&w. 4 ,-. nrnrm i nun nnm TT 1ITMM PT infW.' 6 THE RED CLOr.D CHIEF, FRIDAY. .JUNE 5. loMUi. i m g k ru i fii i l, M l TIIKCWIAXTOK JAPAN GEM. YAMACSATA THE VICTORI OUS MILITARY LEADER. II' lii'i'Piit Ilntliu'-I Kile l!iTil l(in In I liU CiiiiiiI -y it I'lMliit; Itrliiru for dm t'liurliKv miiium tlir I.iiiiiiiiKmI Ai:nrl cii'i ('iiiiitu.tHilnr. N THEIR en- IllllBlllHtlc lec'eptlOII (if tilt' ftlllKIUS .Illpillll'H! Ktlltl Id . (Si li nil 111 - Chief Mm quit! Yltllliiglitn. mill IiIh suite, who I refill ly pilHHed Hnoiigli this conn li yen route to Mint- iov to attend tin! ('(initiation of l ho riir, the Amrt Iran pi-opli' have hIiowii that thi'y have not foi gotten the honors which the. Japanese be-stowed upon (Sen. (Slant when he visited their country after IiIh U'tlienienl fioin the Presi dency. Inilrcil, Vninnt;:itn Ih often styled tlio (Sin. (Slant of .lapan, a title which lilHeiiiliient m rvlces as minister, president of the pi Ivy council, or ganizer of the new in my. strategist ami victorious eoniiiiundcr entirely warrant. Ynmngnta Ih of hiimhle line.iKc. being of the .Sainiinil class, lie Joined the army at the age of nineteen, and won lila promolloiiK through merit, alone. Lllie (Sen. (Si-ant, he Ih noted for his modesty and taciturnity. Me Is slxty thne years of line, small of statin e, hut physically of meat strength and en durance. Among the generalissimo's stnff were (Sen. Oshltnn, who. IT his chief Is styled the (Slant, Is worthy to lie called the Sheridan of .lapan for his brilliant ser vices In the Chinese war; 1'iesldent Tsuilzlkl, of ilio Imperial Library, an MARQl'.S YA.MAOATA. accomplished linguist and scholar, and four other gentlemen of rnnU. Although traveling practically In cognito, and not presenting thcinsdvca as visitors to this country, the party were received by the I'nltid Stales Army commanders at San Francisco, Omaha, and Chicago with the courtesy lielltting their high runic and reputa tion. (Sen. Yaniagata, Indeed, excused himself as much as possible from public display, and only accepted olllclal cotir trulcH as honors paid to his Imperial Majesty In the person of hlu representa tive. Tho ollicinls of the I'nlon Pacific, Chicago and Northwestern, and Michi gan Central railroads had ihe party In charge from San Francisco, and did every thing in their power to contri bute to the comfort and convenience of the general and his suite, who. in fact, expressed themselves as overwhelmed with the kindness and attentions every where shown thrni. and will doubt liss take bad; home with them tho repeit that novvlieie in the world Is travel innilo so pleasant and agreeable as In America. One circumstance which es pecially ImpiThred the. sentimental Orientals was the loading of their special car with Iloweis at Nlles, In Michigan, where the green-houses of thf Michigan Central railroad are lo cited. That iiillroails grew (lowers was a revelation to the (lower-lovers of Japan. At Huffalo the party were met by'a special train of the New York Cen tral, in charge of Mr. 0 oige II. Daniels, the general pasFenger agent of the road, with tho governor's stall and a com mittee horn the legislature. At Albany the governor held a icceptlon In honor of. the distinguished vlsitois, and the journey to New York was continued n rapid time. In that city the party was received by the authorities with be llying Illinois, anil after four days' stay they sailed for Havre. tiitriuliii'i'il tin' ltiilni' Hill. Tho Haines lav; Is at piesent silning up New York. The nuin who Introduced the bill Into tho leglslatiiie, Senator Uaines, Is a tall gentleman with a determined face, SENATOR RAINES, and his prohibition efforts will not be downed without a severe light. The effect of tho law In Now York city last Sunday was to close the saloons and drive those who wanted a. drink to the liotclB, . ffb it vIri QUALITY OK CYPRESS WOOD. TIip Troi'H An- Niiliirliimly Mow (trow I ni; Hut Am llur.ililc. Tho cypress Is a notti'iuusly slow growing tier, and Its wood Is just as no toriously duiable, Htisan exchange. It Is capable of not only refilling the ac tion of the weather In a manner totally dlffeient to all other woods, but It Is wholly tiiilnlluenceil by Iiiinieislon In water over a long period of years. It has many curium clieinlc.il properties, which hold Its llb"is ,ind other con stituents togethei so Indlnsolubly that the iiiillnnry changes which break down the tissue.-; nt ordinal y woods are In cypres" wholly restated. Instant cs are known wliere the wool of the ".v pi ess bus ( nd'ltvd for more Minn l.dnii years, leavin;; it still In a solid condition, pubjeet only to the at trition of the dements, .inch an the gradual wearing away one fees In ex posed rocks, In Hi" lovvr valley of the .Mississippi a species of c.v press Is ex lieniely abitndaiit, and In New Orh litis lately, while some men weie excavat ing a trench, a cjpiess s.ckude wan found which wan erected In ll'M by the French as a protection against the In dians. Some of the pieces measured twenty-one Inches In widMi, with a thlchucsi of about twelvv inches, and, tiiiiitgh I! had been liurle 1 for sn ninny cuis. It was In perfect condition when exhumed, fven the loul marks being .till clearly talblc. Ily a rerles or experiments exiendlng over many years.lt has been found that eypiess wood endures 'he varying con ditions of giceiihoiiMs bo'ter than any other wood. (Srcen-houses i xpesed to all the vicissitudes of beat, moisture anil changes of teinpei.itiire, show the cypress limber used In heir construc tion lo he pra.'tlcally tin- !i mged after more than tlfl years of nee; and, hdng siilllclenily tough for the purporc, it Is probable It will come inii'e generally Into use lor building wiito a wood of gteat resisting power Is required. Many old doors made by the earlv Spaniards In America aie still as service able as ever, although exposed to a most trying climate. I'i'riiiirillty of M.irk lliiim.i. Mark Ilanna, of Cleveland, ().. cele brated at present, Is a uatlv Ohloan, and lacks one year of being seventy. Fortune gave him the Midas touch, and Wiiethir he veiitmed to sell groceries and oil, or mine coal and iron, or build lake vessels, or buy real estate, the re sult has u ii I form ly been a large addi tion to a constantly Increasing for tune. One of his possessions is the Euiili'. Avenue Opera House In Cleve land. He is somewhat of the (Srant ntyle of man -solid mill substantial, wholly lacking In "ctyle," loservi'il, and somewhat brupque. . Itrjlny Wom.tti. One of the most Inlliientlal women of the middle west Is Mrs. Ellen M. llcn rotln, president of the Federation of Women's clubs of the I'nltcd States. Horn in Maine, educated In America, England, Pi mice and (Sermany, and tnairled to Mr. Charles Henrotln, the Chicago banker, who Is a Ilelginn by birth, Mrs. Henrotln is a woman of cosmopolitan ctiltuie, patriotic prlnci nlc, ami raie social accomplishments. Mr.s. Henrotln was vice-president and netlng picsldcnt of the woman's branch of the Woi Id's Congress Auxiliary, which ariaiiged vailous congresse's din ing the iNposltlou at Chicago in lr.93. ;&& MRS. CHARI.L'S HKNROTIN. and Is not only a social leader but a marked force in the progressive and lmiitiuiitaiir.il move mi nt that is making Itself fell in the new altruifatie Chicago. llUinarck r.illlni: l'nt. The prolongation of the celebration of Itisniarck's birthday has been this year, as las-t , a gie.it phys!" I ix on the man who was onco said to ? of iron. Though h's inlnd Is as elea.- as a bell, he is no longer a strong man except by tits and t-tarts, and he mows various unmistakable signs of great age. His worst foe now, though Ills toes have been numerous enough, Is the neu ralgia which allllcts him, and the hard est battle he him ever fought la his is ins struggle to keep his pipes of htiong to- hacco down to a minimum, Ho Is happy, like (Hailstone, in falMng physl call.v llrst. llrllll'int Viiiihc .SoM'llnt. One of the Intel estlng younger novel ists of the day Is Edward S. Van Zlle, who has produced several successful romances, notably his recent "Manhat tanors.." He Is a man of perhaps thirty four yearn, a graduate of Trinity Col lege, Hartford, and a nvl.bnt of Brook lyn. For a number of years he has been a regular writer on the New York prep-B. Mi. Van Zlle is oomall phvs lento, but athletic and potsested of abundant good looks. As an athlete he is said to be proIldent with hit (lttl.ee." The smallest humming bird weighs twenty graliiB. mm w I-- S -Gil TQH.,ntt'jWf.ft POLLY-SJTtlSOXIIOMM SHE WAS THE QUEEN OF LON DON'S "FORTY THIEVES." Mil' Win Criminally Inrllncil from Millil liiiml (Irnw to He ViTjr lliiuiliriil mill I'.iii'lniiti'il Almiy Vlcllin-; - (.'iinlriril if !(lilii,itilii. UK orlmlnal elasses of London hnve recently lost the pride of the blackmailers and pickpocket-', Polly Carr, who has Jmt been s'li? to prison for three jears. Pollj Carr was no common crlm'ual; she was an artist ,t her work, bringing to It courage, ie source and ilnesse vhlch hinl stood her In gooil stead. Kno.vn to tho police for eai-H in the Strand as the "(ttteeu or the Forty Thieves." she still continued to conduct her opeiatlons o skilfully that this Ih the llrst le'igthy term of inprlsonnient she has ever Incurred. H was the sentimental side of her nature that got her Into this trouble. When at the races at Fpsoni Itowns last .ear she saw a little boy In one of the i booths, to whom she took a fancy. He was the son of Ilridget Magec, of a tribe of tramps who go around from one race meeting to another, begulng and selling. Polly llrst nsked the mother what she would sM the child for, but Mrs. Magee scornfully replied that she would not part with him for "a golden crown." Polly thereupon i.'issed the wind to ono of !ier admirers I ' miV.. POLLY - Phil Ochre to "grease" (take away) the child, and convey It to her lodgings in London. Phil Ochre gallnntly obeyed her be hest, and nearly twelve months el.ip?d before Mrs. Magee could a-ceitaln the whereabouts of her son. The result has been that Polly Cair has been con victed of kidnapping little Magee, and Phil Ochre and all the rest of her wor shipers are cast down In the depths of gloom. From her earliest years Polly Carr consorted with bad character", and she was only twelve years old when she llrst appeared before a magistrate on a charge of petty theft. She was next beard of as a flower girl In the Strand, where she soon became noted for her good looks and engaging manners, and had she cared to do so she tnlglp have then earned an honest living. lteing the most expert of pl-kparkets she became known about tills time as "The Queen of the Forty Thieves," a confederacy of youn women whoj nightly Infested and st'll Infest tho Strand and other West Lnd thorough fares. They chose as their victims el derly gentlemen who were proceeding home In a genial frame iV mind after a particularly good dinner. "Tho Fort" always worked In gangs of two or three, and their uiodo of operations, at which Polly was facile piincep.s, was as follows: Helng ,1,,i,,,i.. i,,,i umnrtlv dressed, wearlntr ,,,,. io:iilln smile, she would approach her victim and ak him for a " bus fare home," as her purse had been niched from her coming out of a theater. In most Instances not only was the fare forthcoming, hut thu gentleman would nik whether ho could further aid the fair beggar. She would timidly reply that she would be glad If her new found friend would seo her to tho 'bus, which stinted it some dis tance) otf. On the way they always passed through Bomo quiet street, and here Polly would suddenly turn around and prefer the familiar ciiargo ot assault againBt her victim. A couplo of con federates opportunely at hand would step forward to offer corroboration of tho charge, and the elderly gentleman, however blameless, rather than face Cue exposure of the police court, would part with whatever money could be ex- & -T is., . "y Lspi'srvrryb i S& 111 torlcd from him while 'hero was yet tlmo to extricate himself from the dif lleulty. It was a boast of hers 'Jut by (he 'bus faie trick alone she had often denied as much us $20( In a week. In iS'.rt), having Hiiftered four months Imprisonment for a theft of this kind, on Lotnliig out of prison &ln vowed that she would not be tempted Into such paths again. She accordingly blurted a new method of blackmail, In which she had tho assistance of some able coad jutors. She made up as a .voting and artless git I, "with her .'.olden hair hanging down her back." Her complexion was fresh and blooming, her (Igurc rhnpely and giaee fill a, id her throat and btn-'l were so beautiful that one of her pet names among the thieving fraternity was "Swan's Neck." With all her fascina tions In plav. she would lie in wait at a spot where she knew by previous oh nervation some well-known man was in the habit of passing at a certain hour. It was Impossible to Ignore beauty In distress. The victim would be asked to take her home to her "aunt's house in Plmlico," wheie he would be received and thanked by an elderly lady of most respectable de meanor. She would leave the room for a few minutes: there would be the old, old shriek and the stale but ever effect ive charge of assault, with the usual ((quel of a handsome douceur by the victim to Milve the wounded feelings of the lady. One legislator, a shining light of the Social Purity nio'enieiit, Is known to have paid Pollv Carr ?l.O0O rather than run the rifle, of being acctn-.cd of the llclltious olfonse with which she charged him, under such compromising circumstances. During this period Iiu varied her nc- V...TKM! CARH. eupations by posing as an artist's model, her llrst patron being Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, who as Miss Dorothy Tenniint. was noted for her character istic pictures of London types, and on the canvases of other artists she has appeared in various guises on the walls of the Royal Academy. In her blackmailing exploits she was merciless, and steadily raised her ex tortions In proportion to the fears of her victim. She had several of them permanently "on her list," having had them tracked to their homes by one of her confederates after she had succeso fully preyed upon them. I'irinlUli Trick iif u (ilrl. While Mike Lab.int and wife weio nb.sent from their home In Hloomeburg, Pa., a 10-year-old daughter put n stick la the lire, and when It began to burn ret lire to the clothe of her ii-year-old biotlur and li-yenr-old sister. Tho children screamed for help, but beforo hrln arrived tho hov was so limllv hurucd that he died In less than un hour. The uauy s life was saved by a, neighbor, who smothered tho flames, but she Is very badly burned, Tho ciiEo will be investigated, as it Is thought the gi; Ih liirnue. llorrllili' Tri'iitnuiH nf 11 Yniine .Man. Webb Dennett, son of .1. l Dennett a prominent merchnnt of Mason, ()., Is lying In a critical condition at the homo of David Pickering as the tesult of a misadventure. The story told Is that young Webb was in a saloon the other night and, while In a sleeping condi tion, It Is said, alcohol was poured over his clothes and set allre. The llameb were smothered Just In time to save his life, and as It Is he suffered in juries vvhle h may prove fatal. Ills low er limbs were terribly burned. A Mournful i:llinuti. "It is sad." said one girl, "that so many men nowadays have a great doal more money than brains." "Yes," sighed another, "and so llttlo money at that." Washington Star, "MIee Cayenne Is a very bright young woman," ho remarked, admir ingly. "Does bho say clover things?" "Hctter than thnt. She sees the point i when somebody else .;.'iys them." Washington star. HEATING THE HOUSE. AN IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR HOME BUILDERS.' I'riirtlciil unit rrnlltiililo Mrtliml of IViirinliii; lloiinn from nn Architect'.) I'olnt of View l'riit;rrii of u Ci'iitury Itrilrwril. (Copyright, ISOfi.) It Ib only within the last century that the attention of scletitllle men has been turned to the subject of producing and maintaining a pioper degree ol warmth l In human dwellings on an economical and elfectlve plan. One ef the most Important problems that confronts the builder of a home In this latitude 1.4 that of heating to thoroughly In augurate a healthy system of warming; and at the same time, the having of fuel must engage his serious attention. It bothers him even If he means to be shut in by four brick walls, with houses on either side, and with nut row city stteets to break the rudo force of the wind. Even bete he tmiut calculate 1'i.Tt J r-- .W V li U -P'-i !M r v- - !.w;f iKl!'? &W E. - ft PERSPECTIVE VIEW, closely nuil receive e.pnrt advice. Hut if he pi eposes to build a suburban house, n frame structure, and In a more or less exposed situation, the problem becomes one of overmisteiing Import ance. If be falls of perfect success (and this Is too frciptcntly the fate of the builder) It may mean more than unforeseen expense for fuel. It may lender his house well-nigh uni.ihnblt r.ble In the severest weather. Those who are most likely to experi ence such troubles as this are, of course, those who dispense with the services of experienced architects, who piefer to build "out ot their own heads." Tliey may hit It right the llrst time, but in this case they are the benellclaries of a lucky accident. Heat ing Is a branch of practical science that needs as careful a rtudy as plumb ing, as ventilation or sanitation; in fact, It is rather more intricate and Im portant than any of these. The choos ing of the method of heating, whether by hot air, hot water, or steam, is not all that Is to be done. The location of the furnaces, tho size and number of pipes, the matter of draughts and cold air supply the placing of register or radiators to secure the best results, the guarding against loss of heat by radiators these are all important mat ters to be taken up, and how often does It happen that when the builder lias settled them nil. satisfactorily r.s he believes, there proves to be some weak point that gives endles trouble and expense. It Is, of course, lmposlblo to say what proportion of houses that have been standing a few years have only tho heating apparatus originally planned for. Hut If the exact facts could be known, the results would doubtless be astonishing. Hardly one house In ten but has some added (Ire- place, grate or stove, or edse1 supple- j ments the regular heater by appliances for burning gas or oil. The reason for i this is that the builder will not give the architect his own way or else tit tempts an economy In a line where he Jfi FIRST FLOOR, thinks It will not show. If plans are carefully piepnred by thoco who have had wide experience and who always avail themselves of expert advice In every branch of construction, and If they aro scrupulously followed by the contractor, there Is llttlo chnnce for 'allure In the heating line. On the other hand, If a plan for a homo In one locnllty Ih copied or inodltled for a different location, or If an Inexperienced person draws up a "pretty design" that suits his Individual taste and gives it to a builder to work out, there aro cer tain to be ninny expensive experiments beforo tho houso Is (it to livo in dining our severe winters. Among the controllable causes of 111 health Is tho excessively varlablo or foul Indoor ntmosphoro duo to tho de fectfl In the modes of warming without considering that of ventilation. The different modes of warming may be divided Into three classes: open lire places, stoves (Including furnaces) and steam or hot water. A comparison of these various methods mimt Include tho cost of apparatus, the tost of attend- & Hi r Mmo T -" " --,- i-is- -., j. 3 ( llt Tll'iT .. :-" -. Vjr h i .. !- JhJri "iJifc'";t Itry I V Jfite r 1 10 pvrlor HmM fl KXrr'fc ttlKS6 t 1 I Veya.n4A ! 4's"wide i ance, of fuel and the lnddentnl ad vantages and disadvantaged belonging to each. All buildings being designed to fit the necessities of the situation differ In plan from each other, and In older to Introduce a proper system of heating and ventilation, e-ach should bo studied by one who is familiar with all kinds. The design accompanying this Is heated by hot air furnace, being thu best adapted and most rconoinlcal for this style of house. This house Is 31 ft. i In. wide and II! ft. in depth. The cellar Is "ft. high; (list story. !i ft.; second story. S ft. Its foundation Is brick; llrst story, clap boards: second story, gables and roofu are shingles. Theie Is a cemented cilar under the whole house, containing the iitrnaro (which Is to be place'd as near north an possible, fuel bins, vegetable and Htore rooms. The llrst Moor contains parlor, dltiing-rooni. reception hall and kitch en, the sizes of which are idiown by tho lloor plans. All of the above rooms aio supplied with hot nlr heat frori tho furnace, with the exception of tho kitchen. The teglsters for these rooms on llrst story are placed in the floor, being made of black .lip.inned iron, bordered with dull; slate so that no walking on them would mar their ap pearance. On the second floor there are thiec bedi ooins, bath-room .Mid hall, Tho two front bedrooms are heated by u combination Hue fiom tho cellar; the other room and hall being heated by feparate Hues. Tho registers of second lloor aie placed in the wail about six teen Inches fioin the lloor and aie white enameled Iron, making a hand some appearance. This deign can b" built facing any point of the coinpahs as long as the furnace Is placed as near north as possible, t licit the cold winds from tho north during the winter will not choke up the hot air from the furnace to the rooms. It Is a common belief with the Inexperienced builder that a houfco should face the south in order to Injure wnrmth. While this Is preferable, jet it Is not actually needful as long as the winds do not interfeie with the draughts. Including the heating apparatus, the range in the kitchen and mantels, a careful estimate based on New York prices for materials and labor shown this house will cost f'ifiW). In many Rbcl J . to . 3nusvta tacsua BedRs l, o4 -".i il-'iwd I poJlm J I8 I 1 I io.no hv..r SECOND FLOOR, rectlons ot the country where lumber Is lower or where' the price of labor Is cheaper, the cost should be much less. A liny SliriU lilt Skin. A Lake City (lia.) correspondent of tho Cincinnati Eniiulrer writes: Tho case of John Allen, an eight-year-old boy of this place, Is puzllng the phy sicians. Six weeks ago an orange ti.orn penetrated the boy's hip, iiillammatlon followed and the boy waa soon horribly swollen from head to foot. Finally tho swelling subsided, but the boy Imme diately began to shed his skin. That on the face came oft separately, but from the neck down the cultlcle ie nialned Intact and moved off by way of the hands and feet without break ing. The cuticle was live days In pass ing oil', mid during that time the boy i outlined on the bed wriggling like a. sjiako at moulting time. Tho child seemed to be In no pain, but complained of a tickling tensatlon mil of a crawl ing of the llesh. When the cuticle had bei'ii shed the boy Immediately recov er ed and l.s now an well as ever. Tho skin which is shed is on exhibition at. a physician's ollice. It Is a perfect east of the human form from the neek down ami is about tho consistency of hard glue, which It much resembles. (In tin Mcnil. "There," said the tnothar, "don't you feel better?" And the little boy whoso trouseiu had Just been patched lennrke.i as ho sat down: "1 think I am on tho mend." Indianapolis Journal. HOW POISONS ACT. Opium, morphine and the like pro duce a period of exaltation followed by stupor, which mergesinto death. Camphor In poisonous doses produces giddiness, crumps, numbness, Imperfect, tdght, dllllcult bi entiling and convul sions. Phosphorus in overdoso produces Ir ritation ntnl disturbance over every part of mucous It touche's, and the contents of the stomach when removed aro lum Ino.mcs Is phosphorus. Strychnine Is followed by convul sions, the head jerks back and the body rests on tho head and the heels, arched like a bow. Those spasms come Inter mittently until death. Carbolic nehl produces Immediate) vertigo ami Intoxication, with burning pain along all points of contact. Thu bieathlng becomes stertorous and tho pupils of the eyes contract. Prusslc acid Is the most rapid of all poisons, killing like a stiol.e of light ning A teaspoonful of 2 per cent priiR sic acid will kill. in a fPW secondu nfter thu liquid Is taken the face turns bluish and the porfon uful'a to the floor. tf'1 "A n ( H H via 'r id - mwtaiw' "KSfWtii i wrfSSWiiiu w4W"'r , r ' 4MJNMUVWM' miWsps ""Vr iV .tffrxc v . - "(Mfc U! ,? cr -