The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 17, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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E t
& i. A. Sample Owes Her Strength fr This
the Best of All Remedies,
L TEESfrs - --JV -
Br-: rto AWSi -- s -
For tlio unfortunates wlio lie iwnko
fltaring nt ilia cciline anil counting
the stroke nf tlm clock, ov-ry slop
loss ninlit is an otcrnitj.
Mrs J, A. Sunplo of J rfiS Hroid
way, Now Yurk oit, was vfiliistoii with
insomnia until lur nurvcs wero on tho
Virgo of irosir.ilinti. Sim thinks lior
condition w.ih dun to indigestion.
Hort is what Mrn. Sample My:
"I have us-d Pimm's celery com
pound Willi tiiirkml mill tlei-itled bene
fit. It is ospcfinl I v uefnl in limim-l
nin, nri.Mmg fioin indigestion iiuti poor-1
ly nourihliuil iumvos i
"I hIiouIiI ald my gtliidd mgli j
tor, Vru Il.illuitili, ho thin ninl i
puny ut tlm ngi) of ton wk to ciuo us;
tho greatest anxiety. Wo litd no dif
flcull) in imlurting her tu tub' I'.iin.'-.
colnry cniiiptiuiiil. Toil.iy ilio rnsi ,s
bloom in her clitcRri, and 1 nrvi r
a lieulilucr, vlroiigcr aliild than
I'ainr'ri aclery uuiupiiiiuit Ins inxil
Tho brain in tlio eoi.irr of tint nor
vous sysMn S'i'i-p iiloiii' rests this
vital oig.m, lognlier with th nurvm.
Durillt: ill tt'ikini; luiu'r li tn-rv ns
Rfany ladies liave used our machines
twenty to thirty years in tlicir.iniily work,
and nre.still usitip; the original machines
we furnished them n generation nga
Many of our machines have run mora
than needfes. With proper ctri they ,
" --.n um, .inn bciuom nceo repair. '
We have built sewing machines fori
inore man loriy years and nave constantly
improved them. We build our machines
on honor, ntnl they . ire recognised every
where nst the most accurately fitted and
finely finished sowing machines in the
world. Our latest, the "No. o," is the
result of our long experience. In com
petition Willi the iL.'Ui'mc m.nrliinntf r,r tlm
world, 11 icmud the Grand Prize nt the
Tans h.position of iSSg, r.s the best,
other machines receiving only rompll-
iiiciiMi m iiais ot goui, silver and broiva
llie Cintud I'nzo was what all nouirhtfor,
and our machine was awarded it.
Send for our illustrated catalogue. We
want dealers in all unoccupied territory,
ia54,mrwA0AaM Ave. chicaqo.
S. K. Cozad Airt.
Scientific- American
Agency for
Tnanp HtBKn.
i uriiiuinnaiiunann in'o iianuuiui: v tlio to
MU.NN it CO, !4l llmnuvTAY, Haw Vouc
OlJcet liurcnu for ncoiirlnit pntrnu In America.
l!rr7riitoiittakriioutly uhI. liroiiKht Iwfnro
ttw jiuLlto l)jr a no He J gl m Ino oriliunjo In Uie
Inot clroutallon of nnr K'ktittno panrr tn th
yrorlil. i iilonillilly .Nil lull lllKi'Ut
. . . ,. .M - - - - ...w.
yearitlAlUxmonth. AUdmw,) CO-aagnw-a,
i Utva4vy. tu Ysck Otf.
Mini Diiuiiiu irti iiuriimr ir bin.OJln
msmnjz y&mffim&m.
-'4Sfe --.Tje-" :
rft' - wMPT
system works inoessuntly. P or sloop
tnoiinn a poor nervous condition, and
prolonged insomnia load in ovary
ciihu to prostration, and too ofton to
draad insanity. Tho mischief that
results from weakened nerves is muoli
grcatar aud moro destructivo than
most folks even droam of.
Tho all-inipartaut thing; for norvous
run-down persons, and for those who
aro losing sleep is that l'aine's celery
oompeuoel builds up the whole ssteui
nnd by improving tlm digestion and
regulating tlin nerves it insure sound,
refreshing slcop.
In wiuter must womun and many
men load liotlirttisa lives. A ilngnuig
appetite, a dtppusttion to pick at this
difli and that, rather titan to pat. a
fitarn meal, in anions tho curly ituii
imtions of failing hiMilth. Then comes
(In lay in fullinir nslocp and tlio frutful
uneasy feeling tho next day.
Deliverance from Mich a miserable
condition by tho use of l'aino'.s celery
compound has caused man and woman
from ovary auction of tho United
Stains ta write sincere, hearty words
ol praisa mid tliankfuluass for ibii
We iniltlfly Rtnte that
tills rellHMl lines lint con
t.iln iii.iciiry or hii) tuli
t'l It j ill loiiis li iii:.
AiimiI iiturtli
is a liuiHt HhJ Is
tlie li'Mill uf mills mill
Mlililill illlllntiaL'llilUKi'S
Iily's Cream Balm !
funs I ml I'lmmps lliu russ.iitcs, Alla)s
fain mill IuIl.Kiitu ttlmi. Heals tlm Suras, Pro
tfftslliu Mimlir.iiie fioin CnMs, Ki'iiorilstlie
Hi'iisenf liuif mi-' Nnoll. 'llie llalln Is fjulcMj
iiliio.lieil ami kIcs ivllvt atimcp.
I'rlcuMc. at nriWKists r n mall.
K.YBltOTHi:iMG Warren htutl.NVw Yark
''"- '
Hair raiqau
r?fnic uJ biitlflc tlio htts
Never Flla to llestors o'rny
::" t" luxuriant imiwiii.
...... .y .r) luuuum voior.
vuti. .run illwfii. . ti In r iliii.
. J"e.ndaimat DrurgUli
lnJfSln k?nn JmnH niHW. ,Tj Y T
ny kind iimj
ro iiuu
huolllfr. Ittf 3td ta im.uA tut tl I,..
I.. .....-.. . l vi.viiif
ti iu luj imlt iti .ill .., .1.. .. . .
ii ii V 'r ' ." .'.ICJ':." ' "IBwnl.W .1
..".v'1 '. T"r ' "'ll1 " ' '" I r rt turn
Mull. Iimmioi i,, ii,..;, ,i,,i'i
(U 1 .11 I.O..I
imi n Hiidic.llt i
Moon Hiamjk, - KED OLOUD, NEU.
I Collections promptly attended to. aud
'correepondenco solicited.
mmirirmt aaj r I ncll.h Illauioml Ilran (.
5uV . "''"InKlnii'lOnlrJ.'rnuliic. a
fMShWL l'"Mll for Aj.(,p. ;.,j A
nnjfnnj lit in I iti I(,.J u ,,J 1 1, , ,,,. r.y
t -rVJiioii il villi 1 ii. tl i, , - !, W
171 Ri VWlHMlllifr. IM nl la imut m! il lu. V
V An.
grand invigorator. People enjoying
parfact haalth lamctimes wondar at
this gratitude, but whoever hat suf
ferad Trom prostration of the nnrves,
of which insomnia is ano of lli
svinptams, will understand how hard
it is to ovarsta'o tho tormnut of this
eonditian. And whoever haa been
ttMQc completely well by Paina's ael
ery oompouud feuls ho words can aver
sttto the joy and uratituda such par
suns feel.
Tins is the stato of mind of thous
ands of nervain, sickl 7 , brOkan-down
persons who huvo used Painu's oclerv
compound und barn inula well.
Mu. Sample tells of tho happy ro
suit in tin cis'i f her cranduhild
Onj of tho most conspicuous instauces
ut tho r-mirkablo poivor of P.iinu's
celery cumpouud over d ibility is
shown in the rohtif it has uilordod
ohildron. Of course tlio doso is
adapted to tho ngo of the little pa
ticnt. Tho compound purifies the
blood and correots any tandenoy to
cinstipstiou, Pulw, punr childr4ii
are made vigorous, rosy and healthy
by this itioompnrablo romady.
Shrap do well on com fodder.
An Otff; fiece.s nt about tou decrees
tilanu zero.
A HiiRitr rullntu;r company Is about to
be formed in.Inpan.
Feed tJie table hemps lieforo tliey
hiue become soured.
CrnnberricH mu lieinp; suecessfully
cultiwited In Dare eotinty, .N. C. '
Feediiij, the fowls too mueli enyunne
iepK.r Is apt to produce liver troi blu.
Ill Hutte eounty, Cid., eight olle
trees are reported to liuu gelded -150
(rullons of oil. ,
large part of the too. Sel on tho
fl.,nu w8 lmck t0 tl,c fa tiinugii
tJie imiiiure lieai).
iiiaiiure heap.
A warm house, a Varied diet, plenty
j of c.eroiwi mid ery enrly batched last
. hprhiff'H pullets iie the. chief inirredl-
ent.s of tin: w intetf ef,'(,'H.
The New Vojflc horso hhow cleared
nbout $100,0()0or the stoeKholders. Tho
tiutting-bredrliorheh won neurly all tho
prizes in driiig- und carriage. olius-sen.
In feedhflpr bin ley to bops the bent re
biilt.s areibtiiliied by giliulIiifT the friaiu
aud housing it for ilvoorsix houih be
fore fejgtling. If Kien whole liiueh of
thu lmfley will piush uiullgested.
yiiilo tho ilfht cross often unites thu
CeJtid (liialitJes of botii patent, any ni
pt to breed from It onuses tbeblooil
that thu progenitors hao in common
to piv ail, and thu offspring i! ert buck
to thuoi iglnal iiniinpioved tj pe.
Wall sweetheart 1 am coltic down to
Wianar'e and got a now suit, then u a can
gat mnrriod.
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
iiihii nr toiintr) linn.
01)PPratlon In 's ui to licllnvo that
Eoveii-tenths nf the fancy poultry
breeders of this country live in town,
lly town wo mean ell.v, vIlKifro and
hamlet. The stialght out farmer fan
ciers aro very few Indeed. Home In
fact, a go per cent-of tlm town
people i keep fine fovvpt have Minor- (
ban Ii i, but the ratine h I'pneinilj
nicnHin . bj feet ami not by nni . V'i ,
believe fully no per cent of nil tin poul
try fancier keep their fowls on or-,
dlnnry town lotH--uuially on the back
end of tho lot In p?nn of Binall size. I
ta .'
we nave none so, and Dceu sucfe'siiii,
We have fowls in town on an onll
nniy lot in jienn from 1," to 0 feel
MUiarr. The town elilelmtm re.illy lools
heller than thu country chickens In
their large hI?iI jmipny num. Vh V
Ilccause In the country vvu depend on
tho giaf.s In the runs for green food:
nt this mon It tvts old and toiiRh,
the fowls ean't eat it and hence thoy
hnvo no gieen food.
In town wo grow little patches of
oats, ryo and mustard, pull It while
young, fresh and tender, and feed It to
the fowls dally. Kesult: Bright
comba and eyes, smooth plumage, eggs,
thrift and profit.
Early in the season wo planted corn
and sunllowcr scntterlngly In our cultl
vatablo spots, and it Is around and
nbout the corn and tho Hitnilovvers that
we grow the green btuff. Chickens like
fiuch coverings and will woik about
In them all day. We tlnow millet
seed In tlicic for which tlmy scratch.
Sometimes the chicks eat it, and often
they cover it up; wo wet It down at
night, and in n day or to thov have a
fresh green sprout instead of it seed.
Wo let the chicks in on the green In
tended for them, bit' that grown for
the fowls we pull nnd feed In the pens.
Green stuff Is tho basis of health and
vigor in both fowls aud chickens, and,
mind you, It cuts a big llgure in tho
feed bill. It cuts it down nbout half,
for from a peck of seed we can grow
several bushels of sprouts.
The green that we grow for tho old
fowls we gather or pull over thrco or
four timed before leseedlng. taking
care not to pull up the roots.
Hens will lay and chickens grow
nnd thrive in the back yard to the city
rcsldenco if they have their "cases"
of green. Poultry Journal.
Protect Your Tn4d.
Protect your trade by not Belling
Bcrub3 to anyone. Kill nnd sell for
poultry everything not worth $3 per
head or more. If every breeder of
thoroughbred fowls would do this we
should hour less about hucksters and
dishonest dealers. Can a man who
pretends to breed thoroughbred stock
afford to uso birds worth less than $3
each? Would he not bo better oft nnd
sell far moro birds if ho did not use
a bird worth less than $3, and from
that to $20 each for females, and $10
to $50 for males? The men who stand
tho beat and soil tho most stock aro tho
breeders who use none but the beat,
mil do not put Into their own pens birds
they would sell for less than ?5 each.
Supposo all the llrst-class breedera
should make a solid compact to kill
every specimen they raise not worth
tho retail pr co of ?5; tho effect would
bo this, that the merit and excellence
of the thoroughbred market would he
much higher than to-day. Every Vcrub'
you sell, no matter what tho price,
stands In tho way of n purchase of a
better one. Tho Men who now buy a
dnzen scrubs would put tho same
amount of mojey into n less number of
better hi oh, and ou ns a breeder
would rcelvo moro money and a better
profit, nnd Btop tho propagaton from
dermis, whoso influence hi lowering tho
ftvvrago standing of tho breed, and the
Ovll effect upon your trade which conies
from having theso scrubs pointed out
is coming from you; for if you have
an envlablo reputation, rest assured
your namo will bo used by tho second
party to persuado tho third to buy from
Among theso low grades. I bcllovo ono
better wring the necks of culls and
jlvo them to tho poor than to sell thorn
alive It Is policy. Poultry Monthly.
Tlm llrnoil Cork.
The sclccton of a brood cock J- one
)f tho most Important points In mak
ing up tho breeding pen. The cock
ihoiild bo as near as possible to per
fection In size, In color, . markings,
wattles, comb, ear lobes, etc. Of courso
duo regard should bo given to tho se
lection uf liens nlso; but tho male bird
oeing specially prepotent, ho liilluoncca
to a certain degree every chick hatched
from tlio pen. In outward appearance
no should bo neatly perfection. IIo
ihoiild bo strong, vigorous and healthy
be ond a doubt. Ills disposition should
flcadacho, foul breath, wiur Rtoruncn, heart
burn, pain In chest, dyspepsia, constipation.
Poor Digestion
Distress after ontlnir, pnln nnd blnntlng in tho
itomacli.Bluirtnevtef lireath, pnln In tlio heart.
Loss of Appetite
ARplrnilld fit Unix to-il.iy nnd u dopreved ono
to-moumv, uiitinii tutuij to tnsui xood, tired,
flivpk V uiiil mi nnti iiiib, weakness, debility.
Rwjwiip-UtMitliiilliUup (illicitly u rundown
constitution und lunkeathu ncuk6troiur,
At Iiriizulntu .10 eoiitu unil $1.00 titzc,
"IaYnlkU' (Hit la f llnultli" fito-Consultatlon txu
Da, UlliMt-.H i. CO., lllNUHA.UlO.N, K, ,
What is
Castoria is Dr. Sniuiiol Pitcher's prescription for Infants
ntttl Chlltlrcn. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
otlmr Nurootio Kiihstmiuc. It is a harmless stihstltnto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, anil Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee- is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms ami allays
fcverlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
nnd bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"Castoria Is an excellent medlclno for chil
dren. Mothers 1 u repeatedly told tno of Its
good cCcct upon their children."
Do. O. C. Omood,
" Castoria U the W.-t luinedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I lioiw tl e day Ij t ut
far dUtant w hen inotliew III cotulder thu real
Intorentof their children, nnd tno Custori.i in
Btcod of thovarloiisquaek tiostnimswlilch nro
destroying their loed ones, byforclncopliiiii,
morphine, soothing syrup and other liurtful
agunta down their thro.iW, thereby Bendiut;
thorn to prematura graves."
Da. J. F. Kivctiklor,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, TI
X) active, courageous nnd gallant. Hu
should bo bred from stock of woll tried
merit, bo that no danger of poor, Indlf
forcnt stock may crop out. Careful se
lection of brood cocks from various
yards of high class chicks. We occa
ilonally see a fine looking cock bred
from poor stock It Is not often, but
:hcn there are such cases; still It would
00 dangerous to select such a bird to
oead tho breeding pen, as his progeny
will almost surely take after the stock
from which he was bred. Every hen
ihoiild also be carefully bolocted, If ono
wishes to keep ono's reputation as a
breeder of choice fowls. A poor hen In
1 pen may tlnow a few defective chicks
cut a poor cock (let the hens bo ever
so good) will likely be tho cause of a
largo majority of Inferior chickens.
aniue Fanciers' Journal.
Tn proportion as we live for others,
will wo And Ufo worth living.
''Iio-u wh mo trniib'iil with lliti' ma
il nt fliniilil M n f w applied' iiiti of
ClUilulllllllillV 1'iitll H'lllll, lllhlilliK i'ia
pnrtH Inri)iii'l nt inch e i pliciMnn. It
tlint riotx not liriii; relief dumped u pli-e.e
of llniiml with l'n i ii Hut tn mid bind it on
nvtir tlio ituiit ot pnln mill prompt rulixf
will nurcly follow. For fnlo by II. E.
Oi ioo.-"
Childron's siiitH, from H to 15 joara.
wn lmvo an lonnt lino tn nnluct from,
in Hinnller si'tn w lutvt tlicin uh low nn
To fonts. Wianar, tlin Clothier.
m mi
Quality of Hay. Moro caro is com
monly taken by horso-ownoiH as to the
finality of tho oats than of tho hay thoy
purchase. Yet there Is a greater dlf
feronco between good and Inferior hay
than between tho be&t and, say, third
or fourth class oats. Hay varies gieat
ly, not only In tho quality of tho her
bage of which it Is composed, but In
tho conditions under which It hns been
harvested, and In how It hns been cured
in tho stack. Horns rarely suffer from
eating bad oats, whilo much disease in
tlio stahlo 1b attributed to tho quality
of tho hay thoy consume. It has been
estimated about HO per cunt of tho cases
of colic which occir In largo stables aro
duo to tlio hay with which tlio horses
aro provided. Owners of largo studs
frequently expcrlenco nn outbreak ot
colic among their anlmnls with tho pur
chase und consumption ot a frosh con
signment of hay. Hay poor In quality
and badly stacked Is a most oxpcnBlvo
fodder, from tho disease It frequently
ongoiulors, as well ns from Its low con
suming value. Great caro Hhould be
oxorclsed in tho purchaso of foreign
hay. Ex.
Winter Feed of Ewes. If tho ewoa
go Into winter quarters In good condi
tion, have an abund.inco of swcot clover
huy und nn occasional run on tho ryo
flold on sunny days, they need have no
grain whatever until near tho weaning
time, rind then II should bo light nt llrst
nnrl irmrtuuliy increased In quantity
unt HKy aro on full rations. Ex.
It's all tlm sum . n lihl ini, umigm
t'(l lniii'H or tv'ii mtiiili. One uimu'n
ooua'h euro ea Laulsl.them, 0. L. Cutting
f - iil HI .'Hi'S'l
JKIA D 1" itli C
" Castoria U so w ell mlapttd to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to mo."
II. A. Ancnnn, M. D.,
lit So. Oxford St , Itrooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians In tho ohlldren'it depart
ment liave Bjioken highly of their ex))cri
enco In their outside proutlcu with Castoria,
and although wo only have, among our
medical supplies what U known as regular
productH, yet wo aro froo to confes that tha
merits of Castoria has wen us to look witk
favor upon lt.n
Uhitko IIosrrrAL Attn DisntKBiRT,
Boston, M&tL
AlXKt C. SKmi, Prrt.,
Mnrrjr Street, Mow York City.
Tho March number of tho Nkiiiiabka
and Kansas Faumkk, witi A. C. Hos
mor as editor, camo out this weok. It
consists of sixteen piiKes, and will, in
our opinion, forgo to the front among
our ngricultural journals. Golden Bolt,
Rod Cloud, Nobr.
A. C. Hosnirtr, editor of the Red Cloud
Chief, with his other duties finds time
to bo business muniigor and editor of
tho NrmiASKA and Kansas Faumkk,
which is published ut Red Cloud. It
is n sixtoon pnts monthly unci it very
neat publication.- Nebrai-ka E litor.
A. C. Homier of the Red Cloud Chief
has secured thu Nkiiisa ka and Kansab
F.wiMK.n and is malting a very creditublo
Hu'riculturid p-ipm of it. Its contribut
ors aro mostly rnsi lintR of the Republi
can vnllev, nnd ns h ronbpquonce the ar
ticloii treat lurelv of local conditions
makini; them copHciiill v.iluahlo to our
furtuers. Superior Journal.
Tho March nuniher of tlioXfimABKA
and Kanss Faumku h an deck thiB
weok. It is a sixteen piigo journal, de
voted to Qgricultuio and stock raislDM
and everything pertaining thereto It
is published by the Farmer Co , in Red
Cloud with A. C I former ut thu helm ai
manHRnr. Tin; Faumku is a beauty in
point of typographical lieatiifbH, und iB
ono of tho host publications of its kind
in tho United Status. Red Cloud (Nob.)
Our old friend, A. C. Hosnier, of tho
Rod Cloud Chief, sends us a copy of tho
Neurabka and Kankab always
a good paper, but now bettor nnd bright
er than over u nder Mr. Hnemor's con
trol. All the dopartniontu uro woll ropjk
resented ngriculturo, horticulture, ir
rigation, stock-raising, poultry, apiary,
tho household, etc. Hesides these feat
ures tho Farmer hue an abundanco of
editorial and local mattor, which taken
altogether makes a very interesting farm
journnl, nnd ono whioh Tur. Sun can
heartily recommend to fanners in this
section. Superior. iNVbr )Sun.
i:iioiiiiiii!lsin tir.ti In ti Duy.
"MYS1IO (.'Ulti:" for RhnimntiHm
and Neiirnlni.i radiunlly ciire-i in 1 to .1
duyn. Itn nuilon upon ilm KVHtein is re
iiinrki bit umi m;nteriiiH. It lonioyeiT
nt onco the pun'e itiul tlm ilistii inimed
iiitely diiHiK nr. 'J hu lirht do- greatly
btirielltR. TricftilK. Sold by M, i:. Qrioo
rngijint, Red Cloud.
To lint SletulliiK I'litillu.
Do you wish to becotno acquainted
with the lending iigpculiiiriil and p
try papers? Fr ten mu,H in HilvJrPr
postage otanips, your imiim n ill bo placid
on tho preii Circulator list, and tho
leading agricultural and poultry pnpera
of tho United Stuen will send ou earn, k
pie copies free. CL.t on this llBt at ouco,
nnd you will soouirt lots of good litera
ture, and urn sure 'o he moro than satis
fied with tho investment. Write your
name and address nliiinly, and address
your letters to 1'ouiwiy.
Lock Hot lft'll,
Des Moines, la,
- - -
Bnrnn nr nbnolutoly palnlei9 when Do
Wltt'a Witch Hirel aRVe A promptly ap
plied. This ftntrant in true. Aporfect 1
ramedy for skin dispftoei", chnppad hauds
and lips, and uevor falls to cure pllas. 0
TrecH Htid IMiuils.
..' yu. wnnt Jmy trees shrubs r plants
this spring, niuv is the tune to ordor
thorn. Strawberry plutitB, HrBt-clnss, CO
cents por hundred. L. u. Rust.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
snow Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others, j
sjBrawwMWiiiiirt njw i""1"
..- himih .MtKattUtAMtilllatmi