f I i I) bIby ... . .-; -I - r- !AmwKj, -- -v i Tiiillito lit ( . ,. J'" ,,,i---',,k' . , -c- -- - :s----- jap Bv - w&'lFV - -""-" JKr M w fTiiKEaBnVSH 4- -V- sagl-v i .. rra H- .-H -e. .k VB c3B.bV fZ- . - IbM - wil PL H fil il aMTZ VR ..Vn. W v Bri: iw 'Vv;l -ys r. sklj IHI r "'. i "I ".'ii. I "I A-S?--t S :-,-- v 'BBC KUttt.Sy '.U51. ' V -r- - " r -BBr' ,1 . . ..w.,. . BB T!T 3 " VMWSttrMV AS Ml -Vw BW BBa . v. :::! ' .-! i r& . r?7T.r?m-i!-Pi- 5atrafcri . "bi 7m-.r i.. j tt.,'.'"Mi" jp- 4-Wl ijfiiTa abft n - v r ...v.v ; n ik,ivK'-ir".vfvpjsirrv-fcv '.--. - - i rai a& " r mgz&mmi jmumhi '&ri M,MmmmmiMm, ,',.,..,. - - - ' - - - -,-- ,-T- Tl Tili-'- iiTCT iNl Z,i,7 ..l -i.rlL rT. Ill- J- l n PA7' 'f k V; i .S!f.fl I'ttnWf J'H'S4ll"1'V vssr -.tt. -- -i. ffipjgfiMil&K irak --O- in V . W .tflkUV - . - T- 3- t .BBBBar . 1 a 1 'MabBJBi H'lfVI 1 ' - .IB I- I 1 m t K V. 1 T - MA BBl . BV C It Jl'1 ,-W. Wi V . '. -Jfc i v; kltl mia t -VJ. J 1I I ' .' 'a .'kVU B . LBSaBl IBBtBPV BIBBBBBB. l - j-1 . K.&3K2mbmffifei !SSS?--rJT3-iBraffl-Sii r&e- .---" ,. -- - --- ,,vfciBBBBiLiBjsiEi.w'N'vrr!viK5 -ytrT i. '''-'3X4 .-- " -' isS&ffl&gSZZS! 'te'j's ' yKL --i,- Ajgr.agsfi, - - .. . VOLUME XXIV. VAU0XCV!ZJ7)T3IIBiaVU Memorial few$ i 7 ? 'ft h- 9 '! fl W tjf 0 ia M M $ B! ;fi' V"! 11 ?1 4 V1 ff, I'm I liJ IJic'l '.U ' -na .' BttfpBtf,Ly APPROPRIATE CEREMONIES ON LAST SUNDAY. IN THE OPERA HOUSE. DECORATION SERVICES WILL BE TOMORROW. A IIIG TIME Memorial eorviceB woro duly observed in Rod Cloud loat Sundav morning. Thoeorvicea woreoponed by nnapproprintoBong by tho choir. Tho scripture los eon was road by Rov. Horton of tho ConRreRational church, after which Elder Yob eorolTorod up thanks. Vance nnd Ralph Foo eungn very beautiful sonR. The Minir (hnn rnndnrnd nn iinnronrlntn nnlnctinn. Rov. .Tub. K. Mnxtlnld dolivorod thn ' memorial Bornion which was of Rmostoxcollent nntureand was highly appreciated " byull thooldBoldiers nnd allprcBont. Owing to tho proasuro on our columns of other matter, wonrounablo toproducotho Bcrmon, Tho pervicea woro Inrgoly nt ' tendod by members otGnrflald Post and tho Roliof Corps and a largo numbor of our citizons. Tho following is tho order in tho carry ing out tho observance of Memorial day: First division, Cororado W. B. Holy, chief marshal and aide., will ho in clmrge, following the firing squad, S. of V. band, Garfield Post No. 80, 0. A. K., and old soldier?, and Garfield W. It. 0., No. 14. Second division, under command of Comrade A. G. Willi?, committee and speaker in carriages, mayor and oity council, and citizens in enrrisecs, lied Cloud high schools, under command of temcherB and superintendent. Oo arriving at tho cemetery tho G. A. R. ritualistic service will bo con- Inducted by tho poet, and tho graves of K Vnmr.rinii will be strewn with flowora. J. K. Brown Co. B. 10th Iowa. Rob ert MoCucq. Jnmcs Ovcrlcss. Samuel MoKcnney. J.tluin Gibbs Co. K. 1-iu IlhnoiH. W. 11 Rtrohm Co. C. 102 nn. tfohn iMol ide C? G 20 lnwa. Uih.i, Jos '''ieo. Co. 'vid Siiir-ls. r C-. n ::i ox To c .: I '' 19 111. SnuiiiJ lititilii Co. II. 8 k u. Ma)yAgt,?Be4 Cloudeti? -V Bsrffiu' Services. EXPECTED. Wis. L. Frank Thornton Co. F. 17 Wis. K. W. Miller. J. L. Frame Co. G.,10 Iowa. Anderson Hodge Co. B SO Ohio. Klica Stowart. Vint Ludlow Mexican war. Frank Mattison. Chas. Sharp Co. E. .'1 N. Y. Cav. Josoph Tin glcy Co. K. 109 Pcnn. Geo. Hamilton Co. D. 4 Iowa. H. S. Kalcy Co. A. 122 Ohio. W. M. WanValkenburg Co. C. 5 Kan. Cav. Milton Letson Co G. 22 Conn. Wm. Letson Co. C. 12 N. Y. E. T. Fern Co. I. C Wis. John FloahB. H. Palmer Co. D. 38 Iowa. A. Wcideman Co. F. 18 Iowa. T. Iti loy Hays Co. D. 31 Iowa. John Tom linson W. M. 1st Iowa. Dr. Thos. B. Williams. Christian Jcssen. W. A. McKoighan Co. C. 11 III. Cav. At tho conclusion of tho above servico at tho cemetery the lino will form and march to the opera house whero the fol lowing program will bo carried out: Sontr America. Hani;, Solo nml (Miorns,, , l'loworn W Hrlng, lttwlIiijofnrtlcrn AilJt.K. N. HirhanlMin, Sontr, ClioriH, ...After tlio Inst Uma U.ittln Atliiit'HS ol Wclcomn .('niiiiniiiiili'i II V Pmul, Slulo (Jtl.irtft Jxniv AkiiUi wtt (kitlicr Allirl'jlit CfiHfir. I'lllloii.Allinulit AlllllCR . . . . Ht-v. U. It lUlllL'ltll. hour, clioi , . 8li-c!iiub'iiiTliilr.rvMTuullit. , i OVdest i:ialiihed Firm In Washington, U. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAY 2J), 1SJHJ. "r.'ag f.'.-tu "nr rvin, fn M'j i n' j, ut All CmmI rU'inlll(iiiH hlionlit inn .n a fo'i'i "f ii'ltMidiiifj tlio tint ii.fi 1 1 in mi Uiii. in In- hclil at St. li'iuin, 'I'iich-Iiix, .hitin ll'i'h. 'J'llH HH'HM' IH Hill. (ll'llS if nu tiiko tlin l(ui!iii;li'ii. On On- J:i Ii , 1 III', in il lt'ili. of .Juno, JiiU U.lli ilm liii-ii ii run (I lrii liold't lo st i,..iiih in ti:k oni: wav uatb. 'J liitik - iMi't It wurtli ii U w dnlliirH-u lfv iIunh tunc- ! Mi tli nt J.l prcB dunt iiniiii' iitnl r Full ii fiirinntinti mi npl niliwii to nny iiuiit t 1 lin Ii. .'. M II It. I! nrli ml. iIih'hu u' ' FriMii'iisCicn'l, P.imiV , Aent, lllil IiukUhi Ii'i.iiIc, Oniiili.i, Ncli. Tlio lliliii il'Ht j fiiji'i. 1ii!irti iusiilc (if Itirtn mid tot nutrli!'-. No two pcoplo spo tlio Hhitin 'lilt'g ixii''l rililic. One wiiDu-n ivay 1 dk otit nt u l.cantitul l:unl s infM? ntii! ! o nil lhi lii-mry utul restful lies n n (I itnlin:n Unit tlicrc in in it. A Motliir one i'l Icok nut at the hiiiuo ecciiu muI mi! iii'tliint;. 'tli niun who in porlto'ly wc'l i ml lfjor i twjoyw llfu to tlic rull. !r. I'itrt'i.'s (tc.hli'ii Mnltcnl 1)iciivi't irml-ts ji"0ilf ndl. ') hum Inn't niiytlnnu liiirm n't iit-nut Ii it in tlu imiHt tiiitiriil t ' 1 1 f hi tlni wirld It niin- i ply jiiiih ilit (liittiu rntih, Mid Htom- null) llin livi r, the IniweU, in pcrfict onlcr ivml llicrclij itiiil.ix iliti lilnnil ptiro Mini rich. All tliM iwh live ii ml thrlvu on lm pure Mood. Kiop h rttrciwn of pure, rich It'll lllOOll IlllW'l li illlO n llihCMllM npot, ntnl tlin tliccnn' ilti-i on it, Dr. 1'lorcoV (lulili n Mt'ilirnl nicovry ninken pure, rich, tilnoil. St-iul '.'I crutit in oiui coutR rttmnp't to WorlilV DiHjKnRnry Meillcnl Assoiuiiiion, ItulTiilo, N. Y , nml recoivo Dr. I'Iitco'1 lt'08 pnio ''('oininon Huuro Meilicnl Ailvifcr," profimcly illutrnti'd. '!' Tovviilil Hoiii'ilN. I'o tlio townfiliip bonrilfl of Wobater count : ion are lioroby rc(UPHted to nppoint one of jour iiiHinhcrH to meet with iL'prHFcntntivj'H of other townBhip honriln, nt lied Cloud on tlio .'iOlh day of Mhj, ut 2 p. in . in Judge Duiry'fl olllco, to dotermiiio what courno to tak in tho township orcamiition unit, now pond i nt;. Mr. Oilhinn diBiron to explain tho attitudH of thu Btiit to the towimliipn in ttirehtt'd. In ciipn of rn numtini; of your townMiip lionrd, Ut w.iiio one mo in be r ropriBcut it ut this meetini;. A. II. I'ikiick, Clork of Rod Cloud Township, iSlOO ICcwiird, I? ICO. Tint renilurn of this pnpur will bo plrmM'il to It am that there in nt lenst one ilreiult-il diKciiRu that ficieiieu Iiiih been able to euro in all iU Htnge ami that is catarrh. HnllV Cutarrh dure in the only pnBltiVH cure now known to tho medical fraternity. Untarrh being a constitution al iliHfiiHii re(uireii n noiiHtitutinnal tern edy. Hnll'H Cntnrrh Cure is taken inter nally, noting directly upon the blood nnd mucous Bnrfneos of the sjstem, thereby destroying tho foundation of the dieane and giving tho patient ntrvngtn by build ing np the roimtitntion and moisting na ture in doing itfl work. Thu proprietors hnvo bo mnoli faith in its curative power's that they offer one hundred dollars for any cafe tlipt it fails to care. Bond for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. CSITBold by ilruggintH, 7io. Rl'All pupils of county school districts in thia county having comploted tho state courso of etmly for country schools, and desiring a etudont's cortill cato to that olToct, nro oxpoctod to at tend nn examination nt ono of tho fol lowing places: kou utoHU. Bat., May JH, U Ploinviow, Tuesday, " 20, U Itoaoaiont, Thursday, " 28, Guido Iick, Tuee., Juno 2, 0 Cowlea, Thurlny. " 4. 9 a. in, Students' corlilicates will admit the holders of them to tho high school near est to their places of rosidonco. accord ing to the Freo High School Law. D. M. IIuntkii, Co. Supt. Red Cloud, Nob., May 0, 1890. DELICATE women FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS ft SUPERB T0NIG nd exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel all impurities. Health and strenoth are Guaranteed to result Irom Its use. My vrifo wni bcdrltlilon for rlnhtern month, otter usIiiit UitADl'IKI.n'S I'nMAI.K RIJGU LA'i'Oltfui two nn iit t. iHFi'Ulwtwcll J M JOHNSON. Malum. Ark S2Arr.ri: r r-i .io, ati .ti. a. Cold by (II UrutjUU it $1.00 ner Lottie. mmmimmu .. w.. C. ' PitCHer'S CaStoHa. I BtaaMwi"rTT3CiTroTtnfxitnrsimt The Class GRADUATES WITH HONORS THIS EVENING. TIIEIU OI1ATIOXSTO BE 1X)UjND IjN FT LI, IN T()-J)AYS CIIIJSIT. .TIOT'B'4): SVA I.AM STKUAiHUS." This ovoning tlio Hod 'Cloud High School Class of "M, ended thoir labors im stnilonte in this city and steppod out in to tho world and into now Holds, Tho grnduutce were nil girls and residents of thia city. Their iiiiiiich weru, Maiiiin Weidnman, Mury Eami-s, Lucy IIiuiiob, J ennio Hell, Jeannotto Dille , Helen Ho by, nnd l'oarl Ludlow. At about 8 o'clock tho capacious oporn bonae was tilled with poople, nnxiouB as usuul to hear tho orntions and tho pro gram. Tho hull was beautifully (loco rutod with handsomn flowers, uto., nil representing nn outdoor bcoiio. Tho ef fect was splendid. On n ladder hung the class motto, "Scnlnn Htruumus," moaning, "ladder builders," wlnlo tho class colors, pink and nilo green, woro gracofully draped ubovo. At tho proper time Prof. Wilson an nounced tho program, nnd nt onco tho largo crowd Bottled down to onjoy tho ontnrtninment. Tho orulitms of tho ovoning were ex cellent and we take plonsure in present ing them to our readors in full in thia issuo. Tho program was intorsporsod with appropriate music and nil went off vory pleasantly. At thoclosoof tho ex ercises tho diplomas woro duly uwurdod, after which Prof. Wilson, in vory appro priate words, bndo tho class farewoll, with a parting injunction to koep their oyes upon tho laddor and novor let tho opportunity pass to scale the topmost round. His words woro lilting, and it the class of '1X1 profit by them, they will not fail in roaping tho benetlts of a brighter caroor. Hod Cloud nood not feol nshumod of hor schools or of her gradu ates, for they are thoen,uul, if not su perior to nny in tho state. Holow wo givotho ossajs. Miss Mary Enmes was selected us eulutatorinn and Miss Mamio Weidomnn, valodictorinn; Helen Hoby, historian; Lucy Enmes, prophetess. OllATIONH. Salulatury. Mr. Buporintondont, Honorable Mom bora of tho Hoard of Education, Ladios and Gontlomen; tho Class of '90, through mo, oxtonda to you thoir sincor ost greeting. We rejolco that we aro able to ebaro our triumph with bo many, We crave jour sympathy in this, the hardost thing we ovor did. We are all girls unaccustomed to ap pear bo prominently boforo tho public, and, although our daily work and our daily dreams bavo boon gradually draw ing nearer and nearer to tho event, never until this hour have we roalized what the ordeal is like. If porchanco eomo slight mistako should be made, wo hope you will be like the "Happy Family," ovor benring in mind that "accidents will hnppou." Wo are crafts of divino workmanship, Dr. Price's Cream nu'tftr? Vow dvr World's Fair Highest Award. visi curiyfritt&tsZi&i I --,:-.-,.--,,,.T,,F,,,,.tT-BiiB r. J. uiu;n i;y 4v CO., Toledo. 07 C5A' 1 (H- 1V,.(f. -loto "' . ' -r -- of 1896 ptarting out on lifo's journey, concoived by a divine master workman,' tlttod and caulked, nnd mndo taut bybumun hands nt the moment launched into tho un known sen to begin our trial voyage; buf only when no are moored nt tho end of life's journey can it bo told how trim and trim and unerring was tho work manship in our preparation. Fspccinlly do wo welcomo you, Most Ilonornblo Hoard of Kducatiot., through uIiofo painstuking euro we hnvo been provided not only with most clllciont in structors, but also with books and otbor materials nooded in our work; nnd to our parents, tho en sbnrors of the joys and Eorrows of outlives, wo extend a most hearty welcomo. And wo bid you welcome too, friends, who hnvo assem bled to share in this hour. Welcome, ono and all, Welcome, thrico welcomo. " NOT A DAY WITHOUT A LINI." Tlio waves of ocean rolling and dash ing on tho pebbly boach or rock-bound shore all leave un impression which may or mny never bo effaced by tho hand of Timo. Tho tiny pebbles dashed ashore by tho waves show tho impression made by tho waters which bavo rolled ovor thorn through eternal ages, slowly dialling nnd wenring thorn uwny, and changing them into now forma and now bcuutios. A singlo drop of wator falling on the hnrdest stono leaves its impression, al though vory slight indeed. Yet it is thore. It must bo there, for, if drop after drop is allowed to full on tho samo spot, it is slowly but surely worn away, until it is able to bo seen with the naked eye, and if tho time and process should bo continuod long enough, tho stono would entiroly disappear, till having boon washed nwny and doposited ob the vory llneBt ennd by tho waters which huvo fallen upon it. Look nt tho mighty rivors flowing through their doop beds, somo of whloh nro hollowed out of solid rock. How think you that this was done? Was tho channel hollowod out by Nnturo for thia or that rivor to run through f No, Perhaps at first ono of these mighty rivers was but a tiny rill, having its source in a little spring up on tho hill aide. Thia littlo brooklet makes no im prcsslon, excopt a narrow, wet belt of land, along which and in which the grass and woods grow more rank. We follow it some distanco, and lo it joins ita waters with those of another, and thoy togother glide merrily on, bearing in their waters small bita of soil, whloh go to mako up ita bed. Littlo rills make wider streamlets; streomloto Bwoll tho rivor'n (low thus deoponing and broadoning, wo (Ind mighty rivors running through -doop cbnntitils hollowed out of burd eoil or i ven out of solid rock. Yot mure wonderful is plant iifo I !?T J 111,11 IIB1 "WBmliillBi 5& fei a I V't ' "fliJT53- ' i? rCF iv -- -,-- . rt ' v, --cri?T"?-:''- '"-t S5 Wi 'rr'.Ftjr-ZHt'.ri -f'. ,1 .v'!if' -t"3'- - '-' --'iMr." -. t if-"--"j -m NUMBER 22 toiMii)Murgcjw.'jaii,trrsyrr;xTrjmrfwiv7) What beaut) t What emllnti variety I l-'ni'h plant it world a pvrtetn -f wot Ids; each world eoll revolving in is own or bit in tlio parent Finn, tiulln-tii upon milHonH of tlinm-nub I'i'e iii'li-g its K part, tnhit'g it h plm-e in tin- fi imn'lon of rrotr, leiiwii in d tent. 'Muni M Irrrn did lot grow in n ilnj, reiser were, nil tlinri Hi') eilln formed in u tm mriit; but, da) b) tin), new relln writ- mldcd, niul thoi-o I'uii il old trrra liennntt our pride, our j y. i.ml our i-otnfrrl. Our fort i tn did not t-ptiiig into 1 ring nt in i'o, ntiller wan I'iim' built in u (lay. If tin, tin pridn of ltnl) inul thn tuirtri'FP i f Mit world, was built Mtlleby little. er h ilny llrdini'Ktne i.ew fenluro aililrd to thn rceni Inli.iMii" l'i'ii dlitlroH tie ft'vntln tioiiH mo Ihht luiil i no pii'i'o ut a timo II t v tl-c ii j i ip rn built rn brick by brick until, at last the building in coin cninpleti'. l'rpl'p - it tnMf ri w r'c tie by Mono )rnr by )eiir I'ntil nlmtrl n n.on ration i-t til, id It Ft tliji'iird ft rib (i mplolo to nwo rrtl 'i rU tn nn crri'it tr ngctt. Vnt Intncf UnirflcM' nro fcrinnd tc II 1 II by nn iinct nln or t micro Ft'fjic it) f-'w A llllbn rn rriitiona no iftn the other rlxri i'n life to Ihe liifk. Mlll'rii" i'f I' I'llf.l-s II tif ft' in pert' In ri-c,' Willi ilnipli 'MIIiiimI Killlifiweiirl'li'c, M n i lul ' i i i' l f iii'Mli-r ft i I'liii icwil, I n lit Hue u III e. en ti-iiiite it rrnrcimiil, To MttlMI i l(l(liliiillir.l lll trMll!i:itltll uciiuil Ily inntM'li'iii tlUKtino illikl Ii l- tnwnttlHtliB tiny, Tarli Mifi'i lit lilt 1 1, )rll trpnltirr wruuitlit Itj wlili Ii it I in ti ueP(ii w reining, A rw riiiitlei In Un mciIiIiiii. rutilrotiiif vinuptit lull (in, Willi tlietn.liT I brin. llmirtt, wlrnt iiiiiliiolciirenlei'ccnDild nniiillil. I ny lliclhlrc pl'i n- oi l Tlu iniiiiFoli ntii ol let iirrliltt'ctt, SUM djlri I pwiirdfHS lliclr Iht eiHrlrfi'il Sllin llie li alt illtl but hliliio wnKtiniitil Tortlmrii I li thilriM'irlllr toucli. l'ill vi-inl'tir (irnicf lifiiMiil their lhl, llirlr n rncnr.r ltii'rlMuill(i. All 1 Iff'o ctfi'M I litirtnnn. ford, t xdtlcn, rest, Fy iilfufiniomr of prcvlttenra t'ii'ittiltil to curry on ilicpraiwi Whit Ii cut if lit wnlr I ii.irlil K illisoltd roik, Atcni by rti m thtio Hi tuinlt n prow. Notice II nt ecry iFliir.d is lirst inhab ited by nnimalp, then by man. Think oT tho it finite number of uninuili which go lo miike up tho nnimnl kingdom; some of moFsivc wbc and others eo inllnitely that in Fprnking of them u pct pn)s: "I'ull iiptuic fwarms with life, Ttironcli Militarranran ccll, V lit'ii n iirclili'M Mii'lier nit icarrn can 1'lml ii wiiy.rarlli animated lien'fi. 'Hit iltwti Ifaf wants not llHuuft Inliat'ilniitR. Hfcure within IM Wlnrilnir rllailr N, tlie stone liolds Mullllililrs. Hut clilof the fureht toughs, W hl( li tliiuce mmi inueretl to tlio I'lii) fill Imt'e, Ihe t'ewnyciclmrd And the mellow pulp of nitltliiK fruit 1 lie iirmli'fi imllonn f evutii-sceiit ln'tctHftrd. Where the pool Mandi Mini ld o'er with pit en, ln Iblhlo nmld 1 lie llntllUK veiiltiif. millions struv." Thus wo nre encompassrd with the marvelous on every hand. There are creations of extraordinary magnitude othorsof surprising minutocesa which awakon our curiosity, and in studying theeo varied forma wo find a new wonder nt every step, but the most wondorful ot ull is man. Man who is king of the uni verse; man who has rieen from tho low est depths of barbariem to tho present height of civilization. How has ho at taincd thia hoighth? Not in a day or in a year, but ho has been advancing through hundreds of generations until at 1 ost ho is lit to become king' nnd rulor. Man in born with but a vory slight degreo of intelligence, but holoarcoa little every day, thus wntirg a lino in hiB book of Unowledgo, for lino aftor line makes a page and many pageB makoa a book. Ab he grows older he loarnB from oth ere, all the timo forming hablta in later life will do more to lift him up or hold him down than anything else for, -lliibltls a cable, We wrive a tbraad ot It eacb day, Till It becomes so strouR, We cannot break It." So let ub look up, lift up, and do everything for tho upbuilding of man kind, being careful that no lino written id the book at the close of the day to one that wo would have blotted out at the close of llfo'e day. Somo simple deed of kindness. Some consideration for others, somo geod resolutions made und kopt nro linea that will not fnde awuy. They will romuin longer and bo (Continued on Pago -1.) dtStmt,' -. JJJaFJlV ' BBBPBB'W1(I. - . .;,. ..ui-.,!-,. rtj.J i a i. ' Ki il 'Ml II ( iWgHWVMKrWWWJ'