.irpKf --,- i " if n k r 4 tf )!y ft m & lMt r M fir r v i.'j'c . t i in. . i T. I I 8 ttmrorvucA tTJunnKisaxiMmpM 11(11 Why not Im a ui- i muni'ii this uprlnjj? jThrrn nrc women who annnnl tolor a tint unill-hl. ni'ul'Ot about I h houpo who ton lieu take no euro of their health, They hhould. use tliodo prcciou May days for g'-ttini; htronic and well by taking lVino'n oolcry com pound tlio greatest of all spring re mcdioH. Mien Kloio M. Brown of 2 L"edn St., Dorchenter, iMufh., whoso picture is given above, wrote tho Gth of t liin month as follows: "Four or five yearn no, I mifferod with dreadful pains in my back (owing to my Ictdriptp), no much so tint night after night I tould not cloo my ym, and what fnw hour (deep 1 did grt I oould bo Imnrd nuxning mid tensing, showing ttiHt i-vf-n in my sl'-np, I hiif forcd pain. At times I would htvo more pnui than n -11 11 1 ovir my I f t hip, and wlnui waking ii tln morning it would Iih Hill i-ouiit do to Hirfti'h Slier-Ill' .Mtlf. Nolri)lRlitrlivi.'lviii Mint by v'ltlie of mi oruer d( mii' i.miiiinviMcil Ikuii die DiMilii enurtof Wolielcr niiiit). .Nrliruik.i, unit, r it iteert-iMir fuli'iMisntt ri'inli'ii'il In iit i-ollt r. oil neciiiiiMTiiiii.iix.il in inwti nf thii i-i-imm. niaiitlm I. I'nMl.r. mi" ii'.ilii.' lii,ii VV, i, ii Hi nl ct nlil'riiilKii4, I Iihmi levied upon iln IiillimliiK ili'iil.i" i, ui f-Liit. tnwl., Tim hoiiIIi wi'si iii,triiTii( the nti iti-xc-.t iiiuritT unit tin wi'm hull ui t.ii , nU w,':i iih in i Ullll tilt' Mil, tll"lll iillriT nf tin CoftllUf 4T qilKrlfl nllil lln' Mintiiw.t itnrlt'l nt tin- smiili 1'iist iii.iii r, .thin itviimi iMit) tlx u'il) unit lllllHllltll ll.lll .'( llll' -."lllll .lM ,l.ul,. ,, llllltll'illM i"l fl'fnl , L'H'II IK! ill4.f ' -i nil In ImuiH'H , i. m tii iM.rtl. runiti l.-n ,ti Hi'iim tin ni. . in In Wfiim I'l.nntj n-i.i ," kit, mi. I twill on, Inn,' mil, nwi ,,i ', ,,,.s ,, , at tli fiinit iliiui ui tin. ii.iii! iinii.H in I.'... i Olniiil, m'i'IIit eniiiit., N. Iit.t!.ii. ell ..i'i I ii'.n hmhiiihi i"in ii-it.i mi i, ii, in,, lit..- ,.,i tllll llt'l"! l it'll I fill c lll. t.i mlUfv lllf it llllM .nl 1IIJ Ul'll III!" ll'lf limlll lll'll 11)1111! II..IHIIII, ,,N IiiIIiihb: Huk hi :tn- i..,tM IT 9IMMt with, ! liTetl tii'ii U I'tMiili.'i Ii. it t iiiiiifiMmiil ti t'ii;Ini;i'Ai Dill Mini t'.O.Itl. :-v l.tski,. Mij I.Jtil. i..,i .. eiUtWf'.,ur'iiuntr. Nviii t.sh.i rillillc'ft lm.i,. r. v i it. K.tii', t (I irji (MiliilsliMi ii, (ti.. i in, i, tia, (, iiV, , .ITVlft t : JstllK'tlttlSJt. Ill tint DUlru-t Comt ( idUU.r Cotii.ti, N bmska. I'. K. Di-ttlTlfll, llitl , Allii-rt ITi'ii Pi'll.i llHinyt'l Hi, 111 fi Ullll'lN Ttn' iil'ni ii ni.i tli ji ni'anN. All r' ll.iry iiiitl llt'll-illinn, uili ii,. I,,,,,,,, it,,,, ,,,(,;, an tin i'i in i. i-ii. i timitiir iii'icin, mi. 1 1, t I'.um.i ill tiiriiih l.v ,, M.li,., , , tv, Nrlu:iK,i, ntuli m mi i! ,1 tiin'it is Hi,. . J't It'll 11111)11 nl tWi.'li i.rn In Inn i'.l,lr lulu iinirfi;iii.f i mi lit,, I ,j n, ,i, i,.,.,.,, ,,,, , thepliiliiilli nun n.i'ii.iiilnM.i iiii.ii-i-i i.f .... Hull IiiiT .4) ..!'. I.l f.'iir IKl.ii.'i'lli wi-stuf iht- t'.Mi. n i.iiji..: niiiin,iii ,,,t. Iir OOUI t, ,N l-ikik I'll 'H'lllii tl li in. ,r .f iiri'liiil. li'i'lnl mi li'itu i'u'i'il l,'iihi'' ,st H-Hii, i nil (iiii- in t) ..i)iil,i fly jiaii fuiiiii,. llHtl'lllT-ll, lh.lt II 111' U I .1.1. llilO fll" l till llilln III' I I'll'l I'lll.U 11)1.1,, Mlr I,, ti ,,,, liionc.iui'ilii'M'hi nl (ii ), wltn iiiti'ifj, i lllf r in 1 1 -' r ,', i t ,,. innnn, irv , flistiluynl April, ls'.ii, inrwhii'ii -nrn, ttuh in Hrtt lr'iiit!ii'l,iniiiiy..r .i m, m, i.iu i lit!,.i I, l't" III" 11 ,11 lit '. Illllint, ,.,,: r I to pit) Ihi" n..' UmI . ii' num.,. m ii i... .soil In ii iii) 'h Vinti ,ui ii., im (,,,, i,,, i.iilUT Vnil 'if n .mlr-i' to nn. tr Mini n'it. n i, , III- lll'll f III- I 4. .... I l, I. im, iilli l'. 'i lili'nt i i 'i lltll! .. la Iti Km I I nmm pus IT ti . f SWAVHE'ft AtiPoi.mmYaaaHa 0 1 HTFv M7 1 rj... -., . Tv"1 inwo luu-tr a,M I III REE fl E' IE SR rI THJU ML IM. IILl HE 1 10- mv limb down atrnight, ns thoro would bo a drawing and trembling of tho cords. Besides such torture, I begun to IWt u great, doal. "Alter HiiflVring for somo time, n frioud advised mo to try Paino's celery compound. I can truthfully wty that after lining four bottles I was cured; not helped, but cured." If you have any doubt at all these apring days about your hoalth if nouralgio twinges, kidney troubles, dizzy spalls, indigestion or heart pal pitation show tlieiuBolvcc, don't wait fur plainer warnings. Make a clean seap of all these ailments from tho systam. It is easiest, to da this naw, as priuig is heto. ,Tako Paine'a celery compound whan the system is most raaponnivo to its cleansing, strengthening inflnenno. An improvd appotitc, sound digos tion, uninterrupted sleop, and an en ergetic condition, arc tho result of taking Paine'rt calory compound. ftiiurlir'N Mule. N'nllcc Ii Iiiti'Ii mvi'ii th.it I iv Urini! nr an nrileror sili'iiun" illri-i'ttsl fioin tin, ilmilet eourtof i'hiir i-ininty, ."utilirtnk.i. iiihIlt ii llflTl'O Of fiili'l'lilUlI'M inlllli'tuit III Hllll flllirt nii.Vi'ill t.Mh, Hii.-,, in iitvnr i.f tint iili'.lntlir. Wntniiir-Mi'.iu.il iVilVj-t" nf IViiiiitlvmnrt. a f. i iionitliiu mi u.-.tiii"! v I Ham (V ltinl, et nl i Ifft-iiiluiiti, i ii-ivn U'v i'i tii'iin tii' fnilnwlni,' ilixrlli ifii'.iI i".lnl', irmlt: I'Iih t'.tst inif linn ilimi mill fnri tlx t (ill) miti'i nf th" simili linK of Iheiniitlili.i f ii MTtltm two, I'ji intMiiiiiii tniir. (I) nnrlli r,iii,:n nlnti, fo WVli.trr C'iini),.Si'lir.iki,aiiil I will on .!um uih, immi, at voolik'k itn, hi dm irmit itnnr nt tno ewirt hnn-i" In Ki-ii ( mi. I, Hi'lmti'i- fnniiti, .rliilliii, h-ll s till rt' HfstlUt" III nilli'lc lllictinii tiiilin hlulieit ami I'i-k' lilililerfiir fit-li to s.U Nlyilm 'iii'iintiiiilJinli't'iltiihuiliiKiinil n Urn IliMin llio iniiii" n liillii i, Dili' In tlin iil.i'iiiur nlmvii niiiiji'il Jul ;i:i-, ulili liiicn-it nt ill ni-r tfnt from Api il ..'ii, IK,,-, Dm., in tin- r.i" l- i't ut Uih I...!Ii;ih1 ii'stlll"nt ('..inniiiv, fl'i.TUtvltlilni. n-t ui in it ivnt, I mm April I.Mh, t k ,iiii i'ii. is unit ui'cril liu t'tiiis Dllllil Itl'll I iiiit.l. Nl'illrtlK'l. Ml" i. vn , ..... ' w- Uu.vciinv. Mn'ilif. Wi'lihiirt'oun , .Nfinmhii. IllNlfiTA. Ai.'Mtndi" runinrillll, ICuinii, Attnnio)s fnr iiiitiiii'tT. (I Irtt iiiiiislii-il In tins C'lilt'l, May I, KM ) There is fun in the foam, and health in the cup of HIRES Rootbeer the great temperance drink. IU4 mIMij Tlit eturlM K, nirf To., PhlUJdpkU. A).l'aiiaUll6lUill, tkU TUJLti. PARKER'S CINCER TONIT" tUUi lAiat -IiMJItUt, THtlUty. dlrtnMln nom.ru tn.1 ih.h..... T.J - .' "i--iu ;uirn wiwn Kit uu Irr.liiinil f.l.. n,rv iii,hff .nil ItiVVliil .hfHil.l htleilT linai0iii, and U IIOUJ l.ir tn.bln. m.m. l.n .11 ... . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM iif r ',a to Hro Uray Cun nip tliwtwt hair UUmt --um yi w m muMiwt SSL'S U ?, n Vu K W S Th. tmlr eur. Cut. for Utc. uupi all pin. ldtku wi.ki a tttj. lie. U Uiufguu. rhictii iuilU llUiioml llrnnl. EBHYhaVflL PILLS LX . J'''1'' '"1 '"'. "linu!ni'. A i7l'.A nc &w v. r li.lu ..,.., u .. tcjfyflV '.i'i..i..''ib.iii'l,fjJ') -M 7" V V ' b ' ut ill i Tutu VV ) J.Wr.uiii ...,., ,,..,;V,7"V C fff. , " ti'iruk i ,M . "it I, l' .... i ni-ii'vi ilniuii.. a , -Kl-?K.V.",, ' V'"" "-"' ''''-:.'"'.: a.u.f.arub;i,r,'B"-,'l,''jto2;i;. Hii ut i 'P.i 1 1 il.'s 1 1 in lnlioiisii(u. ItiPitlln "P ilinln.t Dm. glvoti relief. I.i,iuu '1 .inn '-. i .im indigestion, ltip.inn TiiiiiiJo.-, , -.I',, torpid liver. UipiuiB Tniiii',',: (2im.Uo cathartic. ltip:uirt 'I'tiliiiU-s mi o eoiirtllimiloi). Itipana T.tLuluh for hdtir stomach. It'pariH TabiiliM euro llvor troubles. Hlp.ui3 Tabiiles pliMant laxntlre. 11 "fiiLiJ n RED CLOUD OHJLKF. FRIDAY, MAY Stock Notni. At the Iowa experiment station they have been ninltlng somo testa In com pnratlvo focdlng of cattlo and sheep. I lllrnI station at Tucson Is ns follows: Tho tests nro not yet completed, but i 0ur cultivated apricots aro do to dato show very favorably for tho I r,ved from thrco species, but one (Pru sheop. Tho cost of ono pound of gain i nUB Americana) furnishes all that aro in tno month or January was for tno shcop 3.32 and for tho cattlo 3.G2 cents. This Is, of course, not exactly a fair comparison, ns sheep and cattle aro very different In their mothoda of growth, tho sheep growing moro rapid ly comparatively, but ceasing In their growth sooner. English farmers uso a great deal of oil meal In fattening their stock. Ono or tno cnier nuvnntages in using it is, thoy claim, that thoy savo much tlmo and comploto tho fattening procens much oulckor then thoy otherwlso would. Tho market for heavy horses Is de manding an animal that weighs In the neighborhood of 1,700 or 1,800 pounds. It la useless to think of using a small mare to get such nnlmals. If you aro about to brood, start right and use mares heavy enough so that tho foal may develop to tho weight desired. Tho Kansoa experiment station has been experimenting with hogs sheltered and without shelter. Tho sheltered hogs mado a gain of ono pound of flesh for every flvo pounds of corn fed, but tho unsheltered hogs mndo no gain nt nil. Tho station nlso refers to tho necessity of having shelter In summer, as tho animals suffer as well from too much heat ns from too much cold. Tho English cavalry has Just had a rovlnw and 14,000 horses wero mus tered. This was supposed to bo n good showing, but Sir Charles Dllko criticises them ns being In many In stances too young for military servlco, nt least In n hnrd campaign. Ho Bald that no other army In tho world would count horses that wero less than six years of ago, while many of theso were only threo nnd four years old. The Sheep In tho South. Talking with n Montnna ntockmnn recently we learned thnt some of the great sheep owners of that ntato nro looking to tho moro southern of tho United Sintcs fnr II ftllllrn fniwlltli' fM'mttul Oii.i i.rnnl obHliclo. however, seems to confront I them, nnd thnt Is that tho rain-fall , tho south Is so considerable that tho sheep cannot bo loft out nil winter without shelter. This Is ono of tho things thnt makes tho business lucra tive In the fnr west. Tho fall of molst uro Is small, and bcenuso nf this the snow seldom comes to such a depth that tho sheep cannot niako n, living. Hut ns the settlers nro coming In thero tho sheep men nro finding themselves re stricted nnd want to get out They figuro that on n small rango In Mon tana they canuot keep enough sheep to make a good profit, and If they havo to be restricted In territory they had better go to some stato where tho. per acre production of food la great enough to mako fencing tho fields an object We may expect In tho futuro to boo something of a movement to tho south. Too Much Corn Fed. People more and moro aro demanding bacon and hams that have not too much fat on them. Thoy want meat that has a good proportion of lean. Wo have noticed In tho great butcher shops of Chicago that tho dealers havo tho hardest work to get rid of tho fat pork. This exces sive fatness comes from feeding ton much corn. People think that It makes no difference In selling hogs, but tho market generally la affected. What makes Irish bacon tho best In tho world If It bo not tho fond upon which the hogs aro grown? Not having ac cess to Indian corn, tho Irish do not feol thomselvcs obliged to feed It al together i M'illll" ItlUMIIIUItlNlllClirtMl. L. Wagner, Wliolemtlt. Drngginf, Itioli moiiil, Vii.. mik "I had n fearful nttnok nf Sfiiittio Ithfiimatisni, wns Inld tip nl niONt two mntnlirt, wit fortunnte minnL'li touotMYSilO CUUKI'OIt RIIKUMA TISM. This tivroil inn nftnr dootor'i nro HoripiioiiM hnd foiled to hnvn nny etreot. Sold by II. K. (trlee ilrnttglst, Hed Cloud Ilnotn for Iotvn Stuck. Prof. James Wilson, of tho Iowa sta tion, In an address said: Tho questions nro prominent whether wo can main tain tho excellence of imported animals without roots, and whether perfect health can be maintained easily with out them In winter, and what can ho most readily and profitably grown to keep dairy cows In milk during Sep tember and October drouths, stieli as wo had last fall. In ordor that tho farmers of Iowu might get somo facts regarding root growing, we havo been growing different kinds during tho two years wo havo been at Ames, Inqulrj was rlfo whether tho stato could grow sugar beets profitably. Wo havo grown two crops under rigid rule nnd careful noto-tnklng, and find that tho nverago per cent of sugar In tho boot woa 11.14, that tho averngo tonnngo per ucro was 20,thnt tho highest tonnngo por aero was 2S, thnt clay tolls glvo the highest per cont of sugar, that subsolllng gnvo tho best shaped beets, that early planting Is every way better, and that no fertil izer wo could buy gave us any benefit. Wo havo had most success and profit from growing munglcs for stock. Thoy aro healthy, hardy nnd yield well. They nro valuable for cows, keep well, nnd nro very acceptable to cattlo of all Ulr.drt. Tho liardor varieties of turnips nro good for htook. but seom to bo liable to tn.e, t rn:igi s and do not uniformly give the amount of feed per aero that mangles do. Tho yellow turnips sown In the fall on early potato ground or on early fall plow lug, for early winter feeding, aro valuable, ny carefully jiiK,iii,ih now luiitt in iiiu iiiu ami planting early wo enu gi'ow tho mun - .....J...d .... I if a . .. , glo with very llttlo hand labor, and wo are convinced thnt It can bo profitably ghen a place lii tho Iowa farm uyttena. Apricot In I ho fe'oatlinaiit. Tho summary of tho bulletin on an- - , rlcots recently Issued by tho ngrlcul- . "iiuio iur iruu in mis region. 2. The fruit takes a Inrirn mmntllv of potash and phosphoric acid from the soil. 3. In tho fruit nn averngo of 91 per cant Is flesh nnd G per cent Is pit. Knl Bha has tho smnllcst proportion of pit and JJrcda tho largest. 4. Thero Is 87 per cent of Julco and 13 per cent of fiber In the flesh of an nprlcot. Tho Julco contains 13 ncr ' cent or sugnr, the flesh 12, and tho I wholo fruit, Including pit, 11 per cent, I Of albuminoids (crudo protein) thero ! la 1.2 per cent. C. Tho mean weight of fruits of all varieties was 1 ounce each. Tho Ureda boro tho smallest fruit, nvernglng about 22 to tho pound. Tho largest fruit was 12 to the pound, borno by tho Kalsha nnd Moorpark. 6. Tho soil not being a typical one for either nprlcot, plum or peach stock, tho growth of trees upon tho different kinds of stock was practically tho same. 7. This season upon this soil fruit from trees of Bovcral varieties la larger, of better quality and carllor when upon nprlcot stock than upon Myroholan. Other varieties show no differences duo to stock. 8. Prlnglo woa the first to ripen, but tho fruit Is not of ns good quality as most others. 9. St. Ambrolso bore the finest ap pearing fruit. 10. Royal was tho most prolific. It Is Wonderful how quickly Dinrrluun or Dysentury oun bo relieved by uHing Urna' Olarrha'a ( UiiItMin, u purely vegetable compound. It afford iustaut reliet nnd a permanent I euro In n perfectly sufo wuy. Your popu- iur druggist U h Cotting Una tho agency for this wondurful meiliuiuu. Mnrket Demands Lighter Hogs. Thero was a tlmo when tho market paid the top prlecs for heavy hogs, hogs that weighed between 300 nnd 400 pounds, but that day has gone forever. There ,mn bcon n K"dual decline through a long Berles of years t 11 now In the west ii .u iiiiinti iiuk ami in iiiu uaai. uvun as low ns 150 pound hog Is the kind de manded. This Is to tho ndvantago of the feeder, for he can produce thnt kind of n hog nt less price. It Is to tho ad vantage of tho consumer because he Is lurcr of gcttlug the lean meat he wants. It doc not Pny Blood Pnrifit-r in no novelty. A record or twenty yenrs provos it to be th best known formula for ennchlnfr the blood nnd dnvlnjf from tho syRtem thoe im- i:yUOLCWotUnhgbre0d d'"Bge- P0' ",e United States Cavalry Horses. Thoro nro about 7,000 horses In the United States cavalry service. They are purchased at from $125 to $200 each. Seldom does the price go beyond these la either direction. A gelding la the only horse that stands a show of being accepted, and he must he very perfect in all points. Flvo yoars Is about the minimum age, tinlcs the animal has been handled exceptionally well. Mrs. It. DeYonng, MIddlehurff, If., write: I have nd Ono Minntn Conch Cor for six ynnrs, both for raynelf nnd children, m d I consider it Uih qniokcet nelintf nnd mnt nnHJfnntory Cough Cure I have vot uiod. O LOottlng, Religion should It upr V I t'lP - ' e most where It Tliu Pcrfct-t Ointment. Tho virtue of Ileg' Gorman r'nlve is IIh qntck healintr powor. Klro It would not hnvo cnmeil il wnrld widii repnlu tlon. Your popular druggist C. L. Cot ting tins it. Pork Is Popular. Wo heard a gontlo mnn sny recently that ho was preju diced against pork, but thnt neverthe less ho bought a great deal of It for his homo uso. Ills renson for this was that ho nearly always got pork that was tender, and If It wns too fat ho could And It out before buying It. When ho bought beef ho often found It not what ho had expected. Sometimes It was tender nnd sometimes It had no flavor, and tho worst was that ho had to buy It on faith. Hut with hog moat It was not so. This points a moral: Produce the o.uallty In any kind of ment nnd have that meat uniformly good nnd It will And a ready and oxteuslvo market. DR. KILMER threat KIDNEY, LIVERS Vff jBiliosisncss nenilactn', foul limitli, swir Rtomacn, heart burn, pniniiu'lift't.ily iori'i. constipation. i'oor flUlgcstioii lustre lifter riititur. nmn nml liloatlnRln tlio Jtoiniicli.hliurt lll'll' riircntli.paluintUu heart, IjflWJS oil AEftpeUie A gpleniliil fti ltn ? ttvOuy atui u ilupn'atl ono lJlUiJliUni IIUI 'II, M PWIUO III VU-HU jjlHJ. IIIVU . -......,... .,,. ...,- c. ..,,. ...... .1 I I sI(fplwaniUlliinnriinK-.wikne.dehlllty. snii - ii(nittmiliUuti quickly n run down .constitution mm mama mo wt-uUbtnmi;. At nriigcititK .'( ii'iitH mul tit. 00 slz. "IiithII.I,'" Oulil ti II a'"U" fnc-OuivulMllnn tPto. IJIU KiLMUll ii CO,, 1I1.NU11.U110.V, N. V. 'B RooT 22, 1890. for Infants and Children, THIRTY ywniV'o'biiervntlorrof Cantoria with tha patronage of mllllong of pemonnrponnH n to apeak of it withont goculng, jM It 1 nnqnewtlonaply tho pot remedy for Infant and Children tho world ha ever Itnown. It I harmlen. Children like it. It glvo them health. It will wave their Uvea. In It Mother have omething which 1 aholntc1y safe and praotloally perfect an a chUd!! medicine. Cutoria dettroy Worm. Caitorla allay rererihnew. Cattoria prevent vomiting gonr Cant. Cartoria onre Diarrhosa and "Wind Collo. Cattorla relieve Teething TronpU. Cartoria onretr Contipation and Flatnlencv. Cartoria nentraliaen the effect of carhonio mold m or pobone air. Catorla doe not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic- property. Cartoria agilmllnton tho food, regnlate tho tomaoh and towel. giving healthy and natnral Ioep. Cartoria 1 pnt np in ona-fae hottle only. It 1 not wold In hnlfc. Pon't allow any one to oU yon anything c!o on tho plea or prnmtie that it 1 "Jojt a good" and "will amwer every pnrpoie." See that yon get C-A-S-Y-O-R-I-A. The fac-lmllo rignatnro of Children Cry for Insurance Q rv Vf 4t ooooooooo , tu RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Represents the following companion: --nw.i. Gorman Inuurnnco Co., Freeport, III Royal Inuurnnco Co., Liverpool, Eug. riuiMiix AuBurance Co, Loudon, England Dritifih America Apurnnco Co, Toronto, Canada Mutual ReBorve Kuml Life Association, Now York Providont Snvings Lifo ABBurnnco Sooioty, Now York i n.o n it inB,9,un,nrtl Wno HteaniBhlp Company, Now York unci Ronton OFFiCE-Oporn House Block, over Mizer & McArthur'B etoro TRADERS LUMBER CO., DEALERS TN LUMBER an AL Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Harness 1 Harness ! Harness ! J O BUTLER, The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade HARNESS MAN. In Red Cloud. Prices riirht for cash itlurkul Iti-pori. Correotea wceKly by Iced Cloud l'roilnco CV. Wheat Corn new OutBnew.. tyo Barley Flax Hogs Butchor'antock Butter Efc'BB I'otatoes y pring chiclcona per lb . . , Old lions per lb TurkoyH Hay por ton f)0 .r).r) '20 18 -Si : 7."i ((t;1 80 2 OOMS .')() 8 7 10 i; r. 8 .T OOft.'l .otlfU to 'BeilClltTh. Notlco in hcroby givon that I will oxamino all porHons who may desire to offer thoniKclvcs us oumliiiatco for toncherri oftlio public scliooln of tliih couuty, at lied Cloud on tho third Saturday of oaoh month. Special examinations will be liold on tho Friday proceeding tho Ud Sat urday of each month. The Htandirif,' dcHircd for 2d and 3d grado cortifiontcs is tho name no grndo bolow7()por cont., iivoniye 80 per eont; for first yrado certifiouto no grade below 80 por cent., avoragc 90 por eont. in all branohos required by law. D. M. IlnNTKR.Qounty Supt. All pupils of county school tlistricta in this county hnvintf comploted tha 6tate courpo of stucly for country schools, unci cleslrlnij a Btiiilont'u cortili onto to that elToct, ur oxpouiod to at tontl an oxnmiimtion at ono of tho fol lowint; places: Rod Clotnl, Sat, MUy 10, f) a. m. Plninviow, TueHclaj, " o jj i. Hofomont, TliutBcliiy, " , v8, !) tiuido Roclc, Turn, Juno ', Cowlen, Thursday, j jj n Studoutfi' cortillcntos will admit the lioldors of thoin to the lnRh school near, est to tholr placet) of rofiidonce. aecord ht' to tha Free lliRh S'otioul Law. I). M. Hunti:ii,Co. Supt. Red Cloud, Nob., 31uy . 1800. &vm in on every wrapper. y&&JZ(4c Pitcher's Castorla. : Rqenou ! EJ8E&, An-Qnt, (Succefinor to Chat. Sihaffnit.. as: . n U. JKNKINS. L"' TKAUIItKOr Violin, oriM!t and t.'larliiut. Knit C'loiul, .Nrli. Will Kiinrniiti'o sutisfiictlim to itlioliirs wlio ,..MS,l,r",,oll'.!l1" ",IV "' Hirt a'""')' lntriiiiiriitn. villi Klo tluvo l.'inoin liadi lesson oni' hour) tiirf .uo. I'l.iniH tniii'ii proiioilv. IfiiMiuord ' 1 1 n '''ii"r ,",lK"''' '" Kem,ra' ilellvory, NASB & MoNITT, ATTQliKEYS AT LAW, Moon Bi-ooi;, . RED CliOUD, NEB. Collections promptly nltendei to, nml corroapondfiioo solioitod. IfeSr; KNOX'S For Hogs and Poultry. This is ono of tho Uncut hop and poul try cholera remedino over dineovorod, and wo cboorfully minrnnteo a cure If used according to direotions. 1 1 ii ml roil not IiiiMmioiiI.iIs li'ir ns witnesi of lisoiiMtlvi' nimliMis. ,i ti-w nr wlilcli wu , inilillslilii'iuwuii. A Ueill'liniil, Neil.. Apiil .1, IS1)!) -To Wlmni It MHViniiii.nl' Myi'lilclcuii iMii- HjIiik d.illy, lllllll I iUlliilnlslnri'il .1 A Kll M'hllll.'IM M'lll i ily, blnci' tti.ii h lint I Imvc Umi i uiiii. AI'II.V I'I INK. IttiiriMiii, NVii, AmllM i:w.- riii.iKM.crr tiiy Hiiii I inivi' iimiI ..ii.i mi'ii umiI inn Himx, t'li.ilfiii Itt'tiii'd', ami it .i . u.l id i Is claimed lorn. it. T. I'wnk. "i i'ii. who liuwi ii .I'd tins, ri'ii.i ly, wllli sne ci'M. iirn: It M. ,ri:i'i,l, J. fllklot, O. I1. I'litersim, i J'nrinjy, T. IC. I'ujUO. IMiH Itolllt'N c I. ','-,( Mn.'ill Iinlllix.U)i', Aililressor cili .,n celebrated CIERIi REMEDY a i H.ii k t ikLiiir L 1 Halii i'rni'Mfi"f. rtoii ciu.l, Mi-liriwK. Territorial ilitlitu loreiiK m