TIIK HlfiD OI-OUJ) CJIllFOir', KIUDAY. JUNE 20. l'-UHI. I illinium ii rr.j-immiii.i.r.f-ti'r" iitrjraswraririiTitJtiiYs.ttXJCiii.'t.TtaBL rt3miC'iJMl'iii-iiimirr'l'r'3'" ! ! ! i t Pu re Blood means sound health. With pure, rich, healthy blood, the stomach and til gcstlio organs will be vigorous, nnd there will lo no dvspcpsln. Itliciimntlitn nnil Neuralgia will ho unknown. rerofiiIannd Bait Ithouni will disappear. With pure Blood Your nervefl will bo Blronc, mul your leep pound, sweet iiuU refreshing. Hood's Htirsnparllbi innkcH pure blood. Thnt In why It cures so tnnny disease. Thnt N why so ninny thoiiHiindi tnlco it to euro dhcitso, retain good hinlth, pre vent sickness and suffering, lleincmbcr Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Ono '1 iiif Wood Purifier. SI per hottlo. T. ivn ftirij l.licr Illii fiuy t HOOCl S PUIS take, easy tu operate. -JOc. THECHIEF IMiMMitd IVuultly. Siihtcrlplloii, l Per Annum Imnrlnlil) In Ailvunco Entered lit tin' Tost Ollli'f III Hud t'lnllil, Nob. as imiII iiuit'crof Hi" acroiiil dais A. C. IIosmkii. I'.illlor. 1,a iiov Ta it. Asm l.ocal Killtor. SV7C.1i; CIRCULATION 1,300. II MM IK AIVriIIHIM Prof.cinli. I iiali or leisper jear $c. nn Hlx in.ilillis 3 110 Three months ' "" l AMIIMI AUVKKIIIIFMKNTi. l'ei Inch "i war ?'"" Per Inch ni inciiilliH :i nf rerincli tliri'f immtlis ' "' fini'lal n-1 im" per line or lino jipivct. tJre.1 ptililicaMixi riccntH, Trniisiciii im otals, payable Invariably In ail mire, 't hue lucent. . . All ri-Hillni! millers In the future (it aihcrtlio UH'llll HI I'llil", r. I'l'MtS HT lino. Upd ln'Uffl lit leiriil IHtei, Vl.: for II 'n'ire (It'll lilt s f Vcnihiri'll or less,) Ilrst pelilieatliili tt.W; fill I'.H'll HllbWIUl'lll pillllllMtlOII, pel wiiutr''i fin (Tills. No "invlviictl poHitloii" rcHitractB miulo. All iimilcr to iikiiid imlilliMtlon mum In rp cclvcil at tlilt (iKIcc not Inter limn W'nltio- 1 iv AdvoitlM-iiicnis ratiiint lie ordered ml lot the ruriciit week Inter tlinn 'lltursilay. IlcpiiblU'iui rVnlltiiitil Ticket. For President, W.M. McKINLKY, of Ohio. For Vieo-Prosiilont, (lAiiitKT uoiiAirr, of Now Joreoy . It-iiilliiiii Tit'Uvl. For Congrosn-fith District. W. 15. ANDKKWS of Hastings. Ilumt.wi for Hilly McKinloy, and Ho Lart, too. L. P. AiJiiiiiiirr, tlto next stato treat! uror, in homo for ti Hhort Btny. II J Imi grout miurniieo thnt liu will ho nomlnti tod, mul, if ho, hn will bnoloetod. The pop pnpuis aro now howling Iub tily for Henry M. Teller, tlio disgruntled demagogue republican of Denvor, bo cauHo ho hirj ronouneod tho ropublicmi purty for it fuiltito to ondorso hlo free silver pluifotm. Ah n general tiling the nomination ot Gov. Win. MolCinloy of Ohio for presi dent mul (leu, (larrott llohnrt of Niw JorBO fur vico president meets tho up probation of thu ropubliuiuiH uvtry wLpre, uxcept it limy be boiuo ontluuiiia tiu kuii'ht of tho white uiutul. For un, K'ivo iih McKinlcy mul protoctioti, uud tho countri will not into lino and tba linnuuiiil iU('Htion will h settled. TKt.i.t'., of Colorado, who litis boen honored by the republican party for miiny yeiiiH, itnd whoso Btur wtm in tho aacoudimt, will now drop nut of siht. No uiun cm win littirelfl and prove reo remit to bin principle. Toller in noth ing more tluiu u detiiiioue, and loft the republican convention to Bootiro nolo rioty- and pxrhupb h prosidential nomi nation b the populistu or detnocriith Ho will novcr bo president, nor sontitor nRiiiu. lie flinuld have fought hia bat tlH in the party that nindo him ull bo it) or nvor will bo. A uoinau nevnr knows the mcmiitig of happliittift and eon cut until she Is the inotlur of n healthy, happy child. '1'lie lienlth of the ehild dupends on the health of thi. moOier, botli before and after birth. Most all of woman's weaUuers ninl partieuliirly tho weakneiirt that mo-d strongly ititluruees the health of children Co in oh froiiiKome deraugeaiL'nt or dineas Of tho ilMtinotly coniuiiHi orgau-i. Dr. l'ierou'i l'nvorlte I'lrsoription will cure troubles of thin nature. It should be ta ken riguhirly by every woman during the entire period of gritation, It givei Btrength to all tho organs Involved, lestens the piiius of childbirth mid iuxuriH the health or both mothur mul ehild. Keud 21 one-iieul Htauips to cover cot of mail ing ou!, and rcntdve free copy of Dr. l'ieree'n Midial Advtfor. Address, WorldV Diipotmtry Medical Assuointion HuIThIo, N. V. II. 15. Pond ban 1120 acres of woll fenced nnd vell-vutcred pasluro land for rent Aheap. K looi not lay to ixperluuut with midieiiU'S. lleggo' blood purirlfs Is no uovoly, A record of twenty yjais provis It to bo the best luimwt (oruiulti for niiriehing tlio hlood iidrhiuu '"'.a tlw tivstun tlioo nnpiiri ties ld(ih bre.'d dlm'BSr. For sal n by O. 1,. :-oei, , KoIlmvitiK is the proiani for July I'll in ItiilClnttil: One hundred mul tttc.ity fe'iniH at HUiirc. At ten o'clock, procession fortiw at (itoincii'H ball ami matches to Elm street, tlienco HottMi lo fottrtlt avetittc; thence west to Seward street: thence sottlli to to second avenue, thence cast to Webster sired, tlienco north to sixth avenue, thencu west to court hotue, headed by Mayor mul city council. Hcd Cloud S. ol V. Iiiiml. Speaker and escort". Master of Ceremonies. Hcd Cloud Tiro Department. Bicycle briimdc under cotnuund of V. W. Cowdon. nusmess men's display. Representation uf states by younir ladies. Cilithumpinns. Ciiixcusin carritiKos. Delegations from countrj. 1'ncle Sam in costume. Civic societies. AtrivitiKiit tho court house park, there will be, Music by tho band, Call to order by Randolph MeN'itt MnNtcr ol Ceremonies. I'rayerby Rev. Muxlicld. Siriuiiitr by dec club. Oration by Capl. C. W. Henry, of I'ainiiont. Music by S. of V. band. MNNKlt. Music by band. Ten minute toasts by RT. Potter, "(JnneialTctucs." J. S. Gilliam, "Our United Country." lion. C. W. Kaley, "Our Educa tional Institutions." 0. R. Chancy, "Our Rising Genera tion." J, M. Chaflin, "National and Indi vidual Integrity." Music by tho band. HI'CKT. l.owcry dance. Rieyclo races at bicycle track. Hose race, open to any company. I'irut prize silver trumpet valued at il. Second prize, line silk tircmcu h b.inncr, valued ul $l."i. Coupling contest, lirst prize $2, sec ond prize $1. I'at ninn'8 race must weigh 200 lbs and be JKi years old prize fU.i'iO. Fat boys race from 1." to -1 years of age. not less than KM) vartla first prize, SIl.OO; scond prize $2.00. Catching greased pig catcher gets pig. Climbing greased pole $2.50 on the pole. To tho lamest delegation from any township will be presented on ele gant HI teen foot United States 11 ig. Grand display of fireworks in the evening at 8 o'clock. rai'N Spu::!t l.ondcr limn V.'rl. Out of tho I ;.".0.00O boxiH of Beggs' (Icriiiaii Sulvu Hold In I8'.ir, only three boxes were returned nn unsatlsfautory. TIiIh Heema almotit iuertdlblo n uvory box has a positive guaranteu accompany ing it. O li Cottlllg HfllB it. At a mooting of Garfield W. It. f No. 1 1 doparttnont of Nebraska the fol lowing resolutions were drafted and adopted: WunncAH. It lriNplensiM tlio ttreat niimiiiiil cr In lli-uven, wlio liohli lle kcjM o life uml dentil, III lili aIm' in)lilcini', to call Iriini IiIh IlleiiilHim (Midi, Coiniiulo Oliver Mi-Call, tlio liiihlumil or oin-hUtcr, tliict'fori- tin it, III siii.vi li, That uliiln nn how- In hmnliln rcxijrii'itlon to tliu oulcr of tlie ('oiiiiuiuiiUt, i I'xli'iiil our liio-t heartfelt fjiiipulli) to our hi ter ami her fiimllj In tliu Kreut Iosh, thry Niih tului'il ill the ilnitll of ttu ir liimbiuii! uliil fatlinr. ItlWOi.vi'.ii, Thuttieop of tlii'MTi-Koliitli.iiHbi' relit to the liilully of our (Oxter, M11. Akiich .Me ( till, mul thai tliu iiiiuilin fiv ul oa tliu neonl-t of litiitliild W, II, C, uml in dp) soul to the city I.IM'N, Kvrr. S. .Ii'iwon, i Km: I'om. M'oiu I'Miiilr: liicnusi, ) Heart Disease Kills Suililenlyj hut never without warnlnssymn tutns.hiieh in l'alut, Weal; or Hungry Spells, Irregular or Intermittent Pulse, riutlerhig or Palpitation of tlio Heart, ChoUlnj; Sensa tloiiH, Shnrtne8 of llreatli, Suelllu-of 1'eet and Anl.lcs, etc. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, Cures Heart Disease. Mr. Geo. I., built h, of iho Geo. I,, ymlth Miiual ( )., Loui-ivlUe, K'j., i,rlen Til). 2fl, IMX: "I'lir n.ij.i. .i yi n I -.jh a lerrlblosuf feier fn ut i v..n tt iu'. .e, lileh yot mi bad I wi.i nb:. ;yj u , i. x ; ia U'd to got my breath. I bat to aumiiun Im-lnesi and cuuld hardiyc.tVwrtohitil. Jiy friend, Mr. Julius (;, Yu?lit, n.-io of our Ija-lina ptiartna cUts, asked iuo to i -. Dr. Mlios' Heart I lire. I had iin.il H.tiu itmro man :v bottle when tho pain ee;n.i 4 ud pi.lpp.ations entlruly ilUippearva. I iu.vi not lu.d tiso KlIicMont trouble bineo, it id tuday I am :ittndtu:; to buBtneiwai rui;uuirly ui over." Fold by druiti;iat4 overywhero. Hook on Heart and NurriM sent free. Addie Dr. Miles Modlcal Co , riUtnrt, Ind. lie Mi'o ' ) r ' ' ''V V "' i mMhm ,fi 9 rav z Z.JJL KJ Grand Commencing Monclav, i Mm B Jot 4M a MiM MMMMtWUMflM Tlii.s is out! of Illii CJn'iitest Hurguin Sulfs wi' liavu tjvored ollbri'il to dry goods l)ii.-rs. Soiih- lots iri' good.s wi at k'.ss tli.'in liitll" tliu usual prices. Altliough thu Clearing .Sale will continue two weeks there will Wsuiv to tlieso goods' el sed out very quick. CJonie an soon as possible 0 Wf Ladies' Sljirl Waists, Special cli-urinj; hiIo priecH on till our Blurt vvnlsiH. I'i ieen from 'Sic to SI, former priivn t10c to 1.75 Shirtinas Speciul bargain in extra qualify Hbirting S 1 ;;,j per jtl, would be good valuo ul 121 j is Uauchman's Shirting 10c pur .Mini, Hjieclnl bur gum in Wool OisMiiiHri'H pants cloths .'Hlo pr il. Aniohktgg AC A Feather Ttcl.iiig 12'jo pr jd. Ijonsdnlo Cainbiic 10c pryd Spiing Capes Ribbons Wo have about 20 capos left, for mer prlcoi from 82 up $7, eulo price from 7."u to $'. They tiro bargains. Three f-pecial bargaiiiii in ribbotm at fie, 7 and 10i-, tegular price 10 to 2oc Notion s Dresi Blayu fie per Fot. Men'H latTgo BizeTuikoy Red handUurchiet at fie. Clearing sale pi ico on ladies Teok Tics, Samplo lino of ladioB lino bandkerjhiefB at wholesale COfatH. Teazle Do?n Oulings Special bargains in tbwm per yard former priced 121 Sample Ity? of fans, Frmn Uif chfiipfHt to tlio best will li Mild ui Half Price. Wotl Dres Goods Mai3ii6( wKKLi On iVioinli.y tnotning. Juno 22, wo shall place on sain about ."0 of our choie. fbt Wool Urei- I'liit-nih at Hpecial bargain eal- prices. Many of them will bo sold ut ..ii', i.alf tho regular price. This m a li.irgain opputltiuity for drefH goods lui.MTh. Wc invite ynu to come 22, to Saturday N A llollilny 'll'rip ut Rlnll I'xiial Cost. Tho low rates to easlern and western cities mul suiuuiHr rihorlB offered by the IJurlington lloiiti. cut the cost or u sum mer trip right in two they bring nn outing within reach of iilmout ovety pocltetbcoU iu the (.title. Hero they are: Halt rnti'H to Cbieago. July I, fi and ii. Half ratcB to Wabbiiigton. D. C, July :i, 1, fi and 0. Halfiutes, plus C-2. to P.ntValo, N. Y July 1 and fi. Half iiittii to Hot Spiinge, S. !-. Jub' :iund21. Half intdi to Denier, July fi .Mid it. Ablt the l.emei.t lluiliiigton Uauto agent lo tell .Mm wind tiel.eti) will cost and bow long the i.ru good tor. Ask him iilwi about the Slit'cliii trniii to SiiiU'alo, which will leave Onu.hti via the liur lington liniitc at I lfi p. in., .Saturday. July lth, mul alho ab nil tliu Spottul trnln lo Clilonyo which will leave Om.J.i ut 1 lfi p. in., Suiidii, Jul fiili Thollrsl tritn in for tcaebern mid fneiulH en route to tlio milium mei-iing of the Natiotml Educational Association nt llull'alo; the ifcond for meiuliera ot tho Jackbouian LUub, bound fur tho Democratic Natlomd Convention. For fileepiig ci.r renoiviitioup, folder giving ttynliil itifotiiiation, etc., call on neiireBt lUirllnntun Kntito agent, or write to J.FraiJiiw, Ooi. i Parn'r Ajjent, Hurllnutim I tc Oiimbii. Neb. ! Cash 4-th of July Bargain Sale, June L;L conlinuin until July 4th r.diiMve. on all Summer Goods, DISHES. To be g'ivon free an elegant 53 piece dinner set. do not miss the opportunity. Wash i'ihric Calioocp. Printed (iriiPsClothp, &c in 10 yd Put tcniB at .'i:ic per put tern, between 1 uml four p m each day of the Mde. Only one pattern Bold to each lady ciiutoiucr. Muslins ( Fin Unbleaeht'd vtirl wido Mub lin In. Illi'iii'hfd Musltu ul i" 0 uud 7c, fortiio price 7, S and 10.1. Special Bargains Iu laiW Iwlo vostq at 10. 12. lfi uud 2fi , former pno 20 to ."lOc. Clearing Halo Prices on ladieH' sleeveb-s iMinl). hiiitt) ut .'Vlj. 15, fiO and (Vh!. Children'ti Mutton Waists, jiict. tlio thing fnrsiuumor wear, til lie, usual price l.r lo 2oc. Belt Biukies Special price on belt bucUlcs at fi, 10, 1.") ai.d !'.)! to this Piar:iin Clearing- Sale ;.s it wi I repay i ht, Ji.ly 4ih. G. XV. i ''. J. t IMIVCIlliOII. Hoport ot the W. C. T. U. county con vention held at llluo 11 til June 10 and 17, 1S00. On Tueeday a part of tho dolegntea boarded thu ten o'clock train at Inavalo. Thoy consisted ot Mr. and Mre. Lndd MrB. E. II. Knight and ."uiiud Knight Tho otbore, Mr. Lester uud Mm. Widlter. wont with their own conveyance. Al though Mr. l.tuld iu a utrong tomporanee man, do not fur a moment thitdchowont to the convention on biH own account. No; "ho wont to tiiUo his wifo." At Hcd Cloud the delegution was increased by Mre. HralielUld, Mra. Probat,co, Mrs. ltife, Mm. Dow, and Miu Hluekwell. Wo oxpocted to arrive nt Hlun Hill at 1 p.m., but expectations aro apt to bo vain on tin aecouiniodittion train. It seems they bad leven carloads ot stool r rails which they uulouded between CowIch and IMuo Hill, hi ringing them along for about two hours, making ub that much lateat our det.timiliou, but tho pufcBongors were jolly and tho tiiuo did not iieeiti veiy long, On iirnving wo were met by several ot the Blue Hill union and escorted to the i .1iiiitt ,. Ml MiIirn. i,,.ro wo ' , ,, t, lll,llniMirH ..,ui ati their sympathizers. Wo were cordially ro. coived and woleomed. Ah soon an possl bio thoy were coaled. Mrs. llrakeliold read a chapter in tho bible, and Kov. Hummel, tho pastor at thut place, in voked thodtvii.o lili'mirg. Tho county proEident was odlled upon lo direct tho further excreiion. Hho fitated that it ,uniM U pb : ' ' ' '"'" ''r- it vory nAflin iry BUUUO '"fin . so as not to nms any ol the iChnli In 10 iimI dni p-iili'i'iiH at 2.")i:. pi'i- i.it!ei-ii, lift u. 'i'ii (i uml 12 ti m. c ieli l. 'if din h.iI". Onlv (inn I'Miti-rn fold to i',-, i'li lady cus tmiuT Y( , ii ( 1 ' ' ' Undid rf'.ail piico 20 and 2,"i , fhIo pnec 7'jij per .Mird. TlitH in the grciil.t.t iMrguin ever iiUered in fun; ar ynotiH. C.'ilH'ii; s HlucU mul whito t'.ilieocH at ftii. 'J'lirki'V ll-.l llunrii-U'Hlicoi'H ul ."is. Hilvi r (ir I'itbci at .V. Sutino cal '(''' m .". CliHinbray Htles C'lliow at Tn' arrisois White I'nritBolB, just thp thing for lth of . I nly, ut tft.2.-.. Sl.r0. i?17f and J2.00, former prica 2.00 to s:j 00. Vrcaies New lot of Percales, Dimities and other new whh fabrics will be placed on palo ut 10 andl2).c, for mer price 15 to 2'ic. Sunimer Corses Special HargainH at!Mc. iVIeifs Slfirts SiimplH Iiiim of uioirn sliirls to ho lol.l at IP, 2.i, :y, i)0, li.l mul 7..C K former pnceH .l-ic to Sl.'J.. J ar,inn exeeiitinnal loirgain Siiiuph) I it of MeoVTles v.ill lie, sold ut wholesale cunt. j IJojh' shiitH at 12.c. Meii'n lot! nicks, rule piiee 10. Mcii'h Uili Overxllri hho piiee l-'i f'leiitii'g mlo InirgitiiiH in Men's' PaniB f.ioiii fiOo tniJl.CO. i lbin' Uinuiiii Ownillri 2."c Mealing -ali) lnirciiiiiH in Mcii'h' UikIkiu -or ut 1!, 2.), .'lo mid 3Sc Kyle price 7JS', foi mer price PJ,'.,'!!- V" I r. A. Ducker Sc Go. what Hi. W. C. T. U. wtm to them. They did to, no ono refusing, and it called out many lino ideas. At the close of the Bpeulting, Mrs. McLaren request ed ull to keep their seals, mid she left tho room, booh returning, followed by young ladies laden with traye cou nting ice cream and very lino caltp. Ah the afternoon was extremely warm, it wan vory ucceptablo und much enjoiul by ull preeunt. A Btorin of wind and rain coming up, tho ovening exercises were postponed until tho next o cuing. Wednesday vaB taken up with tlio usual work of fctiuh a convention Words ot welcome fiom the chuichee by Httv. Hummel; from tho local union by MrB. Haiiheu; iesponbbyour young est delegate, Mi-fi Maud Knight; nlo dress, llev. Stinnett and wife of ith den giivo us their pnsenco and tin; ot unce. The prehidenl, of tho Adi.uni county tui'on, Mrn. Mnih:d! of ll3t ings, c.uue in on tho moiniog irnin t.ud labored with us during the iln. Sho conducted a p.irliumeutury drill, v.'hie'a was very instructive. The exorcises of tho ovening worn given by tho local talent, such as recita tions nnd singing by the children and ouui; ladies, led by Mis. Logan. A unanimous ic'snlutiou ot thanks whs voted to nil who contritiutfd to mak i iho convention u hucci'i-b. Iho follow i' ' i tlhiniH wem olecledt J'ro-t-dont, Or.i. .MuLnren of lllim Hill; cor rcsf-"i 'ii ij seeretary, fs. Logan uf ' HM.'jril'nL' i" '-n 'in-. 1 . . . -mm ....... .. 1 ZJT f I J 1.....1.. 1...11... rT,,.H..n rroui tlio oldest, .Mrs. iiralteliuiu. lie- V;'-i' iuiuym.-iiJira.nini; ports of olllcern and uiiious. A ijM' fr- ' bottles of b.S.b. re- Ib-v. Ulackill, pastor of tho M. K ! fy JmSk 11CVC'1 ,"C1'!0 l,Iat l i, i. ..n.-.v.ii i t'l: JRfrjf&wasfoonnWotoiiiove lllllllUH lib llllllllll I IIIIIUV llllll H I Jt 111. -V M ' i r- ,t a t,- ouse1 u AiMi I'v-.ii itu: s;i c prices 11 lie o U'erotl he souii' of bargains. REMNANTS Special line i f ri'mnmits in wash go.id'j etc. at uliDiit lialf pric. Pearl Bullous SpMcni, ii.irmiif. at fic per dozen, I lining Cut ton lu per card. Silk Mills Sid's pried nn liidien' and child nnV l'.'ic'f Sil'i Mitln ut lllo per pair. .Sunt ' Imo of Hells at bar gain pnccy. Tabic Damask .'( Kpi'ciii! lint p-iii un iii 'J'tirlcny Rod DumiMt at 17, -") uml 2!)c. !t hperinl liiirgaoil iu Idi'iiebed tublo I ni'iirt at ;!i, Ill and t!'5e pr yurd fonot . pi ten ",.")('. (mo arid 81.00. ()S. CleariiiL' H.ilt i rices on Ladies' Horn at 10, 12' , l.'i and lllc per pair, former pr e1fi tollfic. Spec ial bargains hi Ctnldroii'ri Hose at 10l! pnr p'lT Si- iocs Wo can stivo ou money on shoos. Clearing sale pnci h on shoes and Oxford. We hnvu Fonin good Imix'iiius in t tit-in. 1300 yds. Cljallies II) uiriln n- .iu lacll il'O oi lUO Bale, while t-u 1.1, between 2 uml II ji in. Oil) mi" pattern sold to oHt'li liuly ciiHti mer. IJnen I.ai'cs 1 too itubo vidi eiile price fie pr j ard. Special cbviting eiilo bnrgains in (SiginiiiiK at fie niiil 7c, former price 8 to 12J.e. you, Monday, June IhfiV1' - iheamatlsm J. Is a blood disease nnd only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which nt best are only tonics and cannot possi bly teach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greeucastle, Indiano, r-nys: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rhcumd) tistit, which thebestplivsicintis were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicine but 'they did not teem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was nn- f&X able to take my food or handle mvself in !. -..- .:j r.iSvt any wav: I was abso- Af- 7fV .:!. t...f m my .'r. oi in, uuiiiic '?i long i could wait across the room, nnd when I bad finished one domi bottles vr is cured i uuplelcly and am as well as ever. I now welh 170." A Real Blood Remedy, S.S.tt. rures Scrofula, Cancer, Ivczeinn nnd anv fon.i 'f blood ti-nul.les. If to have a bloo.' ('.incase, Like a blood inedi-f cini? S.S.S. (raimnu frely vcfjeta-i' tabic) in exclusively for the blood nw,j it reconimc -.!. 1 I -r m u. I.i J lug else. It peruuucu'l farces 1 ut t'.- ly. V will send to au o'ic our vul un'-' i. m f... .v. - 1 1 '.? S ii I A