If 4 te .w m 0? II , - . ,- , -. VOLUME XXIV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, APRIL 10, 181)0. NUMBER 15 TOJTVJ3JV.il CJ97nifVJKY1SSn My Nerves nrc weak, many people Bay, nud yet they do not mtiii to know that thi'y are litcrallj Miu-ving their nerves. Weak, pale, thin blood can not give proper ittinaiieo that Is why yon are nervous, tired, exhausted. The cure for this condition is to purify, vitalize and enrich your lilood. Tak'o Jluod's Sar.-apaiilla fairly and faithfully, and the rich, red blood, which it makes, will soon feed tlio nerves the elements of true strength tlioy require; they will ceai-c tlieir agi tation and will Vexiiuio tlieir proper latino being under the control in stead of controlling the brain and body. Head Miss. Hartley's letter: "I want to cxprcBS my Rratltudo for what Hood's Harsaparllla tins tlono for rac BIy health has been very poor fot throo years, due to troubles with my Kidneys I was nervous, bad pains in my back. I cannot tell what I Buffered. My eyesight became affected and 1 was ho despondont I did not have any intercut in life. I had two physicians, but my complaints bo camo worse. I wns told that I was affected with Uright's dineoHe. A relatlvo urged mo to try Hood's Sarsnirilla. I did so nd in a short tlmo I began to notlco a chango In my condition. Things began to appear brighter, my eyes improved and My Back did not troublo mo so scvpre My appe tite returned and I gained strength every day. I nm now able to do my own work, and feel perfectly well. I cannot And words to cxprcsH my gratitude for what Hood's Harsaparllla 1ms done for mo and I gladly recommend it." Miss Klla JUitT LEy,213,1.' H. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio. SUNDAY SCHOOL IRK. Wcller County I'nioii Sunday School Association Holds Its Convention. in ecu iTi:nr.sT .iiamfi:st. Oolllltj- Srlionln Well ItoiircuMitod- IiitrrcMlliiu Proijrniu prcornlctl nntl KvrrjrourKnilhfled In tlio Work Dime, SIXTV l)M DI!I,B;ATK! iki'.si:.nt (Coiitluued from last ucuk AFTERNOON BESSIOJC. Hood's Sarsaparilla IJslliotyiPTrwsnioodl'urinpr. AlldrlipRlsts.St. Prepared only by C. I. Hood&fo., Lowell, Musi. I , j, rt-ii Cllrn ''vor IHi; cniy to t flOOQ S PlllS take, easy to operate. 25c. S3 Weather I'oreeasts. Run Cloud, Nkh. April H, 180G Tho following is the weather forecaste for tho next 21 hours: Sbnwun tnlIit und Saturday. F. W. Cowdkn, Locnl Mnnugor. Notk TheBe forecasts will ho dis played duily in every poBtoflko in Web- county. Wo Nnvo Uccldotl To continuo ouroflur to Bond Tnr. Qiiiki' and tho Nebraska and KansaB Farmer to uny address foe 81.10. Send in your address, and to tlio subscriber who will eend ub $1 for Tifc Cmnr and 23 conta extra, wo will send TUIIHB COPIES OP THE FARMER- to nny address ho may eolcct in tho United StutoB or Can ada, for ONE YEAR EACH. This ib a premium offer for Tin. Cuiek. - - A Good rami lor Sale. Four miles uorth-wost of Rod Cloud, containing 100 acrea. Tonna reasonable. Apply to Mrs. Jns. Kirkwood, Fairfax, AtcliiBon county, Mo. 15Gm Wanted IMulure For about 7." head of horsoB. Write me you terms, umount of pasturago etc. Thomas E. Kkllv, Lincoln, Not). SoIz'b nhoes for durability and low prico. Sold only by Wionor, SJJSK The V. S. Oov't Reports r, show Royal Baking Powder JjjfYf 'sijjcror to all oiberfk -v . Music. Ptaydr by Mr. Kelsoy. Election of officers. The following officers wore tdoctod for tho eusuing year: Ij. P. Albright, re-elcatcd piosidcnt. Mrs. McClaren, Vicc-Presidont. Geo. Morhart, Cor. Sec'y. Mrs. Fawcutt, Kec. Seo'y. Mrs. Brakcfield, Troasurer. Music. Praiso service, conducted by George Morhart. Esiays ''The Sunday-sohool toaoh- er tutsido of tho class," C. C. Bircn, Mrs. Cora Qarber, Miss Laura Mich aels. Music. Discussion of above topic. KesajB On "The Obscrvanco of tho Sabbath," by Mrs. A. Wilson, Miss Nellie Bennett and Miss Ungate. Collection, 11.50. Ebsajb "Can a denominational buuday-sohool be bcuc-ntted by a Union S. S. Ass'n V" Miss. Sollie West, Mrs. E. J. Duokcr, and Mrs. 0. C. Boll. Music. The follewing resolution.1) were re potted and adopted, viz: We, the delegates, teachers, officers, and Sunday-school workors, togothcr in convsntion nUBombled, do adopt tho following resolutions Resolved; first, that wo heartily rondcr thanks to Almighty Qod for his unspeakable goodness, in that, through his providence, ho has per mitted so many warm-hearted, wholo souled christians to assemble together for mutual bonefit, and the glory of His holy name. Unsolved: 2d, that wo truly appre ciate tho efforts put forth by our worthy prcsidont and various commit- c?cs to mako this convontion a glow ing success. Resolved ; 3d, that wo extend our thanks to tho rcooption cotnmittco, who so kindly mot and welcomed us at tho opening of this convontion; to tho cotnmittco on entertainment, who so hospitably provided for our welfare and comfort; to tho pcoplo of Red Cloud, who bo fraternally have thrown open their homes, and wel comed us to them, and have spared no pains to make it comfortable and pleasant for us. Resolved; fith, that we thank tho Congregational brcthron for tho uso of their beautiful and commodious ojmroh in which to hold this convention. Whereas, tho essays read and speeches msdo in this eenvention have so plainly shown us the need of tho Sunday-sohool throughout this county, and our duty in regard to them; therefore, be it Resolved, that wo eah and at put forth oar utmost endeavors to keep in motion the impetus and outhufliaain wo have roeoived in this ammUv. Wo heartily endorso and rsjfdopt the resolutions passed at our last an nual convention, in regard to Temper anno and Sibbath Oti-crvmice. Whereas, wo learn from our presi dent's report that only about one third of the nliil(lr" in the county are Sunday-school scholars, therefore bo it Rcsolvod, that we each put forth a spooial eilort to overcome tho wrong in this condition of Sunday-sohool work. Resolved, that theso resolutions bo spread upon thu minutes of the asso ciation, and also that thoy bo pub lished in tho county newspapers. S. K. Louan, ) C. C. Cox, J- Com. If! us. 0. V. Knuhit ) Questions from query box answered by Harvey Cox Music; No (J. Benediction, Rev. N. B. Wagoucr. KVRNINfl SESSION. When timo cutne for tho opening of tho convention, the house was crowd ed to it utmost capacity, and many were turned away on account of tbcro not. being room. Tho session opened by singing "There is Sunshine in My Soul." Prayer by Rev. Stinnett. Musio "Sing of tlio Mighty Ono," "Tho Master Wants Workers," "Scat tering Precious Socds." Anthem by tho choir, "Abido in Me." Convention then sang "Abundantly Ablo to Save," "Moro About Jesus," "The Beautiful Light." A selection bv double malo quartai, Address of wulcomo by R. B Fulton, Musio, "Jesus is Calling." Selec tion by Orphean quartet. Tim executive oommittee for tho ensuing year, an appointed by tho president, ib as follows: R. B. Ful ton, J. S. White, C. L. Cotting, John H. McCallum, S. K. Logan, Dr.. Hall of CowIcb, and Geo. Crow of Guido Rook. Collection, $3.30. The question, "should christians take an active part in pelitios" was very ably discussed by Revs. Max field, Stinnett, Wagoner, Blackwoll and Hummel, and, from what wo wero able to clioit from tho reverend gen tlemen's speeches), if they were at tho head of tho politics, things would bo run quito difforontly from what thoy are at presont. Music, "Give Mo Thy Heart," "Blost be tlio Tios." Prayer and benediction by Rev. Jargo. SATURDAY FORENOON. Convention nssembled at 8:30 a. m. and opened tho session by singing "Scattering Socds." Praise servicos by C. II, Rust. Morning losson was read from the 1 2th ohaptor of Romans. This ser vice was entered into with a great deal of christian spirit, Many were the earnest prayers that ascended to our Heavenly Father from souls over flowing with love, Esiayi, "Tempcranco and the Sab bath SobooV Mre. M. J. MoKolvoy (read by Mrs, Brakefiold), Miss Sarah Fisher, and Mrs. 0. E. Barney. Discussion on this subject by var ious parties. Musie, "The Beautiful Lights." Essays, "What advantages are de rived by grading Sunday-schools ?" R. M. Coohrane, Sylvester Frisbie, J. H. McOallum, 6. K. Logan. Duet by Messrs. Albright. "Should lesson helps bo used in tho glass" was discussed by the conven tion gonerally, Muuio, "Walking in tho Light." and Mr. Al- Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Higbcri Award. Duct by Miss Smitl bright. Collection, $3 71. Tho lollowing bills were presented au' allowed, and tho secretary in structed to draw orders on the treas urer for tho bamc: J. S. White, programs $3 fit) Congregational church, coal, itc. 1 30 Jno. Foster, janitor 2 00 C. L Cotting, book, &o 120 f timuiiltce on program for ensuing yrar, as appointed by prcsidont: 0. C. Bell, Mrs. McClaren, Airs. Cora Garbvr, and Mrs. N. Bartlott. Resolution offered by R. IJ. Fulton, and adopted. "Rosolvcd that this convent in plodge for tho State Con vention Union Sunday-sohool work for the ensuing year tlio sum of $10.00. Tho following persons weto olontcd as delegates to tho state convontion, J. II. SlcCallum, Mrs. Laura Winters; and Mrs. Knight and Mrs. MeClaren wero eleotcd as alternates. Music, "When the rell iB called up yonder." Benediction by Rev. Blaokwcll. A1TKUNOON SKHMION. Convention convonod ',nl 1:30 p m., prayer by Rov. Hummel. Musio, "h light of Light shino in." Praiso sorvieo was then held in which ninny took part. Question box by Mr. Kelscy. Cotnmittco on by-laws and consti tution appointed by president, Mrs. I! rakcfield, Mrs. C. J. Pope nnd Mrs. O.C.Bcll. Movod and carried that wo have a semi-annual convention this yoar. Musio, "There 1s Joy." Essays, "In whoso hands is the dos. tiny of our country," by Prof. Wilson, Mrs. Wm. Dickson and Mrs. G. P. Cathor. Music, "A chargo to keep I have." Musio, "Whiter than Snow." Essays, "Has Christianity any rem edy for drouth and crop failuro" by Mrs. Laura Winters, Mrs. Prof, Wil son, Mrs. BrakcGold and Mrs. J. C. Warner. Song, "Nebraska for Jesus." Soug by tho Blno dill quartet. Collection, $1.31. On motion tho convontion tendered their heartfelt thanks to tho people of Red Cloud for their kind hospitality during this convention. Music, "Wo will never say good by in Heaven." Benediction by Rov. Daakin of Cowles. Adjourned. C. B. CrtONK, Ass't Sec. Contnrics no, poopleueedto fear what they called tho pestilonoe. "Mack Doath" was tho most terrible thing in tho world to them, They foared it as people now foar tho Cholera and Yellow Fever. And yut there is n thing that causes more niioery nnd moro deaths than nuy of thtso. It is ho common that nine-tenths f all tho sickness in thb world is trace able to it. It ia merely that simple, com mon thing constipation. It makes peo ple lifltleHS, cannon dizziness, hendaohes, Iobs of appetite, loaa of Bleep, foul breath and dlHtreis nf tor eating. The littlo help needed It. furnished by Dr. Pieroes Pleas ant Pellets. One pill is n gentle laxative and two a mild cathartic Onoe uBed always in favor. If yon are careless enough to lot nn oiiflorupulous druggist sell yoo, something on , which he makes more money, it is your owk fanlt if you do not; !get well. Be sure and get Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Bend 21 eents in one-dent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N, Y., and reoolvo Dr. Pierce's 1008 pbge "Common Sense Medieal Adviser," profusely illustrated. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report RoYal Baking Powder U-S333F3 ABSOLUTELY PURE Otto. John Brelthaucr was n pljasant gutst of .1. Lookhart Sunday. Mr. Richardson of Rd Cloud was in this vicinity tho first of tho wock selling hog oholcra medicine. Mrs. Carrio Harvey was visiting at A. T. Payno'rt ono day Inst wock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Holmes from noar In avalo wero visiting at. Mr, Markcr'o Sunday. Notice Any ono wanting to trade a bik for a good horao and buirgy call on Sylvester Frisbie, as ho has no moro uso for a buggy. Mr. Ayers was visiting nt Mr. Olm stcad's Monday. Mr. Vanoo's insuranco mon haw been hero and straightened every thing up, Ho will not build before fall. Mr. A. C. Halo has purchased ft M. Matucnia, our assessor, was I now buggy of Lester Kaontz. around visiting with tho farmers Mun-1 Gco. Uummol is hauling brick from day- JRed Cloud to fix op his mothot'fl hlr. Larrlck and wife were guests! house, at C. II. Wilson Sunday. I n0g9 re up t0 tjjrce oentB J. C. Brooks was in Rod Cloud on I jj jr; business Saturday. C. v. Kelly and family from noar RivertoN ami"1 Claudo Duval's Sunday. m. Thoro will be an exhibition at iN'0W Virginia school-house Friday April 17. A general invitation is ex tended. Fknckdkmaker. Huron are aliBolutoly painless when De Witt's Witoh Hizel 8alvo is promptly aa plied. This statement is true. Aperfec remedy for shin diseases, chnppod hanfts and lips, nud never fails to cure piles. .0 What tho Shakers of Mount Lobanon Itnott moro nboat than nnybody elso, ia tho uso of herbs and how to be healthy. lhoy have studied tho power of food. They nearly all live to n ripe old ago. Thu Banker Digestive Cordial is pro pnrod by tho Blinkers from herbs nnd plants with a special tonic power over tho stomach. It helps tho etomnch digest ItB food, nnd digested food I'd the strength-maker. Strong muscles, strong body, strong brain, nil come from properly digested food. A sick stomach can bo cured and diges tion mado easy by Shaker Digestive Cor dial. It cares nnuson, loss of appotite, pain in the stomach, headache, giddiness, weak ness and all other symptoms of indiges tion, cortainly and permanently. Bold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents. Ililtlli. Wm. Crabill sold his fat eattlo Sat uoday to parties in Rod Cloud. Most of tho farmers have bommeno od plowing for corn in this locality. Evorrott Bean, J. B. Wisooarvcr and their families wero callers at J. Boan's Sunday. Mrs. Anderson from Hastinga wan visiting at Emory Bean's this wock. C. F. Cathor. iB 'having anothor windmill erected on his farm. Mr, Brothaucr has the now addition to his houso about completed. Misses Holmes and Hanson of Red' Cloud woro visiting at 0. E, Ramoy'e Sunday. Rev. Bean will preach at Pleasant Prairio Sunday, April 12, at 11 a. m., John Eriokson has been to Iowa on a short visit but iB home now. Stunned.. phildrenCryfor Pitchor's Cattorla. For a tine hair tonio call on Hutchin son & Hiatt, tho harbors. A comploto now lino of wall papor at Toylor'u at bottom prices. Cliumbcrlum'N Colic, Cholera anU Dlitrrliovn Remedy This fs'the best medicine in tho world for bowel complaints. . It aota quickly and can always be depended'dponVWben rouuucu wiiu water u is pleasant to take. Try it, and liko many others yon will re commend it to your friends. For sale at U6 and 50 oents per bottle by H. E. Qrloe. Innvale. The small grain is moat ail sown in theso parts. Oharlos Olmsted now rides in a uow buRgy. Mr. Irons got in a carload of lUm bor this wcok. W. N. Riohardron shidped a car of stock from hero Sunday. H.m nhonld ry a few application Chamber! oin'e Pain Balm, rubbing ta part viKorouly ntesch application. It that doe not bring relief dBUipen a pieoo of flannel with Pain Balm ami bind it r thu oeat of pain and prompt relief will surely follow. JFor pale by H, 1, Grloe.., y WW -., ni nrir'a Cream Baking Pow'daf World's Fair rUgaeet Mt4alaad 0l(4esaaVJ ' -i r"". .- I M mm&oisb