The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 05, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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imrataemsvHsr.'xrzxtnr. w.-mwiumw r .
PtttilMii- J W v'Ulj.
SlllCt'lllotl, t. J'CC iMIIIIIII
lllMII I II III III .It Hill'
Knterert at tlie Tost Oll!c In licit eimul, Neb.
Hi iiihII limtlrrnf the nnnnl rlain
A.C. HlH.MKH, lMltnr.
l.utov Tait. Aft l.("'.il Killtor.
lal LM
H m H W
m I
Nerves arc weak, many people say
anil yet they tin not mtiii to know
that they uru literally Marvin-,' their I
Wi-uK, pale, thin blood can-
not L'ivc proper stistcnancc that is
why you are ncrvoiiM, tiicd. exhausted.
The cure for this condition Ik to
purify, vitalize and enrich ottr blood.
Take IloodV Saiaparilla' lalrly anil
fitillifiilly, anil the rich, led blood,
-which it makes will moii Iced the
nerves the elements of tine strength
Uiey reipiire; tlie will ccum' their afji
(ntioii and will riorum) their proper
pliu'o being under the control in
fitcad of controlling the brain and
body. Head Miss ItartlcyV letter:
"I wnnt to exprcNB my gratitude for
What HouiI'h 8arapnrillu Iiiih done for
me. My health tins been very poor for
three years, due to troublo with my
I wan nervous, had palim in my back. I
cannot tell what I Buffered. My eyesight
became affected nml I wns ho despondent
I did not have any interest in life. I had
two phyHluiiuiH, but my complaints be
came woroo. 1 was told that I was affected
with lirlght'fl diHcatjc. A relative urged
mo to try Hood's Harsaparllla. 1 did 80
and in a short time I began to notico a
change in my condition. Things began
to appear brighter, my eyes Improved and
My Back
did not trouble mo so severe,'. My appe
tite returned and 1 gained strength every
day. I am now able to do my o n v. ork,
and feci perfectly well. I cannot find
words to express my grntltudo for what
Hood's Sarsaparllla fins done for me and 1
gladly recommend It." Miss Haiit
ijsy, 213 H. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
IstheOiif Trim llloo.l Purifier. AlIilrugplsK 81.
Prepared only liyU. 1. llontlSCo., Lowell, .Miu.
u it r-ti c,lru ,',w'r "l,! eas' t0
nOOCl S PlllS takc.e.isy temperate. 25c.
.V M. It, It. Time ' iihl
(iOINC, ham
Gfi. U)i'nl I'li'lKllt, I.V On in.
U r.ivu-iiKM, " I0:ii. " Arlfl.niit. iii.
Cl.l'u-.. I'rcllil. " 1 :'.'J p. in. l:(i), in.
Itt.Mlxeil tiaui, l.v 11:35 a. in. Ar 11:15 p. in
iOIN(5 WKSl'
Ki, KiiaI Kn Uht, I.v ll:tSit. in. Ar IU:'lOa. in
Ml. .Mixed Tt-tin, " I'.'idj p. in. " 11 :i. a. m
16, 1'liiseiwr, " tJM'l u. in. " 8:.klp. in
V auled, MiM'U lo Pasture,
Good bUailo and plenty of water.
Terms reubonabie. Pasture hvo miles
bouiIi of li'oiii'iiionl.
John Kmi.i.i-. HoFemout, Neb.
When youi I'.ie-, oouimoncu to uulio
and the leais gather in them, and your
head achiw, il ihh .r eyes pleudtug for
help. Xenhoiino tiros, will help them
II. H. Pond has IttO acres of well
fenceil and well-watered pasture- land
for rent cheap.
Mrs. J. IS. Shirey, teacher in instru
mental music; customary prices. Daily
half hour lessons to now beginners at
reasou.tbiu tales. ltf-lf
A colored man lectured on Thursday
night to a largo audionco. Subject: -0
yours in slavery.
Headache Destroys Health
Resulting In oor memory, Irritability, nor
tousncBS anil Intellectual exhaustion. It
Induces other forms of disease such asept
lopsy, heai t disease, apoplexy, iii!anlty,otc
Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures.
r Mrs. Chas. A. Myers, 201 Jlunna St., Fort
Wayne, Imb. wrle Oct. 7, WH "I suCferod
terribly with t,m.. lu-:id:.lics, dizziness,
backache i n u "est,, piadually Brow
ing won.0 until : y "' waK despaired of,
and try what wo nuull, I fouud no relief
ntll I coioraenreJ uslm: Dr. Miles' Norvlno.
I have taken five bottles aud bclloTO I am a
well woman, and I have Ukcn great com
fort In recommending nil of my friend to
we Nervine. You may publish Mils letter
If you wish, and I hops It may bo the means
of savins soma other sick mothers llfo, as tt
did mine."
On sain by all druggists. Itoolt on Iloart
and Nerves sent FW:n. Dr. Mile Medical
Co., mhart, Iml.
Dr. Miles' Rwdies Restore llea!(it.
pr Ml "Nli'Ml'i i'-H'TT'iA.
MIfh Carrie Hrukftit-Ut Is homo rum
1 HllBtilltfU.
I Mise Jennie Dilley ia visiting tn Hnst
Iiijjh thirt'weeU.
! Tim count)' bjaril of equalization
meets next ueek,
I The rains nr? numerous thirf yenr unit
the crops nro tine.
MIfh Fidelia SolmlTnit is home this
week from Huntings.
It (iu desire to know your birth hIodo
look lit I'otiinnu'a ml,
A. Tulli.Ko. to tho (jrand lodgo
ot 'I'0 Mimonr, Mouilay.
Minn Tilla McClellund is visltinc in
ijloomitiL'ton thin week.
MiEii Laura Komsbortf returned from
Nuw Mexico last Friday.
A complete new line of wall papor at
Taylor'n at bottom priceB.
TiikCiiii'.i' is indebted to Mr.
I. S.
Heal for a handsome boipiot.
1'2. J. Ovoring has gone to llumbolt,
NobniBka, this week on business,
A nico lino of ladies' ties to be worn
with the shirt waists, at Wiener's.
Hnltcrmill: soap three cents a calto,
six eaUcs for 15 cents at Cottiiig'e,
"That tirjd feeling" is relioved by a
(lass of Coca Cola at Cottiiig'e fountain,
Spectacles and o)o-glussos lilted by
the only correct s)Htem at Xowhuiiuu
The Miesee Cora andClrico (Jiirber go
to Lincoln to-morrow to attend Normal
Alwa)s in season, liopkin's Stoamod
Hominy (Hulled Com). Klcgant lunch
in milk.
I can save )ou twonty dollars on a hin
der if you will Bivo m a chance. James
The Misses Mabol Haundors and Jea
sie McKeighun are visitinK in Hustings
this wi'ek.
Mrs. Anna Leming of Wyoming io viB
itiug at the residenco of Win. 1'arkos,
this week.
Mrs. W. S. (larbor dopurted for Crip
plo Creek Tuesday, whore she gooB to
jjin her husband.
If )ou want to buy a binder I can biivo
)ou mouy. Call and soe me tieforo you
order. James Peterson.
Liuiny Smith has purchased tho Da
vis livery stock. Lunnoy is a rustler
ami will do the business.
E 1!. Robinson of Hastings was in the
city this wook visiting his son, De nity
Treasurer, C. IX Robinson.
" Tho rank growth of weods over the
city should bo looked after. Some one
is liable to get lost in them.
The teachors and pupils of the high
school held a picnic last Tuesday ut
A in boy. All onjo)od thumeolvoa.
Dan (Jarbor started Tuesday evening
for California to spond tho summer, and
may possibly remain a year in that glor
ious climate.
In our write up of Lincoln Inst week
wo failed to nidation S. K. Cozad, who
Eaid that he was up to his ears in busi
ness in Lincoln.
Wanted: A hired man for all summor.
Ciood wages. Inquire at D. W. Cars
well's, IP j miles south and 1,'. miles cast
of RoBcmntit, Neb.
C. C. Cox and wifo wont to Orloana
this week to be present at tho graduat
ing nxerciseB of Orleans College, their
sou Harvey being one of the graduates
of tho class of '!)(.
reoplo of this state and Kansas should
make arrangements to come to Red
Cloud and spend tho fourth of July. A
grand time is expected. The arrange
ments are in tho right hands to make it
a success. Come every body.
Tho giaduating oxerclsos at tho opera
house wero of a very high ordor last
Friday night. Tho class yells, miuglod
with appropriate songs, upoeohca, otc,
along with tho able orations were high
ly appreciated by all presout.
Alexundor Hontloy returned Sunday
to his dutioB in the stato superintend
ent's ofllco at Lincoln. Alex camo down
last week to attond tho graduating oxer
ciseB and tho alumni banquet, ulso to
visit his many friends in this city.
Eddio I'latt has had tho vacancy bo
tween T. K. Ponman's jewelry store nnd
P. V. Taylor's furnituro storo nicely
titted nut this wook, whero ho will dia
ponso peanuts, candy, lomonado, cigars,
nnd other small staples to tho pedes
trians by tho way.
A correspondent for tho Lobnnon
Journal said recently that R?d Cloud
wns not in it with Lobanon, Wo shall
have to differ with said corrospondont,
as Rod Cloud is tho host city in Western
Nobruska and Kunsas and dooa nioro
businosa than any city west of Lincoln
Nebraska, or Topoka, Kansas, of its size.
Dr. Moranville performed a vory pain
ful nnd dolicato operation upon the per
son of Goorgo Fentress ono day last
week, which conBistod in cutting a fatty
tumor, about the eizo of a hen's egg,
out of tho breast, immediately over tho
heart. Cioorge withstood the dangerous
ordeal without taking an anaesthetic but
the loss of blood and the position of the
wound forced him to lose soma time
from bis barber chair.
Mr. Jnmss Ferdao, an old soldier resid
ing nt Monroe, Mich., was severely allllot
ed with rhenmntiBm but reoelved prompt
relief from pain by using Chamberlain's
Pain Halm, He says: "At times my back
would ache so badly that I could hnrdlv
raise tip. If I had not gotten relief 1
would not bo here to write these fow Hues.
Chamberlain's Pain Halm lm (lone nn1 a
nt ui du,l of good nml 1 f( I vary 'line'
. i i . ' " i ' Tl K '"-
lXlUM VJljyXJJS UUUiii1, iiillUiix, o K.t ky tu
OIlS am r.xns.
W. T. Atild was in Cripple Creek tliia
(lo to Peterson's and get an Ohio cul
tivator. Jno. (1. Potter returned homo on Inst
I), McCallum was up from Outdo Rock
L. H. Hughes, of Hebron, was in tho
city Saturday.
Mr. H. Polly, father of Mr. O. C. Hell,
has returned to Lincoln,
S. S. Warren, of Hlanchard, la., was
in Red Cloud Wednesday.
Ilnrvoy Cox returned from Orleans
with his parents )esterday.
Ro) Hutchinson, tho popular barber
of Lebauou, was in tho city this week.
J. J. Paulson, of Strang, Neb., was on
our streets tho latter part of last week,
Come and soo what I can do for)ou
beforo you buy a binder. JamcB Peter
son .
R. M. Martin returned last Sunday
morning from an extended sojourn in
tho west.
Will Volsor was called to Ropublican
City Monday ovoning, to go on tho road
a fow weeks.
Mrs. Dr. Hon of Willow Creole brought
in tho first new potatoes of tho season
on Wednesday
N. Jacoby of Chicago, brotliordn law of
our populnr clothior, C. Wiener was in
the city this week.
C. Wienor, proprietor of tho Golden
Eaglo Clothing store, rocoivod a vory
lino fox terrier from Chicago this wook.
Mrs. Talbot recoived a telcgrnm on
Wednesday that her daughter, Mrs.
Minnio Hradford, living in California
luwl died.
The social given by tho ladies' aid so
ciety at tho residenco of Mrs. A.C. Hob
mcr was fairly well attanded nnd a fow
dollars mailo.
Liudsoy Hrothors have oponed thoir
meat mnrkot just north of Honry Cook's
drug storo. Thoy are nico boys and
will do a good business.
Wo rocoivod a lettor from Hovd Mun
soll this wook 6tating that he was not
dead nnd had not boon injurod, nnd that
tho llrst ropnrt was false.
Editor Richmond, after tasting of
tho invigorating inlluenccsof tho health
giving qualitios of mountain air in Colo
rado, nrrivod homo Monday.
O. C. Boll left for Cripplo Crook last
Tuesday evening, to look nftor his min
ing stock nt that point. Mny it loom up
bo bo can soo it "umteon" miles this side
is our best wish.
Ed Null, who has boon occupying a
position at the county jail, annulled tho
contract and vanished into thin air this
week. He wus tho Guide Rock boy
arrested tor stealing a watcti.
L. D. Oatman, tho jovial landlord of
tho Holland House, is one of the boat
landlords in the state and sets ono of tho
best tables. Ho knows how to run a
hotel as natural as a dnck knows how
to swim.
J. P. Hill of Juniata, formorly of Red
Cloud, was on our streets to-day. Mr.
Hill is talkod of as a candidnto for stato
senator on the populist ticket from
Adams county. Hesa)sifhe gets the
nomination, bo goes to Lincoln sure
Miss Florence Cotting and her grnnd
motlier, Mrs. Cotting, mother of our
follow townsman, C. L. Cotting, nrrivod
iu tho city last Thursday. Miss Flor
ence was much pleased to got back nome
after a visit of SK mouths in Wisconsin.
Most of the Red Cloud men who havo
gone to Cripplo Crock and tho gold
Holds prolTnr tho advice that a man who
is drawing lltty conts por day here had
bettor stay, rather than go out thoro
nnd havo no work, which is tho enso
mors of ton than otherwise.
F. W. Cowden, Goorgo Morbnrt, Dell
Abel, Wallace Wright, Hen McParlnnd
and Hoscoe Cnthor journeyed to Ulue
Hill TuoBday to witness a gamo of ball
betweou tho Juniata and Hluo Hill
nines, which terminated in tho niagnitl
cont, score of twelve and nothing, in
favor of tho O. G. lilues.
Your clear skin ? Mother's.
Your voice? Mother's. Your
slight figure? Mother's. In
herited weak lungs? Then
protect yourself. Live out
doors ; get the fresh air ; and
keep well nourished.
of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo
phosphites, is the best known
preventive to serious lung
trouble. It supplies just the
kind of needed fat ; prevents
useless waste of tissue ; makes
rich blood; and fortifies the
body against attack. You
should take it at once If you
feel weak, have no appetite,
or are losing flesh.
SCOTT'S P.MULSION hit bfen endorstil by
the mfillcal profusion for twtntyyran. (i jur
dxltr,") Till U btciuie it if ilwjyj fMUlaHit'
vy utifofi ilwjv eonlnti Ibt pitrtsl NeruttUit
CeJ-liur Oil am IU , Khiln
I'ut up in .' ' i .in The mall tin
mvlff'i ' ' . .. 'i r r-f" ,1'bily.
Highest Honors-World'
A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Praa
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other rdultcTMt
Correct time at Ponmaii'H.
NowhoiiBo Hroe. for belt Hookies.
Por insurance, call on 0. C. Tool.
11. II. Waldo of Hloomingtoii was in
tho city.
If you want a nico belt buckle, go to
NewhotiBo Hros.
Miss Kdith McKoighan was iu Rod
Cloud over Sunday.
R. H. Fulton iu homo from the gold
Holds of Cripplo Creek.
Any child who can hainllo a team can
hatullo the Ohio cultivator.
I havo the only thoroughbred Jersey
bull in Uod Cloud. Lon Aultz.
Heforo placing your order, it will pay
you to got my pricos on the lluekoyj
Binder. Jae. Petereon.
Look up )our polio), and, tf it expires
soon, write O. C. Tool, Ked Cloud, and
ho will save you money.
SBtn Tomple has been serving bis
country by being on tho United StutoB
potit jury for two weoltB.
One swnllow does not make Spring, but
one swallow of One Minute Cough Cure
brings reliof. C. L. Cotting.
When in Lincoln stop at the Grand
hotel, corner of 151th and (J streets, It
is a No, 1 house in ovory respect.
Come nnd see the vast mwrtnient of
Bhirts. You will be surprihed to llnd
such low pricoa. Wioikt, tho Clothior.
When you want a nico smooth ahnvo
or hnir-cut, givo Goo. Fontross a call
One door south of tho Hon Ton Hakery.
I have n carload of binding twine,
which it will pny farmers to got nrices
on beforo buyingolsowhore.-Jas. Peter
son. No charge for examination of tho eyoB.
whother you buy spoctacles or not, at
Newhouso Bros'. Soo them before buy
ing glasses.
Mrs. Reed of Hluo Hill was brought
to this city on Friday nfternoon and
taken beforo tho commissioners of in
sanity, and adjudged insane. She will
lie takon to the asylum as soon as pos
sible. Red Cloud is gotting to be quite n
home strawberry market. Sovernl of
our prominont fnrmors are supplying tho
market these days, which is an improve
ment over tho much mashed berries
from tho oast.
Mrs. It. DuVoiing, Middlebiirg, In.,
writos: I have used One Minute Cough
Cure for six yonrs, both for myself and
ohildrun, nrd I consider it Mm iiiokest
ncting nnd most satisfactory Cough Cure
I have ever used. C L Cotting.
Row Horton, of tho Congrocnlional
church, pronched tho baccalaureate sor
mnn last Sunday morning to the class of
18JMJ. A vory largo audience was proa
ent, and tho Raw Gontleman pronched u
very ablo nnd interesting sermon.
A telegrnm arrived Inst night which
Btated thnt worn local Ftorms were
coming towurds Red Cloud and most of
tho pooplo hied themselves to their
onvea nnd there kept guard, but old
Prob. failed to get around with tho doa
turbnnco. John G. Potter, who rocontly arrived
from tho groat west says, that ho wnuld
not oxchungo Nebraska for all tho boast
ed good times in Wyoming, Montnnn or
tho Uakotas. He says timoB are getting
hard tho re as woll as in this and other
eastern states.
On Thursday aftornnon at 1:110 o'clock
at tho roaidonce of L. C. Olmsted, in
Inavule, occurred tho wedding of M!bs
Cora M. Olmsted to Arthur Wolcott, or
the samo placo. Tho young couple nro
well nnd favornbly known in Innvnle,
and also in Rod Cloud. Tub Cinr.r
takes groat plonaure in wishing thorn
bon voyage ovor lifo'a turbulont Bea.
Wo oxtond hearty congratulations.
It is a quoor state of alTairs, whon
Botno of the business mon nnd loading
oltizons refuse to holp the tiro dopnrt
ment in their efforts to got up a gcod
Fourth of Julv oelebration. Thoro is
not a man in town but what would want
tho department to got out on the wor t
night in tho year to help put out n tiro
if it wan his nronortv. and tho depart
ment neoda many now aupplios which
they expect to got from tho procoods of
this celebration, Como boye, help the
celebration along.
A young lady whoso sonBO of shame
would uot permit hor to address n young
gentleman clork in ordinary English,
called for a pair of gartora thuely: ' It
is my desire to obtain a pair of circular
elastic appendages, capablo ot being
contracted or expanded by means ot os
emitting burnished steel appliances
that sparkle like gold leaf sot with
Alaska diamonds, and which are utilized
for holding in proper position the babili
monts of the lower extremities which
innato dolicncy forbids mo to mention."
llnll and Cyclone
Miiy ovortnlio you tiny tiny. Clot your
property protected nt redueoil rntJ.of -
A STi mW
tj. JLOtM.
No. At.
Brighten at the sight of our new
clothes. Young man, as you hope
to win her. do not miss this chance
to shine in the season's best.
We'll make the price easy
This Label on a Garment In
sures Pcrfoot Fit $tfH
end Satisfaction ar
II stands tor tho boat that
Money Can Buy or Skill
Now is Your Chance!
In ordor not to curry ovtjr any of our LIGHT COLORED
SUITS, wt! will inakt1 the following big out on all
1 hat arc marked to sell from 12 to $10.
$10 00 SUITS NOW AT $12 00.
i 5 00
14 00
13 00
12 00
a hTit,i;iiT ji)t or TtviATY-rivr. im:ii :r.T.
Wo have only a low left, and they will not. remain vtry long
on our shelves at tho present prices.
Wiener, The Clothier.
T. DeWITT talmage
Sunday, June 7, 181)0.
We expect to run a special train June 7th, for Taliuaju'.s lea
lure, front Superior and all intermediate points to Oilcans. It may
uot be out of place to call the attention of the people to the fact
that the Orleans Chautauqua is much nearer to them than any other
assembly iu the state. From Red Cloud to Orleans it is 5. miles;
while from Ked Cloud to Beatrice it is 119 miles, and to Crete 149
miles. We make one railroad fare for the round trip, and to child
len under 12 years of age one-half fare ior round trip.
This is, pel haps, the last opportunity at any rate, the best op
portunity the people of the Republican Valley will ever have to
hear Talmae. Me will leave Kansas City, Saturday, June 6th, at a. in., reaching Orleans at 10:15 p. 111. On Sunday, June 7th,
1896, at the Orleans Chautauqua, he will speak twice. At 1 1 a. in.,
he will give his great defense of the bible, "The Absurdities of Evo
lution;" and at 8 p. 111., he will deliver his unrivaled' lecture, "Iiig
Blunders." Sunday night at 10:15, he will take the train for Wash
ington, D. C, where important business calls him, compelling him
to cancel 1 his engagements iu Iowa and Minnesota for this season.
We consider ourselves indeed fortunate that he has kept Nebraska
on his program, and that he will be at Orleans Sunday if he lives.
Iu addition to the two lectures by Dr. Talmage, Sunday afternoon
will be occupied by the Y. I S. C. K. rally, Prof. J. F. Hosic, of
Chicago University, presiding. Ktniuent speakers and good music
will mark the exercises. A signal program for the entire day.
Three dollars and fifteen cents ($3.15) will cover the railroad
fare, admission to both addresses of Dr. Talmage, Y. P. S. C. E.
rally, including also dinner and supper at the Chautauqua hotel,
from Red Cloud to Orleans and return.
Our Jumbo tent weighs 3 tons, and has a seating capacity for
5000 people. We have good grove, good water, good tenting; we
are sparing neither hard work nor expense to do the right thing by
our patrons. But we cannot run the special train unless our patron
age will justify us in so doing. Let those who desire to hear Dr.
Talmage, via special train, report at once to tne ii. oc w. ageiu at
Red Cloud. They can order tickets for Talmage's lecture through
him. He will give due notice regarding special train.
5000 people will hear Dr. Talmage at Orleans, Sunday, June 7,
Many will drive in for forty or sixty miles, but we believe coming
by rail the cheaper, after all.
J. S. MeBRlEN,
Dean Orleans College
15c MEAL:
SlllVIi, ECU,
i:im:i, .,
t iii:, t orrui:.
BaECtjauftwanMurJinakit .
11 25.
10 50.
9 75.
9 00.
The Grand Hotel.
Cor l.'t.i & Q 3H . Lincoln, Neb.
10.1 Niooly Fiirultheil Hooius. Klevator.
Htenm llent. Klentrle YlU. Only two
Mi lc Iron, f I- 11 prhieii I then-
1 ".
1 in vtOfst,
;-" 1 a ..-i-!"!