The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 12, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Me0fl J.
Framcr of the Indiana. Military Bill Made
Well by Paine's Celery Compound.
Major HutiiiiH of tho '2nd Indiana
Stntu tetanic, uido on Gen, tlcKcc'u
stall and president of ounp (Jrty, bus
boon for two years oni' of ilui most in
flucnti! inciiil'crH of tint Indium .Mili
tary li.nv of 18811.
Mujor Huhbini was u wry s'ck man
up to tho time of lukiii Panic's
celery compound.
In praof ol vhil tlnit remarkable
remedy can do lo make 11 wick pou-nti
strong and well, Major Unburn' It tier
from lntliaunpolis bent tell i(H own
straightforward nicy.
"I was troubled with a torpid livnr,
constipation and tho iicoowpitnjinj;
sallow coinp'cxioii, while my entire
nervous hjMoiii wan entirely derailed
and I was greatly reduced in Ik'tdi.
While in Huh condition I wan Inkon
down with a very severe attack of tho
grip, and .wan, for a long tune, routin
ed to tho limi-n a id my lied.
"I resorted to various medicines
and tonic, mid under tl.eir influence
made several i.tirinpt.s to reHiimu 1113
business of tMVeliug ahoui h tho in
tcrentHof A. S tlTon, uigar ininufuot-
urcr of this, otiy; hut relap-io succeed
ed relapse, and I nut only was obliged
to abandon 1113 Imhimoh, but i;iowing
gradually wnrs , heiMiuu apprehensive
of the ultimate result
"At tins juncture, my mother-in-law,
who had used your remedy with
gratifying results, provaileu upon me
to oouimeiioo taking l'aine's celery
compound, and it gave me great pleas
ure to state I at once began to
foci its boncfloiul cilects.
TUB CQIM, OQllflSlS M All.
me yosi, work is Peiicciiog.
1110 wmm, n iiotii
1613 Vtrnnm St, Omaha, Mb,
A.V. nosnur lot, Ked CUud, Mb.
Tlollu, Cornet und Clarinet,
Had CIoh4, Neb.
Will miarxiitee cttlofuctlou H (rttalitrs who
41rotn luarn any nt ftiu abarn liiitriunents.
willuho tiiree I.ispoiii (eacti Iphoii u Imur)
fdrSt.Oe. I'ianns tmiid iiroperly, I.eaw word
at tbl onice. cir ailJiess mi;, Kueral delivery,
"My appetite, which had failed mo,
returned, my constipation ceased, and
very soon my liver became normal in
its action. Following this my sleep
lessness mid headaches ccaBcd, and I
begnn to gain flesh. Tho insidious
hold on me that tho grip had hithcr-to
had was relaxed, and I felt invigorat
ed and strengthened, bo I could re
sume my vocation, and feci free from
tho languid, enervated feeling that
!ud so lung possessed mo.
"My friends wcro plcaf-antly sur
prised with the change in my coudi
liinir and I win only too happy to re
commend 1 '.line's celery compound to
such of 111 y acquaintances as were suf
feting from any of tho complaints
which so complicated my case. There
fore, I again say I foci impelled by a
deep sense of gratitude to express
how much 1 have been helped, for I
now feel and look like, a new man."
I'hysioians who rely on Paine's col
ry compound as thousand's of tho
most wide-awake members of tho pro
fession are doiug, especially now that
nearly every 0110 tools the need of a
genuine spring remedy physicitHS
know very well what languor and
llut tiled feeling means. They know
that di-bili' today ofien icsulls in
neiv-iis ptnMraiioii tomorrow, uulcss
tho iin-d sMcm is quickly invigorat
ed. That 's why all over the country
today I'.uuo's eolry compound iu boing
taken by tho advice of skilled phjBi
ouns. It is the 0110 remedy that phy
sicians can conscientiously call a
genuine spring remedy. Try it.
Notice tu Teiicliers.
Notico is hereby given that 1 will
oxauiiuo all persons who mav desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
tcachors oftlio pubho sohools of this
couulv. at Red Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
special examinations will bo hold
011 the Friday proceeding tho Hd Sat
urday of each month.
The standing desired for 2d and
Hd grade certificates is tho same no
grade below 70 per cent,, average 80
per eent; for first grade certificate
110 grade below 80 por cent., avcrago
00 per cent, in all branches required
by law.
D. M. Uuntkr, County Supt.
W Offer Y a
HHrlBBV Wkick
IN3URB5 Safoly ,
f Um f Mfc. '
r bbiu.
Mi CnfiNmitif Hi Mi, IhmrNd Itk,
My wife mod MOTHKIT rlIMB1 be-1
tore cirrn or oer nrtt chua, aia
cuaer from t'KAXPS or rAINS-WM quli
relieved at tlio critical hour uBerlu
little sho bad no tialim uf tnrward und
re oorcry was rapid.
G. K. Johhstom. Etifauk. Ala.
Cent by Mail or Kltirril. on met tnt f
r ... m aa 1...... ' m .r: 7 r-.-- i
I cm" mailed Free.
. Brirr- vi.w iirr uuiuo. xjuok "to laoin
Tlic First SuMlon r the l'lily
fo 111-th.
That nothing cf particular vnluo has
beon dono by congress during tho pres
out soesion is no fault of tho republican
mnjority In tho houeo. That, body bus
shown its good faith and has ondonvorcd
to correct tho present condition of tho
trensury and has passed 1 rovenuo bill
thut ought to have beon ncccptnblo to
tho democrats In the sonuto und to tho
preBidont and bis cabinet, lie it was 11
"tariff for rovenuo only" bo far uh tho
present abortion, tho Wilson Uormnn
law, wub amended. It wan short untl
easily comprehended and would bnvo
relieved tho govorntnont from bonding
tho country in another i?10U,000,0lf na
tho ultornutivo to tho BUBionsion of
epecio piiymonts und tho holding up of
treasury warrants.
In refusing tho conntry this much
needed relief tho administration und itn
party has crowned its pyramid of
blunders und leaves itn work of dlsgraco
and dishonor completo in ovory purticu
lur. There wus no other pressing mut
ter for nttontlon und failing in this, tho
republicans in congress buvo transacted
tho routine business of perfecting und
passing the appropriation bills nnd is
roady to adjourn.
To their credit in n negativo way
may bo added tho prompt defeat by
their votes of ull further attompts to
destroy tho credit of tho government
by the passage of freo coinngo of silver
bills passed by tbo eennto and thoir
squelching of the bill prohibiting tho
president from issuing bouds for the
protection of tbo gold reserve and inci
dentally carrying on the Kovorument.
Tho object of this bill was two-fold,
apparently. First, to forco tho country
to silver monometallism by tho corner
ing of gold und gold notes nnd tho de
frauding of tho !X),tOO ollicers und era
gloyts of tho fodorul government of part
of thoir pay until tho treasury should
b a yeur or bo honco replenished by u
republican congrees and president.
Tho appropriations have beon made
with tolorublo economy, considering tho
Huccepa of tho democratic and pop ma
jority in the Ronato in loading tho houso
bills up with additional itoms. The
much needed appropriations for coast
defenses had for tho main part to go
over on account of tho destruction of our
revenues undor C3 rover's administration.
We shall bnvo to take our chuncesof war
until utter unothor election.
One minute is the standard time, nnd
One Minute Coagh Cure is the standard
preparation for every form of coogh or
oold. It is the only harmless remedy
that produces immediate results. C. L,
All signs point to tho early beginning
of a crueado against the use of eolToo.
Sevoral medical treatises have recently
boon published culling attention in
strong language to tho ovil etTocte pro
duced by this popular boverage. In
somnia, nausea, loss of nppetito und gen-
oral collapso are cburgod to coffoe, und
tho increase in the consumption of the
gonial berry is hold to mean that tho
Araoricnn peonlo uro rushing headlong
to cotTco druukoness, from which it is
but 11 step to alcoholism und thon but
ono more stop to the use of opium.
Wo might as well dlo of coffee poison
ing us anything else. According to the
best tuodicftl authority wo are bound to
bo poisoned by something in our com
mon food und drink, and if wo must
tnko poison wu will all tnko it in the
form most agreeable, to us individually.
Anothor cup of coffee, if you pleuee!
Stato Journal.
m .Mm wish to lie iree from lassitude
Mil dull headache on arising in the
.mining bo Miro you Bleep iu a well
tii tilated room. Tho fresh air must
-mil! from the outside nnd not from
' I. tt.ltttlllrT -rww.v
Did you ever think how readily tho
blood IS llOlrtOIlt'J bv aoustinntinnT ltn, I
blood means bad health and premnture
old age. DoWitt's Little Early Uisurs,
mo imiiuuH mile puis, ovuroomo obstinate
oonstipution. C. L. Cotting.
I'onltry on tho Farm.
The following paper wns read by Mrs.
Itoso S. Carr at tho Jasper (Illinois)
County Farmers' Institute:
No branch of agriculture is bo uni
versally uptlorestliuiitctl as poultry. I
might quote, lu proof of this assertion,
Btntlntlcs from our larflo cities In the
United States, but I think It will, pcr
hnrui, bo of more lnterost to tell what 1
luivo been ablo to jjlean In regard to the
money vnluo derived from tho poultry
yard In Jasper county alouo for the
year just closed.
I havo experienced creat dlfllctrlty
In procuring rellnblo Information from!
thi farmers thvtnselvcB, liecanse 0 Hie
lamrtitnWe fact that so few at them
koep a record of their work. Tho habit
of guesting Is supposed to belmg strJcl'1
ry to tho Yankee, but It Is far too pro-J
wuent nmoiyj farrnera. and fa tho rule'
with farmers' wives, to which I have
round no exception.
Guessing has lane been discarded br
the commercial world.' but the farmer!
and h wife have not disponed wltfa ,J
because they do not consider theea-
Mivw buBlaetM people. Well, they J
need net regard themselves bo, nor
aaould tbey bo to regarded by others,
uatll they adopt builnew methods.
Thp record for ray own flock. (I con
Mae myself ta this paper to chickens
alone, a time will not permit my talk
lag om different varieties), la: Pure
bred Plymouth Rock bens, seventy
five; males, two; eggs, 37.C3; ctirckens,
107.04. Total, 1134. W3. Bggs used, 1495;
chickens used, 45; stock on band, 17
AM oimI ItcpiiltlU'iim
should mnku u point of uttonding tho
nntlonnl convention, to bo held ut St.
Louis, Tuesday, Juno 10th.
Tho exponso is not great if you tako
the liurlincton.
On tho i:ith. , lltb, nnd 15th. of Juno,
you can nurchaso u round trip ticket to
St. Louis tit TUB ONE WAV HATH.
Think isn't It worth 11 few dollars a
few dnjs timo to seo the next pres dent
Full information on application to any
ngont of tho H. & M. It. It. K. or by ad
dressing J. Francis, Gon'l, Paso'r., Agent,
Burlington Route, Omnhu, Nob.
. -
.ttiiro nt (ircrn ll.iniiiln.
Then; is (inlto a gool deal of what
approaches to nonsense written now
and then, In these tlayu. about the
formation of ultrutus in the soil, their
fixation by .the root nodules, ute.
What is wanted when a green crop l.s
turned under is to get it decomposed
01 s.oon as possible; this will be iicconi
pllshed more rapidly In warm than in
oold weather. In the South there
would doubtlrsH be much wai ii weath
er after the pea crop was VWly ma
tured but In tho Northern t ,i- not.
The recommendation to cover with
lime Is often made, and l.s good, so, too,
this crop the use of super-phosphato
(acid phosphate Is tho samo thing);
and It Is right, also, to say that, if
green manuring accomplishes nothing
more tlmn to plow under green stuff
10 make uumus, It is only a part of
what should be dono; this is tho enso
when rye or buckwheat is used; but
with the pea or clover fertilized with
phosphate, nitrogen is gathered from
the air, and a large quantity of this
most valuable plant-food may bo
added to the soil, besides a much
larger quantity of humuh-maltlng ma
terial than the most luxuriant crop of
rye or buckwheat would yield. New
York Times.
It In Uoiulerlul
how cjulckly Diarrhivu or DyKontery can
lie relieved by using Heggs' Dinrrhu-a
Balsnm, u purely vegetable eompound.
It affords instant relief nnd a permanent
onro in a perfectly safe way. Your popn-
Inr druggist O L Cotting has the ngenoy
for this wonderful medicine.
The OrlcHtiN ('liHUtaiiqiia.
Ono of tho most attractive foaturcp
of this year's Orleans Chautauqua is-
that tho Burlington Route will sell
round trip tickets at the one way rate
from all stations within 150 miles.
Ask nearest B. & M. H. R. R.
agent to give you full information not
only about the coit of visiting tho
Chautauqua and when the low rates
will bo in effect but als about what
there in to do and seo and hear after
you get there.
UlotencN, Pimples, Scrofuloti
And nil humors of the blood nnd skin
will sacvumb to Hoggs' Hlood 1'uritter
and Hlood Maker. It positively has no
equal. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Ask
jour popular druggist O. L. Cotting for it
......... 1 ,, , .
Tho list of lottnrs remaining nt tho
postolllco uncalled for up to Juno 11
Olive Wnito
The nbovo letters will bo sent to tho
dead letter ofllco June IU, 180G. If not
called for. Fkan Cuwdkn, Postmustor.
Xflnllv ItbvuiiiutliiuiCMrfil.
L. Wagner, Wholesale Druggist, Kioh
tuoiid, Vu says: "I hud n fearful attaek
of Sointie HhuumatiHin, was laid up al
most two months, wa fortunate enotiKU
TISM. This cured mo after doctor's pre
scriptions had failed to Imvo any ufToct.
Sold by II. U. (Irice druist, RvU Cloud.
Mrn. J. II. Shiroy, teacher in instru
mental music; customary prices. Daily
half hour lossoua to now beginners at
reasonable rates. 18-tf
Kczeina is a frightful allliction, but
like all other skin diseases it cau be per
manently cured by applications of Do
Witt's Witch Hazol Salve. It uever fails
to euro piles. C. L. Cotting.
Weather Forecast.
ltr.i) Ci.oui), Nkii. Juno l'J, 18!X5
Tho following is the woathor
forecasts for tho next 21 hours:
l'ulr tonluht
mid Nntlirdtt-
F. W. Cowdkn, Tjocal Manngor.
Notk Tlieso forecasts will bo dis
played daily iu ovory postolllco in Web
county. DR,KILMER'5
'" KIWO LIVER egg "Mffit
BuiumHO.rafcui jotnta or lck, brick duet la
hwrrreaiicaicaiu, Irritation, lnflammatle
ravel, Hlcatlon, cataarh of thebladisr.
DisoFdered Liver
TUllounnrtw, henilache, indlRCttlon or gout.
WAfflP-ltOOT InrlRorutCA, cures kldaaf
dUncuitica, llriuht'a dlsetue, urinary trcatM.
Iiiipure Blood
Bcrof ula, smlurlii, Kencral weakness or dcbflHy.
warup-Kootlmllilsup milckly a rundowa
oonetltutlou mid niakett tliu weuk strong.
Al lruKBltx 50 ocnu and $ 1.00 Oni
-IcvalUj,1 UuUlo to IIoilUi" fni- Conailtntloa (re.
I)U. UlUllll Si Co., Dl.NUIIAMION, N. V.
for Infants
THIRTY yeaiV"blirvtloirof Cntorln wIththeTiatronng of
million of perOH,"permit n to iiporek of It without gnesilng.
It 1 nnqaeitlonably th bout romody'for Infanta and Childrwn
tho world hmu ever known. It In barnilnn. Childron like It. It
glrea them health. ' It will vt" their Hve. In It Mothen have
omethlng which ! bolutely afo and praotloally perfect an m.
chlld'e metUelae.
Catterta detfamya Warai.-... ''
CMttoria allay Fererlhnm.
Oatorla preveata vomiting Soar Card.
Caitorla enre Diarrhoea and Wind Colla. ,
Catorla rellevee Teething Trontlo.
Caiterla onree Coaatlpatlon and Flatnleney.
CatorIa neatralfaw the effectn of carhonlo aeld ga or pelanaotia air.
Cawtorla doe not contain morphine, op torn, or other nargotlo property.
Caitorla aiilmllatea the food, regnlatea tho tomach and howela,
giving healthy and nataral eleep.
Cantorla U pnt np In oat-aw hottlee only. It 1 not wold In hulk.
Don't allow any one to aall yon anything eUo on the plea or prombJL
that it U "Jnt ae good" and "will anwor every pnrpose."
See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
The fao-slmlla
algnatnre cf
Children Cry for
Tanuary (Sariiet February
.Vsiy-lliiit-ralil ,lime Tcarl.
September a.ipnlrc. UctlH.T()
1 5 Years Practical Experience
In Fitting Speotncloa. Come in whon needing glosses my stock is
futtandconoplotoot all Winds. Will, guarnnteo yn 11 tit nndeftve
you- money. Your
Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing
solicited. 1 jctiurunteo ulliwork, any ilolfcet in Hum- mmlo good FREE
of charge. Difficult tine watch work and engruvi ig specialty.
Watch Examiner for B. & M. It. R.
itlarkcl KuMrl.
Convcteil weekly by Ketl CIdimI l'rodnco C.
Wheat GO 155-
Corn new
2 00a,1 50
3 00:;
I logo
Butchor's stock
Spring chicUons ier lb
Old lieno per lb
Hay per ton ,
Wbea Baby was sick, wo gavacr CMtorU.
Whea cho vroa a Chllilj tlio crkd for OwtorU.
When slio became Mb, Hhe clung to Outorta
Vten uho had Clilldwa, una ero Uiem CtuUrla.
"Save My Child!"
is the cry of
many an
little one
writhes in croup or whoop
ing cough. In such cases,
Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy proves a blessing and)
a godsend. Mrs. M. A.
Burke, of 309 K. 105th St.,
New York, writes: "Dr.
Acker's English Remedy
cured nrjjibabyofbronclu
tis, and also gave kistaut
relief in a seTwejcciae o
, croup." .,
JlLztl. lV.tSle.ttf. Alinrw4la
Itlpans Tabalea.
Itlpans TrtbnJea cure aaisea.
Rlpans Tabiilos: at drurgiats.
Rlpans Tabules cure dlulnesa.
Itlpans Tahwles cure headacfee.
SJpans Tabuleacare tatulenoe.
Rlpans Tabalea cure dyapetela.
Rlpans Tftbulee assiatl-eetloa.
Rlpans Tnbules cure bad breath,
itlpans Tnbuiea euro blllousncsa.
Rlpans Tnbules: ono gives relief.
Rlpans Tabules cure indlgoaloa.
Rlpans Tabulca uro torpid liver.
Rlpans Tahules: gentle cathartic.
Rlpans Tn tittles euro constipation.
Rlpans Tnbules: far sour stomach.
Rlpans Tnbules euro liver troubles.
Rlpauu Tabules: pleasant laxative.
and Children.
" fea every
Pitcher's Castorla.
Who oomos with summer to this
And owes to June bor day of
With ring of PKAUL upon hor
Can health, woalth, ncd long
life commund.
-March- TTV.icllitti. April- Dlaiiio.Kt.
luly Ituby Aut,'ii"t Monii-stonoi
Novuiiitu r Toiiaz ami). HacemlNirTuiiitiolse.
For Hogs andPoultrv.
This is ono of th llnsst hog nnd poul
try uholorn reinodies over diHcovered,
nnd wo cheerfully mnvnintee u cure if
used nccorcJing to directions.
MuiiilriMNof t e -. 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 ;v n Jiar ns witnom
of liscuratlw iiialltUi. a few tr which we
imlillili lu'iewttli:
lteil Clouili Neb.. An il 'Jt,.lHTrt -To Whom It
M.iyt omvrii: MychU-ki-nwire ilylnt; dally,
until I uilinlnlnU'ri-tl .1 A. Minx's Cholera hem
edy, since wJiloh tlinu 1 bate lost 110110.
ltoil Cloud. Neh., April H. HW.-Thls Is to cer
tify thai 1 itiivetmcil ituil wn uifil thoHnox
Cholera llrmedy, ami It iIwh nil that Is claimed
'or It- It. T. 1'avmk.
Others vWto hae ue.l tlih reiwilv, with. sue
rem. are: U. M. l-trm-iit, J. I'lokles, O; O.
I'etcrson, t. Kuriiey, r. K. I'ayno,
l'llit llolllrH $1.2.'; Small Holtlc-oOc.
Kl I'roprlctnr, itt'il Ctoiul, Nebraska.
'lerrltorlil rlnhti tors.ilc.
HIRES Rooter con-'
tains the best herb?, berries
and roots nature makes for
rootbeer making, i akc no
other. i.r Tlif CHrl... r ri,ltvWM.
m. .ci-tu luuki. j miiou. riij ut. riui.
fT,"1 J!lun Twubln, IVbllltr. dlrtmitits omirk molt ,
ZL1-r:.m ,.Jt,. ,TT1J umunfmn invmiid inouiii n It.
Clmurt uui iHwKinu u rate,
Never FaJIa ta Hoktnr nm.
Ilakr to its Toutrtftil CalorTL
Ouna Kal ilimMea A hi ulW, I
jUg.iiaHtal Drurrtat I I
HINDERCORNS Tmoolrnr.Ountfor'
Pf CtlohMlom lliisll.h Itluoionil Ilrni.
f, .l,r. r.llu.. t.oicl i.k
lru,,l. for rM ,T,'AV,
in him mm iiuj wr v"l
i'L,r.?? "."""". lmiU-..TrTl L
VuS V?," ."'.' 'ifV .'"iiw-W. .
m" ..-' '1 .-.-"."lirfc" in ittttr. b.
nimrupL Vj
lUkhur uUt.
A Jr
Dll CC
M Lklv
asaotoTiiT oiawN
a7SiSy.;S""-'i'ui-7iiri.irTUrr r1f
fWUH..I.,apU,. .Ptuw.l J;.
1 ,"
moow urocK, . RED OLOUI,
wuecuonB promptly nttended
I ?iM
S -!IV'-
.wiSfc?' "' 'JWHft-.;
4MMMK Jttt Mf
uv rw&f-
kviivDJuuuence eonoiteu.