The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 26, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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I'roTlnlomil rriicniin rurnlnliril In Ail
nnti lijr lliti Sorrclnry of
Iho Sot lrtyA Cull lo Clirlnlluii lltrry
w litre .,
Koncral seoictarj
of tin ChrlKtlan
Kndeavor Society,
tends out tlie fol
lowing pro
gram of tliu Fif
teenth interim-
, tlonnl Christian
Endeavor Convon-
tldti lit Washlng-
ton, .Inly S-13:
It Is with plc.if.uro your intention Is
railed to the provisional program of the
Fifteenth International Christian Kn
denvor Convention, to lie. held In Wash
ington, 1). C, .Inly 8-i:i. The practical
character of the toplca to he discussed,
the elo(uent spoakois, and the throng
of delegatus who will he pre Rent, prom
loo to make this the git ntest convention
of Christian workers ever convened In
America. Ih your society planning to
he repiesenlcd? Why not send your
piiBtor and his wife? Why not spend
your vacation In this way? Remember,
every Kiidcuvotor who can attend will
he gladly welcomed. The spiritual up
lift, and deep, abiding enthusiasm that
will result from tms meeting will more
than repay you for the expense of
going, Pray for the Convntloti, that
the Holy Spirit may he poured out upon
Iho multitude gutheied there, and that
a spirit of loyalty and devotion to
Christ and the church may he awak
ened in the hearts of all the young
people throughout the wot Id.
VVVctnrncl.iy Mulit. .Inly K.
"Deepening the Life," is the
topic for the opening meetings In
twenty of the churches of Washington.
Thus at the very beginning it Is hoped
to set the standard for 'he entire Con
vention. Carefully has the entire pro
gram been constructed, hut to no part
of It has more thought or time been
given than to these Wednesday night
meeting. In each church will be two
speakers, each speaking thirty minutes.
Among those who have already prom
ised to make these addi eases are the
Rev. Smith Ilakcr. I). II., lloston, Hev.
J. T. McCrory. I). I)., l'lilsburg, Hev.
J. W. Flleld, Chicago, I'rof. Amos It.
Wells, Huston, Hev. L. A. Hanks, I). 1).,
Hrooklyn, Itev. Kerr II. Tupper, I). I).,
Philadelphia, Hev. J. i:. Pounds, I). I).,
Indianapolis, Hev. Cortland Myers,
Hrooklyn, Hev. W. II. Robinson, I). I).,
Chicago. Hev. J. L. Campbell. 1). 1).,
New York, Hev. C. A. Harbour, Roches
ter. N. Y.. Hev. C. L. Work. 1). I)., Cin
cinnati, Hev. W. (5. Fonncll, Merlden,
Conn., Hev. J. II. Morgan. Chohter,
Knglnnd, Hev. W. J. Ilarsba, I). IX, New
York, Hev. W. F. Wilson, Toronto. Can.,
Hev. Henry C. MoCook,, I). I)., Philadel
phia, Mr. W. II. Strong, Detroit, Hev.
P. T. Stanford, I). D.. Boston, Hev. Will
iam Under, San Frnneisco, Hev. W. II,
Derrick, I). I)., New York City. Hev.
J. W. Hamilton. I). I)., Cincinnati, Hev.
F. v. Tompkins, Providence, Hev. .1.
Clement French, I). I)., Newark, N. J.,
Hev. Leander S. Keyser, Springfield, ().,
Hev. H. M. Wharton, I). 1).. Haltlmore.
J. L. Wlthrow. I). D Chicago,
J. II. Garrison, I). D St Louis,
L. It. Dyott, N. J.. Hev.
F. E.
12. Hamilton, Newton ville, Mass.,
James A. Worden. 1). D Phlladel-
phln, The Ht. Hev. Maurice S. Baldwin,
D. D.. Lord Bishop, London, Out., Hev.
D. N. Beach, Minneapolis, Hev. Arnold
Strenll, Manchester, Knglnnd.
At the conclusion of the addresses In
each ono of the twenty churches a
"quiet hour" will be introduced. It
Is expected that we shall Helen to the
"still, email voice" calling for a deeper
spirit of consecration, and that we shall
close the opening meetings of the Con
vention on Wednesday, -is well as the
closing services on the Monday follow
ing, with a season of spiritual com
munion with God that will stir in our
hearts a new-born desire for service.
These seasons of quiet will be led by
Mr. C. N. Hunt. Minneapolis Mr. Halph
0111am, Boston, Hev. A. D. Thaeler.
Winston, N. C Mr. W. II. McClain, St
President Christian Rndeavor.
Louis, Mr Chns. B. Holdrege, Chicago.
Hev W. F McCnuley, Toledo, ()., Rev.
Ford C Ottinan, Newnrk. N. J., Rev.
I. M Fitzgerald, Knoxville. Tenn., Rev.
O. W. Stewnrt. Macklinw. 111., Rev.
Chas. Roads. Philadelphia, Rev. T. G.
kangdale. Clark, S. D Hev. Chas. A.
Oliver. York, Penn . Mr. William T.
Kills, Bvston. Hev. C. W. Palmor,
Lanesboro. Mans . Rev. I J. T. Hoot, Hal
tlmore, Mr. George B. Graff. Boston,
Rov. Joseph B. Turner. Dover, Del., Mr.
Harry A. Ktnports, N. Y. City, Mr.
Arthur W. Kelly. lloston.
Mr. Irn D. Sankey will bo picsent and
asstet lu making the meetings seasons
T. -
of spiritual power. Tho following
named pastors of Washington churches
will preside over theso twenty-three
opening meetings:
Hev. S. II. Greene, D. I).. Rov. Hownrd
Wilbur KnnlH, Rev. lsiac W. Canter.
IX IX, Hev. Frederick I). Power, 1). D
Rev. Joseph T. Kelly. Rov. Charles A.
Stalely, ix D., Rev. Tennis S. Ilnmlin,
IX D., Rev. J. G. Butler, D. IX, Rev.
Geo. N. Luccock, D. D., Rev. W. R.
Strlcklen, Hev. Theron Ontwater, Hev.
Walter H. Ilreioktt, 1). D., Hev. R. II.
McKIm, I). I).. Rev. A. W. Pltzor, I). I) ,
Hev. Thomas Chalmers Kaston, D. I).,
Hev Win C. Alexander, D.D., Hev. J.
Rusell Verhrycke, Rev. W. S. Ham
mond. D. I).. Hev. R. A. Fisher, D. D.,
Hev. Stephen M. Newman, 1). I)., Hev.
Olivr A. Blown, 1). I)., Hev. I). W. Sl.ll
lingir, Hev John Allan Johnson.
In addition to the twenty meetings
outlined above we are glad to present as
another part of the program for
Wednesday thiee Illustrated stcrooptl
con lectin es. Rev. George K. Lovejoy,
of Stoneham, Mush., will pit lure Ar
menia and Its needs; Hev. Frank S.
Dohlns, Philadelphia, will give his lec
ture, "The Celestial Kmplre and the
Land of the Rising Sun," and the third
Illustrated h lire will bo given by Hev.
Frederick J. Stanley. Kxciirslon man
agers, please take good notice In ad
vance that, should any of jour dele
gates be prevented from enjoying these
opening sessions on Wednesday night,
on account of the exclusion's not nrrlv.
Ing In time for "unpacking and wash
ing up," you will very likely llnd your
life In Washington "a gilnd." Be on
time! Try to at rive Wednesday morn
ing, for, reinenibor, the Washington
Kndeavoiers want to enjoy thevo open
lug meetings, and many of them will
not If you are detained, for they desire
to see you wnimly received at the iiill
road stations and steamboat landings,
and safely escoited to your "Mopplng
places." 'Ilinroil.iv Mornlnc, .Inly I),
Promptly at ten o'clock Piesldent
Clink will olllelally" call the conven
tion to order lu Tent Washington,
General Secretary,
which will be known as elllclal head
quarters throughout the convention.
Upon the platform of Tent Washington
will be the desk of President Clark.
Secietary liner, chairman of tho con
vention's "business" committee, and to
whom maters of business, resolutions,
etc., may be lefeired. will make his
headquaiters at Tent Washington, and
will he round at his desk, upon the
platform, dining the sc.wloiih of the
We tOiull first be greeted by the thiee
large choiis, eieh of not less than one
thousand voices. The tlrst familiar
face and llgure to direct join attention
and afterwards your ni'iglng will be
Mr. Percy S. Foster, who for thiee years
has led our conentlon t (ionises. ' The
other two leadens of the large choirs
are Mr. Peter Bllhorn ind Mr. K. O.
Kxcell. These two consccinted singers
inlse their batons for the llrst time at
an International Christian Kndeavor
Convention. And right heie let me
say that more than ever will the music
be made an Important part of every
session throughout the entire conven
tion. Mr. Charles S. Clark, the chair
man of the music committee, has many
plans which will meet your hearty ap'
provul. lu addition to evangelistic
songs by Mr. Sankey. Mr. K. 0. Kxcell,
Mr. Bllhorn, Mr. Fosior, and Mr.
Lamb, the committee will Introduce
soloists fioin Washington a' different
times during tho convention. The
Park sisters are expected, and :uso
clnted with them as cornetlsts will he
Mr and Mrs. Robert K. Burleigh. Con
coid. N. II.; Mr. Alonzo Youngs. Wash
ington. D. C; and William Alonzo Kx
cell. Chicago, 111.
You will be welcomed 'n Tent Wash
ington by Mr. H. . Smith, the
chairman of the "Committee of '.;"
lu Tent Wllllftnu by Rev. S. II. Greene,
n. I)., pastor of Calvary Btptlst Church
and in Tun Kndeavor by tho chairman
of the Board of Commissioners of the
District of Columbia, Hon. John W
Ross. Mr Giles Kellogg, president of
the California I'liion. will respond In
Tcjit Washington; Bishop Alexander
Walters. D. !)., of Jersey City. In Tent
Kndeavor; and Rev. Canon .7. B. Rich
ardson, of London, Out., In Tent Wll
llston. in addition to the i-.crcetary's
mutual upon, which will bo given in
the three, tents. President Clark's an
niral address will be presented In each
meeting. The piesiding olliceis In the
tents to assist President Clnik at tho
opening sessions will he Rev. H. n.
Grose and Rev. T, S. Hamlin, 1). D,
ThtiMiliiy Afternoon, .Inly it.
The denominational rallies will ho
hel'J on Jhursday afternoon in the
churchc3 of Washington. Tho chair
men aieall representative men In their
denominations, and they will hnvo the
heartiest support of every Christian
African Methodist Kpl.' Bishop
W.J Galms, l). I)., ehalniun, Atlanta.
Ga. Aft lean Methodist Kplscopal Zlon
- Bishop C. C. Petty. I). IX, chairman.
Now Berne, N. C. Baptist -Rev. C. A.
Barbour, chairman, Rochester, N. Y.
Canadian Presbyterian-- Hev. W. B.
Held, chairman, Montreal. Christian
- Rov. Prentice A. Canada, chairman,
Albany, N. Y. Church of Ood-Chalr-nun
not yet selected. Congregational
- -Rev. W. K. Barton. I). I)., chairman.
Boston, Mass. Cumin rand Presbyteri
an' Hev. T. Ashburn, chairman, Evans
ville, Ind. Disciples of Chi 1st Rev.
Loyd D.usle, chnlrtnan, Buffalo, N. Y.
Free Baptist Mr. K, P. Metcalf, chair
man, Providence, R, I. Friends Chair
man not jet selected. German Societies
Chairman not jet sole. ,c.l. Lutheran
Rev. D. F. Gaiiand. chairman, Balti
more, Md. Methodist Protestnnt-Mr.
Paul M. Strajer, chairman, Baltimore,
Md. Methodist Kplscopal, Methodist
Kplscopal South, Methodist of Canada
(Joint Rally). Chalrnrui not yet
selected. Mennonlte- Hev. N. B. Grnbh,
chnliman, Philadelphia. Moravian
Rev. William 11. Vogler. chairman, In
dianapolis, Ind. Presbyterian-Hev. J.
M. Patteison, I). I)., ehaliinan, De
troit, Mich. Protestant Kplscopal
in Canada and United States Hev.
Canon J. B. Richardson, chairman,
London, Out. Reformed Cimrch lu
Ameilca-Rov. W. 11. Ackert, chair
man. Hoboken, N. J. Reformed
Church in the United States Clinlr
irn not yet selcted. Reformed Kpls
copal Chali man not yet sHccted. Re
formed Piosbyteiiun Hev. T. Holmes
Walker, chairman, Baltimore, Md.
Southern Presbyteilnn- Mr. W. H.
Gentry, ehaliinan, Columbia, Mo.
United Bietluen -Hev. J. P. Miller. I).
D., chnliman, llariishurg, Pa. United
Kvanglcnl Chairman not yet selected.
United Presbyterian Rev. J. H.
Logue, ehaliinan, Washington, Iowa.
Welsh Rally- Rev. John W. Jones,
chairman, Illghlandtowu, Md.
TliurnitMy Nleht, .Inly II.
Piesldent Clark, Postinaster-C.eneriil
W. L. Wilson and Hon. John Wana
maker will be the piesiding olllcers In
the thiee tents. Tho general topic for
these meetings, and also meetings In
Central Hall and live churches, will bo
Christ Ian citizenship. Mr. Fiank K.
Page, of Chicago, will preside In
Central Hall; Prof. W. W. Andrews, of
New Brunswick. In Calvary Baptist
Church; Mr. Holla V. Watt, or San
Francisco, In the First Congregational
Church; Hev. K. R. Dllle, 1). D.. San
Francisco, In the Foundry Methodist
Kplscopal Church; Rev. William Pat
teison, Toronto, In the First Presby
terian Church; and Rev. Wayland Hoyt,
D. 1)., Philadelphia, lu the New York
Avenue Presbyterian Church. Speak
eis for these meetings so tar engaged
Rev. R. S. MacArthur. D. I)., New
York city. President Win. F. Slocum,
Jr., Colorado Springs, Col. Mr. Booker
T. Washington. Tuskegee, Ala. Rev.
P. S. Helicon. D. I)., Chicago. III. Rev.
Alexander Alison. I). P.. New York
city. Rev. M. F. Troxell. Spiingfield.IH.
Rov. William Rader. San Francisco, Bishop Alexander Walters. D. D
Jersey City, N. J. Hev. J. W. Filield,
Chicago, III. Bishop Allium Grant, 1).
D.. Atlnuta, Ga. Rev. II. K. C arroll, D.
I)., New York city. Hev. F.
K. K. Hamilton, Nowton ville,
Mass. Rev. Joseph Brown Morgan.
Chester. Kng. Rev. J. T. McCrory.D.D.,
Pittsburg, Pa. Hon. S. 15. Nicholson,
Kokoino, Ind. Hev. Richard Richard,
Bristol, Kng. Hev. I. 15. Roberts, Man
chester, Kng.
Christian Kndeavor stinds for total
abstinence, and Is against the saloon
and liquor tratllc. The following speak
ers will speak upon those phases of
Christian citizenship:
Hon. Nral Dow. Portland. Me. Rov.
Henry II, Russell, Columbus, O., Rov.
C. H. Mead. New Yotk City. "Mr.
Thomas Murphy, New York city. Hon.
II. L. Castle. Pittsburg. Pa. Miss Jesslo
A., Chicago, HI. Mrs. Ruth
Baker, Boston, Mass. Hev. J. W. Ham
ilton, D. I)., Cincinnati, O. Mi. W. L.
Board. Wilbcrforce, O. Rov. D. F.
McGlll. D. I).. Allegheny, IM.
I'rliluy Mftriitni;, .Inly 10.
"Saved to Serve" will be the general
.5.4 : -feS
Known In Washington as
topic for the entito day. K'ich year tho
Chrlblla't Kndeavor societies are bo
coming more and more an evangelistic
force, and our conventions aro there
fore, under God's guidance, great ener
gising dynamos. Tho meetings will be
held In the three tents. Tho speakers
who havo accepted Invitations to make
addresses for Friday morning are;
Rev. John Nell, Torontei, Ont. Rov.
5 iNI
; i
-i' i
II. S. Williams, D. D . M'mphlB, Tenn.
Rev. Thcodoie L. Cujier, D. I).. Brook
lyn, N. Y. Rov. J. Wilbur Chapman,
I). I)., Phllndephla. Rev. C. L. Work,
Cincinnati, 0. Rov. W. F. Wilson.
Toronto, Ont. Rov. II. M. Wharton, D.
D Baltimore, Mil. President B. L.
Whitman. D. D., Washington, D. C.
Hev. Cortlnnd Myers, Brooklyn, N. Y.
In tho Calvary Baptist Church from
fi.ISO until noon will be held u platform
intetlng devoted entirely to methods
of work for the Juiilots. There will be
brief practical papots upon the various
branches of work for the boys and girls,
to be followed with Informal dis
cussions and open parliaments.
I'rlility Afternoon. .Inly 10.
Note-books will be in demand
thioiighout tho convention, Lnt never
more so than upon Filthy afternoon.
Christian Kndeavor stands tor service,
and through the work assigned the
various committees It s'rlvcs to be of
the best possible service to the churches
and communities. "The school of
methods," nnd committee conference,
will bo held In churches, ind nothing
else is planned to Interfere with their
Committee Con Terences. y.aO-5.30,
p. in. Prajer Meeting Mr. II. II.
Grntthouse, Dallas, Tex., elialrmnn.
Social Commltttee Mr. Ben Soper.
Oshktish, Wis., Chnlrmnn Committee
Chairman not yet selected.
Sunday School Committee Mr. S. L,
Dixon, Springfield, M-iss., chairman.
Temperance Committee Mr. George
W. Coleman, Boston, Mush., chairman.
Christian Citizenship Committee
Mr. Kdwln D. Wheelock, Chicago, 111.,
chairman. "Brotherhood" Committee
- Rev. it. W. Miller. Heading. Pa.,
chairman. Missionary Committee
Chairman not yet select'vl.
Olllcers' Conference 2..10-4.00 p. m.
Corresponding Secretaries Mr. J. M.
Lucas, Des Moines. Iowa, chairman.
Junior Superintendents Miss Cordelia
Jamison, Holtzhoovor, P.i.. chairman.
Missionary Superintendents (State,
Local Union, and Dlstrlct)-Hev. Willis
S. Illuman, Columbia, P.i., chairman.
Local Union Olllcers -Mr. William L.
Turner, Jr.. Philadelphia, Pa., chair
man. District Secretaries-Miss
Martha 15. Race, Jacksonville, Fin.,
chairman. State Olllcers Judge L. J.
Klrkpalrick, Kokoino, Intl., chairman.
Advance Kndeavor Lines- S.liO-ii.i'O
p. in. Mothers' and Parents' Societies
-Mrs. J. F. Grlllln, Topoka, Kan. In
termediate and Senior Societies Chair
man not yet selected. Floating Soci
eties Miss A. P.Joncs, Falmouth, Macs.
Work for Llfe-savom and Life-stations
Rev. J. Lester Weils. Jersey City. N.
J. Travelers' Union of Christian Kn
deavor 'Mr. C. W. Sununerlleld, Phila
delphia, Pa.
I' -Mclit. .Inly to.
That the citizens of Washington may
have an opportunity to hear some of
the convention speakers. Tent Wash
ington, upon Friday night, will bo re
served for them. President Clark will
preside, and Hev. J. L.Withrow, 1). I)..
Chicago, will speak; his topic is "Meet
ness for the Master's Use." Hev. Dr.
Wayland Hoyt's address Is entitled
"Christian Kndeavor an Evangelistic
There aro eight Inrge meetings
planned for Kndeavorers. In Tent
Willlston Mr. Ira I). Sankey will pre
side. There will be two nddresses, one
"Christian Kndeavor and Missions."
Hev. J. K. Pounds. IX IX, Indianapolis.
Ind.; the other "The Two Crusades,"
Rov. A. C. Crews, Toionto, Ont. The
speakers In Tent Kndeavor will be
Bishop B. W. Arnott, I). I).. Wilber
rorce, O., nnd Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman
D. D., Philadelphia.
Tho other six meetings are planned
with particularly practlcil topics or
especial Interest to Kndeavorers.
Central Hall Plot. James Lewis
Howe, Lexington, Va., Piesiding. Ad
dress, "Individual Responsibility tor
Soul-Winning," Bishop J. W. Hott. D.
I)., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Open Parlia
ment on Kvangellstic Methods, Con
ducted by Mr. A. G.Lelllngwell, Apple
ton, Wis. Address, "The Sword of the
Spirit," Hev. Ford C. Ottiunn, Newark.
N. J.
Calvaiy Baptist C'aurch. Rev. Halph
W. Brokaw. Sprlng.leld. Mats.. Presld-
tho "Church of State."
Ing. "Frank talks with Our Associate
Members." ta) Who Should Do It?
Re'.. J. L. Campbell, 1). D Now York
city, (b) Whon should It Be Done?
Rov Parley K., Dayton. 0
Discussion Conducted by Ml. Fied S.
Ball, Montgomery, Ala. Address, "In
dividual Responsibility for Soul-Win-nlng,"
Rov. Hufus W. Ilufford, D. U
Reading, Pa.
First Congregational Church. - H'..v.
J. M. Lowden. Olneyvllle, R. I . Presid
ing. Addtess, "Faithfulness to Duty,"
Prof. A. L. Reynolds. Adilan. Mich.
Open Parliament, "The Pledge," Con
ducted by Mr. W. O. Atwood, Balti
more, Md. Addiess, "Our Duty to the
Sunday Kvenlng Service,'" Rev. John
Faville, Appleton, Wis.
Foundry M. K. Church. Hev. H. c.
Farrar, D. I)., Albany, N. Y., Presid
ing. "The Three Elements of the
Pledge." (a) Private Devotion, Rev.
Geoige W. Miller. D. I).. B.itlmore, Md.
(h) Support of Church .-Services, Rev.
J. II. Bomberger, Columbiana O. (c)
Public Confession, Hev. W. II. York,
Ithaca, N. Y.
New Yoik Avenue Presbyterian
"Whore Geoige Wushlngton Worshipped.
Church. Rev. George H. Stewart, D.
D.. Harrlsbiirg, Pa., Presiding. Ad
dress, "How May the Society Help the
Pastor?" Rov. Aher Anderson,
Merlden. Conn. Discussion Conducted
by Mr. T. J. Connor, Fuytteville, Ark.
Address, "How May tho Pastor Help
the Society?" Hev. Scott F. Hershey,
Ph. D., Boston, Mass.
First Presbyterian Church.- Hev. M.
F. Troxell, Spilngtlcld, 111., Presiding.
"Our Work." (a) "Duties To Bo
Done," Mr. .1. Kdward Knipp. Balti
more. Md. (b) "Dangers To Be En
countered," Hev. A. F. Richardson,
Grafton, W. Va. (e) "Encourage
ments To Be Given," 'Rev. S. Ros3
McClements, Ph. D Plttston. Pa. (d)
"Hsaults To Be Aimed At," Hev. Matt
Hijghes, Minneapolis, Minn.
SatnnUy Morning, .Inly II.
"North America for Christ" will be
the central thought for Saturday, the
exercises being held outdoors during
the day. At 0 a. m there will be a
patriotic open-air pratae service, held
at the Washington Monument. At U.30
u mnrch is planned through Pennsyl
vania Avenue to tho Capitol, where
brief addresses will be made. This Is
tho first time anything of the kind has
ever been planned, and we believe the
Endcavorers will he glad to march up
the principal avenue of our nation's
capital, to the step of "Onward
Christian Soldiers."
Suturdiiv Aflrrnnnn, .Inly II.
Tilt annual Junior rally will be held
nt L'.HO In Tent Washington. The pro
gramme is far fiom complete, but the
main feature, an exercise by the boys
and all prepared.and the Wash
ington Juniors aro hard at work now
upon it. The exercise !s entitled "The
JiuiIoib' Love of Country," by Mrs.
James L. Hill, Salem, Mass.
At 5.30 Saturday afternoon, under
the leadership of Mr. Prcy S. Foster,
the combined choirs, numbering about
four thousand volres. will give a grand
patriotic vesper service upon the
"White Lot." near tho White House.
It is hoped that the chorus will bo as
sisted bv the eolebrated Mailne Band.
At S o'clock will be the opening time
for State and receptions in
the thirty-three eiiurc'icy used as
headquarters.' These gat lie:':. gs are
entltely under the illnctton of tho
piesldents of State and Territorial
unions. Reserve Saturday night!
While the Kndeavorers aie euijoying
thoir receptions ami mill's, tin three
largo tents will be iiod for nuotings
for citizens, anil citizens only.
In Tent Washington a unique, and
we pray a blessed, service hns been
planned. It will be for men only. A
choir of male voices will lend the sing
ing, conducted by Peter P. Bllhorn.
There will be a brief Introductory nd
tlrers by Evangelist C. N. Hunt, of Min
neapolis, after which Rev. J. Wilbur
Chapman, D. 1).. will speak. The
meeting is entliely under Dr. Chap
man's direction. In Tents Willlston nnd
Tent Kndeavor the speakers will all
be trustees of the United Socletv of
Christian Kndeavor. Tho general topic
will be. "Christian Knileivor: Its Alms
ami Possibilities." We hope these citi
zens' meetings will be largely attended.
They are an innovation, hut ones that
wo believe hnvo come to stay. Tho fol
lowing tiustees will speak In Tents
Endeavor nnd Willlston :
Hev. J. Z. Tyler, D. IX, Cleveland
Hon. John Wannmnker, Philadelphia.
Rev. II. C. Farrar, D. D , Albany. Rev.
C. A. Dickinson, D. D , Beiston. Hev
J. T. Brekley. D. D New York city.
Rev. D, J.R irrell. D. D..Now York city
RtV. N. Boynton. I). IX, Detiolt. Rev
M. Rhodes, D. D St. Louis.
SumUy Mornlni;, .Inly l','.
The reeulnr church services of the
morning will be attended; Sunday
schools at 9, nnd preaching services at
10.30, A committee, under tho leader
ship of Rev. Tennis S. Ilnmlin, D. D
Wishhigtcn D. C, will arrange for tho
pulpit t.upply of nil tho evangelical
churehesof Washington, both morning
ami evening, and lu the delegates' pro
gramme we hope to give a complete
and nceurato list.
At Boston last year It wns thought
best to close the tents In the alternoon.
As the entertainment 'ounnlttco at
Washington nsures us that all the dele
gates will bo located within the city
pioper, and none at u very great dis
tance from the tents end central
churches, It has been decided to havo
meetings on Sunday afternoon,
At I5.30 there will be held denomina
tional missionary meetings. Tho meet
ings will b held for one hour In the
same tents anil churches that wro
used feir denominational rallies on
Thursday. The same chairmen will
preside. We believe these meetings
will be as profitable as any of the en
tire convention, and speakers or recog
nized ability and consecration will ho
At -LI.", will be held two evangelistic
meetings In Tents Washington and Kn
deavor. Rev. B. Fay Mills will havo
chai ge or one, and the other will bo
under direction of Rev. J. Wilbur Chap
man.!). 1).
At the same hour, In Central Hall, a
meeting for Sabbath observance is call
ed. Rev. Theodore L. Cujier, D. D., of
Biooklyn, N. Y., will preside, and the
speakers are Mrs. Henry T. McKwen,
New York city; Rov. J. B. Davison,
Milwaukee, Wis.; Rev. Alexnnder All
son, D. x. New York city; and Rev.
Wilbur F. Crafts, Washington, D. C.
Momlny .MtirnliiK, .Inly I a.
The closing day of tho feast wil.
stand for "World-Wide Endeavor."
In Tent Endeavor will he held a meet
ing In tho interests of the suffering
Armenians. It Is hoped Hon. John W.
Foster will preside. Tho speakers al
ready engaged for this meeting aro
Miss Reb"cca Krlkorlan, Ml-s Margaret
W. Leitch, Jaffna, Ceylon, nnd Rev.
B. Fay Mills. In Tents Willlston and
Washington the meetings will bo under
the auspices of the World's Christian
Endeavor Union. Piesldent Clark will
preside In one tent, and Treasurer
Shaw In the other. ?
In one of these meetings visiting
missionaries will be Intro luced, and In
the either the Endeavor volunteers for
the mission lleldp, home and foreign.
Mnmliiy Afternoon, .Inly I a.
Monday afternoon, like Sunday nftcr
noon, Is left "open," so that tho dele
gates may have time to visit the points
of Interest without sacrificing any of
tho sessions of the convention.
MomUy Mclit, .Inly I a.
The closing sessions of tho conven
tion will be held In tho thrco tents,
Cential Hall, nnd the large churches.
In each plrue our manning orders will
be suggej-ted by a sermon, and that to
bo followed by consecration meetings.
.s ?'
Treasurer Christian Endeavor.
President Clark. Secretary Baer and
Treasurer Shaw will preside In tho
All speakers marked with an as
terisk have not yet positively accepted.
liFiliiri-.l It.illroiid Itnlm.
All the railroads will glvo roduccd
lates to Washington for tho grent En
deavor Convention. Tho fnvorlto
routes art as followo: Chicago, Rock
Island and Pncltlc Ry.; Wabash, St.
Louis and Pacific Ry.; Atchison, To
poka nnd Santn Fe Rj; Missouri, Knn
sns and Texas Ry.j Chicago, Burlington
nnd Qulncy It; Chicago r.nt! North
western Ry.; Chicago and Knstern Illi
nois Ry.; Wisconsin Central railway;
Chicago mid Groat Western railway
Michigan Central Ry.; Lako Shoro nnd
Michigan Southern Ry., Illinois Central
Rj uutl Chesapeake nnd Ohio
i '