S5W. iri 1 s THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 189(3. s v. I m a I 1! M h ' K If MH I V. M' x 1 ii &. i w ' I V m t. r- r ANOTHER CONGRESSMAN. Paine s Celery Compound, the great spring Remedy. MaaMaBaHavaMBWMIIHMMMMMPHaMMaaMBMMIMM A congressman Is a public servant in full b tu (in of the word. He ia rrapnnsible te his cenHtitu enta, to hit party, to liimntlf the kotinmblo pfli-e in full of hard, thank Itrt work, and henry rcflpotiHilnlitj. Congressman William W. Grout in grateful to the friend who directed him to I'aine's celery compound, when prolonged oflioinl work hud well nigh exhausted hi- hcnllh mid (.trength. Hir K'tter ieud: Committee on Expenditures tho War Drtpt House of Kepreeenta Uvea, U. S., Washington, 0. C, Fob. 28, HUG. 1 found relief in Paine'n colery compound for insomnia. Its aetion OB the eiroulatioa and digestion waa alee bcnrGoial. Very ttuly yours, William W. Grout. Thro is something wrong whan ue feels ''tired all the time." It is oon'rary to rvcry condition of good health Thiro ought to h no necessity of drumming into i ho ears of tired men and wstueti who ft el they aro broken in health, and are ovcry day losing in weight and strength, tlm argent need of taking I'liine's celery compound, now 'tis spruiL', to restore their spent nerve force and purify thoir blood. Some of Hid earliest good re.sultH noticed limn taking Puine'ri celery compound during ilicso spring days in a reguhrity of the bowels; a better appetite, sound sleep, and good diges tion. A healthy blood supply is reg Sliirlir Sale. rsntlcc Is lii ifliy Blvi'ii Unit bv lltlie ot nil oreernl iiiito titnie illieelcd (mm Hie District enuit n( WcliMcr eiuii.t. Nrtu nsU:i, under u diH'ii e nf leiee ntmic lemleieil in slid court, on tli'i inlii'f Illli. 1MU In liiMir i( tlo iniiilill, Ili.llllMl I. I'llMIi'l.ul'ilH MlIlM IIiikIi V, dill l(i lit 1 1 hi ilf'eiiil.oil, I hair lotted upon the IoIIiiwii toi illicit I ill cl.ilo limit, Tlie hun'lut -l iii!ii'iTiit Hie iiiuili M-st quarter Unit I'ii- ,i. liilf n n suiiluttost 'lUlllter mill III- miiiIIii ut iiu.iri ! nt tin- Hiilitliuest qil.ili r mill tlii- vnitliui-l iii.irli'l et the .mull ciiM i, iit-i. ,ill in mi in. n tttciit) M i'iii mill tin-- I" IihII el the -uiTtlwiiM qiuiti'i of the imitlii -I iiu ii i n hi'i'lioii IticutiM'tcii c.ti all In i uiipliln .inn in iinrlli i,inni ten din, vest ol die hih p in In VtYlnler emintv, Nebras ka, imii I will mi .1 tun' iuii, ivi,iipj iiVloek ti in Ut Ihetiiiot dour n the limit House In Iteil Cluiiil, Wi-hMri i-iiiiiii, Ni-lmuiKa, ie'l sulil rein e-laln nt puliiii' auction. In the highest titnl tiost I'lilih r (eren-li, toutlsfv tlioaiiiiitiiitHail liiiliieil to I one mill it llfii tiinii ihot-.iiiiu iih IoIIioih: Due In 'he iliilntllT $HUI.!i with, In terest l nun Dte.inlieiil, iv;i iiiul cmt.i ami lie vruliiKeosis. Ilalol lluU'iiitiil Nvtir.iHka, May ' IS'.hI. . J. W. ItUM'IIKY. SheiUI WetiHter county, Ni-inaska ruhiriT.t Atexuinlvr, Coucorillii, Iuiih.ih, , Attonii'itfiiriiliiliitlll. (First luitillsheit In Hie fhlet, .May t, 131W.) MicrlirH Sato. Notice ts heienv jjlven that tiy ylrtiui of an order nt s tie to mo iilr-cil tium the tltttrtot court o( V lister county, Nehrnska, uiuler ;i decree nl (uree osuu lemleieil In a.ilil eourt on April l.MI ,lK'.'i, In tavor of the pl.iln.ir, Wpmaii'n MeiiH-.il CulU'Re ot l'ennsylviMla, 11 coriiTiri'thman.i iu.iimt viuiiimO. I.Jnl, etnl deXenih'Ms.i 1 1 1 v e ' veil uti-in tli follor, ln dritrlbeil leal estHle. loult: 'l'Mn enst huh him drixt ami fnrty-lio (N, htcs or tlie south Imir 91 tut) noi tUetioitli lui.t uf M'i'tion two. (3) townshlii four. (4) mirth r.ir n nine, (91 Wbter county. Nelr.ik 1. urn. I wiP. ..lure stli. lfttxt. atuoelix'k p 111, ut the Inn or of the eourt hflibe In Keif Cimitl, v, oli it or courtr, Ntpiaska.Hi'll huIi' rcalest'ito utpubllopuctlou t2be ulfthost itutl et-nt hhlilur lor cash to nat-' ulr Uo Htneunts iiillurtKcil to liuiltmaud a lien Mu U10 buinu 1 anions, Dud to the pUiutlff JJOTe nameil Sicsi.so, wUli I merest at 10 tier MM from April IMIl, 1ST,. Duo to the rectly- ffs f the lnnhtiril lnvestmcit Company, ".70 Kith interest nttn per crnt, trom April 1Mb, IK"'i itDileoiisdinliiierii ut; costs JJiltud itiit Uulul. ' (niaiktt. M.n l,W, I Y. lll.N'1'HKV. Sin rltr V.li(eri 'till') , r-i'lir;iikii. ilej.i .w r t. mill . K;tt)s:i, l'ulslfet ft Alej.. Mtuino s 'or iiliilutlir. (First publHhcil In the t'lilei, .luy 1, uw.) UIMiisT.il)iilcscuro II v c troulilos. Jllpaus Tabults: pleatant Uxutlve. ulated by the nnives, and when thru vitiil tissuuH bi'como fatigued mid bad ly nourished, tho bad effect is seon in failing diuoHlion, distressing, ringing sounds in tho ears, dizzy npclls, de pression, neiir.ili.'iii and lassitude. Spring days afford every ono tho op portunity for blinking of old weakness es and persistent disorders. I'liysioians from every school have been from iho start urged to inquire into the formula of I'uine's celery compound, that they niiuht satisfy themselves of its wonderful power of malum tho sick well. I'rof. Edward li. l'hclps, M. 1)., LL. D., hb soon as ho present. d I'aino's celery compound ti his fellow physician, was always nuxtous to havu the invigorator tried in oases that had resisted tho usual methods of treatment, that he might prove the truth of every olaim ruado for his newly discovered fermula for Kline's celery eompnund. Tho great remedy always gavn relief, and in 99 osrs out of 100 medo peoplo well. I'aino's celery compound cannot bo judged by the standard of any ordi nary medicine, sursiipirilla or nerver ionic. It. is a groat modern, scicntlflo discovery, singularly unlike any reme dial agrnt that has ever aimed to of foot n similar purpose to mako peo plo well Piiiiie'H eelery eompnund is tho one mil spiiug r-inidy known today that. never I'.ils m benefit. Get I'aino's celery eompnunil, and only I'uine's colon compound if ou wish to bo well. Kolit'O to Tcavlivra. Notice is hereby given that 1 will oxaiiiinu all persons who may desire to ohor themtjclvps us candidates for teachers oftho public hcIiooIh of this comity, tit lied Cloud on tho third Saturday ol each month. tfpeciiil examination-) will bo held on the Kriiiti) preeocding the 'M SMr unlay of each month. The rtuii(liiiur desired for '2d and 3d grade ccrtifioatos is tho same no grade below 7" per cent,, average 80 per ct'iir, tor liist grado certificate no tirade boinw Si) por cent., avorago !)(( per oent. in all branches required by law. l M 11 1'NTKit. County Supt, There is fun in the I foam, and health in. the cup of HIRES Rootbeeiy-the great temperance drink. M4 ir j tim rtiuiMD. Rba Co., ruiii.ipnu. N. fHUp utiil tU(. BmI J ?eu . PAUkFD'n AiunrD whuia i!lifiJr.W,.u "ofJ lot rartt rwhmllMbtf VSMVA1 nil. IWT uolhtr Aurf lnw1il kMM ! It 1I-I - - ftAlbklaVl MAI atLUM flMiun tad twutlflM th (NfeV k - !.. VWW t:d,rja,iuK,ffiis 11L .lu to BMtar Orjr HJ Dngla. tiLSBSt? " ' " MiWIiai DMU Tlmnlnw Can for s M17; lit. M Otattiit. MNYR0YAL PILLS tCX ..V,'lJ,,,J1A?,,.,!,f,!'.0"ln. A BtUlj LaaaaaaLH LiMaM. "'' "" i"Mi.n f. ;. t w"' -' wim dial riritoB InltnXM' T wfljnnlhei n.iifkiirM, uifiru v I nfWIUlllttllHIM. AlIlf.U,f,4,. Vw JP lL"rfleI f"r I'tlr" i I'll". In rt-iurn ufUwlUrnilili. ' VhttoJilVS ;ovIcn. Vcrn Novim of Exoter arrived Monday to spend vnoatioa with his aunt, Mrs. Pawcett. Albert Carpenter rcturnod home Sunday from an extended tour through southern states. Mr. and Mrs. Davo Kalcy visited relatives in Itud Cloud last week, and attended commencement exercises while there. Tho first annual commencement of tho Cowles graded school was held in the Couurcgutional church, Friday afternoon, The school comprises but ono year of tho regular high school eotirso, but the class of '00 have done good work this year. Tho class is composed of niuo girls and ono boy, viz: Sophia Lntlmui, Sara Tccl, May Hello Waller, Luoisa Maltok, Lotta Lcakiti, Kllis Hager, Dooia Morgan, Hcrtha .Kcctiey, Helen Fuller, and Miller Scott. Knob preduotionon the occttsien did credit to its author and, it may not bo out of placo to mention here, that Miss Fuller's delivery was the best, but for tho deepest and most original thought, Miss Maliok took tho lead. Miller Scott, tho only boy in tho class, took tho scholarship offer od by the Orleans college to the one having the highest olass standing. Memorial Sunday was observed hero by union services held in the Congre gational church. The sermon was prc.iohod by Ilev. Samuel Deakin, llev. Metcalf assisting in the services. The Cowles class of '90 attended the commencement exercises at Hcd Cloud, as did a great nt7'er of Cowles people. L Miss Mumo Deal of lied Cloud closed a very profitable term of school in the 1'Icasant Hill district, Tuesday, with a picnic at the homo of Mr. Heal. At about enc o'clock the usual boun tiful feast was spread under tho shade of the trees and swings, croquet, and music helped to pass away tho time, while tho children were delighted with oherry trees loaded with the luscious fruit. Mr. and Mrs. Bcal endeavored to mako their guests feel at homo and enjoy themselves and they succeeded most admirably. Mr. Deal is probubly the most extensive onion grower in the elate, having in over twelve aores this year. A num ber of tho guests took a stroll over the fields and found them clear of weeds and in most excellent condition. SWEKT SlXTIKN. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for nny ono of Catarrh that cannot bo oared by Hall's Catarrh Cnro. P. J. CI1ENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have know P. J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfeotly honorable In all business trntiHiictionfl and financially nblu to carry nut any obligation made by thlerflrm. West .t Trtini, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O. Wnldlng, Kinuan A Murvin, Wholesale, Druggists, Toledo, O. llall's Catarrh Care Is taken internally acting directly upon tho blood and ma cons snrfaoeB of the system. Testimo nials Rent free. I'rioo 7.r.o. per bottle. Hold by all druggistH. South Side. Mr. Benjamin Watson onjoyed a fine dinner last Sunday as ho had new potatoes and spring chicken. He thinks Nebraska is a good country if the peoplo would only get their crops in a little Hoon. L. X. Mothers will And Cliamlierlnin's Cough Itemudy especially valuablo for croup nml whooping eongh, It will give nrompt relief ami in nttfo nml plutiHuut. Wo have Hold it. for several years and it nan Hover (ailed to give tho most perfect imtinfftotion. (J. W. Richards, Duiiuusno, 1'a. Sold by II. H. (I rice. - 1 ..m 1 1 I. School Iteporl. Kuport of tho school in Diet. No, 32, for tho torm lioginning April 0th nml otuling May 20th. Currio Farquhar, teacher. Enrollment, 111; nvorago uttonduneo, III. TIiofo noither ubeont nor tartly: Oru Thompson; nboent ono duy: Penrl Hngnn, Goorgo Urunor. Charlio Itnuot had tho most porfoct spoiling loesons. Thoeo most porfect in deportment wore Wllfrotl Hngan, l'earl Ilugun, Borthu Roisolt, Eflle Hagan, and Florence Hn gan, although all have a good grado, and tho toaoher tliinko the school ranks umong tho best in that line. The school closed with an enjoyable event. Tho pupils, with come ot the parents ami frionde, gavo their teacher a pleasant eupriee by bringing their boskets, hoavily laden, and at twelve o'clock a feast waa spread. When din ner was ovor, the young people had a merry timo playing games, after which a prsgram was given by the school. The pupils also presontod thoir teacher with u quilt that they had pioced, which Was greatly appreciated. Twonty-three vis itoro wore prosont, and all had a very ploasnnt timo. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure drape Creua 4 Tartar Pewter. Garfield. A party was given at John Earner's Wednesday cvo. Garfield was well represented, and all had a good time, Tho tramps who broke into Chris Hansen's houso will be forgivon if thoy pay for the onionB thoy ate. Henry Emcrton arrived from Texas Friday, and thinks he had bettor stay whero ho can get something to eat. Webster ceunty is not so black ai it has been painted, after all. According to tradition, Win. Latta will put a bug in somo one's car. Please don't montion it, The Sunday-school Is flourishing in Dist. 49. Jokn Earner, chorister; Chas. Holmgrain, assistant, Grass-hoppers and potato-buga arc having a feast. Thoy arc here by tho millions. Somo corn is being cultivated the second time, and crop prospects, as far as tic weather is concerned, arc excellent. Tho dance at Chris Hansen's Satur day evo was not so well attended on account of Decoration day. It waB not the proper eve for a frolic. Mrs. Chas. Wiggins is improving in her health, and is nblo to bo about again. lien Watt is werking for S. P. Fox this summer. THE CJKIMT HUXLEY. What Huxley, IhcCircat English Scientist, Consider the Ileal filar! in Eire. The Great English scientist, Hux ley, said the best, start in life is a sound stomach. Weak stomachs fail to digest tho food properly, becauso they lacK the proper quantity of di- gestivo acids (lactic and hydroohlorio) and peptogenio products; tho most sensible remedy in all cases of indi gestion is to take, after each meal, one or two ef Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets, because thoy supply in 0 pleasant htrmlcss form, all the elements that weak stomachs lack. Tho rogslar uso of Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets will euro every form of stomach trouble, except cancer of tho stoma-li? j.ney incrcaso nosii, mauro pure blood, strong nerves, a bright eye, and clear complexion, becauso all these result only from wholesomo food well digested. Nearly all druggists sell Sturt's Dyspepsia Tablets at 50 cents, full sized package Send for Free book on Stomach Troubles, to Stuart Co., Marshall, Miob, Judson. Farmers aro busy tondiog their eorn.j Miss Lizzie Barret visited friends in tho country last week. Tho Doooration at Mt. Hope was a grand suecoss, with Mr. Sorivncr as Marshal of tho day. There will be Children's day exor oiscs at Mt. Hope a week from next Sunday. Everybody invited. SUNFLOWBR. III' BcsTS' Hair Itoncwcr. No preparation ever put on the market hits given such universal Hutisfaotion. It is not only a hair reuewer and invigora tor, but cleansos tho scalp of oil dandruff, leaving the hair soft, glossy and luxuri ant, bold by C. L. Cotting. All CSood Republican should mako a point of attending tho national convention, to bo held ut St. Louis, Tuesday, Juno 10th. Tho oxponso is not great if you tuko the Hurliuulou. On tho Kith., 11th. and Ifith. ot Juno, you euu purchase a round trip ticket to St. Lotiiu at TIII'3 ONE WAV UATIO. Think- isn't it worth a few dollaro a few du)H timo to seo tho next pree'dont nominated t Pull information on application to any ngont of tho IJ. i M. It. It. It or by ad dressing J. Francis, Cion'l,l'iiB8'r., Agent, Hurlington Itouto, Omaha, Nob. DR.KILMER'5 O UIVERfiSS' Tlie iring Tonic BUaee tUayitiiKejekly people weU aad treu. fm Cirippe tret the bad after efecta of this trying epU ana restores lost vMror ana vitsaiir. Impure Blood Eczema, hcrofnlu, isnlnriti, pimples, blotches. diciiei'ul AVeuknesH Constitution nil run down. lo& of nmbltfon and upctlto, ncrvottsncM, tlrel and slocploss. AtDrtiRRlaU SO t-entn nml $1.00 Bice. "InrelM' OuMc to Hciulh" froo-CottfuttiUion rrs. Dli. KlLMEIt & CO,, DlNOUAUTOMi N. Y, rvo fwCaYtPfMir What is Costorln Is Dr. Snmuol Pitcher's prescription for Intents and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It is n harmless suhtttituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso hy Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic, Costorln rellovcs teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Costorln assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Oaetorla Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers hare reficatedly tutd me of IU good effect upon their children." Da. O. C. Oboooo, Ixwi'll, Mom. " Ctutoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am aoiumlntud. I Iioim tlie day U nut far distant when mothrn will comlJer the real lotereat of their children, and usu Outtoria In ted of the various quack nostrums which tiro destroying their lored ones, by forcing opium, morphine, aoothlng ijnip and other hurtful agenta down their throatH, thereby nendiii them to premature gTavee." Da. J. F. KiscnKLOS, Oonway, Ark. Tba Ceatamr Company, TI M Janinry-dnrnet. Keliiimry- ftinjthest. May-Kinmald Juno-Po.irl SepteuiDer-8.ipplilre. Uetabor-Opal. PJvVrvtHHBw kBBBwtBBBBl 1 5 Years Practical Experience In 1'ittinff Spectacles. Come in when needing (Iiihsoh my etock is full and comploto of all kinds. Will Ruarnnteo you a lit and eavo you monoy. Your Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing solicited. I gunranteo all work, any defect in earn nimlo cood PRKR of charge. Dilllcult tine watch work und engraving n Bpocialty. Wtch Examiner for B. &, M. It. R. g ..................... the summer school Lincoln Nobmal University. Eight Woeks June 15 to August 6, 1896. The high character of the Lincoln Normal Summer School hna won for it tho patronago of tho loading teachors of tho Northwest. Thirty-Seven Itegul.r Teacher. aBBBBBBBiBlBlBBaiSiaBBBBBBBaBBB You con get studios for any grado cortillcate: Chlld-Study. Nature-Study. Pri mary, etc.; ; Business. Shorthand. Music, etc. PoHitively tho greatest Summer School in Nobraskn. Write for Summer School Announcement. Address, II Ioch not Pay to experiment with medioinen. Deggn' lllooil l'uriller is no novelty. A record of twenty yearn proven It to bo tho best known formula for enriching ttto blood and driving from tint hybIoiii thou im IUritien which breed diseiiio. For bhIh by C Ij Cotting. Iiti'ltet tScport. Corrected weekly by Ited Cloud rroditco Co. Wheat r0 ." Corn now o Outs now 18 Darloy :tfi Flnx 7r Hogs (It 80 Uutchor's Htock 2 OQtfl TiO Butter 8 KrB" 7 Potatoes 10 Spring chickens per lb ,'i Old hons por lb 7 Turkeys lluy per ton .1 00:i Blotclue, PiinpleM, Scrofulous Korea. And all humors of tho blood and flkin w.li aacoumb to Dnggn' Dlootl l'uriller and Hloud Maker. It positively ban no equal. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Ask your popular dri ggi H O. L. Cottiog for it 1 Baby waa sick, (re her Castorte. wm a CUM, aba calad aor Caatork, Waal saa keoatae Xlss, ate done to Osatorla, 1 ahe aad Odldreo, ebe gave Uuxn ( Ilipans Tabules. Itlpans Tubules euro nausea. Rlpans Tnbules: at druggists. Itlpans Tabules cure dizziness. Ilipans Tabules cure heatlacho. Ilipans Tabules euro flatulence. UJV Castoria. s " Castoria h so well (utpted to children that I recommend ItMiuperlortoaujrpmKripUoB known to urn." , IT. A. Ahciiir, M. ft, 111 80. Oifi.nl Kt., Urwkln, N. T. "Our phyKlcUn in the children's depart ment liave wkea highly uf their eiperl enoe In their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only hare among our medical eupplk what Is known as rrtcular products, yet wears free to confess that the merits of OvUoria hat won us to look witk faror upou It." Usrrio HoariTAL and Distiksasv, , Uoston, 1 Allkh C. Rum'lYf., array Street, Haw Terk City. Who oomeo with numtner to this oarth And owee to June her day of birth, With ring of I'NAltL. upon her hand Con health, woalth, and long life command. Mnreh-IUaclntli. April- lil.unoiiil. -lulj-Ituliy AiiKu.l--MiiiMiotie. Novembe r Topaz uiiili. Dei-emlittr- Tuiiiuolie. c, nny defect in nnm. mm h work und engrHViiiu; n 1 THOS. PENMAN. Over Thirty Special Lecture. HILL M. BELL, I'rcKlilciif Nnrmiil, Lincoln, Neb. (Montion this Paper.) Blpiiiis TiiIiuIoh euro ilyspepHln. Ulpniis TnhulcH assist iIlgoHtlon. KIpniiH Ttiliulcs euro bad lirenth. ItlpatLs Tuhtilefl euro hllloiiHiieKH. Itipuns Tiilnili's- 0110 gives rollof. Itip.uus T ibuios euro Indigestion. Jtlp.ins T.ilitilos euro torpid liver. Itlp.niH Ttibiilos gentloeatliartlo. HIpiiiiH Tubules euro coiiHtlpntloii. Uip.itiri T.iliulos for Hour stomach. KNOX'S ft For Hogs and Poultry. This is ono of tho finest hog and poul try cholera remodieo over diHcovorod, and wo choorfully gunrantoo a cure if UBod according to directions. Hundreds of Mstliiionlali bear us wltiu-es of lis curative Aualltles. u (w of whlcb wo lti-d Cloud, Netj., Anrll U, ism -To WLom It May 1 Diieernt Uy clilcki-us were ilyjiifr dally, until I iidinliilslcrrn J. A Knox's Cholera hew, eily, since which time 1 have lost none. ADDA CMNa. Ited ('loud, Neb.. April 1. ls.-Thls li U cr tlfy that I have used nod seen UMd tlieJCsar Cliolcru Kenicdy, and It doss til that U cljfaxefl fn.n " "".'."i".,.v" "' " . 1. I'AVlf. K.T. l'AVlf. itinors wto nave uiea tuts reaway, with " nave uiso tait renuay, w ti wm : It. M. lAwnt. j. neVles 0. ifn, nit1. I'Uerson, IMnt nottlea 1.C) itaiaJI Battles SM, Address or call eu J. A. RlCMAslMOX, Hole 1'repstetor, Ilea Cloud. Neurit. Territorial rlKlits tor tale. UJlVatTf mm Uk4.ur&iluH nvtlM. 0tni M- HT, ki l.f.-f, A , tertM aMk;4naliu i w ..m bBU Inu, 'kitrmiVm. GeieDraied cholera mm ssssaajc SBBVriaAj -SBBBjr'V ul PBBuflB tkTMBBlVf 41 1 hi 4't'i TAJ ) Vi V Wl j -H. tX - 14 isji ua) tfft. - s $ j