The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 01, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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'j i HMD CLOUD Oil I Kb FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1896.
M '
if t MtMMUMttttMtH 44MMMMMt
r orricr.
Who IW
offered for limited time, ao order
to-day. Yours very truly,
II you hava any difficulty In procurlag your
soap, cut out thli nolle and and It with
yaur order to your whalcaala dealer.
1'KOriUKTORH tlf
A 6740
Watch Bxnnilnrr for H. & M. It. II.
I'iiMMiimI U'ffkly.
(kiiliii'liM'iti. Hi Vvr Aiiiiiiiii
tiiviirlnlit) in t.lviilli'n
II net I'linl 111 (i OIM-, .ifli'i this (l,i.- Miip'k
I. IV'J, 'III) III 111" lll III' I.V.',.
Klltcml t tin. I'lict (Utile til Iteit t'lnml, Null
i- i.ll in. Iifi 1 ( I . Hi-rmiil rliit'
II l K llf AliVKinitlSO
I rot. cm 1I1, I linlim ii'si r .Msir,...,
HIS llllllllllM.., ,
Tliiff li'imths
IVi Ineli i i
IVr liicli Hlx iii'inlln 1 mi
IVr llifli tliifi- iimmuIk V
Sh'ii1 le'llert per Mini or line HpHre. Ilrnt
Triiixli'iit niitI,iI, p:iulil- liivniliiMy in .ul
vuiiiT, pi-r Mm' tiii'i-iilv
All ri-il'llni.' Iintlirs In Hie n.itiinoif
UirnlM i.r put!-, ti I't'Ml per line.
I.ejiw' "i'Mlvh ul it-mi lutes, vli: tnr h sipmie
J ten lines tf Niihii'iro'l er less,i llrt pnlilleHlini1
I lt fin eiii'li iniliseipienl pnlilli'Hlliill, pel
UIIH re, Clients.
Rn "prefeiied piiilcn" eniitriu'lH nmile.
All in ul t -t In iiisme piilillciitliin iimsi b 1
clveil ul Hils iilltn- nut Inter tluili NY'lno"
A(lnrtsrineiit eiinnnl tin oritcieil ' f"i
tile eiilleiii week Inter tlmn 'I'hifsiliiv.
II. A .11. It. IE. Time nlil
(it I Ml K.SI
S6, l.oi-ul Kii-IkIiI. IV '.til in.
Id, I'unseiivier. l":i'G " Arin;Minui.
M. I'HHtFletnlit. " l.'ip-l". 1 :tJ p. III.
142, Mixed Triini, l.vll M a, in. Ar 11:15 p. m
. 01 Nil WK8T
63, KhsI Frelulit, I.r Itiiin. in, Ar 111:30 u. in
HI. MueilTr.iln, " l'.':W p. m, " iiinsii. in
15. I'uswni!er. " K;4Ui. III. " :30i. III
Market Koport.
Corrected weekly by Iteit Clnud I'roilitco Ce.
Wheat 50 r5
Corn now 2()
Orita now 18
ly a aaaa J
Bsrloy JB
Flax 75
HoKh (i'2 SO
Butcher's stock 2 002 50
Uutter 8
Ems 7
Potatoes 40
HprinK ohiokens por lb (i
Old bona por lb 5
TurkeH 8
Hay por ton '. OOftH
II I !) I
Solicit lo iliu l'ubllc.
I imi now in full possession of tha
city livery, wild, and feud stable, and in
vite my friends to call when in need of
good tannin and huuies,
ritifi.H ifou I'tuiiMi;
ToHtn, to hay 15 ennts,
Sincle. horse, to liny 10 cents.
lM!0d J. 11. Davis.
n i i
'The NolirasLa nnd Kansas Furtner
is giving O.senr Glouaon'a liorits
O'tk, Vnltioil nt, $3, with one yen's
subscription lor TiOo
The Clii'tiigo Inter.Ooenn aud
Tho Farmer, for one yesr. . . . 60o
Th New York Tribuuo nnd Ths
Furtner fiOs
The Droioi City and Farmer for
ono year 50a
Ths Cosmopolitan magazine and
Farmer for ons year $1 00
'The Silver Knight and Ths
Farmer 0o
The Semi-Weekly State Journal
and Farmer, nno yonr SlOo
Otnthn World-Herald and Tlio
Fanner 80o
Sent to any addross on receipt of
Nemiaska and Kanhas Faiimkr,
lied Cloud, Neb.
WaaaaaBaaaffMgVi J MT ' yLfaafSafcfSaW
Dear Sir:
You are entitled to ikIv
FREE 'rom your wholesale dealer,
BlackwelTs Genuine
Durham Smoking
TobaCCO you buy. One bar
off soap Free with each pound,
whether 16 oz.t 8 oz., 4 oz., or
a oz., packages.
We have notified every whole
sale dealer In the United States
that we will supply them with soap
to Kive you FREE. Order Kod
supply of OBNUlNB DURHAM at
once, and Insist on getting your
soap. One bar of Soap FREE with
each oound vou buv. soan la
This J a. Boss
Willi 11 17 jwltd Dnrber work m in it hnr
fsw uhI mid no superiors rar tianatt.
durability mikI Minn keeping. Any au
wiiutiiitf 11 rutt'ly lln wntali ara'alaak wil
da mII tno'i'l an I'uiitnaii mid t h
prion In-fur Kiiliitf alnawlitra
If )oii nil Kpatnala I aim tit jm
aarraatly nnd will kaaak tlia Haoka f (
aay prica ia tin citj. I Imva u tln III a
of llitiu.
Lattliar ball, OoM mill Bllvr Url
Loag ttald nnd Kdvar Wutah Uimia ii u
Opal niK ra Ilia Intait ia aar liu- f
lailla. Call ia ! Ibatii.
ttflt var waUli lint baaw rua uer I
a agna, kiakml j a aaala ar rtiinatl l
iiioainpaiaai wnrkiaaa hnar; it ta in, '
will tara it aai fi uaw. alt jnk
o.aak aad jal ry rpalrark.
Oatli ih(1 far aid lil aad iilrar.
Tta WMtno
jwtthnt aay litorul
k m.aieina. flvrv. ....
1 ui
Kfunuoiit en u no.
h&BllL feM. A0..lakvliic
at kla.Lu.vhluind bulla
flAll f drvfttit.. or mm tr for 50 .u. AdJr... Dm.
Bv.lll a dvp, ruiaawpBit, rt. am j.worvffuim la.
A. P. T. L.
Tho American Protective Tariff League
is a national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Industry " as explained by its constitu
tion, as follows :
"Tht obj.ct of thlt Lingu thatl bttoprottct
American labrr by a tariff sn importt. which thtll ttcura American Induttrial product
againtt tha competition of foreign labor,"
Thero are no personal or private
profits in connection with the organiza
tion and it is sustained by memberships,
contributions and the distribution of its
j i .mI'mL .m41m
kUmbtrahip" and "Official Corratpondent.'
SECOND: Wanted and weloomaoontributiona,
whether email or large, to our cauta.
THIRD! We pubtith a large line of documenta
aoyering all phatet of tha Tariff quaetlon. Conr
leta aet will bo mailed to any addretafor BO eanta.
FOURTH: 8end potUI oard raquaet for fraa
aaml eopy of tha "American Eoonomiet.''
AddrMt Wilbur F. Wakaman. Q t neral 8oreUr
ISO Waet 23d Strasrt, Nw York.
itie coiiQ.ooti.o miosis msn mi.
me Tosi, work is peneciion.
me Densaore, me lit Runnma Densmore.
11'J Furnam St, Omaha, Nsb.
A.C. Haaau-r, Atrt.. K CI. ml, Neb.
UiiUVlIiO company,
Kansas City, Mo., Stock Yards,
"j ..".?' 'yp.i it"'" ou-
& LmlKSS. Feeders Furnish,
L W. I. MM , Ouhc Harktt Basorts Fn.
Ball. . :jS
PMBlfflM !
A little Hour drdgr-d over the top
of n cahis will keep the icing from run
nl up.
Fruit cake can be preserved for a
long time, by placing It In a Ikiv with
mi tipple, and keeping In 11 cool place.
If the apple shows signs of rotting, It
must be replaced by a goon one.
A most delicious homemade flavor
ing may be prepared by grating Into
one-half pint nf alcohol the yellow
rinds of four lemons. Shake this daily
for three! or four weeks, and at the end
of that time It will Ikj ready
A Delicate Pudding. -Cream n
pound of butter and sugar, ndil eight
well-beaten eggf, flavor the mixture
with nutmeg. Line a pudding dish
with thin putt paste, pour In the. pud
ding and net In n very hot oven for ten
minutes. Serve without mure. N.
Y. Ledger.
linked Ham. ."oak the ham In cold
water over night; trim, wipe dry, cover
It with a paste made of flour and water
find b.iko in a alow oven. When done,
UlhC oil ur cnmi ,,ee. on , ,.,., .
allow to cool, glne and garnish with I
A.. - A ... . t 1 ..lT l. ..11...
carrots and beets cut Into fa
a"ey Bhape. I
lliirjM'r's Ilii7nr.
iiiuiuim charlotte makes a good
desert and one eapnble of being pr
pared In a hurry. Line tlie sides of a '
epinrt mold with slices of sponge cake. '
lover tnc 00110m 31 me mom wiiu a
tlilcic layer or tunny sueeu minium.
Fill the mold with stilT whipped cream
and net It iwlde. in the lee box until
wanU-d, then remove carefully from ,
the mold und serve.
Apple Hlce I'uddine;. Pare, quar- I
tcr and core three 1ar apples mid
spread loosely in u buttered njjate pud
ding dish. Add three-ipinrterM cupful
of Miliar and three tublcspnonfulH rico
to one ipiurtof milk; turn the mixture
over the apples, spread a few blt.4 of
buttrr over the tops and bake in a mod
erate oven four hours. Serve hot with
Kweetened whlpH.l crcnni.--Orange
.ludd Farmer.
Colds. With or Without Fever.--On
po'tiff to bed. let the feet and lefrs
be bathed In ti wunn baili. Drink frw
ly of warm, thin ktiicI or warm weak
tea with plenty of milk in M. If there.
Ik pain m the head, apply a mustard
poultice on the Imek of the ncek until
the skin Is red .tnd painful. If there is
pain in the chest, the side, or any part
of tilt, abdomen, put the mustard
plaster directly over the painful part
until the same effect Ik produced.
Liverpool Mercury.
A Pttiicroin I'jsmico In tlin Klione.
ltelow Vlvlerw the Illume breaks out
from Its broad upper valley luto its
broader lower vail
,liev through the de-
Here the foot hills of
filo of Donere,
the Alps and the foot hills of the reven
ues come together, and behind this nat
ural dam theie must, have been ancient
ly a ejreat lake which extended to the
northward of where now Is Valence.
The deillo Is a veritable canyon that
would be quite In place in Sierra Madrc.
On each side of the tduirply narrow
ricr the walls of roelc rise to a sheer
height of "UO feet. The i tish of the
water is tumultuous, in midstream,
Mirrouudcd by eddies and whirling
waves, is the Uoehe des Atigtiluis,
against which the boat of a luckless
party of travelers struck and was shat
tered u hundred years ago. Indeed, so
dangerous was this passage held to be
of old, when faith wau stronger and
bouts were weaker than in our day of
skepticism and compound engines,
that it was customary to tie up at the
head of the dellle ami pray for grace to
come through It safely; but nowadays
(with the same practical result) they
put extra men nt the tiller and clap on
more strain. Thomas Janvier, in Cen
tury. HIip Was the Flrat (star.
Kvcry now and then un anecdote
comes to tho front sliowiuf? that our
lirst president liked the theater as well
as do his fallow ers of to-du. The point
in mentioned In one of the many the-
iw iv-iii niutirn imiiuu'ii 111 Lii.ib ucw
book: "Shakespeare's Heroines on th'3
Singe." Stirs the author of the book:
"A rhihulelphlu l'ortlu of this samn
heiison of 1793 and 1794 conies of a
noted family, being none other than
Mrs. Klizii Whitlock, the sister of Mrs.
Siddous and of the KcmhlcA. In Eng
land, nt the ugc of 22, sho had made her
London debut as the heroine of 'Shy
lock' on February 22, 1783, iuhI; though
Miniewhat masculine In face and figure,
yet displayed so animated acountcnance
and o graceful n bearing as to win n
moderate degree of favor. A few years
after coming to this land sho enjoyed
the distinction of playiug tho urst'.stnr'
engagement ou the American stage, be
ing engaged for $-150 and a benefit to
play at the Boston theater in Octolxr,
1790. There she repeated her Portia,
contending with the remembrance of
Mrs. Powell's Impersonation of a pre.
lions season. She tdso hod the honor of
playing before George Washington in
Philadelphia." Chicago yews.
Lord Ilrumnrir Piety.
Thf! lute bishop of Winchester Is said
to have possessed among his many other
qualities that of sarcasm. A good story
is told of a retort made to tho late Lord
Ilramwcll, who, meeting him on his wuy
back to his room to take off his robea
after reading prayers in the bouse of
lords, apologized for having brcn ab
hent from the oerauiony. "When I kneel
down it giro ine palpitation of the
heart," sold Lord ltnunwell, s.nd it
would not b roapectful for me to sltor
ataiid wklla your lordship was pray
ing." Dlaltop TIaoroad, perhap know
ing almost as muah about tha old bar
on's saaotiiy asdid Lord Uramwell him
self, answered In saNuiured tones:
"Pray do not mention it, Lord Itrtun
weil! I tun euro your ionWUp can Vw
ixpially dcrout whether you ir? strnl
lng. kneeling, or sitting I will not say
lying!" Tho playful okl judge after
ward inquired who had rvnd pniyws
thnt afternoon, and, on being told re
marked, willi n rparkle in his eyeo:
iiTtu n
sharp felloAv I "--Household
How Lincoln Wu Huvrd
from Drowning
ua a 1107.
However poor the Lincoln home may
have been, ItutTceted the new child but
little. He was robust and active, and
life Is full of Interest to the child happy
enough to be born In the country. He
had several compuulons. There wa.s
hut sister Nancy, or Surah both names
tiro given to her two years his senior;
there wtw a cousin of his mother, ten
years older; Dennis Hanks, an active
and Ingenious leader hi sports and mis
chief, and there were the neighbors
boys. One of the hitter, Austin Golla
licr, still tells with pleasure how he
hunted coons and ran the woods with
voting Lincoln, anil once even saved his
"Yes," said Mr. (lollaher, "the story
that I once saved Abraham Lincoln's
life Is true, but It Is not correct us gen
erally related.
"Abraham Lincoln and I had been go
ing to school together for a year or
more, and had become greatly attached
to each other. Then school disbanded
(R.emmt of lh,ru bcln r KO few Bchol.
. . ,,i.r,.
. .,,,., ,.,, n,lnv ,nv mother
n long while. One Sunday my mother
visited the Lin col lis and I wan taken
along. AIm1. and I pluycd around all day.
Finally we concluded to cross the creek
to hunt for some partridges young
Lincoln had seen the day before. The
was swollen by a recent rain,
niu , croKHnp ou tho narrow footing
Ahe ,,,,, ,n Neither of us could swim,
T ROt a ion(, j,olc j i,,. Itot to Abe,
..... I,rili,il.,i u ti1pi. t 1,ii..,i i,im
I r - ,
ashore. He was almost dead and I
was badly scared. I rolled and pound-
ed him hi good earnest. Then I got
him by the arum and shook him, the
water meuuwhlle pouring from bin
month. Ily this means I succeeded In
bringing him to and he was soon nil
"Then a new difficulty confronted us.
If our mother discovered our wet
clothes, they would whip us. Tills
we dreaded from experience, and de
termined to avoid. It was June; tho
sun was very warm, and we soon dried
our clothing by uprcodlng it on the
locks about us. We promised never
to tell the story, and I never ineutloned
the incident to anyone until after Lin
coln's tragic cud.
"Abraham Lincoln had ti sister. Tier
name was Sallie, and she was a very
pretty girl. She went to school when
she could, which wsus not often.
"Yes, if you must know, Snllle Lin
coln was my sweetheart. She was
about my age. I lo ed her and claimed
her us boys do. I suppose that was one.
reason for my warm regard for Abe.
I "p V'C I,II,C0111 .T TVlT ,n'
' !um Ivas prevented by rirc'jm.
muuixm 1 1 uiii limning iiimi-ii itrt-iiju-i
of the children. And I never saw them
ogain." McClure's Magazine.
IIiht n Homo (lot Kirn
with llrntul
A correspondent tells a story of a
handsome black hoise, so big and
Milium linn hi. ri'i'i.n ii iniitii ,iu ii'i'i
, M, , ,., , , ,,
i i i ii.. ... ...... i
with wlileh he mudc the. rounds of tho
neighborhood. Ills driver wns a liruta!
fellow, who ought to have hr-on the
creature driven, lllows, kicks and an
gry words were the only earcs-s he
ever licstowed upon his steed, and these
the horse sulTcrcd quietly for many
a long day, till dually even his endur
ance gave out.
One hot morning the man reined tho
horve in roughly by the curbstone.
On dismounting he seemed to think
the wagon too near, nnd harshly or
dered his htfed to back, emphasizing
the command with n cut from ills whip.
The horse backed obediently, though
angrily, while the man, heated by his
cj.crtions, took oft" Ins coat, und, having
hung it over the dashboard, disap
peared in the house.
The horse waited until the driver was
out of sight, then, looking nround, he
saw the coat hanging only a short dis
tance from his heels. Instantly n
change came over him. He actually
seemed to laugh us he lifted one foot
and let It fly at the coat.
Finding that he coutd not hit it well,
he begun to beat a regular tattoo upon
It; first with oue foot, then with the
other, and, Anally, tut lie grew excited,
with both at once.
Surely no coat, ever had a more thor
ough dusting. Out flew note books, pa
pers and handkerchiefs, aud rolled Into
the glitter, but the horse kept on until
he heard n door shim, and he knew his
uuuiti-r was returning. Then, with ,i
Until kick thnt sent the coat ttndt r tho
wagon, he settled sleepily down In tho
shafts and pretended to be watching
a pair of mules thnt had just. gone by.
He didn't poem to mind the slaps tho
driver gave him while picking up his
belongings, and when he started off ho
looked up nt the window nnd appeared
to wink nt those who had been watch
lug him and half wishing they could
reward him with a peck of oats.
Youth's Companion.
A I'olltK Lord Major,
Among the stories in circulation
about the Into Joseph Harris, the well
known master of the citv of London
Bchool, who died recently, la one In con
nection with Lord Mayor Owdcn. That
worthy gentleman was not a Greek
rcholar, and the Greek oration on
spceoh day In .Christ's hospital, to
which, on a memorable occasion, be
listened, was not lutclllglble to him,
emo one word. That word was
"Owden"1 so pronounced and Mr.
Harris used to toll his friends privately
bow each time it occurred in the Greek
oration. Sir Thomas, fondly supposing
thatooipplliuontwaa being paid to him
self, robs and solemnly bowed. Houho
Uoid Word.
Hvcn if In tlio mldstof an avnlancho
of work Ho calls you "apart Into a den-
ert pluco to rest awhile," and even If tbo
desert mean only a headache, or a rainy
dnv Instead of a journey, make no com -
plillnt, but follow close. Anna Warner,
1.. .... Cl
I -
It will assist the female organs to perform their regular
functions, and the sufferer will be strengthened and cured
For tale avtrywhera. Price, $1.00 per bottle
Profitable Sheep. In these days of
low prices and general depression only
systematic sheep husbandry can bo
mado profitable. In tho better times
when any Iamb would eel I for G cents
per pound, nnd wool would bring a
quarter, any slouch could mako money
out of sheep. Ex.
Happiness is not found in getting tha
world, but In giving it up.
Is the external iudicat'fern of a coa
lition of the blood which produces
Ticry irritation almost unbearable. It is
i mistake to think that thitt local irrita
tion is the disease itself it is simply an.
.'vidcuceof a disordered condition of the
lilomL The seat of the disease is in the
lilood,.aiid this is why the various sal vc
tud ointments usually applied have no
ffect whatever. They cannot jiossibly
'each the origin of the trouble; only a
lilood remedy can do that. S. S S. is
-vitliout an etptal for blood diseases, and
ptotnptly and pcrmauciillycitres ICccina
ittd removes all taint.
Much torture could be avoided if the
first itching stuiptoms were heeded autl
a eours'8 of S.S.S. taken promptly, as ap
parently insignificant siu irritations
tt-ticilly develop into the worst form
of Kccma unless properly treated.
It matters not what other treatment
hai been tried in v.iin, S. S.S always
nets at the scat of the disease, and
fotces it out.
j Mr. William Armstrong, an old rcsi-
i ,, i, ., . -,, .... :i
-Ue I'cm.W is., writes on April
.llik (.M, lllllllt IVill'klll it.U Kfl
'.til, liiyb.
"I Iwve been a sufferer for eight years
with that horrible disease,. I;cema, at
times all over my body, and no person,
can describe the burning ami itching I
had to endure.
"The extent of my sufferings can be
appreciated when I state thai my con
dition was such that I could not take
mv bed, and for three mouths I never
laid down, but was compelled to sit in
my chair when not moving around. I
was treated by the best of physicians
with no success, and tried all the patent
mciiciiics recommended for lvc.ciiia,
without any good results. I then went
to the Indiana Mud baths, with the same
results, and then to Mt. Clements, Hie
celebrate I medical resort, where the
tte.itiuent panially helped me, but the
disease shnrtlv returned. I went to
Florida, thinking that a change of cli
mate and water and the citron Iruit
might cure mc, but found no cure.
"I then tried S.S.S. and after thrcedays
the burning aud itching subsided, aud
1 continued to improve steadily until I
was well entirely cured. After com
mencing S. S. S. 'I never put an exter
nal application to my limbs or any part
of my body. You may refer to me any
person suffering from lic.cmii. I will
always keep the S, S. S. in my house,
for I consider it the best blood medicine
of the present age. 1 am seventy years
of oge and am now in perfect health."
For real blood diseases relief can only
be obatiucd by nsing a real blood reme
dy. So many people who are sufferers
from an obstinate or deep-seated blood
disease make the mistake of taking rem
edies which at best are only tonics and
cannot possibly reach their trouble. It
is in just such cases which other so-called
lilood remedies cannot reach that S.S.S.
has made soma of the most wonderful
8. S, S. cures permanently Cancer,
Catarrh, Kheutuatiaui, Ikzeiua, Tetter,
Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, and
all other diseases having theirorigin in
the blood. It is a
A Real Blood Remedy
and gets nt the seat of disease aud forces
it out promptly even after other so-called
blood remedies have failed. S. S. S. i3
guaranteed purely vegetable,
1 Books on blood and skin diseases will
ue mailed free to any address by Swift
I Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
ifcr u nil en
&&& fijWhMm AND
'Wm 'Mil
Many of the disorders peculiar to
women are caused by diseased con
ditions of the Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels. Restore these organs' to a
healthy state by using
Dr. J. H. MeLEAN'S
tonat md MUGNTFK
Jjnn fAWfttiioSOf
Ifjrou Intend ptirchiiNliiK
Tan Shoes
or Oxfords
Coma nnd aee thin lias it will psy yoa.
G. A. Ducker & Co .
Rxd Cloud,
Over Tarln
Extracts teeth wr
Crown and lri(lp
Vorcelatn Inlav. in
Makes cold uuil i
iirultwre Niore.
a iiuo!nlti
i ils ol cold nillnRi.
iitos-Htiri comblnstloa
- Itrst-olais.
'iven that 1 villi
who may desire
un candidates for
no sohoolH of this
ltd on tho third
ms will ho held
eding tho 3d Sat-
'U'-iroil for 2d and
i - is the ruiuic no
- f oi'iit,, average 80
Ml work Ktmmtii-
Notico is he
examine nil pr
to offer thcum
teachers oftlii
oouuty, at Red
Saturday of run
Special exair
on tho Friday p
urdny of each ,.
The stutiihn.
3d grade certifw
grade below 70 l
per cent; for fir-.' irado oertiGonte
no grade bolow 0 pur oent,, average
90 per oent. in all branches required
by law.
D. M. TTnM'ifK ttniintv Supt.
Cruel Record.
More than two-fifths of
all deaths in this country
are caused by consump
tion and pneumonia. This
diagram telis the story :
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