The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 12, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Ii n Vrnrly I'nlUlly In I'urU (Jnltn
nil Iliiiior. nml It Mtuli llilrMl li.v
thr Ailriinl - Com luili With druml
(Paris Itt"i)
XK of Hip innHt In
teresting events In
Hit Parisian worlil
yf yl Is :li" election of
(kwVII , . the queen of wash
erwomen, mini an
nffalr occurred
about fvo weeks
ago In Paris ami
was a noteworthy
event. To be cIiohlmi
queen of washer
womrn Is an honor much sought after
by the soap-suds artists. Thin year
there were seventy-two candidates, of
whctii the committee i ejected forty
two on sight. In this connection It
might be stated that a pretty face Ih
not the only point necessary. The
aspirant to the throne of soap-suds
niiiKt give substantial pi oof of her
practical qualifications to leprescnt her
honorable craft. The Initiatory exam
ination of the competitors for thlH ex
alted position Ik very amusing. A Jury
composed, an a rule, of one or two ex
perts in the mysteries of washing, a
student, an artist ami a newspaper
man generally constitute the Judges.
TIiIh body decides on what amount of
work each applicant must perform and
alno passes on tho merits of the work
done' Tho Jury gives Judgment on
the excellence of the reults of the
For several weeks before ilie election
there Ik a great hubbub In all the laun
dries, each of which possess some par
ticular star whom lier fallow workers
deem worthy of the crown. It must be
understood that an establishment that
can boast of having In its employ the
charming queen of the wish tub re
ceives a tremendous boom in Its busi
ness. Among the twenty-three avail
able candidates who were elected out
of the seventy-two uppllnnts for this
ycrr'H ciown there was a strong rivalry.
All the girls were remarkably pretty
and each one was a skllle 1 exponent of
her trade. The huge ball In Itue de
Savon, where the election were held,
was tilled with friends of the aspirant!",
and the scenes were as amusing as ex
citing. After considerable deliberation
the choice of the Jury for queen of
queens fell upon Mile. Ilenuctta lie
fnulloy, from a famous e. i.iblishment
known as Jouyo-Rniive.
The young woman Is tnoie piquai"
lookln;; than pretty; her features have
a port of undellnable sauclness that Is
very interesting. She is a nionounced
brunette, lull, with u splendidly model
ed flguio. Possessing far more grace
fulness than Is louiid among leal
queens, she Is also the vety picture of
animation and gr.ielou3tirss. The two
maids of honor, who are second in Im
portance only to the qui en of queens,
nml are called queens wit limit any ad
ditional adjective, were aim) chosen.
Mile, .Marie Francois, from the Halm
Victor laundry, received tne first place,
and Mile, Eugenie Tallois, from the
Can fount lots establishment wan de
clared second. Each of these girls la
n perfect typo of I' womanhood
and both are Immensely
The king on these fesilve occasions
Is a man of no particular importance.
The olllco Is generally filled by some
favorite of the queen, ami his principal
duty consists in dancing attendance
on her majesty, and looking as well as
he knows how.
No expense Is spared to make tho
costumes of the queen of queens and her
two satellites as magnificent as con
sistent with the occasion.
The students of the Latin quarter, by
invitation extend, d to them by their
friends, the washerwomen. Join forges
with them in the festivity's. After the
election of the queen of queens n ball
was given by tho students at Bulller's
famous resort, Tne glrU from tho
laundries were bright and coquettish
In their chic dresses and miow-whlte
petticoats. They were all fresh-looking
and vivacious and the ball was
unhampered by petty conventionalities.
To relieve the monotony- If there
ever could be any In such a place a
fancy dance was Introduced for the
amusement of the rest of the crowd.
Tho music becomes livelier and the
.crowd grows more and more enthusi
astic, until the frolicsome young woman
turns n backward handspring with the
ease and grace of u fairy. The thing
is done like a flash, and the spectator
has 'but an Impression of a vision of
filmy lingerie, with the outline of a
shapely black silk stocking Its
Suddenly the air chntip'd to a tar
anttile. On the instant the crowd has
gone mad; everybody and everything Is
dancing, or seems to be. Your hands
are seized nml you find youmelf whirl
ing, too. Can't dance? Then just
& o
jtA- w vy
Cfrjnf' i 1 TTT-
j Jump, and v'rn jou catch your breath
, let out n ytll. In ending ihe affair tho
queen of queens mils Iter maids nml
everybody departs.
tt.irnn inn lliiiiiint rutrlii of (irrmnny
Cnnltl Not rmliire lionet I'rixperltjr.
(Merlin Letter.)
Baron von Hammersleln. formerly
(he editor o' Krcuz Zoltiim: and a
leader of th" conservative party In Ger-
in.inv. was sentenced the other day to
thiee years' penal servitude, to bo de
prived of bis civil rights and to pay a
Hue of l.r.Oll marks for forucrv. fraud
and breach of trust. The baion's dls
giare Is almost as much of a sensation
In Get ninny as was the downfall of
Hacon In Eniiluiid. l-'or twenty years
be was the all-nowerftil leader of the
conservative nartv In (Jerman nolltlcs.
Ho was dlsfovered by Bismarck, who
was the llrst to recotuilzo his energy.
courage, persistence tin. I his magnetic
power over men In his own station of
life. Originally tin Impoverished
nobleman. Hlsmarck nut wealth and
nower Into his hands bv nlaclnc him
at the henil of the K rents fitting with
an annual salary of 50,000 marks. This
miner was tbr organ and mouthpiece of
the conservative party. Tho baron be
came an eloquent speaker and his words
were applauded even by his political
enemies. Even last year, when many
knew of his financial troub'es, he re
tained his coutiol of thu eorservatlvos
and was vociferously applauded lu the
reichstag as the spokesman of hl. party.
At last came nubile discrace. '1 lie
affairs of the Kreuz .fitting were In
vestigated and It was found that the
baron had llunr: away 1,000.000 mnrlui.
He had stolen the pension fund of the
paper, forged drafts for immense sums
lu the name of Count on Kelrstein nod
was literally overwhelmed with all
minnier of bad debts. This money, It
was ascertained, had been stiuandcrcd
In a wild, dissolute Hfe. In which
figured chnmnautif orgies, high hottlnc
and desperate gaming. Just before tho
Sturm burst he fled to Switzerland
The sentence of llaui:iiertiln endi
ill szzQ
.- I
one of the most pculiar .itoties of Euro
tiean political life.
CIIiiiIiImk die Mncnf iIiih to (let a Vlen
of ii ('ruler.
Long befoie sunrise we weie In our
cart, drawn by three ponies, and bowl
ing .iong in the cool night air under a
bright nionu and cloudless nky, says the
Westminster Review. The early Ftart
was necessary lu older that we might
make the ascent and reach the crater
befoie the gieat heat of the day. As
wo drove along we passed crowds of
natives, tolling along under their hejivy
loads or testing under the old eovered
In biidges, by which we cro-:M d
streams. All along the valley our
dilvei cracked his whip and made his
little ponies fly along between tho j
shady palms lining the way side, so
that wo arrived at a small bungalow,
situated at the foot or the mountain,
Just when the ilrst silver streaks of
dawn crept Into the eastern sk. Hero
we were to take our breakfast of clici 'e,
sandwiches and cold lea before com
mencing the ascent of the volcano. Wd
got off at wtlii, accompanied by two
coolies, who actetl as guides and car
ried our provisions and my camera.
For the first two hours we followed
a beautiful path which, at the com
mencement, led us through avenues or
banana tices and tall scarlet erotoiiB,
then diverging round a shoulder or Ihe
mountain, we entered a wide, tangled
Jungle, where the feathery fronds of the
tree rents and the delicate green leaves
or tho plantain formed a lovely con
trast to the dark vistas of tho forest.
Here orchids nestle in the thick. moBsy
undergrowth nnd oleanders shed ihelr
delicate blossoms on a carpet of tiny
reins. The last inlf-liour was stiff
climbing, very trying to the eyes on ac
count of the sun striking on the white,
volcanic soil, nnd terribly hot, as tho
sun was already high In the heavens.
The crater consisted or an arena or
yellow sulphurous lava, while a huge
blowholo occupied tho center, emitting
clouds or steam and causing tho whole
summit to quiver. The surrace or this
lava mound was honeycombed with
small steam holer, and dangerous-looking
hollows, which suggested prudeneo
lu lt3 exploration. Indeed, tho earth,
literally trembling beneath one's feet,
gave little confidence of security from
t"u risk or suddenly breaking thro.igh
the thin crust that lay between tho miles
of one's feet and the Infernal regions.
Higher mountains and peaks sur
rounded the crater, whLii gnvo ono tho
Idea that the mountain must Iteeir have
onco possi'ctl a peak, which has, .jeen
blown off. probably In ronie great erup
tion. Mm lt ll Wit inn.
John Carter, a wenthy farmer, aged
iM, went to Peru, Intl.. recently and
asked to have a comnilsitloti of lunacy
appointed for himself au ho feared ho
was going cravy, on account of lib 111
health. It was not done, however, and
a few ilayr alter he ended his llfo by
shcotlni; hlrxaif tbraupii the neck.
wm -V a
" ' LJmmk
- - - - v- m?ss.'
!Mfc-T il AvX'
Mrn Mtty I'rnf 'lull hiiiI IU:iy In l'ro
porilon (iurrult I'. Sirtl, Hip lnni
mi Aiitroiitiiiirr on thr Srlnitlllr
Prtiumvizn lifts up
his ees to Ou
st a r r y heavens
these evenings must
be struck by the
appearance of the
great planet .Jupi
ter, outshining all
the fixed stars, and
glowing with a rich
yellow light, high
n the southwest.
near the twin stars Castor and Pollux,
of the constellation Gemini. Happy the
man who has a telescope with which to
view Ihe giant planet and to behold Its
immense belts or alternate rosy and
polden clouds, and Its broad polar le
gions, shading to the color of blued
Put the earth up there In the place of
.Jupiter and the naked eye would with
dlfllctilty be able to see It. Jupiter is
II0O times larger than the earth In bulk
or volume, and its surface area exceeds
that of the earth about 10 times.
It would seem as If ihe ancients must
have had some inkling of the fact that
that planet Is the largest of all tne
worlds that revolve around the sun
when they bestowed upon It the name
or the gieatest of the gods.
We have almost no evidence what
ever touching of the nature or the ria
terlals or Jupiter. The spectroscope
cannot aid us, because Jupiter dois not
Bhlne by Its own light, and the suullghi
rellected from It comes from the upper
surface of Its dense clouds, and conse
quently makes no revelations concern
ing what lies beneath.
Hut the telescope shows that Jupiter
Is covered wth wonderful clouds eon
initially changing in shape, and more
or less In coliw; that these clouds float
In an atmosphere of great depth, and
that they form perhaps successive In
lC:.' ? ""... H'ltbSlitfMf r t- w. $,..... So- A. a!Ss&!'ji
eis or varying density, which may w
separated by comparatively viar
spaces. Appearances have been noticed
on Jupiter such as would he produced
by the shadows of gieat clouds, as
broad as some of our continents, fnlllng
upon other clouds floating hundred. of
miles beneath them.
If these appearances are not decep
tive Jupiter's clouds evidently iloat at,
proportionally, a far greater clevu'lon
than those or the earth. Tin highest
of our clouds are, perhaps, ten miles
above the eattb: the loftiest elouds on
Jupiter may be a thousand miles high.
And these tremendous clouds are
swi'pt along by belts of wind that are
no less wonderful. Jupiter turns very
rast on Its axis, notwithstanding Its
enormous size. It takes less than ten
hours to tnnke a complete rotation,
whllo the little earth requires twenty
four hours, On the equator of Jupiter
everything Is flying around at the inte
of -IM) miles in a minute! The resulting
centrifugal strain Is so gnat that the
equatorial parts or the vast planet
bulge and swell out thousands or miles.
Jupiter Is more than .1.1)00 miles
broader through Its equator than
through its poles!
All things must there experience n
powerful and resistless tendency urg
ing them toward the tquator. If the
planet turned about three times faster
than It does, objects would wel.-h noth
ing at all along the equator.
The effect of this fearful velocity of
rotation Is shown by the streakti nnd
lines or clouds that the telescope re
veals surrounding Jupiter. At one
place In the southern hemisphere there
Is an Immense, mysterious, llery-lnok-Ing
mass, as large in extent ns tho
whole surface of tho earth, which dur
ing the past eighteen yenis has been
thrust up nmong the rushing and tum
bling clouds In one of the great trade
wind belts of Jupiter, Hy actual ob
servation tho clouds uro hurled against
the western end of that mysterious oh
etnelo until they pile up there in vast
Blowing masses, and are swept past It
In gyrntlng currents and eddies Infin
itely wilder and grander than the leap
ing waters In the Niagara whirlpool
Swifter and swifter fly the streaming
clouds as the equator of tho planet Ib
approached. Great globe-shaped
masses, gleaming In tho sunlight, roll
nnd pitch In the mighty onward cur
rents. Through the comparatively
elrnr spaces glimpses are obtained of
other eloudlnnds deep bent nth. fll'nl
with other strange hurrying shapes, all
whirling madly on as If lacing for a
goal. Whatever else may or may not
be said of Jupiter, at any rate, It Is pre
eminently the world of clouds and
winds ami tempests.
Can we. then, Imagine Inhabitants lu
such a world of turmoil and unrest as
Jupiter !s? It depends entirely Mfon
what we mean by Inhabitants. It Is
evident that such beings as we are could
not live there, unless It Is true that
dtep beneath Jupiter's world of clouds
and cyclones Is hidden nnothcr globe
resembling the earth. On such a globe,
so placed. Inhabitants more or less like
those of this earth could live.
The great many-storied dome of
clouds above them would, perhaps, be
Just what they nettled In order to ob
tain a comfortable degree of heat In
their far-away planet. I'or we must
remember that Jupiter Is about five
times as far from the sun as the earth
Is, and that, consequently, the sunlight
and the sunheat on Jupiter are twenty
live times less effective than on alio
This Is because the Intensities of
light and heat vary Inversely ns the
square of the distance.
With a comparatively open nnd
cloudless atmosphere like ours the heat
from the sun would quickly be lost by
being radiated away Into space, and the
Inhabitants of Jupiter would shiver and
freeze In a worse than Arctic climate.
Hut with such an atmosphere as they
have surrounding them It Is not Im
probable that the effect of the greater
distance of the sun may be compen
sated by the capacity of th" atmospheie
Itself to retain and. so to speak, entrap
the heat for the benefit or the Inhiol
tauts. Hut all this argument proceeds upon
the assumption that such Inhabitants
must be framed of Just such materials,
possessing Just such denBlty as compose
our bodies. Manifestly that assump
tion Is purely gratuitous. As we have
alieady seen, the average density of
things In Jupiter Is much less than up
on the earth, ami we are not eeitain
that Its constituent materials may not
be as widely variant in nature from
those of our planet.
We have perfect JustifUatioii, then,
for assuming, If we choose, that the In
habitants of Jupiter are shaped from
substances very different from, and
much mote etherial than, those
that t ompose our bodies. That argu
ment would not In any manner
affect the sphltual or Intellectual side
of their nattiie. There Is no demon
strable leason why an Intelligent being
might not be made out of something else
than the water and carbon and other
elements comprised lu the human
If we accept the view that the spirit
of man. which Is the real essence or his
being, Is or a nature and composition so
line ns to transcend all the coarser laws
that govern the visible world, then
Is there nny reason why upon a planet
like Jupiter such a spirit may not be en
closed in a body as tenuous as vapor
even, or as light as cork?
Grant that, and It Is easy to see that,
no matter how much greater tho force
of gravity mny be upon Jupiter than
upon the earth, mortal beings could be
fotmeil, even out of the range of mu
tual elements known to us, who might
be suitably proportioned to gravitation,
even though they should attain a com
parative stature as gigantic lu relation
to ours as tho stature of Jupiter him
self Is when plated' side by side with
the little earth.
Not only Is there something far
more satlstartory to the lmaglrtlo-i in
conceiving or gigantic inhabitants
dwelling upon so stupendous n world,
rather than In thinking or them as mere
pigmies, but lu thus coiiBldcriug them
ns giants amid gigantic surroundings,
we tlo less violence, to the general order
or nature.
Let me, ns a kind or apology ror thus
venturing Into tho fields or imagination
that liu glittering Just beyond the farth
est outposts of science, quote what one
of the founders of modern science has
said about the possible Inhabitants of
another great world, only leas In size
than Jupiter, nnd which now alno
adorns ' our evening skies, Saturn.
These are the words of Sir Huhphrey
Davy, in the chapter called "The Vis
ion" In his beautiful "Consolation In
Travel, or tho Lnst Days of a Philoso
pher." Conducted by a guiding Genius
ho Is hovering nbovo tho planet Saturn:
"1 Baw moving on tho surface below
me Immense masses, the forms of which
I find It Impossible to describe. They
had systems for locomotion similar to
those of the morse or sea-horse, bul i
saw with gieat surprise that the.'
j fiom place lo place by six extreme!
' i.i i. i.i i
nun liieunuiuii, which iney useu r.s
wings. Their colors wete varied and
beautiful, but principally azure and
rose color.
"I say numerous convolutions ol
tubes more analogous to the trunk of an
elephant than to anything else 1 can
Imagine, occupying what I supposed to
be the upper parts of the body, and my
feeling of astonishment almost becami
one of disgust from the peculiar char
acter of the organs of these singula. be
lugs, and It wns with a species of tit
ror that I saw one or them motmtli.g
upward, apparently flying towards
those opaque elouds which I have be
rore mentioned. 'I know what your f pil
ings nre,' said the Genius. 'You want
analogies and all theelements or knowl
edge to comprehend the scene berore
you. Jim those beings who
nppear to you almost as imperfert In
their functions ns the zoophytes of the
polar sea have a sphere of sensibility
and Intellectual enjoyment far superior
lo that of the Inhabitants or your earth.
Each of those tubes which appear like
the trunk of an elephant Is an organ or
peculiar motion or sensation. The
have many modes or perception or
which you are wholly Ignorant and at
the same time their- sphere of vision Is
Infinitely more extended than yours
and their organs of touch far more per
fect and exquisite. Their
sources or pleasure are or the highest
Intellectual nut me. As I r:m
not describe to you the organs or these
wonderful beings, so neither can I show
you their modes of life. Hut as their
highest pleasures depend upon Intel
lectual pursuits, so you may conclude
that these modes of life bear the strict
est analogy to that which on the "arth
on would call exalted virtue.
If I were to show you the different parts
or the surface or thfs planet you would
see marvelous results or the po.vcrs
possessed by those highly Intellectual
beings and or the wonderful manner In
which they have applied ami mutinied
matter.' "
Inspired by the enthur.lasin of Sir
Humphiey may we not Imagine that
the Inhabitants of Jupiter might sur
pass even those of Saturn on their 'n
tellectual side, shedding a spiritual Il
lumination among their aerial mm-
sions. which would be the grouted of
all Jupiter's marvels to the wandering
visitor from our dim speck, the earth''
Knnnliii; In Wimtr.
"The best tiling about these now
waists," began Dora. Then she dis
covered David's arm.
"Thnt Isn't what 1 was going to say,"
she murmured with a blush, "but
but," she added softly, "It will answer."
hints for women.
ir soot Is dropped on a carpet throw
down an equal quantity or salt and
sweep off all together.
Fruit stains can be eradicated by
oxalic acid, and should be seen to at
once whllo the stain Is fresh.
Always put the utigar used In a tart
In the center of the fruit, not on the
top: It makes the crust sodden.
Frying pans should always bo scoured
with salt dlrottly after they have been
used, and wiped clean with a cloth.
Pastry Is lighter ir mixed with a knire
Instead or tho hand, and rolled with a
glass bottlo Instead of a rolling pin.
When an Iron bedstead creaks with
each movement of tho .deeper tako out
the laths and wrap the end of each in
a newspaper.
To prevent lamp chimneys from
cracking put them Into a kettle or boil
ing water, gradually heat It till it bolls,
and then let it ns gradually cool.
It is not generally known that rate
cannot resist sunllower seeds. A trap
halted with these seeds Is tho moJt
efficacious method of catching rats.
Milk will take out Ink stains from
boards, cotton and other fabric.'. If used
bororo dried In. Soak In a little milk
and then wash In tho ordinary way.
To remove scorch caused hy an over
heated Iron, soak tho article nt onco in
cold wnter for half an hour, then rub
gently betweeu the hands and rinse In
clean water.
Paint stains on clothing are dilllcult
to roinovo when onco they havo dried
In but with persistent use of benzlno
and spirits of turpentine obstinate
stalna aro removed.
Stoves and ranges should bo kept free
from soot in nil compartments. A
dirty, clogged hot air passng will pre
vent nny oven from baking well or tut
water from heating,
Slmtilil llo Apprprlntrtl hy
1'athrr nml Mothrr.
"Hello! Yes, It's 1. I've Just this
minute waked up," said the girl l
negligee, according to the San Fran
cisco Examiner.
"You lazy thing." said the girl in
street clothes, at the other end of tho
wlie. "I tried to call you up half an
hour ago, but I couldn't get any
"1 was dreadfully sleepy," with an
audible yawn. "We were up till day
light." "I'm nil upset about our thing to
night." went on the girl In street
tiothey. "Malsle's mother won't let her
go, so that gives us a man too many."
"Won't let hr go!" with symptoms
of waking up. "How perfectly funny!
Why not?"
"Oh, she's got some crazy Idea about
It'a not being a respectable place."
"The theater or the cafe?"
"Roth, I Imagine."
"How absurd!" said the girl In negli
gee. "Why, everybody goes now. You
see half the people you know."
"Of course, and you don't need to
have anything to do with the others,"
answered the girl lu street clothes. "I
think It's rather fun to go among real
lloheminns once lu awhile. You get
so iiiinow, nl ways moving in one little
"Yes, It really Is broadening," said
the other, seriously; then both laughed
a little at some afterthought. "Hut
Imagine your mother not letting you
go," she added. "Why, I simply say
I'm going and that's all there Is about
"As long as we have a chaperon and
don't forget the latchkey that's all my
mother cares," said the girl who had
been dressed some time.
"Malslo wants to get her parents In
training If she Is going to have any
fun," said the girl who was Just up. "I
wouldn't stand being treated like a
child, anyway."
"We are old enough to Judge for our
selves." said the veteran of 1!L "Now
uid then mother says, Til rather you
wouldn't.' and if it Is something"! don't
care anything about I often don't."
"Oh. of course, If it isn't any fun,"
said the sage in the bath-wrapper.
"And sometimes when I want to get out
of things I say that mother isn't will
ing. It sounds well ami people are too
polite to say: 'Hother our mother!'
Hy the way. you don't suppose Malsio
is tr.vlng that, tin you?"
"Ob, dear no! She is simply wild
about it. She almost wept when she
told me. You know she was going to
have Will, and he'll be so disgusted.
I'm afraid he will back out of going."
' 1 suppose wo can ask somebody
else," the girl lu negligee said, tllscon
solateh. "but It won't be the fain.'. I
don't know what I'd tlo If I had a
mother like that."
"I wouldn't have." said the other de
cidedly. "I'd begin with her young. I
sippo.-c the little simpleton said: '.May
I go?"'
' Thai's fatal." said the girl In negli
gee. "You'll never go anywhere In this
world if you Hied to gel permission
first. Say, I'm freezing. I must go
and dress."
"Wait -Tom wants to speak It) you a
minute." said the girl who was dressed
to go out.
"Tell him he can't." said the girl who
most decidedly wasn't. "I'm not re. liv
ing this morning."
"He says he will shut his eyes."
"Don't you dare let him." crouching
away from the telephone. "Do what
you can about to-night. We'll go, any
way." "Indeed we will. Let's start a so
ciety for the huppiessiou of unruly
"And rathers. too." said the girl in
negligee. "Dot's rather gives her an
allowance antl expects her to pay her
own hills with it. She is so in debt that
she doesn't dure go down-town she
makes me tlo all her errands for her
nnd her father won't help her out."
"Henst!" saltl the girl in street
nlnthes. "I know; he's the kind that al
ways thinks things will be a lesson to
you. Still, parents here nre pretty
good on the whole. They don't need
much suppression."
"That's so," admitted the girl In
negligee. "Thank heaven, I was born
In America."
Bab was Ihe pen name of V. S. Gil
bert, who first came to prominence as
the nuthor of "Bab Ballads."
Hans Hreltman, whose dialect narra
tives are even now popular, was the
name chosen by Charles G. Leland.
Tho "Sllngsby Papers," by John F.
Waller, llrst camo out with tho pen
namo of Jonathan Freke Sllngsby.
Tho Et trick Shepherd was no other
than James Hogg, whoso business and
placo of residence supplied the name.
J. Fcnlmoro Cooper began to write
under the pen name of A Traveling
Bachelor. His travels and soclnl condi
tion probably inspired tho selection.
John Rusklu published his early writ
ings under tho pen name Graduato of
Oxford, tho selection bolng obviously
Influenced by hlu placo of education.
Francis Maboney was- long known
nmong his acquaintances as Father
Prout, his best known book having
been entitled "RellqueB of Father
Edmund Falconer was the namo
chosen by Edmund O'Rourke to bo
placed on tho title pages of his dramas.
It Is said that tho namo was that of an
old gentleman ho had known when a
James Kcdpath wioto "Tho John
Brown Invasion" under tho namo Ber
wick. It 1b saltl that It was suggested
to him by an acquaintance when Red
path "i- -Hltatlng about his Blgna
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