The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 29, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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' ti
Tk LsssssssssssssH
W ho first beholds the light of day
In spring's Bweot gentlo May,
And wenrs nn EMERALD all her
Shall be a lovod and happy wife,
1 5 Years Practical Experience
In Fitting Spectacles. Come in whon needing glaseea my stock is
full and complete of all kinds. Will guarantee you a fit and eavo
you money. Your
Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing
solicited. I guarantee all work, any defect In same made good FREE
ofchaige. Difficult fine watch werk a Ld iiiiiii i
Watch Examiner for D. A M.R.R. THOS. PENMAN.
Summer School Chautauqua.
Author of "Evolution of Dodd,"
and who assisted Bill Njo one sea-
Ex-President Nebraska State Tcaoh-
ears' Association.
Tho great Primary and Kindergar
ten Teacher.
Editor of the Northwestern Journal
of Education.
Diatriat President of tho Y. P. S.
0. E and Post Graduato of the
Chioago University.
Orer 300,000 newspapers publish
his sermon every wcolc, rcaohing
100,000,000 people.
The editor and publisher of Sunday
School Literature, and founder of
the I. A. II. Cirole.
Editor of tho Epworth Herald, and
the greatest Leaguer in America
The Eminent Chautauquan and Un
rivaled Expounder of tho Bible.
MISS LOUISE M. LINNEBARGER, of Chioago, tho finest solo eornctist
of sacrod song in tho went.
MRS, II. il. ESTERBROOK, who as a Pianist stands Imperial Leader from
Omaha t Denver.
PROF. T. MARTIN TOWNE, whose musical compositions aro sung and
appreoiatod by tho English speaking world.
One R. R. tare for round trip; ono half fare for ohildren under 12 years
of ago. Fino grove; good water. Tents to rent at low prices. Splendid
paBture for horses for thoso who drive over. Prepare for an outing on the
Republican river. Combined pleasure with profit.
Opens June 1; - Closes June 27.
Detailed Cataloguo will soon bo ready. For further information
Address J. L McBRIEN, Dean, Orleans, Neb.
... lETTiia-iiaannnrnrr-r-
FftorniwroM or-
President of the XTnited States
will, ns nlwnyii bo found in tho thiokost of tho light, battling vigorously for sound
bnslnoHR principle, which will bring proupority to the nation,
Tho Now-York Weekly Tribune in not only the lending Itepublionu paper of tho
country, but in pru-ouiinuutly n nntioiml family nuwspnpor.
Itfl campaign news and discussions will lutoreet every Amurionn oitlzcn.
All tho nows of tho day, Foreign Gorresdondenoe, Agricultural Depnrtment, Mar-
ket Uoports, Short 8torloa oomploto in eaoh number, Coraio Ploturea, Fashion
riatoa with elaborate dosorlptionB, and a variety of items of housohold interest
make np an ideal family paper.
BENE," both puporH
Cash In Atfvaaco.
Address nil orders to
IVmI.a pnM ... .. ..JI .. .. --- . .... '
i imiiii' aim nuuitin mi it iuaiui curt, acini ii io CJco. w. Heat.
I Tribune lliUMInc Nfv York Clt, ami n khiiiiiIo copy of Tin: NIJV
villi iv v itr.ii.l.V TIlIHIIMtwllI bo liinllcd to you.
.U1BEI akd (BOAE
Pleasure is an ovanesoent some
thing which, when roeliiod, becomes
nothing, Full of promise in atioipa-
tion, its realization turns the cxpootod
gold into dross. The supposed beau
tiful pioturo on nearer approach is
soon to bo a daub; the apparent beau
ttful gloB ia on I j mould; tho froth of
tho cup covers only tho bitter dregs
that lio boncalh and the awoet portion
becomes norid era it paasos the lips.
Suoh ia pleasure, yot we aeek it, pur
no it, trusting thai it will (tire joy,
happiness, contentment, tut alas, even
in its maddest whirls there is a sting
f regret, remorse, diieoatant, ono
moment of doubtful, fleeting joj
bringing with it years ef repentance
and sorrow. In looking kaokward wo
find that tho things which seemed to
havo tho lokSt oharm are the only
events whioh have mado aay impres
sion upon us, and we do not rotate our
pleasures but our labors, because they
are tho realities.
Have you not seen a child work by
tho hour to got to somo desired suany
spot and just as ho raaekss out to
grasp the sunbeam, a cloud flit by and
dostroy tho coveted goal? Thus it is
in life; thus it is in pleasure. Have
we not striven for years to obtain the
pleasures of a oortin hour and then
when it is almost attained, it is snatch-
od away by some unseen power and all
our labor has been in vain.
Mahomet says, "Paradise is under
tho shadow of swords." Whether this
be truo or not, wo know that every
thing worth attaining is surrounded
by dangers and difficulties. Often
things whioh should bo a pleasure to us
are not, because wo aro wishing for
something that we cannot obtain
whioh probably when gotten would
brine with it grief and sorrow, al
though at present it resombles the
most excellent things, whioh all havo
a rainbow character.
Nothing is moro hurtful to a youth
than to havo his soul soddon with
pleasure. Tho best qualities of his
mind aro thus wasted, his appotite for
tho highest kinds of plcasuro is des
troyed, common enjoyments bcoomo
tasteless, and when he comes to take
up the work and duties of life, the ro
suit is often only aversion and disgust.
As a ohild turns from broken toys, so
a youth turns from his withered pleas
ures and ho will find that his very ea-
pacity for enjoyment has been des
troyed. A most pitiable sight is a
man who has throes away his youth
in folly. It is among sueh persons,
whose youth has been sullied by pre
mature enjoyment, that we f nd the
prevalenoo of skepticism, sneering and
egotism, which proves a soured nature.
Tho happy goal of a well spent life
ia reaohed only through dangers and
difficulties which have oast their
shadow over the whole journey.
In life's morning we bogin the pleas
ant excursion througtb fields refulgent
with tho dews and fragrance of spring
time's bcautious flowers. We pass on
along tho pleasant banks, keeping stop
to tho rippling musio of timo, where,
near its source, it warbles as a littlo
stream among the pebbles of its bed,
As wo proocod, two ways appear, one
called pleasure, tho other, duty, the
former appoars pleasant nnd bright,
tho latter, dull and nnd prosaic; in
each, sha dowy forms appear beckon
ing us to enter; our inclination tend
toward tho first, our better self urges
that wo tnko tho second. In our
youthful inexperience wo do not know
that tlio flower bordered way of tho
former lends to tho desert of disan.
poiulmcut, despair and woe; wo do
not know that tho honoy dow on its
flowers changes to tho bitterness of
gall; that tho swcot songs of its birds
ore long will becomo tho croak of tho
vulturo, rcmorso gnawing at tbo void
of our withered hopes and heart.
Tho other path appears moro difficult;
it is loss attractive; tho flowors that
bloom by its sido have moro quiet
oolors; tho songs of its birds are less
thrilling; tho dew that sparkles on
tho follago does not gliston'with suoh
brilliancy nor has such sweetness of
...nA. l.H .1 .-1 It . .
mum, uuv menu caim aoiignis ncvor
fado. Amongst its flowors lurks no
deadly serpent to sting tho hapless
wayfarer; tho read may bo at times
rough but every step that is taken on
largca tho vision, every obstacle that
is overcomo gives its own quiet joy,
every success that is nttninad carries
with it its own reward, none of its
promisos aro left unfulfilled, its gold
never becomes dross, and af tor tho
sun oi its day has sunk to rest, the
wayfarer uuy lie down muidst tho vio
lets that cover its sidoi and sleep tho
drcamlHss sleep of health and peace,
n r"ru"ro or rankling fears disturb
his p..o. fitl slutnhtrs.
How different is tho lot of him wto
gives las lifo'c best efforts to the
gratification of bin sonsual passion;
what a narrow and dsapioablo thing
is that man and that life whose hori
zon bound; only the narrowness of
self nnd selfish joys. What bittcrnciB
is cevered by the deceptive froth of
his first faiat enjoyment.
"For pleasures aro like popplen spread,
You eiczo the (lower, its bloom la shed;
Or, like the snow-flake on the river,
A moment white then gone forever;
Or, like the borealia race,
That flit ere you can point their placo;
Or, like tho rainbow's lovely form,
Evanishing timid tho etorui."
Passing away, leaving a plaoo
marked enly by glosm. Sueh is tho
fate of him wke makes the vanities of
earth his solo aspiration, nething
lasting, aothing enduring, vanishing,
passing away in gloom and sorrow,
How different from ths fate of him
inspired by seme noblo an lofty ideal,
takes his stand among the true and
good, ever pressing toward tho accom
plishment of something high and
nobis. What a glorieus sunset boauty
has such a life I Its last gloam, as it
sinks bolew the rim of this world,
sending out glerious streamers of re
fulgent liht, beckoning, beckoning
and calling tho wanderer to that life
which lies boyond, to that world
whoso boautics fado not.
Wayfarer on life's journey, so livo
that whan thy time approaches to join
tho innumorablo caravan,
"Thou go not liko tho quarry elnve at
Scourged to hia duugoon, but sustain
ed nnd eoothed
By an unfaltoring trust, approach thy
Liko ono who wraps tho drapery of
hiB couch
About him nnd lies down to pleasant
Peahl E. Ludlow.
' iHimai Mil
U ESbsbscssssssssssbssbbsI
ssl sHBBSssvBsssssssssnTaW
I MMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbI
I IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWbbbbbI
VsBBBfltLL'illl Uillii! i,?,,,7',!i"MiTI'IbBB
is tne
very best
v -
Wackwell's Genuine
Tou will find on conpon ImlJ mod I ounce U ml two ecu pom Intldt each 4 OUD.0S bu.
till A ttm Ik.-. ,....... . .. . '
i - . "" u cuupun wo m uuw w (Tt your IWM Of IMO.QlM in prwtnu.
"Tho sun unto the mountain an id
Come up li!nlier, come up higher."
We nro told in Holy Writ that in tho
beginning tho face ot the earth was cov
ered with water. Then the spirit of God
breathed forth. Slowly the land appear
ed and the mountains rose from their
pestulential vapors and mists, until final
ly they appeared above the fogs and
Btorm clouds, shining clear and resplen
dent in the beams of the glorious sun of
heaven, and, as the mountain struggled
upward into the clear sunshine, bo does
the human bouI ever strive toward the
light ot ite Almighty Creator.
Humanity ia ever yearning for some
thing higher, something nobler, purer,
truer, Holland Bays:
MMeaven Ii not reached at a single bound,
nut vro build the ladder by which we rise
From the lowly earth to the vaulted iklei.
And we mount to the summit round by
There is no royal road to success, liko
the man who awoke ono morning and
found himself famous. Each must toil
long to surmount the many obstacles in
bis way beforo roaching his goal.
The ascont of the mountain is todious
but tho view which moots the gazo as
tho top is attainod repaye us for our toil.
Each, seeking to obtain n summit
must sturt in the foot hills und work
his way slowly upward nnd onward, ovor
Btrlving, over watchful of tho dangers
that lio around und benoath him; care
ful leet nt any moment tho hoedlcos Btop
may full on an unsuro footing nnd bo
precipitated into tho aliyea below; care
fully picks his pnth from among tho
treacherous surroundings. Ah ho udvan
ces tho way becomos moro ruggod, moro
dangerous. Often woariod nnd discour
aged ho stops, rondy to abandon tho un
dertaking, lie thinks of tho imrdBhips
ho has endured and with straining oy'B
and faltering purpose he looks at tho
towering heights boyond. Tho under
taking BeoniR too groat for hia coumgo
and strength.
About ready to give up in despair ho
Booms to hoar revorbornting through tho
mountain summit thoso words whioh
guvo thn mountuin birth,
"Come up hluhcr, come up hlfiher."
With rouewed onorgy und purposo ho
again begins tho task bo noarly abandon
ed, but tho dnngere and difllcultieasoom
to multiply. To tho right and to tho
loft the avalanges thundor into tho
abyss bolow. Yawning chasms aro to be
crossed, tho ley path is full of unknown
dangers, but onward ho goes faltering
nmt uncortain, obodiont to tbo voice
pf tho monitor within him, pointing to
tho dizzy holghts until nt Inst, strongth
and courugo holding out, ho gninea tho
wishod for summit. With tho last wave
of departing strongth ho turns his swim-
ming eyes down o'er tho pnthn ho has
climbod with such clangor and ililllcuiy
ami stiincio trnnsllxed with womlor.
Tho way which Bcemed so ruggod and
awful, us ho glanced buck ovoritappoars
one gradual iiBcont. All tho rough
places aro lost Bight and ho wonders
whut had becomo of ull tho dlfllculties
which, at ono time, soomed almost in
surmountabla. So it ia with the hu
man soul striving toward perfection,
daily, on its journey, troubles nnd hard'
Bhips arleo but with tho couragn born of
hope, presses on, eBoh day putting Boine
toll behind; faltering, hoping, trusting,
until nt last it stands at the end of its
mortal career, and then looking back
o'or tho journoy it oomoe, ull tho irrogu
lurlties eeomod to bayo disappeared and
he, hia end attainod, wondorn why he
ovor faltered or became discouraged.
In starting out on lifo'o weary journoy
we roulizo wo will moot with our suo
owhcu and revorsoa but wo ohould ul
ways tlx u goal or sun that wilt loom bo
foro us, beaconing uson to climb highor,
for tho heights now attainod nro Binull in
comparison to thoeo wo can reach it wo
prosist in climbing steadily on, forget-
ing our diffloultiesnnd romomborlng tho
ono CBflontial thing, tho utmost round to
which wo aspire.
Dilllculties innumerable will meet on
our journoy; Bhipwrooks on lifo'e torn-
postuouB billows; storms nnd unfore
seen iiccldente on our travels, but on
ward without faltoring is tho watch
word which will pass us through tho
clouds to that sun of our life, the goal
ot our lives, tho goul of our ambitions.
Ab we start in lifo our desires tosuccood
lead ub dovioun ways, forgetting ono, tho
otbor, some of ub may unfortunately fall
by the way Bide, but tbo thought of
what can bo accompliehod will urge ub
on to ranowod and more earnost exer
tions. Again, on our way, if, perchance,
we meet an unfortunate whose lot ia
hard, oxtond to him a holplng hand, for
you know not but that tho moat brilliant
diamond ia atill in the rough and that
the objeot of our courteey may become
a Napoleon or a Cromwell.
Assist the unfortunate who tries to
succeed; you may not know the cause
ot hia advoraity. When in auch jsu
find your weary companion on the down
ward road, call him back, show him the
beaocn light, that glorioua sun ot life
Your path will be smoother; and by each
and auch act of kindness you will climb
higher in the estimation ot your associ
ates and become yourself a shining light
to brighten the path of a weary traveler,
Is genius tliBt which enables ua to
roach the top and call success our own ?
To a certain extent, but by no means
does it wholly rest on gonius. There is,
at the present day, too much said on
this subject. Common eonse is bo pro
saic; yot, as appoara from history, tho
great onos know that Item, genius, was
not u nupernatural thing, but simply
faculties whioh tho lowost typo of Im
munity shared with thorn, They knew
what thoy possessed would not enublo
thorn to accomplish whut they under
took, unloss they steadily bout thoir en
ergies to tho task. "It is porsovoranco
and striving that gains honor."
CicnhiB without dilllculty in of toner a
curso than a blojsiug; its possessor do
ponding on his natural gift fails hecuuso
of indolence. He who has dilllculties
to overcomo will, with his ojea directed
upward, unmovod by tho many hindor
uncos, miiUo n moro determined effort,
nnd, forgetting thoso things which aro
behind, strive to roaoh thoso things
which aro before.
OillluultiuB liko a block of granito to
tho cllmbor of mountains is either a holp
or a hindornnce, in proportion as we aro
strong and rosoluto or weak nnd faltor
ing. Would Michael Angolo havo built St.
Peters and bonutiilod tho walls of tho
Vatican hud ho awaited inspiration
whilo his work was in progress ? Would
Raphael havo dazzlod tho oyos ot all
Europo had ho nllowod hia brush to hos
itato ? Would Ootho have writton the
sixty volumos of his works or Milton
havo oompletod his "Paradlso Lost" had
thoy not of ton ant down to an unwilling
Should misfortuno drivo us to despair?
Groat things havo beon accomplished in
epito of misfortune Bedford jail guvo
the world "Pilgrims Progross," A lad
l from a poor-house unlocked tho doors of
intorior Atrica. Tho tail nro or a pub
lishing company gavo us somo of Scott's
best works.
English history presents two ctriking
and momoriablo event j which have nov
or boon paralleled in any othor nation;
nnd theso camo from persovornnco and
listening to thut volco which has aided
so many in loading a brilliant caree r,
Tho drat is Milton. Whon advanced
lu years, blind and in misfortune, he en
tered upon tho composition ot nn opto
which waa to dotormino his futuro glory
and haxard the glory ot hie country in
competition with the classic ages of an
tiquity. Tho counterpart of this picture
is Sir Walter Scott. With hia private
affairs in ruin, he undortook, by intel
lectual labor, to liquidate a dobtof 120,
000. Glory puro and unsullied was
Milton'a aim. Honor nnd integrity were
Scott's incentives. In six years Milton
had realtaocl tho object of his hopoa in
the completion ot "Paradlso Lost." Hia
work was accomplished, hia triumph
complote; he hold in his hand his pass
port to immortality.
In six yenra Scott had almost reached
tho goul ot his nbltionn; he had roamed
tho wido Held of romance nnd tho public
had liberally rowurdod him. It soomed
as it tho maxim, "Kortuno holps those
who holp themselves," wnB bolng clearly
exemplified, As tho world saw his suc
cess they choorod him on but his exer
tion was too much, ho had spont his life
in tho Btrugglo and ho sank exhausted
inhisoourso. Tho iron will was sub
dued, and honor nnd integrity bowed
their hoada in submission, to torminato
in doath.
"Peralttont effort ia tho prico ot lion
orablo distinction." No man ought to
be convinced by anything short ot as
siduous and long continued labors issu
ing in absolute failure, that ho Is not
meant to do much for the glory of God
and the honor of mankind. Lot ua
throw aside tho doctrine that "Man ia
the creature of circumstances" and
adopt the higher and grander one, "Man
ia the architect of hia own fortune" In.
atead ot complaining of our taw talents
and unfavorable circumstances, let ua
make the moat ot what we do poeeeaa
and alwaya etrive to rise to the highest
types ot manhood and womanhood.
Fear not obstacles. What aro your
stumbling atonea f Poverty, ignorance,
obscurity. If we will but listen to that
voioe sayiag aaoncouragingly, calling so
clear and distinct, "Come up highor,
come up highor," we can surmount thorn
all. Many well known to fame have con
quered. Why not wo Llfo and ths
world are full of conflict and he who
wins wears the laurol,
A word of friondly admonition to my
classmntes, I think, is opportune. Let
ub start out on life's journoy concentrat
ing our onorgios on somo grand nnd
noblo aim, if wo would succood, It ia
not meant that tho talonts wo poBueos
shall hencoforth lio dormant. Thiu ia
commencement. Wo aro nt tho foot ot
tho great mountain, just starting to
tread the hard and rugged roud. Lot ua
bo alive to tho noceesitica of life; raise
tbo fallen, and show by our dnily lifonn
oxamplo ot which wo may ouritolvcn lis
proud; always endeavoring to nttuin the
utmost round of tho groat laddor and
lot us each in our hoart ovor Bay,
"Coiiio up IiIrIic r, eoiim up higher.
Ami from tlio ilri'Ki el earth's tlt-alrti
Come up litter."
For Hogs and Poultry.
This is ono ot the Hnost hog nnd poul
try cholora remodles ovor discovered,
nnd wo choorfully guarantee u cure if
UBod according to directions.
Itumlrmtsof testimonials bear us witness
nt lis curative qualities, fuw of which we
publish heruwith:
ltcd Cloud, Neb., April 21. isofl -To Whom It
M.iv Concern) My chickens Mere ilylntr dully,
until I itilinliilfltcreil J. A. Knox's Cholti.i Ivoia
cily, since which time I have lost none.
Hed filmid, Neb., April 8. IS'JO.-TIiIh Is to cer
tify thai I liaveuseil .nut aci'M used tlio Knox
Cholera Itemed)', and il docs ull that Is cbliiua
font. It. T. 1'avnk.
OIIutb who have inert Hit remedy, with suo
cess, niei It. M lament, J. Pickles, ft U.
IVturson, C 1'ari.ey, V K. j nu.
lMut IIoiiicm $1.'J.; Mnull lotllei0e,
Address or cill on
Solo rroprletor, lt4 Cloud, WebrasjcJU
Territorial rights (or sale.
wunsisHMsiMHmwim KstahV-bcd Firm iri wffiiSgt35rD?&; rilClierfJ V8f Wia. -fTfirSoJil by WuggiK.; itiSm: p-7 World'i Awari.fe"t
vr. wieewiese
mmfsssi'mmw ,