The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 01, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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To Tnn Editor : I have an absolute
itmray for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am I
of tts power tint 1 consider It my duty to
tad two bottlts frte to those of your readers
ho have Consumptlonjhroat, Bronchial or
lung Trouble, If they will write me their
express and postoflice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOCTJM. M. C, 183 Pearl St., new York.
W The Editorial nrt Unslnnit M(inEemisnt 0l
thi Vtott (JuirtnUio thl genrou l'ruiiuiltloa.
13c MEAL?
kitti:k, 3
imi:, oiri:i:.
Reduction in repair
ing on shoes sold from
our stock only, others
regular price.
Nailing input' hnlf hoIcb CO
Ladica' Imlf Holes -Jo
Boys half Knhn 10
MIbhi'b iitnl yontliH half poles .'!"
ChildriMiB lialf oloa '!'
Patches 10
See ri'pii.mitld
Cincinnati Hoot and Shoo Kloro
A. H. Kuli'. Prop.
i::::i:r .?'.
Wnll paper r.t C'ottintj'H.
Watch rppuirint; at Xewhouso Hroa'.
All ltindu of jowolry repairing at Xow
houeu ltrou".
Engineer ShepnrdHon vvub on our
etroetB thiri week.
Ilov. .J. K. Muxlioltl hold services in
Guido Koch .Sunday.
A written Kunmnteo given with overy
watch repaired nt XovsIkiueo Uros.
John Dunbar and l. I!. Hampton, of
Guidu Iioult, wore in tho city this wpult.
Miner Uriw. nro paying -0 contB Tor
corn. Thin in a gnud time to cell your
BUrplllB. '
Editor HokiiiB. uf Xorcatur, Kansas,
was upon our atrcotit Una week, en louto
to Guide lt"cl; on IniBinee-e.
When .u 'vimi jour watch, clock nnd
jowulry uoi U (lono cheap and ilono ri'ht,
tako it to X"whoutiu Bros.
Tho morning bitvici-h at the M. H.
church luht Sunday were conducted by
Prof. Wilnun and bin eotinmblo wife.
When ju'i wan, .i nico Hinooth bIiuvo
or hair-cut, give (ion. FontroeB it call
One door t-outh of tho Hon Ton Ilaltery
Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Hunchey gnvo
thoir daughter, Ula, a birthday party on
hor 111th anniversary. A largo number
of young follto woio present.
Whut'u the in.iU r with a good ball
toani ; Hod Cloud might to havo boiiio
diversion from ctvok water, and, there
fore, let's have a dandy ball club.
Wliun our ujcb commence to acbo
and tho team gather in t hum, and your
houd achoR, it iu your eyes pleading for
holp. Xovvhoiiht) liros. will holp thera.
A.L.Twood, ot St. Joseph, Mo., an
old aciuaintanco of tho editor horoof,
formorly of Clinton, III., Sundayed in
this city. Ho is traveling for a tjt. Joo
tobacco house.
J. S. Cox a d wife, accompanied by
Mrs. Hall, loft nvorland on Monday for
Colorado, whom Sid goes to improve- hia
hoalth. Wo hope that ho may bo fortu
nate along that lino.
President Albright had a pplondid
Sunday-fichool rally at Aebnry chapel
last Sunday afternoon. Ho has oponed
the campaign vigorously, and it will bo
pushed with energy.
Soino entorprioing man should mnko
arrangomontfl to Bupply this city with
ico. Suroly thera are enough people
who want ico that will agree to tako cer
tain quantities and pay for it during the
heated season.
We received, this wook, boidb of tho
UnoBt maple sugnr that wo havo neon
einco loaviug tho sugar camps af Ohio
in our boyhood days. It was prosontod
to ua by our friond, A. P. Hartwol), ot
Inavale. wtio had received a quantity
from Modinn, Ohio, near our old stamp
ing ground, and his old homo. Bro.
Hartwell has our thanks for tho samo.
Wo shouldn't object to receiving n car
Highest Honors World'
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Pre
Mi Ammonia, Alum or any other ?dultenie
1 1 rv m:v.
M rt rum
II tin, rain, rain
Correct time at Penman's
lee mild hoiIm at (''rt.
ilnniKB McNi'iiy was in Lincoln this
Truee Sherer'e windmill blew down on
Thumdii) night.
A. M. Johnson, of Hiverton, was in
Ked Cloud Tuesday.
C 15. Crono has tho addition to their
1iou-.ii alniOHt completed.
Try a can of Hopkins' Steamed Hom
iny (Hulled Corn). It is delicious.
Spoctiicles and owi-glasses tilted by
the only correct sjntom at XowIioubo
Henry Scott snjs his oata aro crowing
b fast that he cannot keep out of their
way. Good.
Hetilah Hall gave hor young frionds a
party on Saturday ovoning, thoocciiBion
being hor lllth birthdny.
Remember the bund boys' picnic,
Wednesday nftornoon, May III, Every
body cotnoand b:ing your baskets.
Tho heavy raiiiB of this month will
give Webster county tho largest yield
of small grain known hero for sorernl
Itobt. Mclirido, and John Mcllrido
and wife havo returned to Wyoming,
after a pleasant visit with their mother
and relatives.
Karmors aro making great olforts to
put in corn this t-pring. Xearly every
fanner in Webster county will put in
from 50 to lfiO acres.
A little ill. then a little pill. Tho ill is
gone the pill hns won. DoWilt's Little
Early Risers tho liltlo pillt that euro
groat ills. OL (Jotting .
Messrs. C. L. Cutting, Jos. Horburgcr
and J. O, Lindley havo purchased
jointly, about '2V tons of manufactured
icu from a St. Joo house.
The Epworth League will give and
ice cream social at tho ronidonco of Mrs.
A. C. Hosmor, May 7. All aro invited.
Mrs. Tt. S. Wilson, President.
To-day is May day, and tho children
of tho city havo provided themselves
with numorouB May baskets for presen
tation to thoir Hweothearts and friends
this evening.
It is said that thoro is u man in Red
Cloud who threatens to whip his wife.
If ho over executes his tlirent, ho had
better got into Kansas quick. Ho might
get tar and feathers.
Treasurer Whito was up from Red
Cloud sovoral days this week, repairing
fonci-B and other property on his fnrm,
on tho outskirts of town, damaged by
tho rocont rains. IJlue Hill Lender.
Geo. Drake, after roaming tho coun
try to koep out of tho clutches of tho
law, camo in and surrendered himself
nud is now in chnrgo of Sh.-ilf Hunch
ey, whom ho will remain until the June
term of tho district court.
Parties cleaning off their lots in ceino
tery will please not throw thoir rubbish
on other people's lots ai thprn is a wheel
borrow there for people to wheel it
down to tho big ditch south of tho
bridge. Any person caught dumping it
on tho grass will bo tlnod. Ry Order of
Comotery Hoard.
A gentleman by tho name of Rrown
has purchased tho Cod man ranch, just
oast of Gus Rnats, for which ho is said
to havo paid tho sum ot SS00O. Thoro
are !i.0 ncres, and Tin: Ciiiki considerB
that Mr. Hrown hns mado an excellent
bargain' Tho day will como whon tho
land will bo worth thribblo tbo prico
A porcon wanted to know the other
day ot P. M. Cowden, if tho address of
Secretary Morton was Washington, Kan
sas. Tho party had probably novor
hoard of the capitol of tho Unitod States
and that tho famous democrat secretary
whoBe home is in Arbor Lodge, Xebra s
ka, was holding down a fat ollico as eoc
rotary ot agriculture
Four more wooks ot public school and
thon tho old bell will romain mute for
throo months, during which timo the
spiders will woavo their silken webs
across tho bottom, whore they will ro
main unbroken until tho hand of Jani
tor Scummon pulls tbo ropo for tho
Soptembor tqrm, and thon tho ponder
ous clnppor will disturb tho delinnto
strnnds for anothor eoason.
Robert HareBnape and eon, Lowip,
wero in tho city this weok, the guests ot
his brothor-in-lnw, II, C. Wobbor. Ho
was accompaniod by Geo. Gibbs. Tho
gontlomon wero on route to Colorado.
Mr. Haresnapo ran a furnituro storo in
nn old frame building, whom tho Moon
block dow stands, soruo ten yoars ago.
Since leaving Rod Cloud, ho has beon in
Florida and othor southorn states.
llundroda ot subscribers aro sending
their numes in for tho Xobraska and
Kansas Farmor. Tho paper bus re
ceived boiiio vorv ilattoring mention by
tho Btato press, besides many words ot
cheor from etockmon, farmers, and poul
trymon. The papor low bus subscrib
ora in Xebrnska, Kansas, Dnkota, Wneh
ington, Colorado, Missouri, Iowu, Wis
consin, Michigan, Illinois, Texas, Geor
gia, Xow York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Penn
sylvania, Montana, Indiana, and into 10
other states. A good showing, wo
Dr. Prate's Cneam Baking Powder
WoaJd't Flr tllghtit Mtdel ud Dlplwna.
hep rmrn cmm
OIH M l,Mv
Charley Reil whs iu McCook this
Read A. II Kaley's prize eprlng an
Ed llohiiiiaii, of Lincoln, was in tho
city this week,
Harry Goble is down from Hastings
for a week's visit at homo.
A nico line of ladies' ties to bo worn
with the shirt waists, at Wiener's.
O. W. Lindsey and R. It. Fulton went
to Cripple Creek Monday evening,
Homer Kinsel has dismissed hlssohool
near llltie Hill, and has permanently lo
cated near this city.
Herb Harber arrived in the city tliin
week from Cripple Creek. Xow Mexico,
and other distant points.
A carload of tlno seod potatoes from
Missouri for sale, very roaBonablo, nt
AullzA Dyer's, Red Cloud.
Mrs J.C.Warner, aftor a visit with
her daughter in Hastings, will join her
husband iu Gillette, Colorado.
Will Yeiser went to Republican City
hut Saturday, to make a run on tho
St. Francis branch of tho H. ,v M.
C. G. Codmun, formorly of Red Cloud,
who is now tiurehnsimr nunnt of tho It.
.v M. at Denver, was in tho citv this '
Mrs. Ellen Swartz of Lowiston. Pa.,
and Mrs. Kato Millorot Emporia. Kan.,
aro visiting rolatives in tho city this
John Young, who has been iu this
vicinity torn week or two on business,
returned last Saturday to Cedar Hind's,
this state.
Tho schoola of Misses Susio Kenndy
and Mabol Day, at Hladon, havo l.eon
dismissed, and they havo returned homo
for vacation.
Mrs. J. R. Shirey, teacher in instru
mental music; customary prices. Dully
hair hour lessons to iioa' beginners nt
reasonable rates. 18 tf
J.S.White, our county treasurer, is
maintaining his usual record on collect
ing taxes. It is a pity that tho law bars
him from a third term.
J. E, Hill, who camo hero u short timo
ago from Kansas City, for tho purpose
buying cattle, doparled on Wednesday
ovoning for Hutto City, Montana, whero
ho expects to locate.
Prof. Caster was in tho city this week,
nnd it is said that, upon tho completion
of his legal education, ho will locato in
Red Cloud. That would nu"ord tho
Great Family Weekly great pleasure.
Charloy Robinson, Douglas Gather,
Evcrott Dyer, Postmaster Cowden, Al.
Warren, Del Abel and Roy Tait on joyed
a run to Hastings last. Sunday, tho ma
jority of them making the round trip.
Wo havo only n few more of tho moth
ers' friond waists for boys loft. These
need no sowing on of buttons, all havo
tho patent strap, and wo aro closing
them out nt n great sacrifice Wiener
the Clothier.
Last Friday, as Charloy Erwa was in
tho act of helping his wife from tho
buggy, after her roturn from a drivo, tho
horso took fright and broke loose, throw
ing Mrs. Erwa from tho vohiclo. Sho
sustained sevoral bruises.
Rev. Horton, who hns boon holding
revival meetings in tho Concreirntional
church for nomo time, returned Inst
Monday to Lincoln. He has ronted tho
J. C. Warnor nronortv. and will hrinif
his family horo to resido. Row Horton
hiiB beon chosen to occupy tho Congre
gational pulpit during tho einunior.
Lavt Saturday forenoon, Hill Hayes'
team became friehtenod ut a looso
horse nnd ran away, throwing Hill from
tho wngon, which pnssod over ono of hie
lower limbs, without sorious injury,
however. Tho tonm continued itfl bend-
long flight, mowing down a row of trees
in front of Aaron Conovor 8 residence
nnd were tlnully blockod by a telograph
pole. The wagon wus badly demolished.
but tho horses were apparently nono the
worso for thoir rough oxpenonce.
The successful farmer has
learned by experience that
some grains require far differ
ent soil than others. He
knows that a great deal do
pends on right planting at the
right time. No use complain
ing In summer that a mistake
was made in spring. Decide
before seed-time. The best
time to treat coughs and colds
is before the seeds, or germs,
of consumption have begun
their destructive work.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil, with Hypophos
phltes, promptly cures lung
aiad throat troubles. Do not
neglect your cold,
SCOTT'S KMULSION hit ben tndorstd by th
mdlcil preff stlon for twenty ytjri. (i your inter.)
Thiihticiuit it Is tfityi tiUublltvtyt untlirm
lwiy (MtaMt Hi f ami Norwtum CW-ftr Oil
tmd Hj?opoitM.
ImUt en Scott'e Emuliloo, wltk tridcmtik of
am ind fun.
Put up In to cent nd ti.oo slit. Th until tkt
may U tnoutit cum your couth nIuIi your toby.
fkiday. may i,
Wall pap-r t c'.,iiiiif,n
W. A. Sniu wits dt wn from HaslingH
Mrs. Dr. Dameroll has returnml to
Capt. lllaine, of Cowles, was on our
streets Thursday,
Henry Clark was doing business in
(Snide Rock this week.
O A. Kdgcrton, of Cluide Rock, was
in tho city Wednesday.
Uncle Dick Payne says ho never saw
such a country for rain.
Mr. Levi Dellart and wife are visiting
at. their old homo in Illinois.
Say aid you mo pap's mule going
down tho street. Exit, Winfrey.
Cotting guarantees tho Lincoln Mixed
paint to beat anything in tho market.
T. E Elsod, of Pawnee City, was in
Red Cloud the latter part of last week.
G. R. Chancy has located in Rol
Cloud, and his ofllco is in tho Moon
H. E. Pond has IVIO ncres of woll
fenced nnd well-watered pasture laud
for rent cheap,
A. L. Hildreth, tho popular lumber.
man of Cowles. was doing business in
Ked Cloud to dav.
A man by the name of Johnson was
arrested iu Guide Rock this week,
charged with seduction.
Hon Ludlow was in Lincoln this weok,
attending tho pow-wow of the unterri
tied. Ho returned safe
L. C. Gilbert, of Exeter, Xeb.. Im in
tho city today. Ho brought U."0 head of
cattlo to Copies to pusture.
Homnrd McXeny and Jns. S. (iilhntu
wero in Guide Rock Thursday, attend
the lawsuit of the state of Xebrnska vs.
Herb Harbor has returned from Crip
ple creek, and says his if 1S().000,(XK) gold
mine is not in it since JelT Ward ronaiicd
tho crook.
Don't forget that Chancellor MaoLoan
of the state university will leeture in
tho Congregational church on tho even
ing of the 8th.
Mrp. J. A. Richardson is tho proprie
tress of one of tho llnest cures for hog
and chicken cholera that has as yet been
tliscovcied. See liur about it.
Mrs. Jno. Shirey has returned to Red
Cloud to live. Mrs. Shirey will give
music lossons on tho piano, and as
a pianist she has few equals iu this city.
Row D. R. Dungan or Cottier univer.
sity, will preach at the Christian church
next Sunday. Subject for morning h or
vice. "Ho Camo to Ilimsulf;" evening
"Pilato's Puzzle." '
Row H. D. Piatt, formorly tho much,
beloved pastor of tho Cowles Congrega
tional church, had a Btroko or paralyeiB
thia weok, and it is doubtful whether ho
will recover or not.
Mr. T. E. Horton. tho ovnngelist, has
accepted tho invitation of the Cengro
gational church to remain horo during
tho summer. Ho will occupy tho pulpit
noxt Sabbath morning nnd ovoning.
Tnkondofloof DoWitt's Little Early
Risers jast for the good they will do you.
These little pills nre good for indigestion
good for headache, good for liver coin
plaint, good for constipation. Thoy aro
good. Ii Cotting.
D. J. Judson boliovoa in kooping up
with tho timos, nnd, accordingly, no w
rides around tho city in a handsome
phaeton which ho hns just purchased.
Ho has also beon improving Ids prom
isoB nicely by adding chickon parks, and
bo on.
Mrs. Eliznboth Kaloy, niothor of Hon.
C. W. Kaloy, und MisB Hobs Kaloy, who
hnvo beon visiting in Salt Lnko, Utah,
for ovo- a year, am in tho city visiting
Mr. Kaloy and family. Thoy will remain
horo n fow wooks boforo roturning to
their home in Ohio.
Goo. E. MacLonn, chancellor of tho
Btato university, will delivor a lecturo nt
tho Congregational church Friday ovon -ing,
May 8th. Subjoct: "Xobraska
School Systom." Tho people of Red
Cloud should not fail to hoar tho Chan
cellor, ns ho ia u brilliant Bpoakor.
Henry Kcuhlor. ono of tho domocrat ic
"gold bug" rosidontB of Hluo Hill, wub
soloctod ns n dologato to tho nutionul
democratic convontion in Chicago. Tho
only quostion will bo, whethor tho gold
bugs or tho froo sllvor wing run tho con
vontion. If tho free Bilveritos win,
Honry will hnvo to Bit on the etops.
On noxt Wednosdny ovoning, Muyor
eloct MyorB will tako up tho reins ot
city government, and Mayor Bentloy
will lay thorn down, aftor a year's good
work for Rod Cloud. The Chikk hopes
tho new oflicora will administer tho af
fairs of tho city as woll, or bottor. than
tho out going ofllcorB. Wo must have
Fer oyory qnnrter in a mnu's pookot
thoro nro n dozen uses; nnd to use onoh
ono In Bnoh a wny ns to derivo tho grunt
est benefit is n qaestion overy ono must
solve for himself. Wo believe, howevor,
that no better use oould be inndo of ono
of tueao quarters thnu to exchange It for
a bottlo of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera
nnd Dlnrrhooa Horueiiy, a mediolno that
cvory fnmily ehonld be provided with.
For sale by M. E. Urioe,
Two good saddle poniea wanted,
ply to J. M, Aultr.
Big Clothes for Big Men, Stout men who
have difficulty in finding clothes to fit them should
try our celebrated H. S. & M. "Stout Suits" the
kind that fit. Easy and comfortable, handsome in
appearance they've made many a big man happy.
This Label on a Garment in
euros Perfect Fit imi
and Satisfaction $FV
It stands for tho best that
Money Can Buy or Skill
We want yon to come jukI Ionic nt om- Sfi.nn Smt- !...- .,i..
Cllttal to iltlV O IflVi Itv numf inin'oliiuitu ,il 4? (U
. . - ... . .
Good all wool
Our SIC, 12, 13.50, and $15 Suits in Cassi-
mcre, Cheviots, Thihbets, and Worsted
cannot be be beaten for style, quality or
price. We offer absolutely the best at
those prices that can lie shown.
i Vrr'
NtPitZ "l-".!f A Writ
I 'mM.t i il 'UJVr
Mi J-
v. 3 H I
u If " I
I Ci We can beat the world. Js
Hl Remember our shirts are all f
pZ made full sizes, even the J
I LS cheapest. We have a t I
I jrj great line from 23 to gS J
Hl 75 cents. M
Our BULL DOG brand is yoked, and AG inches long, made of
the best Shirtings, at 48 cents.
Dress Shirts from 45 cents up.
We have all tho novelties in Hats. Wo have put on our bar
gain counter a lot of odd hats, in Stetson and other good make
which we are offering at just half price to clean up our stock.
Wo ofier you the beBt Shoes at the prico, and give yon tki
name guarantee that you get elsewhere.
We want your trade, and havo marked oir goods so that
you will buy if you give us a chance to show them to you.
WIENER, The Clothier.
nuanmrn i
'" .-......,. .... . IIIK
Suits at 18.00.
never offered better bargains
than this season. We have
Children's Suits as low as 75
I .V. i
I V .
ti i"
ni'v: '" " ' r i'1 irirr nniirTiiiiiiiiiTnniiiiy loot
. . ,. ii ! i mi mimii iTrtTflff1'nf7fPfMTW
iWt ateMMMMMMMijMMiMOT;iMMairtMtriitrmirnmiTi)rrwiBq fi