ti H, '" ' ---MM I l IM - - ' -' ' - ' '- ... Ill - , ri-m,mUm . . ;?35?&f' -- fit MB mm H'm Av Jsu or - - SSr n&J v--. ... r'l V:w &- Lll S 1 ill fr J ? -m ac n iwva?4mtt;.jii??rtssii. ,- m :- H H H . il b u wir ssa --..-zs:.. . k- II ii;ir!iH SfKwti .. H - iW'',;ii'r ';t... .& wflJ P Ibs -'""fl tti',.:" 1 -a " w fv:;'! k.-1 y VOLUME XXIV. rr-wrj""'w? yf. nwjwi The highest - :- . -..;&r- --: - BWlm r ViS-?yfc ',. -etf " .- , SKfi"" l -iau, Fj -:,! -"r : afc- - ..?"x. f Kjffla-!K2iis.vcai!B ,mA-iiMjiimfwi,;---j'- j tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker sm&W knows there is uoue just as good as Blackwell's BULL DURHAM Smoking lobacco You will find y cncli two ounce pons insuic nnjjoi limcicwcirsLiuriintii. Huy n bag of this cele brated tolincrontnl rcml Jii v coupon which gives n list I of valuable presents and how ltr to get tTmIXa A 674Q Wtch Bmhiiiiht for I!. ,fc M. It. R. THE - ORLEANS -- COLLEGE Summer chool AMONG OUii FACULTY. Wm. HAWLKY SMITH, Author of "Kvolulion of Dodd," and who ahsintcil Hill Ne one sea noii. SUl'T. W. II. SKIXNBH, Kx-l'rcsident Nebraska Stato Tcaoli- ears' Association. MllS. E. F. TUCKKH, The groat Primary and Kindergar ten Tvnehcr. PROF. J. II. MILLKH. Editor of tho Nortliweetern Journal of Education. PROF. J. F. IIOSIU, Diutriot Presiilont of tho Y. P. S. C E and Post Uraduata of tho Chicago University, t inTn s-v. MISS LOUISE M, LINNERARQEH, of Chicago, tho finest solo cornotist of saered song in the west. MRS. II. R. ESTE1UJH00K, who as a Pianist stands Imperial Loader from Omaha U Denvor. PROF. T. MARTIN TOWNE, whose musical compositions are sung and appreciated by tho English speaking world, Ono 11. R. Uro for round trip; ono half faro for children undor 12 years of ajo. Fine grove; good water. Tonts to ront at low prices. Splendid pasture for horses fur tlioso who drivo over. Proparo for an outing on tho Republican river. Combined pleasuro with profit. REMEMBER THE DATE! Opens June 1; - Closes June 27. Detailed Catalogue will soon bo ready. For further information Address J. L McBRIEN, Dean, Orleans, Nob. EOSS -PUOI'ItlETOUS OK C1T-T UIIA 1 IllU ascssj Ain 'Ti psb h f; rja'.rrfr-j.Tccjsr v . . . , '(v jmi . k n. a Vfjv.bti an imi ra j .-.-, . .-si - ..:'& .-.v-Lv '- fffra KU-:r. MJMib.,.'--, -:ffl claim for other j m E?9 one coupon inside ling, mm two cou cncli four ounce tucm. them. 4J 9 This J as. Boss Watch C ase With n 17 jow i-liil D in bi r wctkpin ithnu fow t (imU mi d mi unporiorH for bounty, durability tin il tiiut Kteping, Any onu wiuitlii u really llnu watch or o'clock will do woll to call u I'nniniiu and got hin prlnus bi'fori' going elsewhere. it you ni-i-d Spcutnolcfl I can lit yon corruotly mill will knock the nooKh off of any price in tho city. Iliavou flnu linn of tlitin. Lintlier bultx, (lolil and Silvnr Htltc, Long Gold anil Sdvor Watch Cimlim and Op il ItinttH aru tlm latent in our lino for ImlitH. Call in iui'1 huo them. Z3"lt your watch linn been run over by ii wagon, kickml by a mule or rained by incompetent workmen bring it to me, I will turn it onf iih good as new. aloo yonr clock and jewelry repnirwork. C'anh paid for old gold and Hllver. THOS. PENMAN. AxD (jhautauqua. AMONG OUR LECTURERS. REV. T. 1)E WITT TALMAGE, Over 300,0(10 nowspapers publish his sermon every wook, reaching 100,000,000 people. DAVID C. COOK, Tho editor and publisher of Sunday School Literature, and founder of tho I. A. II. Circle. DR. JOSEPH T. BERRY, Editor of tho Epworth Herald, and tho greatest Leaguer in America DR M. M. PAIIKHURST, Tho Eminent Chaulauquan and Un rivaled Expounder of the Bible. a ITMT1T k VTfl & KIFE, uavcona RED CLOUD, NJ313RASIvA, jIAY 15, 1800. I'roiu Lincoln. (Special Con eponi1i'tiri to IiirCiiikf.) Lincoln, My 13 A suvcro storm pasHCil over this pl.ice Tuesday afternoon. All da', thunder caps hid been iniug in the south west and disappearing without rain. About .'1.!10 p. tn., a peculiar dark cloud formed suddonly. It was not lnrgo in extent, hut unusually dense. Soon it appeared to touch the earth The brilliant ihshes and distant rumbling portended an un oommon clcotrioul htorm. At four o'clock, it began in a heavy dash of rain. Twcnty-tuo hundredths of an inch fell in five minute. Then came the wind; side-walK. out-houses, fences, and branclus of trees wero carried befrc it like so much chuff. The rain, with u little hail, continued to full in twrrents. The galo lasted at its wnrt about twenty minutes. During tins ftue the wind reached the tornbli' velocity of over eighty miles per hour. The rainfall amount ed 10 about onu and ono-half inches. The storm dplayed many cyclonic peculiarities. It traveled from south west to nortlnast. Its path of gieat et severity was very narrow. On cither side of this path tho wind was altogether inconsiderable. Tho cen ter ol the .storm crossed O St., at 9th. Hero it unroofed a brick block, while, at tho Capitol on 16th street, there was said to be no wind at all. In tho railroad yards in the southwest part of the city, several cars wero carried fifty or t-ixty feet from the track. In this section, loo, a church was blown down. After crossing O street, tho storm passed northeast, mid crosstd, in its course, the Univerpity Campus. On tho way it unroofed two brick build ings at 7th and P streets. Tho bricks, timbers and roofing wore car ried aornss Ninth to tho Stato Journal block, but the latter was uninjured. At tho university, the huge capstones of Grant Memorial Hall were blown out, and fell upon tho groat stone steps at tho entrance of tho building, crushing them to pieoes. Mr. Par molle, a student, narrowly escaped buing struik by tho fulling stones. Many of tho beautiful campus trees were destroyed. In another part of the city, a building was unroofed, and tho walls of tho hotel Ideal were blown in. Sevoral people were seriously hurt by tho falling dabris, but no ono was killed. A man who had sought shel ter at tho church that waB demolished had his leg broken. Another had two arteries of his wrist severed by tho falling of plato glass, at tho Kim bal hotel. In many places, the troes wero twisted and wrenched in first cIbbs ojlonu fashion. When tho storm had passed, tho streets wero blockaded in many places with debris, roofing and timbers, over turned vehiolec, and largo trees that had stood for ten or fifteen years. Rain eontinued to fall after tho galo had subiidcd. It has rained all night and tho oleud aro still dropping fat ness. Wednesday, 11.15 a. m, Chanoey Warner turned off his elcctrio lamps last night. He said tho clouds could outdo him and his machinery. J. F, B. A Cure for Itluitciilar Rliouina Hum. Mrs. It. L. Lamson, of Fairmoant, Illi nois says: "My sister used Chamberlain's I'ain Halm for mtisoulnr rheumatism tind it effected a comploto cure, I keop it in the houso at nil timed nnd hnvo always found it benellcinl for aolies nod paiiH it is the quickest cure for rheumatism, muscular paiim and lameness I luivu ever seen." For sale by II. V. Orice, . - Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattoria :roi Kt'porl. The wook bnB been unusually warm averaging fifteen degrees above tho nor tv.nl, with almost continuous high south erly winiiB. Tho rainfall up to Monday morning was gonerully light, amounting to over half nn inch only in limited localities in tho central portion of tho state, while over most of tho western third of tho stato and limited portions of tho eastern part none or only a truce, fell, On Moil day showers were general over tho Btato The high winds ot the past weolc have whipped tho small grain oomowhnt unil retarded itu growth, and in bo mo lo calities it whb beginning to need rain but no material injury was dono and tho showers of Monday havo relieved all droughty cenditionB and tho week closos with emull grain in u very promising condition. Hjo Ib heading out in tho southern part of tho stato. Chinch bugs aro rathor numerous mid are doing somu dumugo. Corn plunting is nenriy completed in tho southern counties; much of it is up nndinsomo few cases cultivation has commenced. In the northern part of tho stuto plunting is woll under wuy and Homo of tho enrlier planted is coming up. Tho continued warm woathor baa caused quick germination if tho oeed and rapid growth ar d potato bugo aro malting their nppenrnnco. Fruit has been Bomowhat injurod by tho high winds of tho puet weok. NOIIllWKSTEIlN BKiTION. Adnmp Plrnting well under way nnd somo corn up. High winds nil tho week but no damage done to crops. Gardens in lino shupo. Chase Warm and windy. Grain nnd grusB hnvo grown fust. Corn about half planted, Homo up nnd largo onough to work. Potatoes coining up vory fast. Dundy All crops have mado fino growth. Corn mostly planted and Bomo up. High winds but no damage to growing crops. Franklin Weather f a vorablo for farm work. A large amount of corn has been planted. Small grain nnd grass muking good growth. Frontier Fino growing wcuther. Crops look woll ulthough injurod eomo what by high winds. FurniiB A vory warm wook nnd ev erything growing fast. Rye heading out. Most of tho corn plnntod, some coming up. Potatoes look extra well but potato bugs bud. Full wheut looks fine. Pastures excollout. Fruit fulling Borne. Harlun Frnit prospects line. Pota toes growing finely. About all tho corn planted. Pastures in finest possiblo condition. Potato bugs havo mado their npponrance but not numorons. Alfalfa two feet high. Hitchcock Weok hot and windy. PuBturos and email grain aro immense-. Corn coming up vory fast. Potato bugs plenty. Koarney High winds havo dried the ground on top and rain would bo bene ficial. Phelps All email grain doing tlnoly. Much corn planted during tho woek. Red Willow High oouth winds all the weak havo been very drying but crops still in fino growing condition. Webster Plenty of rain. Whont.oata nnd potatoes doing fino, Fruit of all kinds in good condition, Most of tho corn planted and somu up nearly high enough to cultivate. Severo hail storm damugod fruit Bomo. i i i m ' 100 Itowurd, a I OO. The readers of this paper will be placed to learn that there is at least one dreaded diseHne that seienoe has been able to core in nil its stage and that is catarrh. Hull's Catarrh (Jure is the only positive care now known to tho medioal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution id disease requires a constitutional tern edy. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, noting direotly upon the blood and mucous anrfneos of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving tho patient atrangtn by build ing np the constitution and assisting nu tnre in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative power's that they oner one hundred dollars tor any euso thpt it fails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials, Addrwes, F. J. CHKNKY A CO., Toledo, 0. EJTSold by druggists, 7fio. When IWiy wna nick, wo gavo Iipt Costoria. When filio won a Child, tJiu crK-4 for distort. Wioii (Jin tx'caino Jlkx, hlio cluup- to CdstorU. Wben fcbo had Chitdrea, suo yavo tlicm Custorta, 'srp?5gK,rtiT7o.Vi.Tt. Highest of all in Leavening Power. PnVvl A. ussss ABSOLUTELY PURE BlIiMtrii. Chris Kochlor of Blue Hill was in thi-i city transacting business Tuesday, SnuUr and Tibbctta are Gliding plenty to do in their new shop. Several of our enterprising farmers shipped a car of hogs Tuesday eve king. R. Zajicck accompanying the car to Omnha, N. Bartlett drovo over tn Blue Hill Monday. L. E. Spotico moved his barber shop and family into the James Bur den building tho fore part of this week. L. It. Thorno is erecting a house on bis half section of land southsast of town. J. W. Wratton has tho con tract. ('up. Yost returned to Swanton last Thursday. Mrs. J, Duncan Sundaycd with her friend, Miss Lena Reed. 0. C. Teal of Red Cloud was in this sity Friday looking up tho insurance business. It. Lee is again proprietor of the city meat market, ho and J. Yost hav ing mado a trado last week. Henry Ludlow of Campbell was on our strcots ono day last week in tho interest of his insurance business. School closes Friday, Mav 15. Farmers are too busy planting oorn to coruo to town theso days and tho merchants look lonesome. All stock tied or staked on the right-of-way of tho It. & M. is out looso these days. Rob pys strict at tention to business and theso are his orders. Mrs. Matklns of Bluo Hill was trim ming hats at Mrs. Loo's tho latter part of last week. Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent liveryman and merchant of Ooshen, Vn., has this to say on the subject of rheumatism: "I take pleasure in recommending Chamber lain's Pain Halm for rheumatism, as I know from personal experience that it will do all that is claimed for it. A year ago this spring my brother was laid np in bedwith inflammatory rheumatism nnd suffered intensely. The first applica tion of Chamberlain's Pain Halm eased the pain nnd the use of one bottle com pletely cured him. tor sale by II. K. Grlce. Ciurllo Id. Small grain would do hotter if it would quit raining for a few days. Tho bail destroyed much of tho fruit and set tho oats baok a few duys. Henry IUthjen gavo a danco at his place Saturday evening. A large at tendance was reported, Tho law suit, Jennings vs. Harris, was deoided in favor of plaintiff. It has absorbed quite a little attention in Garfiold township, as both claim a lease of tho same land. McanlcB are reported spreading rap idly. G. Houchio's family is re portca as getting along nicely now. Mrs. Chas Wiggins has been re ported ill. Mrs. Milligan iB taking oaro of her. G. Drake's frionds wero shaking hands with him Saturday. All glad tosuc him agin. Jimmik. It In Wonderful how quickly Diurrlum or Dystntary can bo relieved by using Heggs' Diarrliu-n Diilsnm, il purely vegetable compound. It affords instnut relief nnd a permanent euro in u perfectly safe way. Yonr popu lar druggist 0 li Cotting has the agency for this wonderful medicine. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cat toria. world's Fiir Highest Award. NUMBER 20 Latest U.S. Gov't Report Baking Powder Ilathi. Emory Bau and family were visit ors nt J. WisccarVer's Suiid.ij. A band of Gypsies wero camped in this community last week. John Phillips, f Otto, whs in this vicinity Monday on busiurs. A largo crowd attended tho Frco Methodist meeting at North Stnr Sun day night. L. M. Crsbill and family of Red Cloud worn visiting in this neighbor hood ono day this week. J. Rutledge, C. H. Wilson and their families were plcasunt visitors at Kv erott Beaii's lust Sunday. Stitnneu. Hcggs' IJlllodlaiH IMIU. Try them if you hnvo n sick hoaduehe or if you aro constipated or billons. Guar an teed by 0, L. Cotting. Card or TliiinkN, Wo dosiro to oxtond our hourtfolt thanks to tho kind frionds who so utten- tivoly watched by tho bodeido of our mothor during hor prolonged illnoBS. Wo hopo you may nevor bo placed in like position. Tub WitintiT Ciiimiukn. A. L. Woostor, a prominent citizen of Osseo, Mich,, after suffering excruciating ly from piles for twenty years, wan oared in n short time by using DeWitt's Witch linzel bulve. nn absolute cure for nil skin diseases. Moro of this preparation is nsed than all others combined. 0. L. Oottlng. A WOKX.OUT FAD. 'Spring Mcdlclnca" Dlood Pur. I Hem" and "Tonic" au old Fashioned Idea. Puro blood, strong nerves and mu oles, firm healthy flesh can only comb from wholesome food well digested, "Blood purifiers" fcnd "norvo tonics" do not reach tho cause of the trouble. Tho stomach is tho point to b looked after. Tho safest and surost way U cure any form of indigestion is to tako after 6aoh moal somo harmless preparation which will of itself digest food. Thero iB an excellent prepar ation of this kind composed of veg etable essences, puro popsin, Golden Seal and fruit salts, sold by druggists under name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots and theso tablets taken after meals assist digestion wonderfully becauBo they will digest tho load promptly boforo it has time to ferment and sour and the weak stomach re lieved and assisted in this way soon becomes strong and vigorous again, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are su perior to any secret patent medicines, becauso you know what you aro tak ing into your stomacb. Thoy aro soli by druggist? cverywhoro at 50 cents per package Write Stuart Co., Marshall, Mioh, for book on stomach diseases. Vo Ortcr You a Itcmcay Which Insures SAFETY to Ufli oi iioin Mother anil Child. MOTHERS FRIEND i' HOBS CONFINEMENT OF ITS I'AIK, HOIIItim ANI mWiElt, Makes CHILD-BIRTH Easy. i:mlnreil mill leiomineiiileil by litiyal elmi. HlblwlVMHIIll tluno wlm luivu ineil It. nuwurnKfitiihtll'mesnnit linlli.tlolii. (.out by x',reM r luMI. ""..K'JlUnilYta'' 81. Oil lift lititlle. ItiH'W iu .Miriiiitiia SaileU fii'is conialnliw voluntnrjr testimonials. BBALHELD REOULATOR CO., Atlanta, Oa. SOLD DY ALL imCQaUM. I r. HMRemcdicTKilif HSK jjgk YOUNG I WIVES V . ! i M lv! . H ; i . t WS5WBBfflW'