"I n I'1 It) I I)' 4 inrrur tw.u ANMMnoauiuxsrr Hood's Barsaparllla ns a blood purifier and build ing tip tncdlclno Icadu everything over produced. It Id positively tlio best. Otheri may make Ilia samo claim. 15 ut there's this dlffcniicc: W'cpravoit. Not by an tiquity, bat by Merit. Not by what wo day, -gjw but by What 3? Hood's dooH. J M "it lino a rec- " " ord of Cures unequalled in medical history. It positively, icrfcctly and permanently cures when all otlrjr medicines fail. That tlio keen discrimination of tho peoplo recognises Un merit and tho cures by Hood's Barsaparllla, Is shown by tlio (act that they -fa -ffla buy Hood's Baranpn- UJSI rMnlnpref eacnrv nnd AglC to tlio ex elusion of all others. Hood's Bnrsnpnrllla has a larger ealu than 11 other Mood purifiers. It wins con fidence everywhere because- tho state ment In IU advertising and testimonials arp verified by all who tnko It. No other medicine lifts ever received such praise, or o ninny voluntary testimonials of won derful cures. No other medicine ponseascs parilla the peculiar combination, proportion and process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and which glvo It merit peculiar to Itself. This is tho secret of its wonderful power, of ItH wonderful sales, of its won derful hold upon tho confidence of tho people. This is why it cures Scrofula, 8a.lt lthcuui, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys pepsin, That Tired Feeling, builds up tho Bcrvcs, crcatcsanappetltoand strengthens tho whole system. Its merit, its sales, its Cures Mako Hood's Sarsaparlila tho One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists, f 1. Prepared only liy C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Mnnri'c DSlIc ' ,,,l fmlly Mtlwrtlo IllHJU S fills ni llrer Mlmulant. Kaiy to Uko, cmjt tu operate. All tlruRgUU. S3 cent). THE CHIEF Piihllftliuti weekly. 6iiltcrlilloii, - $l Per Annum liiviirluMr III Advance Entered ut the Pout Olllro In Hint Cloud, Neb. ii mull iimtti'rof Ihi'Hrcoiid class . Himmkh, Killtor. I.Altuv Tait. Aswt luteal Killtor. SVTOaiT CIRCULATION 1,300. llATI'n OF AliVKIlTIMKf Trot. i'ihiN, 1 Inch or If si per year $0 00 Bl ntlis :i no Tluif immihi 2 m MlAMMNd AlATHTlrtKMKXll. I'll Inch ui'UM'ur $1 M !'-r iix'li iUx iiwntlii :i iio Per imli tliri'e inmitlii a III Hkm'IrI tn't'cpi per Hue or lino spare, llrst piililU'atliitilii'i'iits, Tiiitisloiit Hpi'dals, payalilo Invariably In ad vance, pi'rllnu Id cents. All i ratlins nntlivs In tin1 n.itiiieo? advvrtlso UH'iitf or putts, t ci'Ms per line. I.tutil i oilers nt IitiiI tali's, lr.i Turn iunre i ifii Iik s of Nnniiait'll ni loss,) tlrst inihlle.tilon t '): fur twli BiiWipieut pulilU'.itliill, oei iipuini, fiiri'iits, M "piriviii'd pnitlnn" contractu made All nniii'i in iiimiih linblliviilini must hi ro ei'iW'l nl tills nfllcu unt later Hutu ViIiioJ.ii AittoiilsiMiiiMiii cannot lm nrili'iril m.t for Hi' iii'icni Mvck liitt'i than 'lhii'siia. ICt'pulilUiiii Tlt'Kut. For CongroHrt 5th District, W. K. ANDRRWS ot Hastings. It cow looltB liko Goo. D. Moiklejohn would ho tho nominee for governor, Capt. Adams ot Superior is making a client campaign for tho gubernatorial ollhco, v.ith fair tiroqpects Iio thinks, Tiik Ouiutiu exposition bill hue pitsecd through CongrcsB unJ has ben signed by the president and now the Omnhogs are happy. Hon ,1. A. I'ipki; will get tho nomina tion tor secretary of stuto on llrst bullet. He has tuado an excollont olllcer and should bu renominated. "orewpry'wero blown down. The Hum mer high school, at Eleventh and Spruce; MeDennot's saloon, Eleventh nnd Chcsnut; the central emigrant hta tlon on the opposite conn r, and Jero Shulinu's livery stable, Kltncnti. -- and It Is Mis pan It coate Wotwtor couuty $21 00 per day for the supervisors to sit in Boeelon and wart for the Oak Creek asBoenor to come in with his books, but ho nevor came until he was sont tor. Nkxt wook, in all probability, wo oh a I be ublo to unfurl our banner with Ihe oames of Willitun McKinley for preei deut und Thos, H. Reed for vico.prcsi dent. A team that could not bo beaten. CoN(ii3F.ss has adjourned. Now it Clevelacd could adjourn all would be well. When ho pasBes out of the white house, dawn tho step, his Jlght will go out und dio will be left ia the dank, whero ha will remaiu, unlaced und ooe tleiued by friend and foe ulrko. Thk free silver republican delegates of the St Louis convention talk ut bolting 4bo convention, eayo thu State Journal, it the freeailver tieatinn is not fully reco,-nizod. Wo hardly think it. Moat republicans feel thnt there is much aioro iu the turilT qiuntioii then there is in the fry) siiver ngltnlion. Buy 1 Oreo. ulmt fix j cars old, weight l.C.)'. Cm it cm 1 1 o titiuo iy callinj: tu C. W, BujuEc, Rid u'.uni). THE lri;ruiii. Following id thu progrum of tlio Fourth of July celobrutiou to bo held in I ted Cloud: One hundred and twenty guns ut nun rise. At ton o'clock, procession forma nl flrctnen'ti hnll and mnruhoa to Hint street; tlnnco bouUi to Fourth uvenuo;. thenco west to Seward street; tliooco south to Socond uvonue; thonco oast to Webster streot; thence north to Sixth avenue; thenco west to court Iioubo grovo, hoad ed by Muyor and City Council. Kcd Cloud S. of V. Hand, Spenkor and Hscorto, Master of Corenionlen, Itod Cloud Fire Department, UIcjbIo Urigrade, undor command of F. W. Cowdon, HuHlnPBS Man's Display, Representation ot States by Young Ladies, Citlithumpinn, CilizoiiR in CarrriBgoi", Delegations from country, Uncle Sam in Costume, Civio Societies. Arriving at tho court-houao park, there will bo Music by S of V. Hand, Cull to order by Randolph McNitt, Muster of Ceremoniep, Prayer by Rev. J. K. Maxtleld, Singing by Oluo Club, Orntion by dipt. W. C. Henry of Fair mont, Music by S. of V. Hand. DIN.NF.lt. Music by S. of V. Hand Ten mlnuto toasts by K. T. Potter, "General Topics;" J. S. Oilham, "Our United Country;" Hon. C. W. Kaley, "Our Kducutlonal Institutions;" Q. R. Chancy, "Our Rising Genera tion;" J. M. Chullln, "National and Individ ual Integrity." Music by 8. ot V. Band. HI'OHTH. Bowory Danco. Bicycle RaceB ut Bicycle Track. Hoso llaco, opoti to any company. FtrBt prize, Silver Trumpot valued at $27; second prizo, Fino Silk Fironiuna's Banner valued at $15 00, Coupling contoBt, llretprlzo i2, socond prizo $1. Fat Man's Race must woigh 200 pounds nnd be .'ft years of ago prize, $2.50. Fut Boy's Race from 15 to 21 years of Hgo, not less than one hundreds yards llrst prizo, M.O0; socond prize, $200. Catching Groused Pig catcher gets pig Climbing Groused Polo $2.50 ou pole. To the largest delegation from mi) one township will be prosontod an ule gunt tlfteen foot United States Hag. Grand display of Fireworku In the oveuing at 8 p. in. The workiniti often eats his lunch on the Bntno bench where ho does his work' The ollieo man tnrns his dusk into a din iug.tablo. Neither gets thu oat of doors exorcise ho need', neither take) the tlmu for oatlng. It is small wonder that (ho digestion of both gets Out of order. In nnoh eases Dr. I'lorot's Pellets come to their nsidstnuuu by aiding nutnro iu tak ing cure of tho food, Tho cause of nine tenths of tno sickness of the wotld is con stipation. From thirt otto canse come in Utgesitoii; disorders oi tne stonincu, liver, and kidney; billiousuess, headaches, II it ult'iicc, himrtuurti, Impurity of tbe lilooil anil tho serious complications that follow, To begin with, constipation is it little thine, and a little thing will curtt it. 'the "Pleasant Pellets" are tiny, sngar-coatKil granule. They will perfectly euro the worst cafe of constipation nnd indigestion If tlio druggist tries to sell you somo other pill that pays him greater profit, ust think of what, will bfst pay jou. Tho following letter was recontly ro contly by u Princeton, III., denier, from a Kansas man. Hamlin Kansas, dear sir I live on my furm nenr ham lin, kansBB, as ime ,r)7 yoars old unJuc u little sporty my nef.iV.ack"!h Injiany bot .'MSSS'.' n bi,B.iCKol an ho sont his old one by frato und wo hail a pilo ot fun but my blBickel jolts consyderabl. u feller ',oa'cnine a Jong yeertordny with a bisickol thnt hud u hollor injy rubbor tiros Btulf- ed with wind, ho let mo tri hizzon un mi it run liko u sjuiehon. ho tole tno thnt you sell injy rubber juet tho buiiio how much will it bo to the mlno like thnt feller mine hus nil iron wheel do you punch the holler holo through tho injy rubber or do I have to do it tnjbclf do you soil it by the yard or tho pence an now do you stick the onda together after you get done if your injy rubber is awl reudy hollor will it cum any cheaper empty i.eun get awl tho wind out hear in kansas un welcomo i will pay cash. P. S. how much do you charge for tho doodad you stulT thu wind into tho Injy rubbor un wunro uo you atart. If it required nn annual outlay of f 1X) to insure a family against any aerUus oonsoquenoo from an atUolf of bowel complaint daring the year there are many who would feel it their doty to pay it; that thoy could uot afford to risk their lives, aad those of their frmily for suoh au amount. Any one can get this insurance for 26 uunfa, that being tho Srio ot a bottle of Otiainberlain's Colio, hoUra and IMarrhova Rttnedy. In 'al most ovary neighborhood some one has' died from an attaok oX bowel complaint before medioine could be prooured or a phyaiolan summoned. Oue or two doseB of this remedy will euro uuy ordinary cane, It never falls. Cau yuu aitord to take the risk for so small nu ntuoutit? For sale by II, E. Qrice. Children Cry fo! Pitcher's Castoria. HJ3D CLOUD OJLLIUJF, FRIDAY, JUNE Epilepsy 20 Years. Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. A few yenrs tiiro, Mr. h. V. Oallnhcr, wai nn extensive, successful expert tniiiiu fncttirer of lumber products. Attacked wltli epilepsy, ho was tibllsed to give up his busi ness. Tlio attacks came upon him mortt In opportunely. Oho tlmo fallliiR from a carri age, at utiot her down stairs, and often In tlio Blrei t. Onco ho fell down a shaft In tho mill, his Injuries nearly proving fatal. Mr. Qallnhcr writes from Milwaukee, Feb. 10, '05. &$ "Thcro nro nono moro inlM'rablo than epi leptics. l'orUOyt'ais I suffered with epilep tic fits, having as hl;;h as II vo In onu night. I tried nny number of physicians, paying to ono alone, a feo of J.VjO.OO and h.ivo dime llttlo for years but i.earch for sonicthltiK to liclp me, and havu taken all tho lending remedies, but received nobeueflt. Ayearngo my son, ('has. S. (Jallaher, druggist ut 191 Ileed St., .Milwaukee, gave mo Dr. Miles' Itestoriillvu Nervltiu. and 1 tried It with gratifying results. Ilavo had but two fits hlnco I began taking It. I am bettor now iu every way than I havu been ln20 years." Dr. Miles' Uemedlusaru sold by druggists on a K)sltIvo guarantee that tho first bottle will betiellt or price refunded. Hook ou tho Heart and Nerves, free. Address, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Hilcs' Remedies Restore Health. Dr. Miles' iin fJ'faro guaranteed to flf op 'fi'iitliichnln'M inluiltiis. "Orin cent 'IiwiJI UVlVN. The Union Junior Endeavor will hnvo nn nfternoon picnic in Paul's grove, Juno IS. Kvorjbody invited. John Blaine has resolved not to got mnrried until tho republicans are again in power. Supt. Hunter held examinations ut Cowlos liibt Thursday for country pupils desiring to enter the high schools ot tho county, Miss Mizor nnd Mr. Auld ot Red Cloud wore guests of Davo Kaloy'a Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Dcihl nnd danghtor and Mrs. Ilnm ot Hdgar wore visiting rolu tivos nnd friends in this vicinity last week. The latest fad among Cowlos poopio is pickiug gooseberries. Representatives ot six families were engaged in that oc cupation hiBt Friday. Hitler Motter, n studontnt tho Fair Held college preached at the Christian church Sunday uttornoon. Tho ludiea of tho Congregational church gavo nn ice cream and struwborry social at tho church Tuesday evening. Fred Good'H baby is quite sick at present. Quito extensive preparations nro being in.ulu for the obaurvution of Children's Day. The exercUos will bo at thu Con gregational church ut tho regular Sun- day cchool hour,at thu Methodist church i 111 tllO OV0111I1L'. 1. otii -a Mulick is sponding vacation at her uncluV, Peter Hill's lict-Hio Uarpnnter went to Franklin Tuefdiiy to tpLnd it few weeks. SWKI.T SlSTKK.N. Hood's Cor l)ftH'ilu. Humboldt, Nub., May 'J, lS'JIi. I have taken Hood's Sarsitpurilla tor dyspepsia and it has douw mo a giuat deal of good. Mrs. M. i:. llaynes. Mood's Pills euro all liver ills. itutiii. The weatliur is nico for corn und smull grain. We loarn that thoro was u cjcj.oiio northwest of bore. Thero wiib preacb4iS(;t aiatriut 11 on Juno I, "Vat thero will bo prouching thoro overy two weeks by Rev. Horton ot Red Cloud, There will bo Sunday school at throo o'clock every Sunday. Thlrty-threo has changed their hour for Sunday-school, It will be at ton thirty hereafter. Tho I.oaguo at Now Virginia ia doing good work. Charlio Kolso went up to Hivorton Sunday. Mr. Robinson is very poorly ut prosent but wo hope h muy soon recovor. Miss Lillian Ramoy will return on the tenth ot this month from her sohool. Her many friends will be glnd to Bee her homo uuuin. Thero will bo preaching ut North Stur nn tho 14th. ' Petor Nolson wout north last week but got homo before tho storm, A. h. Woostor, a prominent citizen of Osseo, Mich., after suffering exoruoiatiug ly from plica for twenty years, waa cured in a short time by using DoWitt's Witch lintel Halve, nn abtolnte cure tor all akin disenaea. More ot this preparation is used than all othura combined. O, L. Ootting. Farmers und others who desire to aub scrilw for tho Nebraska and Kansas Farmer should do so before July 1st, na ut that da to the low ruto expires. Re member that this paper is j uat what you wanton tbe farm, and also remember that: you cannot often get a 10 page pa per at 10 cents for one year. Send in your nanin and money at once. Agents should mako great ellorts to get their names iu by the 'Joth, so thnt wo can tell promptly who receive the premiums which woro ottering. Tun Faiimkh Co., Rod Cloud, Neb. Dr. Price's Cream Unking Powder WorlJ'J Pair Highest Medal end Diploma. .CTO,.,KS.. VkWM: Mr. Scott of Cowles was iu Lester Sunday. Muy and Lizzio Trunkey (-pent Si n dny ut J. W. Saladons. Miss Delln Auxier wan the guest of Miss Alta linker the foropnit of lh week. Hnrvey Cos relutricd home Tltiiretliiy. Antheny Qroea was iu Red Cloud Sunday. Sylvestor rUbio ttendod a wedding ut Inuvnle laetwtek. Mr. Cullnhn pent Saturday and Sun day in Blue Hill. Mr. McKinneyof Hildreth, Nebr, is visiting his nob. WultorCox wturnfd to Republican City hiBt wtxiK, irftrr n Cohort visit with his paronts. Thero will bo church dt Lo tr at 8 o'clock in tJbft evening Suntlity. John SsliKlcji wbb in Red Cloud Sun day. Mrs. I?. !)nttg, Middiebnrg, Iu. writp: I luiue mtii Onu MIiihIh tjongh Cure for sit Ws both fvr niy.elf and ohlldren, blO J OViusider it the quickest noting nnd awfratl.-faetory Cotnjh Cure I have evor ofod. O L Cot ling. J " riruro-ffcyifenofiU In Iceland. Wo notlae the Drltlsh agricultural papers are rtMnrdlnfi an outbreak of plctiro-piHijfeanf among the nativo cattlo In trib Snny oi Basex, England. Two cows ttift Jrafl ben nick for a long tlmo died, fo(f ikoir lungs wcro sent to tho vctijJMiay department of tho board of mpfftitUlro tor examination. The exnmuftfttfeui stowed that ono had died from the cr9rasc above mentioned, and tho othar torn tuberculosis. We nro told thnt tho herd in which the former cow was found is to bo slaugh tered, but fears are expressed that tho dlseaso has been widely spread on ac count of tho long time required for tho disease to reach tho state shown by tho examination. At tho samo tlmo the British papore nro fighting for a law to prohibit for ever tho admission of American cattle, except such ns nro slaughtered nt the ports of entry. Tho reason given for this prohibition Is not thnt tho English stock growers uro to bo protected against foreign meats, but thnt they fear tho terrlblo pleuro-pneumonla that they declaro exists in tlio United Stntcs, Americans hear nothing of the dis ease In their own country, where it has been olllclally pronounced ns stamped out. They can therefore only think that tho outcry raised in England Is for tlio purposo of getting a protective law tinder another name. Cattlo Exported Via New Orleans. Thl3 season quite a number of cattle aro being sent direct to Liverpool by tho way'of New Orleans. A steamship re cently took over a cargo of 400 beeves In addition to n large amount of other products. Only six beeves died on the voyage. Other steamers are falling Into line. Tho cattle are being supplied largely from TcxnB. The Sea'B Treasures. It Is computed that thero Is 800,000,000 pounds sterl 'r.a: worth In gold nnd Jewels nt tho Imttoni of the sea on tho route between '!:.:;laud nnd India. million. All Instantaneous congh cures contain opiates mid nm liable to dry up iho plilugu. and mucus iu ihe bronchial tulii'S and lungs, thereby cmiintr U'liig'tiou, Wo gtlhralitee Urgif Clwrrv ("inigli Syrup agaiiMt this danger. O LCottiu,'. ITKE Hull mill Cyclones May overtako you any day. Oct your properly protectod ntroducod rates, ot II. H. PlI.NII. For a lino liair tonic. m on Hutchin boo & lliatt. thilhirboiri. Beware 0! the Knife. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfiehl, Mo writes: "For six years I have heen a sufferer from n scrofulous affection ol the glands of my neck, and all efforts of physicians iu Washington, D. C, Springfield, 111., and St. Louis failed to reduce thu enlargement. After sis months' constant treatment here, my physician urged me to submit to a re moval of the gland. At this critical tno. meut a friend recommended S.S.S., and laying aside a deep-rooted preju dice against all patent medicines, 1 be irnn its use. Before I had used one bot tle the enlargement began to disappear, and now it is entirely gone, though lam not through with my second bottle yet. Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago, I would have escaped years of misery and saved over fiso." This experience is like that of all who suffer with deep-seated blood troubles. The doctors can do uo good, and even their resorts to the knife prove either fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only real blood remedv; it gets at the root ol the disease and forces it out perma nently. , , S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) A Real Blood Remedy is a blood remedy for real blood troubles; it cures tbe most obstinate cases of Scrofula. Eczema. Cancer. Rheumatism, etc., which other so-called blood reme dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the disease nnd forces it out per manently. Valuable books will be sent free to any address Jl flP by the Swift x v Specific Co., At- TN P lautn,C. K&i1 $ 12, 1800. Great Bargains CLEARING SALE Ob OXFORDS FOll LADIES, GENTS' and CHILDREN. Clearing Sales Given Every MIMYliWEIKMI Have just a fine lot of Ladies' Tan Lace Shoes, Men's and Boys' Bicycle Shoes. Come everybody and et bargains. PREPARATIONS FOR The Great OF NOVEMBER3 ARE ALREADY WELL UNDER WAY. A NEW President of the XTnited States IS TO BE ELECTED, AND THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, na nlwnyB be found in tho thickest of the Oght, hattling vigorously for nouud linsltieHrt principles, which will bring prosperity t thu nntiou. The New-York Weekly Triuuue ia net only the Uadiug Hepuhliunu paper of the tiiimtry, but ia prulnontly a national family new.spapir. Ita campaign news and dinau8ioua will Interest every Ainerioan citizen. All the Hewn of tho day, Foreign Oorrasdondeucf, Agricultural Department, Mar ket ReporlH, Short Storiea complete in each number, Comic l'ictiirtH, Fashion l'laton with tlaborato doacriptioiiH, and n jmii-ij of Jlf me of lit ucho!d interest mnke np nn ideal family paper. We furnlNli "TUT. 1111:1"' and i:V YOltli WIJCKI.Y TKI BIJ.C,"lotli iHiperh ONE YEAR FOR OtfLY SI. 25, C'iimIi In AdtaiK'c. Addrtis nil ordera to v-w vv s vv Write youi' iini!,'i and iitltlrran on a ponlnl rnrd, Kfiul Trllmiie Itiilliiln:, Nmv Tork (111, anil n kimipl VfdiK AVi:i:iil, TltlllDNF. will In- iiinll.il in )..ii. THE -- ORLEANS -- COLLEGE Summer School AMONG OUH FACULTY. Wm. IIAWLHY SMITH, Author of "Evolution of Dodd," sud who assisted Bill Nye one bco son. 8UPT. W. II. SKINNER, Ex-President Nebraska State Teach ears' Association. MRS. E. F. TUCKER, Tlis great Primary and Kindergar ten Teaohcr. PROF. J. II. MILLER. Editor of tha Northwestern Journal of Education. PROF. J. F. HOSIC, Dintritt President of the Y. P. S. C. E. and Post Graduate ef Ihe Chicago University. AMONG OUR MUSICIANS. MISS LOUISE M. LINNEBARGER, of Chioago, tho finest solo eornetist of saarcd song in tho west. MRS, H. R. ESTERBROOK, who as a Pianist stands Imperial Leader fron Omaha to Denver. PROF. T. MARTIN TOWNE, whose musical compositions aro sung and appreciated by tho English speaking world. Ona R. II. tare for round trip; one half fara for children under 12 yean of age. Fine grave; good water. Tenia to rent at low priocs. Splendid pasture for horsos for those who drive over. Proparo for an outing on tha Republioaa river. Combined plcasuro with profit. REMEMBER THE DATE ! Opens June 1; - Closes June 27. Detailed Catalogue will soon bo ready. For further information Address J. L McBRIEN, Dean, Orleans, Neb. AT THE Cincinnati Battle the: CHIEF. ii io ;. v. pr i mi! Heat, NKW Chautauqua. AMONG OUR LECTURERS. REV. T. DK WITT TALMAGE, Over 300,000 newspapers publish his sermon every week, reaching 100,000,000 people DAVID C. COOK, Tho editor and publisher of Sunday School Literature, nnd founder of tho I. A. II. Circle. DR. JOSEPH T. BERRY, Editor of iho Epworth Herald, and the grcatrj.'. Leaguer in America DR M. M. PARKHURST, Tho Eminent Clioutnuquan and Un rivaled Expounder of tho Bible, JL. t I J -' ' miniiimuj v. .UlSgfcL '. .' '''agaijwijar H ut' 'wSBau uj