"II THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, APHIL 24, ISJMJ. t? VFJTtt Afc( TnuUTftlflLMIkaBJIf SH-MM iuiiiukv Ill it iiT-n ri r S -, "W J MTC Wwi r AJiwmit (v Jrtfrn mi. "w. n. reckc, who makes n specialty of l.pllcpsy, lms without UOUbt tronl 1 nml riir. cd mororn u i tlinn nny llvlnt? I'hsli iaii( his success Is n mlsliinR. o hixvo he ,rd o( cnnc cl aa vents' Btnndlnir cured uy mm. 1 1 o publishes ft vnluablo work on th 1b tllR. cisc, which Ho sund't kv i t It a Innrn tirtt. tto of hla absolute cure, freo to nny Ru(Tcrer3 nomayBunu wieir i; u.nna uxpri's aanrcsa. i itv m.w. OIIH ANO r.xns. Cured! We ndvlo ntiy one wlshln IXM.W. U. KUUUf f. 0. 4 I ncuro Innditreis I ;eiur5t., new York THE CHIEF I . II-'SM II. Killtnr. I.MtoY I Air. iit l.ir;il IMItiir. T-H--M,H"H""H-S"i"S- I THE HON TON'S $15C f sti:ak, i-l-i i-i-l"t MEAL? t !'., .;. iiiu:,i, $ ,,H,:' M c.orrax. ! "I"!"!4 !!!!! ! !!'? in repair ing Reduction i i r on shoes soul trom our stock only, others regular price. Nniliiu' mens' half bolen fiO Ladies' half wd. J1' Boys lmlf soles 1'J Misseii mnl juntos half ndes Childrons' half w-iles -" Patches 10 See regular add Cincinnati Hoot and Shoe Stnro A. H. Khle,Prop. E2 bib:h:-' mjixtiox. Wall paper i.t Cutting's. Watch rr,,inni; at Nowhou?o Uroh'. All kinds "f jewelry i.paititi at ' houeo IJtos'. 15. B Utcknoll wiirtin Superior '1 Inns tiny "11 l)UMH.I'U. A written (j'laruntee given with every watch ropalied fit Newborn Urn-. Mim-r !.'" ur.. paying 0 conto for corn. 'lhl3Mti good lime to mil jour BUrplllK. N. Lotigli i will eloso his caluonun the tirst of Mi.. an l open up a palace bib Hard huh When you want jour watch, clod; ami jowolry work ilono cheap ami iloiio right, tuko it to NowI'.oupo Hrofl. When you want a nice smooth shuvo or haircut, give (.mo. Kiintn-HH a call Ono door bouth of th Bon '1'on UakiTy Mrs. Mattio Clino anil daushtcr, Clio,, who hiiVM h-ua isltinfx with Mrn. Biuuin Strohui, huo K""0 to l'"'3aH " u Hl,ort visit. Bimri Cror." w '' 1 Jt'iire olil lust Sumliix, ami In pin it". honor ot tlio ovont, jin'wiU'-il ti i in with u Sli.o hii.clo. Elmer was wry much ,iIphsi'iI. When jour o.vcb coinmimo to iioho, anil thrt tfinH hhIit in lliL'in, ami your heiid hclii'-, it m J"Ui ejes pit uJit ' for liolp. .Wluniif HroH. will hi'lp thum. Hod CI. .nil lm a caintiiluii' for stutn trousuror in Hit' pmMin nt Mr. I.. I'. Al bright. Mr A in .i lim mini, 'H qnnli tied' and woi Id miikcn ood Htiiteolllcpr. Itivcrion litc.v. 'niarivorjf -ton another tt'nrt hi wook. and waheU out atiiit fori) ft "tot the bunk on thu lw ui'le of tlm ilam. Tim rieo wad cut dl" the dimit p'ini? out at CurtiB and Canihritl!0. J. S. Wi.it. t"wrmUip pr-eiilei t of the Wobt?r C)iinty Uni-.n S'lndny Pfil'nnl iwRjHalim, will cond let th tlrt-t rally ot the BeiiHon at Anbury ciiapel Sun day, ut three p. m. by Onlur Cuumnt tee. Tho binall boy and tho 'ni'cr-Bhoot- or"nrn uittl Urt IlL'.ltl). lllld W OB to tllO poor doj? that shows up oil thu streets. Not only do doKs bUlTir, hut window liRhtB in vuo mt houses uri f.ivnrlto tar Bets. Kav.J. A.Hark.'i-of PhIIh City will deliver tli" ummuni I nddrtfa for Hod nimid !...!-. A.O. U V.,aniuly, May ad, at thre.t p. m. .Ml mimh-iM of tho lodRoand n.reoof llxior .iro reijurtflt cd to meet at tho hall ai two p. m Hy Order Committon Kov. Mr ThnniiHnn, of Lis AukoIob Cal.adoh'k'a'o to th- Bonural confer onoo ot thu M. B. church, occupied the pulpit of that church in thi city lust Sund;y evening H" H ll talenled di vine, and Iiih boiuion wan highly appro elated l thopo present. Awarded Highest Honors World' PaHW UR; urn BAKING vmm MOST PERFECT MADK. k puie Grano Cream of Tartar Powder. Frw frtjm Ammonia, Alum or any other rdultew 40 YEARS THE STANDARD Con-'d tune al l'eiiiiiau'B. A yard nt eo.ip for i2".s at Cottin's. (' WitMier was in Denver this week. A tioxof stationery for 'Joe atCottin'B. liimert McNetiy was in Lincoln this week, Head A. 11 Iviley'ti prio Rpring an nouiiceinent. Ed Iveihor took his cattle to Kansas City HiIh week. .1. Ii. Miner waa in Kansas City this week with cattle. Randolph McNitt wai in Lincoln on businebfl this week. 15. H. Chancy mid family hnvo re moved to lied Cloud. Dick Tinker, ho of McCook, was on our streets thin week. Do not fail to read A. II. Kaloy's mips ing word announcement. Dr. J. W. Hohiiisoii of Ouido Itock was in tho city thin vseek. Arbor day wnn not celebrated in Hod Cloud to any largo extent. Major elect Mjers wiib attending to bustnei'B in illuo Hill this week. Tiie glorious ruiim of thiB spring liavo encouraged tho farinorB greatly, A Bister of tho Wright bojfl iB visiting in the city. She lives in Denver. Try a can of Hopkins' Steamed Hom iny (Hulled Corn). It in delicious. Mr. Low Puller and wife wero tho gucalsof Mro. John fj. Potter this week. Supt. A. Campbell of McCook wiib in Red Cloud last Priday with his Bpecial car. SpoctaclcB and oye-glnssoB tltted by tho only correct Bjstom at Nowhouso liros'. A. M. Johnson, a popular farmor of Uivcrton, was upon our streets this week. B. J. Peterson of Otto was in the city thiB week, en routo to Kansas City with cattle. Minor I.roB. aro paying 'JO conto for corn. This is a good timo to sell your surplus. Sam Kizer was culled to liryan, Ohio, this week by the Horious sickueeaot Ids mother. Uncle Todd Paul of Cowlcs wiib ii nlcasanl caller thiB week. Ho is a thor- ouglibred McKiuloy man. Have yon found tho missing words in A. II. Kaley'B spring announcement. Try it; it costB you nothing. .1. II. Smith, dibtnct agent of tho Continental Insurance Co. of Now York, lusiirauco on tho Installment plan. David A. (Jroat and Mifb Alice Ovor leese woro married on last Thursday. The CitiKr extends congratulationB. Come and seo the vast assortment of phirtn. You will bo eurprised to find such low prices. Wion-r, tho Clothior C. II. Pottkr Potter him raised his building hn tho south end of tho P. & M. block, and J. O. llutler will raiso hie also. Tho entire block oliould bo raised to grade. W. D. Cramer, tin Cherokee kanga roo, landfill in our wigwam this weok with hop, skip, and a jump. Ho will probably ruiiuiin in thiB vicinity two or three weeki. Hutchiboti, lliatt, Aultz t Co. hiivo star to J u Phootiug galloij on the vacant lot between Morris Stern's snloou and th old billiard hall, and lovers of target shooting can now have their Bport. Mrs. Calmes of West PlaitiP, Mo., was viBillog old friends in the city thiB weok. She returned homo on Priday. She bhjb that they are well pleased with Missouri, mid aro fully satislled to live there. To every subscriber of the Chief who will pny up within tho next thirty daje WO willglVO tho ISKWUFKA ItnU H.ANBA9 FAitMErt FIIEB. This is for thirty days only. Now is tho chance to get two good paporaforjl. Tho ladUi of Cowlei nnd ricinity are cordially invited to meot Mrs. Kraka tlold, prtsldont of difltrict W. C. T. U., in tho Congregational church Wednes day aftornoon, April 'JUtti. A public meeting will bo held in tho evening. Mro. L. II. Uust baa gone to Beaver City for a visit with relatives. "Pap" now watchce tho trains regular, and guoH about talking to tho tneB and won- doring what ho will got for his next meal. Wo may exppct, to see him going weHt by telegraph Boon. A sm.ill cjlono ot considerable forco (.truck Will Harrib' barn near Oul de Uock lust Pi idaj night and tore it down, leaving the horsen hitched to the posts on thu innide. Somo of tho boatH and timbers were carriod 40 rodp. No ono injured; Will and family wero badly beared, however. Herbert MahnlTy, who forged hifl sis toiHiiame to a poetofllco order about three yparsngn in this city, and who has escaped tho vigilance of the pollen up to thiB time, has boon arrested by John TomlhiRou and is now in jail at Omaha. Tho young man will go over the road no doubt for a term of jeare. Al. Warren of Lincoln, brother of Elitor Wnrion, startod out from Lii jcoln on his wheol four months ago to visit Old Momco. Ho got through Bare land returnod tc Red Cloud on Thoh'st, having made tho ontiro distance of 3000 miles on his wheel. Ho roporta a vtry pleuBant trip, with but few brouk-downe. Jas. McNetiy is iiomo from Lincoln. Mip. I Hicknoll was in Riverton TIiub day. E. 11. Oilmore was down from Omaha Tuesday. J. S. Hart of Omahn was in tho city Monday. Mr. dogate of Illuo Hill wan in the city t liia week. J. M. Stires of York wne on our Btreote Tueiday. I II. Hiimtiton whs up from (Juido Rock this week. T C. Coopor of Illoomington was tn thiB burgTueeday. ChiiB. (larbor, of Esbon, Kan., was in tho city thiB week. J.C. Motzlor of Lincoln was in Red Cloud hiBt Tueiday. C. A. Latham of Cowlee was a ploaB ant visitor this week. Row Oeo. O. Yeider returned from Omaha last Taturday. J. F. Watt of Ouido Rock wao in tho city on bininesB Monday. Nine carloadfl of cattle wero shipped to KniiBiiB City this week. E. C. Hallow of McCook waa in the city tho fore part of tho weok. Clara Oarbo-of Guide Rock is visit ing Emily Tophani thin woek. Mrs. R. A. Polrom of Lincoln wiib in tho city the tlrst of tho week. Mre. O. C.Cnso was visiting hor par ents near Lawrence this week. M. H. Prces, of tho tirm of Piatt k Frees, was in the city this weok. A nico lino of ladies' tieH to bo worn with tho shirt waiHts, at Wienor's. M. 11. Holland of Orleann wiib in Rod Cleud the latter part ot last week. S. II. nrcensbaum of LouUville, Ky., wiib in Red Cloud ono day thiB week. Roy Hutchison and Perce Mcllrido woro ovor from Lobahon the Hint of tho week. J. M. Kollogg of Stratton, this Btate, wae transacting busineps in our city thifl week. J. O. Wiles, Nathan Piatt and Elmer Crone havo joined our army of cyclists since our last issue John Yung of Cedar IlluiTs hnt been looking nftor bis interentB in tills vicini ty for the past two weeks. A carload of tine seed potatoes from Missouri for pale, very reasonable, at Aultz &Djor'p, Red Cloud. W. A. Edwards, tho handsome type writer agent for the Smith Premier folk called this way on '1 huisdny. Mrs. M. A. Hall hap cloie.l the 1th nvenue hotel and removed to Cripple Creok, whoro bIio will start a boarding ho ll BO. A little ill, then n littlo pill. Tho ill in gono the pill has won. DoW'itt'.s Little Early Risr8 tho littlo pill that care great, ills. C L (Jotting. Mrs. A. C. Hosnier returned homo Thursday oroning after llvo wookfl ah senco in Illinois at tho bedsido ot her agod tnothor, who 1b very flick. Tho S. of V. band will comiuonco their Sutnmor concert eoason tomorrow night by giving an open air eoncort on Web- Bter stroot. Tho program will comiuonco at 8 o'clack. Mrn. Wm. Huorstotta of Tocumsoh Mrs. .Jacobs of Wymore, relatives of Mrs W. S. Hense, who were visiting with her the forepart of the week, have returnod to thoir homos. Wo have only a few more ot tho moth orb' friend waists for boys left. Theso need no bowing on of buttons, all havo the patent etrap, and wo aro closing thorn out nt a great eacrillce. Wiener the Clothior. Mrs. Mariah Arnold, relict of tho late OflQi.r Arnold ot this county, nnd mother ot the Arnold boys, diod last Wednosday April 23, at tho residence of hor daugh ter, Mrs. McClary, in Adams county, at tho advanced ngo ot 70 years. Sho Iibb beon in feeble health for many years. On Thursday evening Ooo, lllnlr wiib fiO years of ago and Mrs, lllnlr in com memorating the event invited the mem tiers ot Colantlie Lodge !, Knights of Pythias, of which (leorgo is an honored member, to participate in the nlLiir. A tine supper was spread at W. S. Hoiifo'b for tho occasion and the Knights along with a few other friends enjijed the rwuiiug very much. Congratulation! wero numerous and George's moiling face ehowed that he was none the worse for the ravages of ago which woro en ep lug on apace. L. P. Albright of Rwl Cloud panned through the city this morning, en route for Omaha, where ho goes in a delegate to tho slate republican convention. Mr Albright, at tho Webiter county repub lienn convention, received tho tinani ninus endorsement of all the delegates ne a candidate for state treasurer. Thorn aro two things favorable to Mr Albright's candidacy. One, that ho is an old resident ot Webster county, a straight republican, and nn enterprising, upright citren, and tho other, that tho Fifth congressional district is the only district in the state which ban never furnished a etato treasurer. HaHtincH Republican. kr On last Monday, April 'JO, W. II. Cra mer mid Mb most estimable family en tertained thoir numerous friends by a wedding anniversary. On that date thoy liad been married 'JO years. A largo number of guests wore present and tho day was spent in the usual fep tivitien, A feast worthy of the gndu was spread and all enjoyed the biiiiio freely. After the repast had been oorved, tho host and hostess were pre sented with many beautiful and costly presents tokens of the high esteem with which they wero hold by their neighbors and friends. Tun ruin talus great pleasure in congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Cramer on the occasion and wished them many returns of tho pleasurable event which linked their livo3 for timo and etoinity. Spring lileather -:- -:- -:- calls for spring clothese The bright sunshine shows up the wrinkles and frayed edges of all the old and shabby suits along the street. -:- -:- Nature is putting on a new dress. Gentlemen, you'd better get into line. This Label on a Qarmont in- Buroa Perfect Fit oud Satlofucllon & It stands for tho host that Money Can Buy or Skill Produce. Bfe8';,WtniflH w It is no ii iniriii'le. It won't aiireverv thing. lint it will mrii pili'i. Tlmt'rt what DiAVitt' Witeh lla.-l Stive will do, becaupii it luih iIouh it in hiiiiilruils of oases. C b (Jotting. want you to come and look nt our $5.00 Suits; they tiro (.'quiil to any oH'crcd by most inorelmntH at $7.00. Good all wool Suits at $8.00. Our SIC, 12, 13.50, and $15 Suits in Cassi inero, Cheviots, Thibbets, and Worsted cannot be be beaten for style, quality or price. We offer absolutely the best at those prices that can be shown. A great "catastrophe" occurred be tween J. A. liojd and Col.C. L. Winfrey the groat auctioneer, at the barn of tho former on r.th avenue. It was thift waj : A big black feline, sirnamed Thomas Cat, had taken possession of one of tho stalls and in some unaccoiintablo milli ner, in hunting for choice viands, hud stuck his head into an oyster cat.. Of course Ilro. IJoyd and the Colonel fell great pity for his catehip and immediat-! ly proceeded to liberate tho "category." Ho squirmed and squalled, ami whether tho men profaned or not deponent say oth not, but the evidence slmws that tho boyBgot there by several largescratuhes. Charley is reported jib saying something about "darning Niagaria" while Iiro IJoyd used an old familiar Kentucky phrase, "that's a 'Iiob' on ne.'' It's nil the same, n flight cold, conges ted lungs or nevere cough. Otui miniiio eongh onroi liaiiishtliem. CJ. L. (Jotting1 We I.tiul. To this papor h accorded a larger cir oulation than any other paper in Web stor county gets credit for. Amkriuan Nkwhpai'iiii DiitECTour. 10 Spruce St , N. Y i i. i school rums. m fir m Mm "'Wrri rtMl f wmLm t-sL n ' iv f(mFl in m& OUU BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUIT DEPARTMENT bargains e i never offered better than this season. We have Children's Suits as low as 75 cents. MWL means the prevention of scores of cases of colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, and consumption. Wet feet do not directly make the germs of consumption appear in the lungs; but they do cause coughs and colds and inflam mation of the throat and lungs ; weaken the whole system. In this condition the germs of consumption find just the soil in which to work. Scott's Emulsion of Cod liver Oil, with Hypophos phltes, is a most valuable rem edy for restoring the system to health before these germs get the upper hand. SCOTT'S r.Mt'I.SION lm been endorsed by thu medical iirofcbklon lot twenty year. (Wr itur doctor.) ThW ( bremme it U always faljtaHe nluajn uniform iiluavn (ontamt th furtit A'ortun CoJ-liver Oil an J JlyfOfliosfJiitrs. I'tit up In jo tent nnd f mining. Thojrtntl slio may be enough tc cure your couch vr help your baby. IMIIross, .Miss .Miiinltt Welilem in. lti.nnrli.ru J 'Mlllietlil Hill). Kciioriers jtmy K.inien. Mies McClelland was absent Mondny morning on account of Biukness. Miss Daisy Plumb visited high school Monday. Loonard Smith taught Geometry class Priday. Tho pupilB absent sis halt days this torm were as follows: Dora Groat, Den McParland, Horbort Conover, Walter Kaloy. Charloy Port, Elmer Crono. Miss Jessie MoKeighan visited high school Wednesday. Miss Lillian Smith ontortained her BohoobruatCB Priday ovening. A vory onjoyablo ovening was epont. The fol lowing were present: Ada SjoNor, Edna Henderson, Mabel Saunders, Lucy Gar hor, Jessie Kollocg, Myitlo Kaloy, Susio Rife, Cora Garbor, Walter Kaloy, Doug- laa Cathor, Ron McParland, Roland Young, Robert Mitchell, Otto Pope, Norman Morrison. School was dismiEBtd at recess last Wednesday. MisocB Holon Roby nnd Jeanotto Dilly taught at lowor ward Thursday p. m, MieseB Emma Cook and Trix Mizor wero pleasant visitors Thursday p. m. The 12th grade, on Arbor day, plantod nn elm tree, The natnea ot each mom her of clasB and the touchers were put in a bottle, sealed it, and placed it at tbo roots of the tree, Tho famous troo was named "Kunnitrorstund." Mies McClelland on asking her ninth grado why it waa that there was such a reduction on tho price of horBos, one bright littlu boy spoke up, and said: "HooiuiBoof tho democratic administration." MiBB Gnrber and tho Hotany class went Hotauizing Wudneeday p. in. Thoy diovo about twenty miles, nnd, judging trom the specimeun tlioy brought home, they made tho hctanizing trip into n pleasure trip. If IT til f 4 ' Hg IN SHIRTS y try. We can beat the world, y j Remember our shirts are all ) I rt raade full sizes, even the 3r MjJ cheapest. We have a k O 8reat line roin 2S to Cftft I Kl 75 cents. Hfl H - - Our BULL DOG brand is yoked, and 36 inches long, made o the best Shirtings, at 48 cents. -Dress Shirts from 45 cents up. We hare all the novelties in Hats. We have put on our bar cam counter a lot of odd hats, in Stetson and other good make Which wo aro offering at just half price to clean up our stock. We oiler you the best SIioob tit tho prio, and give you the same guarantee that you got olsowhoro. We want your tradw, and havo marked our goods so that you will buy if you give us a chance to show them to you. WIENER, The Clothier. y v t i ; -, VA c .1 f l(W i ! 'I H. i I ; i 'ii fr f. t