The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 22, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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    A ii
i i
5 Sores
In combination, proportion and
process Hood's Sarmpnrlll.i it peculiar
U ItM'lf, ami tnirqiiiiUt'd in truo merit.
No other iiiudieim; ever pohesed so
mueli eurativc power, or renelied sucli
eiiormoiH miIim, or tnado Midi won
derful cures, an Ilood'H Snmipm-illa.
U i undotiljU'dly tlio Ix'ist nicdicino
ever iiiMiio to piuify, vitalio uiul cn
ifcli the Mood.
That 1h tlio secret of its Micccsa.
.Head this btuteiucnt:
"When my aon wn7 yNirnof age, ha
fend rheumatic fcr nud acuto rhcutrm
ttoin, which fettled In hli left hip. He
wmseoslclc tbnt no one thought thoroww
ny help for him. I'lvo sorcn broko out
ii his thigh, which the doctor said wore
marc. Wo had three different doctors.
1'icccB of bone enmc out of tlio norcs. Tlio
kxt doctor nld the lei; would hnvo to bo
ut open and the bono flcrnjKsd, Iwforc ho
onld ijct well. Howard became to low
that ho would eat nothing, and ono doc
tor wild there wan no chance for him.
"Ono day, a newspaper recommending
Hood'a Snrsnpnrllla wan loft nt our door.
We decided to try tlili medicine. Howard
commenced tnktug It tlio last of February,
after having bceu nick for a year nud a
talf. He hadn't taken it a week before I
mw thnt his npputlto began to improve,
and then he gained rapidly. I gavo him
flvehottlee, when tin; norcs were all hoaled
r.d they never broke out again. Tlio
crutcluM ho bad lined for four years wcro
laid aside, nn bo had no further uso for
thf m. I civo all the credit to Hood's Snr
iwpnrllln." Aliw. At L. Moody, Fay
Btrtxt,Lynn, Mass.
Thin and muuy ulmllar cures provo that
Is tlio Otin True llluml Purifier. AIMriifcBists. $1.
Prepared mily by C I. Hood Ss Co., Lowell, Mn.
u i rn cnre l.lver Hli; easy to
tlOOCl S PlllS taki'.cisytoopcrato. 25c.
IMililMicil Weekly.
ftiiliovrlpllou, - 1 I'er Annum
Inviirlulil) In Advniiee
Bnttrcd m tlu I'oat Olltrn In Hud Cloud, Nob.
i mull nmtli'rof ihoHcctintl oIiihh
Itopiihlh-iiii Ticket.
For Congresn ,)th DiHtrict,
W. K. A.NDRKWS of Huntings., the oxtreuauror of Omiihn,
waa Hunt to tlio pen for 10 yours nnd
lined Wl 1,C(J0 byJudfco Itukur thiu woolt.
If there wore a few moro judgeH llko
that, miihivizlniuunt would not go stalk
ing over tin country ho freoly.
Ol. Juiiupu Nun, editor of tlio Illuo
Hid I.oiulor, urn, of tlio liCHt local week-lii-fc
In too otu'c, was in lied Cloud this
wet-k, mid of course .called at our wig
wam and niijo) ed a visit with our braves.
Joe wield a pon second to none in thiu
neck ' Him woods,
Tiik lioav ruiiiH 111 this section Ibis
fieiit.ui are putting new heart into our
piHipln, nhiln in the east tlio pooplo aro
dihlifiirtiMioit on aecouut of 11 laclc of
rainfull. Wo will luivo a grand crop
hero nud tin' farmers aro rejjicmg that
I'r.iviiloni.M liiiH Hiiuled upon them and
openi'd tlio llnnd cutos of heavon that
tin) nun might replenish this part of tho
TiiKotipomtion to iMulviuluy flooni to
joiitfu!y woirbnl over his llnancial
polie, if elected preoidunt. Thoy ueed
unt worry, McKinley will bo for tho
workingiuun and for America. Thoro
will lie no favoritism for English labor
erp, but bio whole cfljrta will bo for the
betterment of thoAuioricnupooplo. Wo
havo become decidedly tired of tho
American pcnplo buving to pursue po
litical and tit.itiii.'iiil 1 -in its laid (low 11
by othtr nations, tiivo us McKinley
nud jirusperiiv.
Wi iis'er eouutv Iiiih it c.mdidato for
Btate tieahurer in iho person ot L. P.
Albright. Mr. Albright has tho solid
backing of ins own county, nud of tho
adjoining ' counties, ami wdl go to tho
utato convention prepared to ninlio an
asgresaivo lllit for the iecognition of
tho Bouthwotitoru jmrt of tho stato. Ho
is nn old resident of Webster county,
fully competent to dichtirgo tho rospon.
Bible duties of thoollls, 11 very pleasant
geutiemiui, and if elected will take uure
1 lint the iiitorxdts of the stato will bo
fulli torved. Heatrice Times.
Tiios. Plait, exseuator from Now
Vork, sonds us a long nud wordy spoech,
in which he sayB that McKlnloy refuses
to decluro himself on tho money ijuob
Hon; and that ho is a freo silver man;
und that tho candidate of the ropubli
can party must favor Bound money," Ac.
Now, ' wonder bow long it bus been
since Tlios I'latt, tho 'Mjuire, has boen
tho eh -hod dictator of tho ropublican
imrt ? We have no doubt but what
McKinley will stand with both foot up. I
on t; 1- to'publiciii platform, as enuiiciut-1
td hi S.. Liuie, whHtover it may be
j;i.i 1 ll!"ur IU"! u iltlUgillO thut
'Jin, J'.nw ill havo luit little to say
i,l ) 1 v nro put togotner.
'J 1 fVK ii'i.i'wiil lun Hie 0011-
I , , , ll -. -i ! Ii'illtif).
'., tcn Cry tor
PUciier'o Gastoria.
1'i'oin Colorado.
0II.I.KTT, Maj 29, 1390.
l'lUKM) IlosMEli: I see that you
are still in Kod Cloud b.v a CmiF
that I reouived this evening and an I
promised to writo you occasionally 1
will toll jou of a short irip Mr. Mar
tin and I just took. Wc started from
hero yesterday morning for High
Park, and Gold Springs. We drove
over to Cripple Crock then northwcBt
and around Mount I'iega nnd passing
dorn through the Box Canon, thoru
are some of tlio flu eat see u ems one
over looked upon, for instance,
imagine yournclt going through a
space just wido for a wagon and a
straight wall of rock on taoh sido for
GOO feet or nearly as high as ono
could look. Wo finely reached High
1'ark which is a beautiful littlo town
with about twelve houses iu it, con
sisting ot a hotwl, livery stable, two
saloons, ono store, surveyor office and
n fow dwellings, II is situated on a
Blight elevation with pine trees sur
rounding it. After dinner wo made
our way on over tho hill to Gold
Spring, Mr. A. L. Funk's town,
there wu found us tine u place for A
twn ns ono ofton sees, It is situated
at tlio foot of Hall mountain on a
small stream, thcro wt left our horses
and went on foot to tho ineunuin and
what should wo find but a load claim
"The Little Enituu" slaked by Geo.
Liudsoy, oloso to n shaft claim that
assuyed f 131G, so what did wo do but
s,o down the gulch and stake a tunnel
Bight, then oamo back to High Park
Htid sujed all night and enjoyed oar
meals and bed especially, This morn
log wc started buck; stopped at Crip
plo Creek, met Frank Tennant, he
looks as natural as life; got home
about 4 p. tn. iu a hard bijow storm.
I prcsutuo this will sound strange to
you but tho trees horo have not com
menced to leaf out yet. I don't see
when tliuy have thuir summer here
but lor nil that I like it. ft is a
groat plnco for n person to rustlo for
a job and there arc 11 great many after
every one. Crippli Creek is building
up very fast after being burned up
twici. Our littlo town is steadily
growing. There have been some very
til co dcvolopomcnts nude oloso to
Gillutt, ono of 16000 and soma others
not ho muoh. Thcro nro a number of
shaft houses being built within sight
of town aid tho foundation of another
largo reduction works is done ready
for tht l'ranio work. A carpenter just
signod a contract to build thirty now
houses for a Duuv.r ptrty. The
electric lights will start this week, the
poles are ull up and wired. I think
wo have a beautiful twn; it is situat
ed at the foot of Trackit mountain.
The stroets arc lined with trees on
cither nidi), with a nico stream of
water ruaninu down on cuoh sido and
our roil ds arc as hard as if paved.
xoopio got marricu utru lor 1 Near
tho boys chnrivaring seme ono nw.
null ill nnvont tired you out you
oan answer this and I will rciinin,
J. C. Waiinkr.
A Crent Opportunity!
We give away, nbiolutely freo of cost,
for n limited timo only, The People's
Common Sensu Mudibnl AdvisLr, by It. V
Pierce, M. I)., Chief Consulting I'hysUinn
tothuIuvalind'H Hotil hh Surgical luxti
tute, a book of 1008 largo page", profusely
illustrated, liooud iu strong pitpur covers
to anyone seudlug 'Jl cents iu oue-ceut
staiiipc, lo cover cost of mailing only.
Over tiSii.noo eopiesof tbii completu fami
ly Doettir llooknlreiuly hold In cloth bind
ing nt regular prion of fl.r.O. World'
ltlKpeusiiry Medical Assoaiatiou, llulTulo,
N. Y.
Heart Disease Cured
By Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
I'alntliiR, Weak or HuiiKry Spoils, Irrej?u
liror IiiU'riultti'iit I'ulHe.riuttorlngorl'al
nltulloii, ClioliliiR Son.:itlon, Bliorliicsi of
Ilrcatli, .SivellliiB of I eot nnd Ankles, aro
Byniptoms of a diseased or Weak Heart.
Of Fort Wayne, Ind, writes oa Kor. 29, ISM;
"I wits unnoted for forty jours with hoart
troublu nnd suffered untold KKony. I had
wonl., limiKry pelli, and my heart would
palpitate so bard, tho pain would bo so acuto
undtorturinB, that I Iwcutna so weak and
nervous I could not sleep. I was treated by
overal physicians without relief and gavo
up ever bolni; well again. About two years
aco 1 commenced using Dr. .Miles' Remedies.
Ono bottlo of tho Heart Ouro stopped nil
heart troubles and tho Hesiorntlvu Nervlno
did tho roat.nnd no I sloop soundly and at
tend to toy household aud social duties with
out any trouble.
BoUbydruMUu IliH.iisnl freo. Address
I)r Mi lea Mud n.l On.. I.'Lluirt, lad.
Br. law IlvK-ILi lUsfciire Health.
in f! ., ....1 .... . 1 ,.' . i ..uil.iu.
fcioui'Ui.'crlna. ..j .'....... u .m.j 1 iiw.
His Lip Gone.
M. M. Nicholson, who lives nt the
corner of Currun and Anderson Sts., At-
lnntn, Ga,, had n cancer for years. 1
It first appeared on his lip and resem-l
11-1 ' 1.1. . 1.... ........... 1 : .1 1 .. 1
uicu a icvcr uusivi, uui biii:iii lupiuiy
and soon began to destroy tiie flesh.
His father nud uncle had died from
Cancer, and he sought tlic best medical
aid in different cities, but it seemed im
possible to check the disease. Several
operations were performed but the can
cer always returned. This continued
for years until the partition in his nose
nnd his entire up
per lip were eaten
away. All treat
ment having proved
futile, he looked
upon death as the
only relief.
"Some one re
commended S.S.S."
he Bays, "and
a few bottles afford
ed some relief; thus
encouraged I con
tinued it, nnd
it was not long be
fore the progress of
me disease seem-
checked. I persevered in its
use, nnd remarkable as it may seem, I
am completely cured, and feel like I
have new life. S.S.S. is the most re
markable remedy in the world, nnd
everyone will agree that the cure was a
wonderful one."
A Real Blood Remedy
Cancer is iu the blood and it is folly
(guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real
icmcuy ior every uiscasc 01 mc oioou.
y disease of the blood
lioous mailed
free; nddresi
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
A Cure for Muietiltir Illieuinu
tlnni. Mrs. It. L, Lnmson, of Fnirmonnt, Illi
nois snys: "My sistor used Ghnmberlain's
I'nin llulin for mnsonlar rheamntism and
it utTroted n complete onre. I keep it in
the honso nt all times and have nlwnys
found it benellclnl for nchus and pnins
It is tho qulokest euro for rheuinntiem,
muronlnr pnlus nud lameness I hnvo ever
seen." For sain by II. E. Grice,
Crop ItcportN by .States.
DoWitt county, -Wouthor line nnd
corn plnnting progressing rapidly. Pas
tures good. Many farmers aro holding
their hogs for higher prices.
Mason county (Jood raiuB. Corn
planting progressing. Potato bugs
hnvo made their uppoaranoo. Wheat
somewhnt dnmagod.
Carroll county Grass full two wooks
ahond of timo. Fruit prospects excel
lent. Corn coining nicoly.
Livingston county Corn planting is
being pushed rapidly. Pasture in
nplondid condition.
Uaports from over the stato show that
farming Is undor fnir headway. Kaflir
corn is boing tested this soasou. Hay is
wortli 610 per ton. A largo area has
been sown to oats. Fruit prospects wore
never better. Cut worms huvo mBde
thoir appearance. Whoat is crowing
slowly on account of lack of rain
Itaporls from fjiiPecr, Sanilac, St
Joseph, Tuscola nud many othor coun
tioHwhow that tho rold weather has ro
tated planting Fruit bids fair to bo
an excellont crop Hay crop promises
well Winter wheat is above tho uver
age Stock of all kinds doing woll
In Smith, Jewell, Phillips, Decatur,
Mitchell, Thoii'us, nud all northern nnd
contral cmintieii crop nro looking liuo
and 11 great denl if the coin is up
Heavy raino this season huvo put the
ground iu tho best hluipo that it has
been in for two or three jeurs. With
present condition holding out through
tho seuso'i thero will bo an imiuntio
jield Chinch buga doing but little
damage Pasturo was nevor bettor
Winter cattle going onto grass in tluo
Some iiarls of tho territory need rain
Wheat is BiilVoring from chinch bugs
Crops are otherwiso looking woll
Atchison county Tho Feason is woll
ndvnnced nnd corn planting is boing
pushed A very largo ucrengo of corn is
being put in Prospects for fruit were
never netter
Now Mndrid county Wheut fields nre
being lostroyud by iirmy worniH Timo.
thy meadows hnvo beon somewhat in
jured and corn is boing oaten by them,
whero up
Polk county K'ceBsivn rains havo de
lajcd corn nlunting. Whoat promises
good. Outs are a good aland Fruit
prospects nro splendid
Nodaway count) Prospects for crops
wore never butter Corn, w heat und
cats tire sure winners this soason
Reports from our correspondents ovor
tho stato announco tho farming pros
pects in good condition for this timo ot
)oar Corn, oats, whoat, fruit, ifco., iu
fair condition, Fnrraors aro busy plant
ing corn. Grass is ubout two wooks
ahead ot tho season. '
Land is still wot but fruit is growing
rapidly. Stock camo through tho win
ter in lino shape, Less barley was sown
this year than usunl. Grain sown pre
vious to tho hard rains is looking well.
Cows in demand lit good prices,
Put vory littlo seeding has been dono
so far. Moro barley will bo town this
soason than usunl. Wheat will not bo
us largo an acreage as usunl. Farmers
aro very busy gotting thoir llelds ready
for tho crops,
Formers feel good this Fenpon ovor
their prospects und with tho continu
ance of tlio present stato of weather will
raise birgu crops. Corn will be tlio prin
cipal product lint; uuibor..
Tho World's Pair Tests,
showet ro buklng powder
SO ? v r 50 ,rv :r in C3V
irt i,iinwrinwwMwmrniniw ipii m
IIckc' Hall Uenewer.
No preparation ever put on I ho market
has given cueli uuivertinl iatiifioti(iu. It
i not only a h.iir ronwr and lur igori-
tor, but clcnneo Mie t-cnlpof all dalid'utT,
leaTlng the hulr noff, g!ony nnd Inxuri
ant. Sold by C. I.. Collin,;.
Itcil 'lnml Highly ruvorcd.
Bicycle racing I.uh iiFaumed such enor
mous proportion thut, this year, a state
circuit has brcn organized to travel
throughout tho state, tho Bnme as tho
national circuit traverses tho United
States Jn this maunor, they nro en
nblod to visit tho principal citios without
nny loss of time. Now that a great
muny cush prizes aro offered, this cir
ouitlBBiiro lo calch nil of tho speedy
ridors in tho professional class, nnd, of
course, prizes tiro hung up for tho nma
tours. Red Cloud 11 one of tho favored
fow to sneuro a date for ono of these big
meets, and should not lot tho opportuni
ty pnsa by. Lot'a let thorn know we're
not dead yet! With tho rapidly iu
creasing interest in this sport through
out tho countr), tho .'list day of next
July will bring a crowd to tho city to
which tho largest circus crowd would
bo 11 pigmy iu comparison. Tho racers,
trainers, eight-Fours, nnd others who fol
low this circuit composo a smull army
by thomselvcs, Bnd all tho wheelmen for
miles uround will flock hero.
At n meoting ot tho Rod Cloud wbeol
men lust Wednesday evening, a club
was organized and F. W. Cowden elect
ed president; C. II. Miner, secretary;
II. E. Gnco, troasuror. Though just
nbout ono third of the cyclists wero
prosont, over S100 in cush wore raised
toward tho coming meet. This coos to
show how enthusiastic tho boys nro, und
if the citizons know a good thing when
thoy boo it, thoy will not hositnto to lend
a holplng hund. Let us have tho moet,
by all moans,
"My stomach was weak and I havo imd
a heart trouble so that I could not lie
down nnd llfo was misery to mo. Ono
day I thought I would try HoudVt Sara
pnrilla nnd I begau to feol better after
tho first few doses." Mrs. Jeuuiu M.
Dopny, Arnold, Nebr.
Hood's pills cure nil liver ills.
When Dohy waa sick, wo cavu her Contort.
When slio was a Child, sho crlod f or CastorU.
When sho became. Miss sho clung to CastorU.
Wbea sho had Children, sho gavo them Costarifc
When your stomnoh begins to trouble
you, It needs help. Tho help it needs, is
to digest yonr food, and, until it gets it,
yon won't have any pence. Stonrnch
trouble is very distressing, very obstinate
very dangerous. Mnny of tho most dun-
goroas diseases begin with simple indi
gestion. The reason is thnt iudiuestiou
(uot-digestion, not-noarishtnent) wenkens
the system and allows disease germs to
nttnek it, The antidote is Blinker Diges
tive Cordial, Btrenghenlng, nourishing,
onrntivs. It cures indigestion nnd re
news strength nud health. It does this
by strengthening the Htomnoh, by help,
lug it to digest your food. It nourishes
you. Shaker Digestivo Cordial is made
or pure herb, plants mid wine, is per
fectly hnrmlefH and will certainly euro
all gtnninu stinnHuh trouble. Sold !y
druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 pur bot
tle. Wanted, Mock to Iasluri,
Good shado and plenty of water.
Toriiifl rimionablB. Pusturo five miles
south of KoRoimint.
John Kmikik, Rostniout, Neb.
dovt i:a.i:trr.
A Common Cunu ot I'ilos.
II Tiny I.pikI lo NrrloiiH IIcmiHn,
When people generally understand
that all such fatal diseases as fistula,
ulcer of the rectum, fissure, etc., al
most invariable begin in u simple case
of Piles, they will loam the wisdom
of taking prompt treatment for tlio
first appearance of troublos iu this
quirtcr. Tho Pyramid Pilo Cure will
certainly turc every form of piles,
itching, blooding, protrudiug or blind
piles, und hundreds of lives havo beon
saved by using this cheap but cileo
tivo rotucdy right nt the start, be
oauso nt suck a timo a single pnolcngn
will nlTcct a cure, while in the old
ehronio. deep seated oases, sevoral
paokogeH aro somotiiues necessary bu
foro n lasting euro is affective.
Pliysioians aro usiuji tho Pyramid
Pile (Jure in preference to surgical
operations and with uniform sueecss.
Tho remedy is prepared by the Pyra
mid Drug Co , of Albion, Mien., and
for Bale by druggists everywhere at
50 cents and $1 pur patkago.
Send for Freo book on eauso and
ouro of piles.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
II. E. Pond hue 320 acres ot woll
foncod nud wolbwatored pasturo laud
for rent cheap,
For a flno hair tonio call on llutchin-
nou & Hiutt, tho barbers.
mm p
RliciiiimtNiii Cured In it Iluy.
"MYSTIC CUIU:" for IlhenraUmn
an I Ni'tiralgia ntdioi.)') 1.1 1 t, :1
d'.. '. Ii- .. tn a 11 ,iiiii tl ij.'na ii lu
ll t t'i i'il ii t. ri u .. ll ro.jiJ.iH
1 -I ' 1 . 1 1 .. .
3Ji2M$$4 1
b tWttnjedy yatr needy of MfmAurvUc In miU ot ehronio
cases, f trelieves ptoapiiy and Vfxk a permanent cure
fMMw Oimwinttinjo a Btnu
A THE On. J. H. MoLGAN WCOfOINE CO., Or. Louj. Mo.
Kaley's Spring
$10 in prciniums will bo given
missing words in our nnuouiicenuMit, oaoli triul to bu iic-
coinpnnied by tlio purchase of n pair of our popular
Shoes or Oxfords. Contest to close June ls.t.
1 We have now for our..... mmmm
2 a large assortment of ""!"
spring styles, iu Men's, Women's, and"chVldren'ri"shoT8y
8 which we have
4 a large and appreciating ""
5 for some time
0 AVe have now the finest assortment of shoes tlio IZI .IHIT
7 of this community have ever had the IZZ1
8 of seeing, and at such ....".T..Z"..
9 as will make them very 11ZIZ1IZ
10 "We have never depended on the !!..!
11 of handling the common low " ".T T.7....
12 goods entirely, although 1 1 1 o . .V -"1 1 -J. .1". . . . . Ill" 71V-" V.T
13 ofthe country has compelled ns lo !Z""-Z.IZZ
14 this olass of goods more than at any ...." """
15 time. AVe have in the finest line ami styles Ynin...r.....
1(5 for experienced workmen to "Z"-
17 While onr store is not a ..... .". 1 T"l Z
18 AVe have been and will be im.IZT.ITZ. '
19 to keep a clean, bright, and iittrnTiv"oT Z . ..
20 where the most fastidious or humble . """
21 can come and be carefully and
22 fitted with a handsome
28 of elegant and fashionable slioes "to.ZZZZZZ
24 or with the heavier and more serviceable.
25 Travel from the Atlantic or the ZZZ
2(5 and you will not find a sintrle
27 who should be better satisfied or more ..."
38 than we, on account of the liberal ZZZ.
29 given me. It has encouraged us and '"'"""""
30 the way for greater and more
81 eiTorts to satisfy each and
Yours for honest endeavor and increased trade,
Proprietor Cincinnati Boot unci Shoe Store, '
Fed Cloud, Nebraska.
g Wall
g The Druggist. 52
as well as her old customers,
And prices to suit the times,
Epfg s taken in exchange.
j Friends, c
at nMotMMwM ru m a Muvrn navrwM
Diseases arc manifested
by Backache, Rheumatism,
Loss of Appetite, Foul
Tongue and Weakness
to tlu' piTStms supiilyinn-
every one of our....,
r s
L. Cottincr. 3
V '
. cuing power cs tha ?y't ,.
. (
iLmi.mrrm.kdmt. ,