The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 17, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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W ii
To the Editor: I have an absolute
. tdy for Consumption. By its timely use
I jusands of hopeless cases have been already
rmanently cured. So proof-positive am I
Its power that I consider It my duty to
titvo bottln free to those of your readers
Khave Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or
11)1? TTOUDle, li i"iy win write mc uicir
hress and postofllce address. Sincerely,
. SIOCUM, M. C, 183 Pearl St., Hew York.
Fir The Editorial nml uaslncas ttlanRRement el
itl l'atnr Uuaranteo ttiU generoiu rroiKjiltlon.
A. ('. HoHMitlt, Killtor.
I.AKOYTAIT, rtssi i,ncni r.uuur.
cutv m:ws.
Spring roetn.
Gardtn patch,
'I'ho dickellB 1
Heap Bcrutch
Neignbora' chickens.
1113, COffTLE. X
Im. --5--3--S-
Reduction in repair-
in on shoes sold from
our stock only, others
regular price.
l&i'linif. motif' half solos 50
Ladies' lmlC soles
Ilnuo In. If unlfR 1U
Misses and youths hulf boIob
Chitdrens' eoIos
See regular mm
Cincinus.ti Boot nud Shoo Storo
A. H. Kuloy, Prop,
856116: MEXTIOX.
Wall paper ut Cotting's.
Wutch repairing ut Newhouso Bros'.
Chiirly fiiim-y was in Hastings this
All kinds of jewelry tepuiring nt New
houfco Hros'.
Hon Hunks of Campbell wns in tho
city this week.
nnn. V.irr..n of tbo ArL'UB was in
Omiihu tins week.
DeHTurnuio wasin St. Joseph this
wook bujing goods.
C. H. Crom nnd d.iuglner Ednu wont
toOiimliu tlux week.
D. P. McFurliind and m, HnyeP, were
in Lincoln tins week.
Will McMillan, editor of the Belt,
went to Omaha tins w.ek.
Ed C. Bullcw, of MoCook was in tho
city this wook tin busings n.
S. Proudllt and A. J. Hayes wero up
from CJuido Rook tigs wook.
All kinds of crops look nico and tho
ground is in splendid condition.
Churloy 'Vliite has gone to Hluo Hill
whoro bo will faim during tho summer.
A. D. Green of Republican City was in
the city on Tiiuradu) isiting old friends.
Miner Hros. mo pu.ung -0 cents for
corn. This is a good tune to sell your
Quor Why don't Fred McKooby
wear tho whiskers ho received througb
tho mail?
Sam D)r and childion have returned
from Missouri whole they vibited for a
few duys.
Charley Gurnoy wishes to nnnounco
that ho will hereafter run his milk
wugou night and uiuiniug.
4 TJeo. R. Chaney of Heatrico will ro
move tolled Cloud in a fewdajsand
resuaio tho practice of law.
Wm. Smith and wife of Jowoll City,
Kansas, were visitim: with District
Clerk Hurdeu imd family this week.
When you wnut a nico smooth shave
or huir.cut. oivo Geo. Fontress a cnu
One door south of tho Hon Ton Hakery.
Last week Mrs. E. J, Overing received
tho sad nows of her mother's doath.
The docoasod was a resideut of Maiuo.
John McHrido and wifo of Shorldan,
Wyoming, arrived in tho city this week,
on u visit to kis mothor and rolatlvos.
He bus been absent for a number of
Jerome Vance of Guido Rock, invud
od our sanctum this week long onough
to renew for Tin: Ciiikp, and inform the
Big Injun that ho was going to plant
200 acres of MoKinloy corn, uurrun
iVpr Billy McKinloy and Hro. Vnnco.
Mollio Boyd was thirtoon years old on
Thursday, April lflth, 1890, and hor
father and mothor, Mr. and Mrs. J. A,
Boyd, gavo her nn oxcollont reception,
to which ovor thirty young pooplo or
kni- ncrn wnrn uri'HOIlt. All rOPOrt a
u. .-. ..,. ...
Correct time at Penman's.
A yard of soap for 2."c at Cutting's.
P. V. Taylor whb in Omnhu this week.
A box of stationery for 25c nt Cotting's.
!i re. P. V. Taylor is homo from Lin
coln. Pap Willis is again in chargo of tho
round houeo.
Road A. II. Kaley's prizo spring an
nouncement. C. P. Cathor was in tho city tho lattor
part of last wook.
G, E. Hicknoll was in Superior this
wook on busincBs.
G. M. Albin of Mt. Claro, Neb., wan in
tho city thia weok.
G. It. Chancy arrived in tho city on
Wednesday evening.
J. P. Kondall of Suporior was on out
our streots this weok.
Do not fail to road A. II. Knloy's miss
ing word nnnouncomont,
. Dr. Damoroll and family wero down
from Hastings this woek.
Tho rains Saturday night nnd Sunday
mndo tho pooplo feel good.
Mrs. 13. J. Pulsiphor has movodjto
HftBtings to llvo in tho future ""
Try a can of Hopkins' Stoamod Horn;
iny (Hulled'Cornjr'lt is dollciouB. jj
Look for"thorais8ing"link in A. II.
Kaloy'a announcement. There's money
in it,
Spoctnclos and oyo-glassos flttod by
the only correct Bystom at Nowhouso
Minor Bros, aro paying 20 cents for
corn. This is a good timo to soil your
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Albright nro homo
from an extoudod visit at their old homo
in Pennsylvania.
Harry Pond hns moved his olllco into
tho rooms formerly occupiod by D, J
Myors, ovor tho postofllco.
Have yon found tho missing words in
A. II. Kuley's spring nnnouncomont.
Try it; it costs you nothing.
J. II. Smith, district ngont of tho
Continental Insurance Co. of Now York.
Insurance on tho installment plan.
Mrs. Jacob and child of Wymoro, nud
Mrs. Heurstottaot Tccumsoh, sister of
Mrs. W. S. Benso.ure visiting in the city.
Como and seo the vast assortment of
shirts". You will bo surprised to find
such low prices. Vionr, tho Clothior.
A. Spaulding destreB to do any kind
of garden work for tho peoplo of Had
Cloud. His prices will bo reasonablo as
he needs work.
J. C. Warnor is in Gillette, Colorado
and haB purchased a lot and will go in
tho surveying business. Gillotte is said
to be a hot town.
Wo omittod to mention last woek the
nrrival of Mrs. Ilattio Warner of Pueblo,
Colorado, who is visiting hor sister, Mrs.
Maggie Hollistor.
A little ill. then a littlo pill. The ill 1b
gone the pill ha won, DoWitt's Little
Kiirly Itiarrs tho little pills that cure
great ills, CL (Jotting.
I. H. Hampton. Goo. V. Cathor, N. E.
Robinson, Jno. Crozier, It. T. Potter, T.
C. Hackor, J. T. MUIb, L. P. Albright
and C. W. Kaley wero in Omuhn this
G. M. Plumb, at one timo oditor of
tho Hod Cloud Helmet, now dofunct,
was n ploasant caller this week whilo in
tho city, visiting his brothor Prod and
Mrs, Morris Storn has returned from
her extendod visit in Pniladolphia, and
MorriB ib so tickled thnt for two or throe
days he didn't know whother ho was
on foot or horsoback.
Right nftor tho rainsoveral people
drovo into tho cemetery and cut up
tho drives in bad shapo. John Aultz,
tho managor, wishos to inform all par
ties to koep on the drives whon in tho
"A Noble Meclimilc."
Tho play given nt tho opora houso last
Tuesday night, under tho direction of
the Red Cloud S, of V. band, was ren
dered In an admirable munner, and was
greotod with a full houBe, who showod
their approval by hearty applaueo
throughout the program. Tho cast of
characters was exceedingly strong, and
each individual acquitted himself or
herself in n most crcditablo style.
As Judgo Henry Buttonp, a retired
and wealthy mill owner, Prof. I). O.
Jenkins was a pronounced success. 111b
mnko-up wns perfect, and ho looked tho
vonerablo judgo to a degreo that wub
al most n certainty. His gestures, facial
expression nnd epeoches wero rondored
in n corresponding manner.
Geo. Nowhouse, in tho role of Harold
Thomas, a gontloman of loisuro, and tho
heavy villain of the play, uiBdo n dicidod
hit. Goorgo was n dashing character,
and played his part bo woll that ho drow
many a sweet smilo from tho nudlonco.
Henry Hansoll, "a noble mochunlc,"
the principal character, was actod by
Wm. i'ulloyB in a way as to win him
many laurels. Will ib at homo on tho
Aristottlo ThompkiiiB and Horatio
Snuash. tho Judgo's moot intimato
frionde, by Chas. Whito and Wm. Tul
le) b, woro prominent purts nnd uphold
thoir characters well.
Hen McParland, ns Hans Von Snndt,
tho cook, wao a comicul personngo In tho
Judiro'a hoiiBohold, nnd tho numerous
difllculties thrust upon this typical
dutchman woro sorrowful to behold.
J. O. Wiles nnd 11. J. Clark in thoir
make-ups as Julius und Nob, tho colored
sorvunts. with their broad sinilos, witty
sayings, nnd comical antics, receivod
thoir share of tho attention and kept
the nudionco in n continuous uproar.
It is neodless, of courso, to say thnt bov
eral in tho nudionco woro victimB of
their jokes.
Bon McCuuo, tho policomnn, with his
bluo coat and shining helmet, was u con
spicuous tlguro when on tho stugo and
played his rolo perfect.
Mrs. D. C. Jenkins as Laura Boll, tho
Judge's ward, mndo a decided impres
sion on tho nudionco by tho eamcotnoBS
nud ability sho displayed in rendering
hor part. Laura Bell was the heroine of
tho drains, and handsomer ono would
bo hard to Und.
MirB Mabel SaunderB uphold her char
acter as Mis. llansell in tin able manner,
und her clear voice sounded distinctly
through the audience, ns sho spoke her
sentences ilooisivol). blio appears won
on the stage.
Dolly, tho maid, in tho person of Miss
Grace Fort, was a inoHt winning and
huudboino participant. Sho was ruler
of the manor in tho Judgo's absence,
and made the servants too the mark, bo
to speak.
Miss AnnnTullo)s impersonated Mary
llniris, tho sick child, in a very able
Mibs Lillio Smith furnished excellent
music for tho occasion, with hor usual
unfaltering execution. ,,,,,
Tho rendition of "A Noblo Mechanic"
vill be a pleasant memory to those who
witnessed tho play, nud tho compliments
passed to tho participants toll how well
thoir efforts woro appreciated.
"My Httle boy wan alllloted with small
bolls. A friend ndvlurd mo to try Hood's
SnrHnpurilln. 1 did no and tho sores din
appeared hoou after ho began taking it."
Mrs. Maggie Howerd, G'JO South lltli St.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills,
Every fnrmor, poultryman and stock
raiser should lend his aid and influence
to build up the Nebraska und Kansas
Parmer, Poultry and Stock Journal. Tho
price of subscription is vory low und
every farmer in Webster county stiould
sond ono or two copies east, west nnd
everywhere to frionds. Remember it is
a eixteen page monthly, teouiiug full of
ogricultural news, etc. If you do not
take it send your nnmo to the Parmer
Co., Red Cloud, Nobr., tor n sample copy.
You cannot stand up Tor Nebraska nnd
Kansas in nny bettor way. Every sub
scriber of Tub Cmr.r ehouldsond a copy
to u friend. Tho pnpor is non-partisan
Send for a copy nt onco. Price 10 cents
per year, if Huoscribed for during tho
noxt ninety days.
A llnil Storm.
Ono of tho werat looking storms thnt
wo huvo ovor gnzod upon uppoarod in
tho southern skios on Inst Priday ovon
injj between 0 and 7 o'clock. A by
stander who might hnvo been gazing
toward the sunny south would have oh
eorvod a doop black, inky ctotul swiftly
approaching, seomingly impelled with
groat volocity from some hiddon fore e.
Abovo nnd around tho black cloud could
bo eoen a groat amount of Kansas real
ostnte going northward with it. Whon
tho storm reached thin city, nnd it
looked villlanously, it was so dark that
tho chicketiB went to roost und most
people wont int dugouts or collars,
thinking that an Impending cyclone was
at hand. One could not see his nearest
nolghbor's house, tho duet was bo thick
nnd it was with great four that tho poo
plo preporod for tho worst, which fortu -natoly
tumod out to be only ono of our
dust storms added to ooverat times,
Howovor, Rod Cloud wub only in tho
odgo ef tho storm, for over in Garllold
township tho wind was very sovoro, and
at Andy Hnwley s houeo it was torritlc.
Mr. Huwloy, wifo und throe children,
started for u drivo, und whon
thoy had gained tho uummit of an
elevation near-by thoy saw tho
storm for tho HrBt timo and it was sc
cIobo that although ho run tho team ho
did not got buck to the houso beforo the
storm struck him. Ho quickly unhitch
ed tho team und loft them in charge of
hie wifo, and ho run to tho houso to get
biB two children, and with ono hold of
ouch hand ho started back to help his
wife nnd other child. Tho dust was so
thick by this time that ho could nut seo
n corn crib that ho was going toward,
when without u moment's warning thu
wind seomod to have brokon loose, and
tho root of the crib was tnkon olT und
landed near him, ono ond striking bis
little ten year old girl, Kdna, breaking
liorlloft leg twice mid her collar
eidos otherwise) bruising her. Tho po -culinr
part of it was, said Mr. Hawloy,
that thu roof broke the lug noxt to him.
Tho other child and himself escaped
uninjured, as did his wifo and younger
child who had nestled down on tlin
south side of tho crib. Dr. Damoroll
wus tolegruphod for und reached hero ut
noon unit IJr. Hull had gone out bofore,
und with their aid tho littlo girl will
rocovor. It was a er) cloee call for
Mr. Huwloy vnd faiuil). ThoHiinio wind
damaged Will Kuohu'H bin n $.0. Tore
down J. C Wolf's, .Jiif. Amack'u hIihiIh
nud set lire to a house of More) King's
in the edge of Kansas. Some other
damauo was reported, but them was no
damage sustained in this city. It
was tho most frightful looking storm
wo have seen in Nebraska. Following
tho dust storm on Saturday afternoon
ut riflO o'clock commenced n rain that
lusted over thirty hours, und one of the
most betielicial rainfalls that Nohraeka
lias had for three years, wetting down
au far as two feet in sod lain!, and from
three to four feet in plowed land. The
rain came down steadily and most of it
per.otruted the thirsty earth. It tills
the peoplo Willi that "liopo that springs
eternal in the human breast." And
woll it may.
Il'n jimt ns easy to try One Minute
CoiikIi Cure an anything eluo. It's easier
to cure a povero cough or cold with it.
Let your next purchase fur a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure, Hotter medi
cine; better result; butter try it, C. L.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or scTgrcat In leav
caing power as the RoyaL,
all the
in the world
Wc offer all wool
Clay Worsted
Suits, good
enough for any
one to get mar
ried in at
1 SW
We have also a com
plete line of other
things to be worn on
on such occasions, between "H. S. & M.'J
Wp r fif vnn nut- clothes and all other
w -w -wtw vvi v . w
from head
will be happy if you
will buy your outfits
of us.
Chas. Wiener,
kinds, we sell them.
This Label on a Garment Insure
W. Perfect I'll and Satisfaction I
It stands for the Best that Monty, j
Can Buy or Skill Produce
Tin: Stnto Republican convention has
beon called for July 1 at Lincoln.
MuKinm'.v goes marching on to vic
tory ovory day, although ho has u groat
many rivals who are ungry ovor his
popularity among tho peoplo. (live ub
Bill McKinloy and prosponty.
On Wednesday afternoon Mr. Harry
Stroup was united in mnrriago to Miss
Lizzlo Sibort, Rov, Goo. W. Hummoll
otllcluting. Both the young pooplo nro
well known in this city, und their f rionda
tubo ploasure in wishing them a happy
lifo. The Cuikp oxtonda congratulations.
comotory or prosecution is liable,
James Murphy, tho all around, halo
und hearty Jooms, tho coal rustler at the
n. .fe wi.BhodB. invaded our sanctum on
Monday nnd gave two round cart wheelB.
He has been so busily engaged that it
waB tho llrst time wo had soon him tor u
On last Tuosduy morning, about throo
o'clock, the Hro department wna cnllod
to the northeast part of town, whoro
tho residence of J. C. Myore wna being
nnnniimed bv flro. but woe Boon exllm
nleasant timo. I milnhnd after tho arrival of the liromon.
The ramiiy was not ai iiome, anu, as
thero had beon no flro in tho houso, tho
origin of the blozo is unknown.
Do nut full to read A, II. Kaloy'a nov
ol spring nnnouncomont, which cornea
out this issue. Examine hie bargains;
read his announcement ir you can. xou
will tlnd ouo word missing ui tno onu or
each lino. To tho tirst porson supplying
tho missing words, or coming tho near
est, ho offers 85 in cash; second porson,
gj 50. Evory person should try for this
prizo oliet; it cobib you noimng.
Fred Goblo says thnt hie grandchil
dren can't nppreciato good music. The
othor day ho called tho little boy to him
and said: "Comeeit ffrtntlpg'e lap
and he'll aing to you." The little fellow
1 looked into hie tenewble grandslree
connteunnce patronizingly ana rcpueu,
"Don't Bing, grandpa,'r ami with that
tired look Fred allowed smiie vo pans
over his facial organs und deaiitod. lie
save now if ho just threaten to aing the
little fellow will do nnytbip for ai
ti have bim not da ao.
Highest Honors World'
A pine Grape Qeam of Tartar Powder. Tm
from Ammonia, Alum or any other aduMeraa
Children should be happy
and plump. A child of seven
should not be thin and pale,
with the aged look of twenty.
No aches; no whines; no
house-plant. Running, jump
ing, laughing. Children
should grow in weight and
strength; eat heartily and
show plump cheeks.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
fiveir Oil with Hypophos
phites fills out the sunken
cheeks and gives color to the
lips. It furnishes material
for the growth of bone, and
food for the brain and nerves.
It lays a strong foundation
lor future growth and development
SCOTT'S fUyiSWN tit "A'r
toxltiui til mm! SCencf
CHtrOdiJVrpH2t'l- . ..
'mm Ht t tUHJbur fi wejmrmy.
Wk notice from a progrnm rocoived nt
this oftice that our estoeniod follow
townsman, Prof. L. S. Wilson, euperin
tondont of the Rod Cloud Public schools
has been included on the list of special
instructors nnd lecturers at the Lincoln
Stuto Normal University, for the wintor
torm. This ib cortnlnly n nigu nonor xo
Mr. Wilson, whon wo notice his numo
umong bucIi celobrities ns Hon. Wm. J.
Bryan, A. L. Bixby, Prof. Chae. E.
Bosso, Hon. G. M, Lumbortson, nnd
many othors. Prof. Wilson in an odu
entail und nolishod Kontlenian. und our
schools, under his management, have
prospored wonderfully during tho last
yoar, and have wont forwnrd very har
moniously. Wo boliovo the state nor
mal wiib very fortunuto In Boouring hia
Our political situation la of gront im
portance to tho pooplo thia year. For
fouryoare wo huvo boen living undor
democratic misrulo nnd the poople have
becomo ulraost sturvod ovor tho full
aciouB free trade doctrines of that party,
A chango must comound the peoplo are
only wnlting for tho time when they can
replace tho present administration with
tho republican party. Wo wunt men in
congress who huvo tho courage of their
convictions nnd who will vote to rostoro
tho protective tariff, adopt un oquitablo
Jlnnnciul policy wnorouy mo yeuow unci
whito rnotul will hnvo their places in tho
world's monotary centora, wo wunt mon
who will legislato to holp the farmers
as well us the bankora, want mon who
will aid the people moro and themsolvoe
Innn. fiuoh men compose tho ropubli-
can party, and ehoy will bo roturnod to
the legislative halls thia fall with one
grand aweepintr victory.
fl.l .... I, .5
Iho paper cnrrler'o whistle
No more is daily heard;
Ho'e lost his whiskors, and tho wind
Huab; set a word 1
Just Returned
From Market,
Thoso potatooo wero raisod
Especially for Seed.
and nro tho (lnost that money would buy, Como
and eoe thorn nud bo your own judgo.
While in raarkot wo also picked up a
bargain in
Thoy aro worth from $2 to $2.50,
They will go
at QQ cei?ts.
" i
yjKMrr--jiuJBv-n-rW?!'' W!" t- w- -. -v
5!L".f AateahassiiaSKal ,