The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 10, 1896, Page 8, Image 9

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Iff'Sffi f'VW"
it i n pwi wywtwi
Eminent Methodist Divine Cured
of Nerve Troubles by Paine s
Celery Compound.
r ii
Rev. 'ipVniah Meek, D. D., i a(perb
heulpbmd tmnin nil ever the Routl .
Since 18fi7 hi' ln owned and edited
the Central Mvthndtat, the leading
paper of tho Methodist Episcopal
church in tho south. He represents
his.atalo at tho general conference.
lie was ono of tho Kentucky com
missioners to tho World's Columbian
Exposition. During Iuh ministry in
the south ho has built ond dedicatod
five chapoK Ho writes from Cat
lettsbnrg, Kentueky, where hiH homo
is, as folfows:
"I have used several bottles of
rino'n Colory compound for nervous
trouhlpH, resulting from overwork, and
with immediate t'fT d an well as prr
manftit bnnifit. It is tho best nerve
tonic that I havo ever tried. It has
afro bvn used in my family with
jqod bent-fit."
Tired out. half sick men and women
need anim thing more than a mcro
rest. They need a positive, unmis
takable nctvo food, thev muht have a
reserve ef norm force to draw from,
before their hoads will tease to ncho
and their nerves fence to tremble with
Xt is orttimatod that there arc over
twp million nrrvo flbcrs in the body.
Se long ns these miuuto tissues arc
kept fully nourished, one lives in
blissful ignorance of any such thing
aa neuralgia, headache or evon a
rierveus system, but lot ono become
"run down" and tho nutrition of tho
body get low, and every ono of these
myriad fibers becomes a ''live wire"'
within tho flesh. Ilpadachos, neu
ralgia, rheumatism, and other forms
of nervousness and debility result di
rectly from a famished nervous ays
tern. Paino's Celery Compound is
able to correct this faulty condition.
It builds up the nervous system and
sustains it. Tho brain at onco feels
tlio strengthening effoota of tho fu-
Tho Nebraska and Kinsas Farmer
is giying Osear Gleason's horse
book, valued at. $3, with ono year's
subscription for nOo
The Chicago Intor-Ooi an and
'ilio banner, for one year. . . .
I'lio flow York Tnbnno and Tho
The J)rcnm City and Farmer for
ono year
Tho Cosmopolitan magnzino and
Parmer for one year (1
Tle Silver Knight and Tho
Farmer &a0
The SemirYYeukly Statu Journal
and Farmer, one year QOo
OmAba World Herald and Tlio
Farmer 80o
Sent to any ud dress oa-rocoipt of
Nbiikabka and Kanbas Faumkk,
lied Cloud, Neb.
A. Ilttlo ill, then a littlo pill. The ill is
gono tho pill hat won, DeWitt' Little
Early RlHrrs tho little pill? that euro
great ilia, 0 L Cutting.
uutriiunnt. Ti ere nro tlioiiM-
hiiiIs of men ii'id wi men today who
havo boon enablad t keep vigorously
at work, who must have given up but
for Paino's oelery compound.
Nervous affections aro a warning to
busy people.
At tho earliest sign of redueed
nervo fereo, inability to alcep, lan
guor, or a gloomy habit of mind, ev
oryono should look immediately to
tho nutrition of their nervous systom
and to tho purity of their blood.
Paine's celery compound will attond
to both of theso urgent needs more
thoroughly and more speedily than
anything elso in tho world. Paine's
celery compound is not to bo con
founded with tho flomnion prepara
tions, tho sarsaparillas and nervines.
Being thf disonvery of a man of sci
ence, Prof. Edward E. Phelpp. M. D.,
LL. ., of Dartmouth College, it has
tho support of tho best physicians;
thoy prescribe it universally; and the
many sink persons made woll by its
uso proves that its support is moritod.
To tho great majority of business
men a vacation, to say nothing of
three months of complcto inactivity,
it is out of tho question, at this sea
son, evon when their brainH demand a
complcto rest and their nerves aoho
and threaten them with prostration.
Now, thero aro hundreds of busiposs
men and hard working professional
men in this city in just this condi
tion. What aro they to do? Those
wire aro tired out, "run down" and
debilitated at this trying season will
do well to read somo of tho straight
forward and convincing statements
from tho men and women who havo
been cured by Paine's colory ooni-
) pound.
Nervous weakness vanishes before
Paino'H colory compound as mist be
fore the health-giving rays of tho aun.
Convince yourself of tho fact at onoo
if. your health is at all impaired.
Trees niul Plants.
If you want any trees, ehrubswr plantB
this spring, now ia the time to order
them. Strawborry plants, tlrst-class, GO
conta por hundred. L. II, IIust.
...foil sweetheart 1 urn gottfir down to
Wiener n and got a new unit, then we can
get married.
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
Wa aro lowing oats and making
Ed MoMor has juit finished sowing
a nice ield of alfalfa.
J. 11. Stansor has purohasod a bill
of fruit trors form North Branch nur
series and soys "I shall raise
my own apples
Rev. Clark, who is visiting his sis
tor Mrs. C. II. Smith, gavo a very in
teresting discourse to a crowded
house in the M. E. church Sunday
evening, uNcriptivo of Jjpan and his
work tin ro in tho cause of Christ.
Mr. Clark has been thero a long timo
mid is well acquainted with that coun
try. Ho will bo hero again Sunday
MUs Mayo Popo closed a success
ful term of school in tho Wagoner
district tho 27th. Everyono seems
to bo well pleased with tho work dene.
Miss Oncta Argabright had a sc
vtc attack of tho scarlctina last week
but is now convalescing under tho
care of Dr. Moranvillo of Hod Cloud.
W. B. N.
During the winter of 18!:J, F. M. Mar
tin, of Iiong Kcach, West Vn., oontraotod
a snvt-rn cold which loft him with n cough.
In speaking of how ho enred it ho says:
,'I used several kinds of eongh syrnp tint
found no rcliuf nnttl 1 bought a bottle of
('liHiuberlnin'ri Cough Koinedy, which re
lieved mo nltnnst instnntly and in a short
tinin bronght about a complete ouro."
Wlixti doubled with a cough or oold use
this rtmtdy and you will not And it neo
cersiirj to try several kinds before you
grt relief. It nan been In the market for
over twenty years nnd constantly grown
In rnvnr and popularity. For sale at 20
and r0 cunts per bottle by It. E. Orlce.
..-- i
Wm James sports a now bioycle.
Arch Isoin has hired to It. T. Whito
for tlm season.
Joel Christie and wife were viiit
ing at C. E. Vanghan's, near Guide
IIock last Saturday.
Mrs. S. C. Hall is quite tick of
quiiisey. Dr. Moranvillo is in atten
Miis Nary Faiquhar spent last
weak at horns, is being vacation at
Guido Ruck. Miss Canie'a school
hss elosed.
Tho Christtiin Endeavor sectcty ol
ot Cowlcs, gavo an entertainment at
Pleasant 9o sobool house April 2,
was well attended.
Dick Smith and lamily havo re
turned from Kansas and Missouri
whoro they have been visiting rela
tives. Easter sorvioes were held at Eoklcy
church April 5th. A large crowd
was in attcadanoo. Simpson.
Thoro is more Catarrh in this aeetion
of the oonntry than all other diseases
put together, nnd nntil the last few years
was supposed to be incnrnble. For a
great many years doctors prononnotA it
a local diseaso, nnd presoribed local re
medies, and by constantly failing to ouio
with iooal treatment, pronoanoed it in
curable. Ssience 1ms proven catarrh to
bo n constitutional diseaso and therefore
reqnires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J,
C honey & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the truly
constitutional cure on the market. It is
takon Internally in doses from 10 drop to
a teaspoonful. It note direotly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
Thoy offer ono hundred dollars for any
oaso it fails to enro. Send for oireolars
nnd testimonials. Address,
J. F.CHENEY it CO., Toledo, 0.
2T Hold by drnggiits, 7ro.
Walnut Creek.
Tho weather has bcon somewhat
colder this week. April entered with
a cold wavo and a littlo an ice
Wo aro sorry to learn that Mrs. Jcs
son ia not much hotter.
Tho whist club met at Nick's Fri
day night, took their supper's with
them, unci ate. drank and were morry.
Col. Woods just flics around with
that now team of ponies. Ho thinks
Dissolve) Gravel .
Gall stone, brick dust In urine, pain la uroenr,
straining after urination, pain in tho back aori
hips, sudden stoppaRO of water with pumvc.
Briglit's Disease
Tnbo casta lu nrine, scanty urine. tfMttmp-itoet
turjs urinary troubled and kidney dimculHug,
Liver Coinplaiiit
rfpidort'nlarireJ liver, foul brath, hUlam
ihss, blUous Ucudachc, H)or dliroatlon, iroufc.
TntUiuniation, Irritation, ulceration, dribbling,
freiiue nt culls, pa-s lilood, inneui or pus.
At DriiKKUli. CO ointN anil $l,OOSIzc,
'IflyaHiU' Onlilo to IUmUIi" fm-Cun.ulut. fr
they are very nioo.
Miss Graco Arueson was the guest
of Miss Myrtlo Vanderburgh last Sunday.
Peter Martin smiles at all tho girbj
sinco ho got that new buggy.
Say Bud, how is that Llaak yo of
yours gotting along?
Mr. Luce and wife woro visiting on
the crook Sunday.
Everybody is sowing oats.
Ono day, not long since, somo of
tho young Indies on Walnut creek,
with that good-looking young gent,
went over to ltiyerton and had their
photo's takon. Wo undeistand thoy
arc to bo distributed among tho fann
er to bn of use in l'rightoning tho
orows awaj.
A run-away on Walnut creek last
week. 'Twas no ono's horso that ran
There is preaehing at distridt thrco
every two wooks on Saturday ovoning
by Itev. Wells. A good attendanco is
Inflammatory ItlicuitiatlsinCurc
eil In it Day.
Morton T, Hill, of Lobnnon, lud., says:
"My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism
In every muscle nnd joint, her suffering
wt.R torriblo nnd hor body and tnco wero
swollen nlinost beyond recognition; had
been in bed for six wooks and hud eight
physicians but received nn benellt nntil
she triodl tho MYSTIC CUHE FOR
RHEUMATISM. It gavo immediate re
lief and she was nblo to wnlk about in
three days. I am snre it saved her life."!
Sold by H. E. Grico druggist, Rod Gloud
Willow Creek.
Farmers arc about dene putting in
oats. Tho aorcago is largor than
usual this spring.
T. 6. Wilder, our old neighbor has
moved baok on tho farm from Rod
J. T. La coy has purohasod neccs-4
sary machinery to put in his boot
crop and tend it.
Bessie Godwin and mother returned
front Hastings last weok whoro they
wore visiting rolatives.
Harry Brubakor is breaking prairio
for L. L. Boron.
Somo of the Cowlos merchants are
out for a season ef pleasure. They
are going to farm, this summor.
G. A. Latta'a children. Mabel and
Carl aro again coming to school at
Willow creek.
Soma of eur boys say it is not right
for our young ladios to have to depend
on tho young gonts from afar whoJ
havo tly teams and une rigs tor an
outing, so thoy have equipped them
selves hkewiso, Thoy say they will
enter the field nt once. What tho
outcomo will bo we will ohoonrclo
lator ob. Nip and Tucic.
An AllWIuvlt.
This is to certify that on May llh, I
walked to Melick'a drng store on a pair
of orntchos nnd bought a bottrx of Cham
berlain's Vain Balm for inllammatory
rheumatism whioh had crippled mo up,
After using throo bottletJ I am complete
ly onred. I ean ohearfnlly recommenod
it. Chnrlea H. Wetzel, Hunbnry, Fa.
Sworn and subscribed to boforo mo on
August 10, 18'Jl. Walter 8hlpmna, J. V.
For sale at IiO cents per bottle by IL K.
W. II. Hodman is down
with la
Wo aro glad to noto that Mrs. C.
II. Clark is improving under tho doc
tor's care.
Will Stricter, Harry Eck nnd John
Jones, who were up at tho Platte
river tho latter part of the week ro
turned Saturday with fivo geese, they
report gamo plenty.
Peter Paugh of Blue Hill was look
ing afycr business in this city Mon
day. Mr. Horrick from near Bluo HUM
was in this city Saturday.
Mrs. C. E. Hicks is visiting frfenas
down in Kansas.
Misses Day and Kennedy spent
Saturday with their parents at HcJ
James Dority and family spent Sun
day with J. C. Ilartuian.
Dr. Kehlor was a Campbell visitor
Saturday evening.
Four mill tax was levied at the
tovrn meeting Tuesday. "Very few
seemed to bo interested as tho attoo
daneo was small.
J. It. Horn had tho building occu
pied by A. P. Johnson reshingled, II.
L. llaohon differ dojng the work,
Minor Doyle and family of Ilolei
tiae wore visiting with his mother!
Mrs. J, R. Horn Sunday.
Mr. S. Day ef Red Cloud vas in
this city Sunday. He was accom
panied to Red Clodd by Mrs. Doylo
who loft that city for Bcatrioe to sfce
her mother who is seriously ill.
McKinloy buttons are making their
appoaranco on tho coat lappets of sov-
1 oral of our citizens.
for Infants
a niSiirxx- iu
iiatrinan'a Drops, (Itifrcy'a
most remedies for ctUdren nro
Do Yon Know that opium and mori Jilno are stupefying nnrcotlu iiolsous J
Do Yon Knnwtlmtlniiinrtr.)tifitrlpflilrnifpMjinr.i not permitted to boll iiarcotlca
without labeling them ioloiis J r
Po Yon Know that you rJould not iiennlt any modicuio to bo given your child
tjnloss you or your physician knoi ; of hat It Is composed 1
Po Yon Know that Costcrla li n purely vegetable preparation, nnd that a list of
Its ingrodlonta ia published with owrybottlof -4
Po Yon Know that Castotla U tho prescription of tho famous Dr. Samuol ritchor.
That it has been in uso for nearly thirty years, and that naoro Castorla Is now sold than
Oj all othor remedies for children aomblncd t
Po Yon Know that tho Tatent Offlco Dcpartmont of tho United States, and of
othor countries, havo issued cxcluslvo right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to uso tho word
Castorla" and Its formula, rod that to Imitate them Is a state prison offense 1
Po Yon Know that ono cl tho reasons for granting this government protection woa
bocauso Castorla had been protcn to bo absolutely harmless?
Po Yon Know that 35 avorago doses of Castorla nro furnished for 35
cents, or ono cent a ''oso f
Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children mAjr
be kept well, and that you may Ijivo unhrokon rest ?
Wallt thet things art, worth knowkur. They ore facte.
Tho fuc-idmUo
ignatnro of
Children Cry for
A flno rain Wednesday.
Mr. MoKiuimey is helping lay steel
north of Cowlos this week.
Mr. Cookrall and wifu wero visiting
wost of Blue Hill Saturday and Sun
day. Jas. Mitchell, Charley Trunkoy and
Claud Miller wero the guests of Hugh
Beat Sunday.
Al Merrit and Miss Lillio Downs
oamo homo from Rlun Hill Monday.
Miss Ileal has u now bioyclo.
Mr. Kollohon was vislti"g friends
near Bluo Hill last week.
Chas. Frisbio nas in Guide Rock
I. Frisbio is building a fene
around hia residence. .
Miss Mme Real was in Amboy Sun
Mr Rasmusscn. has finished paint
ing hisjbuggy.
jfiss Ctia". Frisbio departed foi
Texas Tuesday.
Jamos Mitchell t lie Amboy must
instructor was giving lessons at th
sobool houso Saturday ovoninc
Straw hats are all tho go in Amboy
Gcorgo Mann has built an additio
to his mansion on tho hill.
A couple of Amboy sports woro i
Red Cloud Sunday night.
Mr. Emmioks were visiting J. Bern'
Lou Bcal has purchased somo stra;
and expects to weave him a now stra'
I. Frisbic was visiting at Mr. Miller'l
Sunday. QuACKiNitrtAUK.
We might tell you more about One
Minnte Cough Cure, but yon probably
know that it cores u cough. Every one
ikx's who hns nsed it. It is a perfect
remedy for conirliH, colili", hoarseness. It
ia nn especial favoritu for ehildron, bein
nlensnnt to take nnd iiuick in curing. C
h Cotting.
Children's suite, from 3 to IS yea
I wa have an elegant line to select fro
id smaller suee we nave tuem aa low i
75 cent. Wiener, the Clothier.
itlullc UtiuunatUmCiired.
It. Wagner, Wiiolfsnlu DrnifRiat, Rioli
fmond, Vu., suys: "I had a fearful attaol
ef aelatio itheiiinntlsm, was laid up
most two mom lis, wa fortunate onnuu
TI8M. 1'hls awred inn after dootor'a pre!
aorlntiona had failed to have nnv effect!
Sold by II. E. Urloe ilrug)iat, Ited Oloudl
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder!
A Pure Orspc Cream ol Tartar Powder.
ftJ"''" A"A WiM
llJ!K,tR IV1 'AMMFi
and Children.
aa 1 -... g
um rvfiuvy n,fti
Cordial, many ho-willcd Soothing jl
couipowd of opium or morphine J '
In on every
Pitcher's Castorla.
To tlio Fariniiiff Public.
To any and nil persona paying Tuk
Ciiikf $1.10 for ono venr'e suliscription
wa will send the NEBRASKA AND
KAN8A3 FARMER ono year krkk;
this will includo our regular premium
besides. Tub Fakmkr will be nn excel
lent medium for tho farmore ot the
country, and ono that will bo full of in
teresting articles on the farm and all
ranttera pertaining thereto. This olUtr
will bo good until'April.10, 1800, or wo
will Bend it to nny of Tub Chief sub
scribers who will hand us 10c during
the dntes montinnml. This is a epoch?
odor and will not hold good after dato
expires. Como in nt once und leave your
., ..
I ,".
jtwttfe;f IP BilhfSS