The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 29, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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y.MUV.mi'jJr'M i uutiKmemimtaamnfrrv.'l tyr Hfgtin itfjg
mM AND IT9 ctmn
To the Editor: I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By Its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am I
of its power tlut 1 consider It my duty to
send two bctlles free to those of your readers
who have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postofficc address. Sincerely,
T. A. S10CUM, M. C, IM Pearl St., Hew Tort.
M The Editorial and llulnc M inRratnt ol
Uill l'mxf Utt-r-nte. thl gcneroui l'rt)ioiUioD
U. A. M. -. t. I'tmu 'tublo.
CUM Nil fcASl
ec, 1)oiit KreWit. I.v ? " ,
IB, 1'ntsf iiktet. " mt6 " ArlO;roB.m.
M.Fiwtl'relKlit. " I a i' in. liOOp, m.
14?, Mixed Train. I.V I ii. 11, in. Ar 11:15 i. m
C3, KiMt Krcluht, I.v Psis a. in. Ar loauii. in
UL.iMuiMlTr.iW, " vi '" I', m. ' lt:a. m
in, rHHtcin-'iT.
10 p hi. " S:J0 p. m
13c PsIE:AL:
$ stkaii, j:i!i!,
biu:m, iiiJ'rrisii,!
J iii:, ,oiri:iJ. $
Reduction in repair
ing on shoes sold from
our stock only, others
regular price.
Nailing meni' halt soles CO
Ladles' liult soles "
Hoyshalf soles 40
Misses ami youths halt wiles
Children' half solos 2fi
Patches ,0
See regular udd
Cinninnuti Hoot mid Shoo btoro
A. II. Kuloy, Prop.
ait at
The Grand Hotel.
Cor 12tli A 1 SH . Lincoln, Neb.
lOfi Nicely Furnished Itooins. Elevator.
Bteam Hunt, litvctiio Hells. Only two
blocks from the two principal thoa-
tros. ' '
W.T.HPKNCK.S T. St'i:XCi:,ManaKOPi.
imu:r nii.vriox.
Wull paper tit Cutting's.
Correct timo ut Penman's.
Ico cold hoiIii til Cotting'ri.
NowhoiiHo Uro-i. tor belt Buckles.
I. E. Hill of Juiiniiitu. Nel)., wuBin Rod
Cloud this woek.
Frod Torry of Omaha wus in this city
this week
Rend A. H. Knley's prizo spring an
If you want ii nice lu'lt buoklo, go to
Newhonr.o DroiJ.
Mrs. J. M.Sellsrs ban roturned from
Lincoln where elm has Won for somo
Frank iiinl Sinn bimoy open their
moat, market m mt Mondiiy north of
Henry Cook' dru.c store.
CimiK iukI see th- imortiinrit nf
shirt Von will in surpr'nod U lhd
Htich low pni'iM. 'in!i-r, the Oi i.'iior
No charge for examination of tho cyea
whether vu liny (spectacles or not. at
Newhouse I'.nib. See thoiii before buy
ing glttSSeS.
Miss 'ir.ieu Hodim nnd Trivio Mizer,
two of the handsome and accomplished
young ludiHiiot Hod Cloud, Nebr.iBka,
worn tlm 1,'iieHtfl of Mr. mid Mm. V. II.
IIoiiKli, a few d.i)B hiHf, week and attend
ed the coiniiionueiuent osorciBOB Stttur
day even imr. Smith Center Journal.
Three of the most popular younj lad
ioa in the Houth ward went to the come
tury Sunday and Katherod tho llowora
from tho KrnvoH of tho dead, whoro lov
in hands had placed tlitmi. This eoomn
vury Bud indued, and should it happen
OKiiin the nauioriof tho parties will bo
published, no they nro well known.
On Wednesday afternoon atorribly do
vustatinp; cyslouo struck St. Louis und
demoliBhod evorythint; in its course.
The nowflpnper reportH Bay Unit from
.r00 to 1,000 people wore killed. Trainfl
liickeil up ind overturned on tho big
brido, and many of tho paHBenRors bo
voroly briiiBcd, while tho boats in the
river were all sunk. Tho storm ifl sup
poBSil to be one that passed over Ilea
Cloud about 0 a. in. of tho eamo day but
too high to do any dumage or be of any
Hlgbttt Honors WrM'
A puie Grape Cream of Tartar Powder, Fxm
fiom AmmorJa, Alumorany otherrdulterar
& Pi Bm
iTV ,i:wm.
Wall paper at Cottlns's.
Paper hanging, 1 P. Hadloy.
J. L Miner was in tho west this woek
on buuinefie.
I). M. Abol roturned from Umnha
T.C. Hacker mid wifo havo roturned
from a vinit in Nemaha.
A complete new line of wall papor at
Taylor'a at bottom prices.
Any child who can handle a team can
handle the Ohio cultivator.
Tho peoiile of Uloomlti(Uiu expect to
celebrate the 1th In fjreat stylo.
MrB. II. F. HuuibnURh of llladen miib
in the city on ThurBday Bhepplntr.
A nico line of ladies' ties to be worn
with tho shirt waiRts, at Wioner's.
Cottlrif,' KtiaranteeBthe Lincoln Mixed
paint to beat anything in tho market
Tho correspondence was crowdod out
this week on account of u enrplus of mat
ter. Come und boo whnt I can do for you
before you buy u binder. James Potor
Bon. Postolllco closed on Decoration Day
from 12 m to f p. m.--V. W. Cowdon,
Spectacles and oyo-ijliisnes llttod by
the only correct pyelom ut Nowhouso
Always in sentton, Hopkin'n Stoamod
llTmiiny'tllulled Corn). I'leunnt lunch
in milk.
I can save you twenty dollurs on a bin-
dor if you willKivom nchanco. James
Mr. Polly and wifo of Lincoln, Kobr.,
nro visiting with O. C. Hell nnd fumily
thin woek.
Don't buy any othor cultivator whon
ou cannot tho gonuiuo Ohio cultivnto r
nt PotorsonB.
Tho cenietory has boenvery nicoly
lixod upfordecorntionBorviceBYomor-
bow (Saturday).
On page thrco of this isBUo will bo
found tho commencement of an interest
inR continued story.
Miss Hthulyn Dowlnnd and Mr. llobbs
of Nelson nro visiting utT'tho residonco
of W. H. Iloby this weok. L
If you want to buy a binder I can buvo
you raony. Call and boo mo beforo you
ordor. James Petor6on.
P. P. Hadloy is painting n houso for
Joo McClelland, ono of our most popu
lar farmors in Smith county.
(leo. Lindsoy is homo from Cripplo
Creek and biib thoro is plonty of truck
out there in tho ehapo of gold.
Tho city council will Bit next Monday
as a board of equalization. That will
be tho time to register jour kicks.
W'nntod: A hired man for all bummor.
Oood wages. Inqulro nt I). W. Caro
well's, .'lli miles south mid l,i miles cast
of Hoseiuout, Nob.
Thoro will bo u bneidaurcHtM iiermon
i.t the CougroKiitionul church Sundas
inornini,', delivered by ltv. Horton to
tho r';raduutiug class,
Alexander Hentloy, ono of tho former
graduates of tho Hod Cloud Public
ecIiooIb, attended the commencement ex-ercirie.-i
in the city this week.
Tho township board of Rod Cloud
teu'iiship will sit iiB u board f equaliza
tion at the court Iioueo, Monday, June 1,
A.1J. PiF.ucK.Twp. Clerk.
All those who contcmplato buying
threshing ria tliiu ear will Had it to
thUr interest to call on or addresi 1. IS
llHiupton (iuiile Ruck, Nobrasku, ngt.,
for J. J.CuboT. M.Co.
Oning to tho fact that wo havo pub
lished the cpsays of tho graduating class
in full this weok, wo havo boon compelled
to omit much other valuable local runt
ter until our noxt issue
On next weok Prof. Castor nnd Chnn
cey Warner will graduuto from tho Btuto
univondty. Tho first named a full
Hedged lawyor, tho socond an export,
electrician. Both gontlemen will do
honor to Red Cloud.
Mr. It. DuYonng, Middlebnrg, la.,
writes: I have naed One MiuHte Cougli
Cure for six yours, both for myiielf and
children, atd I consider it the (uiokest
noting nnd most tmtiHfaotory Cough' Cure
I have ever iint'd. (J Li (Jotting.
Tho uiual W. C. T. U. quarterly mass
meeting will bo hold in tho Congregn
tionul church, next Sunday avoniag,
May HI. Address by Rev. Horton.
Subject, "Alcohol, tho great onemv of
mankind, or tho effoot on th body,
mind aid spirit.
The Blue Hill will
have ii Sonday-eohool rally ut Illuo dill
on Sunday, Juno 7, commencing at 1
o'clock. An axcelUnt program has been
arranged and all Sunday-Bchoolsare cor
dially invited U attend and participate
in tho exerolaea.
Much praise ehould be givn to Prof,
L. 8. Wilson for tho manner in whioh be
has conducted the lohoola during tho
past year. Thoy havo been run without
a jar, and no complaints have boon hoard
of. The graduating class, as well as tho
pupils generally, attest his educational
ability. Together witfh hisablo corps of
teachers line put the school on a batter
footing than ever. Tub Chirk extends
congratulutionB to Prof. Wilson und
I toucherr".
Dr. Price's Cream Hiking Powder
WoilJ's Fair HIshfstA'.tJaUQj Diploma.
triJiWrii(0deMlUtaUHbed Firm In WuhinKtoi-D(V' rutVlienv
M)IS At i:ms.
1) M. Piatt is in Milwaukee thi week ,
Col. Wiggins has recevied his Insur
ance money. ,
Dr. Fred McKeoby is In Wisconsin
visiting friends this week.
Mrs. R W. Fuller mid children aro
visiting in Campbell this week.
W. W. Watkine, who has been visiting
at S Day's, left for Denver last Monday
Mips Joeio Norrls who has been visit
ing friends in Lincoln, returned homo
I'ditor Richmond of the Nation wan
basking in tho sunshine of tho Rocky
mountains this week.
One swallow does not mnku Spring, but
one mw.iUow of Oiih Minute Cough Curo
brlngH relief, ('. L. ('ottlug.
Dr.Talmadge will Bpeak in Orleans on
tho 7tli to a large crowd. A epocial
train will run from this city.
Whon in Lincoln stop at tho Grand
hotel, corner of 12th and Q streets. It
Is ii No, 1 house in every roBpoct.
A. 11. Hill, tho gentlemanly Btock buy
er, who contemplated moving to Red
Cloud, has removed to Missouri. Tin:
Ciiiki- it) sorry that ho could not 11 ml it
possible to locato in this city.
On May III thcro will bo baptizing at
l:.'IOp. m.,at CJralilo'B ford, in Adams
county, on tho Little llluo river. All
cordially invited. Candidates roquefltod
to bo presont. Rev. Ceo. Hummel, pas
tor. Now lot tho ontiro population of Red
Cloud try to assist tho dromon in their
celebration on tho Fourth. Tho llro
boya aro making arrangements for u
grand, old tinio celebration, and it will
bo to everybody's intorost and onjoy
men to be presont.
Charity Lodgo No. KI, A. F. A A. M.
elected the following otllcora last Friday
A. CI. Willi. W. M.
J.C. Mers,S.W.
11. B.Grlce.J. W.
J. A. Tuliojs, Secretary.
Win. Parker, troupuror.
D. J. Myerp, tnnyor of this city wiib in
Omaha and Lincoln this woek on Iiub'i-
nesB. Tho editor of this papor nccom
paniod him. In Lincoln wo found bov
oral old Red Cloud boyp, viz: Poter A.
Reachy, Jno. Moore, C. F. Cnthor. Prof.
Castor, including ex-Mayor Ilontloy.who
wns in Lincoln on business. Wo aro
plonsod to noto thnt tho Rod Cloud peo
plo aro nil prospering in thnt city.
Cliurcoul for SluU Animal.
In nine cases out of ten, when an
animal is hiok tho digestion is wrong.
Charcoal is tho most olllulcnt nnd
rapid corrective. Tho hired man of a
farmer camo in with tho Intelligence
that ono of the finest cows was very
sick, and a kind neighbor proposed
tho usual drugs and poisons. Tho
ownor being 111 nnd unable to examine
the cow, concluded that the trouble
enmo from over-eating, and ordered
a teaspoon fill of pulverized charcoal
to bo given in water. It was mixed,
placed in a junk bottle, tho head
downward. In tlvo minutes improve
ment was visible, and in n few hours
tho animal was in the pasture quietly
grazing. Another instance of equal
success occurred with a young heifer
which had become badly bloated by
eating green apples after a hard wind.
Tho bloat was so severe that the
Bides were us hard os a barrel. The
old remedy, saleratus, was tried
for correcting the acidity; but tho at
tempts ut putting it down always
raised coughing, and it did little good.
Half u teaspoon ful of fresh powdered
cliurcoul was given. In six hours all
the appearance of tho bloat hnd gona
und the heifer was woll. Fanner's
Turin Noti'f.
Onions need a good cellar but they
should be well dried in tho surf beforo
Ouo advantage in applying manure
on ineudows Is that tho clTccta arc
Whllo a variety of grasses is best
for a pasture, blue grass is tho best
single gross.
Make racks and feed tho straw out
rather than to turn tho stock into tho
straw stack.
When manure Is worked into tho
surface it will soon get deep enough
for tho plants.
If tho proper courso Is adopted tho
land can be made to improve instead
of running dowu.
Oood roads aro signs of nn enterpris
ing community whllo poor roads often
indlcuto careloKsncss.
Encourage your neighbors to better
farming. Often their laziness Is mora
or less a tax upon you.
English tenant farmers aro com
plaining of high rents as the causa of
agricultural depression.
It Is often the little extra gala that
determines the real profit, whether
with grain or with ato'ek.
Produce, sold from the farm la gone
forever; by feeding to stock a goad
porUon may bo applied back.
Oood blood will tall even la the
breeding of ftnules, select a good mare
and breed her to a good jaak.
Nothing upon the faros pars batter
than so treating the col to that they
will dovolop Into valuable animals.
The American Agriculturist says
that the wheat crop has boon reported
at 5 to 15 per cent moro than was har
vested. Sound seed Is tho first essential for
a good crop of corn. Don't neglect to
select it. Choose tho best ears fruin
tho best stalks, llrccd up the corn.
iUriM-4VBMHMii tyrs,
llnnii' Hint..
Oil-cloth will look bright and new If
rubbed with a cloth saturated In coal
Sprinkle tnnsy leaves among woolen
clothing mid furs to keep moths from
Spots of Iron rust In garments may
be removed by dipping In tartarlo
acid and hanging In the sun.
If beefsteak Is fried till dono on ono
side and turned before salting, it will
retain its juiees much better.
Common salt finely powdered Is ex
rollout for washing the teeth. It
toughens the gums and gives them a
red. healthy irlow.
Mrs J.R. Hhlrey, toucher in instru
mental music; customary prices. Dally
half hour lesions to now beginners at
reiiBonublo rates. 18-tf
When you want a nice smooth bIiiivo
or hair-cut, give Coo, F.intress a call
Ono door south of the Hon Ton llakery
For every quarter In n nuin'M pocket
there nro n dozen uses; and to tine unnh
one in such a wny an to derive the great
est benefit is a queHtlou every ono must
koIvo for himself. We liellee, however,
thnt no better ne eould be made of one
of these quartern than to exchange It for
a bottle of Clmmlierbiiii's Colic, Cholera
nnd Dliurluti'U Heinedy, a medicine that
every familv should be provided with.
For sale by 11, K. (Irlce,
Hold or silver jewelry may bo
(leaned by rubbing with a rag dipped
In a teacup of water, to which has
been added a tcaspoouful of ammonia.
In dusting the contents of u room
never brush the dust off onto the lloor.
I'sc a cloth that will not lint, wipe tho
dust up in u cloth and shako out of
Soft rags soaked In sweet milk nnd
laid on a burn aro said to possess re
markable healing power If dipped at
an early stage. Renew tho cloth night
mid morning.
Reds should be dressed In clean
sheets mid pillow eases once a week,
and aired each morning heforo mak
ing, otherwise they cannot bo kept
clean and healthful.
How lo Trent ii Wile.
(From Pacific Health Journal.)
First, get a wife; second, bit patient
Yon limy have im'nt trials and perplexi
ties In your himiucHH, lint do not, there
fore, carry lo your home a cloudy or eon
tractcd brow. Your wife may hnve trials
which, though of lens magnitude, may be
hard for her to bear. A kind word, a
tender look, will do wonder in chniug
from her tirow nil clouds of i;lonm. To
this we would ndd, always keep n bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Rumedy iu the
honoo. It is the best and U sure to bo
needed sooner or later. Your wife will
then know that you renlly care for her
nnd winh to protect her health. For sale
by II. i:. CI rice.
Tho list of lottnrs
pnstofllco uncalled
remaining nt the
for up to May 23,
Cartor Owon Jaidison E E
SulTerChas Taylor Miss Jas
Tho nbovo letters will Im sent to tho
dead lotter olllco Juno 11, ISM. If not
cullod for. FitANit Cowdkn, Postmaster.
Mr. I). I. Davis, a prominent litoryinan
slid merchnnt of (Josheii, Va., has this to
siy on the subject of rlieiimntlHin: "1
take jileiu'iirn in recommending Chntnlicr
Iniu's Pain Halm for rhenniatiKUi, as I
know from pcnionnl exporiencn that It
will do all that is claimed for il. A year
ago thl spring my brother was laid up
in bedwith iiitlaimualory rli'-mnsti'm mid
suffered intensely. The llr applica
tion of Chiimberliiin'M Pain Halm ea'cd
the pain and llm Hsu of otn ImMIc com
pletely cured him. I" or sal" v II. K.
i .
A cook should never comb her hair
before breakfast, unless she has timo
t-i thoroughly brush nnd froo hor
clothing from all falling hair, which
may otherwise drop into home of the
vi. In tils.
If you wish to be free from lassitude
and dull headache on arising In tho
morning bo sure you sleep in a well
ventilated room. Tho fresh air must
come from tho outsido and not from
the adjoining room.
A very good substltuto for cream in
coiTen is made by heating tho whlto of
an egg anil uihliuy to it a small lump
of butter. Pour tho colToo Into It
gradually and stir whllo pouring to
prevent from curdling.
'In some conditions the gain
from the use of Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
is rapid.
For this reason we
Dut ud a 50c. size, wmen is
enough for an ordinary cough
or cold, or useful as a trial for
babies and children.
In other conditions gain
must be slow, sometimes
almost Imperceptible, health
can't be built up In a day. For
this Scott's Emulsion must be
taken as nourishment, food
rather than medicine, food
prepared fr tired and weak
SCOTT'S EMULSION hat kn ndfMfl bjr
the mdlcl prelrulon lortw.Hty yer. (AK
your doctor.) Thl I bMUM ft U always
piULbl.alw.yi unlforM-alwaya contains
the purest Norwegian Cod-llvtr Oil and llypo
phonhltt. . , -
Put up In go cent and Ji.on .lie. Taa
mall U. may be rnougli to cure your
coukIi or help your bnby.
at BrrsoUdibyXJrugirut,T7fo,
No. 78.
1 TJf 'WW fit
7r Ii TO' 11
Hf AJ&y v Mii I ill
Of every hue and shadethe new ties
that deck our neckwear department.
It's truly wonderful what varieties in
pattern and tasteful effects are produced
nowadays for little money
Don't do a tiling about the new
Spring suit until you see our tailor
made garments.
Tt)fo Label on a Garment
tjuros forroot t-n
Bnd Satisfaction
It stands for tho best that
Money Oan Buy or Skill
You bet that is a, fact, what we say above, and
a FACT IT IS that our prices are such
that you cannot help buying if you will
examine our
Sunday, June 7, 1806.
Wo expect to run a special train June 7th, for 'Palmare's la.
turc, from ,Suierior and all intermediate points to Orleans. It may
not lie out of place to call the attention of the people to tho fact
that the Orleans Chautauqua is much nearer to them than any other
assembly in the state, i'rom Red Cloud to Orleans it is 5j inilcfl;
while from Red Cloud to Beatrice it is 119 miles, and to Crete 149
miles. We make one railroad fare for the round trip, and to child
ren under 1 2 years of age one-half fare for round trip.
This is, perhaps, the last opportunity at any rate, the best op
portunity the people of the Republican Valley will ever have to
hear Talmage. He will leave Kansas City, Saturday, June 6th, at
a a -v a . -v - a . .
10:40 a. m., reaching Orleans at 10:15 p. in. on bttnday, June 7U1,
1896, at tho Orleans Chautauqua, he will speak twice. At 1 1 a. m.,
he will give his great defense of the bible, "The Absurdities of Evo
lution;" and at 8 p. in., he will deliver his unrivaled lecture, "Ib'j
Blunders." Sunday night at 10:15, he will take the train for Wash
ington, D. C, where important business calls him, compelling him
to cancell his engagements In Iowa and Minnesota for this seasvu.
We consider ourselves Indeed fortunate that he has kept Nebraska
on his program, and that he will be at Orleans Sunday if he lives.
In addition to the two lectures by Dr. Talmage, Sunday afternoon
will be occupied by the Y. P. S. C. E. rally, I'rof. J. F. Hosic, of
Chicago University, presiding. Eminent speakers and good music
will mark the exercises. A signal program for the entire daj .
Three dollars and fifteen cents ($3.15) will cover the railroad
fare, admission to both addresses of Dr. Talmage, Y. P. S. C. K.
rally, Including also dinner and supper at the Chautauqua hotel,
from Red Cloud to Orleans and return.
Our Jumbo tent weighs yt tons, and lias a seating capacity for
5000 people. We have good grove, good water, good tenting; w
are sparing neither hard work nor expense to do the right thing by
our patrons. But we cannot run the special train unless our patron
age will justify us In so doing. Let those who desire to hear Dia
Talmage, via special train, report at once to tne a. x ai. agent as
Red Cloud. They can order tickets for Talmage's lecture through
him. He will give due notice regarding special train.
5000 people will hear Dr. Talmage at Orleans, Sunday, June 7.
Many will drive iu for forty or sixty miles, but we believe coming
bv rail the cheaper, after all.
J. S. McMRlKN,
Dvmu i.Ittri. College.
I MaalTigu;LrUi 1 nnucat wru.fn 1 tyiimviijMViiwViIlaawy3aWl4li.
in- ErSfllaflHIHSBBBL!
1 tit
t 1