v M ' i DR. A. OWEN'S ELECTRIC APPLIANCES it.' lRlACUTEj CHRONIC P NERVOUS jjH 99 TIMES taed t " Wnnii r JiVmn" .i 8t BeMlm. St Lawrence Co., N. V.. under dato of July 31, 1693. Sn(lRlonp. i.ii,cs- A'10 Jnpr Iho nppllanco I wn no weak I could acarcolr SSian c ?I could wik roi'.Tl.10 m bcd '"?' Iwt October. After the third day'a u'oo tl e ted Mi!5 rLi fi m??'!10 rlrtt.nnd now I ran walk a mllo or more without fecllnff vna. my God tiloss nud sp.iro you to your many f rlendi for year to come." " ,l?niri. .'.' V'f'1-' Appllaiicfd for that I Ik vonirivW.:.. iV ', .11 SS 'V. !2ZX W. aythpvnriinhKiuitrr Zi ', " "- .-r ,.,.. mr inu pirn lew montlH. muet IH, . y 'f01""11''1" ! M cured or tlij worst form of Nervous Dlseano." till u!17mciiiitii!" u,-,rvol":roMi1itloi.tlmti from liundrcdsot dollnrespcntfordootor'a f vi,i,,,.. ,.,.,. ,!..i... ...i "-.':.' ;". "" '"." t0onniniii:H,!!-,.".r,7',,,',rt ;JVS"r contains many endorsements llko nbove. lieMdoa rlt lit oil "s v.iluablu inforinatloa for the mulcted, iiend 0 eouu In Btatnpi inl'i'iTniMSni'i Vvlr.V'!S ahi0Mt t!lCir osmonlal oncloso n reir-mldrcwM sUinipcd cnvclopo THE OWEN ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., 205 TO 211 STATE STIIEST, CHICAGO. ITCHING PIU1 OINTMENT " IMAimt WnrTaua-MMmn A OUR PREMIUM OFFER I EVERY PERSON PILES Bjflfc'-7',""rL( wyWvv'Watwiipt mmkimimimmiSmmiaSUStSmm This book and The Chief one year for $ , SPECIAL NOTE TO OLD SUBSCRIBERS You can obtain this JUndsomo One Dollar Hoc. posuuc p.iM, by rsr.tv m now for one year. If your subscription does not osnire for several weeks or iii-Uij jet, f.end lu your renewal and the dato on your paper will bo set forward onejcir. n& aiolp ,!Sm! ZQaSSs&k j wiiLVi CORRSSPONCEKCE FROM AdENTS INVITED. amplo pu;cr, scat oa receipt ef tto to pay cost A. P. T. L. The American Protective Tariff League m a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry " as explained by its constitu tion, as follows : "Theobjeetof thU Leigu hH ?. Pc Amnncan labor by tariff on Importt, which ahall adequately aaeuro Amarlcin Induitnal product (intt tha competition ot foreign labor. There are no personal or private profits in connection with the organiza tion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. FIRST! Corrapondno Is eellalted rejardinf Memberahlp " and " Official Correipondent. SECO N Di We need and welcome contributions, whether email or large, to our caui. THIRD: We publlah a large line of doounjenU eoverlr ? all phaaee of the Tariff queition. Com plete aoT wl' bo mailed to any addreia for DO oento. FOURTH! 8end poeUI card requeat for frej eample onpy of the " American Economlat. ddr Vilbtir F. Wakimar. Qeneral Secretary, 30 Woit 23d Street. New York. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, APRIL 3,1896. OUT OF 100 XrrviuiMip. f0r thu pun fe . says: " flavlnr !"! .'2.ii!- V. tfrj "Thta to certify """ iii--Kiu rti'iw. nDniCDO commission UnUVuno company, Kansas City, Mo,, Stock Yards. 0. W. ClAWSOM, Loans. MONEY LOANED A. I, fflUSHUn. (UATTIE OB J. P. VcMURIUY, I SutSMtN. Eri Cm.i.-j sh M.wFaT.nniRnrui. rceaers humlshca I W. f. CRAY, Office. Market Report Fret. HdrlDSOflE D0QN5 VOLUME OP SELECTEb PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS SIXTY-FOUR PLATES. Slzo of page, 11 by UVk Incite. f Elaborate Cover In (fold and Colors, nigniy cnameiea raper. WORTH mt.nrt- SENDING. TI1E contents of the art series of views above referred to consists of a selec tion of BLXTY-i'ODH pliotoi;raplilo reproductions of tno Coluiublan Kx position, and Is Invaluable as w ell as artistically beautliul. QID SUBSCRIBERS ROKSUBSGRIBERS houlo tkc up this orrcn AT ONCil Outfit, consisting, of surnplo of book u&J ef snipping, raalllng sdU prepayment. A. Rnro Offer. The publishers ot The Nkhrahka and KASAH FAitMr.it havo decided to maize OltEAT INBUCKMENT to poople to Work for the paper, viz: To tho person send inp in tno lurgont nurabor ot yoarly sub ecrlbors between Fobruary 20, 1890, nnd July 1, 180G. to miiko snid person h pres ent of a $20 OO.oold watch, and to the second largest number u present ot a 310 watch , The 3d a uold ring worth 95. In nddition to tho presents h ohhU commission will be nllowud on EVERY subneription so obtained. Agents wnntetl ovrywliere to canvass for subscriptions. Write for terms to cunvnssers. Singlo BubscriptiouB ono yoar, GOoonte, Cr.UIlIIINO ItATKS. Clubs ot 25, nne year each 25 cents Clubs ot 50, ono year each 20 cents uiuub of lb, one year eacn 10 cents Clubs ot 100, ono year each 10 coots bent to anv part ot the United States. Address all communications to Thk Farmkk Co , Publishers, Red Cloud, Nobruska, A Good Fnrtn for Sale. Four railee north-west of Rod Cloud, containing ICO acres. Terms reasonable. Apply to Mrs. Juh. Kirkwood, Falrfnx, AtoniBon county, mo. 4o-uin - Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WerU'f Pair Highest Medal aa4 DJplosue. Crooked Creek. Mr, Burdeck is breaking prairie fur Mr. Rether. Fred M surer will bo a full fledged solnol ua'um next week. He will away tie aaepttr in Diet. 27. Lat Sunday night, soinr.after tnld niht, Hank Mnurcr wi. awakened from his slumliors by a noise very un usual in that r,rigli tor rood, and, on gainout to investiKate, followed the uo!nu Kouthward. Great was his silt prise when he fauhd, hitched to a past, a apan of mules, and not daring .to got near their hceli, went bok lionir, fading aven worse thnu ho did lam winter when that lumber wugon Oatuo tliundaringdowu there at uiktlit. Hanksajaif anyone would have scan him they v;uld luv taken him for Soaklcsa Jerry Simpson from Kanian, and he didn't even wear a hat. Hr must have been chilly, for you know how destitute he is of wool in that part of his cranium, Oliver Hedge was just starting homo from Martin's when he heard tie sunn ntise, but know what it was, and, knowing there was no sleep for him at homo, looked at his watch and went back, sajing ho would stay another hour if tlu fuel would hold eut, Johnny, of course wi-s late at school sguin, or had to go without his bicikfaat. Steve Morrison and Jorome Wright have gouo into tho live-Block commit) sion business on Crooked Crock, and have engaged the sirvcis of Will Yciscr, who will tnko uhurgu ot thu oorr. apondenct . Will has a new ty pq writer a MuHson. Tho bots will ocrtuinly meet with suoeops, as Steve and Jerome have been experimenting, nud weighing cattle at Mr. Keillor's A person not used to itcd Cloud township politics, and who hid been to the court-house last Saturday, would huvo thought ho was attending tho ChicHgo board of trndc during n wild Mission. There, sitting around tho altar of justice, ntis Honry Gil hum, with tho gavel in his hand, which hu had occasion to uso quite often. Nearest him on tho left was Jri. G.irbcr, with tho secretary's pen cil buhiu'l his car; on hid right sat Oliver IL-dge, smoking u oainjiu-gn cigar that lie hud held over. Thu n st of tho gang had repined to a corner to fix up a slate and capture tho dele gates. Just as tho meeting hud fairly begun, in stepped ono of tho strongest pups in Webster coanty, Frank Ten n.uit. Henry Gillium immediately made a motion that no ndnrrcrs of billy Brjuu should be allowed inside tho railiag; thin was warmly bt'condod by Hank Mauror'n proxy, and Frank took his seat ontsidt tho railing. Things went along tine until Milo Martin made his appearance at the dour, when Jos. Garbcr jumped up aud insisted that he should not iouic inside, stating, us his reasons, that he hud heard lum remark on thu street "that Grovtr (Jlovulund was thu best president the United States had had Hinoo Hank Maurer bad becomo Mas tut Workman of the A. O, U. W. lode;c. At this, Oliver Iledgo throw down his oigar aud became frantie, Heart Disease Kills Buddonly; but never without warnlngsymp toms.sucU as Faint, Weak or Hungry Spells, Irregular or Intermittent I'ulso, Fluttering or Palpitation of tho Heart, Choking Sensa tions, Shortness of Ilreatb, 8 welling of Feet and Ankles, etc. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, Cures Heart Disease. Mr. Goo. L. Smith, of tho Geo. L. Smith Mantel Co., Louisville, Ky., writes Feb. M, IBM; "For about a year I was a terrible suf ferer from heart trouble, which got bo bad I was obliged to sit up In bed to get ray breath. 1 had to abandon business and could hardly crawl around. My friend, Mr. Julius 0. Voght, ono of our loading pharma cists, asked me to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. I had used llttlo mora than a bottlo when the pain ccasod and palpitations entirely disappeared. I havo not had tho slightest troublo since, and today I am attending to business as regularly as ever." Sold by druggists everywhere Book on TJeart and Nerves aent free. Addrosa Or. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Jr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health. Dr. Miles' Norvo riastcra for Rheumatism, dlon kuuurlngl Try la-. .Iwim.' l'ulu I'M'. fonsum Din e AXD ITU rTr 7 I?8 Ed,to I hve an abjotuta !?" wCpMiimptlon. By Its tlmtly um thousands of hopeless cases have been atread 0f JHLSOTf1 '" t ny duty to smd two bottln frtt to those of your readers who have Conjumptlonjhroat, bronchial or Lun Trouble, If they will write me thotr wpress andpostoflice address. Sincerely, T,.' SEJS' ?" iu Mrl 8t- w Tor. M Til Editorial and BoiIdm lluumuii and said that ho ould immediatolv h'avo Ike oonvention unless Mr. Mar tin was allowed admittance. Flo eavo his reasons as follows: T.Sat, Inst fall, Martin roacived tho nomination for road overaeor on tho pop tioket; was endorsed by tho democrats, and was fleoted by tha republicans, and that n man having auoh a following should have a voioe in any convention. nro I'ap Thonu", "tho rook of Chinkatnanra," oame to Oliver's re lief and stated, inasmuch as they had admitted all tho boltcrn. he thoueht it no mare than right te admit Dnn Vt'orhffP, too. Oliver sccmnd to hav a deep interest in Mr Martin, and, through sympathy for him, tho mot'on was lost and Martin took bin seal, beside Frank Tminant. Tho next thing to bring about die order was tha appraianco of Capt. Houohin, Mike Finkenbindcr, and Jake Kinflcher. This politioal Tri umvirate knocking for admission into this assemhl. I gu.m J,ko could havo furnished tho proper credentials to allow him n ho it in a republican enucus, but, being in combany with those 1C to 1 champion?, tho lino was immediately drawn, nnd nil thre hnd to content themsolvrfl in tho eorridcr. looking nt John Sherman's picture and wondering whore nil tho gold had gone. Annk siid ho was glnd of it, for Jako would want to bo superviinr, and ho himself wnttld bo knocked nip again. T. 0. Hacker lift the Sunday sohool conventien long enough to conio over and noccpt tho cliairmuu ship of tho delegation. After in structing the delegates for McKinley, the convention adjourned to mevt at the fair grounds nt day-break, Nov, 3, And Casey would waltz with the strawberry blonde, nnd the baud played. i'Pat" O'ltuiley. Oliver Hedge knows when to speak a word at thu right time, Hi- says, since the caucus last Saturday, Mr. Martin has assured him that nothing more would bo said about coal oil, fuel, or even stnjing nil night, and oven Johnny has promised to get in more cobs. Oliver says ho wishes this caucus hud havo boon last fall for he has been short on cobs nil win ter. O, you havo a Honry Clay head n you, Oliver, old boy. You nro all right; so is Casey. Carcnco Gurnny is lonrsomo this week, and Nellie and Laura think the prospect for ico is good. Norman Morrison now drives out west of town. Oliver sa) s ho won't go to Indiaia till ufter Walter Holaworth loaves for Cripple Creek, George Winton is still cutting wood and doa't know which ia tho most desirable plaoe to live, Cripplo Creek Crooked Greek. Oliver says thorc will bo two articles in the Bolt from Crooked this week. Tux. There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases pat together, and until the last few yeara was supposed to bo incurable, For a great many yeara dootors prononnotd it a looal disease, and prescribed looal re medies, and by constantly falling to euro with looal treatment, pronounced It in curable. Saienoe has proven oatarrh to bo a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. Ja Cheney & Co,, Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional enre on the market, It Is tnkon Internally in doses from 10 drop to a teaepoonful. It aota directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. They offer one hnndred dollars for any ease it fails to enre. Send for olreulara and testimonials. Address, J. F. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, 0. C3T8old by druggists, 75o. Premiums. Tho Nebraska and Kansas Farmer is giving Oscar Glcason'n horse hook, valuod at 13, with one year's subscription for GOo The Chicago Intor-Oocan and The Farmer, for one yoar.... 50o Tho New York Trtbuno and Tho Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorla. I V mmmi G. A. HARRIS FO R BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. I will make a SPECIAL PRICE on them for ten days commencing April ist, to Close 1 hem Out. A. G. Harris, Cowles, Nebr. F Have a Watch you want repaired, OR A CLOCK, Or any kind of Jewelry Engraving you want clone, bangle Work, Etc,, Speotitoles fitted scientifically by u graduate opticiau wiiw uiiuurauiimB me uusuiess, go to NEWHOUSE BROS. F r it r fiOu Tim Uii'iui Uny iiil Km hut lor one year fiOu The Casmntiolitiiii inngizuio and Furtnur for ono year $ 1 00 Tho Silvir Knight and Tho F.irtnor, f)0o Thu SiMin.Woi'kly Statu Journal mid Fanner, ono vonr !10o Kiumer . . . . S-'ia to uny address on 80o receipt of amount. Neuhabka and Kansas Farm Kit, Hod Cloud. Neb CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE and Is tlm result of colds nnd Miditfii change1. It cvu bu cured liy u nleas- ant remedy which Is Hppil- u nircciiy into me now in (Mug (iili'kly almorbed It Ives rt'lli'fiit onco. Ely's Cream Balm litaeknonledji'il to tir tho must thorough cure for Mmm Catiiirli. '"nlil In bend and Hav Fever of all iriii.ii-H. It'iiii'imuinl i Iimiihis tlm ua mil i isiiigi-s, nlliiys pull! and liilliunninMoii, liriiN llit'dnre, pMri-ts tin- iiKinlinine from cnld-i, rt'Ht'ri- tlm mmisi's of ttiKle and cinoll. I'lli-e 5tv. nt OriiL'cUtN or by malt. KLY Alio lltKUS CO Wurren ntieet, New Uork HAIR BALI Oleanue and bcautlfta the ITOI iliifiU. . lmurlAnl evnwfh. Ht. Never rails to Ileatora Oray Mxmir to lie xouiuiui vv.. p.,j"f".i.,'r.L' uCjanaiWwmiaBiwe The only eure Cure lot ConM. Slope all pain, taaone eaaa font tie ebMi waUOag eaay.aHta. at Vnialate. BREAKFAST-SUPPER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. fc Cblrhr.trr'a ralUh DUaaea4 Braatf. rENNYROYAL PILLS Orltaal AaJ Oalv 41.aalB. arc. !; ttllakl.. ueica ail me. A Takay ilMUa. Vraiilrt Hr ntttulf Kniii ni4 vrtna ia Ke4 iu vm auiauu I atr itinufrt xkmii vim aaallt.K MtAut AMdirml twMfffa 1M. IMMd Wllh blU. ttbbM. TH la Mtvpe for artkaUrl. itallaMalal. au4 "KaU.r far ri4lM.ixl.lln-. kj rrlara Iimu and iaiUailM.. AiDrMttill.erMaa4. aMt Lotal Dr.ulau. IfcUaa, PS ntUlMl.l'tlallWH.ili..aiuv f be Best of all Cough Medicines Is Dr. Acker's English Rem edy. It will stop a cough In one night, check a cold In one day, prevent croup, re lieve asthma, and cure con sumption, if taken in time It is made on honor, from the purest ingredients and con tains neither opium nor mor phine. If the little ones have croup or whooping cough, use it promptly. Tiree Siaa-r25c 50c and $J perbottk. At Druggiati. . ACKER MEDICINE CO- Kt am s ckamani w aiBAuSI tftvtafOSvJ Bs ... ffssm Whm aaHsBaVH BaaaiS- H Mynnaii v J9 tt YOU STANDARD TYPEWRITERS ! nmrammpi lfiawte: sswrniUn :ivi: me coiigrogti, outlasts mem ail me Yost work is Peiieciion. The Densmore, me liqui Runnina Densmore. 1G19 Furnam St, Omahn, Nob. A.C. nosmer, Agt.. Red CUud, Neb. UV ta ARE HEELER aV ILSOrfS SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY M LIKE THIM AND TELL fti'So. Many Indies have used our machines twenty to thirty years in thelrfamily work, and are still using; the original machines we furnished them a generation ago. Many of our machines have run mora than twenty years without repairs, other than needles, witn proper care iney never wear out, and seldom need repair. more than forty years nnd have constantly improved them. We build our machines itr I n honor, and they are recognized every where as the most accurately fitted and finely finished sewing machines in the world. Our latest, the "No. 9," is tho result of our lone experience. In com petition with the leading machines of the world, it received the Grand Prize at the Paris Exposition of 1889, as the best; other machines receiving only compli mentary medals of gold, silver and bronze The Grand Prize was what all sought for, and our machine was awarded it Send for our illustrated catalogue. Wf want dealers in all unoccupied territory, WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO, M 4 1ST WAMAIH AVC. CHItAM, J S. E. Cozad, Agt. ti&ii inrf&RMU United Typewriter a Suppifesuo HI ww m IMUI Hft m .11 , .fel 1 i UlutBYX iff J Bl V V t 1 . r,--vXM aMaaaa-aaaaaaanaaeaaaaataeeeeeei