The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 01, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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I.AHnv'lAir. Ast ln""' Killtor.
Itt'lMlhlUllll TlcKel.
For ConroHB filli District,
W. K. A.N'DHKWS f IIiiBtinKS.
Ik McKinley can't Rot t!ior, Tiik
Ciiiick would bo in fuvnr of Mandorpon,
Hion Heed, Morton, Allison, and llnally
Tim Stale Jourmil siih tlmt Clem
Dover is h cnniliiluU for contfrem on tlio
pop tlckot In thin district. This 1h de
cidedly h KrHt j'dt.
Hon. J, A. Piper will bo n candidate
fer rouomiiiutlon for Foorotnry of Htiito.
lie Iiiih inuil" ii HMoudid olllcer, mid wo
would bo pleased to ki'O him renomi
nated. Jack McU-dl h in tbo Hold for tho
gubernatorial nomination, at tlio hundfl
of tlio republican convention in July.
jHtik is a No. 1 man, and wo should not
object to his niiniinatiou.
lln.i.v iMcKlnloy Iiiih about enough
dttUatt'H to assure bin nomination at
St. LoniH. Tho machine la trying to
ouchro liitn out of it, but wo boliovo
that tho people will Htny by him.
Tun A. 1. A'h., that ih, a portion of
thorn, urn R.iid to bo utfiiitmt McKinley.
Wo cannot divine thoir motive. Ainori
cnniHin in tho ascribed motto of tlio A,
P. A'fi., and McKinloy in a thoroughbred
American, Whore in tho consistency?
llowover, tho ordor Ih divided on tho
subject. McKinloy in a mouiboi of tho
Methodist church, and a Konuino Anion
can, and a man tlio American pooplo
fool proud of. If nominated, ho will bo
oloctod by a very largo iniij irity.
Soinn of ttio populiut politiciann aro
rending their hirsuto uppundaoa,
over tho fact that tho defendants in tho
county supervisor suits aro prosecuting,
with all their vigor, tho ease in tho hu
promo court. Thoy tliroatuii diro von
goanco upon all, even to impeaching
Bomo of tho county otlioerH. It ia a kind
of intimidating nchuino, but it won't
work, lioyii, because tho men behind tho
suit do not know what it in to turn Uioir
back upon anj thine; thoy undertake.
Hotter abido tho oouuoipicnuo, boys, or
you might got a doso of your own modi
cino. Tho sprinkling of Webster St., nnd .Id,
4th, and 5th avenues is a problem Unit
Toxos not only tho council, but tho busi
ness num. "How to secure tho water to
Sprinkle the streets'' is surely perplexing
au the pure city wator supply is iumilli
cientnt tins timo to allow of any great
amount to bo taken for such purposo.
Thou, there ought to be Homo other
method provided, and wo boliovo Unit a
method similar to tho one Mr. Dullard
used in by-guuo dujB would uullico un
til better opportunities present them
solves. Tho streotn must bo sprinkled
and tho matter should receive tlio atten
tion of thu council at an early day.
illaliu It a Uuli-llolitlay.
WedueHchi), May 13, is the fourth an
niversary of thu S. of V. baud and they
propose giving a grand concert and pic
nic in ilummel'b grov on the afternoon
of that day. A line concert will be given
at 4 o'clock and supper will bo spread at
six. The afternoon will bo devoted to
vurious amuiomoutsaud it is expected
that this wih bo the best picnic of Urn
eason. Thu band boys express a wish
that all our citizens uiiika this a half
holiday and attend tho picnic in a body.
Tho baud desorvee great credit for tho
bonelltand amusement they havo given
us and thuy hope a large altendauco at
the picnic will attest their popularity.
Each person, couple, or family is expect
d to bring a basket tilled with eatables
and nclp swell tho larder, Thia is all
tbo picnic will cost you. Fill your lunch
baskets and be ready to join tho pro
cession at 2 o'clock, May l'J, Tho Hlue
Ilill and Guide Rock bauds havo boon
invited to join us niul jou may expect a
big timo.
Itliu-iiili Arnold.
Tho subject of tho skatch wob born in
Pennsylvania, but iu early life removed
with nor parents to Ohio and later to
Indiana, from thenco to Illinois and lat
er to thia county and statu, She waa
married in Indiann, to Ocar Arnold in
tho early '10'a. From this union four
teon childrou were tho romilt, olovon of
whom grow to maturity live boja und
six girls.
Mariah (Dovonoy) Arnold died nt the
homo of her daughter, Mrs. J. 15. Mc
Cloory, near I'.iullue, April U'J, lSOti,
aged Gil jours. In her departure from
thia earth, sholoavis nine children to
mourn her live koiih and four daugh
ters, nil married.
Tho funeral occurred Thursday, nt
2 o'clock. Thn remaiiiB wore interred
in tho Blutt Hill cotuctory beside thoio
of hor husband, who died near thia city
April 'J, IS57.-WUO Will Leader.
- -
llnrns nro ahiolutuly j.aliiln-1 when De
Witt's Witoh Hiaid Halve 1 promptly ap
plied, This Htiitemcntls truu. A nurfit
reiurdy (or skin dim-inn, chapped liuiiO
and lips, and never falls to rare piled. U
L Cotuiig.
Pitcher's Cat toria.
Child rtn Cry for
Who nro nervous, weak, worn out
with local troubliM llnil puro blood,
norvo strength, witl perfect health in
Hood's Hunaparilln.
Wo do not say tlm above to raise
fal.-o hope. It has been the experi
ence of many, very tnatiy women in
thoho Intensely trying periods wliich
demand anil consume so much
force thoso hpnciai phynlnnl trials wo
delicately Indicate by merely using tho
words Maid, Mother, Matron.
Like a confidential friend wo suggest
tho tiHC of Hood's Sarsiipurlllii, u reli
able blood purifier and tonic; it lias
helped many others and will help you.
" I was in poor health II vo years, broken
down In strength, ami nppctlto all i;ono.
Ijcnl troubles and other wenlcneascH In
tensified my misery. Nervous sick
dizziness, licnrtbiirn and pnlns In my
back iniulo mo think I should never lie
well npnln, A friend prevailed upon mo
to try Hood's HnrHnpnrlUn. I noon began
to hnprovonud In six mouths It restored
mo to better health than for years. I
hnvo found Hood's Harsnpnrllln n grand
inedlcluu tor all troubles peculiar to
I nm now strong and healthy and can do
n good day's work. I stnnd by Hood's
Hnrimparillii, for It cured mo nftcr othor
medicines failed." MUM. LUIS DliCH,
Cnrlluvillc, Illinois.
This ami niuny similar cures provo that
Is the due Trim Wood Partner. All drtmidsH. $1.
l'ri'p.iriil piiI-liy ' Hood. si Co., Lowell, Masy,
liOOd S FllIS fatly ,.re( 'JJ cent.
I. ul People Itu Wnrucri.
Fvory man who carries insurance in
the Modern Woodman, the A. O. U. W.,
Independent Workmen, or kindred fra
ternal societies fthould be on guard
against tho machinations of the old lino
lifu companies, whose political agtnti
nro already planning to elect a legisla
ture next fall thai will forbid tha mutual
companies) to do business iu Nebraska.
It's early to begin talking about legisla
tive candidates, but tho iuurnuco lobby
is already org unking, and it is high
time for the pi plo to begin locking out
for their iuten-Hts. Tho cheapest rate
per 1,000 that any reliable old lino com
pany nlfers is about $'.Q for an applicant
aged .'!." years, but tho Woodmon and
Workmen, all Bafe and sound organiza
tions, furnish insurance to it man of llko
ago far about . per $1,000. No wonder
the old liueis want to drive ant the
muluals. Tlio same story holds good in
lira iuBiirnucr. Thu German Farmers'
Mutual here in Sarpy county furnishoB
insurauco at about one-tenth tho rate
charged by the old line concerns, and it
ia a safe and nouud company, too. What
a pi'.'iiio thu old liners would have in
Nebraska if only they could elect a legis
lature that would cripple or drive out
tlio MutualsY Tlio incurauce combine
has abundant capital with which to
push its schemes, and thu Times urges
tho common people of tho state to wuke
up now and begin talking and voting
against the combine. l'apilltuu rimes.
The following iu the program for A.
O. U. W. services to bo held nt tho
Congregational church Sunduy, May !i,
at .'I p. in.
Organ Voluntary.
Opening Ode Choir.
Scripture Heading.
Anthem Choir.
Sormon IJev J. A. Harkor.
Closing Ode.
All members of tho A. O. U. W. and
Degree of Honor lire requested to moat
at the hall at '2 p. in.
ullu Block-
riuiii SlKtial.
Mr. Richmond, tho smooth nnd woll
fed oditor of tho Ked Cloud Nation, waa
iu Guide Hock and vicinity eovoral daa
this we ik looking after the interests of
his paper. Messrs. Walsh nnd Rich
mond aro now publishing by fur the
handsomest and ablest paper of tho pop
ulist faith in this part of tha atate.
Mrs. Sleeper, who has beon visiting
several weeks with friends hero and at
Hod Cloud, starts the first of tho week
for her home iu Omaha.
Mr. Dick Garber removed with his
family thia wcolc to Hubbell, whore ho
will engage in the restaurant business.
Thu Signal wishes him tho greatest suc
cess. Fruest Jones will plant ten acres of
potatoes this spring, and already hiiB
about llfty bufchels cut up for sued. He
ralred about 1)00 biiBheJs lust year on a
small patch and this your proposes t
increase his efforts soverul fold.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdr
"' WorUl' Pair Hbjheat Award.
And Circut wiiii thu I'nll There
or. During tho puat ugos, many huvn been
tho times that great, bodios have fallen;
thun thnro huvo boon groat alidos, such
as snow slidos, otc. Hut of all tho falls
and slides that wo huvo been able to
prngnoaticate, uono havo boon groater
than the ono that we hIiiiII rolato farther
on, and ono that 'en do wed" uh with so
much nmuReruont. From timo imino
mortal, poople huvo nnjoyod fun, spe-
ciallr at othor nivn's exponso. Well,
this timo, our hero waa a paintor not
ono of tho wloldora of the lino art, but a
niHn who waa putting on tho common
stuff, and, while not painting the town a
crimson huo, was painting tho roof of
his shop rod. It seems that our worthy
city treasurer, O. W. Dow, waa upon tho
roof of hia ahop on an improvised roof
ladder, and was calmly painting away
with paint brush, and bucket near by,
dreaming of tho good things in store for
him in the future; how tho paint up
pliod would koop tho excoRsivo rains of
Nebraska from falling upon himsolf and
workmen, when, avalanche-liko, tho
board began to Blip from its moorings
and Hrothor Dow, like a drowning man,
began to grasp at straws and grabbod
tho p.iint bucket, brush and all, which
commenced to slide witli him and tho
board, and in tlio twinkling of aueyo,
Ilro. Dow lay in a heap upon tho ground,
with enough paint upon him to mako a
good "Injun," but none tho worso for tho
fall of sovon foot, ilo didn't say much,
but made Miktt Kilroy ngrco not to tell
tho Groat Family Wookly. Great was
the fall thereof, and tho waste of paint
on hia pnntH waa worso and more of it.
"I havo bean troubled lor soniu timo
with impure, blood, and havu been taking
Hood's SarHaparillannd it lias accomplish
ed wonderful results. Mm. John Hanua,
Itender, Neb.
Hood's Till cure all liver ill-;.
City Water.
Thoro Booms to bo consiJorablo com
plaint in the manner that the I!, AM.
folks aro allowed to take city water. It
ia said that tlio motor at tho depot lias
been broken, and, llnmly, that the loca
tion of the same has been lost, and fur
ther that tho amount of wator used is
estimated, If this is true, tho council
should put in a new motor and regulate
tho water according to agreement. Thu
water commissioner should report tho
mutter at ouco. Again, tho Benson is
fast approaching when tho hot weather
will be here in full blast, and it is im
perative that tho city water lie kept as
puro as possible To that end, tho wator
commissioner, whoovor Mayor Myers'
appointee may bo, should bo instructed
to at onco cut oil" all consumers who
violate tho ordinance by sprinkling out
of hours, and without the nozzle. The
indiscriminate use of city water this
season, while there is no ico, should bo
positively forbidden. Tho water must
bo kept puro and wholosomo, or disease
may result therefrom. Ono of the first
acts of tho now mayor and council
should bo to investigate tho water works
sjBtom, and to throw around it a hotter
system of government than has hereto
fore been accorded that branch of the
city's business.
It's nil tho S'une, n slight oold, conges
ted luugrt or nevere eougli. One miuiuo
cough uaroes bauiilitlieui. U. L.Cottlug
Tho annual meeting uf thn Alumni
Association will bo held at tho high-
school building Friday evoning, May l.i,
at b p. in. All members rtqucstod to bo
present. Day, Proa.
Epilepsy 20 Years.
Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine.
A few years ago, Mr. L. V. (lall.ihcr, was
an extensive, successful expert manu
facturer of lumber products. Attacked with
epilepsy, ho m obliged to Klvu up his busi
ness, Tlio attacks came upon him most In
opportunely. One tlino falling from a carri
age, at another down stairs, and often in tho
street. Onco ho fell down a shaft In tlio
mill, his Injuries nearly proving fatal. Mr.
Galluher writes from Milwaukee, Pcb. 10, '00.
"There nro nono more mlcruhln thnn epi
leptics. For 20 years Iguiicicd with epilep
tic fits, Imviut; as hlh as live In uuu ullit. I
tried any number of pbyoIelnnH, payliu to
one alone, a feu of $.100.00 and have dune
little fur years but search for something to
help me, and havu taken all the leading
remedies, but received no benefit. A yearugn
my won, Clias. S. (lalluher, drn;;;,'M at 101
Heed St., Milwaukee, inivo lue Dr. M1UV
ltestoratlve Nervine, and I tried It with
gratifying results, Havo had hut two fits
fdncu I Iivkhu taKIn; It. I am better now In
overy way than I havo been luSOyeurs."
Dr. lilies' Iiemedles arm sold by drugglsta
ou a posltUu Kiiarautuu that the first bottlu
will benefit or price refunded. Hook on tho
Heart und Nerves, free. Address,
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles Remedies Restore Health,
Dr. MIIph'Nchvk I'l.AHTKitrteuro IIUEUMA
TlfciM, WKAK IIAUUH. At drutffbts, oulatc,
The man with n weight on his leg can't
hope to win In thu moo. A man with a
wslght on his health can't oxpeot to com
pete in life nnd business with those who
aro not handicapped It his brain is
heavy, and his blood slugged, because of
constipation, ho will not suaoeed Induing
sti) thiug very well. Constipation is the
cauHu of nine-tenths of all siokness.
Symptoms of it are sallowness, llsttesa
ness, poor appetite, bad taste iu tho
mouth, dizziness, biliousness, and lassti
tudo. Constipation oin be cured easily
nnd certainly by tho uso of Dr. 1'ieroe'a
Pleasant Pellets. Thoy nro not at all
violent iu their notion, and yet thoy are
more oertaiu than many mudlolnis which
nro so strong that they put the system nil
out of order. The grout advantage of
the "I'lossaut Pellets" is that they care
Send L'l onu-eent stamps to cover cost
of mailing only, nnd get his great book
Tho Pooplo's Common Houso Medical
Adviser, absolutely free. Addres World's
Dlsptnsnry Medical Association, No, (!.'!
Main Street, Htiffalo, N. Y.
To overy subscriber of the Ciuf.k who
will pay up within the next thirty days
wo will give tlio Nkiiuasica and Kansas
Fakmku FREE. This Is for thirty days
only. Now is tlio chunco to get two
good pupors for 31.
Cure for Itliisriilar Itliuiiinu
Usui. Mrs. It. L. Limsou, of Fatrmonat, Illi
nois says: "My sistor used Chnmberlalu's
Pain Halm for inu-enlar rheumatism and
it effected a complete, auro. I keop it in
thu house at all timo and have nlways
found it beneficial for aches mid painu-(
It is tho quickest euro for rliounritism ,
muscnlnr pains nnd lameness I hnvo over
seen." For pale by II. K. Orico.
A Gftori Turin for Sale.
Four milos north-west of Rod Cloud,
containing 1C0 acros. Tonus reasonable.
Apply to Mrs. Jaa. Kirkwood, Fairfax,
Atchison county, Mo. 4,i-Gm
liillaiiuuatory Itliciiiiiul Wtu Cure
cl In :t Day.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebauwu. 1 nil., says;
"My wifu hnd Inllamnvitory Rheumatism
In every muscle nud joint, her Hnlferin
wt.s terrible nud hor body nud tuvu weio
swollen almost beyond recognition; had
beon iu bud for six weeks and had eight
physicians but received no lie lie tit. until
she tried tlio MYSl'IU CUHK FOR
UlItiU.MATlSU. It gave immediate re
lief and she was able to walk about iu
three days. 1 am sure it saved tmr life.'
Sold by II. i:. Grico druggist, Red Cloud.
Come and seo the vast imorlmant of
fihirts, You will bo surprised to find
auch low prieoa. Wionrr, tho Clothier
It is not n miracle. It won't cure every
thing, but it will cure piles. That's
what DuWitt'rt Witch Hazel Salve will do,
because it has done it in hundreds of
cases. C Li Cutting.
ijJUO Per Acre.
I will givo $20 pjr aero to partioa con
tracting to cultivato onions botweon tho
10th of May und July 15, 18iW. Call ou
or address Geo. A. Ij.vtta,
Cowlcs, Neb.
Farm two miles south of Cowles.
Sciatic leiiuiiiiiiitlsiu l.'u i'i'l.
h. Wagner, Wholesale Druggist, Rich
mond, Va., says: "I a fearful attack
of Sciatic Rheumatism, was laid up al
most two months, was fortunate enough
TISM. This cured tne after doctor's pru
scriptions hnd failed to have anv elTeet.
Sold by 11. K. Urico druggist, R-d Clond.
Tho list of lottora romaiuing at thu
poBtofllce uncalled for up to April !iO,
Hurrit Ida Corbin May
Ulrich Jacob
Tho abovo letters will be eont to thn
dead lotter ofllco May 14,18. If not
called for. Fieank Cowdkn, Postniustor.
BllicumittUiu Cured In a Day.
"MYSTIC CUIIK" for Rheumntism
nnd Neuralgia radically cores in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is re
mark! ble nnd mysterious. It removes
nt once the cause nnd the disoaso immed
iately disappears, Thti that dose greatly
bonellts. 7.) cents. Sold by 11, E. Orloe
rnggist, Red Cloud.
PIiiiiIn lor Sale.
I have tomato und cnbbago plnnta for
Bido at ronsonablo prices. Isaac Ludlow
It's jnBt as onsy to try One Minnto
Cough Care ns nnything else. It's onsior
to care n sovore cough or cold with it.
Let your next purchase for n cough bo
One Minute Cough Core, Hotter medi
cine; better result; hotter try it, C. L,
Have you found tho missing worda in
A. II. Haley's spring unnouncoment
Try it; it costs you nothing.
Busy people have no time, nnd BenHiblo
people havo no Inclination to use a slow
remedy. One Minute Cough Cure nots
promptly and glverf permnuent rtuultR.
O LCottiuj?.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
J. II. Smith, district URont of tho
Continontnl Insurance Co.ot Now York.
Inmirnnco on tho installmont plnn.
Minor Uioe. nro paying -0 conts for
corn. Thie ie a good timo to sell your
The World's Fair Testa
' show$d no baking powder
so pm or so great la cayw
KUcy's Spring Announcement.
1 We have now for our
2 a large assortment of -.-.,
spring styles, in Men's, Women's, and Children's Shoes,
H which we have -. ..
4 a large and appreciating
5 for some time -....
0 We have now the finest assortment of shoes the, j
7 of this community have ever had the
8 of seeing, und at such
1 as will make them very
10 We have never depended on the
11 of handling the common low ,
12 goods entirely, although the ,
13 of tlte country has compelled ns to
14 this ltt3S of goods more than at any
15 time. We have in tho finest line and styles it is
10 for experienced workmen to
17 While our store is not a
18 AVe have been and will be
1'.) to keep a clean, bright, and attractive'. 1
20 where the most fastidious or humble
21 can come and be carefully and
22 litted with a handsome .,
2J3 of elegant and fashionable shoes to
24 or with the heavier and more serviceable .
25 Travel from the Atlantic or the
2i and you will not find a single
27 who should be better satislied or more
28 than we, on account of the liberal m
20 invert me. It has encouraged us and
HO tin; way for greater and more .,
31 efforts to satisfy each and
Yours for honest endeavor and increased trade,
Proprietor Cincinnati Boot and Shoe Store,
Pei Cloud, Nebraska.
as well as her old customer
And prices to
Eire's taken in exchange,
Sliuriir Sulu.
Notlep IB hereby vlM'ii llrit by Mrtile (if an
outer tit nale tome illreclcil from the Dlstib-t
fiiiirt of Webster enilnty. Neliruika, iilulf a
iteeree of fnreuuitmro remiereil in ilil cniirt, ou
Heciiiiber lllli, 1KM In favor of Hie pliliilllt,
Diiilitlia I. riilslfer.iiliiliiialliHt lluitli W, Cut
Id'iil et alilu'eiiil.uits, I have levleU tiiou Hie
follow hit; described mil elate lowll; The
hoiiIIi seht iiiarterof Iho nmlli-wost quarier
anil tile west half of the soulliwest qunrli-r
ami tlio southeiist quarlar of the Boutliwo-it
tpiarter ami tlm southwest quarter of the mmtli
east ituarter, all In section twenty fix I'M) anil
the Mintll half of tlio Himtli e.l't ipiarlei Jul tlm
iinrtlieii8tiiijiitern( Beetlini twentjsevea (a;)
nil iu tovMiHiiiiioao (i) miriii r.uik'u o-ii (nu,
west of theCtli pm In Webslnr county, .Nebras
ka, and I will on Juno Dili, 181, at 'J h clock o in
at (lie front door of the court uoiisu la lied
Cloud, Webster county, Nebraska, sell snld
real tatn at public auction, to the hlnh't ami
best bidder for eanli, to allsty the amoimta ail
JihIkciI to be dun ami a Hen iinn tlio H.iino as
follow n: Due to the plalntill 8I6J3 9I with, In
terest IroiiiDeceialiorll, 18)4 ami costs ami ac
cruing costs.
DateJ Ited Cloud, Nebraska, May 1, I3W.
J. W, ItUMJiinv.
Kharllf Webster county, Nebraska
rulsircrK Alommder, Concordia, Kansas,
Attorues tor plaintiff.
(First published In the Chief, May 1, WJi )
ilieriirN Sale.
Notice Is hereby ulven that by virtue of an
order of salo tome directed frum the dlstilct
court of Weluter enmity, Nebraska, under a
decrco of foreclosure remlermt Iu 8 ilil court
on April ISth, 18M, in tavur nf the plaiatirf.
Woman's Medical C'vllee of I Vutisj Ivnnlii. a
corporation aiel against Vl.llam C. I.airil, el id
ilelemlaiils, l lian levied linen thu failonlng
(IchtIIm-iI real eslale, low It i The east one hull
droit mid forty-live (l IS) Heres of thn south half
of the ninth ha rot i-ecllou two, ('J) township
roar. (4) north raime nine, (til Wehter
county. Nebraska, ami I will on .luiio 9th, 18W,
nt '.' o'clock p in. at I he 1 1 oat door of tlm court
bouse In Keit Ciotiit, Wihster count),
Nebraska, hh1 said re.i, estate at nubile auction
tothe hlnhoU atnl W hldilcr (or cash to sat
isfy the meiiiilsaclju.lueil to bo dim ami a hen
upon thus, mie a billons, DiuMotho planum
i)iVMnaiueil$li;.i;iSv, with luterest at IU per
cent from Api II 1.1th, tsO.V Due to thn r.c-v
ers of the bombard luvestitKMit 'oiiiianv,
II9.7U with Interest at in per cent, from Api'M
15th, w unit costs Mini lii-emmi: costs
Dated Ked Cloud, .Sebrusi;a, Mav 1, R)
Kherlll Wflmter coun'v, .Suiirask.i
ralslfcr& AlexniuUr, foiicordki, Kansas,
(I'lrtt published In the (.'Idol, .May I, K-t) )
I hvo good pasturo, with plenty of
wattr unil Ghnde.
lloraos, f)0c por
month; cattlo, 30c,
Sam Martin farm.
II. M, Lnrgont, on
every one
of our.
suit the times.
Friends, come and see me.
Sola's shoes for durahllity nnd law
price. Sold only by Wiunor.
For u tine hnir tonic call on Hutchin
son &. lliatt. tho harbors.
A comploto new lino of wnll pnpor at
Tuylor't) ut bottom prices.
Rlarkut Itcport.
Corrected weekly by Ited Cloud l'rodiico C'e.
Wheat 50 55
Corn new 20
Oats now 18
Rye 25
Uarley 35
Flax 75
Hors ft:-il80
Uutchor's stock 2 0002 50
Hutter 8
Errb i
Potutoos 40
SprinKchickoiiB peril) G
Old hons por lb 5
Turkoys 8
Hay por ton 3 003
.............. ...,....-.... ..y.
Service ly liilllcatlon.
Ia tho District Court of Webster County, Ne
braska. r. K Dederlck.l'IalntlJ,
Albert lleiuv.
Delhi Henry et id,
The above-named defendants, Albert Henry
and Delia Henry, will lake notice that on thu
2.1 1 day of A pi If, ISH. philutlll lierelu, llled his
petition lu the dlstilct court of Webster cuua
tj', Nebraska, au'ilnst said tli femla 'ts, the ob
ject and prayer of which are to foreclosu a cer
tain uioilitiuu executed by the defendants to
the plalutltt upon tlm northern quarter of sec
tion four (I), township four (4), raime nlno (U),
west of the sixth princlpt! meridian, Webster
county, Nebraska To eeeiuo the piymontot
a certain piomlssory nolo dated Octolmr rtrst,
IRK;), a ml due and piyablo tWrf irars from thu
date thereof; that Iheio Is now duo tho plain
till from thu defendants upon said note and
iiiortKuthosuiu of soo do. with interejt at
the rate of six per cent per milium from tho
first day of A pill. lSl, for which sum, with In
torust Horn the first day or April, IBM, plaintiff
iiiayit fer a decree that defendants be requlreil
In pay tho same, or that s ild promises may bo
Hold to en; I sly the amount found lu thin
You are renulred to nimwer said nptltlen vi
r I'vioin ua uiai mi,
st day of dune, im, or the alle
will ho taken as true nud Judi;
uat una there ot
liient leiutvred nccordlnely,
Dalnil Ai,rll-M,l Itfun
IV If. 1)vmrlMalc
j liy Hour. T, l'OTrmi, His Attorney.
f l
-Mia wit jU.
w vm StJ-i
-.-rBQPsSra,'r 'jzh
ntc dW.J
"""" "., w'l
is-iif-'tiVbttULit, -zibfr iij&,jt.&B.MiUiiHmMkn-