The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    'jw j'fwilWi ' nrwwr. iwmw
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Paine s Celery Compound Gave Mrs. Porter
Back Her Strength.
These sharp, raw, capricious days of letters like t ho following from Mrs.
of February aro bUnied for mueh siok- Portor of New York (My, toll how
ness that is fiimnly the direct result this great medicine has kept thctn
or nervous weaklier, well and strong.
Perfect health will keop one Ioto Nbw Yoiik, Jan. 3, 189C.
ny depressing influcnto from tlm Messhb Wkl'i.h & Richardson Co.,
weather. Dear Sirs: For several years I
. Pure, riaher blood and better nor- Tiavo used jour Paino'ii celery com
vous tissuei will make ponplo feel pound wIiciiovit I found mjsolf run
well oven in Fibruary. "nig down in health. During that
During his ninny jrars of hard and liuio I have ireommended it frequent-
wondorful win I., Prof. Edward E. It to my friends mid I know sf many
Phelps, Dnrtmouth'ri groat professor, prions who have been much benefited
had in mind ili4.thou.umU who wore by it. Iain vcr without a bottlo of
Wiak and run down. His Htudy it in iho house, and tako great pleas-
of tho man ciiMet of nervous prostta- urn in cprcslng to ou my belief
tion, neural)!! i, rhrutnitihin, djspep-na that it does a treat work for humanity
and dobihty led him to that most -Mus 51. Poktkk,
volous disoovery of tho century, -82 Eiuhth Ave.
Paiuo'a celorj compound. 51 rs. Porter's experience is liko
In every citv, as well as the tui.illtr thousands of others. Paino's oolory
vilUgm scattered through this ooun- eompound nnide her well, because it
try, aro turn ui-d women who for e.iri f'd the Mmrved neivcs and blood and
have rt.lieil upuu Paine'n celery una- rcguLmd their functions. Try it and
pound whonevtr tiny fattiid lliomsolvi 9 b' convinced of its roiuarkablo power
Weak and out of health. Hundreds to cure di-"a-e
A fino ram lust weak makes the
farmers leel liku working.
0. C. Cox was sowing oats last week.
Mr. Nelson delivered a fine horuiou
to the people tf this place last Satur
day evening.
Harvey Cox left for Orleans Mon
day to finish hit. course that he in
The two boarding houses of this
place nro miming opposition to eauh
Do Mcrrit nas that I. Frisbic's oat
will rneorcr without any mors of his
Miss May Co ok rail was visiting
with Noliio Cockrall Sundaj.
On account of tho bad weather
uiether Grundy was obliged to stay at
homo this week.
I. Frisbie was in Cowlch Tuesday.
Four little bojsof this place were
playing with firo and water tho other
evening when all of a sudden thuro
was an explosion. Fortuuately none
of them wore hurt but wero all badly
Charloy Tunkcy was very ill last
Saturday evening but soon recovered,
MiSbes Suaio and Aha Hiker at
tended a party in lied Cloud last Tues
day night. About fifty woio prosout
and all report a good lime,
Henry lUsier will leavo for Mil
waukeo soon,
Mr. Carniony stopped with C. C.
Cox last wtuk.
G. YY. Baker sold a load of fat hogs
lapt week.
Charley lUssor was in Hod Cloud
Alphi S.Uadi-n was out riding Sun
day. One of our most popular young
ladies of this plaoo thought that she
would make a catoh as this Is leap
year, and shouldering her bamboo
fish pole, hook and lino, she started
for tho oroek, using honov for bait
and smiling as slm tripped along and
then (-ho thought nho had him sum
when to a leap year part they did go
to trip tho light fantastio too ami
after things wero all quite and still
tho two together with that old road
cart v.amlcr'cd to that boarding house
n the hill. Quackknbbuok.
l'lvnsuiit Prairie.
Fhiiii'Tm are busy farming and all
seem to think wo will have a good
The school in district 41 olascs this
Friday. Tin teacher, Geo. II. Over
in:;, has taught a very successful term.
Tho writer think any district that
has had a good teacher ought to try
to keep him, for then when tho pupils
and teacher meet again they under
stand each other, whorcas it takes a
now teacher n half month to get start
ed. Mrs, Frank Lindaov of Hiverton was
buried in Pleasaut Prairio cemetery
Our Siindny school will open next
Sunday morning at 10 a. in. Mr.
Michols, the superintendent, feels well
paid for goinn to tho convention at
Hcd Cloud. Especially do wo appreci
ate tha kindness of the people ol lied
Mr. Pitnoys youngest ohild is impro
ving nicoly.
Tree mid IMiiiiI.
If jou wnnt any trees, shrubs wr plants
this spring, now Is tho timo to order
them. Strawberry plants, (Irnt-clnBo, GO
cents per bundled. L. II. Uuht.
Paper bringing at hard times prlcoe,
F. P. Hudley.
Well Bwcotlioart 1 am going down to
Wienor'e and get a now suit, then wo can
get married.
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
,. t . .,
W. E. Thorn's horse, old enough to
voto, oamo over to town Sunday night
to die.
H. Leo was transacting business l.i
Hastings tho first of.this wcok.
Georgo.Rojd and wifo of Hod
Cloud attended tho funeral of A. V.
iMorrcy in this city Sunday.
0. Whcclnn mourns the loss of his
pony which died onn day last week,
Henry Wlicclan is working lor his
brother Frank in the blacksmith shop.
V. II. Fuller of Campbell was in
this oity Thursday.
Snyder and Tibbcts nro erecting a
work filiop oast of L. E. Spenco'n.
Mr Diekerson, who has horn stop
ping with J. VV ration returned to his
homo at Steilmg, III , thu latter part
of last week.
Mrs. D. J ivtinmol arrived homo
Saturday ovcniiiL' aftor spending a
oouplc of weeks with friends in Kan
Harry bck has invested in a new
wheel a Miinia make.
Died, ou Friday, March 27 at the
homo of S. S. Well's near Hartwell,
51 r. Charles Spooucr, of heart disease.
IMjs remains were brought to tho this
Wwoo Saturday afternoon and the sor
vices held at tho G. A. II. hall. Tho
sormon was preached by Roy. Davies
Charloy, as liu was familiarly known'
made his home with Mr. Wells when
at Hartwell and with Mr. Win, Low is
when in this vicinity. He being one
of the boys who went to tho front and
fought for his country making n brave
soldier for the eause for which he
fought, s his army record will show.
Hn was a member of A. E Burnsidn
Post No. 79.
Died, on Friday, March 27. at his
homo one mile west of ths city Mr.
J. V. Morrey of lung fovcr. Mr. Mor
rcy had not been considered danger
ously ill and Friday afternoon said he
was fooling very inuoh hotter. Tho
luncral services weie conducted bv
Rev. Hummel from tho G. A. It. hall
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and his
remains wero interred in tho Plain
view cemetery. Mr. 5Iurroy and his
family united with tho 51. E church
during Ilcv. Ilummcl's revival meet
ings this .year. He loaves a wife,
eight children, and a host of friends
who mourn his sudden demised. Tho
bereaved family have tho sympathy of
tho friends in this community.
51 rs. P. McGinn is who died 5Iarch
27 was laid to rest in tho Plaiuvicw
cemetery Sunday afternoon.
W. E. Tuttlo recoived a message
announcing tho death of his father,
who had bcon killed by a runaway
to.iu, near his homo in Sterling, Colo
rado, Mr. Tuttlo took the evening
train Monday for Sterling.
C E. Hicks, F. W. MoLvighlin,
Thos. Sajdor, Thos. IJurdn, John
MoCallum, W. 11. Anderson and T,
W. Bailey attended tho convention at
the oounty seat Tuesday.
Tho annual town meeting is called
for Tuesday, April 7, at the G. A. It.
hall. Let there he a good turnout,
ltemcinbor at this meeting is where
tho tax levies aro made.
One day last week somo ohildron
returning from school found somo
papors under a culvert two miles
north of town, scattering somo along
tho road sido and taking somo homo.
Tho parents saw they belonged to tho
post-nffioo and oamo to town and noti
fied J. It. Horn who wont to tho placo
at oucn and making an examination
found money ordor reoeipts, his pon
sion certificate and a tin box which
had bcon takon from tho safo tho
night it was blown open.
A coraploto now lino of wall pnpor ut
Tuylor'n at bottom priceo.
Lumbago, pain in Joints or tack, brick dust ta
Urlno, frequent culli, irritation, Intlimmatloa,
rratel, ulceration or cuturrh of tho bladder.
Disordered Liver
Jllllougnew, heailucho, IndlBeatlon or gout
SWAMP-ItOOT invlgnratcs, euros kidney
dllllcultles, Urhrbt's disease, urinary troubles.
Impure Blood
Berof ula, -mlm la, general weakness or doblllty,
u'aiiii-llootbiillihu) quickly a rundown
constitution and maKes the weak strong.
Al UriicglNtti SO eviitN and 9 1. 00 Six
"InraJIdt' UuUa to Health" frws- OomulUUoa tnt.
liU. KlLMUlt & CO., DlMOILUtTON, N. Y.
Sowing oats is tho order of tho day.
Miss Lillian lUtncy hat gnno to
York to attend school.
Miss Nora MoCall closed a very
successful term of school at tho poor
farm school house, She was well
The basket supper at Now Virginia
was a grand sueccs.
The dimo supper nt Arthur Wilson
was well attended and all report a
good timo.
Any ono wishing to purohaBO a oot
ton suit will do woll to call on 5Ir.
.Miohaols. He has them for $250 a
suit. Call in time and avoid tho rush.
There was a spelling school at tho
Anderson school houso lat Friday
Thoro will bo E-istnr services at
Now Virginia on Eister Sundav.
Conloy Wilton sold his cattle ono
day last week.
Sunday-school opened at tho poor
farm last Sunday.
nil ...i I... i
Statu Creek.
Farming is tho order of the day.
Grass is green on ho crooks and in
somo places two or threo inches high.
Having had such a nice warm winter
makes tho grass early.
Charley Davis has a now girl at his
Mrs, Chas. Barrett is much better.
The protnotcu meeting at tho
Beardsly schoolhouso under tho man
agement ol llov. Starr closed Thurs
day night with several additions to
the church.
Mrs. It. Stones who has boon sor
iously sick for somo timo is improving
very rapidly. OCCASIONAL.
l.i .... 1
During tho winter of 18SW, F. M. Mar
tin, of Long Itench, West Va , contracted
n severocold which loft him with a cough.
In speaking of how he onred It ho says:
"I nsed sovornl kinds of cough syrup but
found no relief until I bought n bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Itomedy, which re
lieved mo almost instantly and in a short
time bronght nhnnt a comploto onro."
When tionbled with a eongh or cold obo
thin remedy and you will not And it noo
cessary to try several kinds before you
got relief. It has been in tho market for
over twenty years nnd constnntly grown
in favor nnd popularity. For salo nt l!fi
nnd CO cents pur bottle by IT. L. Qrico.
Children's Buite, from .'J to 15 joars.
wo have an elcgjuit lino to soloct from,
iu smullor sizes wo have thorn us low hb
75 cents. Wieuor, the Clothier.
It is not a miracle. It won't. nrn nvnrv.
thing, bnt it will onre piles. That's
what DeWitt's Witoli Huzel Salve will do,
beoause it hah dnifo it iu hundreds of
cases. C L Cotting.
For a'llne hnir tonic call on Hutchin
son & lliutt. tho harbors.
Corn nnd OiiIh U'untotl.
Minor Bros, tiro buying corn and oate,
and uro puying the highoet market
paicoB, io-U
l'rof. MoCrary was in tho valo tho
fore part of tho week.
Mr. Olmsted is on tho sick list this
Our popular agent now supports a
horso and buggy, having purchased
Mr, Ulmstad n phaeton and a horso of
Mr. llioliprdson,
51r. Chanov 5Iiller is preparing to
movo to Inavalo to work in tho ehecso
It is reported that our pot pigeon
has been oxpclled from school for
Miss Floronoo Sawyer has gono
back to her school at Franklin.
5Irs. S. E. Woleott has bocn nuitn
sick but is slowly improving undor
tho earn ot vr. iMoranvillo.
Art 5Iyros htarted for Cripplo oreok
last Monday, whore he expects to stay
this summer.
Mr. Kenyon's aro moving into Mr.
Ayer's house on Seward street,
John Ayers was visiting at W. G.
Knight's Sunday.
Prcaohing next Sunday at three
o'clock instead of eleven.
Quito a number aro going to sow
alfalfa this spring,
Tom Jonrs ib plastering A, E. Wol
colt's houso this wock,
Willio Irons says ho don't eare to
go to school any moro sinoo his Hat
tio can't go, so ho has gono to farming
Mrs, Ilummel is visiting with her
daughter Sadie Holdrege this wook.
Mr. Frisbio was calling at Mr.
Knight's the other night.
Will Rennet is homo this wook and
Jimio Bonnet has roturnod to sohool
at Franklin,
Mintor Garner has got a now sot of
harness, lie purohasod thorn of L,
Kenvon. II. K.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattoria.
for Infants
HIRTY yoam'oTiiiervrttlon"of
mUIinn of portonwrpermlt
It It nnqnostlgnnTily the bout romody for Infantw unci Chlldrea
tlio world lint ever lmowa. It In brtrnilem. Children Itko It. It
Rlvot thorn health. It will Bftvo their Uvea. In it Mothom hnvo
KOmothlng wliloh It nhsolntoly wofo nnd prnotionlly porfoot aw a
chlld'a mediclno.
Cnttorla dontroya Worm.
Catorl allay Foverinhnata.
Castoria prevoatu vomiting Sour Card.
Cattoria onro Dlarrhma and 'Win J Collq.
Catorla rollovo Toothing TronMoa.
Castoria cnrci Conttlpntlon and Flntnlency.
Caaterla nontrnllrot tho offoota of oarponlo add ga or polionona air.
Cnttorla dooa not contain morphlno, oplnm, or other narcotic property.
Cnttorla aatlmllatoa tho food, rognlatoa tho ttomnch and howrola,
giving If nlthy and natural aloop.
Cattoria i pnt np in one-ilto Dottlca only. It la not told in hnlk.
Don't allow any ono to aell yon anything olao on tho pica or proml
that it ia "Jntt aa good" and "will nnawor ovory pnrpoto."
See that yon get C-A-S-T'O-R-I-A.
Tho fao-aimilo
aignatnro of
Children Cry for
The Name
tat ol 1
New York Weekly Tribune
Of November 4th, 1896
Fablio intercstwillsteadily inoreaso, and the question how tho men whose votea
turned tho scale at't ho Itistelcotioii urn etiuefit'd with tlio rrRiil in mult r tint administra
tion thoy elected, will make the campaign tho most intensely exciting in the history of
ho country
The New York Weekly Tribune,
tho leading Republican family newspaper of the United State, will publish all the
political news of tha day, intfn sting to every Americtm uliiieii regardless of part?
AlsopcnornluHWfliu attrnotisoforin, foreign correspondence i-overing the news of
the world, nu ngrieiilturnl department re;ond to none in tho country, market reports
which are recownized authority, faRcinatitif; short Btorles complete in each numb.r,
thooroamof tho humorous papers, foreign and domestic, uith tlieir best comio pic
tures, fashions, &o .V1
The New York Trlbnne is an ideal family paper, with n circulation larger than that
of other weekly publication in the country issued from the oillco of a daily
A Qr-,orio1 r'vnfi-nr'f enable ns to offer this spleudid jotirnnl and tht
-rt-opeciai contract j jrjjj) cshhhieip,
For one Year for only $ .25.
Cash in advance, tho rcgolnr prico for tho two papers is $2
Addressnil orders to
Wrlto your name and address on a postal card and eeud to Geo W Rest, Room 2,
Tribunebuildlng, N.w York City, and getsamplo copy free X
Stale Line.
March, both beginning nnd end,
has been a cold disagreeable month,
Sohool commenced in distriot IliS,
Jewell county, with Miss Edna Davis
for teacher.
Mr. Toland is on tho sick list'.
(Jrealy Toland has tho measles.
Most farmers havo their oats in and
aro plowing for corn.
Tho cattle aro beginning to find
quito a good deal of blue grsss now.
J. F. VanDykn from Red Cloud
bought fifty bushols of seed oats from
A. H. Rinard of North Branch, last
Thero will b" Eister exeroiscs at
Maple Grovo U R. ohuroh next Sun
day in the afternoon.
Rov. Wells was in this neighbor
hood last Saturday and Sunday,
An Alliilui It.
This is to certify that on May llh, I
walked to Muliclc's drug store on a pair
of orotohes nnd bought n bottle of Uhain
berlnin's Pain Balm for inflammatory
rheumatism whloh had crippled mo up,
After nsing thrco bottles I nm complete
ly onred, I ean oheorfully reeommened
it. ChBrlcs H. Wetzel, Snnbury, l'a.
Sworn and subscribed to boforo me on
August 10, 1604. Walter Hhipman, J. P.
For sale at CO cents per bottle by II, K.
Walsh & Richmond of Red Cloud
wero in this locality last Wednesday.
Mfcs Tishio Marker was visiting
south of Inavale on day last week.
Orrin Harvoy from near Hiverton
was in this vicinity buying cattle last
Mr, and Mrs. Matkins wero over iu
Kansas tho fore part of this week.
Thero will In an oyster supper at
Cathorton Friday night, April 10.
and Children.
Castorla vrlth tha pntronngo of
na to nportlc of It wlthont Rnolng.
m la on every
Pitcher's Castoria.
of the Next
C. F. Kellcy and family from neat
Rivorton wero visiting at J. R, Wiso
carver's Wcdncsdbj.
Ada Skjolvcr who is attending'
school at lkd Cloud is homo this weok.
Miss Mildred MuCall Sundayodat
her homo near Inavalo.
A number of peoplo from this vicini
ty nttonded iho Sunday school Mpon
tion at Red Cloud last week. TV
Miss Ltjrzio Marker closed n very
Buoocssful term of school noar Inavalc.fV
Miss MeClin'ook oloied a very suc
cessful term of school at Mt. Hopo Fri
day. R. B Pay no and Frank Cronnerot
Bladen wero visiting in this vicinity
Tho ontortaininent givon by Lester
Koontz' school last Friday night was
woll rendered.
Tommy Fisher wns transacting busi
ness at Rluo Hill ono day lust woer.
i, is
Legal ollee.
81A1K 01' NKItllASUA, I
Weuster County, f
AiiU,m?"i!!,..F),r,r, 1,.'.'ll at th riuntv(Jourl
jtwim, In nnd forsuia Comity, March M, A. D.
Iu tlio Matter of tho Estato of Isiac Cowloy.
UnreadliiR niul riling the petition of Nancv
In tl.'e list- II 'iS'1; 'fW' "lu l"lllortlB(rto
co lite last win and testmneiit of ihosallda.
casied. may bo iiroved. utinrovmi nrniLtot
that the xccutlo. of win instrim ent mU ti
I'tilef. a weekly nowi'p.r printed In SS
....ovuj..; .UMsDufvy.
County Judge.
wny fi o iimr of petltlnner Simula not bii
Kratitec : aud that notice of u,, " i.tcnev of
' iiiuiilv. HIKI Hllnv nituu.
u.f. i