The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 24, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Ducker's Cash Dry Goods House!
We have decided to continue our Special Bargain Sale
another week. Haying received a number of other special bargains Ave shall place them on sale also.
Have received a sample line of New Spring Capes, which we will sell at the usual wholesale cost, Newest styles in Cloth, Silk, and VeXi
lour Capes. Have also received another lot of New Shirt Waists, which will be placed on sale at exceptionally low prices, 38, 50,
GO 65, 75, and 85c. Another lot of Men's Shirts at 50c, which are the best ever shown for the price. We can save you from
i() to 20c per yard on Carpets. New Wool Dress Goods at 12j, 18, 25, 30, 35 40, 45. and 50c. Fine Unb' cached
Muslin, 4c per yard. Turkey Red Damask, 15c per yard. Twilled Crash. 8c per yard. Extra Quality Feather
Ticking at 124 c, regular 18c grade Window Shades on spring idlers at 15, 20, 25, and 35c.
win i ' riTnmiirmnm,ir
"Billy" Nelson, of tlio Smith County
Finnoor, Ib making 'in excellent paper
theso days out of Iii3 Pioneer. Wh wish
him success,
The gnat unterriliod held forth in
liluo Hill this week and selected dele
gates to thu Htntu convention, and in
structed tho delegates to use thoir best
emit avoid to send Henry Kojblor to thu
natiouul pow-wow to ho held in Chicago
next Juno.
Tor .Mute Treasurer.
L I. Albright of this city is receiving
tho endorsement of most of thu ropubli-
can papers for thu olllcu of state treas
urer. 'I'lin State Journal, tho Fremont
Triliuni', Huntings Republican, and, in
fact, nine tenths of thu papcra spink
very highly of his uandidacy. Mr. Al
bright is a staunch republican, and in
null in.lillcd for the olllcu to which ho
aspiree. We believe that ho will bo
nominated, and, if nominated, Itu will
be elected hy a good majority. His
training bus all hon along tie line of
such a position, and therefore is doubly
cupablu of tilling the respom-iblo ofllcc.
Tho Argus editor making such a ittrug
le to got on the delegation reminds
Uurbod Wire of A'. Ciitlushu. Al. wan
always in for going to tho state conven
tion and iiiohI generally made it, too.
At one convontion, the Wed Cloud dele
Ration had decided to let Andy Hoik go
Iiisluntl uf A I. and were to propone hip
name A I. was not going to he balked
hy thai, howoier, bo hu looked around
for someone else to propone his name,
and tlnally found a big Norwegian from
Catherlon who proposed to do it. Nor
wuy wiih a little backward in bin Hu
glieh and did not Know when to speak,
bo that when they proponed to elect
dulegatee to the Ibut representative con
yontion. lio diuitiod to his feet and pro
posed "Mei-Hter Oliirihy." This didn't
euit Al. and ho wan obliged to decline
the honor. A miuute later delegates
were boiug chosen to the senatorial con
vention, mid nguin the poor man from
Norway in N'ew Vuginui uroBu to Inn
feet and awkwardly Btainmored out Oa
IubIiii'h name, and again A I. was obliged
to deeline. Whun the time came at lust
for delegates to the Btate, Al'e man wiih
bo confuted that ho did not know what
to ik. but, by dint of hard work, he at
last nut up and Al. wnu elected by one
Thu itli've article in the Holt brings
forth the UBUid lie mid Blunder about
people and pertone, in speaking about
thu big Norwegian naming Al. Gulusha
aa caudidatu to thu Btatu convention.
The fact it, Charles Liiidgrcun, a good
uud honorable man, respected hy all
who know him, named Mr. Unluslia.
Mr. Ltmlgreen !b no more Norwegian
than the editor nf the Holt, i do not
recollect, hut think tint no one from
Cathorton cared about going, and ttioy
hud n perfect right to name anyone in
tho count, and Mr. Liudgreou showed
he knew whom to bring out in selecting
n Rood live man like GiiIubIiii. Mr.
Lindgreon know the difference of tho
various delegations as well tin most men
in tho convention. Ho biih Norwny
wtta u little backward in his English. If
a Norwegian or any other muu could
not one hie Kngllsh for a better purpose
than the weuhtd tlmt pretends to edit
thu Unit, thu Ii'bh he uses it, the better
for all but I do not think many Nor
wegians get the editor of the Hull to In
tel irt for them. Thcie are many mis
takes in this world, and I think the
editor of the Kelt got into business that
he wiih not called to peiform. I am
aware In is nut stout uud could
not be e.po'od to do a man's woik, but
he could tii. I I, plici) to h-rd cuttle.
Later, thoii will pr"batl bu u rush for
men of that hi.- to icl piiuto bugs
Mo i.ot iltspuir bi-fHM j in huvo tried
m'ii iiibil'niniH sii'l h v f-iii',1 'o ie
oeiin biii'lli. Kxiiii i,tir ilint ll i's
Hm"", "I'b 'iirt wli. n ml o hers fall In
do HU glll'd MllHU'Vcr.
Hife ' piiN nir iii- ic k fu-nlly edlmr.
t'e Hint 'iv r liii-tl i'lin'. Ilniink'r-H, n li i
bU, xur
Vr. PrhJM Crnin Unking; I'owdt
WorM's Fair llljihcst Av&ri.
and weed tho gardens. In that way ho
could be respscttd, and could not help
but feel, hlniRclf, that hu had uicd hi
talent, if ho had only una. I am fur the
welfare of tho misplaced editor.
- - -
The innn who Htiiiuls iilly by and Btes
thu hfo fading out of hii wife'rt face, Keen,
hor health going, tR her becoming old
and faded and wrinkled whi'ii hIiu ftlinuUl
h till be in thu perfvut enjoyment of vigo
rous, UBrful hualth, in ulthvr lets than n
man or elu doi'A not know of the onu ru
medy widen will bring her bnck to hcaMi
nnd Btrunglh. l'orlmpn her lmibnnil cim
not periiido her to go to hur doctor, liu-
oniiHu who naturally dreadi thu inutitablu
"uxaminatiuuH" and ''local truiittnt'Ut."
Ho cim persuade her, If nho nenU pernim
Hion, to take Or. 1'iorcu'ri l-avoritu Pro
Bcriplon. Thii truly wonderful medicine
has cured hundrcdr, of women after the
liiMt phynicintis hnvu failed. It tins been
in constant uio and tinted overy day for
thirty yei'.rfl. It isn't an experiment,
there are no ehauceii about it. It U n cer
tain cure for all deriingeuu'ntH, weHknttw,
irregularitiuii and d.Dplaceiuuntri of inter-
md urgnus peculiar to women.
III mill About lliu l'nlvrrll) .
Lincoln, Nch., April :!, 'HU.
I'rol. MteMill.iu, of the university
of Miiinesotn, u ill deliver a lecture
SiiMirdiiy tivniiiK before thu It itani
chI Seiniii.'iry. Prof. Mau.Mill.iu id one
of the most widely known gtaduaiei
of the univei.Mty ol Nebraska.
On last Saturday evening (Jlnncel
lor McLean uvu hit aiiniinl reeeptinu
to the senior clnsti. An ixjelleut
prngrani wu.s rendered, and r. fresh
ineni.s wero Hervcd. President Ray
mond, of I'nioti Culleuu ef Sohcueo
ludy, N. Y., wai picrciit uud aililie.-Hud
thu claH.
President Humond delivered both
morning und evening sihiiioiis nt tho
First Prehbjtfrian church on Sunday.
He is one of tho ablest prmieliers that
lins ever visited L nculii. Moudiiy
morning lio lUlivered an mldrcts he
fore thu Htudeuts in the Chupcl. II h
subject was "Tliu Iinpurlanuu of a
Collegnto Course to a Profcsiuniil
Man." President Hauuouu i- a
brother ol wuli-l. ti'iun niuiliiuis of
Tho democratic stato convention
met in Lincoln Wednesday last ilia'
is, they called tliini.iMves detnucr.vs.
Sut thoio seems to he a difference of
opinion ii to ih' ir goncalocy. Hilly
Hryiiu claims that they are the big
gest croud this year. This goutle
man's silver tongue directed the do
libeiations or the convention, and
will represent its wauls at Chicago
when the proper timo iirnvcs.
On the l29th, the sound-money-Oh
voltind-wiuL'-uf ino.-s buckery will
hold its show. Dun Cook and Tobe
Castor will bu riugiuinicrs.
Tho regents of the university held
a meeting lat 1"' nil ay and Silurdny.
Much unperiaiit buiimss was di.-posed
of. Tlioi made piovisinn fur uiTerin;!hip- at t ho universits, as is
dune ut all tho first chit" colleges A
(oiiiiou frmu a pint of the Mii'lent-
ii-kim.' lor mo in inoi v for thu iioiilniif !
uf balls, wh. down with ,,,
. . . ,,,, .
OIPI ftllll 111 III I' ill)--, I Mill 1'IIU t tl1
the newly iipinioic-l iiiriuher of the
board, Mr Hj-iwater.
Quite a lin.'C iiiimher nf uraduutu
ttiui'iiiN will take digreif, I nun tlir
un.vir-'i'V ilii4 .Maui ol these
li.iVr eoiii'j In in tiiiiu oilii-r stui e win
vtfMi ie, Unit r-cug our supur
jjf iilwuiM'i'1 in mlvanueil wnrK,
Hum are nbolntely pnudeiii when De
Win's W.ich Mi. ! HiiiV" is promptly up
pint), This 1-tuin in nt is true. A perfect
im-idy for skin di-oni, chupped hmutR
ninl lips, und 1. 1 vi r full to ours pllen. O
I, Cvltiarf.
Olllclal I.ettvr to the County
Lincoln, April 11, 180(5.
Studont'e Certillcate. Tho blnnk
form of Btudont's cortiflcato in ubu at
preeont has ppnccR nt tho lower left
hand corner fur the names of teacher
and director. Thu superintendent
should not infer from this that their
names nro CGBontial for tho validity of
the certillcate, nor should ho infer that
ho is uudor obligations to issue tho cer
tillcate whenever tho blnnk is signed by
these persons. Ho can usk for and se
cure tbuir signatures aa a means of ro
inforcing Ids own judgment whenever
hu desires.
It is of tho utmost importance that
the county supirintuiulent should satis
fy himtclf fully that tho applicant has
thu scholarship and ability necessary to
pursue high school woik, before issuing
this cortillcato. I lu has wido descretiou
iih to what menus ho hlmll employ to
catisfy hiuibelf as to such tchol rnhip
amiability. He has thu right to insist
upon examination in every umbo if hu
deems that thu safer courbo. Somu
superintendents avail thunnelvesot the
apsistnnce of the principal of the high
school where tho student desires to at
tend. It is not necessary that tho same
methods should be employed in every
county, but in all case thu county sup
erinteuduut is icspousiblo to his constit
uents to see that tho proper standing is
Compulsory AttendaneoLuw. In thu
intereiits of tho general education of the
people, county superintendent!! Hhould
make an ulTort at once, by publication,
hy circuhrs, or otherwise, to give inm
hers of district boards tho following
Since tho law permits attendance any
twelve weokBof thu year, it is not vio
lated until only twelve woeks or le:s of
school remain in tho year. Hence, now
is thu time to nee to its euforcumont for
the remainder of this yar. In accord
ance with tho evident intontion of tho
law and the regulations of tho Statu
Superintendent's olllce, it is tho duly of
thu district board to serve notice upon
all persons vio'ating tho compulsory
attendance statute that tho attenUanco
of their childron is expected in compli
unco with tile law. (See subdivision 10
! of tho sehnol laws of 181)3 )
The next examination for professional
life ceil Meatus will he held by tho Stuto
Hoard nt EuuniiierB .Juno I) and 10, 1890,
at the following places simultaneously:
State Siipeiintondent's olllce, Lincoln;
Kolloni school, Omaha; high Bchool
huildingu nt Nebraska City, Suparior,
l'ino'son, O'Neill, Grand Island, Ox
ford, North Platte, Crawford. This ar
rangement is made in order to uccom
modatu nil portions of tho state and
oavo tune and expense for applicants.
District Orders on County Treasurer.
It is reported to me from boiuo coun
ties that ordurs on thu county treasury
havo frequently been drawn for sums
not iet collected from taxpayers; and
that theao orders, iustond of aiders on
tho diBtriot treasurer, aro bought by
money loaners und hold for futuru pay
ment. This is an error and is liable to
lead to serious confusion,
In order to carry out thoroughly tho
provisions of sections 11 and 10 of sub
division 1 of tho School Lhwb (sections
1702 and 1701, Kevisd Statutes), and to
nimble the ollicers of the eoveral school
district-, to keep correct account of tho affaiinuf their respective die-
j""Hmltuiuii)co,.rop..r report of the
S'iiiu-, the following diioctions should bM
carefully followed:
livery wurruut drawn on tho county
treasurer and ovory warrant drawn on
the district treasurer should hnvu plain
ly writton on its face the amount and
tho fund upon which it Is drawn.
lieforo issuing u warrant upon tho
county treasurer, tho director hhould
usoertaiu, ty making inquiry in porroti
or by letter addressed to the county
treasurer, whether thine be in the trens-
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
!w.i.i.r,iffFiBJ.I J Hi" p j
ury to the credit of tho district a buIII
cient amount ti pay tho said warrant.
Any district treasurer who, on ac
count of distance- from tho county seat,
finds it inconvenient to present such 11
wnrrnnt to tho county treasurer in per
son, may endorso it, making it payable
to a third party, who thereby becomes
entitled to receive- payment thereon from
tho county treasurer, and to turn over
the inonoy to tho distri.t treasurer.
Please bring this matter to tho atten
tion of your directors, if necessary.
II. U. CoilllKTT,
State Superintendent.
cuitr. xrttvoiis iymm:iai,.
ToCJiiIii rivali, to Mot-p Well,
to Know Wliul Appetite und
eixl IHkcxIIou Mean, MiiUn
h Ti'Nt of .Ntiiiirl'n iryspt-pslu
Iiileroiliiiur CIxpiTUiicc or mi liiillim
npiiltM rlillrinnii.
Mo trouble is more cutuiuou or more
ini-'undi'rstood than noiveu.s dyper.
sin. People having it think that
their nerves are to bl.iino and aro sur
prised that they are not cured by
nerve medicines and spring renicdi'h;
the real seat ol the ui'seliicf is lot
sight id; the nouuuh i the or.jan to
he looked nf 'or.
Nervous dyspeptics often do not
have any pain whatever in the stnni
nch, nor pcrhapi nny nf the
symptoms of stomach wiakncss Nei
vous dyspepsia shuns itself n t in the
stomaoh so much as iu uc.iily ever
other organ; in some cases th heart
palpitates and is trregulir; in o'hers
the kidnuja uro affected; in others thu
bowels nro conMip.i'cil, "i'h huudiclie
still oihcrs nt'i troubled with hms of
flesh nnd appetite. vitti aeoitiuulaiiuiis
of ga, sour rifci'ig a -d lie.utliu-n.
Mr. W. A S'l.ip-T or N... Ill Pro
pact St , In 'itii.ii, ,!is lud , writes as
follows; "A motive ol puie jr.ititudu
promp-tin to rite tin . t v l.ns
regard h- the new and vlu-.blu incdi
cine, Siuirt's l'yp psia Tablets. I
have liteti a sulforer I run nervous djs
pepsin lur tho lnil fmir yar; havo
used various patent iii'diuiiies and
other rem dit.s without any favorable
result. Thoy sinctimea gave tempo
rary relief until tho elfeet of the med
ioino wore off. I attributed this to
my scdontary habits, being a book
keeper with little physical exaroise,
but I am ghid to statu that thu tablets
Iiiivh overcomo all theso obstacle, for
I havo gained in flsh, sleep better,
and am hotter in overy way, Tho
above is written uot for notoriety, but
is based on nctual facts."
Respectfully yours,
A. V. Sharper,
Ul Prospect St , Indianapolis, Ind.
It is 8 ife to suv that Stuart's l)s
pepsin Tablets will euro any stomach
weakness or diseaso except cancer f
stomach. Tbey ouio sour stomach
fja, loss of flosh and appetite, sleep
h'SSiiuss, palpitation, heartburn, oon.
stipntion and hnnlaahos.
Send for valuable little book on
stomach diseases by addressing Stuart
Co., Marshall, Mich.
AH druggists sell full s'zed paok
agu.i at fiO cents,
8'2ti Ir Acre.
I will give 20 p.T iicro to parties con
tracting to cultivnto onions botweun tho
10th of May and July 15, 181)0. Call on
oruddrees CJko. A. Lvtta,
Cowlos, Neb,
Farm two inilos soulh of Con leu.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so puro or so'grcat In leav
ening power as tho Royal
i f i yi..i.. -
Kiel. Dlscovcrlo, ofohl. ,M mmo of h p Albrii;lltt of Kod
At Cripple Creek, Colo, nnd ole- C"..u.l. has been nientioned in connoc
wIitc, are being made dinli, and th lion with the oil!c. of nfate treii'ruroron
prMluctien for 18JM5 will b ih bug- 'heiepubiican tinkct. While Thu Lend
o-t eer known, estimated at Two "" is " dHiiioerain' nuwspiiper in ovory
llund.ed .Million Cripple , ,tf,-l,u'' ''' l Webster county
p i. i - ( hof.ored, no nmtter whether it be from
..'.". """"" I""' - v
Million Dollars n month, nnd steadily
increasing. Mining stocks nrd ad
vancing in prico more rapidly than
any other stoi'1.-. and many pay divi
dends of Hit to 50 per cent. They
offer tho best oppoituuity to make a
large profit on n sniill investment.
J. K MOHCAN A CO, 4u Uroad
way, Now Y rk, are financial agents
for the Prudential Gold Mining Co.,
and othtrs in tho fam-ms Cripple
Creok distrief. Tney will send you
free, interesting pirtieulars of the
mining companies tlicv represent also
their book on speculation iu stocks,
grain and cotton, containing many
new and important feature-.
Send for these hok- ( nnco if jou
are interested in mi. I onu of specula
tion or inves in m Tey may
prove profitable to sou.
An AUliliult.
Thl is to certify thai on May ll'h, I
wnlktd to Mt-hulx's drug htoro on n pair
of crutches and bought a bottle of Chnm
in Haiti's Pain lliiliu for inflammatory
rliHiiueitlsni which had crippled mo up,
Ahei U'lng three bullies I nui complete.
'.i rn'ul. I can chei-rfnllv remmunened
i- -Charles 11. Wetzel, hmilnir', l'a.
S,iirn and stllecrilied to hufnre me on
August 10, 1891. Walter Shiptnan, J. 1'.
for sain nt AO cents per liottlu by II. K.
L P Albright of Webster county is a
candidate for statu treasurer. Hu hxs
been u banker for man years and his
friends insist that he has just thu qua'i
llcatiuns required to make u Bticcethful
manuger of idnto funds. Hu wns in
Lincoln yesterdaj, making a few nro
liininnry observations with local politi-1
r.t,,u s,.i.. .in .t
ciaus State Jnuini.l.
ItV just ns eas.v m try One .Minute
C' uli Cure hs 'inytliliitr oIho. UV vnriur
to euro a hovure couuh or cold with it. lour next iiirnluiHH for a cough li
One Minute Cough Cure, I?tter miiii
nine; littter reiiilt; liotier try it, C. I,
Tho list of letters romaining at tho
postolllce uncalled for up to April 23,
IJiiBey, Mrs. Ferguson, Jcb.
Shermall, J. C. WatEon, Louising
Tho nbovo letters will be sent to the
dead lotter ofllco May 7, 1600. If not
called for. Fiiask Cowdkn, Postmnstor.
Wviitlier rorcviiMtM,
Hki Cloud, Xr.u. April !
Tho following is the
Hun Ci.ouii. Xnn. Anril "I innr.
nt,. ...!.,.. : .1.. '.,
j.iiu luiitmn m inn weaiuor
forecasts for thu next 2-1 hours
Wrmr Kaiiinlny,
F. W. Cowdk.v, Local Managor.
Notk Theso forecasts will bo dis
played daily iu evory poBtoflleo in Wob.
I havo good pasture, with plenty of
water and ehtide. Horses, 50u por
month; cattle, .10o. U. M. Largont, on
Sam Martin farm.
During the winter of lS'.r.l, P.M. Mar
tin, of Long Reach, West V.., eontrautid
a severe cold whieh Iuft him with neough.
In epialtiiig of how he can tl It he siiys:
,'l util HBVcrnl kinds of couli cirop tint
found no relief until i In. light a liMlIn of
ClHmlierliiiuV Cough lt-medy, which re
lieved me nlmost instantly muI in a Hhort
Utuio brought about ii complete ouru."
1 When tumbled with a cough or cold nr-e
tills reiutdy nnd you will uot llud it noo
ciMiary to try several kinds befo- jou
get relief. It has bein in the market foe
over twenty years and constantly grown
iu fav-r end popularity. For Halt at 1:5 .'.0 eciilu per Untie by 11. L (Jrico.
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
riOk MSiblSl vi JmA, m
iL'iT - - i ii. -.utt
the ilomiMiratie. republican and nonulist
sine, iiruvme i, oi i:oum tile Honor is
hune-d. Mr. Albtiht in an old residont
of tl is county nnd is well und favorably
kno iu, The olllce wImlIi ho aspires to
' li'l is nii of ihoruiist important in tho
Btate. ami th" eoplo Bhould ho truly
gratified to know that by his nomina
tion ai'd election the funds of tho stnto
would come iuto faithful and .honest
hands for at least two years. UIuo Hill
Headache Destroys Health
Resulting In poor memory, Irritability, ner
vousness and Intellectual cxhiustlon. It
Induces otho." form1; of dtsca'o, Mich as epi
lepsy, aimplexy, lnsanlty.otc
Dr. jy-.iler.' Nervine Cures.
fit !.' .a.
Mrs. (".1.1. A. .;. ., r,"l (iai.-i.i St.. Fort
Wayro, !ni., i.-r':- h uct. .". 1'.1!: "1 cuiTcred
terribly vrfn r-iere .'ifir.achM, !lnei!s,
bacKacae aed iiinu.iirm, raunaltv "row-
inj; uor.n until i-y i'J w.r. dcijalrod of.
nnd ,ry w"'1' " '' 'a--1 '":"1 !1 relluf
' re; IV.Mf.iu'.Ncrvino.
I havo tal.e.-i use .Kjc-ei and l;cl'?vo 1 atn a
well noreiia. and J nj.ii: taUcn trrsat coai-
fqrt In rocomracndli'!; a. I i.f u.y jiicnila to
use Nervine. Yon t. iy pi.MM, tliU letter
If you w ish. and I nc-u It may bo tho means
of sa viui: sumo other t,ick luotLes J!fo, as It
did mine." .
On salo hy all druggists. Itoolc on Heart
and Nerves sent I'ltu'K. l)r. MIIoj Medical
Co., Elkhart, lud.
Dr. Miles' Remedies Iicatoro Health.
TlbM. WKAlvllM'KH. At (im.yNN, only SM.
Xcrvltc Iy fiiMUnlion.
In tie Dhtrlct Court ef WchMer Ci'iaty. Ne-
I iiriii:,).
r iv Dt'iieiick, l'lalntlr,
Albert Heinv.
i Uell.i Henri .'t al
I Difinilants
1 lii n love-iiHuieit (l(.f(.iilant, Albert Henry
iiii.l I)ph Henri, will ml,,. tin. tlirr on lliu
.'.iijili of in II, is'jit. i luMiillf n.'iciii. .', ins
lii-t.tlnu in tin ilts.ilct diiirl i f W. lis ei einiii
ll. Neliralia. mjHlnst . i'( .1. tciulu is. fr-li.
Jet i uml iiiipi nf wiitch are to foirciixiAji rer
tain iiinrleiii'H et run l.y ,,. ii,.fi.mlant to
the nlalntlfl iifim tliiiiliitheat uiijiiernf sec
Iliiiifoi.riO.tinin.lilp four il, i..i.Ul nine (9),
wstul th slxtu priiirlpa' inc'iilmii. Vi'i.ter
Cililtltv!.NiiiiK,i 'I,, Niriiif tlii'li llll-'lltnt
11 rei ,nlti pioinsi. v linte m'. .1 (),-ii).t.r Hist
lss, i.nit.nio niul p'ljutite iiv vim fmmtiia
.W'fJi1."1 '.'!'' ih?1 ,.1"'1'" '' iiu.vilii'tlieil,illi
tlif from tlin rtefeiiilio ti iiikiii Mini 1 ete and
iiiuriguu tho mini of ifni.Mi. with luieicii at
li- r Mo el sU ti re. . 1 t , ,,,1, mi hmi the
list itavof Apill. llui. in- wlui-:, ,, with In
leist Horn tin Urht iliu . 1 ri , ism, liinlniilt
piai for a ilecn t Hm' il.o, ih!,,i,i, i. Viiulr.-d
lo in. the N.iinn, or t ,, , ,, , . H j,4) l
nl'-'liilif: ' ' ""'""", !""M ' " this
-X"f ml,.!''Ml,'',, ,""I' "'' s",,, P-lHlMi nil
nt'or!,.,,,!Bn.",t ,'.', "''mil', 13 'll. 111 thealle-
l.MI.Htl.,.,t uf, l-n in tlllt uliUJUIIK-
111-iit iioiiUifil ,iecniiiu:lv
Dated April JJil, isdh.
. , ,. ,. ,. ''-If Di'uiiitici..
II) ISonr. l.l'ciri'ii. IlisAttitnej.
Aoticu to Creditor.
SrAiitni' Ni:iiim'm .
asieamgggigxssa uvc
Wwlister O.iint.' ' 1 s1
Jntlio County Couit.
Nnttoe Is lli'itiliy irliin t , ii'l iihiiii li'ii-ln, ,i .Unmuilsal;,!. I. ae'.'o" uy Vu!
nf elisor eimiity, di e.mvil. .,t hh lliun
nx-l lor jliinui 111 11K..HH s.i.i ,.. ,io ii"i
months fn.m tile lv I. i .v . f M ,-., ,h" All
r ll.'..,1 u.'!i,.,.V"; 1. I to M-. III their
in.i.ll.'.if Joi "'""'. v""eli-rS to Hie Cililty
nr .K ml.,lV.:V,U" '' ,lt HI I utll 'I, l,... ,11
mill. , ,'i J",.1 '".' '''i'."1 N'eeiiitiei. l'.'.'ll. ami
l n' '.. ':'' wilili It m. I I,),', . in,, add
o'clec'. Via "' ' '" ' ""'
Dite.lihUiSthd.yet, i-'M
' " JA'.xh Mrr.
(J.jiu.t JuJko.
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