THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1800. 8 wtwmwfirm 9 f wi.ji.oj-mi' MAJOR GENERAL BIRNEY Uses Paine s Celery Compound in His Family, and Strongly Recommends It, L Mwa Maj-flen. r.irnoy, who in now, nt tho ngn uf 75, practicing Uw awl lin ing Ii.n tiiftnt uork in Vnliiiijlit in n K'lt.r to Wells & Hicliurdson Coiiipiinv, suvs: "My wife lull beetl taking lll1 I'lllliu's '" li I I'lilllpdUlnl fur oum time ii', mill it S'i much pU'iiMii with it tlui' r!n A'f ini' u express to you her high opinion ol u merits. Shu tliinkH it is the bent lumcdy she lms over tried '' 0 n'l Miniey' hearty acknowledge in cut af the ureal mill l.ihtiug good that li i h fiiinily has rcccivi tl Iroin I'aine's oi'li r compound im repealed in substance, in ( nnlli-hs icMiuiouials, written in the came gruclul t-pi' it nnd hent lioui ever) jmri ol the conn tiy. l)'n't h'u iil' luid' d uriiM mid do iio'hini: in" nil getting rid i 1 pi or heal ii 1 1, i ii .ill imputiiie livin xoiii lil I; lii.iiil op i Ik whim nl (In liml mIi 'i m' m"I r i iiinpuiiiid til. i. iimim d ' iii li i- t i i all li in In p im. 'I'"- nii'd i mid It t-.t in not il just id - Ki nl (i t 11 r f li in hi il ,it this jr iL'iir.itm if iihV in -"'piily. N'i is the i tun ttlii'n I'.iImi ci Icry ronipoiiinl, iiiiimi l tin- I'.ivi.i.tlili- in flnuiu'. , nl i ho ii'iimii', limit minim's itMll li 'inliih "ii. i' hidden o.i hi M'l ili hilil , in ii hIl'Io, i hi'iiiiiii. l I ' Kfrtf nno nnrf hnf "n'u . c TTYTT?0 D .it,., I'lillllllllK thnil'liliils of ptoplnwho lime ;partot niKh.b KootDeern,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, nlllllH WUrOU tendS tOWard making it of tlmjiar, mulubo Ihil noted the Mic tbe perfect temperance cms of tiiemediciuuiiiKiviuKieiiuf from and healthgiving drink. N 1. culr t r The rinrtf 1'. Co., rMUilrli Ut, A IX. t.kt(iuki6iliirai. UoUtwjoUli. v PAUKER'5 OIMCER TONIC thttti Un loii!)'.M, noilliiy, ciwumlnff i.luinH n.l Icnultllli, anj 11 ngiril lot ijukii 'iwi w)n llodur fat Ktrry in,bfr inU lllinlul lluiu it hnnlt. R1 Viil PARKER'S iOT HAIR BALSAM I1V3OT1. """ m it"1 wi nur. P.f (TZI rroitltjU ft tuiurUrt Prntkth. k. . ITVU Nnr-i V.tlla i Qiif. "WlHlllOr to It VouthfUl Color. Wrf. .? yj .VK.audfllDat Hruiat'u HINDf:RCORN3 Thcoi1y.n. Cumtn, Ui'i. etojn nl run. MaXii wuViiCuiiy. lcatUrurcuu. e5va5f HI) -irilJIIIJ-ixVM'IJ VIIIIMWir.1 . M(ll;lii,i.'.i : -.--.-. u w ktK J11A kf m ygr B .U!JB9g-ivgivJiF W os7 Gt ., Jiij-jiVJiiitinrooiii..6fc 0'IT'W9 . l n r.Iinou.t Urani. VHdYAL PiLLS ..7; ', "'".," urimlim. i. !; e.ll.ll.. Lions uk IiruiilH tnnukut, M,h,, ), . Lfta. &.! B..kkiA..kf. m . VMna J1MH J IB MJ & h....lll.t W " lfrii .uk.lila. iimmMau iUinlin,rijL JPT-V" 'i'". " itlttr. try lf "...vii., ii.uokiu. i'TlwvT 7"iii AM nwnivtiMimii mrnt SWAYNE't MOTMOTC Ct 9AJ n(4ITll i ' rl frit i br tfcit tv,ltulira.i;Uvt i'ft. Ak;cudu(UirMl4 U t t . W Mill 1 iW lt( ft I (W J. (ti'l. Ht'.4kt rtwn rL'iKft' V v MILmm THR u "OVI rwu,n MkS Kt t i Kir . . -i jjpf " t m -a'i v,m 'L'. WW " W ' ' r. tiHin nnd thus constantly netirring headathis. Tho worn-out nervous tiisuo-i itn invigorated. Panic's cel ery compound in tho one successful norve regulator cures diseases with out an) poxihilil) of it return of tho t rouble. Take I '.lino's oolrry coinpound thN very duy. It won't do to postpone getting strong nnd well until you have u vu cation. Do ns thousands of others have done ( their groat joy, take I'aine's celery cu iti nu nil ! It will invigorate at oiioo our impoverished nervuu -Ntl in. If you roilly want to g'H well, read tho letters recently published fnnu Huoh nion as Justice Powers, Con gressman Grout, Congressman Mire deth of Virginia, Assistant United States Attorney John C. Capers, Cou irrosMiian Wilbur of Now York, Con urossnian Hull, Lieut. McAllister, Congressman Nail and many whit nr fully as careful of what they reeummetid. Tho peniHiil of a few of tliesu perHonalU signed, hearty testi monials of 1'aine's celery compound will giro any one a clear idea of what this wonderful letuedy is doing in every slate in the Union, and in over) city and village. Il makes people well. .IiihI Ulutiv c'l:t that tiriul fi-uliiiL', wnuiiiL' apHutite and statu of txlri'ine uxIiittiHtlou nfter thu clone I'oiilliieiiuiit of it lon winter sen-Miti tlui tiuiy lime iittomlniit upon ullirn ami preiihiiit; luihini'Hd iltiritu; the Hprln taouiliH ami with vacation time yet hoiiih week's ili-tlliit. H n Jluin that the build-iiiK-up powers of Hood's) Saisitparilla are fully appreciated. It feeiim jierfecllj ntlapted to oereointi that proiitratiou i-alHiil liy ehaiiKd of Hi'iicon, cliiniitu or lifl,lllld ullllU It ttllllH Ittld HllrttlllllA thu ) mi in, It ptirUU's mid vitalits tbulilood. Coulcn. hifo iiiHiirnnco uj,'entfl would llnd poor picking hero. Cliurloy duller hits iimdo iiBtorin cellor. Mis'i MiiKirio Carpenter of h'runklin nnd Itwreiieo Carpenter of Ked Cloud uroKuestiof D. K. Curpontui'u family this week. There wns it iioiKhlmrliooiI pini nt Mr Doid'a thu lib. A pleasant tituo is reported. Ilt'BBie Carpenter returned homo from rnuklin last wouk, Mrs. Kitiuoy is visiting lior daURhtor, Mrs. Will l'eak of Franklin, nt preaint. O. V. l'Vancia K"vo sovornl liauda their walkiiiK popora liecnuso the refused to work tho Fourth without oxtra pay. Rev. Metcalfe brother returned homo Monday. liotweon the strokes of the hammer wa can hear the eone; from Ilager'e, "Mero tariff, more tariff;" and tho echo comee baok from Curponter'a "More money, more money," Thus tho political war wages between the gianta. A large delegation from Cowlee waa at tho celebration nt Ked Cloud the Fourth. Saverai of our emnll lioyo nt tempted tu i iin.v) i i, ijt eased pole, but " t u '' i i' tl.a biitl ubaorbrtil t i'i i . i tho jui i i V.U ' i . ' In gtdi to lOOOilt 4 ladder dua n..' a ,u. Je jn'utj. An InlcrcHtliiK Letter. Hkii Wood Citv, Cal., July 3, 0G. To The Chief: As Tub Chief hud a desire to Iroin this neck o' the wood?, I now proceed as per agreement, To say the least, all is well. I loft Rod Cloud Tuesday at 8:1ft p. in, and ariivcd in San Fran cisco at 112: 1 ft .Saturday noon, From Red Cloud to Denver had plenty of company and no other inislorttino be fell mc than to be seriously troubled hy tho news agent, (lucss lie thought I not traveled much. Shortly alter arriving in Denver I was approached by a well-dressed gentleman who tendered his services to show me around, I thanked him for his goncious oifcr and told him that as L lived in Dcr.vcr it un neeoiflary lor mo to accept of his kindness, lie dropped mo like a hot potato. Soon after leaving Denver tho mo notonous praiiio gave placo to rugged mountains. As I pinned from the foot hills into tho mountains my eyes gradually opened until finally I could take a fair sized view nnd at tempted to ullow nothing to pass by un observed. As the chango In scenery from Nebraska to Colorado is so radi cal I sometimes think my eyes were strained. Hud pns.scd through Kaglc I'.iss and entered far into Grand Canon when night ciimo on and I fell asleep That c.iiuo near being mv last dreamy sleep. At about ten o'clock an ava lanchc struck tho track derailed the engine and tho whole train came near plunging down into the Little Grand river, only about !500 feet below. Yours Truly might have been in com puny with the pusiengitrs living among the rocks and boulders of the river, with the ro.iring of a citeraet for a perpetual funeral ode, waiting for Gabriel to blow the trumpet. When 1 coolly reflect ou the matter and think of what might have been a subject developed upon which, soma poetical genius could compose another rythnietic story about "A Train That Never Pulled In." That I niipht bo referred to as being among tho illfated and tearfully mourned for by its thousands of readers, and thou think of what was, I am very well contented with just what happened. Tho train was delayed three hours. By some freak or another sleep vanished from my eyes and I rode on tho platform until sunrise the next morning. Al though there was no moon, the moun tains, gulches, rocks and trees wcro plainly visible. Kiglc Pass and Grand Canon afford plenty of soencry but Red Ruck Canon and Castle Gate caps them both. The high steep walls of this canon urn liuely decorated with lumo rocks half as largo as box aars, piled loosely to gel her like a wrccKcd freiuht train. I asked a trainman if those rocks oyer rollfd down and was very much ro- lieved when he Haid (hat those up tbero had never et rolled down. Alter coinini; up nut of this canon the bountiful valley of tho Great Salt Lake oamn into view. Tho train Hew down through this country like a hawk in pursuit of a snow bird. In few words tlio S lit Lake valley is a very levol county, dotted hero and thcro with lakes and almost cntiroly surrounded by snow capped moun tains, ivrrivcn in wgiicn at 'j.;n) p. in, and spent tho balaneo of tho day in gazing on tho sights of that beauti ful city. In many mountain towns along tho lino from Ogdcn I saw tho Cmikk'h brothroti crouched in tho folds of gay ly colored blankets, leasurly sucking kDR. KILMER KIDJO LIVERS Bitf8ff Rheumatism Lumbago, pain In Jolnta or back, brick duat k) Brine, frequent call. Irritation. Intlammatfaak gravel, ulceration or catarrh f tbo blmAAaa. 1 TklaniiJoHn I tu.-n.mA JIBU1UC1CU Jk.lWfvA Biliousness, hcadactic, IndlgMtlon or gaut. SWA.tll'-IIOOT InviKomtes, cure kidney difficulties, UrlKht'g disease, urinary troubles. IllftlHU'C mood flmfii!n1viliulit,t'U)orottiMliieoi'drbi1lty. Nt niiii-Etei)t i' nl. Hup iniltMy it inn dovtu l titt v1 ti i a v i , ': " i t - 41 1' ni.Kt.U-- ' - .t . i r.i . '.,.'. IO, "li ilM- i ii i '1.1. i ii i' i ' ..utiu itta. 1 Ull. Kll.1 . t ilHiUUAMTON K. Y. '5 KYVAMP Rocyf brown paptr cigarettes. I recognized thorn at a glance. Landed in Frisco at 12:.'i0 Saturday and was tbero ap proached by a young man who solicit ed mo to patrouizo the International hotel. I accepted and a few minu tes conversation proved him to bo Hilly Harbor, an old Red Cloud boy who now runs up and down the coast between Portland and Frisco. Ho is approved by his employers, stands well among his friends and has gained tho reputations of being the best hotel runner on the Pacific Coast. On Sun day I took in Golden Gato Park nnd Sutro's Heights. The wheelman wcro so thick I could scarcely toll which was 1. Tho park, the heights, tho cliff house, tho sea lions, tho sea and the ships nro all fine to behold. But when weary of this I paid my dimo and entered tho museum. Two days could bo well spent there. Egyptian mummies, Indian relics, Aztic relic, relis of foroign nations and tribes, implements of war, shells, stulfcd birds and animals, historical manu scripts, needle work, in fact anything you wish to see. When I had thor oughly inspected the niuicuni I shell ed out 2ft cants more for a bathing suit and took a swim, Down in tho bath house thcro was upwards of throe hundred swimmers all clud in uniform and I came near losing my self again. After the swim 1 went back to Golden Gato nnd at Inst tired and weary I armed ut the hotel just nt sunset. I spent Monday in the city and Tuesday departed on my journey but stopped on" hero at Ked Wood. Last Sunday I went down to Mculo Park, Palo Alto and Stanfords University. Roilo over the grounds but tho day was spoiled at about one o'clock, when 1 twisted off tho right end of tlta puddlo crank shaft. Rode baok to Red Wood, tivo miles, with on peddle nnd sent to Frisco for ro pairs. 01 course when night came I had that lircd feeling but corroded with bad temper to such an extent that Hood's could do mo no good, so I hied myself away to tho Methodist church. It was Children's Day. When I entered the usher stared at mo as if he wished to throw mc out but I bristled up and looked savage and ho politely showed me to a scat. Children's Day in California docs not differ widely from that in Nebraska. The congregation wns mtostlv woman. Tho preacher had all the littU urchins of his Sunday-school arraigned against tho evil of liquor, and with childish innocciico and purity they battled His Ugliness heavily from all sides with recitation and song. Although this littlo cold water army scarcely outnumbered a fair sized corporal's uard, and it whs neccessary fur u few of the Eoldicrs to perform and rep tut in order to uuka an hour's program I was fully convinced that thoy had tho iriant down mid woro ready to be head him with his own sword when tho benediction was announced, but to my surprise upon reaching tlu street I saw a half doen loaded young men nUtidiug around the church door ap parently iuvostcgating the bizu of the crowd. lied Wood is n town of about 1500 inhabitants and has only twenty-eight saloons. From Frisco to San Mateo thoic is a saloon about cvory mile. About three miles below Ked Wood is Mcnto Park u town whoso business capacity is about the anio as that of loavalo and thirteen taloons arc sup ported there. 1 did not expect to do mission work when I came here but hav tried to tho straight and narrow road but travolmg makes them dry and thoy invariably stop at some way liouso nnd forget all I told thorn. Many arc lost sheep. I foci srrry for these Galilornims but it is Mit brst to mourn too much over their hopolchbuesB. It is batter to tor p n liberal supply of pity in store for self to awaken realization in onso tho early toaohmgs of mother aro for Aten. Hoping that you will excuso the shortness of this letter and prom ising I will writi ono moro comploto next time, 1 am Yours respectfully, Dan'l M. Gahdek. lDfmMaAry HkruwatlimCHr cd In 3 Dayi. 1 MOrtOD li. tmtllt Ol BVUIUIUU, 1UU., BHBi . ..... - l i-M ... I iMy wife had Inflammatory uttanmatism in every moBole and joint, her Buffering; f. terr.bie anu iter uuuy buu juuo b swollen almost beyond recognition; had been In bed for six weeks nnd had oijfht pusfaifllaiie but h leived no bonellt until ih inn! tho VYHTIO Ol KK FOR I.MVINHI'I ' 1' xuijir ".'i' til , . ,, 1 I n I I ' ltj . , I V, ) I.IJI II t , . ' .1 ill,' m. I ii 11. li. '! uo Jti)- ' !.. 1 ti'Hd. &SX& for Infants T HIRTY yonm' olmarvntloiTof lullllniiN uf pnrtonw, penult ItinnqiiBittlotmbly the host tho world has over known. It gives thorn hoalth. It will wave wmomuK wuion i ftooiuiniy it-l t.t-t. i t ..... child' medicine. Castorla dowtroy Wormi. Castorln allays FcvorUhnnii. Cftwtorla prevent w vomiting Sonr CnnL Cnwtorla cnroii Dlarrhroa anil Wind Collo. Cftwtorla roUovoa Toothing Trophic. Cftwtorla onro Conntlpatlon nnd Flatulency. Cawtorlft nentrallrew tho effoota of oarhonlo acid Ran or polonon ir. Cawtorla doow not contain morphine, opln m .or other nnrcotlo property. Cnwtorla nwwlmtlfttow tho food, rcgnlatew the wtomnch and bo-w1, giving healthy and natural wleep. Cftwtorla In pnt np in onewtre oottlow only. It li not wold In hnlk. Don't allow any one to well yon anything elwo on the plea or proml that it 1 " Jnwt aw good " nnd " will anwwor every pnrpowo." i Soe that you pet C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A . Tho fao-wlmllo Ignatnro of Children Cry for THE "VICTOR." AVIuMi you set1 ji whorl with handsome red tires, it's the IJGHT KlXXIiXCJ VICTOK. The Victor has ball-rotitining device, ami is thiuiclci'st and easiest to Itoep clean. When you buy a Victor, you know you can got repairs if you should need them in tho years to oomu. L. E. TA1T, AGENT, RED CLOUD, NEB. Siuk-polHott inn polnon which nuikiM yon siuk, It eoiiifH from the stotnnch. The stountch mnki-n it out of llllilieiUd food. Thu blood gets it nnd litititH the holu body with it. 'I hill's the uny of it. Thu way to be rid of it i to look after your digestion. Ifyonrfood in all properly tUi'Med, thuro will bo none left in thu Htoinuch to make slck-po'sou out of. If jnr Htotnach Ik too weal; to i-ee to thin properly hy itself, Indp it alouj.' with a fuw doses of Hhaker Digestive Cordial, That's tho euro of it. Blinker Digestive Cordial is a delicious, healthful, tonic cordial, itiudu of puru medicinal plant, herb and wine. It positively cures indigestion nnd pro vent the formation of plck-poinon. At drnggistb. 'I rial bottles 10 ctnti. ITBiU'lml ESt!r. Corn'Cti'il wteKly liy Ked Cloud I'roiluco Ce. Wheat .00 55 Corn new lo Oats now IS Ito X) Hnrloy X Flax 7o Hogs (ftii SO Hutchor'H stock 2 002 fiO Hutter 8 KgRfl 7 l'oturoeB 0 10 Spring chiekona porlb ; Old houB por 11) 7 TurkojR Huy per ton . --- - - '' 000!! Kt'iiitU' StluiiuiiulUiiiCiiriMl. L, Wa.ner, Whnksitlu Druggist, Itiolt mond, Vn., Hiiyn: "I had a fearful attack of .Sciatic Hhuiimutism, was laid np al most two month, was fortttnntu enough to got .MYSTIC Uinii:i?R IUIliUMA TISM. This cured mo after dootor's pre HcriptlotiH had fulled to have any effect. Sold by H. H. firlco tlruggist, Hod Cloud. Whmi BaJby m atoV, we gave her Ckatotta. VfcM aba waa a Child, ihariod for Caatorfcw Wfcaa aba bacam Waa, iha clung to Outoria. aha bad Cblldna, abe gare tbam FT1?E Iln'.l uiut it'loucs Mn ' 'i v ilny. li. t v . I'lT ... . ' 'iliU lull ,",! il. ji. roxu. and Children. Cnntorln. with tho pntronngo of iin to npnnltof It without Rnoinlng. remedy for Infants nnd Children Is hnrmlem. Children Hfco It. It tholr liven. In It Mother have . ..i xi il r a. ". nraio gnu jirnotmmiy yoripot 4vS& wraPPr' MMM MHttM Pitcher's Castorla. VICTOK rOINTHKS. (Jrunk Hunger pumtivoly cannot work looso. Hiiiulipst, quickest, :iml tlio most sim ple crank ulo on tlio uiurkot. With tho now Rout post, it, is impossi blt fur tho seat to 1 urn utnl liecwmo crooked. Scat can bo set. from one end of post to tlio other without heingo moved, and no burr in sight. Tho innor tul rim tie removed in an instant when dtihitcil. No outor cover to looseu front the i im, '.'.) spokob out of 100 broiik tioar the hub whore they uro woiikuned by a curve. Victor spokes tmve n direct pull. I'.it.iluKiif (ont.iliiii k full I .irliculars rait tie olit iiinii mili' in hi. hmifclt) I'liltliiiilion. riiiilatli' el urllies t'uiiii.iiiy .liilm I' ii ii U'le. l'ittliciliii ,. Nun Vli-, Istac W nl (lie aluite-ii.uiieil ikreiiil.iiiN, .liilm ', Van Win and c.itlieiltii, a. all V. . will take no iien Hint un tin- .uih day ut .lime, IsiW, tlio l.iiuli.itileN-eiiiliu.Ht'iiiiiii i,i, iil.diiilir herein, Hied Its inlitinii III Hie ili-lsl t muit ur Web sirriouut,.Ni'tirisU.i, the ulijei-is mm prayer ol wluli ate tit luii'iliiM' ,i eerlitlii inorteatre iMcutid li Hit ikieml. ints tn tint iiliilnllir, iiKiii tin-m. nl Ian-it iiiintiriif M'etlon '.'7, tim it I, i.ttue li uu-itor tnuti li pilmlpat iiierlilimi, W-listei i-uiilit, Nilil.l-I. I, liihi'curn lljATRV lili'iit nf ii ifuti piuiiiu-ory null's ditt? Hit ii'iiiliei I, Isoii, one fut $7i, and two lllll'IIHt KlllpOII IKItHH, ,.,., f, t, smn f sii J), the ii )t,'s in iiik di.e and patililo In v'liiite.iiHliiuiillie dite llieiunl. Hint lliere Is now due iii'im s.tiil iintt-s aim niiirlLML'othe sum uf r7r.' fu, wii niifirst at the minor tell in i lent pi-r im ii ini trrni tin- ut day of .lime, tsw, to, whiih Mm, uiUi liinrifst iroin this dine, plaintl; pi.ijsln ulu-ieu that lUfctul iiiiis lio n qiilinl lup.iv Hi.. ..un,., oi that said piuii -us be hold to .s.itisty the amount found due Shis pi iiiitm. oii iiii I, ipiired tu uiihrtiT s.iid putltlmt on III III lOll lilt. I7lh llll) O Allt-llsl, ISllu. D.ittil.uil) s, js..(i, it. i,i ., . ..,'',,'',AI,,,KS,t'UK,'"K,'-a-llv Ituht Ji". -iittr. tlit. ii xiioiiii-) Li'ynl .itU'i. Nolki)iHieieli flten mnli'1 niiiliyvlr liiem aiiiiitti-i limits KKcltfii hy l-n u'Jruw ell 1 1 1, .N. Iliuwii, to m' me the patlii'iut ol a piiimlfsuij iiiiiu dated Mpteiubi-r III, isr,,inid e.milile 1.1,1111 it t. im'i), tortii,. siiiuot siuiiu. Iii-i.iult im i I'i'ii imiilii in tin imjiiifiit nl sulil note, tliiri-ruiii wilt ullir'urH tie t puli i') eiuliie. to tin- hkii.., Iihi,l,. ,. cisli In hiiiiil, tlii'lnlliiwiiu iliHcrllied l'imiIs mnl ulint Jem, to will Hue h.t) luik-r. toiiinlele, maiiif UetiitHd hy the Kims i- i m LiuIiIiiilk Jlay I u'sst o ,iiiu'riilaiiilwlitoeofuiirjuiri old; f.tiit sm u to h hold In limn o Hit- City l.lveiy It. II II III tilt. ..Il V III ... I , I... ..I V'..k. ..... -Mil day ol .lu'j.lsyij, a. uiw. f - KlnaiiH Tubules. Ulnans Tublllun piirn n.'iituaw.. HIlKtiiH Tuhulcs: nt iliuggtotK Klnans Tnbules euro ilialuess. A Humus Tabulei. cut o heaiktche. Klpans Tnbules cmo flatulonce. HIp.ttiH Tuauloa euro dyspepsia. Hlpans Taliules assist digestion. Rlpaus Tnbulas cuw bail breath. Hlpans Tubules enro hillousnesa. Hlpans Tnbulas: ono gives i ellef. Hipnna TabuleB euro liullgestlon. Rlpana Tabules euro torpid liver. Ripans Tnbules: gentlo cathartic. Hlpans Tnbules euro constipation. Ripans Tabules: far sour stoma. Ripans Tabulea euro liver troublas. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. -XL. QASE & MoNITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Moon Hrooic, . HF.D OLOUD, NEB. olloctlnna protuptly nttondad to, and corresponOftico (lolfoltrttj. 6&0 r r V