t.Kr J" r,J,'yfrt"tn:-!"'',vM'"' xuMjUnn'Mjnwataawa sk- THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1896. 4 II NJ I'il Re t I'.) i Ii I; ? 111 12 I ' IS re f.r I II tl Ir JrA'8 . 11 1 ' i it 'i ; 'A ' ,i n r 'i d t. pi. 4 ' ru 1ft 11 ONCE FAILED.! Patae's Celery Compound Gave Mrs, Porter Back Her Strength. Th cue i sharp, raw, caprioious days iarv aro bUuied for much siok- nf PnhniArv nm binned for nmeh aiok- dcbh that is simply the Uircot result this great incdioinu has kept them of nervous wcakncks. well and strong. Perfect hcaltli will kcop one abovo Nbw Yoiik, Jan. 3, 189G. any depressing influctuo from tlui Mesbiis. Wkm.s & Kiciiaiuison Co., woothcr. Der Sirs: For several years I , Pure, r'uher blood and better ncr- havo used our Paino'd celery com voub tissues will make people fool pound whenever I found mysolf run well even in February. ning down in health. During that During his tntiuy yrarB of hard and titrm I have iroommendcd it frequent wonderful woil., Prof. Kdward K. h to my friends and I know af many Phelps, Dartmouth's groat professor, persons who have been much benefited had in mind ih .thouamU who were by it. Jain .ever without a bottle of wank and run down. His study it in tho house, and take great pleas of the many cases of tiorvous prostia- ur in expressing to you my belief tion, iiriirnlyi.i, rhcunntihin, dyspepsia that it does a great work for humanity and debility led him to that most mar- Mu.s. M. Poutkk, velous discovery of tho century, -82 Eighth Ave. Paiuo's celery compound. Mrs. Porter's experience is like In every ciu, as well as tho Mii.illir thousands of others. Puino's celery Tillages scattered through this coun- compound iimdn her well, because it try, arc mm ui-ilwomou who for yean f d the Mnrved nerves and blood and have r.lied upou Paino'n ctlery i um- rcguhui d their fuuuuoiis, Try it and pound whenever thy found ihemsclvi 9 be convinced of its remarkablo power weak and out of health. Hundreds to cur)) dinui! lA-itcr. A fino ram lat weak makes the farmers icel like working. G. C. Cux was sowing oats last week. Mr. Nelson delivered a tine hormoo to the people of this place last Satur day evening. Ilarvoy Cox left for Orleans Mon day to finish his coumo that be in taking. Tlia two boarding hnuies of this place are running opposition to eauh other. Do Mcrrit nays that I. Frisbie'e cat will recover without any more of his attention. Mils May Cookrall was visiting with Neliio Cockrall Sundaj. Ou account of tho bad weather uiather Grundy was obliged to stay at homo this week. I. Frisbie was in Cowlob Tuesday. Four little boy a of this place wore playing with tiro and water tho other evening when all of a midden thuro was un exploiion. Fortunately none of them wore hurt but wero all badly Beared. Oharloy Tunkcy was very ill last Saturday evmiiug but soon recovered, Misses Susio and Alta Baker at tended a party in lied Cloud last Tues day night. About fifty wore present and all report a good time. Henry llssser will leavo for Mil waukee soon. Mr. Carmony stopped with C. C. Cox last wtuk. G. W. Baker sold a load of fat hogs last weak. Charley lUssor was in Hod Cloud Saturday. Alpha S.ilad-n was out riding Sun day. One of our most popular young ladies of this place thought that sho would make a catch as thia ts leap year, and shouldering her bamboo fish pole, hook and lino, she started far tho crock, using honey for bait and smiling as sha tripped along and then (die thought she had him sure when to a leap year party they did go to trip tho light fantastio too arid after things wero all quite and still tho two together with that old road cart wandered to that boarding house Q the hill. QUAGKKNOllUOK. of letters like llio following fromMrs. Portor of New Yoik (My, toll how rortor or Mew loik City, toll how IMuuMiiit Prulrlu. Fin in 'Tm ar busy farming and all seem to think we will have a good crop. Tim school in district 41 cities this Friday. Tin' teacher, Geo. II. Over in;:, has taught a very successful term. Tho writer think any district that has had a good teacher ought to try to keep him, for then when tho pupils and teacher meet again they under stand oach other, whorcas it takes a now teacher a half month to get start ed. Mrs. Frank Lindsev of llivorton was buried in Pleasant Prairio cemetery last Saturday. Our Sunday school will open next Sunday morning at 10 a. ui. Mr. Michcls, the superintendent, feels well paid for going to tho convention at lied Cloud. Especially do wo appreci ate the kindnessof the people ot lied Cloud. Mr. Pitnoys youngest child is impro ving nicely. .. I... Tree ami IMiuit. It you wnnt any trees, Bhrubawr plants this spring, now is tho timo to order them. Strawberry plants, tlrst-cliiBo, CO cents per bundled. L. II. Uuht. " .i i Taper bunging at luird times pricos, l P. llndley. - Well HVNcotbeart I nm going down to Wiener's and get n now suit, then wo can get married, Pitcher's Caotorla. Children Cry for Illtulcn. W. K. Thorn's horse, old enough to vote, camo over to town Sunday night to dio. IS. Leo was transacting business hi Hastings the first of.this week. Oeorgo . Boyd and wlfo of Hod Cloud attended tho funeral of A. V. Murrey in this oily Sunday. 0. Whcolan mourns the. loss of his pony which died ono day last week, Henry Whcclan is working tor his brother Frank in the blacksmith shop, W. 11. Fuller of C.unpboll was in this city Thursday. Snyder and Tibbots aro erecting n work shop cast of L. 15. Sponcc's. Mr. Diekerson, who has been stop ping with .1. Wriittcn returned lo Ins home at Steilmg, III , the latter part of last week. Mrs. D. P. Kiinmol arrived homo Saturday evening after spending a oouplc of weeks with friends in Kan sas, Horry 15ck has invested in a now whrcl a Minna make. Died, ou Friday, March 27 at the homo of S. S. Wrll's near Hartwell, Mr. Charles Spooncr, of heart disease, Us remains were brought to tho this Too Saturday afternoon and the ser vices held at tho G. A. 11. hnll. The sormon was preached by Hoy. Davies. Charley, as ho was familiarly known made his home with Mr. Wells when at Hartwell and with Mr. Win, Lewis when in this vicinity. He boing ono of the boys who weut to tho front and fought for his country making a brave soldier for the cause for which ho fought, .u his army record will show. Hn was a member of A. 15 Burnsidn Post No. 79. Died, ou Friday, March 27. at his homo ono mile west of tins city Mr. J. V. Morrcy of lung fever. Mr. Mor rcy had not been considered danger ously ill and Friday afternoon said he was feoling very niuoh hotter. Tho funeral services weic oonduotcd bv llcv. Hummel from tho G. A. 11. hall Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and his remains wero interred in tho Plain view cemetery. Mr. Murroy and his family united with the M. E church during llcv. Hummcl's revival meet ings this -year. He leaves a wife, eight ohildrcii, and h host of friends who mourn his sudden demised. The bereaved family havo the sympathy of tho friends in this oommutiity. Mrs. P. McGinnis who died March 27 was laid to rost in the Plainvicw cemetery Sunday afternoon. W. E. Tuttlo reecived a message announcing tho death of his father, who had beon killed by a runaway toain nt nr his homo in Sterling, Colo rado. Mr. Tuttlo took tho ovening train Monday for Sterling. C E. Hicks, F. W. McLaughlin, Thos. Sa)dor, Thos. Burdn, John MoCallum, W. 11. Anderson and T. W. Bailey attended the convention at the county scat Tuesday. Tho annual town meeting is called for Tuesday, April 7, at the G. A. 11. hall. Let there ho a good turnout. Remember at this mooting is where tho tax levies aro made. One day last wcok somo ohildron returning from school found somo papors under a culvert two miles north of town, scattering somo along tho road side and taking somo homo. Tho paronts saw they belonged to tho post-ntlicc and camo to town and noti fied J. 11. Horn who wont to tho placo at oucn and making an examination found monoy order receipts, his pen sion certificate and a tin box which had beon taken from tbo safe tho night it was blown open. . A comploto now lino of wall pnpor ut Tnylor'a at bottom prices. DR. KILMER'S oo TH,tAT KIDNEIf LIVERS Wl" Rheumatism Lumbago, pain in Joints or tack, brick duat la urine, frequent calls, irritation, InUammatioo, ravel, ulceration or catarrh of tho bladder. Disordered Liver JllUousncas, heaiiuclic, hullffcatlon or Rout. ftWAJMUOOT Invigorates, curea kidner diuiculticd, Uriitki's illmise, urinary troubles. 1 in pure Blood Scrofula, siiiilm in, General weakness or debility. Swnmp-IlootbullilMin quickly a rundown constitution and makes tho weak strong-. Al UrucKlHtM 50 ceniM nnd 9 1.00 81a. "InTuJld1 DuJJu o Health" free- CorwulUtloa tr. UH. KlLMUll & CO., TJIMQUAIITON, N. X. Tmr tsr-t rI Ilatln. Sowing oats is tho order of tho day. Miss Lillian lUmoy has gono to York to attend school. Miss Nora McCall closed a very successful term of school at tho poor farm school house, Shu was well liked. The basket supper nt Now Virginia was a grand success. The dime supper at Arthur Wilson was well attended and all report a good time. Any ono wishing to ptirohaso a cot ton suit will do well to call on Mr. Michaels. Ho has them for $250 a .suit. Call in ti mo and avoid tho rush. There was a snolling sohool at the Anderson school houso lat Friday night. The.ro will bo Enstor services nt New Virginia on I5ister Similar. Conloy Wilson sold his cattle ono day last week. Sunday-school opened at the poor farm last Sunday, Statu ru!k. Farming is the order of tho day. Grass is green on tho creeks and in somo places two or thrco inches high. Having had such a uico warm winter makes tho grass early. Charley Davis has a new girl at his place. Mrs. Chas. Barrett is much better. The protractcu meeting nt tho Beardsly schoolhouso under the man agement of llcv. Starr closed Thurs day night with Ecycral additions to thn church. Mrs. II. Stones who has been sor iouslv sick for some timo is improving very rapidly. Occasional. i.. ...- During tho winter of lBJCI, F. M. Mar tin, ot Lodr Reach, West Va., contracted n Hovoro cold which loft him with n cough. In speaking of how lie onred it ho says: "I nsed sevornl kinds of cough syrup but found no relief nntil I bought n bottle of CliHmborlaln's Congh Itomedy, which re lieved mo almost instantly and in a short timo bronght nbont n complote onro." When tionbled with n eongh or cold uso this remedy mid you will not find it noo cessary to try several kinds before you got relief. It linn been in the market for ovor twenty years nnd constantly grown in fnvor and popularity. For salo nt ac nnd CO cents per bottlo by II. E. Grice. A' J W fflmwm rm.'M t .Viwrb "'MW Children's suite, from .'1 to 15 years, wo liuvo un elegit lino to solect from, in smullor sizes we linvo thoin its low hb 75 cents. Wiouor, the Clothier. It is not n miracle. It won't euro every thing, bnt it will cure iiilos. That's what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will do, because it hnt doifo it in hundreds of cases. C L Cottiug. For a fine hair tonio call on Hutchin son & Iliutt. tho harbors. Corn and Oats Wanted. Minor Bros, aro buying corn and oats, and uro paying tho highost market pjices. 10-tf I n a vale. Prof. MoCrary was in the valo the foro part of tho week. Mr. Olmsted is on tho sick list this week. Our popular agont now supports a horse and buggy, having purchased Mr. Olmsttd's phaeton and a horse of Mr. Ittchprdsou. Mr. Chancy Miller is preparing to movo to Inavale to work in tho cheese factory. It is reported that our pet pigeon has been expelled from sohool for misbehavior. Miss Floronco Sawyer has gono back to nor school at franklin. Mrs. S. 15. Wolcott has boen quito sick but is slowly improving undor tho care ot Dr. iUoranvillo. Art Myrcs started for Cripplo oreck last Monday, whore ho expects to stay this summer. Mr. Kcnyon's aro moving into Mr, Ayer's houso on Saward street. John Ayers was visiting at W. G, Knight'H Sunday. Prcaolnng npxt Sunday at three o'olook instead of eleven. Quito a number aro going to sow alfalta this spring. Tom Jonr s is plastoring A. 15. Wol colt's house this week. Willie Irons says ho don't care to go to sohool any moro sinoo his Hat tio can't go, so he has gono to farming Mrs, Ilummsl is visiting with her daughter Sadie Holdrege thia weak. Mr. Frisbie was calling at Mr. Knight's tho other night. Will Bonnet is homo this wcok and Jiraio Bonnet has returned to sohool at Franklin, Minter Garnor has got a now sot of harness. He purchased thorn of L, Konyon. II. K. m ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. KWX5SXN VYWCVXVVVVIVV&.V Mi yiwwvvvcvvsxxN SNCsKSXDkXNXS for Infants T HIRTY yonmoDiervatloiTor mlllinna of portonwrpormlt It In nnqnontlonnlily th boat rcmody for Infant nnd Chtldroa tho world lmi over ltnown. It 1 hrtrnileiii. Chlldrou llfro It. It Rtvea thorn health. It will nnvo their Uvea. In It Mother linvo omothlng which In nbnolutoly wafo nnd practically porfoot aw a chlld'a medicine. CntorIa dontroy Wormi. Catorla allayii rcverlnhneta. Cantorla provontw vomltbag Sonr Cnrd. Caiitorlft cnro Diarrhea and Wind Colic Cattorta reliovci Toothing TronMoH. Caatorla onro Conntlpntlon nnd Flatnlcncy. Cagtorla nnntralltoa tho olfootn of oarhonlo acid gaa or polaonona air. Caatorla dooa not contain morphine, oplnm, or other narootlo property. Caatorla aaalmllatoa tho food, rognlatca tho atomnoh nnd howola, giving healthy and natural aloop. Caatorla la pnt np In one-Iio hottlea only. It la not wold In hnlh. Don't allow any ono to aoll yon anything olao on tho plea or promt that It ta "Jnat am good" and "will anawor ovory pnrpoao." See that yon pet C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Tho fao-mlmllo algnatnro of Children Cry for The Name Pro ill ui 1 WILL 23E ANNOUNCED IN THE New York Weekly Tribune Of November 4th, 1896 Fablio Interest will stsBdily inoreaso, and the question how tho men whose votes tnrned tho scale nt't ho last election nru fiiiisiied with tlio results midtr tlm administra tion thoy elected, will mnlto thocampAign tho most intensely excititig in tho history of ho country The New York Weekly Tribune, tho leading Republican family newspaper of the United States, will publish nil the political news of tho day, intfristini' lo every American eitizeii regardless of nart7 alUliatioBS Alsogcueralnows inattraotivoform, foreign correspondence covering the news of tho world, mi agricultural department fosond to none in the country, market reports whicharu reco,mlzedauttiority, fascinating short stories complete In each nninbir. thocroamof tho humorouB papers, foreign and domestic, with their best comia pin tures, fBshionn, &o Thb New York Tribune is nn ideal family naner. with n circulation lnrif or thmi that of othor weekly pnblicatioR in tho country A Qr-oin1 r"M-fi-nr-f enable ns to offer this spleudld journal nnd tha -tt. opeciai vonri act ikEID IL'MJID C5HHHIEIF, For one Year for only .25. Cash in ndvnnoe, tho rogalar prlco for tho two papers is $2 Address nil orders to THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. Wrltoyonr name and address on a postal card and eond to Geo W Bent. Room 'J. Tribune building, Naw York City, and get Stale Line. March, both beginning nnd end, has been a cold disagreeable month. Sohool commenced in district 13S, Jewell county, with Miss Edna Davis for teacher. Mr. Toland is on tho sick list. (Jrealy Toland has tho measles. Most farmers havo their oats in and aro plowing for corn. Tho cattlo aro beginning to find quito a good deal of bluo prass now. J. P. VanDyke from Ited Cloud bought fifty hushols of seed oats from A. 11. Rinard of North Branoh, last woolc. Thero will lm Easter exercises at Maple Grove U Ii. ohuroh next Sun day in tho afternoon. llov. Wells was in this neighbor hood last Saturday and Sunday. An Allium It. This is to certify that on May lMi, I walked to Mellck's drug store ou a .pair of orotohos and bought n bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Baltn for inflammatory rheumatism whloh had crippled me up, After using thrco bottles I nm complete ly eared. I can oheerfully recommened it. Charles U. Wetzel, Sunbury, Pa. Sworn and aubseribed to boforo me on August 10, 1891. Walter Hhipman, J. P. For aale al CO cents por bottlo by II. . Grioe. liutln. Walsh & Richmond of Red Cloud wero in this locality last Wednesday. Mm Tishio Markar was viaiting south of Inavale on day last wek. Ornn Ilarvoy fraa near llivorton was in this vicinity buying cattlo last week. Mr. and Mrs, Mstkins wero over in Kansas tho fore part of this week. Thero will ha an oyster supper at Cathorton Friday night, April 10. v?sxvv-wcxxxyxyxxx jlm and Children. Cawtorln trlth thn prttronngo of tin to aponlt of It without gnonlng. 4 T In na every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria of the Next Issued from tho otllro of a daily sample copy froo X 11 m C. F. Kelloy and family from near llivorton wero visiting at J. B. Wiao oarver's Wednesday. Ada Sljolvcr who is attending' school at lti,d Cloud is homo this week. Miss Mildred MuCall Sundaycdat her home near Iuavnli). A number of people from this violni ty nttondod i ho Sundnyscliool caen tion at lied Oloud last week. 'TV Miss Lizzie Marker closed A very Buoocssful term of Hchonl near Inavalc.f' Miss MnClin'oek closed a very buo-' cessful term of sohool at Mt. Ilopo Fri day. 11. B Payne and Frank Cronnerot Bladon wore visiting in this vioinity Sunday. Tho ontortainincnt givon by Lester Koontz' school last Friday night was well rondercd, Tommy Fisher was transacting busi ness at Bluo Hill ono day last wecr. STUNNEIt. lccul iXollce. Statk or Nfiiiiasiu, i Webster County, f At a County Conn, ht-lii at the r-mintvCourt-jtmun, lu anil for said Coimty, March M, A.U. In tho Matter of the Kstato of Isaac Cowloy. Dewascil, t)n readliK? ninl filing the petlllon of Nancv iWA Eft ,ll't l,,B iMtnment. nfedon tliel.tn day of March, icitl. uud iiiiiiiaitlnirto ho the last will antt teil.unent of liesaMiIa. caed. may bo rroved. apurovod probatid that the .Mcullo! of aalrt Inatru, ent miv - C flowT. ai MMuirlir y ,'ow,ey, ",8 l- atQoT,4ckltt,,l'y.,8t,ludfty,rA',1rll'A'r'. at two i uocK p. la,, Is aii Utned fr hearlnir Mid patHJoD. when a!l porsons Ii itereitod In said maltar aj npptar at a roiintv po.Trtto hS li&lmtf tt coTllft iVnS o? said petition mid tlio hprln thereof, hoifvon oaf persons lutereited Ii ald mattor ' bvmiS sl.lBK'iuopyof ttili order In tl'e Ited iffi Chief, n wi-ekly nowpaptr printed nsaia (Atniocopy.) 13 JAHMS DlIFlfV, County Judgo. 4 l: , IT ! ' - v., T . I -;i2iJk:riki h &.: h.''tofi ''UtiM SH' mxffiir Jn,jlkLm w Jl f J", tf ,ivi . t 1 jttfiljtlii raltPfUrf- A Oka V ar;