The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 12, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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IlUe curry liy McinMrnr Itiiccotirnn
III-rlh 'Hi it (nine I'roin Ant 1 1 tltt
unit Win I nil of t ormlc Arid Vili-ne
III till' Itdl'lic.
CIuNCK Is making
plain, oiio after the
. oilier, all the tuyw-
torles, old nnd
new, of tlie world,
vlille It Is devising
on It h own account
feats more nuu cl
ous tli.m lcgcrde
itialn or thcosophlc
lirceipltatlon ever
thought of, says tlie
Ne w York .loin mil. The last m stery
to lie revealed and to have the cold light
of Fclentc thrown upon it Is the fa
moils old trick of conjuring, of the
Yogis, the nsiotlc "adepts" of India, of
planting a seed In a potfttl of earth In
plain sight of a curious audience anil
iniisiiiK It to prow within an hour Into
a lldiirlshlnp plant, fiom which the '.ilos
Minis could actually be plucked. Scores
of people of a veracity not to be doubl
ed have seen this feat pet formed and
hae been bathed at Its wcmdeis.
Some hne tried to explain the mys-
tcry by claiming extraordinary slelpht-of-hand
on the part of the Yopls, and
others have Insisted that the "trick"
was the perfection of hypnotism. No
one who ever witnessed this soemlnglv
marvelous piowth could he Induced to
believe that the plant thev finally saw
bail aetuall.v prown within this short
time fiom the ccd. It wax cither that
they had been hypnotized, bound b
the will of the operator, and had Imag
ined that they had seen the plant grow
from moment to moment under the thin
cloth thiown over It. or c Iso that by
trnnp superb skill of lepeidenialn the
pot (ont.ilnlnp the seed had been spir
ited av.ay befoie tin ir eyes and a new
pot with a blossoming plant set down
in Its place at lightning -ped.
A clear-headed, (old-bluoiled scien
tist, however demolished thiM theoiles
a shoit time ago. piovlng conclusively
that, whatever else It might be, the
plant-prow lug maivel was no fraud. At
a icceiit Yogi serine, to which lie went
pieinred, tlie ageil magic Inn planted
the seed and coven d the spot with a
cloth, and the man with a turn lor
science "snapped" his cktpctlp lainer.i
at It. A moment or two later he took
another snap shot and othots at tegu
lar interval!1, of about three minutes
each, until the Yogi showed the dower
ing plant. The shutter of the camera,
set by clock woik, pei formed Its duty
With palus'aklnp enre he then de
veloped each plate. In each the cloth
coveting the pot was le.u ly vNlblo. In
only two, the llrst and the last, was
there a sign of any human figure. These
two plates showed the planting of the
seed and the throwing olf of the "loth,
exhibiting the flowered plant.
On all the otlieis then1 was- simply the
image, without a blur, of the covered
pot. Only, showing amazingly that In
some stiange way the plnnt had been
Tinllv Iniced to glow, the cloth, a it
wnt teen on each Mice ceding negitlve,
was i.iised plainly a little higher. In
the series of plates theie was a con
stant rlse.
Thus It was made evident to all of
Uritlsh India Hint the "plnnt trick" ,vas
no delusion, but some lneoi)prch"iisi
ble marvel. So far much was gained,
but It remained for a i lever Fmnch
savant, M. Itaggoiicau, to dip out the
secret and to dlseovci precisely the way
It was done.
The series of photographs convinced
him that there was no fraud. As a pre
liminary to his study, he set about ex
amining closelj every detail of this
seeming mliacle. Theie must be sonip
science about It If there Is no trickery,
he l caponed; some hidden princlpl" of
nature, or some chemical combination
mixed with the earth, not known to
modern science as jet, and locked In the
breasts of thete "adepts" for centuiics.
He observed, flist of all, that the
Yogis never attempted the "trick" un
less they had brought along paicfiilly
pii.uded, some special earth or soli. At
one o It struck him thnt the secret might
la.v In this peculiar enrth. Hut the
Yogis would not tell him its nature,
much as he pleaded or divulge to him
where It came from. More and more
was ho convinced that some htr.inge
quality of this earth was what made the
mlraelp possible, rinnlly by a system
of bribery that loosened, at least, the
tongues of the corrupt Hindoo seivints
of the Yogis, he learned that the "mas
tcri"ohtulncil tho earth from ant hills,
Piuzled more and nioro Rapgoueau per
slelently experimented with ant-hill
earth that ho collected with gicat ttou
b.e, ignorant of vvhnt properties It
might reveal, but sine that he was on
tie light tinck.
A chance that was the result of
carelessness, pure and simple, laid the
whole mystery hare to htm. While
experimenting. ""' Kt a small quantity
of te eaith, and tseveial ants at the
same time. Into his mouth. It was nn
unpleasant moment, but It gave him the
tolutlon of the problem. He detected
on the Instant, the presence of an enor
moun qunntlty of formic acid In this
earth, worked Into it fiom tho tiny
bodleB of thousands of ants passing
over and through It. The soil was
c.linrged with formic acid, in fnct. direct
from the ants.
A few experiments showed him that
this formic acid was the mysterious,
subtle power, compelling the maivol
, cms growths. After n little he found
himself perfectly able to do the Hindoo
trick. The entire secret proved to be
that formic add quickly cats away the
Integument sui rounding n seed. Then
. M
.C.IIoMHer, Agt., Itcd Cloud, Neb.
11 .
-PV. V
& lik-J
'a o v
coming Into direct contact with Hip
germ Itpolf. It stimulates beyond all
emdencp Its prow tli, bilnglng about In
merp niutupitts unassisted natitm
would requite weeks for.
Sj-iiiniuU Win lliinilltlril
lllalnrl in.
for Urine nn
Symonds was :t.i when he published
the tlrst volume of "The Rontilssuiuo
In Ital.v." and he lived to lltilsh that
large nuclei taking, as well as to wilte
several books of poems and essays, to
tianslate the sonents of Michael An
pplo, the memoirs of Cellini and (5o.i
and to compose a "Life of lliieuarettl."
sa.vs the Quarterly Review. Ills ac
tivity, great and Incessant, though Ill
ness stiuck him down, ranged over the
provinces- of lltciatuie with an ever-
ilponlng Judgment and a fastidious
choice until he could say In an In
stinctive sentence: "We love the
stcrne-ct things In life best." Tor the
duties of the historian he was on more
than one account singularly dlsqunll
llccl. Names, dates, events which he
had not seen or felt might be learned
with facility, but vanished fiom his
mind as If wiltten In water. "Vague,
Ill-digested, Inaccurate, rich In pensi
blUtles, poor lu solid stuff"- this de
scription of faculties which vveie to be
employed on a tnsk where tllbhon
might have failed, does not Inspire ua
with confidence. Nor will metaphor
and niagery, whereby S.v winds hoped
If not to subdue yet "to circumvent
philosophical Ideas, furnish that In
sight lacking which u student of tho
lenalssance period Is sure to tut bitter
for sweet and sweet for bitter, to dream
that the "win ship of the body" Is a
"new birth unto freedom," and to de
giade science Into the apologist of a
sensual and decorated unbelief. Seeing
he will not see, and hearing he ill not
iindci stand. These are faults of a more
serious kind than the parplc patches
and rhetorical tone which their author
has marked In his volume. He moves
everjwhrre on the surfuic, content if
he Is dealing with pa'irtors, poets,
humanism, in a fashion almost operatic
and on a system mi conventional that
his characters fall In, lino foi line, with
the legends and carlcatuios which a
little Judicious criticism puts out of
couit. Large and complex themes
catholic Ism, the leformailon, the re
vival of learning handled a thousand
of times by p.utlsans. striking their
roots deep, and abounding in tyrannous,
Individualities, mat (inter as much as
Junius II. and St. Chillies Hou-uinon, as
1'irismiis and Poil.liinn, Luther and
Savanarola, would seem to stmogst a
weighing and sifting of evidence and
leadinesH to iioar both ides. Hut Sy
nioiids will not alwa.vs be at the pains
to understand the language he l- quot
ing, and so faint is the snap which he
lies upon his subject th it .vhcii a mas
ter more judicial and inqulilng comics
foiw.ird when Hlshop Ciefghton sets
the Roman eventn in a Jus' perspective
he has hardly a word to say beyond
tlie suggestion that soiiiov!icre, qtinnil
inenie. an adequate cause must he found
for the' refoi niation.
rotimy Not lit tui y.
It Is curious to lind how often the
pi Inter gives "ecstacy" when left to
Ills own devle es. Authors lu these I'ays
prefer the conect form "ecstasy." The
late Dr. (lordon I lake. p. p.- the para
ble poet, as he has hern appropi lately
tiilU'i- -p llshed a seile of lofty
1 ncal studies entitled 'Maulon Ecs
tas.v," yci it Is quite common to see
the title quoted with the substantive
incorieclly spelled. Two examples of
"ecstae.v" ciicitr in early chapters of
Mr. Oeorpe Meredltirs "Rhoda Flem
ing." In chapter vl., page ,'!S, a mood
Is dcsciibed as being "mixed ntl'iingely
of humiliation and ecstacv"; am) in
the opening paingraph of chapter lx.,
page 112, a letter from a happy girl In
Switzerland Is stated to glvo the Im
pression "as of a happy splilte rest
ing at celestial stages of her ascent up
wind through spbeies of ecstney."
Pi oof readout should assert their au
thor If) In refeience to this won!.
Notes and Queries.
'I ho Cilinn Kutcr.
"What Is all that row lu the dlning
reiorn?" nsked the dime museum man
ager, with some Irritation. "It do bo
the glass cater, sor," said the Zulu
chleftnn. "He sas the cook give him
a ciackled toombler nn he cut his toong
on It." New York Press.
Elaborately carved tortoise shell
combs aie worn with Indoor costumes.
Leather watch bracolotsarc furnished
to match leather belts for outing
Dental thread holders of silver have
been added to the alieady long list of
toilet articles.
A large oval amethyst, surrounded
by a wreath In varlcoloro.l gold, affords
a stylish brooch.
Luxurious affairs are tho fine gold
mesh purses with aclnsp concealed by a
hugo topaz or amethyst.
With other addenda for writing desks
are silver letter scales, In the body of
which a watch Is Introduced.
Ci-jes for veils are of openwork silver
and are furnished with pads of allk In
book form. Tho veils nro placed bo
tween these silken leaves.
Unique parasol handles uic those
with dresden china figures In a frame
work of gilt. Long Ivory handles, with
tracings of gold and silver, arc to bo
seen on other parasols. Jewelers' Cir
cular. King Alforlso of Spain will be 10
years old next month and will then lie
handed over to his military tutors and
begin to study In earnest,
Mrti -tj-(-.t,-!jl.Jt,t,
, I
0dest EititbHstied Finn In Washington. U. C.
Tlnii M (otnltii; W In u v
Kin'. Illnx
mi I'lnk lulilrt.
It Is now puip.iesied that the time
Is coming when bu.ul and bier and
mill, or thelt equivalents will be pio
duced nrtlticlallj in tin laboiatory oi
the chemist, -iiys the New York .loin
nal. Prof, lb rtlu'ltu. the distinguished
French Is the authority fot
this s'litenient and lie chelates that the
tlrst steps have alm.idy been taken
and he Is Mire that the coining gem ra
tion will have such aitlllclal food It
will be the same food cheinicall.v .
dlgestivcl.v and nun Itlvel.v speaklng.but
will dliTei in form .lust what the foim
of the food will In Is not hinted at, ev
cept that it will ptohall.v be served .'old
In the shape oftablets, and of an.v (dol
or shale that may be deslted IMof
Hcrt'ielot sa.vs gourmets and cplmtcs
may mourn, but he fiels assumd when
they have giown accustomed to the
ihange the.v will eat nothing pienaicil
In an.v other wa.v. In the future n
binned beefsteak, chop or cutlet will
be a thing iinknov n and a steak well
done may be onlcicd in a dim blown
coloied tablet or a stiak line niav be
oidered in a tablet of light lose hue.
The colors alone, the chemical piophel
declines, will delight the eplciiiean
senses and do much to overcome -mc
picjudicrs ate hound to elst when
the change is linall.v Intiodiiced. It has
been demoiistiated that even at pieent
tea and coffee could be niaile aitltlelall.v
In tliecheinlsfs laboiator.v If the neecs
sltv or the eoin.neiclal opportunitj
should in No. Sugar Is another coin
modlt.v unlveisallv used that can now
be made in the laboiator.v . ami an In
vention has been patented by which.
It 14 el.iiinid. sugar can be made on a
commercial scale from two gases at a
price of little mole' than 1 cent a pound.
In a long and Interesting teiort on the
possibilities of obtaining food products
by ail llii lai means 1'iof. Heithelot
savt rim essential pilnclple of both
tea and coffee Is the same. The dif
ference of name lieiv.ien them and
e-atfeln liasnil-eii fiom I he mhii-ccs fiom
which thev were obtained. The.v an
chemicallv lib tit Ii-iil In ((iiistluitlnit and
their essence has often been made .vn
thetlcall.v. The penultimate' stage lu
tne sviitlusl'i is iliio-bionilne. the es
sential principle of (iiioa Thus It mu.v
be ccn that s.vnlheiii- ebemlsti.v Is
ml to fiiinlsb fiom Its laboiatoilef
i'ie tbice gicat non-alcoholic bever
ngrs in geneial use. nd what Is Hue
of food substance .. Is cquall.v iippliciihlc
to all oilier oi ganle substances." 'I here
Is little or no limit to the piofess'ir't
piedietii is i oncoming the changed In
the ptcHciit cNlsting conillilon of affaiu
on this mniidiine spheie. He sa.vs: "1
one choose h to base dieaimi. prop.ietii
fancies and so foith upon the pails of
tlie pirsent one ma.v dieani of altcia
ilium In the piesent conditions f liu
inan life so gieat 'is to be be.vond mil
(otitempoiar.v coiiceptlou. One can
foie-'ee the (llsappeaianees of the beast?
from the fields, because horses will no'
longer he used for li action or cattle
for food. The countless acres now
given over to the gmv.lng of grain imdi
ptodueing vines will he agricultural an
tlqtiitiea which will have p'issed out ol
tho memory of men The equal distri
bution of natural food materials will
have done away with piotectionlsin
with custom homes, with natlounl
fioutiers, kept wot with human blood.
.Men will have grown too wise for w el
and war's neeesslty will liav eeas"d tr
be. The air will lie filled with aerial
motois. flying by forces hoi rowed from
chemistry. Distances will diminish and
the distinction between fertile unil non
fertile legions, fiom the causes named
will largely have passed away. It may
even tiunsplm that deserts now unin
habited may be made to blossom and
he sought after as gicat seats of popu
lation in ptcfcieucc to the alluvial
plains and rich valleys." The new food
t Ii.1I .It Is predicted the coming genera
tion will jive upon- In fact, the great
proportion of '!., staple foods which
am now obtained 'ly natuial growth
will be manufactured illrert through
the iiilvanie of synthetic eheiiil' j"'
from their constituent elements, car
bon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
As an ev'denco of the possibility of the
eventful disappearance of agilciiltine,
Prof. Hert helot cited as an Instance' of
laboiatory products the dye stuff nllar
lue, the coloring principle of madder,
which was formerly a great Agricul
tural Industry, but which Is now al
most wholly supplanted by the artifi
cial product from coal tar. He also
declines that chemists can now make
Indigo (Hi oet from its elements and ar
tificial indigo will soon become a great
coniniPicial pioduet. A century hence,
if ii'l that U predicted Is true, people
will be eating their soup, meat, ilsh and
vegetables In tablets that will como In
tin boxes labeled "keep it In a cool
place" and they may be eating n. full
course dinner while running for a train,
or they can munch a eoinfort.'.ble
bmakfast unnoticed in an elevated
train or a vablo car cm their way to
business, If such means of locomotion
are not out of date In that piogrcsBlvo
An lis l,tiUlni'il It,
She takes n great deal of Interest In
theatrical matters and remarked to tho
young man:
"These cohter singers are very pnulur
at piesent."
"Yes," ho roplk'd. ncrvoiiHly.
"I wonder why they call them col
ters?" she went on In a pcnslvo tone.
"I don't know, unless It's beciiuso It
costs half a week's salary to go and
hear one of them." Wiiiihlngtoii Star.
Swlpiny' hlMrr.
"Swlpesy, doesn't yer sister go
Sunday -school?"
"You hot! An' she sings wld de nuBli
lu front o' de big orgoul"
" mv,iiviiy,,xzssesssssSXM wmmw
Pitcher's Castorla.
now ixi)iAXS(AMMiK
1 hrlr ii C hunt Ini-iinl llnn llnnt
unit "IIiiiim" liiiMir(iint I m lorn I lie
SlnliiK I'oml.t u( I'oiilrit, I mi mill
Hi: soi lal event of
the season for the
Pu.v.illup, the N s
qu,tll.v and a few
White River In
dians has just
passed, s.tjs the
Taiotna Ledger. It
was tin annual
gambling a n d
hoise-r.iclng of the
tilbes whli li took
place em the N'lsqttullv icscrvat Ion. The
festivities began Saturtla.v. and lasted
until Moiidio morning, when the.v
council, and a procession of the most
(lied Indians that the people along the
mute have seen In inanv a d.i stared
back to the Pu.v.illup reservation. Thcj
bene no Illinois. It Is tuio. but thou
they had their ponP's and blankets
which at one lime dining Hie gambling
the.v came dls.ixtionsly ueai losing
The spoil took place at a gambling
house kept b.v ",11m" Dimmod. a Nis
quall.v Indian, ami located in a Heat
ing live acies lu oMent on the llglll
bank of the Nlsqtiull.v liver, four miles
above .MaMleld station, vvheio the
Northern P.ulllc nos-es the liver. Tlie
game pla.ved bv tho Indians Is called
"sla-hael" and wasactlvol.v pat tit ipaleil
lu b.v thlil.v Piiyallups, live White
River Indians and thlttv Nlsquallies
the White River Indians, pla.vlng villi
the Pu.vallups. The slakes put up b.v
each side weie seventeen ponies, one
cow and ten pigs.
it was in this gambling house last
Saturday afternoon that ".lack" Ska-
nieiike. the leader of tlie Nlsqiiallv
gamhleis, stood up and began singing
the low dlige-ilke song which forms
p.nt of the loieinony ami then handed
l he bones to one of his men. The In
dian tool, the bones, fumbled and
clumped them, and then, holding a
bniip tightly loncealed In either hand,
began swinging them for a war)
Puyallup to giuss which band contain
ed the wiilto one. The gambling was
in full piogiess. The scene was a
strange one well woithv tlie brush of
a Kiedoiiok Remington or un who
indulge a liking for the wild and Pjii
liihtle. The InlL'ht Wood Hies vveie
burning in eltin r end of the mom. Ten
foot fiom tin walls two lows of In
dian men ,eio kneeling down, fining
each otln i leaving a space or ten feet
between I belli. In one row vveie
Puyallup and White River Indians and
in the other' were Nlsquallies. In the
(enter of the kneeling lows of Indians
wore the leaflets. "Tommy" Lane for
the Pu.vallups and Sliamenkc for tin
Hack of Hip kneeling bucks vveie
benches lunnlngtbeentlii' length of the
loom. On these sat the Indian women
of the respective tribes, who watched
the varying fortunes of tlie players
with most Intent Intel est.
Stuck in the gioiind in hpiiiIpIicuI.ii
fin in. In fmnt of both Lane and Rka
riionke. weie thirty-live small wooden
pegs about tlnce Inches In length and
oiie-louitb of an Inch In diameter.
Those weie the 'beans" and vvh"ii one
side won the thlity-llve belonging to
the other, the game and pot was also
Suspended fiom the neck of each In
dian player and lumping In fmnt of
his In east was a haudkei chief, beneath
which ho deftly concealed his hands
when the hones were given him to
The hones mentioned me thme In
ches in length and one inch In diiinie
ttr. Ono of them Is perfectly white,
tho other one has two black rings
at omul It. L'ach of the lenient has
two sets of bonea, but only one set is
used at a time. The game proceeds as
fallows: The lea'der of the side whose
tinn It'i" '" l,,a' 'li't"ts a singsong
Incantation' to' .'.rlim luck. iuuws
Joining In HiIh inuslca'i' J. ?. ''JJmi'aTni
tlie bucks also. If they wish. Two of
his men nro then designated by the
leader to shake the bones, which are
grasped by the player, one in either
hand mid both hands me placed be
neath tlie handkei chief hanging over
Ills hi east, where be fumbles the bones,
shifts them about ft mil hand to hand
to confuse those who am keenly watch
ing him from the other side,
and then, suddenly drawing them from
beneath tho handkerchief, begins
swinging them to the right ami left lu
fmnt of Irlni, The leader of tho oppo
site sldo then guesses or names one of
his men, whom Ire thinks may be tho
nicne lucky, to guess which swinging
hand contains the whlto hone. If the
guess Is conect the leader of the side
which is playing not guessing pulls
one of tho bonus fiom the ground In
front of him, and tosses It over to the
leader of tho sldo which has made the
correct guess, Tho "bean" Is taken by
thewliiiierimd stuck In the ground with
tlie other beans belonging to bin side.
The bones arc also to bo passed to the
guessing side, whose tin n it becorm s to
Providing the puess In Incoirect the
side making It tosses a benn over to the
side playing and the man who lias
shaken tho sticks has the tight to
shako them again, while his opponents
mako another gucbs. Hoth sets of
bones wero guessed upon by tho panic
man at the same time. If he guessed
the white of ono and missed the other
ho won u benn und one pair of bones,
but lost a bean upon tho other sot which
was shaken again for him to make an
other guess. In this manner the hones
and benns wero constantly passing buck
and forth from one sldo to another with
Jl tc?Z'mw
the urMng luck of the tllffcient sides
Safiud..) 's game ended lu a draw.
Ni'trl Itmi Unit it In Hip Durk liy it
I rem h Miiii-ii'-Wnr.
Talking of eollUlons leinlndn me of
a little im Idem of some live years ago,
which Is ehaiacierlstlc of sailors' pure.
Heal (Uiitnon sense, willcs the carl of
i'es.iit lu Casseirs Magalne. I was
llng becalmed tloatlng about helplessly
on a drill, night, same live miles out
side Aj.icclo hat bur The Pi ouch piosl
deiit. M Cm nut, had Just been there
and theie had be. n nigh Jinks, which
we missed through the contiailit) of
the winds. i, out of the bin hot
i ame a iittmhci of great ships of war.
the Flench mid Italian lleets. and what
looked their ollleeis, Hushed with
poncho d honneur. of a little Fngllsh
vacht bobbing .iliout in aimless fashion
among them" One of them a tuiret
ship, that looked, I am told, at least
I tuns lu the gloom, came
straight at us and our lime, or blue
light, kept on link for eineigeiicles,
bad no off i ct on her course till the last
illume nt. w hen she altcicil her helm and
shavi il us b a few .vanls.
Had that altetatiou of helm come a
second later theie would have been
p.nagiaphs lu the London papeis, "A
Yaibt Missing, ' and the eventual writ
ing olf of the .vaehfs number at
Lloyd's as "fniirrileied at sea," for the
going over us would have scaicely
woke the Iioiii lad's captain, and the
ollloer of the watih would have nut
uiully have s.iid nothing about the iu
( blent. Hut whete the sailor man's
si nsn came lu was hire I had, seeing
It was hopeless to think of getting Into
Inn bur that night milled to my berth
befoie the Heels inieiged and only
he.nd of our imi nivv escape next morn
ing. To my quest lint vvhv we down be
low weie not warned or the imminent
calastiophe. I leeelved the mply: "It
woiild have been no use your coining
on deck, shed lmvi gone clean over us
and hoi t-ldi s wcic ton high for a Jump,
even If then 'a Ik en time'"
I ho ti rn VI in IVIl Hi Hit
for H-
sii lllil tlie I'm I.
Once a i leh wesioin mini who want
ed loelilov life In New Yolk foi a few
days took the poet in tow as guide nnd
mentor, says t lie Scranton Truth. The
westotn man's Idea of life went no
fill Hie r than the playing of billiaids
and dilnklng vvl'ie. For thme days
ho moved aiimiid fiom chip billiard
loom to iiiiiither. One of his pecullari
ll"s was that after the Hist moinlng he
did not tare to eat. Il lived on sttiuu
liil'tf. The poet likes to eat. Up
would from lime to lime suggest to the
western mnii "TIiIh would be a good
time to go and get a ulio P.ngllsh chop
at oiind tit iitown's," or "what would
you think Just now of a good, thick
beefsteak, luolled and- " "Oh. hum
bug! ' the wester ir mail would say. "We
haven't time to eat, ami what do you
want to cat for when you get all the
wine you waul'?" And the poor, tltod
pool had to ding along and pick up n
bite as lie could from a lloe luui h.
Liite on the thin! evening the western
man got to tl; oil lie went to bod in an
uptown hotel. Tito poet got a bed In
the name mom. Soon as sleep ovei
ciinip the fin mir the poet mug the IipII
and requested a menu caul. Then he
began at the- top and oidered stiaight
down I In oiigh it eveiy tiling fiom blue
points in eofl'oe to be solved for two.
When the two suppers worn served he
sat down and chcei fully ate them bolh.
The western man slept light on. Next
moinlng when the western man awoke
and looked at the empty plates and the
debils of the supper on the table Iip
nibbed lib: eyes ami after indulging In
deep thought for a moment looked ovc r
to the other bed ami said to the poet:
"I think you vveie right, after all: we
did need something to eat. Heavens'
we must have been hungry to eat up
all that stuff last night, but I feel much
better for It." And the well fed poet
said, "Me, too'"
11m 1'rc.ii lii-r it ml the llrltcr.
Lecturing recently on "(ireat Oratois
and Pieachers I Have Known," Dr.
lu?C.,,'K f(""l eiociislon to tell some very
amusing ane?(K:jH belonging to the
last generation -or trV" "1Hl 'i"1."1'
Perhaps the funniest of tlieni"vvns"oiTho80 furmora nnd others who have
of .lames Parsons of York. He ivionda in tho oust and doairo to sond
chiving em tho box seat Into Doncasne Nobraskn nnd KunaaB Furtnor to
during nice week, and, thinking probem ought to do bo now, while tho
bly about anything nither than :.oico lo down tow. Fifty conts will eond
llchii. when tlie driver pulled out hfTnr,u fnr nri?Ypnr ftnrh, Come
watch, with the remark: "We'll be In
time, after all, 1 think."
"In time for what?" said Parsons, a
Utile absently.
"Why, the St. l.pger, of course"
"The St. Leger? Oil. yes, to be -lire!
Hut 1 never go to race meetings."
No one would ever have supposed
fiom his appearance that ho did. The
driver was iion-plussed for u moment,
but he soon excused his pnssenper by
"Ah. well, you're like me, I suppose,
I always did like a real good cock fight
a sight better." Toronto Catholic Reg
ister. til. iiit rionrn.
A new wm chouse In Pnrls hns been
built with glass ffoors. Tho Initial cost
Is coi'slijeiable, hut In view of tho fact
that toughened glass Is so much longer
lived than wood tho experiment Is
likely to prove cheaper In the long run.
Tax on L'uU.
A new government tax of 1 mnrk on
oath cat kept ns n house pot has been
Imposed In Dresden. Thousands of
animals hnvo been destroyed by owners
desirous of avoiding tho "cat tax."
"To Sweet fur Anything."
Mount Desert, Me., has a school
ma'am whoso name Is Daisy Peach.
tint tin- VVnrli I Ilium In VViVicttrr,
I nclnnil.
Close beside Wen eester cathedral tit o
tin uglv woikshops and tall chimneys
ol the Roval iioiii lain woiks. When
wo wateb the tbiewer molding on bis
iniigle wheel the plastic clay we are
filled with womlii at bis skill and ;"k
oHiselves whence mine tlie clay which
takes so leadlly niiv form the potter
wills, mys mi English paper. The
flint bovvldi rs found upon the plains
of Hilttany lu France, feldspar from
Cornwall and Sweden, hones f i tun
Ametlcii, besides other tilings, all pa)
tribute These unlikely constituents
am calcined and I hen gioimd exceed
ingly line in mills. The grinding takes
from twelve bonis to six clays. U is
a sight wot Hi seeing, those powerful
mills lacing i Diinel tho deep trough
(ninilc out of stone fiom Derhyshlie )
weighted with heavy blocks, churning
each niateilal, for each Is ground sepai
ately. Intoa thick white cream. When
finished the liquids urn utialncd through
line hair siovos and all particles of Iron
wlihiliawn b.v menus of magnets. Tho
dllTemiit Ingicillcnts are then mixed to
gether In pi oiler propoitionn ami
kneaded Into the ipquliPil consistency
and then the clay Is ready for tho
thrower The ait of molding clay has
become much mom exact since thp em
ployment of plaster of pails molds. Af
ter the thiower, with the help of his
wheel, has roughly shaped tho clay
Into what Is tin mod the "lining" It 1b
taken off the wheel and put Into a
plaster of pat is oast, which In turn Is
plated upon the whirling wheel, and the
"lining" Is then deftly molded to tho
exact shape. As plaster of parls ab
soibs molstiiip quickly the lining Is
soon tlrni enough to be handled. It is
then "tinned" like miliuiiiy wood or
nn till and has li.nnlle-', which have
boin molded in plaster of pails, llxcd
by the same clay. The peneplain Is
then maily to be baked. For thin It Is
packed In 111 opt oof baking dishes call
ed "seggars" and suppoited on evciy
side b.v powdiiid calcined Hint. These
seirgani an in 'do to 111 exactly one
upnn the either, although they arc of
illffeient hles.uiil depths, and they arc
in ranged In columns side by side In the
ovi ii. This oven Is then bricked tip ami
eight tin sum lighted ami kept binning
for loi tv -eight hour.;, night ami day.
Most of the china Is gla.c d, an opeia
lliiu i ((pilrlng care and skill. The ar
ticle.! am bathid lu the liquid glae- a
mudily-looklng broth ami a greater
p.n t of the Hiipei lliums glaze shaken off.
Hut II Is Impossible to free tliPin per
fectly, beside c the lingers leave marks
whlih have to Iip ipuiovciI after the
glae has In en di kd In a hot mom.
Women and glils am employed for
this work. The ivoiy glae Is a delicate
Milmou pink In fot e il Is halted, thu
whiip a dink di ah. After It Is
Ibo piitli'iy, for the second time, is in seggars ami baked. After
i Ills the coloied china Is painted and
baked again. The gold Is nltto baked in.
Few people know that gilt em C.ilna
Is the put cut gold that can be bought.
It Is gioiind wlih niurcHiy and tiupen
ttiic Into a black-looking paint anil ap
plied with a line camel's halt- prnell.
Hoys are trained for llih' work fiom II
v cars of age, it being neinly impossible
for older people toaeqiilie the ucc anicy
of eye and hand neeossuiy. It Is a
gieat iliiiv.baek to the pioduetion of
aitisilc pottPiy that the eoloilng Is
totally different In Hie paint to the
ipsiilt nfter burning. For Iiisiiiipp, gold
paint Is black liefoni and dull gold
uftciwaids; (he hiightiicsti hi produced
by polishing it with an tigato. Other
coloiu me obtained from metallic ox
ides; lion gives icil. cobalt, blue, etc.
1 bellove It would do tts all good
could we put Catholic and Piolestant,
the Haptlst and Culvci-sallst, together
ami tell them to t) ml what s common
to them all, and I have, faith to think
what Is common to all would be what
Is best In each, and thus living out
what is both common and best wo
should find a pine Christianity of both
doctrine and action. Rev. Lee S. Mc
Collohtor. PERSONALS.
Professor Fall), the Vienna prophet,
is a failure. Ills cataclysms do not np-
twin r mi tlnif.
nol Hlddiilph, the ncw"gent!omiin'iisiiur
of the black mil, forgot his otlk'ial
speech lu parliament tho other day.
No wonder they call Edison a wlz'ird.
He has taken out 711 patents up to
date, and If ho lives ten years longer
will probably make tho number a round
John W. Mcrgcri, a caiponter In tho
railroad Hliops at Topeka, has been ad
mitted to practice befo-o tho supremo
court of Kansas Ho has studied law
evenings for llvo years.
Religion requires tho extirpation of
all those passions nnd vices which ten
der men unsociable and trouhlesomo to
one another. Tlllotson.
Severity carrlpd to tho highest pitch
breakn the mind; and then In tho placo
of a disorderly young fellow you havo
a lovv-splrlted, moped preaturo. Locko.
If I wero to trust to my observation
and glvo a verdict on it, 1 must depose
that, In nry experience, I have found
that those who were most indulgent to
themselves were (In tho mass) less kind
to othets than thoso who havo Hvod a
life nearer to self denial. I go further,
lu my experience I havo observed that
a luxurious softness of manners hard
ens tho heart, at least as much as an
ovcr-dono abstinence. Durka
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