The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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tbh: ukpiiuliuax hosts
Meet In Delegate Coiivviilloii.
ine peoples mend, in use tor titty years.
Cures Cough, Cold, Croup, Whooping - Cough,
Clrjppe, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Affections.
ff:. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is sold everywhere
-paftr only 25 cents. Refuse cheap substitutes.
CMw LANCE'S PLUGS.Tbe Gnat Tobacco Antldoti.tOc. Dealers or mall.A.C. Merer & Co.. Dalto..Md,
A.O.lIos.Mi'tt, r.dltnr.
MiioyTait. AiM I .oral Kdltor.
iik, coi-tee. t
Reduction in repair-
on shoes sola trom
our stock only, others
regular price.
Nailing mens' halt foIoh 00
LadioH half soles 10
4T Boys half boIob 10
Misses nnd youths halt bhIub !I"
Childrena' half Boles -"
Patches 10
Soe regular mid
Cincinnati Hoot and Shoo Stnro
A 11. K.iloy. Prop.
f...... -.--- - . .
;itv NEWS.
Sunday, April fi, is Endir.
Porce Mcllrido was over from Lebanon
Road A. H. Kidi'x'rf prize spring an
nouncement. MiB Stella Duoker sp'-nt vacation in
tho city thia week.
Mrs. P. W. Puller in vifiiling fricnda
in CHtnpbcll thin week.
Walter Wiirron ww up from Superior
Sunday, loturning Monday evening.
MiB3 Tdin McClelland spont Saturday
and Sunday at her Ihiiih in Priiuklln.
J. P. Ilaoaiiu:-, a prosperous farmer
of North Urj cli, .-ae in Ul city thin
Tho iitti3'rfinnnow going over tlm
county, seem;,' how much people ittn
J. A. Tulle) s has boon giving tho Hod
Cloud Masons ii pchool of instruction
this wool;.
Mies Fidelia Sohatrnit aud Mis
Brakolield wtno spending vacation in
tho city :hin week.
P V. T.iloi"fl dwelling Iioufo on tho
Jim'iMartiij property burned onThuni
day ufternuon. L-n-v. atut ..00.
Geneia! Agent P.r- -Held, of the
Farmers Un-O'i ir- '' I"!""'1' W,1H '"
Red Cloud this ! usiiiCB.
J. S. Brown, CniuW I'a'nner, Cjoorgo
Smoleer and Arthuv Myers left Tor
Cripple Cm:!; tins week, in F.enroh of
gold or work.
ThoMinsPH Mary and Mabel Nvo. who
havo been leaching i-ehool in IlastiiiKH
tor some, timo past, nro vinting in uie
city this week.
Clans ?'jpp, John Kuek, Elso Rose and
John RoM.. of KoEHinont, won- in U
Cloud this wcok, altondintr tho repuDli
can convention. Thoy paid this ulllco ii
ploueant call.
Prnnk Rt-ilpr, tho titrable travolini:
man, has bcn on tlio nick list this vcuk
at the H & M h itol. 1 1" 'h rocovnrinjr,
howBver, under tho nplondid caro of tho
landlord and his estimable- family.
The Rladon Entorpriso i nmorjc our
boflt country oxchnneB. Editor Sponco
iamakinua vory acceptable paper, aiut
ifl Kivinc Rladon Kood reprofpntntion
thoroin. Tun Ciiiep wisliea him buc
Wo havo decided to continue- tho ton
contofTorto all ponmnH wno ui"D
Bubecribo for tho NebraBka nnd Kansas
Farmer. Send in your money and Rot n
Jruain. Pay vonr monoy to our npents
'SrTcall on uh. Tho NobraaUn and Kan
asfs Farmor, Rod Cloud.
J. A. TulloyB, grand cufltodinn of tho
Grand Lodgo of Musone, has been doing
oniciont work thia year. Ho ifl a tiior
ouch Mason, and wo doubt it ho haB a
c.nrW in tlm Btate. whon it comos
down 9 ofllciuncy iu tho work. Ho
should bo contlnuod in that place.
Bort Grico in diBponainR drUKB regu
larly acnin. after standi op on tho coun
ter, BwinglnR his lint and wavmB hH
hands. 'People wfltidorod what tuleil
Bort, and now we Imvo tho ploanuro of
ioforminB tho publiu that he is dad
again; that's what ailed him. It was a
Conect. time nt Pomiian'H.
Iloyd Muupoll him gont to Chicago
Miss Willa Cather 1b homo from Lin
coln. J. B. Wright has returned from Lin
coln. Mel Sherman wont to Lincolu this
Voto tho republican ticket on next
Mibb Trlx Mizor wont to Lincoln on
Mrc. Ilobart of Riverton was in tho
city this week.
Mrs. Thus. Piatt ifl homo from Long
Island. Kansas.
G. W. Lindsoy returned from Cripple
Creuk this week.
Miss Pearl Smith returned from Lin
coln this morning.
John Crana wont through on "10"
Wednesday morning,
J. A. P. lllaok of Bloomington was on
our fltreotB this we ok.
Mrs. P. V. Tnylor loft for Lincoln this
morning, on a brief visit.
Prnnk McLauchlin nnd C. K. Hicks
took in tho city this week.
C. Stornor and wife havo returned to
their homo in Emporia, Kansas.
Sen Mrs. S. It. McBrids for tho latest
st.ilrp. in millinery. Moon block.
Trv a nan of Ilopkiiifi' Steamed Hom
iny (Hulled Corn). It is delicious.
Mi P. A. Good nnd Misi Chloe Pull
er of CowleB were in our city Thurpday.
Mip. Edith McKoighan came down
from HastingB today. She will roturn
Tucpdsy noxt.
Tho Tept Party civen at tho
rppidonce of C. W Kaley this afternoon
wiiB a ploarmtit alTair.
Col Hoover nnd A. M. Walters camo
down from Blue Hill Tuesday to help
nominnto dolegntes.
Mis Helen Roby ifl ppnnding hor
wptilt'n vacation in Nelson, tho guest of
hor friend. MJub Ethel Dowland.
.1. Tl. Smith, difltriet ntrot of tho
Continpntal Insurance Co of New York.
Inniirnnco on the installment plan.
When you want n nice Pinooth shnvo
or luiir.cnt, cive lieo. iMntresp h call
One doorsouth of tho Bon Ton Bakery,
Wo aro indebted to Mr. C. B. Crono
for our excollent report, of tho Sundav
pchool convontion, which appears in this
Anyone having n good furnielu'tl room
to rent, enitablo for man and wife, plcaeo
leave word at this ofllee. Private homo
Call on J. II. Smith for insurance
against, tiro and lightninp, alpo inmires
cropq against hail in the liriuerfi' Union
lev. Horton, a pomowliat. noted evan
gelist, will occupy the Congregational
pulpit fr four wcekn. IIo in a vory
pleasant Bpeakor.
The ParmorB' Institute will meet in
quarterly pespion in Red Cloud, tomor
row. Saturday, April 4. Evory farmor
should bo presont.
Will Werner, who has been nponding
the winter with relatives In this county,
hafl returned to Silverton. Colorado,
breaking tho hearts of sovcral girls.
Unay peoplo have no timo, and snnHitilo
people hav no Inclination to ne a nlow
remedy. One Minute Congo, dure aats
proinnlly and gives permancut rtsnlts.
O Ii dotting.
S. B. Kizfr is getting to bo a splendid
cabinet-maker. Ho inado a vory hand
somi folding writing-desk forhisdaugh
tor. Lillio, this woek. It had ovor 45
differont pieces of wood in it.
Tho npxt issue of tho Nebraska and
Kansas Farmor will appear on the 15th.
Enroll your namo at once, Wo shall ox
tend our reduced offer until My 1st
Tho Nebraska and Kansas Farmer.
Gub Holmgrain's cow gavo birth to
quite a f roak thnother day in the shape of
a c.ilf with twoheads. two back-bones and
two tails. Tho calf diod soon nftor
birth, and Mr. II. sold it to John Dun
bar, of Guide Rock,
In annthor column of this pnpor will
bo found tho roport of the Stnto Bank.
The r depos ts nro nonny w,uuu, ami
Highest Honors World's FaW
A puie Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Ft
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other rdulteran
their cash oh hand is ovor ?22,0OO, This
iB a splendid showing, and shows the in
Btltution to bo in an excoodingly healthy
and prBperoufl condition,
Thnro 1b ono thing that tho business
men of Red Cloud should look nftor, and
hnt is tho Ptroot pnrlnklinc. Tho main
street should be kopt wot down, nnd, if
tho council will not grant water privi
lege, then there should be other methods
provided. Stroet sprinkling must bo
The eitv rouncll should cut tho lawn
springing timo down to ono hour per
dnv. Tho timo ifl nt hand when the city
water will havo to bo polluted with tho
filthy creek wator, unlepH the indiscrim
inate uso of tho city water by lawn
sprinklera ifl abridged. For goodness
sake, givo ub good wator thin summor!
Tn nnothor column will bo found tho
report of tho Peoplo'H Bank of this city,
it in worthv of your perupnl. The ro
port shows that tho bank Ihib on deposit
Sni.OCJSO, and tho cash on hand !b '."2,
870 U, or nbout 75 per cent, of tho de
posits. Tho law requires only 15 por
cent, vet tho Peoplo'fl Bank keep en
hand 75 per cent. This is an ovidonco
of stability, and wo congratulate tho
bank on their oxcellont financial oxhihit'
Tho oflleorfl and ntockholdors are to bo
coiiL'ratulatodou theeplondid condition
ol tho bank.
A largo nnd enthusiastic republican
convention was hold in Rod Cloud, on
Tuesday, March HI. nt tho court house,
for tho purpoeo of putting in, nomina
tion delegatus to tho various conven
tions. T. C. Hnckor, president of tho county
contral committee, called the convontion
to order, and Secretary MuNitt read the
call, On motion, T. C. Hacker was
mado chairman, and E, Peters, eecro
taty. A commlttoo on credentials, composed
of O. P, Gather, C. W. Haloy, Col. Hoor
or, 1. B. Hampton, Chas. Hunter, was
appointed by tho chair.
A committee of live was appointed by
tho chair on permanent organization
and resolutions, iib follows: A. M. Wal
ters, G. J. Warron, A. J. Hayes, Fred
Good, C. E. Hicks.
On motion, convontion adjourned un
til 1 p. m.
Tho convontion assembled at tlio usual
hour, aud tho committee on crodoutlala
roportjd the following delegates entitled
to Beats in ttio convention:
nr.i.r.oATr.s to county convention.
Harmony: H. WiddorBheen, Bort
Wheat, B. C. Burt, A. O. Smith, James
McCallum. A. Waullle.
Catherton:-G. P. Cnthor, C. II. Holt.
C. W. Lindgroon, C. O. Peterson, G. P.
Buk or.
Line: Jos Saladon, It Tumor, Thos
Mclntyre, It Hicks, W Throckmorton,
W A Mnynnrd.
Red Cloud Township: TC Hnckor, II
Gilliam, Wado Koontz, O Hedgo, Job
Gnrber, W II Thomas, It L Alyca, II J
Glonwood: C E Hicks, Thos Burden,
L. B. Thome, W P Anderson, W F Mc
Laughlin, T W Bailey, Thos Snyder.
Elm Croek:-E Boitlor, J T Mills, 11
C Colburn, M 11 Scott, F Ilincs, C E
Itod Cloud, 1st ward: W N Richard
son, C Wionor, W A Sherwood, M C
Shormnn, I) C JonkiiiP. W B Roby, L II
Fort, S W Foe, D G Groat, It McNitt.
Oak Creek: John Kuek, John C Roso
Elso Rose, China Rose.
Potsdam: A M Wnltore, J S Hoover,
C KliiKimnn, A II KroigBinan, W J Whit
ton, Potcr Paugh, W A Shottouklik,
Ouno Goos, J W West.
Ploasant Hill: II J Sheldon, F A
Good, J C Waller, J W Saladon, Wm
Hurd, D F Trunkoy, G W Baker, Prank
Guido Rock: I B Hampton, K Petorp,
II B lluntor, G W Hngan. J S Marsh, A
J Hayes. J P Watt, Win Petit, J L Co
lumbia, O II Bear, Alex Phillips, E
Woodward, J L Arrnnts, Chas Touch
worth, E E Burr.
Walnut Crook: I W England, Prank
RecBO, C D Hickerson, N L D Smith.
Innvalo: Chas lluntor, G W Knight,
W F Ronkol, II G Sawyor, L Konycin, It
D Davis.
Red Cloud, 2d ward: J S Gilliam, .1
W Runchoy, C II Potter, C B Crono, J
S White, R T Pott, G J Warron, L P
Albright, C W Kaley, A C Hosmor, D M
Abol, A II Kaley, W L McMillan.
Batin: A Erickson, O Audorson, S
Garfield: P W Ailos, J Amack, John
S Stroet, Alt Hurri, Win Roborts, I B
Still wator: M B Roovop, Jool Christy,
Jos Haught, Win Crozier, W S Orr, Goo
Beaver Crook: Ed Cox, G M Warner,
A J Bragg, F M Loo, W It Rykor, Chas
Molloy, Jus Hilkoy.
Tho committe on resolutions and por
manont organization roportod. Tho
temporary organization wno made por-
manont with tho addition of F. W. Mc
Laughlin's namo as assistant Bocrotary.
The rosolutlonB were then takon up,
and accepted, with tho oxcoption of tho
silver roBolution, which was voted down
until the noxt regular county convon
tion should take it up for consideration
as boing too previous, and not boing in
accord with tho prlnciplos of tho repub
lican party, as laid down at Minneapolis
in 1802, and tbo following resolution was
offorod and carried in its stoad:
We, tho republicans of Wobster coun
ty, in convontion assomblod, horoby ro-
afllrm nnd doclaro our allegianco to the
financial platform adoptod by tho ropub
lican national convontion in 1802."
Tho following aro the resolutions as
The republicans of Wobstor county,
in convontion assomblod, do heroby un.
equivocally and emphatically declaro
nnd say that tho Hon. Win. McKinloy is
our cholco for tho nomination for prosi-
dont; that ho ia tho host oxponont of
tho political prlnciplos of tho republican
party of tho county, state, and nation;
that ho is moro in touch nnd harmony
with tho welfare and best interests of
tho common cIiibboo of pooplo than any
other candidato for this, tho highest
olllco in tho nntion, nnd we plodgo our
united support to tho ond, that ho may
bo nominated and oloctod as prosident
of tho United Statoo.
Whoioas, woboliovo a largo oharo of
proeont financial trouble bus boon caused
by the presont single gold standard, and
tho ability of a foroign syndicato to no
comer and inanipulato our gold, nnd, I
bolloving that a broador standard ie
osBontinl, therefore bo it
Resolved, That wo favor both gold and
silver iib primary money, nnd tho Ibhu-
uuuu in fjoiu unn siivor coriuicatep as
may bo requlrod for tho convenient
transaction of business, aud wo ask that
such Htopj be taken as soon aa possibln
to accomplish this result.
Resolved, That we indicate our recog
nition and appreciation of tho worthy
tldolity and olllcienoy of tho Hon. W. E.
Androwe, an congreBsinan from tins 5th
district of Nobraskn; for tho interest in
tho wolfare that ho has at all t lines
manlfefltod in matters pertaining to his
dletrlat nnd state, and for his untiring
otTorts to fleouro favorable results of the
ponaion department for doHorvlng and
worthy clnitnantx, and that wo
Therefore declaro for hisronoininntioti
as our congressman.
Whon tho iiuiuo of Major McKinley
was spoken, it was tho ciiubo of general
npplauso, and tho Wobstor county con
vontion put itaelf on record an being
solid for him for president, aa it should
havo done.
Hon. W. E. Androwe, the popular 5th
district congressman, camo in for his
ahnroof resolves, nil of which ho juotly
desorvep, as ho has shown plainly that
ho is qualillod to hold tho position, He
will lie renominated by acclamation.
At thia juncture, tho convention bo
gun the selection of delegates to the
various conventions; they wore as fol
JSStratton, Win Rykor,
J C Rose,
DP Trunkoy,
On no Goob.
W P Rinkle,
R McNitt,
I B Stunner,
II C Colburn,
C Lindgreon,
Frank Wheat,
' A II Kaley.
I B Hampton,
J C Hose,
P A Good,
J S Hoover,
T C Hacker.
G P Gather,
J It Crozior,
It T Potter,
.IT Mills,
C B Crone,
O Anderson.
J W Runchoy.
A J Hayes,
C E Putnum,
G J Warron,
J McCallum,
C Hunter,
C W Kaley,
D M Hunter,
A M Walters,
E B Smith,
.1 S White,
D M Abol,
L II Port.
Tho delegates to tho Lincoln convon
tion were instructed, by a unnniiiious
vote, to use all the power they popfiptfhod
to ecure the nomination of L. 1. Al
bright of this city for state tiuasurur.
After they were selected, and Mr. Al
bright had been onthusinHticnlly en
dorsed, ho wiib called for, and mado u
very neat speech, thanking tho audi?nce
for their contidenco iu him.
The convention mado several appoint-
niontfl to lill vacancies on the central
committee, after which, thoro being no
further busbies", they adjourned.
It wiiBono of tho largest conventions
ovor hold in this county.
1 1
Wu lmvo good strong Cotton
rants nt (ifi and 1)0 coats.
Good quality Cotton Worsted
Pants at 1, 1.25. 1.40.
Tho bost .Joans Pants ever
shown at$l and 1.50.
Good all wool Cnssiinoro Pants
from $2.50 to 5.00.
Kiioo Pints, sizes .' to M,from
5 wilts up.
grudo tiro
Our 40 cent
our Mothor's Friend Shirt Waists.
Our $1.25 grade, now 75 cents; $1 grade, (50 cents;
50 cent grade, now .'55 cents.
Itcpurl !' Urn Coiiilltluii
il (lip
I'coiiIu'n ESunlt of BltMl '1HII,
Out of weakiiehB eomi'h nlringth when
tho tdood Iiiih been purilicd, onrioluul and
vitalized, tho npputlte restored and tho
fljstum linilt up liy Hood'rt Sarrapiirilla.
Hood's pills onre nniisi-a, siok hendaehe
indigfstioii, tiilioUritiiBs. All druggists.
25 cents.
Take a done of UoWitt'rt Little Knrly
RiiturH just for tho good they will do jou.
Tlitrto little pillx are good for iudlginttou
good for hoiidnohe, good for Hvor com
plnint, good for constipation. They are
good. O L Cottlng.
i -
Thero'wlll bo a mooting of tho execu
tive board of tho Wobator county agri
cultural nocioty, at tho olllce of tho sec
retary, on Weduosday, April 8th, at two
o'clock p. m. A full attoadanco is do
eirod. It. L. Alyi:a, Pros.
! I
Do not fail to road A. II. Kaloy'a nov-
ol spring announcement, which comon
out this Issue. Examino his bargains;
read his announcement it you cnn. You
will iind ono word missing at tho ond of
each lino. To tho first porson supplying
tho missing words, or coming the near
est, ho odors $5 in cash; second person,
8350. Evory porson should try for this
prizootToi; it costs you nothing.
At I ted Cloud. Ill lliu Slate nt NYtu'uM.ii, nt tlui
tlosu of tmslnesi, .Mnrrli '.'s, Kft.
Loans and illscoaatt $XtM 21
OviilraflM, Nocuird and tinsrriiriul.... M W
Ciiiiaty warranto 145 r.')
liiaklimlitate, furultuic uml Mxtiiii-x, 911 Si!
('urrfiit fiiemcs ami tuxes piltl MU i'i
Due Inmi national iKinlii 1:'U.',I I)
Due from .slate l).inl;s unit
liaaker.i W
Clivoks unit other (Mill Ituim.. if ou
llllliutotltfrliaiiKs 115 Wl
I'r.iotlonal paper cnriency.
nlckel.i and cents .'0 K
Specie 3181 .'i
Totul caili oi. haail UJf70 M
Total tiHh'J III
Capllal stuck paid In ,...St.'0XJ eO
Undltldt'd pnillli GI1M)0
Indlvldiiul di'pnsl's, 8iihei-t tu
Dunninil ccrl
Tlini' ccttlllcm
24'0". 251
IllU-utesor deposit 411 tt H5 J-310I3 '.'0
!imioi iiepii'tit... UKii o))
By all means be economical, but
don't be too economical where health
or life Is concerned. The matter of
a few cents should never count be
tween the old, standard and reliable
preparations and the new, obscure,
and In many cases, almost worthless
Total flH5'J 19
State ol Neuraikti, county of Wulutur, hi:
1, W. A, Sherwood, caslilur of tho atoe
mimed bank, do solemnly swear that thu abovu
statement Is true to thu best of mjr knuwlede,"
and belief. W. A,. Siibuwood,
Subscribed nail sworn t before me this 2d
day of April, lave. IUndolpii McNitt,
Ntary riibtle.
Commission Kxplrei May C, 18U7.
A little ill, then n littlo pill. Tho ill is
gono tho pill has won, DeWitt's Little
Early Risers tho little pills that onro
great ills. OL (Jotting.
Last weok wo omittod to montion tho
fact that Judgo Duffy had decided, in
his court, that, to mako taios legal, tho
township troasuror must flrnt demand
tho tax, und, it not paid, tho county
A I'civ Plain nun, Worthy or
The Parmer's Union Insurance Com
pany of Grand Inland, Nebraska, will bo
ten yeara old in September, it bing tho
Unit and only incorporated mutual in
surance company in this state, wiib com
polled to light, singhi handed, tho com
bined eirorls of tho old lino companies
and tholr otniRsanes, who sought by
every means, fair and foul to criiflh thia
pioneor mutual out of oxlstonce, because
thoy recognized in hor liboral and equta
bio plan, foaturou that would revolution
ize tho farm insurance and popsibly ox
tend to tho commercial. That their
fears wero well founded !h attosted by
tho rapidly growing sontiinont in favor
of tniitunl insurance thioughout the
stato in both farm and commercial cir
cles. '.
In 1802, they mado thoir supremo ,of
forl to destroy public confidence in this
and all other mutual companies in tho
west; but thoy signally failod, yet they
etill continue their old tricks nnd ever
nnd anon wo find them attacking ono of
the many tuutuals doing business in
Nebraska; but tho insuring public aro
beginning to regard those attacks upon
mutual companies as nn infringmont
upon thoir poosounl rights and an at-
tompt to coerco them into accopting old
lino inBiirnnco at oxhorbitant rates; by a
.continual persooution of thoir mutual
Tho Farmer's Union is no longer an
experiment, she is a lix'turo in Nebraska
and hero to stay. Sho is now (success
fully closing hor second term of fivo
years; lias paid ovory honoat loss, issuos
tho most liberal policy, rodoemed evory
plodgo made the public and fiirnishod
tier members comblnod insurance for
frnnonrnr rnnld thnn (llntrnnn. nnrl tint.
till then. It that bo tho case, then lnory ,e" years at loss than one half
thoro would bo a great deal of worthlosB u, n,l0.l I ''u wuurHi u aiu hub
of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites
Is as much the standard for all con
ditions of wasting In children and
adults where the lungs are weak or
affected, as quinine Is the standard for
malarial fevers. Whn you go to a
store to get Scott's Emulsion, don't
be fooled Into taking something else
they say " Is Just as good.'' isn't.
Scott's Emulsion has gained Its repu
tation by Its superior merit, and noth
ing of Its kind has ever equalled it
Your doctor will tell you that.
Alt drnjKiisU sell Scott's J'.mutslon. j
Tworite jo cents and i.o -j
taxes in Webstor county. Wo proaumo
tho Judgo has decidod Iho law correctly
in fact, most of our attorneys construe
tho law in that manner; but, somehow, it
would soom that if taxes aro not liens
on proporty, under tho circumstances
thero has boon a whole lot of illegal
taxes collected during tho past ten years.
A teat case ought to be agreed upon and
taken to tho supremo court, to have a
doclBion on the matter.
A Noble Mechanic.
At tho opora houeo Tuesday night,
April 11, tho abovo comody-drama will
be producod for tho bonoflt of the S. of
V, band, Tho cast is woll filled and
ovory character will be woll portrayed.
Tho plot deals with tho rocent strike nt
Pittsburg and ifl a strong woll written
play, nppoaling to tho best traits of hu
man nature. Two negroes and a dutch
character keeps tho uudionce convulsed
with their comicalities while tho princi
pal roles enact tho lines of tho play. It
it ib a piay tor ine peopin nnu as it id
presented by our band, each and ovojy
porson should mako it thoir duty to pur
chnso a tickot to the untortainmont.
companies for much loss liboral policy.
And whilo the company has not boon
idle, but lilto many othor careful, con
servative institution, during tho de
pressed times she has not boon pushing
hor business with tho old time vigor;
but now with the first faint ray of re
turning prosperity is ngain in tho flold.
All formor mombors of tho Frnmer's
Union, who cancolled their policies, or
wo o induced to insure in other compan
ies can ho rolnntated to the amount of
thoir formor policy by tho payment of
otio dollar. This liberal offer is induc
ing hundrods tit the old mombors to re
insure. TIiIh company addtd a hail de
partment last year and insured growing
crops against hail. And aftor paying all
losses and expenses, roturned to her
unlicv holdors thirty tier cent of tho pre
mium charged by tho old lino companies
for the snmo insurance,
Pereons desiring agencies for both the
flro and hail departments, or auy other
information will addrops
Ciiaklks M. Wo, Secretary,
Grand Island, Nobraskn.
The WorkTs Fair Tests
showed no baking powdct
so puro or sogrest la Jcsy
. enlng power as the Royal L
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