THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 18U0. 3 V- l A D t r 4er A i ) s 4' t (IS oa. a' .O., 8K e. OPERA TdESDAl FRIL THE SOUL-STIRRING "A NOBLE ICM1" UNDER THE AUSPICES OP THE Red Cloud S. ok V. Band. cast or t)ii,tiMvri:its: JcnoKllKNuvHurroNB,JJftJ IlAitor.o Thomas, A gentlHiunn of loisure, HENRY HANSELL. "A Noble Mechnnic," AnisTorm: Tiiomi'ki.ns, ) Tho judgo'a moat HoitATio Squahii, intimutu friotnltj. IIanb Von Uanut, His Cook, Nn'.LH' !' HiB Colorcd Servant, POLICEMAN, Lalmia Uki.l, The Judgo'tt Wnrtl, Mi:s. IIa.nhki.i., Henrv'e Mother, Dur.t,v, A Maid, Makv Hakkis, (Mob, etc., by KYSOPftIS !' Ittl'IIH.NTS. ACT I. Ht'coption-room in Judgo Buttons' uinnsion An envosdrnpper Th Judgo on a tantrum Guurdinn ami ward "A frog ho would a wearing go" Some pointed obnorvutioii8 The ciiuso of humanity A timely warning "Go; and don't ou ter my house again unices I Bond for you !" EchoeB of tho past A gentleman of loiHuro Mistalton Identity Recognition An inntilt and u blow Threatened expoituro Wrought to bay A murderous unsault A eon's dofonco Humiliation Tableau. ACT 11. Soknk 1. A utreot JuIIiib gooa "a-sparlcin' " Lovi at llrst Higltt Xob'a peculiar mothod of "raining tho wind" Gontlemaii and worklngmiin Rejection of prolTored aid "Strike !" "Lead on; I follow, to teal his fato '." Sokne 2. Mrs. lluneell's hoino-A mother'o anxlotj An excited visitor Wei conio tiiliiiKB Mothor and son "Nobly spoken I Go, and may Heaven's blessing attond you." Soeni: .'1. A Btreet A villain's resolve Hans Von Sundt in tho elutcheu of tho law Neb in luck. b'ucNB 1. Exterior ot Judgo HuttoiiB' residonco The mob's apsaultTho mcehanie's impafislonod appeal Coiillagra tton -"Hack, every mnu ot you '."Tableau. ACT III Tho Judge's reception-room An embarrassing Bituatioii-Hansell is sent for-Good intentions, and an ottered rowan! -Homo pointed observations Tho workingmnn'a ultima tum Reinstatement A question of duty An interruption A cowardly Hohemu Strungo revelations Tho sorpont'o sling An interesting episode "Hulo fellows, well met" A slight unpleas antneps, in which Germany goes to tho wall Tableau. ACT IV. Same as before War declared against Hans A false attack ConBtornation Tho Judge secures his assailant Alienation A noble woman's deiianco Indignation Accused of crime Impondmg disgrace -A mother's interventimi Vil lainy unmasked Foiled A great wrong righted "Nothing but sunshiuo." Tabloau. Homomber this is for the beneilt of tho band, It yen desir to have open air ooncortB this summer, come out and encourage ub by jour pi it mice. Admission, 10, TICKETS ON SALE The Name of ol I Meit WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN TBI New York Weekly Tribune Of November 4th, 1896 Public interest will itteutlilyluoreae,nud the question how lha men whole Y.t.ii tui ued tho aonle at the Inst elaotian nre Hatndltd with the rennlta undr the adm nlstra- Jon they electud, will make the campaign the moH Intensely exoltlng In the history of e country The New York the leading Ropnbliean family newspaper of the United States, will pibliah all the plitionl news of the day, interesting to every Amerioan citizen regardlese of party BtuatioBB Also generat news in attraotWe form, foreign corresnoadenoe ceverlag the news of Hiorld, au agricultural department seoeud to none In the eonntry, market reperte jmoharereoognlzedaiithtrlty,fasoinatingshortatorlH.omplete In each number, - . t -.- A..l.i. e ortam r ins noinorun irrn iuiwu fcT 'fjTftrUTrlhBuaiaanideal family faaKlnttD ?n . t weekly publieation In the eonntry if ' i f , . enablei .opecmi v.uiiuciLi -READ Ca-HJD CUIK1F. i For one Year for only $1 25. 1 Cash In advanoe, the regular price for the two papers is 12 Address all orders to THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. Write your name and address on a postal card and eendto Geo W Best, Iloom 2, fribone building, New York City, and getsample copy free M-- OUR PREMIUM OFFER I rprr to i EVER PERSON this book and The Chief one year for , HOUSE NIGHT, 14, ' COMEDY-DRAMA D. C. Jenkins Oko. Nf.wiiouhk V. W. Tci.Lr.V8 Ciiah. White A. li. Skllakh B. E. McFaiiland J. O WlLF.8 II. J. CI.AKK Hen McCcnk. Mus. D. C. Je.nkinh Mihs Maiiel Saumu'.ks Miss (Jit act. Fout Miss Anna Tullevs company.) 20, &n&3QG AT GUICE'S. ,......i.. the Next Uiirt States Weekly Tribune, iiml ilntnAittn alftll t)ialt tlAflt. AATTllal Ttlfl. nuu ""'i .M-. ---- -- r. aner. with a circulation larger than that leHuedirom tneomoooi auauy ni to offer this splendid jonrnal anil the POQNO V0LMME OP SELECTED PHOTOGRJlPrjIG VIEWS SIXTY-FOUR PLATES. Slzo ot page, 11 by 13M inches. Elaborate Cover In (fold and Colors, Highly Enameled Paper WORTH $1.00. i i m SENDING. HIS Frim V.XJmmnt MiUtiM Trot. w. H. retke. who inKi iptcianr ol RdMmmv. hat without doubt traated and cur edniorecai than any living I'hyatclani hi auccaaa I attonlihlng. nave ncara oi canes I Ot to ytara' tumllng . Curat curia oy him. Ha publlihei ' valuable I work on thla dli. case, which I n aonua with a Ia-va font tie of hit abtoluta ettra, fr to any aulTerera who may aend their T. O. and KprJ ailclren. Wa advlie any one wlihlng a cure toadtlreM rrx .w. m, inn, r. .i Car8t.,Wlor ANATOMY OF A BEE. The Moat Wonderfully CoaJtraeU4 f All Caaful Inject. A be Is divided Into threo sections hrnd, thorax and abdomen. It has five cycB three In the form of a triangle in the center of tho forehcud, and ono on each side of thohead, Thcse.lookcdnt under a microscope, arc very beautiful. The antennae are. tho two floxiblo block horns on the head; with these bees recognize each other, and In them arc supposed to be located tho ex tremely sensitive organs of smelling and hearing. They nro to the bco vciy much what tho brain is to man. A 1eo deprived of her antennae loses her po er of movement. Jn the bend and thorax of thoworkcr beo are the nursing glands, which th ereto a m.lky food fed to the larvae. These glands are very large In the young worker while they act as nurses, but reduced In the old twos of a brood loss colony. In thnold bees they wither more and more till they becomoshrunl' en and heemlngly withered up. Tho fpiren, when cgg-laylng, Is also fed from theso glands. When honey iu coming freely, and the queen is well foil, she has a very wonderful power of pro ducing eggs, laying over .1,000 per day, or more than three times her own weight. In bees, ns In all Insects, the skeleton that supports tho Inxly Is not Internal ns In nnlmals, but mostly external, and Is formed of a horny substance called chltlne. which is flexible nnd Is capable of being molded Into every conceivable shape nnd appearance. It forms the hard back of the repulsive cockroach, the beautiful scale-like fenthcia of the gaudy butterfly, the delicate mem brane which supKrts the lace-wing in mid-air, and the black and yellow wings of our native and imported bees, be sides internal braces, tendons and ducts innumerable. Tho Internal skeleton, hard for the most part, and varied in thickness In beautiful ndnptation to the strain to which It may bo exposed, glve3 con sistency of form to the little wearer; but it needs, wherever movement Is necessary, to have delicate extension joining tho edges of the unyielding plates. Here the thick ooat Is reduced to n thin, ensily-creased membrane, where by flexion one part Is made to press over the other. Cable. Dr. Prlcc'G Cream licking Powder World'a Fair Highest Mcdaland Diploma. Premium. Tin) Nchra-kn and ICtusns Firum is gijiug Os-ar Uluusou's 1ioi l'0"k, v.iliK-il ut $3, v.iili one jcr' Mili-(M iiii'in (or 50 'I'lii- Chi "ago Intci (hi-mi and The Fanner, for one year ... fit) The New York Tiiinmw uud Tli.i F.irni'-r f0 The Dri'iim City Mid F-iruwir r one year 50 The Cosmopolitan inngiizinc and Farmer 1-ir one year f 1 0( The Silv.r Knight and The Furiner, fill' The Seun-Weekly Siatn Journal and FaMii'T, ono ar 90 Ornuhi Wnrld-II.-ralil and Tho Farini-r 80i SMit to any uddnsj on rcceijit ol srnounr. Nkiiiiaska and Kansas Farm Kit. Hud Cloud, Neb. Heart Disease Cured By Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. Fainting, Weak or Hungry Spells, Irregu lar or Intermittent Pulso, Fluttering or Pal pitation, Choking Sensation, Shortness of Breath, Swelling of Foct and Ankles, are jrmptotns of a diseased or Weak neart. MRS. N. C. MILLER, Of Fort Wayne, Ind., writes on Nov. 29, 18Mt "I waa afflicted for forty yoars with heart troubloand suffered untold agony. I had weak, hungry spells, and my heart would palpitate so hard, tho pain would bo so acute and torturing, that I became so weak and nervous I could not sleep. I was treated by several physicians without relief and gavo p eer bclncwoll again. About two years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles' Remedies. Ono bottle of tho Heart Cure stopped all heart troubles and the Rcstoratlvo Nervine did the rest,and now I sleep soundly and at tend to my household and social dutloe with out any trouble. Bold by druggists. Book sent free. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. It. Miles' Remedies Restore Healtlt Dr. Miles' Norm I'lustorri for IllinumutUm. I dujur.j .1 .r 1 i hi l' i'mu w. . IMtE(0VEMENT. TERRIBLE MONEY WASTE. Labor In Itiml UiiIi.IIiir In MUillrrrted All Otrr tli t'oiinlr.v. In n recent report on the horseless carriages of France the United .States consul at Unite wis that "as solid, smooth roads are quite essential to the successful use of the system, It will be necessary, before It can be profitably upplied in the United States, to brltifj our roads to the condition of F.uropcaii" That is- iimpiest jpnnbly so; for , oof of which observe the ex perience of u horseless carriage which had to be shipped by railroad U'cnusc tho hlc;hwa4s L.v in too bad it condi tion for it to nioie on. And that, ivw in New York Mate, too. and in the best part of It. We do need better roads, not only for horseless enrrlnc;c, but for liorsc-cnrriaRes rut well, and mulo wagons, and oxcarts, nnd eiery sort of AN OIUUT LliisO.N. ehlcle, whether propelled by steam or naphtha, by hitehed-up quadruped or bestriding biped. Our consul fin titer siitfjcsts a plnn for road impi'oirincnt; or, rather, for raising the money for road improve incut. It is tho Trench plan, to wit, n wheel tnv. In l-'tiince nil carriages are taxed. Those with seats for one or two persons, . Hi a year (in 1 011111I numbers) ; those with seats for three, 15, unit for four, $20; while bicycles uud tricycles are taxed 5'.' each. These taxes tire pay nblu monthly, in udittiice, uud must be paid iHjforc the vehicle is allowed to fro upon the toad. A line revenue is thtu obtained. No doubt u simihirsystem in this country would also III) up tlio-uito, county or township trctiMtry. lint we don't want it. Such 11 tti w ottld be par ticularly vexatious ami uimoyiiifr. Wo don't need it, either. Our ordi nary system of taxation is suilleicttt. We spend enough money or Its equiv alent 011 our roads now to make them us yood as those of France. The trouble is wo don't spend it. in the right, wuy. Our labor Is mi.sditcctcil. At some sea sons of tho j car, when farm work is less pressing than usual, the farmer' works out" hi road tax-. Generally itis about the wotst t line of the year for the roads; but that doesn't matter, lie takes his horses iiuJ plow and scraper, plows up sontu furrows hi thu gutter between the wagoiitracl; uud the sldcwulks, uud scrapes the earth up Into the middle of the road. That makes the toad rough nnd lumpy. You must drive over it at a wnlk, us ov er n new ly plowed Meld. If the wenther remains dry It gets dusty; if ruin comes 011 it U it mass of mud. In course of time it gets worn down fairly smooth and html; and then it is tiniu to "work out" some more taxes, nnd scrape up some more sods und looto dirt again. That is what road-mnking lias meant in most country places, nnd whntitstill uieuivs on thousands of miles of high way in the inosthlghly unproved states of this union. If instead of that the i.amo amount of work had been given for the last 25 years to laying drains und making telford, or macadam, or even good gravel roadways, we should to-day have a network of roads all over theso states on which nny kind of ve hicle could run with ease at nny time of year. We need no carriage tax, nor gold watch nor nilver spoon tax-, but only nn intelligent nnd systematic ap plication of our ordinary revenue in tho making of loads on u scientific plan. N. Y. Tribune. ROADS NEED MOISTURE. Shade or Fruit Trees Provide It During; the liry Ken-on, To keep good ronds in good repair, tnolsturo Is often tho ono thing de sired. Tho four months of continuous drought last summer was trying to all kinds of ronds. Sand roads became al most impassable, gravel and dirt roads dissolved into dust, nnd stone roads manifested n strong tendency to dis integrate on tho surface for want of moisture to cement tho binding 11111 terial with the stones. Dut where the surface of stone roads Is a iwrt of Flitulcd avenues, there was none or lit tle disintegrating, reports Itoatl Com missioner lludd, of New Jerse.v, thus emphasizing the experience and prac tice of LuroKan road builders that ma cadamized roads should bo set with shade or fruit trees, so that the silent forces of nature may steadily provide the moisture that is needed vvithoutex pensc. besides adding beauty to the landscape, and plcasiiro and comfort to the traveler. American Agriculturist. Whut I'lirinrrH .Mlclit Kuvr, It Is estimated that the farmers of this country might save $030,000,000, in the eo&t of getting their produce to market, by building good roads. These ore forceful tlguies. flood Koads. nDnUCDQOMMissiON UIHJlLllO COMPANY, Kansas City, Mo Stock Yards. MONEY LOANED OB Feeders Furalibed Market BtporU Free. LI. HUSTI0N.' I Citti K-p-.Hysiit" iTIlE ttEiwrn. 1 mm Hoq8u'M. omcr. WWfPiV RHEUMATISM CUrlRD BY THE Dr. ft. Owen's EleGtrlG ftpplianGes. Mr. nenry Wetvlt, of rru. La Salle Oa, III., ulader dat. of July 27, 1W, write t MI had hearaa Uaai all over ray ay. torn. A few appllratlona of Dr. Owen's Blectrlo Appliances iravo rollof and after six weeks' uso otttiem I was entirely ured." Our term I1lilfltrntp1 ratatnentn mntalna aad prices of Applinuees and much valuable ace, enololnirli cents In stamps for xMajra W. ham been twforn the nuhllo many vears W. have been before the mtbllo many years', rtoofnUed standard of merit, curing tliousauda THE OWEN ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. 208 TO 209 STATE STRUT, CHICAGO. T & 5 ''sHapsa country testily to its marvelous success in curing them, For cnlo everywhere. Prion, 91.00 per Oottlo. THE Dn. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. ".""v"J"MW SVJtS9iJ4S3fWplJ&WWtff&rw&VI' TfiADEHS LUMBER CO., BuiLDir. IvIatk.kiai., lvrc. r; 1 V : 1 1 rnn IS. ' ' I - I '. H R R H W 11 1 1 or-M nicu acc ml li- I r-ltl I F l-iililH I l-il si i.. li r mil I'" II 11 11 I ni-iiti I a ii.ih mi 11111 tl-. iililcli li mii I -I ('l.ii- Is I In II uuililN 11-HlL' ll.l'l It l".llll il It IV. It'll' I ll Hlllf. . 1 1 tlys Cronm Balm i. ii II M I IL-ll I'lllf 1 li- .il 1 il ll;i I -v r ut in l 1 s tin' nil .11.1 11 ,1 I 1 1 .1 til III t HI, l- I " lll-III'M r '" 'if .-'I ti il ku.rll, 1 r I v mull ! i. iiiWi.tri 11 -! I. N wtteik tAhkfc'4f HAIR UALSAM cifanii iA tom.ilt Ui htr. I'roitn.trj u lut'iriint tmiwtri. Unvct FaIIs to Ilcntoro Ortw Hair to itn Youthful Color. Curti (K-lp (ilfoaer A hair laUng. o T,anii -11 i"m nnnnnn KaMosRcortras. ' Mnpr ollpalu. Lniurfl COtrt ig.10 uo lut. MiUi 1111IIUD3 cuy.Uvti. at brumliu. z a k n a a t SUPPER ral' Th fH'. e o .s'-AJV r 'iKATErUL CO.V.FCnT.'NG. tut k U-il. R C r." Mil K. I '"J jui.t lirnni. ."M PI1 V. t)rti '.ui t liii'i rltilr AU rttitno. ti'l4iy'i!w-.i in it fir thu Kttters IhiI j ,. K-tt- r U4uic vuii. aa Ilraml Id Hi il ainl i.M.t iiirlalilaX tnt ailuil Vtllt lihli flMMiti 'I'uLo 'mi nllii-i. l;t fine itnnnruu tubititu itom an I imit.ittonM. M Hf ufj-n, or f nd 4f. In ihii'i r HTil.'uHri, traMitmiital u I Ilrllcr ir l.uilh "(! uittr. j rt-turN ..a . m.I 1 ts, - . ., .Hull. 1 M Ml lollmUilMi. tm luer. 0U tj All Lucftl Uf until!. 1 ineiifiirrLuin mli-ul Cu.,Uu.llnn i-fiuw, -. l,kUd--.V, 5Er5st.r' FRANK LESLIE'S P ORULAR MONTHLY Contain each Month t Original Water Color FroatlapUcet 128 Quarto Page ol Reading MatUri 100 New and Hlgh-cl.nss lllujtra ttonat Mora UteraryMattcr ond llluttra tioaa than any other Magailne in America. 25CU.J 93 a Year. Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours FOR BOYS AND CIRLS. a A nriiht. Wholnaome. Jutenllo Monthlr. Fullr Illiutrated. Tho beit writer for young peplo contribute to It. 10 ct. ; 91 a year. snoAixsuitscBiraoasTO The Chief Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers 1 tWSend to Tmnh VutU't PvblUhlng nm$4, N.T., forH9mrattdlTmimlM,rrt. " 1 II I l II II 1 h s 1 1 11 " I ' I- l-l II II" t I I IIillIiT 1 . I A 9 ' S 1W IVKM trf vr m tnaa U,a,M J rUfULAK ITIAbAtinCd FOR THE HOME. tiBKjxi gfc-Til-qB-aV-rJI Mr.J.H.Matteaon.of Murrloe, Mich., In let ter Oct. H, IHM. lays: " I had tried eeveral kinds of iDFiiiclne and two doctors for rnr Ithrnmatlnm. but could Ret tin rulkf. 1 b o u IT h I 0110 of Or. Owoti s Blectrlo Appli ances and experienced rel lo f at nticn 1 after two weeks' list) I was at lim ber as an ocl and could work all day. Now am entirely curod. tniinv ntiflnrHAmnnfa lllrn atav., tiAMA . Information for tho ailllctcd. write for it at nnd our Klectrlo Appliances have become- of case of Ittaeuaatlan. Female Troubles. Mnny of tho disorders peculiar to women aro caused by diseased condi tions of tho Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. nostoro these organs to a healthy state by using Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY; BALM, And the fomnloorganswill perform their tegular functions, and the suf fercr be strengthened and cured. Lndios from all parts of tho I u iiu a ci I M -. ) ", -H ir,e gqiiqioqh, outiosis mein All. me yosi, work is pencciion. mc Dcnsmore, mc liqui rudrirq' Densmore. m 1(519 Farniiiii Si. Omaha. Neb. A.C. Iloiiiier, AKt.. Iteil Ct nil, Nt-li, kk HEELER & ILSOMTS SI 8 llilll mwm IIHY II fw Ill AH iiiui m SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUYthkm LIKEthim AND TELL J'rW Many ladles have used our machinea twenty to thirty years in their family work; and are still using the original machinea we furnished them a generation ago Many of our machines have run mora than twenty years without repairs, other than ncedfes. With proper care they never wear out, and seldom need repair. We have built sewing machines for more than forty years and have constantly improved them. We build our machines on honor, and they arc recognized every where as the most accurately fitted and finely finished sewing machines in the world. Our latest, the "No. 9," is the result of our long experience. In com petition with the leading machines of the world, it received the Grand Prize at the Paris Exposition of 1889, as the best, other machines receiving only compli mentary medals of gold, silver and bronze The Grand Prize was what nil sought for, and our machine was nwarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. W want dealers in all unoccupied-territory, WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO. 8S 4. 1ST WABASH AVE. CNIMM, t S. E. Cozad, Agt. w t i -fl e m w .3I 0 t igs: latloa m ,rn mmnmmmwm!mssssss& ji'-Vi-'oei Lw. Jr-ra