four gospels sinoe that day. Scholars have taken up this subject without bias or prejudice. They have studied the life of Christ as they would tho life of Julius Cuosar, und tho history contained in tho gospels (ho ramo as they would tho history in Caesar's ccuimenlancs. Tho sumo process of historical investigation has been pur sued; tho simo critical tests have applied. Gradually those who held with Strauss tho lute date (172) A. 1) ) of tho writing ol ilu gospels huvo bcoii.j The CoiiiIiik r Huhy. When n baby comes into the house riml happiiuBS comes. Tho oaro and anxiety count for nothing against tho ollnuitiK tnncli of tho little hands and thn sound of the little oice. Tho highest function givmi to human beings is bringing healthy, happy children into the world. Ovir thirty years ago tho needs of wom en appealed to Dr. 1 lerce, now chief con- siiltlni; physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institnte, of DufTalo. N. Y, 'Hi i r-sult of his study improvod by thirty years of praotioe is embodied in Dr. I'hjrce'a Favorite Prescription. It strengthens, parities and makes healthy tlie organs distinctly feminine. It gives weak women the strength and health necessary for the production of healthy children and it makes the baring of those children easy. It is sure to euro any weakiiffls or derangemeut peculiar to women; stops pain, sooths inflammation, strengthens, purities, invigorates. C'OWlCN. Miss Vance Foo of Il"d Cloud !s visitinc in Cowlcs and vicinity. I). It. Carpenter attended the con vention at Grand Island this week, as a delegate from Webster counly. A number of cowlcs people attouded the convention at Hid Cloud last Sat urday. No, Charlojs don't let tho boys mako you believe t)it skunk was a little innocent rabbit. Hcvs. Hummell and Maxfield and families of fled Cloud wire the guests of Hev. Metoalf Monday. It is reported that Hev. Metcalf's brother is hired as principal of tho schools for the ensuing jcar. Several Cowles girls wero berrying south of Hcd Cloud Wednesday. lilne. Corn plowing mostly finished. The camp meeting has commonccd and will last over Sunday. John Heaiichamp is on tho sick list this week. The school board of Ditits. S and 3!) havo engaged Miss Marker to teach both terms of school. Hory Campbell has gone to Dundy county, Nebraska, to visit friends for short time. Mrs. Marsden was the guest of Chas. Isom on Sunday. Miss Hlanch Sherman and Miss bell of Hud Cloud wore tho guests of Ji. A. (iaskins one day this week. Lcn Wilmot and Alf McCall wero buying hogs and cattle inLinc ono day this week. W. J. Haskins was cutting oats for N. L. I) Smith this week. Mrs. Alio Merrill was clcoted presi dent of the league in plaoe of N. L. D. Smith. H1 Mountford is threshing for Mr. Guthorio this week, started for Hod Cloud and whn thoy got thoro they must have been well entertained, for most, i.f ihciu stijed until after the fireworks at muht. Mr. Fair said, "Well it s juM as I expect ed, tho fee works didn't summit to anything," but the rest all ssid they were the lust thoy ever Iiml at Hcd Cloud. Wu think tho firemen deserve) great credit for carrying out tho pro gramiuo so successfully. Mr. .I. Corbctt want to Hcd Cloud to meet Mr. and Mrs. Dehart on their return homo. Sv.N Fi.owkii. Deiil'iiesH Cannot he Cured by local applications ns they cannot reach the diseased portion of the tar, Thero is only ono way to oure deaf nest, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused bj mi inflamed condi tion of thu mucous lining of the I'.us trnnhian Tube. When tills tube is in- What has bion thu result? , lhnil ou havo u rumbling sound or iui porfeot Hearing, ruiuwiini n, nuumij closed, deatniss is tlto result, nnd unliuH thu iiiilammatlon can no iiikcu run nun thin (ubori'storid to its normal condition lionritiif will tut destrojtd forewr; nine loicid to Mtriut, first to the middle ' onwm out of ten nro caused by mitarrli, . , . .i . .i who h is noting nui an iniiiuui.ii ihuhu- of the sroend eitilttrj, then to the ,,;m ,;t tho mueoiis surtaces. boiMiining, thin to the first oaiitury,, Vo will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any j-iMs of deafness icausid by catarrh) - that cannot bo cured by II all's C'.itarrh Children cry tor ,uure. aend ' n. I' , II, . III. . i l. v w I . .,.v.., . by Druggists, Tfio. Dig down to thooauseof yonr Biokness, If you want to get well und stay well. Most likely it's indigestion. The irrita ting poisons of fermenting, putrid food, left in the stomach by indigestion, cause hoadaohe, neuralgia, nerrousneBB, dizzi ness, stomachache, nausea, Irritability, and all tho other well-known symptoms of indigostion. Thoy also cause many pains and dis orders which are often laid to other oanses and hence nre not easily oured. 13 tit as soon ns the poisons are removed, all these symptoms and disorders disap pear, because thero is nothing left to cause them. Nothing succeeds in this like Shaker Digestive Cordial, beoauso it prevents tho undigested food from fer menting in the stomaoh and helps the stomach to digest its food. Hold by druggists, price 10 cents to ?K)0 per bottle. JihInoii. Wo aro having plenty of rain and tverything is looking first class exoopt some patches of potatoes and somo pieces of oats. The potato bugB and grass hoppera hayo dono a great deal of damage to oats and potatoes. Mrs. W. A. MoKcighan, JUibs Jen sie McKcighati and Misscr Dollio Davis and Mattio Able of Hcd Cloud visited Mrs. H. Davis last Wednesday and it laincd so hard they had to stay till Thursday. All ropoit a goot time, and as this was their first trip to Kan sas they enjoyed tho trip very much. Sunday school is progressing very fiincly with Mr, Growell as superin tendent. Let tho good work go on. Put MoColo got back to Smith county just in time to celebrate tho fourth and ho went to Hcd Cloud to celebrate. Pat says they hao better beer in Nebraska. Most of thu peoplo from this part ol Kut lee to Teaeliei'N. During tho school year commencing July 13, 181)0: 1. No third grado certiflcatca will bo granted. 1 No certificates will bo granted to persons who havo not road, carefully, nt least ono good book on suhool miiniigH merit or mutbodB of teaching. 3. No certificates will m grunted to pereons who huvo not attnniloil ii county teacher'a institute ut loaat four daa un oxcuho by tho county BUporinloudenL A written oxuubo will bo required of every one excused. I. No cerlitlciitPB expiring during tho your, will bo renewed unlets tin instttuto certificate or a written ovcuso for non utteTidunco is presented b tho appli cant) 5. Those who neglected, unoxcueed, to attend thu Webster county toachor'n institute will huvo n cluinco to attend one of the following imilitulcB, after at tendance ut which not loss thiiu four days u certificate may be granted, Franklin county, one week, commenc ing August 3, 181XJ. Adams county, one week, commencing August, 1HIMJ. Nuclioll county, two weeks, commenc ing August 3, 18'JO. D. M. IIu.NTF.it, Co., Bupt Headache Destroys Health Kosultlni; in poor memory, Irritability, nor vousnoss and Intellectual exhaustion. It Induces other forms of disease, such as opt lensy, heart disease, apoploxy.lnsanlty.otc Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. ' Mrs. Cfms A. yers M H.irirui St., Fort Wayne, Ind, wiln "tt " )-M' "IsutTcred terribly with mni liearti. 'la's, illizlness, backacno -ind m i v.. . . -. Rru'iuilly urow ItiR woibii unil. my .it" ' iol'tlrcd of, and uy vlna wo . ..id I f m uo roller until I cornmo f- u i .. In MIUa'Ncrvlntt. I hautaueuli" '"l and b tlevo I aras. well woman, unc I i-" um i gro it com fort In recount i miiiK all of t'iy ft lends t use Ncnllio. u tmy mii.h-!i mil iewr Pitcher's Caetoria. K?-Sjjd Smiih county went to Hod Cloud to lf y,mwMi,iin 1 1 rwp.u mi bo tne meaia nl.bini.itho fourth, although it rain- ofh-iMnt!s..mu...t.orr.lcUmotUer'alIfo,astk 1 IU1 TTllllf. ed heie in hu morning for two bfitirs, but aftir it cleared up ovorybody I Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. did mine." On silo by all drugitlsts. Hook on Hoar and Nerves sent KltHK. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lud. Dr. Miles' Remedies Bestoro Health,. ayaa.wt-- "--'" rs r v. vl Xi I wisr Mil ? j-i- "rr-" 'tn ,vaj l.Mt"3 n l"HVf i sr f .