J t I ax n J a nsnuoD m and its ctmn To the Editor : 1 have an absolute remedy for Consumption. Dy its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of Its power that I consider it my duty to wmi two tollies free to those of your readers " Who have Consumption.Tliroat, Bronchial or Jw& Trouble, if they will write me their press and postofllce address. Sincerely, . T. A. S10CTJM, M. C, 18) Petri St., Hew Tot. WSf Th tentorial mml HuilntM Mnfmnt of. I ibw l'kixr UuuuUa tills gtueruui rrvputiuoa- THE CHIEF U. V fll. K. II. Timo 'laltl ) UiMNU K.SI 60, t.ooil Ki eight, IV Bit in. 16, rieueiwr, " m:ifl " Ar jn.no a. m. M,l'Ritl'r-ixiit. " li-iip. !" 1:00 p.m. JOIM5 NOIITH lfl, Mixed limn, l.v 11:35 ii, in. Aril :I5 p. in dOIM. WK8T 03, KiiBt Kri'lylit, l.v ll:Ua. m. Ar 10:30 a. in 141, Mixed TrMn, " iJiivlp. in. " It :w ii. in is, russt'iiKur, " isiuu. in. " HMOp. in "I TILK HON TON'S l3c MEAL? $ stuau, i:gu, 4. r 1 m IHITTI'II V $ pi u, corFui:. ..;..:..:-..j.4.....:. ..j. -h--!- 4--H- K- The Grand Hotel. Cor l.'Ut K (J Ms , Mncoln, Net). lOfi Nioely t,iiriiilioil Itoomfl. Elevator. Steam Heat. Uleotrio Hells. Only two blocks from tln two jirinolmt then, tres. W T SITNt'l'.. S r I'KNCK. MunapTM Reduction in repair ing on shoes sold from our stock only, others regular price. Nailing menu' lulC Holes 50 Ladies' liult Boles'. 40 Boys half uoles 40 Misses and youths half boIob .'15 Childrena' hulf boIob 2r. Patches 10 Soe regular mid Ciucinui.li Hoot uud Shoo Storo A. II. Kaloy, Prop. r- -SSSS.-J ' OIlS AA'I K.N'DS. Go to Petereou'tf uiul got an Ohio cul tivator. Will Porry in duddy of u bouncing bany boy. Tho statu fair will coininenco In Au guet thiB (-oiiwin. If you want your repairing done right got Geo. llluir to do it. We ho pa Major Myora will boo to it that the wtMidB In tho Btroota are cut down, Tho county hoard of oiiporviBors were in session thiu week as a bonrd of oquli nation. L. If. Fort and family havo roturncd home fioni th.it part of tho etato, whom they hni Im-.mi vii.iting. Litroy Tint, mititul editor of Tur. Chikk, wan in Republican City this week on buoituvH loiuieoted with thia oflico. Rpinnmber that jou can got Tin: Cimrund tin- Nebraska and Kansas Farmer, one je.ir for 1.0!) iu ciihh, by piijiui; up now. Hcimmhor that the Nebraska and KaiiBiio interatato fair will b one of tho grandest iiititiiiiiiis of the kind ever hold iu this part 'f t I'o webt. Tlio aseo elation will give s-.'niOO in premiums and 2000 for speed. A. G. Delhi and wife, of Edgar, accom panied by Mm. T. 10. Ham, wero up to the old farm near Cowlos the othor day, and A. G, took a notion to como over to this city and vieit friends and of courso callod on this Groat Family Wookly. Dr. J. S. Emigh, now says. "Lot the winds como, the rninB descend, and yet I am on tho Bafo side. My house may bo swept away by wind or wator, but my cyclono parlor in too deep in mother earth to be pulled up by tho roots by a wicked tornado' That's the way tho doctor talked aa he hoadod for bis now cave last Saturday afternoon, when somo scarry clouds funned in tho heavens. He has just completed a fine brick cavo as a safeguard against such monster demonstrations of heavonly fury as was exhibited at St. Luuia recently. AwanM HlKfaMt Honors-WtxM'a DR CREAM mam mm MOST PERFECT MADE. A cute Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frat "Horn Ammonia, Alum or any other rdulteraasi 0 YCA).S THE STANDARD 1 " "wuw ruiuuw Dirumauup-iNttiir t I) - Hojwer. Agt lied cinmi, svi,. THE ;rrv sr.w. New potatot h are coiuiug into market. Henry Clark was in niuotnlnuton this week. Street Commissioner Kinuel ie grading 7th avouuo. TIiob. McCarl of McCook was in Red Cloud thia week. ' Mrs. Win. JoBelyh of Orleans was in tho city Monday. Mino HeFPio Carpenter is visiting in Franklin this wek. It jou debiro to know your birth Blono look at Penman's ad. ,1. A. TiiIIojb and h- P. Albright woro in Omaha thia weok. A comHeto new llhe of wall pnpor at Taylor's at bottom (sicca. If jou want a tin fcoof that won't leak got Geo, llluir to piH it on. J. O. Hutlor left Tuepday morning for Ohio, 011 a viait to Ms folks. Dr. J. W. Roblh&n of Gntde Hock was in Rod Cloud, o& Thursday. A nice line of Itwjios' ties to be worn with tho shirt wnjpfc si Wiener's. iluttermllk soap ftmoo cents n cake, bix cakes for 15 cet at Cottlng'e, Mrs. J. Ilnyos of Ouido Rock was the guoBt of Mrs. Hmfaa Strohm thia weok. "That tirod feeling" is rellovcd by a glass of Coca-Cola at Cotting's fountain. Como and boo "what I can do for you beforo you buy a bifiJor. James Poter son. Mrs. D. M. Able returned Sunday evo ning from a viait M s few weoks in Da kota. Misses Cora and Graco Garber depart ed last Saturday for Lincoln, to attend school. Always in season, Ilopkln's Steamod Hominy (Hullod Corn). Elegant lunch iu milk. Messrs. Tyndall Currnn and Fred Gunn woro down from Blue Hill last Saturday. I can savo you twenty dollars on a bin der if you willffivome a chance. James Peterson. Elmer Kuley is home from Iowa this week, whero he has a position as travel ing salesman. It you want to buy a binder I can oavo you raony. Call and see me beforo you order. Jamos Petoreon. Col. Clarence SUne of tho Superior Journal, invaded our don this wook while visiting in this city. Our affable and, in fact, our best coun ty treasurer, J. S. White, was in Bluo Hill this weok on business. Mrs. Rev. J. A. Randall and daughtor Annie are in the city this weok tho guosts of C. B. Crono and family, Mrs. C. E. Taylor and childron of Missouri are visiting with bor brothers, Frod and Dell l'urnuro, this week. The Franklin Sentinel camu out last weok with a very nice write-up on tho graduating class of Franklin Acadomy. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Winters went to Lincoln Sunday to attend tho com mencomout exorcises of tho University. Willio HaskinB was thrown from his horso this weok and rocolvcd a serious abrasion of tho cuticle on bis facial or gan. Loiiib Bangert, a prosporotiB farmer of Lawrenco was in Red Cloud this week and paid thia ollico a ploaeant visit. ThoBohool apportionment for Webster county was 3031 83. This will bo quito a little lift to tho various schools of the county. M. Storn, of Hastings, is going to put up u one story brick on his corner lot Bjuth of Henry Cook's. It would make a nico improvement. Mrs. Dr. G. K. McKoeby, Rov. Goo. O. Yeisor and daughter P. D. wero inOr loans Sunday to hoar tho coleb rated di vino, DoWitt T. Talmuge. Col.-H. II. Hosklns, the talonted edi tor of tho Norcater Journal, was a pleasant callor at these headquarters whilo on business in this city this wook. Tho board at supervisors havo boen in Bession all this weok, principally waiting for the assessor in Oak Croek township to comply with tho law and return his books. The 4th of July celebration under the auspicos of tho lire departmont, is going to bo a good ono and we hopo that our citizens will do their utmost to mako it a grand success. Rev. F. Delhi of Brad aha w, who has traveled through the oastern country embracing the land known as Palestine, lectured to a fair audience in tho M. E. church Wednesday evening, on his trip and what he saw, The lecture wbb quite interesting and was of an histori cal nature. Ho had some relics that he brought with him, that bore a bibical history. The lecture was good and had hs bad a good crowd, would havo boen mora attractive. Now Is thatime to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy aa a safeguard against an attack of bowel complaint dorlag the summer months. It coita bat 25 cents and is almost snre to be needed before the Hammer is over. This remedy never fall, oven In the most severe casta, and is in fact tho only pre paration that can always be depended on When rodnoed with water it is pleasant to take. For mlo by II. L'. Oripe, i.oiriK itw.T.ritt .,- iu RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY. JUNE IIHUllU.lliUP statn:r nn:.Tio. Correct time nt IVnnmnV, J. I. Miner and Geo. Con returned extended on Tuesday morning from an journey in the west. Miss UoHii Hulton is visiting friends in the city this week. Mjhb Stella Ducker is home from Iter 6chool (lutieii at Miudon. Any child who can hautllo u team cau handle the Ohio cultivator. I havo the only thoroiighbrod Jersey bull iu Htd Cloud. Lon Aultz. Mrs. Wm. Holmrt and daughter of Riverton wero in Hed Cloud Tuesday. The Germnn Insurance Co. of Free port. III. O. C. Tort ngent, Red Cloud. The Sunday-school rally at Itluu Hill was largely attended by Red Cloud peo pie last Sunday. Rev. G. W. Hummel wont to Lincoln Tuesday morning, where li is daughters nro attending school. C. W. Knloy of Red Cloud, regent of tho univoroity, is registered ut the Lin coln. State Journal. Beforo placing your ordor, it will pay you to got my prices on the Buckeyo Binder. Jiib. Peterson. These are times whon it paje to look around beforo placing insurance Call on O. C. Tool, Rod Cloud. Ono swallow doen not make Spring, but one nwallow of One Minute-Cough Ctiro bring relief. O. L. Getting. Come and eeo the vast assortment of shirU. You will bo surprieod to tlnd such low prices. Wiener, tho Clothier. When you want a nico Biuooth shavo or hair-cut, givo Goo, F.intrees a coll One door south of the Bon Ton Bakery. I have a carload of binding twine, which it will pay farmers to get prices on beforo buying oloowhore. Jus. Peter son. There was a surpriso party on Mrs. J. A. Baum on Thursday evening by hor fourth room pupils. A pleasant time was reported. I havo a twelvo horso power traction engine, nearly new, that I will soil cheap or trade for stock. James Peterson, Rod Cloud, Nob. Superintendent Cnmpboll, of McCook and Trainmnstor McFarlaud, of Rod Cloud woro in tho city Inst night. Has tings Republican. Miss P. D. Yoisor was In Orleans the first of the weok, in nttondanco at tho Chautauqua, whoro sho heard tho noted Dr. Talmago locturo. Tho financial question is ono that is agitating a great many now-a-dayn, and with many money is a scarco article and will bo for some timo. The bicyclo club is working every evening on thoir track, nud otherwise preparing for the greatest meet evor hold in this part of the country. Rov. Guiwits of Sheldon, Nebraska, occupied tho M. E. pulpit last Sunday morning and evening. Ho is a very ploiisant epenkor and talks along a line th-t Btirely must win. In the Hpring a jonng mnn'rf fancy lightly turns to thought of UoWitt's Little Karly Rifler, fr they nlways olennne the liver, purify tho blood, and invigorntu tho system. O. L. (Jotting. Turnure Bros, delivery horso objocte to being hit in tho head with a boaril and consequently run nwaj", Saturday, but did not do much damage. Tho wind blow tho board up which struck tho horso. Tho llsh law is In effect from tho first day of June to the tirst day of Septem ber, during which timo it is unlawful to catch tlsli for sule or for tho purhoso of packing. Violation punishable by a tlno from SCO to 8100. Hobron Journul. Tho will bo n gathoring of whoolmen nt Hustings noxt Sunday. Pictures will bo taken at ono o'clock in front of the Bostwick hotol, for publication in the Cycling West, and other whool papers. All the neighboring towns will bo repre sented. Stand close to a high fence and try to leap over. You fall. Walk back a few steps, get a good start. The fence Is easily cleared. Neglect your cough, never mind your loss In weight, and when con sumption faces you, your strength may not be sufficient to carry you over the danger line. If you could only go back a few weeks and make a good start, you might win. SeoTg&uutatQn; of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo phosphites, Is for you even ff you are only a little thin, SCOTT'S eriULSION kai been dorsed by the medical profession for twenty years. (A ik your doctor.) Thia is because it is always falatablt alwaya uniform always contains tbt purest Not' veixian Cod-liver Oil and Hypopbosplitit. Put up iu 50 cent and $1.00 si:cs. The mail size may be enough to cure your cough or help your baby. Mllll. va . Aiior.vo TOWX. Adam Morhart wiib in Omaha tliit 1 weok. Geo. () Yeiser is taking the school census. Mrp, J. II. Smith was in Oileans on 11 visit this week, The Mlhseo Lillian and Pearl Smith woro iu Riverton this week. M. Storn wiib down from HiiBtlngB one or two dnj'B this week. Charley Giimey and Frsnk Taj lor shipped Borne stock to Kansas City this week. Tho Red Cloud S. of V. hand hold Its annual elect ion of ollicnrs hint Tuesday evening. Tho newly elected membors aro as follows: C. II, Knloy, presldont; A, B. Sollnre, vicopreaident; Geo. Mor hart, secretary; O. V, Bell, trjanurer. E. W. Knley, of Red Cloud, Nob., camo to A Morton last weok and linn beon tho guost of D. F. Scott and family, and en jojedn plonBunt viait with his old timo friends. Mr. Knloy is a gontloinan of pleasant address, ro lined and cultured, nnd with his genial prosentmonts has tho respect and favor of Allorton'o aocial circles, manv of whom gavo him a part ing hand with a hope that they may, in tho near future, extend to him n wol como return. Allerton, Iowa, Nows. Tho board of education havo elected tho following additional teachers but havo not, ob yot, assigned thorn to rooniB. Mre. O. C. Case. Mrs. J. A. Baum. MissTrixMizor. Miss Nellie Kaloy. Miss Susie Kenndy. The soloctions are good ones, and ua far this paper is concerned perfoctly sat satsifactory. Tun Ciiik.p is bo prejudic ed to home interests that wo beliovo that homo toachors should always bo secured evon to the exclusion of out siders. The Wobstor county W. C, T. U. will hold thoir annual convention at Bluo Hill tho 10th and 17th of this month. Tuosdny aftornoon a reception will bo given to tho delegates. Tho convention will conveno in tho overling with songs, recitations, addresses and othor good things. Tho Editor of tho Union Workor Airs. A. iu. Hunting will Do prosont on Wednesday and give an address in tho evoning. All ministers of tho gospel and their wives nre invited to bo prosont and take part in tho exercises. Every body invitod to all tho sessions of tho convention. This !b not a secret socloty. Come and henr what wo havo boon do ing. K. B. Knkuit, Pros, 1MM - II,. If tho Nebraska olllciuls who are serv ing their first term expoct a ronominn tion by acclamation tlioy must hasten and romove the unsightly woods grow ing up on the etato houso square and make tho territory betweon Fourteenth and Sixtoonth streets and botweon II and K loss liko a Kansas cornllold. They aro all nblobodiod men nnd nt tho prosont time havo littlo olso to do than boo that tho grounds intended by the fathora of tho commonwealth for a lawn aro used us such. Tho prosont up ponrancee of Nebraska's park are posi tively shocking nnd humiliating. So, Silas, bring tho sickle nut, And Russoli pull your vest; Lot Churchill ravo and Piper shout And Corbott with tho rest. No groator patriotic doodB Can over como to pass Than pulling tho. 0 unsightly woods Aim BHiBliing down the grass. State Journal. Tho council has in its wisdom soen tit to increaso tho wator rates way out of reason, and especially bo at this timo whon money is scarce and much harder to got than yours ago whon the rates wore mado and at that timo supposed to bo very high. The prosont pricos will largely oporato as a moasuro to de crease tho ubo of city wator at this timo. Tho motor rates have boon incroasod from $3(1 to 160 just double, nnd ten dol lars highor than in the years of prosper ity. We can not soe the justice nor the good judgmont in the presont rniso bb very f ow people can pay it. There seems to be a question as to tho legality of tho city making a special levy, and it thore is such a statu to it is clearly unconsti tutional, from tho fact that it the city is allowed to own the plant it has the samo right to mantain it by taxation, for tho reason that if thore should bo at any time no consumers, how else could the plant bo used aa a tiro protection, exoept by a special tax. There should be n lovy made for tho mantenanco of tho plant and if not according to law, strictly, it should bo according to good aenae. Every citizen in tho city has g right to holp support the water works, whether a patron or not, aa a tire pre tention, and it must be a silly law that would take away the power of a city to support such fire protection. Aa to the increase of the water rental at this timo, we beliera it injudlcloua to the interest of the poople. lallaMMBrtmrr HheuMatlsaa Cure 4 la a Dajra. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, lnd., aays: "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism in every mosele aad joint, her anfferlnf wbs terrible and her body and laoe wero swollen nlmost beyond recognition; had beon In bed for six weeks and had eight physicians but reoeived no benefit until she tried the MYSTIC CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. It gave immediate ro tief and hIio wan able to walk about in thren days. I am sure it Baved her life." Hold by II, E. Uricu diagist, Hud Cloud. 'hiii iiwMaumMH .J",S - .j 12, 18! W. Ro. 70. THE WELL-DRESSED MAN Is he whose apparel is in keeping with the season don't allow Spring to catch you in those old Winter clothes, when a few dollars will buy a new H. S & M. Spring Suit... Thia Label on a Garment In- urea Perfect Fit RaajM nd Satiifaction aPSr It aland for tho boat that Money Can Buy or Skill Product. Now is Your Chance! In order not to cany over any of our LIGHT COLORED SUITS, wo will mako the following big cat on all that are market! to .sell from $12 to $10. $16 00 SUITS NOW AT i5 00 14 00 13 00 12 00 i u A STRAIGHT I1T OF TWI'.NTY-riVi: PKIl CKNT. We have only a few left, and they will not remain vry long on our shelves at the present prices. Wiener, The Clothier. Ilnpplly Wcrtriuil, June 4 at 4:30 o'clock at tho rcsidenco of Mr. L. C. Olmstead, his accomplished daughtor Misa Corn to Mr. Arthur Wol cott, ono of Innvales most promising young mon. The Rev. Mr. Blackwoll, pastor of tho Methodist church spoko tho words that randn them uharers of the blessings nnd triaki of life. Miss Emma Halo was bridesmaid and Mr. Chus. Olmsted host man. Twenty-two frionda and rolatlvos witnessed tho cere mony. Af tor best wishes woro expressed tho company were invited to tho dining room whore a bountiful repast was spread. Tho nowly married pair woro tho recipients of tunny beautiful and costly presents. Tho young couple aro well known iu Inavalo and vicinity nnd ure vory much esteemed by all. They will move into thoir own home in tho north part of town. Long life and rich blessings be theirs. Facts Speak l.oudcr than WurriN. Out of tho 4,r.0.00() boxes of Ueggfl' German Salve Hold in I8!ir, only three boxes were returned ns unsatisfactory. This seems almost incredible ns every box has a positive guarantee noeompauy ingit. C L Cottlng sells It. R. W. Allen was in a Cnwkor City ho tel Saturday night "wrapt in peaceful slumbors," until ho was awakonod by tho wind and scurring around of tho guests of the house like they woro crazy. He aroso nnd looked out of the window and there betweon the flashes of light ning he could distinctly seo tho big black funnel-shaped cloud moving to ward him. Ho thought IiIb time had como. Ho made a hasty prayer, asking tho Lord to oxcubo him for boing a hard money democrat, and promisod to be a good populist it he was only spared for another campaign. All preparations bo ing now ready he braced bimsolf for the cash, After waiting a few momenta longer he ventured to the window, and obtained a different view of the storm, The big tree which stood by tho window was still there, but did not look ao much Ilka the little end of a funnel aa before. The hotel passed through the hard wind aafely and Allan waa aavad. But he is not willing to give the prayer the credit of hia escape from a cyclone. Smith Centre Journal, Mataata will lot Chamberlain's Coagh R.m.dy especially valuable for oronp aad whoaplng oongh. It will giva prompt reltof and Is safe and pleasant. We have sold it for several years and it has never failed to give the most perfeot satisfaction. O. W. Richards, Dsqnesno, l'o. Bold by II. E. Qrice. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. (JJbjaaaj 5 aWTUaMMPSl"np 1C& O 00. 25. tin i ,5 11 ( 10 50. 9 75. 9 00. 41 IICKgft' Hair Hutiowvr. No preparation ever put on the market has given ninth unlverHnl mitisfiiaHon. It is not only a hair retitiwer nnd invigora tor, Imt cleanxoH the ttoalpof nil dandruff, leaving the hair soft, flossy and Inxnri nut. Sold liy C. L. Cottlng. An oxchiingo prititn the following: Mon nro liko hogs, however diiilaatoful this may sound to hogs. Whon u hog geta an ear of corn, every i 'her hog will trot along huhiml him and iquenl and whine and beg and toady f.ir n bite, but let tho front hog get in n tight, place, with bin head fast in a crack, and every Hon of a sow will jump and tear him to poicon. Just so with men. Aa long ob a man is prosperous and has money, ho can't keep friends of with a baseball bat. Tho moment lie is unfortunate and his wealth is gone, ho is not only Hiiubbod by bin former nllegod friends, but they at once begin to do nil tho harm possible Whon ho starts down grade tho world steps to ono side and greases tho track. .i . . i - Itlit'iimutlNin Cured In a Day. "M"STIC CURE" for Rhonmatlsm nnd Neuralgia rndioally onron iu 1 to .1 days. Ite notion upou the system is re mark, bio nnd mysterious. It roinoros at on oo tho cause and tho disease immed iately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7o oonts. Bold by II, E. Orioe rnggist, Hed Clond. Tboso farmers nnd othors who havo friends in tho oast and desire to Bond tho Nebraska and Kansas Farmor to thorn ought to do so now, while tho prico is down low. Fifty cents will sond it to live poople for ono yoar each. Come in or send in your names nnd money at once, aa tho low rnto timo oxpirea Jnly 1, The Faiimkii Co, Publishers, Red Cloud, Neb, Tlio Perfect Ointment. The virtue of Beggs' German Halve is its qntck healing power. Else it would not have earned its world wide reputa tion. Yonr popular draggitt 0. L. Cot tlng has it. Wanted, Stock to Paiture, Goad ahnde and plenty of water. Terms reasonable. Pasture five mllas aouth of Rosemont. John Kwiook, Rosemont, Neb. It doea not Pay to experiment with medicines. Beggs Blood l'aritler is bo novelty, A record of twenty years proves it to be the beat known formula for ennohing the blood aad driving from the system those ins purities which breed disease. For aa!e by C L Cottlng. II. E. Pond has 320 fenced and well. watered for rent cheap. acrea of wall pasture laaa IIckk' I-lltlc Giant Pills. Try thorn if you have a slok headaohe or if you nre oonstipatod or billons, Guaranteed by V, h. CollmI: - Dr. Price's Cream Haklnj; Powder A I are rirue Crtonj v' Tartar Powder. mmU M&ffimuLmm i w I .' ! aa va 'V m t A mHmxyr '