' "A" l i . . : i - rr lIESSa.j--. -SL2 V i i K laiitF ii win t i i w it , C" -Sft.s; EgaSKs V,4fe -z&ir f s-'zsk VOLUME XXIV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAY 22, 18DG. NUMBER 21 Fuji W 2wviO U IfUrU &' I ImEs Vf rn 'Vr. 'V "N- r ffcj SBT . '-' . r r'7 v NOTHIlwj RMT'iHF tef' 6FM . NF . 0 'm J rr You will And ono coupon InMcIo ciu'h two omico ha? and twocouponslusldo each four ounce uaKoflllackw oil's Durham. Buy u bag of tills celebrated tobacco uml read tlio coupon which Rives n J ll&t of vuluablo presents and how to gut them. 8K3"wi JuiNon. Mrs. J. Graves and Minn Msggio Barrett woro visiting frictiids iti Kcd Cloud ono dii) lust wci k. At u meeting hrlil at Mt. Hojtcj Mnv 11. to make HMiimi-iuptits for Decoration Day tlio following arrange iiiontH weie modi: Committee on arrangements V. 11. Bcrivner. 1 S. Fair und R C. Wilson. Conunitli-c of Indies on music, Mrs. Corbeti, Mrs. L. Hnrrett and Miss M ria D.ivis Committee on hand music Win. Barrelt, A. Oillis, Dan Grcwell, C. W. Barrett. Mr. Sarivncr was elected marslial of the day. Committee on fixing eats Clin". Barron, Albert Sonvuor. Sni Mount ford. Clan Pair and W Francis. Voted to inert Fridiy morning to fix tlio uround", and at 10 o'clock Saturday to decorate. SUNFI.OWKIl. WXM uuuva j! r t t rlT Zibbbbi SLLLLssssB Who flrt beholds the light of day In epring'u sweet gentlo May, And woiirs nn EMERALD all her life, Shall bo a lovod und happy wife, 15 Years Practical Experience In FlttiuK Spectacles. Come in whou needing glosses my atock la full and comploto of ull kinds. Will guarantee- you u fit and save you uionoy. Your Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing soliciloil . I gu;irnntio ull work, any defect In same made good FREE of cuujge. Ditllcult lloo watch work a i c i pi .i i . . . ; Watch Exumim-r for II. & M. R. R. THOS. PENMAN. l0 Kewaril, 9 1 00. Tho rendurs of this paper will bo plrafcd (o It am that there Ih at lenst onu (lreaduil illHiiirfft that eeieticu Iiiih beou able to cure In all its Htntfe and that is catarrh. Hull's (Jatarrh Cure is the only poiltiVM ouru now known to tho medloal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al diBeno rHjuiro a eoiiHtitutional tern edy. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, aotinR directly upon the blood and mucous snrfacos of tho system, theroby destroying tho foundation of tho disease and idvlui: tho patient strength by build ing np the constitntion and assiating na ture in doing its work. 'I he proprietors have bo mnoh faith in Its curative power's that they offer one hundred dollars for any case thet it fails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Addrass, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. CSTSold by druggists, 76o. THE - ORLEANS - COLLEGE Summer School Chautauqua. amom; out TACl 1l'Y. Wm. IIAWJiKY SMITH, Author ol" "Evolution of lodd," and who a-MHlid Bill Njo one soa SOI'. SM'T. W. H. SKINNKK, FiSlVeuitnl Nebraska St.tc Teach cars' A-Koe. itiou. MRS. E. V. TI'CKKU, The great Primary and ton T. achcr. PKOP. J I'. MlMiKK. Editor i ''x Nnrthvcs!rrn Journal of Edni .,1.1' T.'nOR.I V 1I0S( XifltMtriJt iri Mdmt of thu V. T. S. VK nnd i'it (Jrudiuto of the 'PYicajio 1 i.iv Kmdcrgar- AMONG OUlt LECTURERS. REV. T DEWTTT TALMAGE, Over :illO,00() newspapers publish his sermon every week, reaching 100,000,0'N) people. DAVID C COOK, The editor and publisher of Sunday School Litorature, and founder of tho 1. A. II. Circle. DR. .KHKI'U T. HEK11Y, Editor i the Epworth Herald, nnd the greatest Leaguer in Ainorica DR M. M PAllKHlinST, The Knur, nt Cliau'iauquan and Un 1 t' 1. . 1 1... T!!l,l tSll). riVaiC'i i puuuuui ui niv jiu.u. AMONG OUR MUSICIANS. MISSLOl'FK M. LINNEIJARGER, of Chieige, tho finest solo cornctiBt N of sacred song In tho wr.t. MRS. II. K. ESTHKBROOK, who as u Pianist stands Imperial Leader from Omaha In Denver. I'KOF. T. MARTIN TO WNE, whoso musical compositions aro sung and i.pprcuiated by tho English spu-iking world. Ono It. 11. laru for round trip; ono half fare lor children under 12 years of ago. Fine grove; uood water. Tents to ront at low prices. Splendid paBturo for horses for thoso who drive over. Prcparu for an outing on tho Republican mer. Combined plcasuro with profit. RHMEMRER THE DATE! Opens June 1; - Closes June 27. Detail' d Cat 1ogiu AHdie-ss will soon bo rend. Kor further information J. L McBRlEN, Dean, Orleans, Nob. Bntln. Everrott Bean had a nieo steer killed by lightening reoently. Mr. Stoughton of Campbell put a well down for Mr. Hansen last weok. S. S. Bailey of Red Cloud was in this ritinity looking after his farm interest Ifnday last. A wolf killed Heven pig for Mr Crabill so ho tracked her to hor don and by a littlo digging ho found sovon joung wolves. An oven exchango iB no robbery. Mrs, Bretthaner and son PmiI woro visiting at Mr. Eppors near Itivorton Sunday. Bon Reed and family from near Ioavale were visitors at Wm. Crabill's ono dav this weok Ely Sorgenson nnd family woro peasant callers nt Rev. Beau's Mon day. C. M. Wilon of Otto was in this neigliboihood latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Graves received the sad intelligence Saturday of tho death of one of their daughters, whn was living in Iowa. Stiinnku. dilution. All instantaneous cough cures eontnin opiates and nro liable to dry np tho phlegm nnd mnens In the bronehlal tubes and lungs, tlmreby causing cnugustinn. Wo itUHrnnteo I)ei:K' Clmrry Cough Slyrup against this danger. C IjCottin;;. milturtoii. Mr ltibinson is very sick, 0, R Pitnnv nnd family were visit ing at J. 0 Wilson'.. Tho Now Virginia nunuay-scliool is preparing for Children's dv. Peter Nelson and A. N, Wilson traded horses Saturday. A, Erickion had a younc; borne drop dead while working it Monday, It is said that Johnuio Marker was heard singing "She is my Aunio nnd I'm her Beau," all day Monday. Johnnie Phillips was over on Indian orcok tranBaoting business Sunday. John Sorgonson who has beou in Minnosota for several weeks looking up a location has returned. 0. V, Kelly and family from near Itivorton and Johnson Wisccarver woro guests at 0. II. Wilson of Otto Sunday. Tltix. IIlHllCII. Who is kicking about the rain ? ltains have been booked every twenty-four hours for Nebraska. Druggist Hicks is lenovatiug his stnro, ZolT, Anderson, and Haller shipped a oar of hogs to Omaha Tuesday. J. E. Yost was somewhat indispos ed nn Tuesday. W. Haiiis has found emplojment on the section. Miss Day returned to her home la-d Saturday after successfully teaching a nino months term of school. Miss Emma KaulTman spent a few days tho lore part of this week with Mrs. J, It. Horn. Mrs. Watkins of Blue Hill was em ployed by Mrs. B Leo this week. Miss Minnie Reed wns visiting nt Red Cloud lat week. While playing ball ono day last week 0. Wheelau could not maku n baso hit but instead got an ojo hit, consequently ho has only ono pooper. His eye and face wero badly swollen but he is gradually regaining his sight. School clastd Friday with cxcroiscB in Miss Day's room. Quite u number of parents nttended tho excroisos and seemed to bo wl! pleased. Miss Day seems to have porfect control of hor pupils and knows how to handlo them. Tbtir recitations and dialogues woro well rendered whioh shows thai thoy have had good thorough training while under her ohargo. Every farmer is anxious to got his corn planted for fear it might happen te rain ono of these dajs. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report RoYal Baking Powder :SrS33 ABSOLUTELY PURE AntlMiy. and cultivation has begun in the Mis Doll Auxicr is vibiting hor eastern, central and southern ooun- prents ut Cowles ties. Some replanting of corn will bo George Prase was visiting nt Am-, noeessary on account of washing by boy Sunday A. II. Carpenter and family and Joo Saladen and family wcro visiting nt Amboy Sunday. G. W. Baker, wife and daughter Ida Iclt biinday over Innu to llemlloy for a two wcok's visit. Z. Barnes and G. W. Baker wcro calling in Inarnlo last weok. E. A. Tcrrill was n caller hero one day this week. I. Frisbio was in tho wost visiting last week. Mrs. Young loaves this weok for a visit in Kansas. May 10 tho Christinn Y, P. S. C.E. of Red Cloud enmo out nnd held a mooting with our society and May 17 tho Congregational Y. P. S. C. E. came and joined with us. Very pleasant meetings wcro hold and en joyed by all. Wo regret that thoy do not came oftcner. How to Treat n Wire. (From Paoillo Tfeatth Journal.) First, get a wife; sooond, bo patient. You may have great trials and porplexl ties in your holiness, bat do not, there fore, onrry to yoor homo a cloudy or con tracted brow. Your wifo may havo trials which, though of less magnitude, may be bard for her to bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonder in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. T tills wo would mid, always keep a" bottle of Chumberlnln's Cough Hemedy In tho hoosB. It Is tho btst nnd is sure to bo iintdud sooner or later. Your wife will then know that you renlly care for her and wish to protect her health. For salo by 11. i:. Grioe. .St III wnler. nro growing very fast Oats nro growing very fast nnd wheat is immonfco nnd corn planting is about finished. Lulu Orr bus rolurnod from Blue Hill where tho has bocu for several mouths. Efiio Isom, who lias been working near Mt. Clare, has returned homo. Roy Wells of Lawrence is working for G. A. Wells. Arch Loin is laid up with a sore wriht. Geo. nnd Al. Purker from across tho river woru visiting at Dave Fish ols last Sunday, Tho Epwortli Loaguo gave a very good entertainment at tho ohuroh on Sunday ovo. A largo orowJ was pres ent. John Knigg hns more pnsturo than ho Knows what to do with and would like to tako in stook to pasture SlMI'SOM. FAITH CVIIC A GOOD THING In Soho Discuses, But II Is a Failure In Stomach Trouble Mere faith will not digest your food for you, will not giro you an ap potlto, will not inorcaso your flesh and atrongthon your nerves and heart, but Stuart's Dyspepsia Tabids will do theso things, becauao thoy aro com posed of tho elements of digestion, thoy contain tho juices, acid and pep tones nooossary to tho digestion and assimilation of all wholesomo food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will di gest food if placed in n jar or bottlo in water heated to 98 degrees, and they will do it niuuh moro cfTcctivoly when tnken into tho stomnoh nftor nicnls, whothcr you hnvo faith that thoy will or not. They invigorato the stomach, mako pure blood and ttrong norvrs, in tho only way that naturo can do it, and that is. from plenty of wholesomo food well digested. It is not what wo eat, but what wo digost thut docs us good. Stuart's Dvnonsia Tablets arc sold bs neatly all druggists at fiO cunts for lull si'-u package, or by mail from the Stuart Co., MarsKnll. Mioh. Send lor book on Stomach DisoaseB. Dr. Price's Cream Unking Powder A Pure (Iraec Cream ol Tartar Powder. KOSS & UIFE, PrtorruETortH ov- WW BAIT MMm Young mothers dread tho Stinnnor racuths on account of the great mortality nircrg ohildron eaaeod by bowo! troubles, ruftU i.itoty may he nsaured thotu who livtp ti. usi.il HoWlttM Collo Si Cholera crri nr il n m"e -i ter it promptly. Tor -ramp I It uh rr ' e Ivscntery, nnd ilinr rhx:i it irlct.'H iMiu' uilt-f. O. L. Cot-ting. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caslorla. IiiUuiiiinutoryltliciiiiiutlHirtCuro ctl In it Day. Morton 1u Hill, of Lolmuon, lml., says: "My wifo hnd Inflammatory Hhenmatism In every muscle Hiid Joint, her milferins wr.s turriblo and her hody nnd fucu wero swollen almost beyond recognition; had In en In bed for six weeks and hud eight nlnsioinus but reeeUed no benefit nntil Bho tried the MYSTIC CUUK FOIt RIIKUMATlBM. It gave immtdlato re lief und she was able to walk nboufc in time days. I am sure It unveil her life." Bold by II. Ii. Grlce druggist, Ueil Cloud. nipans Tannics. Hlpiuiu T-ib il - nrc nnuson. nipimaT.ibuIi'8: it di iiggi.au. Itipnns I abules i ore ill..lni'B3. Jtipnnh 'J nbiilee ctno lieailnchc. Ulpiina T.ihulos euro ll.itulonce. HIpniiH Tabules i lire ilyspophlu. Itipnns Tnliules nsslat digestion. Itipnns TnhulrB cm o bad brtntli. Dr. Price's Crenm Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award, Crop Hcport. Tho week hns been cool and cloudy, tho temporaturo avoraging about tbroo degrcos below tho normal. FroBt s wero general the latter part of tho w cek, but wcro moBtly light and did no damago except in a fow nor thern looalitioB. Tho rainfall has been vory hoavy ovor tho oastoin third of tho stato, amounting to upwards of six inohes ovor a considerable area. In tho wo titcrn part of tho Btato light rains have fallen generally, But littlo progress has been rando in larm work in the enstern part of tho stntn, owing to the nearly constant rains, nnd tho wet condition of tlio soil. There remains .omo corn still to plant, in tho southern counties. In the central part of the slate consider able piogrcss has been mado during tlio weok, yet thuro is much planting to be dono and come ground to bo plowed for corn. Tho eaily planted coin over mo stato genorauy is up heavy nun, and by ronson of the wet condition of the soil Sm ill giain has generally mado good growth, nnd in tho eastern part of tlio statu is jtiite rank. K)C is over) it here lic.iiliug out, niid in tho southern eouulios wheat is beginning to head. Chinch bugi, whioh wero beginning to do homo damage, havo mostly besn destroyed by tho heavy rains Grass ahd nllnlf'n have grown vigorously, and in some places are large enough to out for hay. Fruit Iiiih MiHored somo damage from tho high winds and warm weather of tho early part of tho week. HOUTHWESTEHN MICTION, Adams Too much rain; spring wheat and oats look bad in tho nor thern part of tho county on account of tho wet weather, Wlntor wheat looks fine. Planting mnoh retarded. Potato bugs plenty. Fruit blighting badly. Cbaso Gold and dry; too oold for eern and small grain doing extra well. Corn two thirds or moro planted. Frost on the 19th but no damage Dundy Dry, cold woek. Wheat and ots doing well. Corn planting mostly done, Slight frost on 14tk but no damago. Frontier Rather cold for corn, but tho showers havo helped tho small grain. Prospects for fruit good. Furnas 3ploudtd weok for small grain and grass. Itathor cool for corn. Farmers cutting alfalfa. Plant ing nearly completed; somu up and being cultivated; a good stand. Po tatoes doing unusually well. Harlan Wheat nnd oats looking fine. Alfalfa tho biggest wo over had. Corn nearly nil planted nnd coming up nicely. Potatoes good, Somo unmngo iroin nan, Hiichcook Col and cloudy. Veg etation growing rapidly. Wheat and oats lino but ryo suffering from lack of rain. Corn coming up nicoly and soiiii- being cultivated. Kuurncy Corn mostly planted and coming up well. Pastures, gr.iin Hnd gardens far in advance of the nver nge. Fruit bettor than average. Lincoln Wheat and com ihal aro up and also wild grass doing nicely. Light frost on tho 1 Uli but no dam age. Phelps Cold and cloudy. Somo com up nnd looking well. Small grain is doing finely. Heavy rains with somo hail injurod gardens some what. Red Willow Corn about all plant od und inuoh of it up. Ciops of ull kinds doing well. WnbRtcr Cool and wet. Wiutcr wheat and rye heading. Alfalfa, oats and spring wheat looking fino. Crops not advanoing munh o x n o P IhmU. 4 r.?7 "MOTHERS' FRIEND" Shortoiu'.iiinr lr us pain. both mother ami ilillil ami lum i; r la i' tlou moro iiivoralilo to v,HrS 'htroiiaer aiu'r man iinna ,,'"","'-,,;-,7-BijH-aiiroinliiLiituilclii.i I U u -a, ruac 4 FOS RISI8& SiffiiiSI Kmwe ndKiilllit. ' , "' ''''!' i: ir il iMil rCi.oinin it U i.y i.mHwc3 ant u'l leiit-j . Holme nsi-a " ,.,.., . Ui-iwiro of luu-.iliuui iti.J ImlUtlois. fliakes Giiild-Birth Easy. Sent hy l'.xiircsi or mail on rcclpt oMirlrej 31.0 leer Imtllr. Hook " U) -'lOTJ It IM mailed lree,KODialnlngoluntary t. tlinotiUtS. iuuhni.i.1) urtu'wioii to., .vruyrAPi. holu ur all unuuaisxs. :. lr z a.--. ii -vw-' n- pjwiaa"--r"-- -j ,rMjfT-,.r..-i h - t - pV rir-mir B nt it tmi '