The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 26, 1896, Image 1

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mom ioH oi
Aotn)tisinoi.3JiI oicimijtn jo
;sii u iinniw tuxinoa
-opa si m jo Shcj v Xti(
iiiuiunci ,II3 wnat'iir jo Hmi
asitno Jiioi irouD oinstit snod
-U03 O W IllIU' Sl-C 33IIIUI O tt) I13U3
opistii uodtioD auo ptnj Iav uoa
!VHno una
sn poo3 sc
;siu PtlOtl SI OJ0t; SAAOnJl
jooms pio XiOAji
..unuijuci su pooS
sc isuf,, si sooauqo;
' aoipo joj iiiiup soii3ni oqx
Wild (xmiDH with RUiimifr to this
ear tli
And owfH to June hor duy of
With rinj of PKARL upon hor
Can hciilth, wraltli", and lonp
lifo command.
Wny I'liffMhl
Hcitviiii)er S.inilili. ." in) tlirst.
ilm.o I'bill
il.irrli Ihnchitli. April Dliunotul.
.Hil Huby AiikhiI -ilix il-slono.
NoNoiiiliu i Toi:i mill). December- -'1 in ituulse.
15 Years Practical Experience
In Fitting Siieclnclrp. Come in whon ntwdint; (Iuphob my Htock ia
full mid com jiloto of all Uindn. Will unrantcu ou a tit nud envo
you rnimi'j . Your
Watch. Ciu.k juvI Jewelry Repairing
Bnlici'cil. I iiiiiuiitfo all work, any dofeot in Hiimn mndu Rood FHEK
of uliiii'. JJilllcult tlno wutuh work and enRraviiiR a ppcciulty.
Watch Exnmincr Tor H.&M.fl. !:. I HOS. PENMA.N.
(r; ttm&awz -M
i&i.yll' : - -yJ
mm'- -
Accidents 3
Will 3
Happen ! 3
Jiiit wo have all llio 5
Liniments, 2;
Salves, r5
Plasters, &c, ZZ
Call on us when m
Fino VMMtln-r.
Small urn i ii moxc i 'tdy to linrvcst.
S Ku-liii- nut in It d O'otid Sun
duy. Misf.s t izir TiutiLc nnd Nottiu
Decker Ritnnioil Clnl.lron'n day t-xor-oirch
at Kukhy.
Al Mi-rrit t spent Sitndiiy in Blue
IVnrl Fiaui i- v i . t i 1 1 j her raml
pnrcutH this work at ilits place.
Mini Alu HAer us visiting in It.
G. Inst week.
G. W. linker .u.d K A. Tcrrill
weru in Inavnlo Tupdny
(! rami pa McKitumuy preached At
CowIch Suiulay.
Churoli will ho ntthroo o'clock Sun
day, and Y. 1. S. (J. K at S-.W p in.
Anthony Green spent Sunday at It.
Mr. and Mrs. Cockr.i 1 ipcnt Sun
day with tlwir tl.iiiRhter, lrn. Blnnch.
- -
Now i tliiiliint' to provide j onrfiulf and
fnmlly with n lottli of Cliainberlnin'rt
Colic, Cliolum ami Diarrhoea Itemedy as
a Hiiffaard ahiiiBt an attack of bowel
row plaint during the summer tnonthfl.
II contrt bnt -T ecu is nnd U almost Buru
to be needed before the htiinmur la over.
This remedy tuwr faile, int-u in the most
Revero cases, and in in fnot the only pre
paratioti that can always bo depended on
When reduced with water it ia pleasant
to take. For Hate by H, 11 Grice,
j- that will curt! litem up in a hurry.
in noeii.
t C. l. COTTING.
U W a
fcft'.V L
" i x urja
' n
fiWllBEM akb (B
9 T t t T
) Harness 1 Harness ! Harness !
a Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade
In Red Cloud. Prices fight for cash
dMI rr
1 TO
ww $mAw
Ilarvcfiting has commenced.
A fino rain on Monday, whiuh was
greatly needed.
Aduu Jitiucs visited his son, Will.
laet Saturday.
Mabel Ilykcr was visiting hor
friend, Bertha Ilauhl, last week.
Bessio Middleton ol Nuckolls coun
ty is visiting rchums nenr Keklcy at
Mrs. TIioh. Doudna, of Salt Lako
City, Utah, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. M. B. ltroves.
Orris Hubbard lud the misfortune
to loso a fino young nnru which got
cut in the wire last week.
Lou Orr leaves this week for Fort
Morgan, Col., whoro shu will tiuko nn
extended visit with hor brothers. Bob
and George, and families.
II. Hendricks and mother wero vis
iting at Davo Fishol's last week.
Mr. J. II. Mcarnp, from near Guido
Rock, and Mrs. It. J. Molntyre, of
Jewell county, Kansas, passed through
these parts lust week on their way to
HoHCtnont, whero Mrs, Mclntyro will
spend n few days at her father's, 1).
Children's day was observed at
Eckley last Sunday, Juno 21, with
appropriate exerciws by the young
people and little folks, A 1-irgcuudi-onco
was present. Thoso from a dis
tance wuro as follows: Miss Hartnan
of Bluu Hill, wlm rendered a fino nolo;
0. M. WulU and family of Mt. Clare,
0. A. Harris and wife and A. Kinuoy
and wife of Cowles, Gcu. Birncs nnd
wife and Mrs. Decker and children
from near Auiboy, Sumisn.
llor TUIm i
W offer One UundnJ Dollam reward
for nny caso of Oatanh that camiot be
cured by HalTs Catarrh Ciiro,
F. J. CUENKV k CC9., Toledo, .
We, the nnderalgned have know F. J.
Cheney fjr the last In yea, and belioye
hi ra perfeatty kohotabte M nil kMMM
IransiicHoilH and financially able to cajrf
out any obligatlona me by thlarflnn.
West A Traaz, Wholeaalo Dtafcgistt, Tc
lodo, O. Vfaldinff, Klnnan & Marvin,
Wholesale, DrogBlsts, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iuternally
acting directly upon the blood and mn
cons siirfunea of the system, Testimo
nial Bont free, l'rico 7Co, per bottle,
Hold by all drogglHts.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Covt ((.
Section Bom llutchini had his foot
hadly crushed latw week h, a rail fall
ing on it.
Fuller and B-t i-hippeil two ears
of hogs last week .mil one oar this
Bun-aways aii oon.nion occurrence
here, li'ist woik Dctll WullV tenni
ran away with a wurou lo.vd of hos,
and Tursday K. Knut"Oii's team ran
away with an empty wagon. But lit
tle diiuago was dnnn in cither case.
J. Best has put an extra forco of
men and cultivators on the Cutter
ranch this week.
Last week Dell Wells m irkctcd !0
head of fat hogs nt this place.
au. apracucr nas uougut a now
Undo "Davj" I '.ml has his eye In
Bessio Carpontcr is spending vaca
tion with an uncle at Franklin.
Mario Latta returned from Franklin
academy Saturday.
Tho only place wc hear any politics
talked is about 1 lager's store.
Mrs. Carpontcr ami Mrs. Beal, dele
gate nnd alternate, respectively, of
tho Cowles Union, .ire attending the
district W. C. T. U. at Hastings.
Messrs. Carpenter and Beal aro not
saying so much about woman's rights
thCHO tltllCH.
"Darn u mule,' or anybody that will
." So sayeth Jack Barnes.
A good delegation of our young (V)
peoplo went to tho river fishing Tuos
day, Tho morning "catch" was prin
cipally shad, hut tho evening haul
(toward home) consisted chiefly of
suckers; but what
It a shml ahoulil meet a sucker
Coming through the rju;
If that Blind flhould kisn a euckor,
Should another sucker cry t
Ask Stub Wilson.
Swi:f.t Sixteen.
- -
If it required an nniiual outlay of "f 1(10
to iusuro n family against any serisus
couReiiaeueo from an attach of bowel
complaint daring tho joar there are
many who would feel it their duty to pay
it; that thny could not afford to risk
their lives, p,ud those of their fpuiily for
each nn amount. Any one can get this
inenranoo for '.'ft cents, that being the
prico of n bnlile of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. lu al
most every neighborhood some ono has
died from an attack of howe.1 complaint
before mi iliclno could be procured or n
physician summoned, One or two dosis
of this remedy will cam nny ordinary
case. It never faitn. Can ou afford to
take the risk for so small an amount?
For sale by II. V,, Oricc.
Tlio festive potato bug is holding
high carnival nnd making things
lively just now. All speak at once,
and let us hear from ouch locality in
regard to tho subjeot,
Mrs. Vance and Mrs. YaiJ))kc, ac
companied by Hiss Nottic Hah) ami
Miss Graco VanDykc, went to Frank
lin lust Wednesday to attend com
nicnactuent exeroitsis, l'n Mr. and
Mrs. II. G. Sawyer, Mis. Konjati nnd
Mrs. Davin. Mms Florence Sawjcr
graduated i.- music, and Mr. John
Bennett in tho business Murso.
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Tanco word
visiting at No.!i Harvey's Sunday.
Chas, Olinstcad and Knima Hale
dined with Arthur Wolcott and lady
Mr. Overman and family wore visit
ing at A. C. Halo's Sunday.
There aro omo in thia neighbor
hood laying their corn by,
Ur. James l'eratae, nn old soldier resid
ing at Monroe, Mich., was severely afflict
ed with rheumatism but received prompt
relief from pain by using Chamberlain's
Fain Balm, He says: "At times my bnok
would noho bo badly that I oonld hardly
rnise np, If I had not gotten relief I
wonld not be hern to write these few linos,
Chamberlain's 1'aln Halm has done mo a
great d nl of good and I fei I very thank
tul for ft." For s-lu by 11. K. (Irico.
Or. Price's Cream Hakintr Pov tier
World's Pair Hleheat Award,
Uiliu Phillips bought a new buggy
Some of the farmers havo harvested
their ry
VA'x Soryenson and family wero vis
iting on Farmer's Cicek Sunday.
C. F. Gather was in this vicinity
Monday, looking after his farm inter.
S.un'l Lindsay sold 27 head of cat
tle to Mr. Minor last week.
Mr. lteiher bought u new Roll" bind
er last Saturday.
Mrs. Fisher, from Kansas, a sister
of 0. K ltaincy, is hero visiting.
Win, Ctabill shipped his fat hogs
this week.
Miss Lou Wilson oT Otto was visit
ing relatives in this vicinity tho first
of tho week.
J. B. Wiscoarvci bougut several
head of cattle from Andrew Krickson
one day this Heck.
The Kpworth Lcaguo at Utlo is
progressing nicely and a largo crowd
A fishing party composed of sever
al ladies and gents from this locality
wont to tho Republican Saturday,
Mrs. Matkin, who has boon visiting
in the eastern part of tho state for
sovcral weeks, returned lmaio Satur
Claudo Wilson, Johnny Murker nnd
sisters, Misses and Tishio, at
tended tho ioo cream social nt tho
McCall f-chool house Friday night of
last week. Stunnek.
Hoggs' llnlr Konuwcr.
No preparation ever put on the market
hns given such nuiversnl satisfaction. It
is not only a hair rouuurraud iuvignrn
tor, but cleanses the scalp of all dandriilT,
leaving tho hair soft, glossy and luxuri
ant. Hold by C. Ii. Cottiug.
Crops aro looking fine.
Tim oat crop is mixed with mus
tard, which is a damage,
Kldcr Austin's team became fright
cnod lait Sunday near Inavnlo nnd
overturned tho buggy. Tho Kldor
was severely injured, nnd his wifo so
badly hurt that rcoovcry is doubtful.
Thoy nro boing enrcd for by kind
Win. VnnDjko and wifo attended
tho Frco Methodist meeting at North
Branch last Sunday.
Mr. Aubushon is on tho sick list
this week,
The boys that started for Cripple
Crock got ns fnr as Oxford and took a
tie pass buck to Bed Cloud.
Tho VanDjko boys nro running
four cultivators on the Caso lann this
Jno. Beauchainp has returned from
Missouri. Ho thinks Nebraska is
good enough for him.
Mrs. Stumor, from Obeilin, Kiu.,
is visiting friends in Lino this wcok.
Rev. Ilumnck will organizo a Union
Sunday School tho first Sunday in
.July, at th Pleasant Dalo peliool
house nt 3 p. in.
Mrs. K. W. Andeison wasthoguost
of Win, Vim Dyko oun day this week,
Mirt Fearii oniih a hteycl, anil
thinkH of taking in the i.icos at Bed
Cloud on the Fourth.
Bev. Bluokwell baptised six now
converts IsM Sunday at the McCall
The Penny Creek Sunday-school
was closed list Sunday.
Uli Hill, Lumber City, I'a., writes, "I
have been snlTering from piles for twenty
live years and thought lay case iuoarable.
PoWilt's Witch Hnel Halve was reoora
mended to me as a pile euro, so I bought
a box and it performed a permanent
cure." TIiIb is only ono of a thousand or
similar cases. Ilcvorun, sores and skin
diseases yield quickly when it in used. O
Ii Totting.
Nice rains again this week.
Charley Davis cut a piece of wheat
on Thus. Kralil's place that will go
forty bushels to the acre. Hurrah
for beautiful Kansas with her fields
of beauty again.
Tho lightning killed n horHo for
Jim Gillis Friday evuiiiiiir, also Jan.
It Van find a hoisu killed and Bon
Williams u cow.
Mt llopo Sabbath-school is reorgan
ized, with Mr. (! re well as superinten
dent. Mr. Billings was a Knntus visitor
Inst. week.
Corn will oelebrnto. Cotnc ovory
body. Sunk t.ow eh.
All instnutnueouB oongh cures contain
nplatca and aro liable to dry up tho
phlegm and u.uons in th'i bronchial tubes
and lungs, thereby cnuslng congestion
Wo guarantee Hoggs' Cherry Congh
Syrup against thin danger. (!. L. Cottiug,
hea Daby was sick, wo pnvo her ClviorU.
When elio was a CtillJ, slio crKnt fur CVustorU,
Wlicn kIio brcutnu Miss, klio tiling to C.mtorU.
Wtum Uit) had CliIMruu, ulio ga u tlieut Uiwtarilk
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pltnsanter
or better way to do it than by reeeomend
ing One Mluutu Cough Cure (a n preven
tive of pneumonia, consnmptlon nnd
other serlotn luu,j troubles thai follow
nC'gUotid celds. C i (Jotting.
iTIiti-Uul atcpoTl.
Corrected weekly by lteil cinuil I'roiluco Co.
Wheat CO 55
Corn now '20
Oatu now 18
Ityo 25
ISnrloy ;k
Flav 75
Hogs (ii 80
Butcher's stock ti 002 50
Butter 8
Kkkb 7
Potutoeu (6 40
Hpringchickonn peril) .')
Uld lions per ll 7
Buy por ton 3 003
ItlK'tiinnlUiii Curvtl Bn u Day.
"MYSTIC CUKU" for Khenniiitl-fin
nnd Neuralgia rndicnlly ourm In 1 to 3
days, It notion upon the (juccm in re
marki blu and mysterious. It romoyon
at oncu the cuusu nud thu disease immed
iately disappears. Tht llrut iloso greaUy
beuelUs. jl5 cents, bold t) II, 1'. Urioe
r- i .
433. llHifttv
IXJIV rMrilMI" Ol, KJiuaua, nu.
.0. lloswer, Ab't., Ited Claud, Neb.
i.ouis it,!icii:it & :.,
0Ues KstabMBbed Firm In Washiugtou
i, t" f ilKuvU iSMSWwB
lu.cj fitchews Castoria. s tarw
' 7V B.Wx fc.
druggist, It id Cloud.
W.. i.f.. '- - -- '-- . A
4 4 4mk 4 V
women atet caused oynseasea con- c
ditlons of tho Livor, Kidneys and
healthy state by using
Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S
Ti A. t 1 X f 1.1.. .AAMifa
li Will assist inc icmaic organs o pewunn nicir icuioi
luuciiun iliia wit auiititr win k- aiinijjHini"' " . m
For tal everywhere. Irk, Si.oo per bottle I
? thc on. J. h. Mclean medicine co., st. louic, mo.
ww mn ii im ii i iinr ufin n .
V, J. CllUNRY A t'O , TOlfdo, t).
d by Druggists, ifio,
World's Fair Highest Award.
reWV2t&'-,&MaJ!ttrr '
ur. biucs' Kemeaics Kesioro ucaw.
i-nr TF'Uv"
' M