The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 12, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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Missouri's Motronolis Swept bu
Fully Five Hundred Said to Have
worms useless.
Cmitriilltm Hull I'll roof imI Miirm Now
friuii Ollirr I'oltiU In Ml4iiurl lllghtr
Mhiml ( lillclrm ltiinrtiil Kltlnl nt
)l)nln'. III., mill llfty ut tliu Villus
uf I lye
Death anil destruction reign supreme
In St. Louis inn) vicinity ns n result of
tin- must terrible storm Hint ever vlslt
nl Hint section. Buildings of cverv
ik'ticrlptlnn me In rnltis, mill, :ih a re
sult, liiiiuliTiln of )Li)iU arc reported
(load anil Injured, but, until older Ih re
stored, It will bo Impossible to tiiuKe
any delliiite statement. Reports are In
circulation that teven steamers lying
at wliarf boats bine been sunk, with
ull on board.
The city was loft In darkness, ns tin;
electric lights and trolley wlius were
blown down.
The storm broke nut about 5 o'clock
Wednesday aflniionn after a most op
pressively hot day, and the rain begun
to fall. It soon developed Into a llcrce
thunderstorm, with the wind from the
fast. A little later the wind had
Kill nuil a velocity of eighty miles an
hour, driving tliu rain before it and
tearing loose signs, cornices, chimneys,
and everything In Its way. Many
buildings of every description wure de
molished, and othcis set on lire bv
lightning and crossed wires.
The streets were full of people going
liomo from work, and a panic eiuued
as soon as the storm broke. Men were
buildings, horses and carriages weie
sent Hying here and there, and falling
wires, full of deadly tliiid, added to
the horror of (ho scene.
Suddenly the wind veered around to
the west and completed the duslr.iu
Hon. It Is asserted by aomo of those who
have traversed the down-town part
of the city that there are but few build
ings In St. Louis that have not auf-
fercd In some way from the storm.
The wagon way of the Kails bridge
on tho Kast St. Louis side Is a crumb
ling mass of mortar and stones, and
parts of tho tower and pier No. 1 have
also been torn away. Thousands of
dollars will not cover the damage to
tho bridge. An outbound accommo
dation train on the Chicago and Alton
road was wrecked by a broken mil,
but fortuuntely nobody among the pas
sengers wern hurt. The tanks of
tho Waters-Plereo Oil company on
Oratlot street blew up, spreading
destruction on every hand. Three
stories of the Coo Manufacturing com
pany's building, Ninth and Oratlot,
nnd nearly halt of tho Walnv right
brewery were blown down. The Sum
mer high school, at Eleventh and
Spruce; McDermot's saloon. Eleventh
and Chesnut; the central emigrant sta
tion on the opposite corner, and Jere
Sholum's livery slable. Eleventh and
Walnut, were unroofed.
Tho roof of the republican convention
hall wus blown off.
The scene In the river was appalling.
Steamboats moored at their landings
were torn away, turned over and sunk,
drowning nil on board. Many people
were seen clinging to Homing wreck
age, and pltcously appealing for help.
At present It Is Impossible to estimate
tho livob l03t. The hospitals aro full of
injured, and the morgue contains many
dead, while numbers of statu lie every
where among the ruins of tho demol
ished buildings. Many of the dead will
never be Identllled.
Tho Plant Hour mills, the St. Louis
Iron and steel works are demolished,
ami the Immense Cupplcs block Is par
tially destroyed.
A terrible feature ot the storm was
tho blo'vlng down of Old City hospital.
The entire north wing of the ramshack
le old structure was blown away. Two
patients were killed mid a number se
riously Injured. How many of tho un
fortunates of tho city resting In the
hospital walls at tho time tho storm
Btruok will die as a result of the expo
sure to the elements cannot be conjoc
tivred. Heturns from the St. Louis races aro
received at the track at Lakiwldo, Ind
itnd a few mlnuten after 5 o'clock the
operator sending tliu report ot the
- - . 1 1.1 iri4tKw !' ....v-,.. , ,.,Jv.fJ.'.-,,ill.'T urn-'' --j!
rncca slopped his work long enough to
irmuik: "There goes the grandstand."
Then bis wire collapsed and nothing
more was heard from him. In a few
seconds Hie same message was re
ported from Lexington, Ky., with the
additional information that fully 150
people were dead. This Information
was Biibneiiucntly corroborated by the
operator of the Wabash road at Deca
tur, who said that la his fccoiiiI mes
sage received from East St. Louis It
was declared that the giaud stand at
the races was down and that fully 150
people were burled In the ruins.
At L'atit St. I.iula the destruction
hermed greatest, H. (.'. Rice, Wcnt?ni
Union manager at the iciay depot,
climbed across the demolished bridge
and rc'ioited the National hotel, the
Trcjiiont House, the Martell House, Hie
Ho Wolf cafe., the llezcl Milting com
pany's rn'll, Horn's cooper shop, and
n great many dwellings cast of there us
far as Fifth street, gone and many peo
ple killed. The llaltlmore and Ohio
and Vauilalla round-house, the Stand
ard oil works, the Hast St. Louis and
Crescent elevators, and twelve freight-
houses on the levee, are demolished.
IIU.KtitM nil "Viili-r.
The Kteanur .1. .1. Odell of the Illi
nois lllver packet was blown from 1 1.
wharf at the foot of Morgan street,
crashed into the second plur of the E.ids
hrldse, and sank. Her hollers blew up
before she dlsapiearnl. She Irid a
crew of 12, and three women pusr.on
gers. besides her captain, George Town-
send, an old rlvermau, who had his
home In St. Louis.
Three of her crew, Jack Morrls.iey,
Pat Milan, and a man named Moore,
reached land safely. The two former
Jumped befoie the explosion and caught
drift w oiid. Moon1 was blown overboard
by the explosion, and was cut about
the head, but managed to swim ashore.
Three others of the crew clung to the
pier and tnndu their way up to the
bridge proper. There Is no way of es
timating the number of livis that wore
lost on the river craft.
Itlllll' II f llllllltl lillllUO l.ot.
The tug Ilelle of llaton Rouge, -which
was anchored up the river, was carried
far down the river, rolling over and
over, and Dually struck the raft of 'he
Wiggins Kerry Company at the front
of Chateau avenue, wheie It sunk.
As the Hist evidence of the approach
ing storm began to appear every en
gineer on the river got up full steam
In order to lie able to combat the (de
ments. Had It been anything but a tor
nado It Is probable this would hive
aided the crews of the steamers la sav
ing their craft. Hut the onslaught was
mi violent that the crews found their
etforts only sulllced to aid them r.lUht
ly In directing the course of their
The steamer Pittsburg of the Dia
mond .loe line, the steamer City of
Vlekiibnrg and the Providence of the
-"citw '
Columbian Exposition Company, the
Captain Monroe of the Anchor line, and
many of the smaller craft were pitched
and tossed about until the dual blast
rent them front their anchorage.
The storm swept diagonally across
the liver mid struck the Illinois bank
with Increased fury. The loss of life In
the water on the east side seems to have
been light, as everybody was cautioned
not to Jump and everybody was carried
safely to laud.
The Ilelle of Calhoun and tho Libido
Condor, which wore moored near Cha
teau avenue, were almost totally broken
up. The Hllen G. Smith, the harbor
boat, was blown away down the river,
and was wrecked near Arsenal Island.
It Is tlioui'ht no liven were , 11,1.1
boat'. The steamer Ed Harvester of the
Missouri Valley Transportation Com
pany, was also torn from Its dock and
carried down the river.
M.iii.v llrrnlc Aili Porf(ii-ini.
Many heroic acta were performed In
the saving of lives as a result of the
ntorm. When the City of Monroe had
listed away from tho Anchor line wharf
there were about 40 passengers on
hoard and a full crew, as the boat was
Just making ready for the trip to New
Orleans. When the moorings finally
gave way the beat lurched over on Its
wide and nearly capsized. Tho move
ment tbiew nearly all the freight to the
starboard side and pervert to hold the
boat In Its perilous position, ('apt.
Vlegler inane a reinsuring speech to the
passengers, which slightly quieted the
extreme excitement. He said they were
all safe. When tt.e boat struck tho Illi
nois bank the captain was not to bo
Tho crew of the tug Dolphin No. 2
bad a marvelous escape from drowning
when tho boat was blown from Its moor
ings at he foot of Washington avenue.
On board were threo men niul two
women, tho latter Jennie Mitchell, a
cook, and Emma Nolan, chambermaid.
When tho storm broke tho men were
on deck and tho women below. The
mate iw that tho storm was to be a
hard one, and began to ring tho al.utu
hell. Then the simmer Dragon, which
loft Its mooring, wnu blowu out into
, 11 1 1 . 1 w V ;
..' . ..-Ha. -
the nlrrntn. At tho same moment the
Dolphin's rop.i parted, and the tug
began to ship water. The wind blew
her against the bridge. While this was
going on the women and the other men
on the boat climbed to the upper
When the boat struck the bridge
those on board hmV to dodge to canpr;
the Iron work of the structure. The
mate saw there was no hope If they
stayed on board. Jennie Mitchell was
tho Hist to climb on the Ironwork. She
was assisted by two of the men. while
the mate stayed on deck to help Emma
Nolan, As she swung heiself to the
i .,., ,' v. f. v; r-.
y-V WV :V( VV
(I ! h 1 -. ; ,v.-J i'-"i!rjTii j j' 'i , "!- itsR,
i HV- yj
brains the boat drifted away, ami .4.111k
befoie the eyes of the horrified crew.
Slowly, with the wind blowing at a
force that earned the big structure to
rock like a cradle, ihe tluee brave 'uen
assisted the women on the laborious
climb to the roadway. Several times
they were nearly blown off. They final
ly reached the railroad track on the
bridge, where they lay down until the
full for. e of the storm wan as d. Then
they crawled to the Washington avenue
There were rumors Thiusdny that
the excursion steamer C.raiul Itepubllc.
belonging to the Columbian Exeurulon
Company, had gone to the bottom .villi
.".00 excursionists. An o Ulcer of the com
pany promptly denied this. He said
the boat left St. Louis at noon to go
to Alton, where It was rglsiered for an
excursion at S o'clock that night. The
storm might have blown the boat away,
but in that cae only the crew would
have been Imperiled, and these men
could swim to safety. Sh Is safe.
Willi Kncn trltli Dn.illi.
While the storm was at Its highest
the passenger train 011 tbe Chicago &
Alton railway pulled out on the bridge
from the Missouri side. It. was on Its
way east. Engineer Scott had only
proceeded a short distance when he
realized the awful danger which threat
ened Ihe train. The wind struck the
coaches, at llrst causing ihont 10 careen.
At that time he was about half way
acrois. Overhead the poles were snap
ping and tumbling Into1 the river, while
large stones were shifting loose from
their foundations and plunging Into
the water. Realizing that any moment
his train might be blown Into tho water
or else tho bridge bo blown away Scott,
with niro presence of mind, put on a
full heart of steam in an effort to make
tho east sido shore. Tho train had
scarcely proceeded L'OO feet and about
the same distance from tho shore when
an upper span of tho bridgo was blown
away. Tons of h.igo granite blocks
tumbled to tho traclm whero the trnln
loaded with passengers hart been but
a moment before. At about tho same
Instnnt tho wind struck the trnln, up
setting all the cars like playthings.
Luckily no one was killed, but several taken out, severoly injured. The
tr -. 1 jf r -. rt m iiii k 1 m t.r
t F TB j ilfeEgi
H '4"v-?Lr riP"" "i "1 '"i". 1 'Jf cesser
wrecked part of Mi-1 bridge Is Just east
of the big toiver. near the Illinois shore,
and extends east for about :t0U feet.
The entire upper portion, traversed by
r.trcat cars and carriages, Is carried
away, while the tracks beneath are
burled In the debris, in some places
eight fort deep. At midnight a report
er penetrated the mud and debris to
the burning St. Louis refrigerator ware
house. Several Injured firemen had
been taken from the wreck', an.l three
more were known to be In the ruins.
I'lrn ,Vilil to Hie llnrriir.
Tire milled nuien to the storm's loss
account. Down wires, wild currents
of electricity, crushed buildings, all
contributed to this element ot destruc
tion. The alarm system was paralyzed.
Approaches were blocked; a ?UO,000
conflagration on the St. Louis side was
supplemented by a dozen lesser Jlres.
In East St. Louis a mill was burned,
and tw'o other considerable losses were
sustained. To the enormous total the
(Ires added at least ?.".00.000.
The Catholic church of St. John of
Nepomuk, at the corner of Twelfth and
Soulard streets, was rased to the
ground, except the front, which stands
like a tower, all the side and back walls
being completely destroyed. It was a
very large and handsome church. Now
there only remains the arches and tur
rets of the front and enough of the
walls to show the beautiful style of Its
architecture. The debris lies In tin
street at the side and inside the build
ing, the side walls just projecting above
There Is scarcely any debris In front,
leaving the front view very natural ex
cept for the ghastly vacancy shown
through the windows.
Ili-ni'i-lliril I it I r.tiilii'iifnlil.
IL W. Frankenfeld. the St, Louis
weather oflicer. was a busy man during
and after the ctorm. In an Interview
he said:
"1'orthe past week tho weather In the
vicinity of St. Louis has been charac
terized by low piessure, high tempera
tures, excessive humidity, and prevail
ing southerly winds. The pressure has
also been low throughout the west. At
tho same time It is relatively high in
the south, causing the warm, southerly
winds laden with moisture, to blovv
from the gulf of Mexico. This mois
ture has been hold in suspense by tho
warm atmosphere, and tho humidity
consequently increased from day to day.
Tho mean temperature averaged from !l
to 13 degrees above tho normal each
day, whllo the humidity ranged from
7 to 20 per cent each mean, for this
season of the year.
"Wednesday morning, tho weather
map showed tho low pressure still over
lying the west with tho conter of de
pression extending In irregular oval
from the Toxas Pnn-Hundlo through
west Kansas and Nebraska. Through-
out the stnte of Missouri high tempera
lure nnd humidities prevailed with
south winds. The day would bo popu
larly termed 'warm, hazy, muggy.'
"Although reports me missing, owing
to the widespread destruction, It hi now
evident the storm area moved slowly
east during the day. The barometer
commenced to fall at It o'clock nnd by
noon It had fallen a thirteenth of an
Inch. About this time the sky becmne
covered with dark, thickly-cumulated
strata, which by 0 o'clock 'formed u
mass of stratus cloud, which commenc
ed to assume a light-green color In the
"This green color slowly advanced
from the northeast, spread more to the
west and north. At the same time the
temperature commenced to fall.
"The normal cyclonic circulation thus
brought winds of different tempera
tures and humidities into an upper posi
tion, with the results that a decided
Instability was produced In the atmos
phere and a violent secondary storm
center was created. The barometer
continued to fall rapidly and by ". p. in.
It had fallen .li.'i of an Inch since noon.
The wind was becoming variable, with
a tendency toward a northerly direc
tion until lightning and thunder had
commenced, at -l::)0 p. 111.
"At .Vol p. in. tho storm broke forth 1
In all lis fury; the wind changed sud
denly to northwest, with rapidly In
creasing velocity, and the rain fell In
torrents. The green cloud still remain
ed in the west and north, but the storm
moved toward the southeast with large,
angry detached masses of cumulus
clouds crossing each other. At 1:1." p.
m. the wind changed from the north,
having the greatest velocity in the his
tory of St. Louis. About r. p, in. Un
wind had reached about tiU miles mid
later on It changed in Its direction to
the southeast.
"From "i:0l p. m. to (5:04 p. in. l.SS
Inches of rain fell. When the rain end
ed at !):0."i p. m. 1.5.1 inches had fallen
In all. The electrical storm was of un
usual volume. The sky was almost one
continuous blaze of light and the clouds
extended far Into the south."
I.I 1 1 nf llm,
The following U a list of the dead,
according to the latest advices from
tho stricken city:
MIclinel Hradshaw, SI South Jefferson
avenue;- Katie Clayphal, aged 21, and
Mrs. Clayphal. 811 South Jefferson ave
nue; .Martin McDonald, 2715 Clark ave
nue; unknown baby, 271.". Clark avc
nue; Mrs. Cheney, 1115 Mississippi ave
nue; John P. Pemly; Jennie Halm.
Shrewsbury Park; Charles Nee, 40(1
South Scve-.ith street; William Winkle.
Eighth street and Park avenue; James
Dunn, city hospital; unknown child.
IMI Pa pi n street; two unknown men.
Twenty-seventh and St. Vincent ave
nue; unknown woman. Thirteenth and
Soulard street; unknown man, Dallinan
and Park avenue; janitor St. Paul's
church; unknown man. Eighteenth
, If k kX&rt
street and Geyer avenue; two unknown
children, 1721! South Ninth street; Mal
achl McDonald. HO. single, 2715 Clark
avenue; unknown baby, 2 years old,
picked up iit Twenty-second nnd Mar
ket streets; Robert Miller, Hlalr and
Ronton avenues: unknown, picked up
at Third and Rutger; William Ottewad;
John Hurgess; Wallace T. C. Duller;
Hooker Epstein; Hnrnsteln; Fred
'Simmers, chief engineer union depot
power house; unknown child, about 5
years old, California and Ann avenues;
J. Lemeke, manager St. Louis Harbors'
Supply Co.; unknown man, at A. H.
Jones' In 00m factory; Joseplilno Mar
tini; fifteen unknown men; one un
known woman; one unknown girl; John
Rnfl'erty: Harry Hess; Mr. and Mrs. Da
vid Sitde; George Woods, clerk in Van
dalla ofllce: Henry Strieker, Vandalla
railway; J. E. Keene, Vandalla rail
way; Dr. C. E. Neall. dentist; two chil
dren of Mrs. Horace Trump, Litchfield,
111.; Mrs. Richoy; Joe Frana; Joe .Mitch
ell; Phil Strieker; Charles Carroll, bar
ber; John Kent; Mrs. Scott lluywnrd;
Frank Rose; Ed Kavannugh;' Jacob
Kurtz, Vlncennes, lnd.: Mrs. Clenden
nlng; Mrs. llruie; Mrs. Emma Sullivan;
Robert Hland; John Reamer; Charles
Maltz; William Suber; Henry Winter-
man; Anderson; Palmsloy;
Miss Conley; Mrs. Slide; Charles
Waltes, 151!) Collins avnue; William
Surber; Henry Wlnterman An-
derson; Peter Walmsby; Miss Conley;
! Mrs. Slide; John Hayes; Mrs. William
, Hayes; Mrs. Pat Hean; J, A. Porter,
Hroughton. III.; flagman of air lino,
numo unknown: John Hayes; Mrs. Wil
liam Hayes; unknown boy; unknown
traveling man; Mr. and Mrs. David S.
Sage; Georgo Woodn, clerk In Vandalla
1 ofllce; Henry Sprlcker, Vandalla lino;
J. E. Ilolno, Vandalla lino; Dr. C. 13.
Mull, dentist; John Kent; Mrs. Scott
I lay ward; Frank Rose; O, Kavannugh;
Jacob Kurtz, Vlncennes, lnd.; Mrs.
Clendennln; Mrs. Uruce; Mrs. Emma
Sullivan; John Hramcs; twenty em
' ployea of tho Llggott & Myers Tobacco
, company at Tower Grove Park; twenty
men employed In tho St. Louis Woodon
Gutter and Refrigerator factory, at Sec
ond street nd Pari? tvenue.
t - ..- u rre rjTiii jiLi rmiv n ' ' v jj irr
" . , T . v " ' " '
tlpinl nt i:.-nt NL T.ntlK
Great dim-Milty Is being eucounterel
at East St. Louis In the work of identi
fying the dc.ii!. The latest advices give
the following list:
David LansR nnd wife; Philip Strlelc
lor; Oeorge Roose; Miles Mitchell; Mar
tin Martel, proprietor Martcl house;
three servant girls In Martel house;
James Kent; sixteen unknown dead u
Vandalla freight house; twelve dead In
Louisville & Nashville freight house;
seventeen dead in Ulg Four freight
house; live dead In Air Line freight
house; twenty dead at th" cast switch
house of the Eads bridge; four dead
at relay depot: six members of a wharf
boat crew. Charles Carroll, barber;
John Kent; Mrs. Scott Hayward; Frank
Rose; Ed Kavannugh; Jacob Kurtz,
Vlncennes, lnd.; Mrs. Clendennlng;
Mrs. llruce; Mrs. Emma Sullivan;
Robert Hland; John Reamer; Charles
Maltz; William Sillier; Henry Wlnter-
nian; Anderson; Palmsley;
MIks Conley; Mrs. Slide; Flagman of
Air Line, name unknown; John Hayes;
Mrs. William Hayes; Mrs. Pat Ilenn;
John Valentino; City Collector David S.
Sage and wife; Philip Strlcklcr, Jr., and
mother; Judge Kail Ik, of Vimdiilln, III.;
Mrs. M. Martell: All of the boarders at
Martell House except Judge Hope of
Alton, 111.; .Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes;
Will Hayes; Sixteen boarders at 'Fre
mont House; William Mitchell; Irene
Cleiidencn; William Sullivan and wife;
Mrs. John Reed; Patrick Dean and
family of six; John Iluclinrz; two
boarders at Stacey's boarding house;
Edward O'Brien; John llreen; Ida
(iladdtte; Mrs. Roof; Albert Volkman;
Joseph Mitchell; John Sullivan; Will
iam Rickey; unknown man on Collins
villi? avenue; son of Mrs. Ira Kent.
Among the missing are: Eddie Hland,
supposed to be under the week of the
Vandalla depot; City Clerk Jerry Kaln;
Frank Hland; Frank M'Cormlck; Al
bert Volkman; Earl Keene; George
Woods; Mike Klldea; W. E. Klefer;
Alvln Mate; Will Murray; Dan Kelly;
George Homer; W. Frellnk; W. Han
ford, all employes In Vandalla depot
nnd believed to be In Its ruins.
i:iplipro In MMtniirl.
Raid will. Mo special: A hurrlcano
accompanied by a terrific rain and hall
storm, passed over St. Louis County
about !:!!') Wednesday afternoon. For
three hours rain fell In torrents and
hail fell to a depth ot several .nclics.
Great damage was done to crops
throughout this section of the country.
Several buildings were blown down,
but so far ns can be learned no ono
In this section was seriously Injured.
Moberly. Mo special: Ten peoplo
were killed In a tornado which struck
the village of Labaddle, Franklin
county, Wednesday evening, and tho
town of Renlck, ten miles from Mober
ly. in Randolph county, was completely
wiped out. Nothing definite from eith
er place.
w , ,.
Sturgeon. Mo., special: A cyclono
passed three miles north of Sturgeon
iit " o'clock Wednesday afternoon. At
Renlck three men were seriously In
jured, and a family of colored peoplo
were carried over a mile, two chil
dren being badly hurt. Friendship
church, north of town, was demol
ished. Mexico, Mo., special: A cyclono
swept across Audrlan county Wednes
day evening, doing great damage to
crops and wrecking many buildings.
Seven people have been killed hi the
county and probably twonty-llvo badly
injured. In the Hean creek district a
school house was carried completely
away, and a daughter of Joseph II.
Ware, one of the puptl.i, was killed,
and Lulu Eubanks and Hilda Hlaso,
also school children, wore fatally in
jured. Othors nlong tho route of tho
tornado In this district, whoso names
cannot be learned, aro more or less In
jured. At the Dye school hou.o, six or
olght miles further southeast, not a pu
pit escaped uninjured, and live children
were killed, three outright, two dylnR
later at this place. The school houso
was utterly demolished nnd several of
tho children wero blown a great dis
tance awny. and wore not found until
several hniira afterward, and then In a
mutilated condition.
risiity I'npiu Kltlnl.
Kansas City, Mo., special: Alloc
train dispatcher reports eighty chil
dren killed at Drake, near Roodhouso,
III., by tho cyclone. They wero burled
in a school building.
Drake, where reventy children are re
ported killed. Is n small town in
Greeuo county, nnd 24! miles from Chi
cago on tho Chicago, Kansas City and
Denver short lino of tho Alton railroad
It Is live miles west of Roodhouso a
Junction point on tho Alton road and
115 miles southwest of Hloomlngton
and directly In tho track of tho furious
storm. It Is approximately sixty miles
northwest of St. Louis, nnd about mid
way between Chicago and Kansas city
It has a Western Union telegraph st
tlon, several churches and schools, and
is an educational center for Southeast
ern Illlaola.
y jfr I -ylr