.J ASHm. ," "is JStLci- -H - -- T-a'-jii " '1 " v j ''?? ..-. , ,. Tf it", , . -v w I PPtftTv'I -rrTl -KWi r- m - ; v: "wBt-. - n aW Jaeal-IBelaBk 'iBBr BB Yki "i-S yjaPKvwl "- - -"" TrT-""jlr'-f " aM 3. " - -BB&:BLf-BBBBBmTT- r A -- Nfc. WE... IT .a. BBBBBBBBBBm-t. BBW-7-F-J: - I J . Mtm I i- - - , w.-.M llli-"l'!n' Al n 1 VV !1 a i. jrajl M F. B. T l.'Hir hb H V IIVr T- -. MurraniHHBib. Wl rxBBHIAAm'' v;bbMbVb1K T&iffAsrjvW.mtzL,. Wr M htt TTilWim -rMWinri"' In OBsaKHiHBKznHrMliBaBBBBVI71ViBW?wrI-.r Kr? ; 1nl?fcSEBwHPjl5!J A' MHailyBKlrlMSe.9iriiita...iTiffiMIviii Lfc . &m . r l . .4. K, k m m IVCfr ?' & L I ,tt a. Swa,iii,M mJwcKgaBKfeYiMai . 'mmmmmmm vj,iniw BS-r ZL"' "ll-,' . tsBB5PsSS5sS.5?3RBte "sPf -- ' ..,$'S.n!x,.CW w" x--.- , fc"' "-..t- -'-s----- . -- - S-'-, -. -. -, v P " --.-- -5-?5rr 2 VOLUME XXIV. M0400000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH000000000 $250, i The Best ' fimnldno'Tnhanon Mailn I """ " wrww Iuw ooocoooooeoo$eoco0oftoooeooooooo0oooooooooooood JnmiftrrOiirnet. Kubuwry- imj tlicst. .Mnrcli llviicliitli. April DUmnml. 3Iay l'ineriilil. .Imu roail .inly Itiiby. August Monn-.stono. tJeptcmber S.tpplilre. ccuiber Op.il. Novemlio r Topaz nmb. I)ecemth;r--Tiiiquul!. 15 Years Practical Experience Iu Fitting Spectnclee. Come in whon needing glasses my stock is full and eompleto of all kinds. Will guarantee you a tit nud save you money. Your Watch, Clock rind Jewelry Repairing solicited. I puimintt'o all work, imy defect in eama made good FREE of charge. Diillcult lino watch work and engraving 11 specialty. Watch Exnminer for U. & M. R. It. THOS. PENMAN. ssmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmK PCS- rfMkx (&! V-;L 3 Jh' g -tfaRS- 'CM m- that will cure them up iu m iu. C. L. iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUlliiiiiiliUiUiiK W"" TRADERS LUMBER CO., DEALERS LLMiEII ft Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. ass Harness 1 Harness ! Harness ! J O BUTLER, The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade BARNESS MAN, ' In Red Cloud. Prices right for cash eoss & rife, PaopnTOR8 of DIY ilAi J July" iviif nsTiToi? wmuuii) u, ; at II II To Be Given Away this year in valuable articles to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham Tobacco You will find one coupon In side each j-ouiicc bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ouucc iia, Ituyali.ig, rcailthccoupoti - r-- ' M ami sec how to get your share. Wiio oonicp with summer to thin earth And owes to June her day of birth, With ring of PEARL upon hor hand Can health, wealth, and long life command. Accidents 3 Will 3 Happen ! 3 But we have nil the J Cji Liniments, Salves, r2S Plasters, &c, z a hurry. Call on us when ZZ iieeu. COTTING. zs IN aot AL 1)11 "y RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JUNE li), 1890. AH, THERE, Bill McKinley ! You are the Stuff for Us ! Slulc Crveli. Everyone is in the cornfield now and the corn look fine. Hyo is nearly ready to harvest. Decoration at Mt. Hope was n grand rucccas and the ointion delivered by Mr. Chafiin of Red Cloml was fine Mr. (irewcil and Sir. Thomas of Crete wer up on a visit to his son Dan Grew ell l.nt week. Several hogs wero snlil ottt of this part last week to Hunter of tnavalc for $li f)ri up to $2, 75. OucahionaIi. Now is tliotinie to provide yourself nnd family with a bottln of Chnmborlnin's Colic, Cholera nnd Dinrrhoen Hetnedy as n snfrgunrd sgninst nu nttHok of bowel complaint dnriHg the summtr months. It coaM bnt 2.1 cents nnd is i.lmofit saro to bo needed before the summer is over. This remedy never fails, eyeti in the moat puvere cases, nnd is iu fact tho only pre paration that enn nlwnys be depended on When reduced with water it is pleasant to tnke. For ante by II. U. Qrire. JiiiInoii. Nice rain on Tuesday eve. Children's day was duly observed in Horton' gravo last Sunday with an appropriate program which was well rendered. There was a large crowd iu attendance. The peoples party held their caucus last Tutsdnt, to sutid delegates to tho county convention nt Smith Centre next Saturday. Some of our neighbors finished planting corn Saturday, J. Fruit said ho bought a oultivator that kills the weeds. The young grass hoppers are doing a great deal of daaago to tho garden ttuik. They ate tin acres of corn for Mr. MeCrakin so badly that he had to plow and replant if Misses Dollie Davis and Sadie Mouutford oamo out from Rd Cloud to spend Children's Day. Miss May Rarrotl visited her father last week. Rov. Wclty proaohed to a orowded house Sunday evening. llou'HThlM! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any onso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Cntnrrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned have know F. J. Cheney for the last lr. years, nnd believe him perfeotly honornblo in nil buHinetm transactions nnd flnanoinlly nblo to carry out uny obligations made by thierllrm. West it Truax, Wholcsulo Druggists, To ledo, O. Wauling, Kiunan & Murvin, Wholesale, Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimo nials sent free, Price 7o. per bottle. Bold by all druggists, Stillwater. Gooseberry bunting is til the go. Mrs. F. A. Killougb has ben quite siok of late. Miss Grconough of Wilson, Kan., ia visiting ber sister Mrs. Greoohalgb. A number of Eckloyitos attended Children's Day exercises at Cowlos last Sunday, James MoNow of Ltwronco is work ing for 11. B. Thompson. Dr. Price'f Cream Baking Powder WorU'i Mr Highest Award. 4lHlffliHi fcl.M. In the midst of battle, How the dinner pails'll rattle, For you, Bill McKinley! Mr. llaydcn from near Guide Hock visited at J. I). Anderson's last Sun day. Harmon Mottcr has returned from Fait field college. Al Parker and Ralph Peters from across tho river were at Dave Fishcls Sunday. Miss Ella Van Wort of Guide ltock in company with Alex Monia attended church at Kcklcy last Sunday, also John Monia and Mis Dilloi-. SllIl'HON, A;i:itorK suK.ii:i&v. Death FoIIown Hie NurceoiiH KiiUe!Col the SiirpeuiV I'milt, or rnurse. lie Can't Help It You .. . Can. I'yrnmlit IMIeUurr 'urr PIIhh (ulck I)', IrliilrMnlr, AVllhoat Dinmer. Peoplb go along for years suffering with piles. Then try this, and that and tho other thing; from carrying a buckeye to getting treatment from a physician. They obtain temporary relief, maybe, but they are never qttito cured. A littlo strain in lifting excessive fatigue, a little constipation or a little diarrhoea and tho piles come back. They don't seem to amount to much, but thoy banish sleep and ap petite. No position is comfertable. Thero is intense local pain and that dreadful feeling of wtight in the peri neum. Maybe in the early stages somo of the many salves on Halo will afford temporary relief. If tho case is of long btanding there is only one Npccdy and sure remedy. It is Pyramid Pile Cure. Even iu light cases it is the safest thing to use. Olhtr applica tions may cure and may not. Pyra mid Cure is always certain, always reliable, always brings comfort at once It's prompt use saves Months of suvero suffering. In extreme cases it will savo surgical operations and their attendant dangers and discomfort It is better than knife. Will cure easier, quicker nnd safer. Thousands bavo used it. Thousands havo been cured by it. The cost is trifling com pared with what it does. The price is HO cents. Most anybody would gladly pay ten dollars to bo rid of piles. Druggists sell Pyramid Pilo Cure. If yours hasn't it ho will get it for you from tho Pyramid Drug Co., of Albion, Midi, (solo manufacturers.) Mokk"' Little Citaut Fills. Try them if yon have a aiok headaches or if yon are constipated or bilious Guaranteed by 0 L Cotting. lilatlcn. Hurrah fer McKinley. F. W. MoLaugblin is working for D. C, Bonnet. 0. A. Easterly icturnod Saturday from a visit with friends at Swantoi. L. E. Spenoo and wife aro spending a fow days with frieads at Ong. D. 0. Bennett is under the dootora oare. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla .j...i-ma,wltitamm turn fnm -tint r Just what Postmaster Horn is try ing to do with tho post office room is a question. Souio say it is to make thu building uioro burglar proof, others that he is making a city oala bouse, others that ho is fitting up an oilico for his dcmitv and still otlmrn say that ho is dividing it for llio sound money and the free silver wing democrats. i. li. Thorn and wife drovo over to Bltio Hill Tuesday. Mrs. J. L. Graudstaff and Mrt. Jas. McCoy drovo over to Campbell Satur day to administer to tho wants of a member of their lodgo tho D. of H. 0. C. Klingman tho llluo Hill im plement man was iu this vicinity Fri- Mrs. L 0. Kicth and children of Odcll aro visiting with friends in this city. W. E. and L. H Thorne shipped a car of hogs to Omaha Friday. J. E. Yost shipped another ear of hogs Thusday. Chas. Clark and wife drove up to Hartwcll the latter part of last weak. Mr. Willie and Miss Rose Tharno, who havo been attending tke univer sity at Lincoln roturned home last week .to spend tho vacation with their parents. Mrs. W. E. Thorna and daughtor, Mrs. C. E. Hicks and daughter, Mr. Davios and daughter and Miss Lottio Doyle aro attending the commence ment exercises of the Franklin sobool at Franklin this week. Druggist Hicks shows his loyalty for MoKinlcy by placing in his win dow a nicoly framed, life sized bust lithograph picturo of tho major over which hangs u drapery of red, win to and blue, while a number of small flags surround tho picture. Ho is a republican who is not nfraid to show his colors. It loe not I'ay to experiment witli medicines, Reggs' blood purines is no novoly, A record of twenty years proves it to be the best known formula for enriching the blood n driving from tho system thoso impuri ties whioh breed disease. For sals by 0. L. 'Jotting. CowIvn. Last Thursday evoning Charlie Fuller took a swallow of Ammonia by mistake, A badly burnod month and throat; was the result. Dr. LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM I the toady you need, of equal service in mild of chronic e cases. It relieves promptly and works a permanent cure. jP roa akc cvcntwhihi at ei.e ki oTTit :THE Or. J. H. MoLCAN MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. ..' .ffi wi'H'y.' r - Jtx.iirp .? VTi-'r? P:V-.1 f2SS?Jra rtSVZr Fil-m'. i-.'ezzja: t---fe: tr''wif J H NUMBER 25 HgA called meeting of llio V. 0. T. P. w.is hslil Ht Mrs. Ilildirth's Situr- dny afternoon to ilt-ct u delegatu to the county convention nt IMu Hill. Mrs. Mctinlf wa ttkcu quite siok Sunday but under Dr. Hall's euro is rapidly recovering. Mrs. Viola Heal and Mrs. Emma Carpenter nttcndod tho convention at llluo Hill Wednesday. Tho small boy of this vicinity sports purple hands and lips these uays, a result of too closo contact with, tho now plontiful, Russian Mulberry. Ed Paul looks sad as ho sa)H ' I ntn informed that tlicro in no hope unless the girl proposes beforo tho 29th of February and that date is imw Ion); passed." Roy Hildrith, who was quito siek the first of tho week, in around as usual now. riio Junior Endeavcrors havo post- P0110'1 tl,0,r p'enio to aomu date in thu noar future. Ed Story is spending this wook at homo. Swr.ET Sixteen. Kli Hill, Lnmber City, I'm., writes, 'I have been suffering rroui piles for twenty live years and thought my ease incurable. DoWitt's Witch. Hazel Hnlve was recom mended to mo as a pile cure, so I nought n box nnd it performed n permanent euro." This is only one of n thousand of Himilar enses. Kczeinn, sores nnd skin diseases yield quickly when it in used. 0; Ij Cotting. ' - ... Kalln. Claude Duyal and family Sundayed at Emory Roan's. Frank Sadilck purohascd a new buggy and harnoss Saturday, Two days this week tho thormotne tcr has registered .08 degress in the shade. Ed Groosman and beat girl wore seen in this neighborhood Sunday. J. B. Wisooarvor and family were visiting near Rivcrton one day this wcok. Mrs. Oley Nelson and Mrs. Johnson wore in Koarnoy county last woek vis iting friends. Chris Arcxlon, who is farming near Inavalo, was visiting with his paronts in this locality this week. John Rutlcdgo, Evcrrctt Bean, and their families woro callers at Mr. Marker's Sunday. Sam Sorrenson and family wero is this vicinity one day this week visit ing relatives. Claronoo Wilson, EverreU Bsan and Mr. Marker lost several head of hogs Sunday from tho intense heat. Tho Children's Day exercises at Now Virginia Sunday was largely at tended, Tho church was elegantly decorated and all did thoir parts ex ceedingly well. Stunner. It Is Wonderful how qnlcidy diarrhea or dysontery can be relieved by using Bcgga' Diarrhea lialsnm. A purely vegetable compound. It nffords instant relief nnd n permanent euro in a perfeotly enfu way. Your pop ular druggist C L Cotting hna the agency I for tills wondorfal medicine. i iVvrx r - - .-'3 :. LIVER and KIDNEY Diseases are manifested by Backache, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite, Foul Tongue and Weakness ! J. H. MeLEAN'S &(.-&mmi&$fy' i i Mi I. t C. Hniiner. Art . lied flnml vi, l.oirm it :r.i'ii( a- u m . j --1