-J I W V 1 '. vi.f I J tf I ".' '4 11 , fl f ? ii h fo A LITTLE IRISH GIRL, t: "Tin iuiii,' rni'Ti:i: m 'l lintiki," six "1 Call COIIIU IIOVV. CilVIIM t.n. Kyro. mil too If you want nnv says Dulciiii.'ii, pot cci vinii her be tlirothcd turn to the doorway, us if to go nvwi. 'liuink you! An hour hunt" will ilo viry well." topMos im rnollvi ami rlo-ji'i tho dnoi' lii'luatl li i t ii. "There! says Ihileinou, looulm? at Lire, with angry oici full of to n--: "whin tlo vou think of that'.' I'm sure I offered to go with hlu'i, tlitla't I? ami jou wi1 how ho treated mo. You saw it. didn't you''-' "I saw it indeed. I hilclt', why Ih alt of him at all ' U hy euro.' 1 1 is, beneath your notice." "Oil! he l more than that, wretch. I li.iti' Siim'1" i'ri He U i Ihileie, i vohoinonlly. .sliu stumps her small foot upon tho around, ami lima siKiiioniy, tor no sued groat reuon oortainlv. shi' cover her fao'wlth ami hursts into a -torui of her hand le n. ( lIAPiilU IV. "(1 Mistress III!," num., wliuu ale you ro.iin- O stay iiml hear " our t rue love's emu- IHB Tlmt f.ia sing both liij:li mill law; Trip no fin titer, iri'tt. sweothur" It is a tlistitu'tly aggressive mood that she goes to tho drawing. room an hour later, to keep her appoiatmi'iit with Mr lialph. Mm Hails him there, lounging in a big ehair, with hi hands Hasped bi'hni'.l his he ul. guing mooJil.V into the lire. Tlioro is a frown upon Ills brow that he does not attempt to got rid of, as ho pets slowly on to his feet to receive her. "You did not troublo yourself to hurry,"' says ho unpleasantly. "You gavo iiiu the impression that any lime would tlo," retorts she. Willi a little shrug of her pretty shoulders. "No time would have suited you, I dare say," says he bitterly. "Murh better, if you are going to bo in a bad temper." with a touuh of temper on her own part. Ankotell looks at her intently for a moment. There is a euriotis light in liis eye -n quiet; lire. Ho oven moves bib lips as if he would havo spoken, but by a strong effort controls' himself. "Is my temper the only thins.' against mo?" asks ho presently with a cnillo that, if still resentful, is also ory sad. "I havo made no complaint, '" re turns sho lolly. "Then 1 wish you would I'" erlos he fiercely, his late control lliimr to tlio winds, and a very storm nf passion shaking him. "Wliat! do you think I am a stone, or a fool, that I can't see how you treat mo? Kind your fault! Mate it! Let me see where 1 fail!" "If,"' says Miss MeDermot, laying' her hand on tho back of the chair nearest her -"if it was to- to roar at me j on asked mo to meet, you here, 1 think you would have done belter to reserve jour invitation. Mio is very pale as she thus tlellos him. but her lovely head is well thrown up, and battle declares Itself in every feature. "Well- I bo;? your pardon, ' says Ankotell. with tho air of a man who, lintliu? tho matter hopeless. j?ivos in. "Let us ?riiiilv -presuinu I base no fault." "Hy all means," acquiesces sho de murely. Thorn were some papers to bo signed with regard to our marriii?e." hays ho; "Hint was why I asked you to come here; bat you delayed so long that" "Well, what?" "I fancied you wore very happy whero you were, nail so I would not hao you disturbed. I told your fathor I could coiao iicriitn to-morrow, and so could the solicitor. You see, Hiitirleully. "I have always jour interests at heart." "You are too good!" returns she, villi ii satire of her own so Hue, that his sinks into iusiiallicaace. Then, quite suddenly, she turns to him, and eroding tho room, roaches the hearthrug on which he is stand in?. "What is it all about'.'" a-ks shu. with a ehango from tiaessu to utter straightforwardness. Something ha-., vexed you. What?" "Ah! bo much you havo troubled yourself to discover," says lie, with a hai'shnoss that sho is clover otiouj?h to I; i ow Is horn of grief. "Something' How nitinv tilings? I wonder. My life for the past month has been a hell. Hoeaiiso I don't say much, you lliiak I cannot feel at all. What do you think I felt on that llr.st cursed evening, when t tint fellow oumu be neath your roof when jmr told old Jindgot tlmt you wore Hired of hear ing of Sir ltalph?'" She is standing opposite to him, with the lirelight illuminating her faco. A little tpiick shlvor seems to come over her; lint beyond that hhe makes no sign. "I suppnso you mean that you wish to break our engagement," says sho, her voice coming from bur in Utile broken piece-. "That! No. That Is the hist tiling 1 should moan." "And yet, if you believe inn tired of you surely you would wish to" "I should not." coldly. t "Niit even then? Tlrod of you! You heard mo say that, and still" "I shall never break off my engage ment with you," says lie slowly. Never! I shall leave Hie breaking of our engagement to you." "You moan," says sho, in a liltl "holclng voice, "that you will leave , the odium of It upon mo:11' "I menu tlmt I shall never break with jnu until you break with me." , "You nro n tyrant!" erics sho sud denly. "You .don't care for me, jot you will hold mo In spite of me!" "Is that your reading of It?" "Yes, that Is what I thinkwhat J honestly think. Do you l.mow, looking straight at him, her charm ing, angry faco brilliant with emotion, 1 believe that In your mart you hate mo, and that tho pun shnient you have laid out for imj Is to arry nu ,11! -wioiw 1'ornnm tsiOTiinihi;"iV5i7"'" C. Ilosmer, Agt., lied Cloud. Nub. ! "It that what you think, Dulflnoa?" A lt p lui.us nun to her. and a moment gives li'm tiim' to eiiih her' llruilv liy both arm, ami n hold , her that ho ran compel lit'r to moot I hi- gao. "You think that of tiio'1 Ami why? Why? Look heiv"" (with sudden iiiloii.) "Mow tlaio you Uinil: toof tin':' You. who-o solo tie- i iig'.t -ei'-ns to lie to ruin an linnet man's happiness! How d.ire .vou tii nilijiiili''' nil'' Theie," re Iciis'iti? her. go. I am a fuol to sudor t.i I " lie thrusts her from him. autl. walk i titi toward tho window, Mugs It uj) and sti'ii.4 into the growing night. CHAIMT.l! V. "Tlinti dlilsl di'luti ta n e.ir; All ! little pi.iKe; l'i v.ure Makes nitn'r lie iris rejoice. MaltOs alt e.iM itliul tn.it licir." Mi- MeDermot, thus abnuloneil, st'inds for a full minute motionless. Doubt!, her llr.st feeling is astonish that this heretofore abject ment, in lovo of hers has now proved so masterful. Hut the aet N lago -pure and sinmle. 'l'o tioat her like that! Ho! Kalpli! who lui'l been so humbly glml when iho had fallen in with 'her father's views about him and permitted him to be engaged to her! The world must be coining to an end. She is stating through the window that has -oea him depart. Her bauds are hanging by her sides. Her tall, slight llgure lias grtuvn rigid. 'liie world must be coming to an end; b.it whose world? His, or hers? Who is to fall In this encounter? Which of them will bo counted among the slain? Not sio. at all events. Despite the wild tlnolibiiig in her throat sn coin inamls herself so far as to forbid the to it's that aro struggling for an open ing, lie may still be there out there in tho chill of theexipiisito early night, and lie might see. He! 'ly'rant! Ami to th! man her father has ghoa her! A n..'.!! who. on the smallest provoea'io'-, has showered Insult upon Insult on her head. Well, ho shall soe! lalh-r or no father, she will never marry him! Ob, he shall see! She grinds her little lovely white tooth together, and with a last delimit glance at tho window leaves the ttumi. In the hull she checks herself. An idea, a thought of vengeance, has occurred to her. This other--this stranger -he loves her. at all events In him lies a chance of res cue! Koscut) fioni miirriiiiro with this dotustatilo niiiu, who has told her so many horrit.lo things about lier.olf, and all, naturallv, untrue. Sho opens tho door of the old school-room, and enters it with a ve hemence thai can hardly be misunder stood. '.Something has happened," savs Kvro, gelling on to his feet with some difficult v. "What Is It, Dulcie?" "Oh. lie has behaved abominably, s.nys she. her eyes Hushing. "Ilo said the most cruel things." "Never mind him. darling. 'omo ami sit down by me, ami let ur try to Had a way out of our tllllleiillies." iiut I must mind him!" cries she Indignantly. "Why, I can't tell you all ho said "I'm m soolhlnclv. glad of that." put.s In "I'.nt I must tell you all that." villi charming inconsistency. "I remem ber every word. They seem burned into my brain. Oh! howassori.de! I'auov his telling me I had ruined his life!" "It seems to mo that he Is trying to ruin yours." "Mine?'1 She gaes at lilm a mom ent, as if not quite understanding this, and then; "You don't understand." says she. "Now, could he ruin mine? Iiut uevor mind that -that's folly! .hist hear tho other dreadful lliinge ho said: He beu'iin by telling me" "Dulcie," Im checks her bv a wav ing hand, "after all, you know, lie can't have wanted mo to hear him. Wo needn't go into details, need we? It is enough for mo to know that lie has been, well, bea?tly to you." "liuastly! he hasn't boon tint," says sho, with quite unexpected fervor, "iionstly is u vulgar word. Ho has been horrid. I." with a decision Unit curries a frown with It, "uoa'tdeny that: but ho has never been beastly!" "You aro a generous foe," says Kyro, smiUing. llav generosity, in deed, strikes li 1 in as being something out of tho way, something beyond words charming. It would have been so easy to her to abuse this troublesome this so evidently undo sired lover. And yet she caniu.i bring herself in bur integrity to ion any small virtue he may posses. "Well, then, wo will let him slide if you like; no use talking about a low 'sort of hound like that." What abominable language you use!" sayn she. "Kvuii If Sir Halph has behaved unkindly to mo, 1 don't see why you, a stranger, should call him bail' names."' "You aro quito right, and I am wrong," says Kyre. giving In delight fully. "Hut eurely now, alter all you havo told me, you don't still feel bound In duty's chains to marry that disagreeable person." "Certiilnly not," s'lys sho, with a firm compression of her inoiilh. "If thero is ouo thing on earth about whluh I have quito mudu up my mind, it is that 1 bliull uevor marry fair Kalph." "And a good thing, too," says he. "You mean ll?" "Can't you seo that I moan it?" turniiiL' Uj him an extremely palu and unhappy faco- i ciiu'l," mmjs he, gazing at her re firetfully. "1 can see only ouo thing and Hint Is that you uro unhappy." "Of t'ourso I'm unhappy, after tho scolding 1 havo just undergone. Why, father, never scolded mo as lie did!" "L'an't ynu forget him?" nays J'yro imploringly. i can't. It Is very hard to forget the people ouo hates. However, whether I forgot or remember iilui, my muni is miiuo up; i shall never marry him. "Marry boldlv. ..V.i.O" inu Instead! ' says Eyre It would bo impossible to tluaciibo the amount of astonishment ulm bus thrown Into this worth "Yes. Why not? You know, I havo told you, how 1 lovo you. (JImi tK4 W LOUIS lIAUGKIt iV CO., TIIK 1SKD CLOUD CHINK. yourself ( me. J.et nu ivo ie you fiioui this tyranny that is oppressing and destroy im? your life." " 'lyr.ir.ny!' ' lepeats she ms if struck h tli! word. "Yes. ho is a ty rant, Isn't he?" "Oil. never nilntl him. I'y all ae couiits he's not worih a thought."' iys Mr llvre. with sovereign con tempt. "V iioo account-''" "Yours " "Mine.'" "Well, haven't you abused lili.i to im'? Haven't vou had oiuseto tlo so? "Oh, cause!" say sho. She grows silent, and tauds near him witli gao heat upon the ground mid brows drawn Incomer. Suddenly she looks up at huu. and ho can sou that her eyes aie full of tears. "Dnleie," cites ho. Impulsively, "you are unhappy. Why should any one be unhappy.' Wo have so short a time to live that It is folly not to make tho best of every hour of It. Forget all this. Throw up your engagement, ami iiiuitv me. ' "Oh." faintly. "I couldn't!" "What! Will you stay here, then, anil marry that man?" "Never! Never!' "Why not let him see at once, then, that he has no power over you -that his Impertinent lecturing can he di rected at -ninobti'lv else, not at vou?" "I should lilto to let. him know that, certainly," says she, her eyes Hushing vindictively. "Let me speak to vour fathor, then?" "lie would lio so nugrv." savs tdin hesitatingly. "And." tiuickly. "It would be of no uso either.'' "You look as if you wore glad of that." "Why should I look glad? I'm not glad about anything. ' says she sadly so satllv th it ho forgets his suspicion of her, and goes back to his llr.st thought. "Let mo try .vour father, at all events. Let me tell him how miserable you are; that you can't bear to n arry Ankotell. anil" "You may toll him that!" -vehemently. "1 shall never marry Sir lialph, not if lie lived to be a thous and years old." "I may try your father, then? You authorio me?" "Yes," slowly, "you can try." "Dulcie!" savs he iiuickly,'"do you know what that permission means? Do you darling?" iti in. UN I ini t:n. J A SUKE SIGN OF DEATH. A IVrtnln I'rsl Would i'niit rllml to I lie I'isiieiil' Mliulnf I:it.vUiu'. 1'roin llmo to lime wo are horrified by learning that some person lias been buried allvo, after assurances havo been given of death. I'mler those circumstances the opinion of a rising l'reneh physieiiiu upon tho sub ject becomes ol world-wide interest; for since tho tests which havo been in Use for years have boon found unre liable, no means. should be loft untried to prove beyond a doubt that life Is actually extinct before convoiing our loved ones to the grave. Dr. Martinet, assorts that an unfail ing test may bo inailo by producing a blister on tho hand or foot of the hotly by holding the llamo of a caudle to tho same, for a few seconds, m- until tho blister Is formed which will al ways occur. If tho blister contains any Huid it is evidence of life, and tho blister only that produced by an or dinary burn: if, on tho contrary, the blister contains only steam. It mav lie asserted that life is extinct. The explanation Is as follows: A corpse is nothing more than inert matter, under tho Immediate control of physical laws which cause all liquid heated t i a certain temperature to become steam: tho epldormis is raised, tho blister produced, it breaks with a little noise and the steam es capes, lli.t if. in spite of appear ances there is any remnant of life, the organic mechanism continues to bo governed by physiological laws and tho blister will contain serous matter, as in the cuo of any ordinary burns. Tho lest is as simple us the proof is conclusive. Dry blister: lentil. Liquid blister: life Any one may try It; thero Is no mror possible. JlieO.M Little i:. In Vlni'KHr. In a microscopical arllelo In one of the great (iermaii quarterlies Dr. !. A. Lindner discusses tho occurrence of tlio "eels" which are so common in weak or impure vinegar. 'I ho malo of this Interesting llltlo species of ser .nnt measurns I to I l--. millimetres and tho female from 1 -'J to 'J l-'' millimetres in length. They move vory actively in any lluhl medium, but in thick or sticky concoctions coll thomsolves Into knots and lay dormant for days together. Tiioy thrive well If fed on an egg diet, will also live on fruits and bulbi. Tnoy can survive tolerably strong vinegar but die Im mediately if put in pure, aectie acid. One of tho most wonderful facts con corning tho reproduction of vinegar ools is Unit the female reproduces vl vlparously or ovipariously, according to tlio nutritive medium mid the tem perature. Thoy tlouiish host in n temporaturo between liO degrees and HO degrees 1'ahr, and nro killed when tho temperature runs up to above 1()7 dogrooi. or liolow Ihu freolng point. How thoy got Into vinegar is one of tho uiiexplaiimble mysteries. Somu emi nent men of learning havo attempted to prove that they got In during uaiti ufacture; oMictly how, thoy do not ex plain. An II llupiK'iiril, They had been married about tbroo weeks when ho ventured to roimirk: You don't look as well ns my llrst .life," "Your first wife? I novcr know you wore married before." "l)h, yes. Somo fifteen years r.go. We only lived togother about a y iar. Hy Iho way. my pauio was rjklinmur horn then, Instead of Mux by. You hoo I took tho name of Mux by after Unclo .Jim Mushy lolt mo his uiouoy. " "What was her namo?" '.Simpson. .Jane Mario Ann Simp- n.. I' I CUJIJ, Why, that win mo!" wwHWWMwt Wji wmmmm Wll(laa -"J it KlilUAY, .UN K !:, 1 !)!. ANOTIIKK VKTO S1OT. PRESIDENT HEJECTS THE . DEFICIENCY CILL. i?nlti ri'iN lii;ii sirmi'j lli'frmt' of Mil" tJ'clil im' t'u! Irs nf Hie I i-i it- ll'.e Mil le in tlir i1is.iiii I ri'tich spiil ill en I Mi' l.c iillv Uliji'i tcil In. WvsiiiMiinN. .lime S Tho general doliciciiey appropriation bill ic.ielietl the I'lcsuli'iit this morning and soon after noon lie scut to the House of Itonrosontativi'sa message accompany ing a veto of the general dotlciency appropriation bill. The uitss.ige includes a defense of the exercise of the veto power and a long criticism nf tho l'lcnch snoliatlou claims aggregating over St, lit)'), One, ii nil also an objection to t1(. puymeiil of the i h mtiMu el.ilm for SI T 1, 1 1: aris ing out of the constiucliiin of the ironelail stc,i,.i battery Ltlah. It opens as follows' "Tn the llniseof Wopioseatatlios: 1 he re by return without my approval House bill No s.".c, entitled 'An act maiiiiig appiiqir.aliiius to supply tie tioiolioios in the iippi'iipriallotis fur tho llscal year ctulim: June M, I ii, and for prior join s mul lorother pin puses.' "To the i-Mi'iit thai the constitution has involved mniii the 1'iosideuta par ticipation in legislation, I suppose his .lotion on lulls pieseiited to him for approval involves a duty to be per formed like iifici pertaining to his olllce with o.uv ;iiui clrciiinspectinti anil ill lull view nf his responsibility to tlio people ami his obligation to Mlbservo the public velf.ue, it is dilli cult to uinli'i'siaiid '.vh, under tho constitution it should be necessary t) inbuilt propose,! legislation to i ccu live scrutiny esc qit to invoke the o iMviso of oM'outivo judgment and in vito Independent executive action. I'lio unpleasant incidents which ac company the power would tempt its avoidance, if such a cout'io 1 1 I not, in volve an abiuiloumeiit of constitu tional duty ami assent lo legislation for which the i:ooutivv is not willing to snare me respousiuiiuv. "I logrct that I am constrained to disapprove an important appropriation bill so near the close of the session of Corgress I have, however, by Im mediate action after the receipt of the bill, endeavored to tlelav as little as possible a reconstruction of litis pro posed Icgisla'ioii, though I am thus obliged to content myself with a less complete explaiiai iou of my objections than would olhcrvtst) be submitted. Sl'OI.IAIloV t I AIMS OII.IMTKP TO. "This bill Is in ninny of its featuics far removed fiom a legitimate de ficiency bill and It contains a number of appropr aliens which scorn to bo exceedingly questionable. Without noticing in detail many of these Items I shall refer to the two of them which, in my judgment, justify my action in the promises "The bill appropriates SI.O'JT.Hl l.uO for n purlial payment upon claims which originated in the depredations upon our commerce by 1'iencli cruis ers and vessels during the closing years of tlio last century. They have been quite familiar to those having congtcsslonal experience, as they have been pressed for recognition and pay incut, with occasional intervals of repose, for ncar'y I'HI years. Those claims are based upon the allegations that I' ranee being at war with Lug lantlsei'.cd and condemned many iacr ican ve-si'ls and cargoes in violation of the rules of international law ami treaty provisions ami contrary to tne tuny sue oweii in our country as a neutral power anil to our eitl.uiis. Ity reason ot these nets, claims nri.se m favor or such of our citi.ens us wore diimuilleil ai?alust the I'Vencli nation, which chums our government at tempted to enforce but, wnen con cluding a troatp with I'liineo in the year lsiin, these claims wore aban doned or relinquished in consideration of tin relinquishment of certain claims which France charged against us, "f tlo not tiuderitnnd it to be as set tled that there exists any legal liabil ity against thegovcrniiK'ntoa account of its lelation to theseclaiins " t'ntil ISP. these claims were from time to time pressed upon the atten tion of Congress with varying for tunes, but never with a favorable action. In tills year, however, a bill was pnssod for their ascertainment and satisfaction and 5-,Ot)0,i)i)U were appropriated for their payment. Tills bill was vetoed by President I'olk, who declared that he could 'perceive no legal or equitable giound upon which this appropriation can rest.' This veto was Mistaliictl hy tho House of representatives. iiik noitsr. si siaiss tiii: vimo. In the House the motion to pn's the deficiency bill over the l'residont's veto was lost by: Yeas 10, nais. IM. Chairman Cannon of the House com mittee on appropriations has a de ficiency hill prepared with the claims objected to by tho President elimin ated and as soon as the veto of the tlelleiency hill was sustained, lie asked for the consideration of the new bill. It is stud that the new bill can be passed immediately. Srnntor Teller1 Opinion. Wasui.vwon, Juno S. Senator 'IV I er does not take much stock in the proposition to nominate him as the silver candidate for the presidency. He thinks that ex-Ciovernor Holes of Iowa will be nominated by the Demo crats. and indorsed by thoPouulifctson n 10 to 1 platform, or, perhaps, Vice President Stevenson, who is the can didate of the Senatorial syndicate, provided (loveruor Altgcld can bo In duced to concur. CnmirnmUn Silver Clank at St. I.nnh, Washington, Junu s. -- Hijiieral Unweiior ami other close friends of f ..l.'liilii v brunt irtvfiit ri Ltenm, InMiii.i- tion In the last few dnys that the St. Louis platform will lie n eonimomise on the money question. Heiieral (Irosvoiior believes that unless some concession is made to the silver senti ment, the Demociuts may endanger MoKinley'.seleetlon. "Coin' lliirvcy' Father Dti.nl, , Hc.Nri.MiTON, W. Va., June S. folo ncl Robert T. Harvey, aged 6'.', father of W. II." Harvey, author or "Coin's Financial School," tiled suddenly hero laM nlL'ht from aooplexv. .m ummnm-iiMiimfkitim mwmk- .OmCwaMfcfWHi 0 'V W"'. - ii .iTin'nfsr.Y ,i- on . ToiMo, d: THEY HAD NO FAIR TRIAL. Vim rliiiix llciiliil .lulli e In the I'eiiipi liter t uie. VsiiiNr.iii-N. dune s. The testi mony of I'roderleli V. Lawrence, re fern il to by .Mr Morgan hi the Sen ate, was taken privately before the subcommittee of tlio Senate commit tee mi foreign relations May JO in ic gurd to the situation in Cuba. Law lence.statctl that he had gone to tuba as a newspaper i itr. i spi udeutaml had been expelled. lie hail found It im possible to secure much information trom the Spiiiish authorities and learned nftcrvv arils that what vvus given out was untrue. h'elerrlng to the trial of Ln horde and .Milton, captured on board the Competitor, Lawrence said that neither the prosecution nor the de fense asked tiny questions, that the live worn'triod at mice and that the tii.il, which icMiltoil in the .sentence of denlli, lasted loss than a day Asked if there was an interpreter present, Lawrence said there was, but that he did not make his presence known to the prisoners until they wete asked whether they hud any thing to say in their own defense. These long statements wore load by the judge advocate in Spanish. The evidence was .?iven m Spanish ami not Iran dated in their hearing. "Their defender did not eomiiiiiuieato to them the substance of it nor utter one sin gle word to them,' said Lawrence, i have every le.isuu to think their defending counsel could not tt'oiik I'.nglish. i hen they wore asked what the.v had to sin in'defenso, but not in Luglish. Tee piosullng olllccrof the court mnititl theie were ten of them, what we tui.-ht call the jury the presiding nth-or of that body said to I. thin-do in Spanish, "What have .vou to savV" lie said a few words and so il went on till the last mail was reached William (iildoa mid the pre sidlnj: officer spoke to linn, and lie did not umleistaiid him, ami then tho in teipretergot up ami said. "Do you wish io say iinyining.' uiuie'i arose ami said' 'All I have to say is I do not understand one word that has been said to-dav for or against me, and at any rule, I appeal to both the llrltish ami American consuls.' There were two prisouois who could not spunk ami mulct-stand Sp.iu,sh -Milton ami tiil.lea.'1 A LETTER FROM MELTON. 'Ilin loung K iimhii Now In it Cuban I'rlsnn Wrltri of tlio llnrrnrs. Ki.v Wi.sr, l'lu., .tune H -A letter has been received hero from Owen Mellon, the young ICnnsaii captured mi the schooner Competitor und sen tenced to death in Havana, in which he describes the barbarities practiced by Spaniards on prisoners coullneil iu Moio Castle ami Port Cabanas ns fol- lows: "'rhe world will never know 1 the barbarities that are practiced by the Spuiuirils on the suspects con fined in Mom Castle and 1'ort I abauas. Thoy are being tin tared ami 'shot without trial utmost dally. On May 'iO I'austrlno l'ardono, lb years I old was .'aptiired in the outskirts of , Havana by Spanl.ih t?uerillas and I lodged in Cabanas. It was suspected that the boy had been in conimuuiea- ton wit I' thu insurgents. To make I I'urdono confess he was stripped and suspended by the arms, while i Spun I Ish "lieutenant whipped the boy on tho I bare llcsh with a heavy whip. Par i dope's back, .shoulders ami breast ' wore soon a blooding pulp ami he was 1 shrieking in agony. Then the officer I asked Panioue if he hnti done certain Unties mid in liis terrible pain the boy I would scream 'yes, yes.' This was i written at tho boy's deposition. Such i things aro of daily occurrence In the , Cabanas. "At night volleys of musketry are ' frequently hcaid. Tho next tiny thu I prisoners know what these volleys i mean when they mlhs the faces of well i known prisoners ami from tun to tif ! teen are crowded in one celt. "There are several Americans In 1 Cabanas, among them being the Amer icans captured witli the schooner Com petitor. Part of these are in ouo lell and part in another .1 it lio Sauguilly is also imprisoned hero. Ho Is given a separate cell Numbers of Cubans have been foil ml at their homos suffer ing from wounds and have been dragged awfully and thrown in tlio dungeons of Fort abauas. HOUSE BILLS PASSED. IiiiIIiiii Territory nail Inurlli L'l.'im Mull Matter HUM I'nt TlirniiRli. Wamii.viiton, Juno 8. In the llouso tho bill extending jurisdiction of I'nitcd States courts In Indian Terri tory and providing for tho laying out of towns, tho leasing of coal, timber, farming and giaiing lands, was passed vory quickly. Mr Loud of California, olwirman of the Postollleo committee, moved to suspend the rules and pass tho Senate bill to amend thv law defining fourth class mall matter. Tho amendment related solely to franked matter, con lining it to "written or printed mat ter." At presuniall "olheial" matter can be franked. lie explained Unit the malls were gorged with nil sorts of government supplies. Last year I.l.'iO.OOO pounds went through the Washington office. Mr. Cannon said that ho could see no reason whv iovcriimcnL matter 1 should not bo handled by the nost- olllce department instead of express companies. Mr. Loud repllod that this matter could bo handled by express com panies, for onu-foiirth of what it cost tho (government. Ilo volunteered tho opinion that it cost the government twice as much to transport tho malls us it should. Tho bill was pascd UY1 to .1. lullly of .Maiitlatislitnr. Ilorro.v, him., Juno H. Samuel I'.i Newman was convicted in the district I c."",t of ""It"" of matishiuglitei in ' nccoiiiI degree. It will be leiuein- beiedthat New man shot and killed Chniics Hoover In Ilolton, Outober 17, IfriM. The crime, was one of the most sensational iu Jackson county's his tory and irrcw out of Hoover's alloged intimacy with Newman's wife. To Aiiiii-t Mail l'.ic.ir. P.uus, Juno H f'nu committee of Hie chamber ot' deputies has unani mously approved the bill making Madagascar a French colony. - i M'KINLEY AND FINANCE. IVrr.v lle.ilh I'M'I'ihn I lie lllilii Mini's I'll stltnti lurllT the Main l-nc, Si Lous, Mo. June Perry Heath, editor of tho t tuclniintl Com menial (iaotte. lias opened the Mi Kinley hc.ii!qUMt"cis here. In an Interview ho outlines the MoKltiloy pia'i of campaign as fn 'mis, "Wall '.licet.' said Mr Heath, "has attempted In run every national con volition htiil since I liave known any thing about national conventions It will try to run the llopublie in con vention this year, and II will as usual, fail. Major '.Melv'lule.v Is one of those men w ho do no not believe Ills judg ment should be taken against tlio com bined wisdoip of his party. Nobody has sp il.en for him authoritatively on the cut-ioiicv plunk, ami nobody will bo able to do so, because he is willing lo trust the convention and stand bv its decision. The best judg ment of the vvlule party must prevail in tins mutter. "There aie not to evcecd four states which will Insist on an un equivocal decimation for the gold standard These slates are New orU. Maine. Massachusetts and prob i bly New Jersey. Iu the same vuy, ihoie are about a half do.en silver slates vv Inch will demand a P to I leel.ir.it, on III a great majority of states the one issue iu the eattipalgtl is protection Vou cannot talk the urrency question t i Kcpu Idle. ms iu Ohio, liidiaua or Illinois. Tariff' is I lie great issue, and whatever the l!o .mill ican convention adopts as its ,11111 foi iu will be the MeK'uley plat form " Having disposed of the Mclvlnley uriene.y attitude, Mr. Heath, at the eqliesl of the teporler, addressed liuiself for a few moments to i liomas . Piatt, with the following result: "i' Mr. Piatt is prcpailtig somo kind of a coup I am informed I hat lis to be sprung either liefoiotiio lational committee or on the Moor of .he convention, lie has served notice repeatedly dm lug the past few days that he would not give up his tlgut until the nomination was announced, iml theie was no longer anv oppor tunity to enter his protest against the .Hilo candidate .lust what lie intends .oilo Is not el early manifest at this time but I have letters from at least jtie member of the ualloiril com niltco, to whom Mr. Plait. litis written, n which one of his moves Is named, lie intends, if possible, to control tho arellinlnary roll in the convention mil to use the advantage he inl-'ht ibtnin by that success against A Kinley." III. AM) IKIOM IN AUKANSAS. liiiiiriuir sf cine tu I'mli It Alum; In Ihr IIiMiiiH'rulIc ( nit en t lint. I.ii 1 1 1 Kock, Ark., June H Some .hlng c f a political sensation was tpruug bete yesterday when it was itiuouiiccil that (iovernor Stone of Missouri v ill arrive in tins city in n few dnys to remain until after tlio Democratic Stale convention, which ueets on the ".Till. Ills purposu is to aiok after Mr. Itlnnd'H presidential boom. Several counties iu Arkansas Hive indorsed I'Jntid at llieir primary lections, and this fact lias encoup igcd Ills supporteis THE SENATE INDIGNANT. IiihMs on Public HiiIIiIIiiks by Veto of .-iK l O Tim Iliiiimi Srnreil. Wasiii.niiio.v, Juno j- in tho Senate Mr, Allison reported a partial agree ment on the sundry civil appropriation bill. He explained that a number of .teius vvci'o still open, including those for new public' buildings at Salt Lake City and at the capitals of tho new Hates of Idaho, Wyoming and Mon tana and additions for the public buildings at Kansas City, Savannah, (iu,, and Camden, N. J. Mr. Dubois made a vigorous plea for public buildings at thu now capi tals. Ho said that it was notorious that thu speaker of the house anil tho shalrman ot the house committee on public buildings ami grounds declined lo approve any now public buildings. Ami yet Spenkor Kecd resided in a place with :ii!,OUO peoplu with a public building costing 81, .'0,000 and the llstrio!, represented by Chairman Milllkcn of Maine, of thu Houso com mittee on public buildings, had federal buildings iu five towns. The chairman of the House committee lived in a town which would not make a suburb of ono of theso Western capitals. Tho county seals in some of tlieso now states were larger than nuy town In the districts represented by these gen Uemcn (Keed ami MUlikon). Mr. Vest said it was an established policy to give the now states a public buildiug at their capital. After further debate the Senate conferees were instructed to insist on all the public building items. To cm-, pliusl.o tho insistence a yea anil nay vote was taken, resulting M tol). Phot by an A n cry IVIro. Tout Smith, Ark., June ti. About 0 j'cloclc lust night Mrs. Fugan Hour .and, a leading society woman, who mil blackened her face for a disgtil.se, ihot twice and fatally wounded Maud (Mien mid then fired upon her own huslmnd, wounding him m the lug. The shooting was the result of an in '.liguo of long standing between Hour- nud ami the Allen woman, mid hail icen expected iu !jw of less serious .illleiiltles from tune to time. Mr. murium! bus not been arrested ami arobably will not be. Another .lall Dvllvety. Topri.v, Ivan . Juno s w. s. ("hllils mil Weymtii Clark, both under sen tence to the penitentiary for robbery, sciptnl from the Shawnee county jail last night by digging a hole in tho ttotio ifltill. vfta Jen I'llcil nu tlio (ir.uil SMttis. BftVJnti.Y.v, N. V., Juno J.Willlum Ordvvav Patiitlge. tlio 'sculntor, who mih'lb-tflo statue of (Juiier.il linint, un vailed Jm April '.'D, lias tiled a me chanic's Hon on tin: statue. He claims .hat &0jOs,-i is duu to him for his work. .Morn linniln In llarcrlin.i, S'p,ilii. l!Ai:iT.f,o.v.v, Juno i. Aftur tho Corpus Chi 1st! procession hereto-day, ,wo brass bombs, similar to those in he Liouo theater outrage In November iSiil, woiu found iu street near the cathedral. Several Anarchists have j'een arrested on suspicion. . MMbx4- 4 MkltWf II- .-- IK A llAN Ul (nun linnttl J .. '3 ft. i mi X 41 n 1-F