The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 01, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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i witMi'yiBimii mWh-M.
Ami Slum i:M'(lilly ltecnnn tlio IMr1ti- '
tiff I ii Million 1,'iily iif I'ifty Cim '
nt t.uir l C"tmiMliij; the I'l'itjilo of
Criiinl H.iphts.
Ill-: SUIT begun In
tlio Circuit court nt
(Irani It a d ltl.i,
Midi., recently by
MKs Mottle Mul
hern against Bo.
Dr. J. L. Jackson,
for J'jo.ooi) damages
liad Its origin. It Is
calil. In a difference
of opinion upon
doctrinal points.
Dr. Jackson la pns'or of the Fountain
Street Haptlst church ami has boon for
tlio last four yearn. Ho came from tlio
vnti, Is polished, eloquent and popular,
and In his views takes advanced
ground, holding that man cannot ho
saved by faith alone, but that fnlth
Hhall bo backed and nub.slantlatod by
works. Ills church Is thn largest In
tho city, one of the moat fashlonabk',
and tho wealthiest, ami the litigation,
while It has naught of tho scandalous
In Its make-up, will not lack In Interest,
and will not fall to draw a crowd If It
Khali ever como to trial. It Is generally
believed that the plaintiff has a few
cards tip her alcove which she will play
at the trial.
Allss Mnlhcrn, the complainant In tho
case, la a daughter of Huv. Dr. Dennis
Mulhern, ono of tho oldest clergymen
of tho Haptlst faith In tho state a
gonial, gentle, kindly old man, on tho
Hupornnuntcd list, somewhat reduced
In finances, but rich In the esteem and
friendship of a wide Haptlst circle.
Miss Mulhern Is nbout !50 years old,
probably on tho shady side of tho half
century mark. Her temper Is not tho
sweetest, from all accounts, and It la
Bald nho Is Homewhat "sot," In her
waya nnd dogmatic In her opinions.
Slio cannot bo accused of having an un
due allowance of personal charms and
It cannot be said sho is popular, but
tho kindly Interest felt for her good
father found employment for her to do
tho local missionary work for tho Foun
tain Street church. Sho was tlrat paid
by subscription, prominent members of
the church chipping In to make up tho
necessary amount, and while her work
was missionary in Its nature her posi
tion, some say self-named, was
of "assistant pastor." Sho was em
ployed originally under Hev. Dr. Kerr
1. Tapper and ho bequeathed hor to
Dr. Jackson. The method of support
ing her by subscription continued until
two years ngo and then the church
trustees wero Induced to put her uumu
In Jio budget and for a year her salary
was paid by tho church.
A year ago tho trustees decided that
her services could bo dispensed with
and sho was dropped, and not until
after tho action had been taken did
Dr. Jackson know of it.
Tho relations between tho pastor and
tils assistant hud not been harmonious
from the beginning. Iiroitght up under
her father's pulpit, a disciple or tho old
school Haptlst, Miss .Mulhern was of
tho hard-shell variety, while Dr. Jack
son with his modern Ideas and liber
ality, might bo described as a "noft
Bhcll." Miss Mulhern did not ngreo
& i
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with Dr. Jackson's views on doctrinal
points, his liberality was not accord
ing to hor way of thinking, his ad
vanced position was contrary to tho
traditions hIih had been brought up to
consider. She remonstrated with him
nnd argued nnd protested, thou, as tho
story rocs, lost hor temper. She be
gan "hackcapplng" tho pastor among
tho people and endeavored to Injure him
by Insinuation and Innuendo,
When flho was dropped from tho pay
roll sho blamod Dr. Jackson for It, nnd
a few wcekB later, at a church meet
ing, arose In hor seat nnd charged him
with it, and thereby created 11 sousa
Hon. Tula wbh allowed to pass by, and
a few months later sho arose In prayor
inoetlnjfi Enounced tho pnstor'H doc-
tenculnge, nnd insinuated that
was not a man or. truth and voracity.
Jackson domanded an Invostlgu-
nnd Roger W. Hutterflold, ono of
i regents of tho state university, A,
v ..
V.K.K9H'V; r
Wolcott nn.l J. II. Hawkins wero np .
pointed to examine Miss Mulhern'a
charges and listen to Dr. Jackson's de
fense. The committee called several
tlm -s on Miss Mulhern. but each time
Bh.' asked for a po.tpoae:ueut, and tho
tirUt'-r draug'd along for several
ISocotnlns weary at tut of dancing
attendance oa the accuser, the commit
tee reported tho charge to be without
foundation and recommended that Mlsu
Mulhern b" dropped from the member
ship roll of the church. The matter
was submitted to the congregation at
meeting called for the purpose and tho
recommendation was adopted without
a dissenting voice. Miss Mulhern
rp.iae.l to be a mo'iibcr of tho church
with a thud. '
Now she has begun suit for $2d,0')0 ,
tlatuages. The suit has been begun by
summons and the declaration has not '
.vet been tiled, nnd the exact charges
sho will make ns the basis for her suit '
are yet unknown. Following tho In
structions of her attorney, she will not '
talk of her case and her attorneys aro
reticent. Mr. Huttertleld, the chairman
of tho conimltleo that recommended thi
action taken, Is Dr. Jackson's attorney.
I.orliml In tho llounn, Tliron l.lttln Chit.
ilreu Itiirn to Ih-iilh.
N. Schult., a farmer, and his wlfo,
tenants on the laud belonging to St.
Stephen's F.plscopal church, near Hal
tlmoro, locked their three llttlo chil
dren In their frame house the other day
and went to work In the fields of a
neighboring farm. Two babes, aged 3
and IS months respectively, wero left
asleep In a crib. Tho oldesi child, II
years of age. was toddling nbout tho 1
floor. The mother thoughtlessly left.
matches on a chair beside her bed. Tin
little one evidently got hold of them
nnd set lire to tho bedding. Tho wlfo
of It3v. William Muniford, rector of;
tho church, saw the tlames nnd nant
her servants to tho rescue. They burst
In tho door of tho burning house. Tho
crib was In Maine and tho two babes
wero literally roasted alive. At tho risk
of his own life a servant saved tho 3-years-old
child, but It Is so badly
burned that It cannot recover, having
Inhaled tho tlames. Tho mother and
father aro crazed over their terrlhlo
loss, nnd It Is feared tho woman can
not survive the shock.
IIU Karn Split (Ipcn.
John Fo3t, a resident of Wirt county,
V Va., met with a peculiar and fatal
accident the other day. Ho was chop
ping wood with n doublo-edgod ax wheu
tho ax struck a wire clothes lino, de
tlectlng Its courso and causing tho blado
to strike him full In the mlddlo of tho
face, splitting his chin, noso and fore
head, Injuries from which he caunot
Tried to Sluy HI rainlly.
Karl I'ickard was brought to Na
poleon, ()., tho other day, a raving
maniac. Ho had been attending re
ligions meetings for soiuo time, from
which he lost his reason. Ho believed
that the Lord had commanded him to
kill his wife and baby. Whllo being
prepared for tho Insino asylum ho
labored under the delusion that only his
spirit was being taken, and that hla
body romnlncd nt home.
A V.irlfc.Hnl Life.
Iii fi ipilot little convent of the sis
ter? of St. Joseph at Rutland. Vt., Uvea
a woman who doubtless passes many
an hour thinking ovor her past event
ful liff. It Is Victoria Moroslnl-Schil-Iltig.
tho daughter of tho 'rich hanker,
who led tho great world of llfo and pas
blon at 11 years of ago by eloping with
a coachman. Hor coach-driving hus
band could not furnish money enough
to satisfy hor way of living, so hIio
loft htm to go on tho Casino stage as
a dancing girl. There sho won a repu
tation for graco and bnauty, hut, after
a few years, sho turned against stago
Ufo and quit It. Then Rho was !o3t
night of until a short tlmo ago, whon
sho was found living In a convent nnd
wearing tho plain black garb of tho
slstora of St. Joseph.
An Oklahoma Woman' Fictit.
A pralrlo tiro raged for three days
noar Hardesty, Heaver couny, Okla.,
doing many thousands dollars of dam
age to range, stock nnd buildings. Tho
ranches of James England, John Hutch
inson, William Hotisflr, I. P. McMans
and George Hendprson wero devastat
ed. Mra. Carter, who was alono at
home, fought tho flro for hours, sav
ing her homo nnd most of hor hlsbaud'a
mock. Sho was found lying on tho
pralrlo unconscious by her husband on
tils return homo.
Only Oiiii Olrl.
Thero Is only ono girl In the town 0!
Kanona, Kan., and last we'ok two young
men fought over her, mutilating each
other so savagely that she fired thorn
both and engaged hermlf to an Oborllu
wlJower. Ex.
&?vrswammt& ttMwtwv?M nn ft wutiiwtoSrDr?i PiYonenrGasto'riaT
WVM1I7 I'ntt' lliilti'lln. I.iiimI fnin Kip
Ontrul Otllic iif tlir Vrttlmi. l'nl irlt
or NelirtuVi, Lincoln, Willi I.. .Moure,
('tili-fl 11. I. Sivi'i'), DlrtTtor.
For the week ending Mo, nlnv, April 'JO.
um iii.
in 1 4
!. tlinn
V I noli
M o I
I tnl
2 liiclirn
In thn western part of the state the
weather of the past week bus been cold
with some snow nnd sleet. In the enHt
eru part it has been warm, iiverngitiK
from six to eight degrees above the nor
Itaitis have fallen in nil parts of the
state during tho week being above the
normal excepting in the extreme east and
west portions and pnrticuluily heavy
in the central portion.
The heavy rains of the preceding week
with tho general excess during tho past
week have thoroughly saturated tho
ground nnd generally retarded farm
work so that but little progress has been
made over u considerable portion of the
state. Tho seeding of small grain is
about completo over the eastern nnd
southern portions of the state. lMowinir
lor corn hii cotnmonccd in the nurtlmrii
counties and has made some pro
gress in other Bjctions.'hut very littlo
corn was planted (luring tlio week.
All vegutation ban made rapid growth
in tho eastern mid southern portions of
the state. (Iras.s in ninny localities is
largo enough to afford pasturage to
stock. Small grain continues ii good
condition nnd seems generally not to
have suffered from the heavy rains.
I'liiniH, cherries, nnd early apples have
bloomed profusely and npricots have be
gun to drop their blossoms und set their
Iteports by counties.
Butler Nearly dono seeding. Blue,
grass pasture coming on nicely. OatH all
up and looking green. Fall wheat looks
tine. Soil in good condition.
Cass Winter wheat and ryo somewhat
thin but looks well. Spring wheat und
oats a splendid Mtaiidiindgrowin nicely.
1'asturen nearly sullicieut to support
stock. Seeding practically done.
Clay Wheat, rye, barley, oats and
pasture fjreen and in fine condition.
Ground wet down to n great depth.
Light frost on the the morning of the
i Fillmore A good growing week.
Ground in tho best condition for years.
Grass growing finely ami small gruin ad
vancing rapidly. Fruit trees budding.
Plowing for corn in progi ess. No pas
turage yet.
Gage l'lrnty of rain. Plowing for
corn well advanced mid some corn plant
ed. Wheat, oats und ryo growing rapid
iy. Hamilton I'A-cessive ruins hnvo do
l'tredfarni work. Grasscsaiidsinall grain
Li live made good growth.
Jefferson Ground in excellent coudi
Won. Wheat doing finely but acreage
small. Peach and plum trees full of
bloom. Oats growing nicely.
Johnson-Wheat givessple'ndid promise.
Blue grass, alfalfa and pasturage well up.
Apples, peach and cherry trees covered
with abundant bloom; npneots have
cust their blooeoins and are full witii
young fruit.
Lancaster All suinll grnin in good
condition. Ground in fine slmpo. Apri
cot and idum trocs in full bloom und pie
st'ut a line sight.
Nemaha Peach, plum nnd apricots in
full bloom. Wheat, oats and gardens up
und in fine condition. Grnoshiglienough
fur grazing.
Nuckolls Grain und grass growing
very fast. Corn planting bus been de
layed by rain. Ground wet down four
teen to eighteen inches.
Pawnee Grass growing finely. Small
grain looks well. Plum, peach and hoiiih
apple blossoms out. Somiv.-orn planted.
A white frost on the l'.ith. Ground
abiiuduntly wet. An unusual number of
fruit trees beiug Mit out.
Polk Crops of nil kinds in good condi
tion, considerably above tho uverage for
this date. Wheat and ryo up three to
llvn inches. Slight frost on the morning
of the 18th. Present prospects never
better for fruit. Plowing for com well
under way. I
Bicliardson ICarly apples, peaches,
cherries and plums full oi bloom. Plow
ing for corn well under way.
Saline All kinds of seeds have como
well. Grass and winter grain hnvo como
forwurd fast. Much plowing far corn is
done hut no plaining. Fairly potatoes
mostly plnutod. Plum, peach and apri
cot trees iu bloom. Ground in splendid
Saunders Seeding about nil done.
Wheat and oat coining nicely. Ground
wet down about oighteen inches. Pas
turen where not dead, areshowiug green.
Spriug sowingof alialfacomlngunnicely.
Old nlfiilfaandgrasn growing well. Full
wheat tiever looked better. A few uppto
trees in blossom.
Seward Sbonerfl during tho week hnvo
Vept tho ground in flue condition. Fruit
trees coining into bloom. Light fronts
on tho 17th and lHtli but no uppnrcnt
damngo. Soil wot down eightcon to
twenty-four Inches. Wheat flue and oata
doing well.
Thayer Plenty of moisture. Fall
wheat looking well. Oats coming up
UTtrnly. Pasture getting green. Fruit
buds I00U well.
York Seeding very neaily dono,
Winter wheat continues to look mis.
Light fruits but no damago. Ground
wet down vpry doon Plum aad other
fruit trees full ot be
' i Stnr-L'-
111 r (J L m- - I
II I I it - -tfAnr --
FHU III Ml!5I3W.. lA
Antelope .y 011 Hie morning of the
IStli. Ilye, wheat and prairie grass all
looking well, tattle Mini fairly good
pickini; on the prattles
Boyd The wettest week f,ir several
years Small gram about all xowu and
mostly up. Plowing for coin bus gen
erally commenced, stock tinned out to
Burt l.urly sown wheat and rve is
up and oats mostly sown. A much in
creased ucreiigeot Mtuiill grain tins ear,
especially wheal. Plowing for corn has
just begun. More fruit trees set out this
spring than for ten yours. Blue grns
large enough to picture
Cedar A flue week. Wheat looks verv
green also ptstutcs and meadows. Al
falfa doing well.
Colfax Bants the heaviest for years
making gram look line, 11U0 tlmgn'i-M in
pastures and meadows. Kni'tiicrs plow
ing for corn.
Cuming Wheat looks Hue, Oats coin
ing up. Plowing for corn under way.
Ground iu line condition.
Dakota Ml .small grain iu excellent
condition. Warm and sultty with con
tinuoiih rains and very llttlo sunshine.
Dixon Heavy rains have saturated
the ground. Wheat coming up nicely.
Oats nearly all sown. Bye coining out
much better that was expected. Cnrm
work a week later than hist year.
Douglas A good week for farm work.
Oats about nil planted and sumo pota
toes. Wheat about all up.
Holt Wheat good. Oats about nil iu
and some up. Kye tine. Grass growing
rapidly. Some potatoes planted Some
plowing for corn.
Knox Small grain up and looking
tine. Pons, radishes, lettuce and potatoes
are being planted.
Madison Wheat and oats nbout all
up and a good stand. On prairie low
lauds stock is self supporting Ground
iu best condition for several yeais. t itru
ground being prepared.
Pierce Heavy rains this week und
ground very wot. Small grain nearly all
sown and some up. Kioe ipute hard on
the night of the 17th.
PluMoVt utter wheat and ryo could
not look belter. A larger acreage oi
Htiinll grain sown than usual. Farmers
plowing for corn. Heaviest rainfall for
the week for several years. Alfalfa mak
ing a lino showing.
Sarpy Karly sown crops look well
Ground hi fair condition for all purposes.
Thurston Weather cold mid back
ward. Wheat and oats nearly all iu and
sonic up. Acieage larger than usual.
Ground iu tine condition. Plowing for
corn begun.
Stanton Very favorable week for
crops. Wheat is up and in lino condi
tion. Light frost on the 18th but 110
Washington drain fields looking
green ami a good stand. Seeding all
(lone mid plowing for corn commenced.
Wavne Small grain nil iu and mostly
up. Excellent rains this week but none
too much. Mott favorable conditions
for years. Increased acreage of small
grain this year.
Sioux City, Iowa Very favorable
week. Seeding for small grain nenrly
completed. Plowing for corn iu pro
Boone Small grain nbout all sown.
Acreage of oats larger than last year,
(i aniens being planted. Alfalfa growing
Buffalo Ground thoroughly satur
ated. Grass, outs and wheat growing
finely. Plowing for corn is being pushed.
Custer Wheat generally iu and some
potatoes planted. Winter wheat and
alfalfa looking fine. Wild pasture green.
Heavy freeze Friday night.
Dawson Farm work iiit('u delayed by
wet weather. Spring whei. "Mid oat's
coming but some oats to bo pr.t in yet.
Last year's seeding of nlfnlfii is mostly
all right Stock living on grass.
Hall Wheat looks fine. Oats coming
well. Fruit trees iu bud. The finest
rain during the week for four years.
Ground very wot. Grass has made rapid
growth. Hard freeze 011 the 18th.
Howard Small grain is coming nicely.
The rains have put tho ground in the
best condition for four years. Plowing
for corn in progress. Winter wheat,
ami alfalfa look well. A greater acreage
than usual of small grain.
Konrnoj Spring wheat, oats rye. and
barley making rupid growth. Winter
wheat recovering from tho dry fall
weather. Cora plowing well advanced.
Ice formed on the morning of the 18th.
Loup Season late. Grass starting
finely. Ground wot down in splendid
condition tor seeding.
Merrick Plenty of rain. Ground iu
excellent condition but washed iu places.
Sherman Crops In good growing con
dition. Wheat all in and mostly up.
Oats all 111 nnd a part of it up. Some
damage from washing by heavy rainn.
Frost on tint 18th but no dumnge. Very
littlo work dono during the week on ac
count of the wet. Soinu plowing for
Valley Wheat ami oats coming on
Well, some pieces look green. Subsoil Wet
deeper than for fivoyears.
Wheeler Ground never iu hotter eon
ditition. Grass starting nicely.
soitii wi:sti:un' slvtion.
Admim Small grnin sown und mostly
up. Not much plowing for corn on ac
count of wet weather. Fall wheat never
looked better at this season. Ground
wot down two feet or more.
Chose Small grain mostly up nnd look
ing line. Some plowing for com and
pluutinii potatoes. Pastures excellent.
Largest acreage of small grain over nut
in. Heavy freezo on the night of the
Dundy Wheat all howii nnd tho
curliest showing green. Oats mostly
sown. Grass starling line. Stock has win
tered well.
Franklin Fall wheat iu the best con
dition for years. Spring grain looking
tluo and making excellent growth.
Frontier Some very high winds. All
vegetation growing tluely. Soma corn
Furnas Ground too wot for farming
most of the week. Alfalfu over six inches
high. Quito nfrooo on tho 18th. Ground
in better condition than since IHft'J.
Grass quite greon. Potatoes mostly
Godjicr Winter wheat doing finely.
Spring wheat all planted and coming
up. Grass starting and trees leuvlng
Harlan A sternly rain has thoroughly
souked tho grouud. Potatoes mostly
planted nnd early vegetables. Some
corn pluuted in southern part of the
county. Quite u frost on the 18th but
apparently no hnrm dono to fruit.
Peaches and plums in full bloom,
Hitchcock Slow, teady rnins during
the week. Ico froze uu eighth of nn inch
thick on tho 18th. Homo corn has been
pluntod. Wheat, oats ami grass coining
fft1"1 ''
Phelps Ml gtolti looks nicely. Gr.vs
starling well Hard freeo on tho morn
ing of the Hlh.
Bed Willow torn planting just coin
men 1. Crops looking well. Streams
overllowod mid much dmiuigeto bridges,
Frost on the night of the 17th did some
dittiiiige to fruit.
Webstei Spring when) ami oats aro
looking well. PuMiifi's will soon furnish
feed for stock.
wi:sti:i: sittion.
( heyeniie Heavy hiiow on Saturday.
Potato planting well advanced iu tho
southern portion of mum v. Smiil! grain
iihotit nil iu and some wheat up. Pas
turage better than it has boon loryoursnt
this season. Iu northern part of county
not much farm work done on account of
bad weather.
Kimball Most of thesiuallgraitiHowu.
Ground very wot, Heavy frost on thn
Lincoln Condition of crops good nnd
also progress iu farm work good.
Scott's Bluffs Grass growing rapidly.
Soiuo wheat up
Cherry Good showers tint past week,
also a snow and hail storm which was
hard on stock.
Dawes Big storm the middle of tho
week stopped farm work with the oats
nearly all sown.
Keya Paha Whea.i nbltiit nil sown
but acreage less than usual. Oats being
put in. Soil iu Hnest condition foryenrs.
Bock An encouraging week. Grass
and small grain doing liuely. Quito u
troo0011 the lSth.
Sheridan Farm work retarded tin)
latter part of tlio week by snow.
11 r.
ami Mrs. reftilry' Ohnrntloni of
OLl itml !Soi Provurln.
"I don't tako any groat account o'
tho proverbs mi' axioms an' so on
that's printed in tho magazines now-u-ilays."
romarked Mrs. Philander
Poasloy to hor husband, us sho lnhl
down tho last number of a monthly
publication. 'Fvo boon a-sliidyln'
ovor a voluiuo of 'cm that somo man
has writ horo an' 1 wonder thut folks
publish such stutT! You can make.
'0111 mean otio thing or notliin'. just
nccordlu1 as you sou tit- Now hnro's
ono on 'our 'It is us unfort'nlt to
solo tho wrong chaiico to do or say
a thing as 'tis to lot tho right ono
pass by.'
"Now, I'd tikn to bo told how folks
would como out ot thoy was to bo
soa't at both sldos lileo that? What
I '.ill 0 Is thn old-fashloiiod proverbs;
thoro ain't any two was o' takln'
tliutu an' got tin' misled.
'Mako bay whllo tho sun shines. '
Now, ain't that uluar? 'Ilasto makes
wastu. What's tcuor'n that, I'd
liko to know? Tliero ain't ono of
thorn old sayin's but what's truo as
proaohln', bowsomnvor you tako im.
Thoy can't bo turnod an' twlstod
round to moan unythln' a body
plensos. "
"Do you rural 1 ono about 'A thing
ain't lost when you know whom
'tis?" Imiulrod Captain Poasloy, In
Ills usual shrill quaver.
"I should say I did," ropllcd his
wlfo. promptly, "an' many's tho titno
Fvo hoard it."
"Wotl," said tho captain with a
suggestion of a laugh iu his trem
bling old voice. "I had n cook
onco thot quoted thot to mo when
thn toakottlo was washed overboard
an' all tho cups an' saucers, but wo
didn't, seoui to bo ublo to find 'oiu
Sary "
"I reckon you'vo sot up about long
ouougti thisovoiiiu'," said Mrs. Poas
loy. dryly, mid sho bundled tho cap
tain olf to bod with coiisldurablo
Oiiii Man, Two Colllm :mU u ClioUly Void
All In (Inn i;iiriM4 Cur.
An express agent running between
Toxtka and Smith Center had a thrill
ing experience ono night a short timo
iijjo, says tho Topoka Stato Journal.
Tho night was dark mid cloudy, mid
the train was going about forty-llvo
miles mi hour. The agent had looked
himself iu his car mid was preparing
to check up tho bundles. lie wu not
Ion.,' in noticing that two long boxes,
containing collins, were among tlio
other express matter checked for Mini
liultau. All was still in the car except
the rumbling of the wheels and the
houghing of Mm wind. It was only
natural, therefore, thut the agent
tdiould jump about six foot into tho
air on hearing a voice apparently in
one of the oollln. saying, "Let me oiu!"
The express agent drew hisruvolvi r,
prepared for anything, ami Inquired:
"Whore are you?"
"Let me out!"
"Well, where aro you'.'"
"Let mo out," was ul. the answer
ho could get lu a tone like a voice
from the tomb.
The express ugent was not super
stitious, lint he was, by this time,
thoroughly alarmed. He unlocked
tho reur door of thecal-mid summoned
tho conductor, brukonion mid porters.
It was his intent ion to open the caskets,
If necessary, and comply with the re
quest of the mysterious voice. Ono
collln was placed at (iu end of the cur
und the other collln at, the other end.
Thou tho express agent inquired:
Vho are you now?"
"Uit me out'" paid the voice, not
from either collin but from a pile of
miscellaneous express matter where
thoy had Ix-eu. Stealthily und with
gruvo fours tho.erow began furthnr In
vestigation, expecting to tlnd iiuything
from u highwayman to a wild man.
'Iliey did not lltid olthor, however, but
down toward the bottom of tho pile
they located tho voluo it was a par
rot. A "r-lej Vim ill.
'("holly's in dlsgwaco at tho oiub
nguln!" bald Willlo Wlbblos.
Danh! Uonh! You don't say bo.
Ho'h always In twoublo, Isn't I10P It
was only lawst wook thut ho cauio
out without his twousahs welled up,"
"It's worso this tlmo."
'This mohnlng ho forgot to bwush
and comb his chwytmuthommn!"
Iitllil W.l 1 Mi'Ml on tlitliii- roil lionise
Itlimo'i, l!ie inra licjltlto, l'.il.illy
Woilinli"! Ill Kiiiisis iiiiii ALlll .Nrnr
I iilllCt'lsilll S ,l-S.
Liviii s. Neb.. April '.'T shooting
.ensation is reported float Mutdook, a'
miiiiII town on the line oT thelto.'k,
Island railroad, about fourl-on miles
north of this city. It appears that otto
liciiwunt. '.'0 years of age. ami 11
nephew of Frederick Scbeue. a farmer,
went to Mr. Sohewc's house ufter the
family bad retired and attempted to
frighten tin1 young woiiienof the house
hold. .Ndiouo went out Into the yard
with a shotgun and lired one shot into
the tilt- At this young Itetiwattt.
started to run N-bewe. not knowing
who the intruder was. onlered him to
.stop. At this time Mr. Sohcwe was ae
coiiipanied by his son. who had thegiin
and. 011 command of his father, young
."schcxM't II red into l!enwant's back,
making uti ugly wound. His recovery
s doubtful
lrori;o IU111; f lork I'uUlly Woiliiilml
In K.ins.m,
Sr. .lost mi. Mo., April '.'V. The burg
lar. shot mid fatally wounded at Atcbi
.soii, wdio gave his 11111110 as John Scan
Ian of St, Joseph, is believed to be
George Kingcii of York. Neb. lie baa
been Identllled us Kingeii by 11 detective
front this city. Mrs. Fred II. Boiitwell
of this city is n sister of the wounded1
burglar, lint sheri fusestotcll anything,
concerning him. Klugeii is wanted
for breaking jail and various olVenses.
He is known to have served a term lu
the Nebraska penitentiary.
Yoniii; Mun Nnr I'iiIImtIsiiii Kill lllnnolf .
In it Itiirn.
Ci'i.ui it 1 son, Neb., April 'J7. Com
missioner Klcven arrived in the city
Friday afternoon wit It the startling an
nouncement that Siniiuel Gnrder. aged
about twenty-live, bad eouitnltted sui
cide tit the homo of his father on the
Blackwood. At neon Sam mid lis
younger brother. John, went out to
the barn to do the feeding. Sn'hi
stepped Into the granary and shortly
after John heard a pistol shot. Cpon
opening the granarv door Sam was
found lying dead with a bullet hole
through his brain ami the pistol
grasped tightly In his baud. Death
must have been instantaneous. The
deceased bad arrived front lloldrcgo
Thursday, the day before his death,
where he bad been' at work. The cause
for the rash deed Is unknown. Cor
oner Vastlne conducted the investiga
tion. Iditi'il tlin In no Ton llluli.
T1.Ar1.sM01 111, Neb., April 'J7. In
district court last week Judge Uitmsey
decided, iu tho plaintiff's favor, tho,
case of Henry Hikenbary ot al. vs. tho
Citizen's bank of I'latlsmoiith. This,
was an action brought by some of the,
depositors to set iisidc a settlement be
tween tile hunk's receiver und Michael
and Susan Morrlssey, wherein the lat
ter were to receive some f.'t.uuo abnvo
the bank's mortgage against the Mor
rlssey farm. It is claimed that the
property was rated -at about JH an aero
more than it would bring at 11 sale.
The depositors estimate their saving,
by the court's decision, at S.'i.O'l .
Until CI. mil' line.
Om mi v, Neb.. April :.'7. Judge Koy
sor of the district court hasgiven out a
statement that the report sent out iu
press dispatches that he had decided
that the gold clause iu a mortgage can
not he enforced is untrue. It appears
he only refused to decree payment iu
gold because the mortgage iu question
gave the debtor the option of paying,
in gold or its equivalent, and the testi
mony showed other forms of money to
be of equal value with the gold at. this
time. It Is to be inferred from tlio
judge's statements that he would en
force n gold clause.
Ki'lKilrlin; WiihIioiiI ll.imuee.
Fvunam, Neb.. April 'JT. Bcpairs on
the washout of the B. it- M. track are
progressing us rapidly as the exigency
of space will permit. A temporary
track has been laid through Ingham
and the work at the gap where the
embankment was destroyed is being
pushed rapidly. The l.'l)" feet will bo
bridged temporarily and it Is thought,
that train-i can cross by today, tl-oug'i
the best efforts of the day and niglit
gangs will be required to accomplish
the work.
Trlril to SI11I II'k Mono.
Fni.MONT. Neb., April 'JT. A son of
Fred Koyn drove to town from his homo
east of the city the other evening and
hitched his horse in front of a storo.
When he returned for It there was no
horse there. He made known his loss
to the police and bis rig wis found out
nt the Oregon and Land com
pany's yards. From Hie appearance of
the ground the hore had boon tied
there several hours.
Not I'lill)' Itofiiriiifil,
O11AI..W.1.A, Neb.. April '.'7. Two
years ngo Charles Cody was released
from the reform school at Kearney on,
probation. The other night ho was
again arrested and will bo sent buck to
the reform school. Ho Is thirteen
years old.
Applies For . 1'illrnt.
ilhliuo.v, TC0I1,. April U7. -Paris Rich
ardson of Deshler 1ms made applica
tion for a patent on a tire-tightening
device for wheels. Knob spoke haH an
independent felloe and by an arrange
ment ut tho hub thu snokes can bo
lengthened sufllcient to keep the tiro
tight at all times.
(!;vu IIIIU of ttuln.
YonK, Neb., April J7. Being unnblo
to satisfy their creditors the grocery
iV'in of Lutes & Haiikins gave bills of
snlo to the various wholesale grocery
flrm.s to socuro the sumo.
Dr. MiIm' ItMnriira Rr-ttorn iiai wr"
' ii
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